HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-03, Page 8PAG, EIGHT
M. and Mrs. lAlvin ,Kellerfnan al
Dashwood were calling an friends in
town on Saturday.
Mrs, William Sangster, who since
the death of her husband the late
William Sangster, about two years
ago, has conducted the grocery store
formerly owned by 'Mr..Sangster, has
decided to quit the 'grocery ,business
• and moved the balance ;of the stock
• and stare fixtures to her home on
Mr. and Mrs, Charle Abbott oi De-
troit and Mrs. Dr. Smith of St, iMarys
were recent visitors at the home of
• Mr, and ,Mesa. G. C. Petty, ....-.....
Me. and Mrs. Merry Beavers of
•Exeter were isiting friends in the
:village on Satt
. The follonin are the prize winners
at the seed- sh w held here ,Friday:
Fall wheat. R. Donnell, H. Des-
jardine, E, T ertmer; spring wheat.
Timemn r. Early oats, Lorne
• Chapman. E. Destarchne. W. •R. Dou-
gall, H. Treentner: late oats, 14. Des-
jardine. 1V. R. Dougall, NV, J, Mc-
Kenzie, Barley, If. Desjardine, Wm.
Pepper, W. R. Dolman, H. Treetn-
.ner. Field peas. H. Desjardine, E. C.
Wright. Field beans, Owen Geiger &
Son, WR Damsel!, Larne Chapman.
Yellow eye or strawberry beans, Alex
'Crerar, Owen Geiger & Sots. Soy
beans, „Alex Buchanan, 'Red clover
seed. Wm. t:onsitt, Timothy seed,
Wm. Consitt, H. Truenmer, W.
Dougall. Sweet lover seed, H. Des-
jarcline, W. Alexander. Alfalfa seed,
E, Wright. Potatoes, any early varie-
ty, Lorne 'Chapman; potatoes, mest-
erei cron. W. R. Dougall, E. C.
Wright, H. In -women Sweet -take for
grain and seeds, 14, Desjardine,
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized at the United Church parsonage,
Eensall. on Settualay afternoon at two
o'clock, when Rev. .Arthur Sinclair
united in marriage Miss Emma
\Armin, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin 'Wilms who live on the
highway two miles south of Hensell,
and formerly of Idensell, to Harolll
Samuel Beaver, second son of Mrs.
John Caldwell of Exeter. The charm-
ing bride was becomingly goweed in
village on Sunday.
. The Cyclone:Hockey leagne series
was conelnded 'at Exeter on •Manday
eveniug when m the Exeter tea ' •dee
ieated the •Hensall team 4 ta•2 on sthe
-Exeter Arena. This• was .the. final.
game in the toornni
aent for the.,Hciff
macup. A wm
eek ago a double -gae
was pleyed no the Exeter rink, Men -
Sall defeated Zurich ands-lEneeter• de-
feated Creditom The two wituting
tearas Made the play -off ait Monday
night, For . Hensall flIarold Foster
scored both -goals; for -Exeter; Corn-
ish, McDonald, Snell and Beavers
niade one each.
' The Zurich team went through the
league schedule undefeated and was
awarded the MacMillaa cup.
Mr. iHerbert jones of the town line,
has purchased a new Dodge car front
ffohn 1Passmore & Son, local Car
Mr, Lloyd 'Passmore has returned
to Delhi after spending two weeks'
holidays visiting with his parents, Mr.
and .Mrs, Jahn Palsmore,
Mr, Earl Parlmer spent the week
end in Torootog '
Dr. Campbell has purchased a new
Dodge car from John Passmore
meeting of the women of the
three local churches will be held in
•Carniel Presbyterihn Church on Fri,
day afternoon at 3 o'clock to take
9aet in the world's day of prayer for
wornen. Mrs, 'W. A. Yonag will he
the speaker for the afternoon. •
Quite a number of H.ensall hockey
fans attended the hockey match in
Exeter on Monday evening 'betwee
the Renee -11 and Exeter teams,
A solve service was held in the Un -
:led Church on Sunday evening. The
pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, .took as
his subject, Favorite Hymns of the
Ltifferstit Churches and Their Atte-
'ors. His address was very interesting.
The choir sang several hymns. Dr,
Smillie sang a solo, "Lead Kindly
Light." Asolo by Mrs. Alfred Clark,
"C. Master let Inc walk with thee."
Salo by M.iss Lettie Love, -The Lord
is my shepherd," Trio -by Mrs. G.
Hess, )Jr. W. 0..-Goodwio and. Mr,
Harry Horton. Trio by Mt. Wilson
.Carlile, Mr. C. Blowes -and . Miss
Greta Lammie. A large congregation
was out to enjoy theservice.
Death of Mrs. ',George Reevely—
Word was received by frieads in
the village on ...Monday that Florence
Cook, wife of Mr. 'George Reavely, of
East 'Nissouri township, had passed'
away Sunday at St. Joseph's hospital,
London. She was the youngest dau-
ghter of the late Mr. and Mts. Thos.
Cook and was born here 44 years ago
and spent her early life here. Al the
time of the Great War She married
Thomas Appleton of Exeter. Mr. ,Ap-
pleton went oVerseaswith the 1461110
battalion. Mrs. Appleton resided in
Exeter. On Mr. Appleton's return,
they moved • to Hensel) where Mr.
a dress of arc]lid satin wide matching
accessories and carried a bouquet of
pale pink carnations and maidenheir
ferns. She oas attended by her sister,
Miss Grace \\Nem, Who wore a dress
of rush colored crepe with accessor-
ies to match and carried a ;bonquet oi
pink carnations and ferns. The
groomsman was Ernest Chipchase of
Tuckersmith township. After the cere-
mony about twenty members of the
families of the contracting parties mo-
tored to London where a wedding din-
ner was served at the Royal Cafe and
afterwarde were guests at a theatre
party. Later in evening Mr. arid Mrs.
'Beaver left on a motor trip to Port
Ifinron and other amine in Michtgan. Anpleton was employed on the C. N.
The bride's travelling dress was navy R. section. They were • both highly
bine erette, a gray coat a ith wolf fur
trimmings, black hat and other acces-
sories. On their return Mr. and Mrs.
'Beaver LC 11 reside in Exeter. Mrs.
Beaver tt as a ,,,rnier popular Hensall
young lady and they both have the
+hest khes of their many friends,
Rev. W. \. Young spent Monday irt
Mr. 'Geo. C. 'Petty has sold the brick
building knoan as the inrmer l'etty
pork packing plant and One of the
first brick building's built in Hensel!,
to Mr. Geo. Thompson. Mr. Thomp-
son ietemis erecting a large grain
warehanse on this site whirl': is Orme;
side his present glade warelum Se. The
new building will he erected this
sumn1 e r.
Mr. Alex, .Filshie Toranto aae a
week end visitor here with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, .Filshie.
At a meeting held in London on
Satnrclay of the Weetern Ontnrio Bib-
le Society, auxiliary to the British and
!Foreign 'Bible Society of Canada and
Newfoundland, Mr. J. W. Ortwein of
Hensall was elected president of that
society. Mr. Ortwein is one of the old-
est workers of the society in the
tounty of Huron and has been very
active in the work of that organizn-
The dance put on in the town hall
on 'Wednesday evening under the aus-
pices of the Hensall Citizens' Band
was fairly well attended. The miteic
wa. slipplied by Shorty Grant's orch-
estra of Exeter. The novelty prize
was won by Mrs. Kirk Hatton and
the spot light dance by Mrs. Sam
Mr. Harald Sherritt of 'Toronto
apent the week end here with his par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Sherritt.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lloyd
Venner took place from her late home
on Brock St., Hensall, Friday after-
noon, interment taking place in Me -
Taggares Cemetery. Rev. Arthur
Sinclair, pastor of the United Church,
Heneall, had charge of the .funeral
services, The floral tributes front re-
latives, fiends and neighbors were
very .beautiful. The pall -bearers were
James Venner, William Kyle, William
Parker, William Fairbairn, Eldon
Miller and Alpine McEwen. The fun-
eral was largely attended by a great
many relatives, neighbors and friends
who wished to pay their last respects,
Deceased died in St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London. She was :formerly 'Isa-
belle .1,fary Easkett. She vas 'born at
Parkhill 33 years ago where she spent
her early life. About 30 years ago she
married Mr. Lloyd Venner of Chisel-
huest. They came to .Flensall and had
resided here since.
The auditors' report of the village
municipal Musks, made recently by
Firstbrook, Monteith & Co. of 'Strat-
ford, has been issued. It shows that
the vinage is in a splendid position
financially, each account showing a
nice surplus. The debenture debt is
being rapidly paid off. At the end of
.1039 all the debentures will be paid
except the .balance of the school de-
bentures due in 110443 and the hydro
debentures, the •balance of which will
be paid off in 391416. There is new en-
ough money on hand to Meet the pay-
ments on the balance of the school
and hydro 'debt, In times like these
this is a proud municipal record.
afe. 'and ,Mrs. Milton 'Stewart of
Seaforth accompanied by 'Mrs. Sarah
Coleman, were visiting relatives in the
respected citizens. lir. Appleton died
nine years ago. Mrs. Appleton resole('
here fr a time ani1 then maved with
her family to London. She later mar-
ried Mr. George Reavely and went to
live in East .Nissouri township, near
Thamestord where she resided till
her death. She is survived by her .hus-
build, two son, flarold and Alden
Appleton of Londam end one (laugh,
ter.. Doris Appletom at -home. and
one sister, Guilt, Detroit,
The funeral took place irons her late
Mune Wedneaday afternoon.. Mar,
112,1, interment taking place in: . the
711, Line Cemetery, E. dalissouri Tp.
Mr. and -3Ire. Jttmea Sangster and
31r, David Robineon attended the
-foneral, deo a number of relatives
from Exeter aod Zerich,
Mr. and \Ira. Andrew' Mums., whe
11:tve 'been vkiting with relatives and
friends in Hensel,' and vicinity for
several weeks, left on Wednesday for
their..home 111 Regina.
At Carmel Preebytetian Cherch
two very interesting serviette were
held ,m Sonday, •At the morning ser -
vire the pastor, Rev. AV. 'A. Young,
took as his subject -The Covenant of
Today". Stniday was .the 300th aani-
rersary of the signing of the National
Covenant in .Grey friar's chnrchyard,
Edinburgh. This was a very import-
ant event which freed forever the
Presbyterian Church from domination
by the state. Mr. Yuung made special
reference to the event. Special hymns
acre sung and the 'choir rendered two
anthems: 'Faith of our Fathers" and
"Praise Mini, Praise Him", Mrs.
Young taking the special solo parts.
In the evening a Special song service
was held. • Mr. Ross McKay gave a
very interesting talk on the hymn
''sjestts Lover of My Soul" and its
Mahon 'Charles Wesley. A number of
hynms were sung: A trio, Mrs. Mae -
Dougal, Mrs, Andrew Dougal .and
Miss Margaret Dougal, 'Blessed Sal, -
beth Day"; a quartette, Jas, Ben -
gong's, William McLaren, 'Rev. W, A.
Yoones R. 'Y. 'McLaren sang -"Jesus
Lover of My Sold"; anthem by the
choir "Stand Up for 'Jesus".
Mr. W. J. Stewart of Clinton was
calling on friends in the village on
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod of
Dearborn, Mile,, attended the .funeral
of Mrs.. McLeod's sister, the late Mrs,
Lloyd ,Venner, held here on Friday
last. • -
Mr. David Kilpatrick is holding an
auction sale of lila farm stock and
implements at the farm on the high-
way two miles north of Eensali on
-Friday afternoon of this week: After
the sale we believe Mr. ,and Mrs. Kil-
patrick will -move to Hensall.
Mr. Lorne .McINlaughtanis moving
from the farm at. Russetdale thet he
-has occupied for several years to the.
McNaughton farm one Mile east of
Chiselistosa t.
Mr. and .Mrs. -Glen Bell entertained
a number of relatives and friends at
their home on Tuesday evening, the
occasion being Mr. Bell's lbirthday,
Mtg. Campbell' left 05 Wechiesdey
to visit relatives in Nova Seotia,.
Under and by virtue of the powers
octotained in a certain mortgage
which 'will be produced at the time of
sale there will be offered for sale by
public auction on 'Saturday, the llath
day of March, 11.19313, at the hour of
three 'o'clock in the afternoon at the
Queen's Hotel in the Town of Sea -
forth by II.arold Dale, 'Auctioneer, the
following property, namely: .
Lot Number Ten ,(1110) in the First
Case -Concession of the Township of
Mcgillop containing One Hundred
(11100) acres of land upon which there
is said to be erected a good size brick
house, a small drive -shed, a !bank
barn approximately 40 by 60, equip-
ped with cement stalls and stabling,
and at the rear cif the said barn a
straw. shed with stabling, Subject to
a reserve bid.
Terms: Ten (1099) percent, of the
purchase money to be paid down at
the time of +sale, 'balance to be paid in
thirty (30) days. A mortgage in part
pasonent may be arranged.
Dated at Seaforth the 'First clay of
March, 3036.
For lull .particulars and conditions
of sale apply to
Solicitors for the Mortgagee.
Seaforth, Ontario
Of Barn Timber„ Lumber and
Scantling at St4 Lot 17, Con. 9,
Babylon line, Stanley Twp., on Wed-
nesday, Mar. 9 at 2 .p,rn. Also 7 -room
frame house With 'good 'kitchen. All
timber, lumber and scantling will be
sold to the highest 'bidder. Nouse and
kitchea will be sold sulbject to -reserve
bid. Terms cash.
Mrs, David iJohnston, Prop.
G. H. 'Elliott, Auctioneer.
Of (Farm Stock and Implements.
The 'undersigned auctioneer has teen
instructed to sell by public auction
at Lot 13, South of 'Kippers on Fri-
day, 'March 411):et 1 o'clock aharp,
the following:
Horses: 'Agricultural team of
mares 7 and 6 years old. matched;
agricultural mare 112 years old; agri-
cultural colt, 1 year old.
Cattle: Roan cow, 5 years old, wilI
freshets at time of sale; cow, 4 years
old, \Yin frealien„ March Wet; red cow,
5 years old, freshened 2 months;
black ;cow 3.ears old, freshened. 2
months; red cow will freshen April
Mt, 4 years old; Hereford heifer, will
freshen at time of sale: Durham heif-
er, will freshen 1,5th Ielorch; year old
steer; 2 calves 2 months old.
9 pigs, about 90 lb.
40 yearling 'Rocks.
Implements: F. t& Metter, o
• ton; MeC. mower; Deerittg hay rake:
hay tedder, roller, set diamond har-
rews, 2 odd harrows, 5 -harrow dniw
bar: 2 Fleury1
waystig mows; Cock -
shim doable furrow plow with nar-
row bottom; spring Moth cultivator:
31.-1-1. bean puller with scaler at-
tachment; Mee. fertilizer -drill, near-
ly new; 211.5 ism gas engine; Clinton
fanning mill, art Renfretv scales, 2,-
000 lb, cap.; truck wagon, hay eack;
set sleighwith flat 1)0tt0111;
{wiper, cutter. :buggy, simnel/eat; set
good Mitchell harness, set plow bar -
n055, aet single driving ,harness, 5
good leather horse collars, power ent-
ers' grinder, woek bench, log jacks
pomp jack, Melotte tream S(1)11111 tor,
hay fork, ear, 11150 feet rope, .sling
ropes, incubator, 11120 egg cap.:
brooder stove; sap buckets and pan;
whiffietrees, neckyokes, chains and
other articles too numerate; to men-
Terms cash.
Everything will be sold as the pro-
prietor is' giving up fanning.
Dave Kilpatrick, Proprietor; Prank
Taylor, Auctioneer,
Dog, 'black and white hound with
brown head, found Saturday. Leo
Stephenson, Millburn, phone :443 r 2,
.Every \Vechiesday at ;Queen's Ho-
tel stables, cattle, pigs, implements,
etc, Bring in anything you have to
sell anti get the cash. Rates reasons
able. ,Incubator 1160 egg capacity,
radio, '12 choice calves, Viking cream
separator like new, a few horses.
Tax Pre = Payment
Receipts For
The Town will pay 4 per cent per
annum up to Aug. 31/38 on all pre-
paid 1933 taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained from the Town
Clerk's office in the Town Hall.
Of 'Farm Stock on kilviday', March
4th at 130 p.m.. at N11 -S; lot 22, CO. 113,
MCKialop, 134 miles south of Wilton
.and It mile east.
5 cows .due in March, April and
May, as .follows, 1 due hisne oF sele,
1 in March, q. in lApril,.11, in May.
q cow with calf at,loot.
3 two-year old steers, 1 two-year
old heifer. .
7 steers and iheifers rising 3 years
7 calves rising 1 year old. •
11 sow due to 'Biter &birch ,10th.
Term s cash.
George Dunks, 'Proprietor.
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
In the Estate of 'Phonies .Smale,
late of the Town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, deceased, who* died
on or about the 27111 day of ',faint --
my, A.D. 11036.
Take Notice that all persona hav-
ing any claims or demands against
the estate of the above deceased must
forward particulars iintl proof of
.same to the undermeetioned Solicitor
on or before the 21.6th day of March,
liext, after which date' the under -
mention ed will' 'proceed to d is gib u te
the estate with regard only to those
claims which they shall then have re-
ceived notice.
Dated at Seaforth this let day 'of
March, A,D. 11936.
James Rivers, Seaforbh, Ont,
Albert 0'. Smale, Stage, Ont.
By their Solicitor,
.E.Imer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ontario.
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
Lot '113, Con. 3, London Road, 34 mile
south 'af Brucefield on No. 4 High
way, on Tuesday, Afarch 8th, at q
o'clock sharp.
il-Torses—One team of geldings 4
and 5 years old; 1 mare 5 years old:
1 ,gel.ding 3 years old; 11 gelding 12
years old; 1 socking colt; gray colt
rising 2 years old.
Cattle—Durharn cove due April
23111, '5 years old; 111 Durham cow due
May 20111, 5 years old; 1 Durham
cow due April 10th, 7 years old; 1
Durham cow slue Oct. years
old; 1 Holstein cow clne 1061,
4 years old; 11 Holstein cow due April
4,3th, 4 years old; 1 Holstein cow .due
Dtne 10th, 8 years old; :1 Durham
cow due Oct. 1011), 3 years ol(3; 1
Holstein clue April 215, 6 years old; 1
Holstein cow due Sept. 3rd, 3 years
old; 11. Shorthorn tin)] 2 years old; I
Holstein heifer ia calf, 2 years old;
3 yearling calves, 7 spring calves,
Poultry -150 White Leghorn pullets,
Implements -1 Massey T-Tarris bin-
der, 7 foot out; ,Deering mower, 7
foot cut; 1 Deering rake, Massey
Harris spring tooth cultivator. Mas-
sey 'Harris lima scalier and puller;
1 1..0.1', disc; Matenty Harris fertiliz-
er drill OM hoe) nearly new; I 'Max-
well hay loader; q steel roller, 4 sec-
tion harrows, 1, Massey Harris man-
ure spreader; 1 Fleury (1d1) walking
ghee ; qt Cockshutt (II1) walking plow;
1 'Iniclhope Anderson riding plow;
also 11 Tudhope Anderson riding plow
nearly new with rolling coulter and
skimmer conebitted; 1 wagon, 1 hay -
racist I Clinton fanning 11111 with
bagger, 2000 lbs, wagon scales, 2
wheel trailer, Massey Harris grinder,
1 'Fairbanks 2 engine 6 h.p.; 3 belts
—13' double x 6", 10' x4", vcrAP,
all rubber; 1 horse scuffler, Cyclone
sower. 1 turnip sower. Ill steel Pig
trotegh, '1 feeding rack, 11 power horse
°Upper, hay fork none '1180 ft.; 11 col-
ony house, 1. shelter range, DeLaval
cream separator No. 112, 11, Belt cut-
ting 'hog, 1 fattening crate, hold aboot
40; I set brass Imitated Mitchell
harness; 1 set bkband harness; b set
bk. band and cronpers; 0' set 'buggy
harness, 1, circtelar ,saw, 1 stone boat.
1. buggy pole; two 415 -gal. drums; 11
gravel box, a quantity of grain bags.
1Grain—A. quantity of oats anti
lHousehold Effects—LA quantity of
hooseleold effects.
;No reserve as proprietor is giving
up farming.
Terms cash.
Eldon Johnston, ,Proprietor; G. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer.
0:1 Thursday, :March ard. at 0
min. at Lot '19, Concession A, Stanley
Two., 1 mile north 'of Erucefield, No.
4 highway, consisting of stock and a
few other articles.
Horses—Choice 3 year Clyde mare
1400 lbs.: clean legged 4 year horse
01300 lbs.; 12 year horse 1000 lbs.;
colt rising I year.
Cattle -2 'fresh cows, 4 fresh heif-
ers, 118 heifers and cows to come in
lvTarch; 6 heifers and cows to come 1,1
early April; '1 heifer, latter part of
.April; 1 .dow 1:1 'July; 1 cow first of
September; 0 -year old Hereford bull;
7 well bred young calves.
'1 brood saw slue .eime of sale; 1
brood saw 110 days later; 213 thrifty
chunks from 50 to 60 lbs.
This is a choice lot of stock and
wili positively be sold. 'No outside
stock allowed on place day of sale.
Terms cash.
Auctioneer, Geo. Elliott.
Proprietor, Scott Davidson.
First Grade Creamery
Butter, per pound .... 37c
Pure Lard, 2 pounds 23e
Shortening, 2 pounds 23c
Pastry Flour, 24 'pounds ...63c
Crisco, per pound 21c
10 pounds Sugar 59c
Corn Meal, 5 pounds • 23c
Campbell's Soups, 3 Tins ..25c
Libby's Tomato juice,
5 Thts • 25c
Carnation Milk
Tall tins, 311ns 23c
-Rolled Wheat, 5 lb. 21c
' Kellogg's Corn Flakes
3 pkges. 23c
McCormick's Jersey
Cream Sodas, per lb. ...17c
Spy Apples, per basket' ..... 28c
W. J Pkniqan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Munn—lin losing memory of Alex-
ander Munn who slied March 6, OP&
Remembrance is a golden chain
Death tries to, break, 'bat all in vain.
To have, to love, and then to part
as the greatest sorrow of one's heart
The years may wipe .out Many things,
Bet this they -wipe out never,
The memory of those happy days
When we were all togeehet.
—Ever remembered by Wife end
Family. —
Fifty acres of good farming' land
on Con. 9, Monett, has been pasture
for 8 years. 10:n 'premises are 8 room-
ed 'house and bank barn, also supply
of good water. Apply 11'. E. Phillips,
43 Woodmount Ave., Toronto.
Good limb wood, delivered in Sea -
forth at 412 per cord in 134 word loads
Apply to T. 9. Richardson, •Egnionda
ville. Phone 22446.
House, 7 rooms, pantry, clothes
closets, good cellar, cistern, never
failing well. of hard water .at door,
township taxes, telephone; S minutes'
Walk to church, school or store; house
newly shingled, -papered; everything
in good repair; excellent garden.
Priee reasonablo. 'For sale or rent,
Mrs. Alen. t;ordon, or write P;
Box 511; Seaforth, Ont,
A nicely located farm consisting of
146 acres of good farming land, good
buililings, continuous snooty of good
water. 31 mile west' of Blake. For
further particolars apply lo 11,;";..
1Vcstlake, R. R. 3. Bayfield.
Quantity of turnips, also Clyde
mare, '114 years old, in foal. 'James
Landeborough, Phone 11504116,
;Experienced fartn hand, married or
single, must be reliable, good milker.
Apply personally to .Chas. Maktvin,
R, ;R. 4, Walton.
In Esemondville, three acres with
7 -room frame house, hydro, hard and
soft water, good barn and henhouse.
Dominic Reynolds, Walton, Ont,
Phone 230 r 213, Seaforth,
One ;pure 'bred bronze gabler, for
sale, Saskatchewan bird, one year old.
Also' one good work horse, sound,
and will drive single or double, age
rising 3 years. Chas. Millson, Sea -
forth, Ont„ E. R. No. B. 'One mile
west of Seaforth.
100 acres of .first class farm land,
consisting of Lot ‘11 of the '411) conces-
sion of fitrWett Tvvp., between Sea -
forth and Clinton. On the premises
are large 'bank barn, house nearly
new, and a garage. Some ploughing
clone. Possession given April 1st.
Mrs. E. J. D:ockl, Clinton.
Singer Service Representative mak-
ing special offer of $150 for overhaul-
ing any type of sewing machine until
April '1. Inquire at Watson & 'Reid's.
Reasonable monthly terms on new or
used machines. Good trade-in allow-
ance on your old machine.
Twenty-five bushels seed peas. Ap-
Ply to 'Lindsay ttyre, Erueefield.
Phone 211-3te.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Dominion Bank Bualding, Seaforth
Phone 334 w
The 3econd Division Court
'County of •Horon
Office 1,11 the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m.' to 15 p.m. .Saturday .
evening, 7:30 p. 01, ta 9 p,
Two grass farms, 76 acres, 534 lot
10, con. 111, MeKillop; and SO acres,
S.34 101 1119, can. 2, ,Hibbert, always
plenty of water. The late Charles and
Margaret Hohlbein Estate. ,App3y. to•
Mrs. Richards, opposite Seaforth Col-
100 acre 'farm with good 'buildings,
spring creek and bush. IPriced right
for qoick sale. Apply to The Segorth
,Frame house 6 rooms, cement foun-
dation, electric lights, ;barn and six
lots, adapted 'for market gardening.
Charles Hohlibein .Estate. 'Apply to
Mrs. Richards, opposite •Collegiate.
Feel fit as. a fiddle ...
That "washed out" feeling is
often just nature's warning for
you to Inwire • of overwork—
Neglect of this danger signal
may seriously impair your health
. . So take no chances when
washdays leave you weary and
wornout ... Gera Westinghouse
Cushioned Action washer and
feel.grand washdays and EVERY
clay: For Westinghouse Cush -
hissed Action snakes wasaa:ug easy.
It gets clothes cleaner , with
en hand rubbing . . end Ivith
,marl So quick too—an
1...ue or so and the clothes are
out on the line snow white and
Until March 5th 10.00 ALLOW-
ANCE on your old used washer