HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-03, Page 5• THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 Our prices Marcie 3rd to March 9th LILY BRAND CHICKEN HADDIE 2 TUNS 23 c GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 TINS 2, 1 c 17 oz AYLMER PORK & BEANS 3 TINS 25c 22 oz. tins JAM, RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY EACH 27c 32 oz, HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 LBS. 25c EACH 47 c EACH 27c is BROOMS, Dandy 5 String Polished Handle BROOMS, Daisy 5 String Colored Handle CALUMET BAKING POWDER SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Lipton's Tea, Red Label, Mixed or :Black Lux Flakes, small -10c; Cascade Fancy .Pink Salmon 'r/s-2 tins -17c; Toddy, 1/s -23c; 'Benson's Corn Starch 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, all colors paste Palmolive Toilet Soap Mother's Cookies "Honey and O'Meal" Crunchie Sweet Pickles, 27 oz. -25c; Kellogg's All Bran, large Sultana Raisins 35c /2 lb. 33c Large 24c is ..2 tins 25c . is 39c per pkg. 12c per tin 12c 3 cakes 17c per Ib. 19c 6% oz. 10c per pkg. 21c 2 lb 25c per tin 15c per tin 10c per btl. 19c per tin 27c Each 20c 5 pkg. 25c 2 tbs. 23c sliced or in piece per fib 29c 5 tins 25c per tin 15c 3 btls 25c per pkg. 15c per pkg. 15c Beaver Blueberries, 2s squat Schneider's Dog Food, 16 oz. Aylmer Chili Sauce, 12 oz. Aylmer Boned Chicken Colgates Tooth Paste or Powder McLaren's Jelly Powders, assorted Prunes, large size 30/40s Breakfast Lacon. choice. Kippered Snacks Columbia Raspberries, 2s squat Magic White Bleach (The Best Bleach) Kleenex, 200s Soda Biscuits, bag 16 oz. Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL 'SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse ,'Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 HULLETT. A number of the girl friends of Miss 'Ethel Hoggart, lHullett, gather- ed at the :home of :Mrs. 'William Lyon on Saturday to honor her before her departure to Stratford where she is entering !the !hospital there as a nurse - in -braining. Miss (Eileen ,Knox read the address and !Miss Isobel 'Forbes !presented her with a silver jasmine set, STANLEY Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. A. 'Carnie during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haugh and Mr. Wallace ,Haugh of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard of Exeter and 'Mrs. (Hess of H'ensall. Mr. 'Ed. Stedkle and his sister, Mary !Ann, were at London on Mon- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W..ICarnie visited at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. Thos. Johnston on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Olivaster of Lon- don spent Sunday with M•r. and Mrs. Wm. Mc'Clinchey of the Bronson line. Miss Irene Scotchmer of London spent Sunday with ;her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Scotchmer. Mr. 'Russel !Grainger is improving nicely after having his tonsils remov- ed last week. • .Mr. Thomas Scotchmer and sisters, Irene and 'Kay, motored to Kitchener on Sunday. SUNNYVALE CHICISS FOR MORE. EGGS GREATER PROFIT Buy Sunnyvale Second Generation R.O.P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns and first and second Generation R. O. P. Sired Barred Plymouth Rocks. We receive many unsolicited testi- monials. They write us like this: "I am dropping you a few lines with regards to the chicks 1 got from you,last year. They clid extra well and I would not buy any other place as long as yours are oh the market." W. R. Meek, Arnprior. 'ONLY ONE GRADE—THE BEST. PMMEDIATE DELIVERY Sunnyvale Barred Rocks 100 or over . 3013 or over $13.00 per 100 $12.50 per 100 Sunnyvale White Leghorns 1401 god over 13100 and over $12,00 per 100 $11.50 per 100 111,1000 and over $12.00 per 100 (1,0130 and over $11.00 per 100 Week End Special—A limited number of Barred Rock day old Cockerels—$5 per l00... Leghorn Cciclerels-$1 per 100 Listen in on ,our weekly radio program Friday, 111 o'clock, over OKINX, W'ingham, featuring •I,rish melodies and popular Irish songs, ANDREW A. MOORE, Seaforth PHIONE' 160 r 3 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE TOWN TOPICS, \4r, and Mrs, 'Matthew :Armstrong ill :be at home to their friends 'from 2 to 4 ,p,m., Wednesday, March 9th. on occasionof their .golden wedding. M'is's Elizabeth Murray of London visited last S'und'ay at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc. Cann, Seaforth. The Sodality !Girls intend holding a dance oil the 221nd of April, ,Mr. Fergus Bullard ruuderwent .a critioal operation at 'the hospital on 'Wednesday 'and the is !doing nicely., Mrs, Stevens of ',Kitchener was a visitor on Tuesday and Wednesday with her sister, piss .Belle Jackson, ,Egmondv4Qle. Mrs. W. A. Wright entertained her group of the Banbara 'Kirkman !Auxi- liary at a social evening 'Wednesday. Mrs. R. IH. Sproat is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson !G0venloeIk at Wat- erford. Mrs. W. a. McLean has returned to !herr home after spending several months at,Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Morrow is residing with her at present. Miss Ann McClelland and 'Miss ;Patricia 1Gilday of Toronto spent 'the• week end at the 'home of Mrs. ,R. S. Hays. Miss Alice Hudson, daughter 'of Mr. .and Mrs. I, Hudson, has been appointed stenographer for the Public Utilities Commission at the town hall and on Monday will take over the duties of Miss H. B. Swan who has resigned. ed. Mrs. McMurray of 'the Royal Apts., has returned after a .five weeks' visit in Toronto. IA very .enjoyable At Home was held on Friday evening by the Col- legiate Institute. There was a good attendance: Miss Leona Box .has returned from Toronto where She was attending the annual Hairdressers' Convention, Mr. and Mrs, Con !Eckert and Mr. and ,Mrs, !J. M. (Eckert were 'visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John. Flynn and Mrs, IG. 'K. Holland, at Dublin• Seaforth spring show will be held on Tuesday, .April Sth. Tavistock woe the group by de- feating Clinton 151-3 Wednesday night in a sudden •death game at Stratford. Mr. lames Rivers was confined to the house following a severe fall on the ice. F'ortuna'tely no hones were :broken. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Russ Scott and fam- ily spent the week end at Chats- worth. Mr. 'John iRattenlbury of ,Burlington visited his mother, Mrs. 'W. 'Rattan - bury. 'We are pleased to see Mr. Wm. Hill home nntch unproved in health. after spending several weeks in Wes- tern %I'ospital, Toronto. ,lir. D. Aiken'head who was in Sea - forth hospital, is also able to he home. Mrs. R. McKenzie and Mrs. 'Wil- son •MclAsh left on Sunday for St. Louis where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. !Frank McKenzie. The 'W.M,S,will hold their month- ly meeting on Friday at TM The Dray of Prayer service will he held at 3. All the ladies in the community are cordially invited to attend. Mr. W. Moffat who spent three weeks in !Clinton hospital, returned to his :hone last Wednesday. GREEN LIGHT Under auspices of the Hospital !Aid Starring ERROLL FLYNN, ANITA LOUISE, MARGARET LINDSAY, SI,R CED,RIC HARDWICKE A young doctor gives up his career for an ideal Thurs., Mar. 10 71115 and 9:15 REGENT THEATRE OLD TYME DANCE! "Ukulele Bill" and his 'Hillbillies' At K'I'PPEN Friday, Mar. 4 A Special Programme by the "Hill- billies" General .Admission: 30 cents HAWAIIAN Guitar Lessons Studio will be open Every FRIDAY Afternoon and Even- ing.—Over W. • R. Smith's Groc- ery, Seaforth Drop in and visit our Studio any !Friday and we will be glad to demonstrate, or word may be left at Smith's •Grocery store. ROY WALTERS Hawaiian Guitar Instructor IGowa.nstown, 'Ont. DUMB ANIMALS AND B'I'RDS ENTITLED TO •PROTECTION Everybody doabbless knows that the object of the Children's Aid Soci- ety in •Harron •County is to .protect helpless children, '.brut everybody does not know that the officers of the C. A. S. are also the officers of Herron County IH'utnane Society. This, how- ever, 'is the case, and the officers in- vite the co-operation of the public should cases of cruelty to or neglect of animals, or birds occur in their conttnunity. While the efforts of the Children's Aid Society are primarily in behalf of unfortunate children, throughout the County of II-uron, the officers are pre- pared to •uti'lize such powers as they possess in behalf of animals and birds. The sentence of two months recent- ly imposed in the Huron County court on a man for mutilating a dog should have a wholesome effect. ,One section of the Criminal Code reads: 'Everyone is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, over and above the amount of injury Clone, or to one year's imprison- ment with or without hard labor, who (a) Unlawfully kills or attemps to .1e111, maim, wound, poison, or in- jure any dog, bird, beast or other animal not being cattle, but being either. the subject of iarceny at common law, or being ordinarily kept ti Pt i a 'state of confinement, or kept for any lawful purpose; or (1) Places poison in such a position as to be easily partaken of by any such dog, bird, beast or other ani- mal." It will be a source of gratification to many citizens of the 'County of Huron to learn that there is legal machinery available for the protection of dumb animals and birds, .and that it can and will be set fn motion when- ever the officers of the Humane Socia ety deem .such a step advisa'b'le, Donations to Shelter The 215 cents membership fee in the Children's Aid Society is used to .pro- cure "extras" for those children whose relatives are •financially unable to assist them. The total aliment receiv- ed .from this source is never very large, and gifts of .fruit, preserves, clo- thing or other articles will be grate- fully received at the County Shelter in ,Goclerieh. The president of the Huron County Humane Society '15 Dr. J. FI. Barnett and Mr, A. M. Robertson is the secre- tary, ,both of IGoclerich, Frozen Vegetables Asparagus, beans, corn, peas, and spinach were the principal products in the frozen vegetable pack in Can- ada in 11191317. Like the .Canadian frozen fruit pack, they are finding a ready market in the hotel and restaurant trade, but, as they require a tempera- ture of about zero, they cannot 'he of- fered to the ,general public until pro- per storage 'facilities are available in the retail trade. Horses in Demand The next annual :meeting of the Ca- nadian Seed (Growers' !Association will be held at the !Ontario Agricultural College, 'Guelph, !Ont. The dates set for the meeting are tJ'une 1115th, 1Oth and '117th, 111908, and plans are under way for a busy 'three days. it is ex- pected that workers in the .promotion of improved seed production from coast to coast will the in 'attendance. Officers conning from the west will include the 'President, b'fr. 'F. W. Townley -Smith, Lashburn, Sas'k., and the Vice -President, Mr. F. L. Dickin- son, 'from Winnipeg, Man. The Sec- retary -Treasurer of the Association is Mr. W. T. G. 'Wiener, Ottawa. !Ont, Alfalfa Hay Crop Moves Movement of the 19517 !bumper crop of alfalfa hay from H,aldimend Coun- ty is now in 'full .swing. It is es'timate- ed that last year's crop of '3.0010 tons Mill be exceeded. 1A large portion of the crop is mov- ing to the large dairy herds in the Eastern States. •Considerable' alfalfa is being ground into nneal for export and domestic consumption. Up to eight alfalfa meal mills have been grinding in .the Cal- edonia district at one time. Another new outlet may .be provided :as result of a test shipment Bost made to Nova Scotia for a {Department of ''Agricul- ture'experiment in 'feeding young deer for the 'first time. Although the plant is one of the oldest under cultivation, it is only in recent years that it has been grown !here generally, 'and it sees to thrive on the heavy clay land. Heidi•ntand :and (Peel are two of the !banner producing counties • in the. 'Province. .Aaron Lreland of ]Grand .Bend is dead at his home ,there. He was in his '67•th year and is survived by !his wife 'who lovas formerly Miss Boma Webb, •and .three sons, Simeon, •Leslie and •Herman, and a daughter, Mrs. Fer- gus Turnbull. Want and ,For Sale,Ads., IL'week, 25c. SEAFORTH LECTURE' CLUB' PRESENTS Louis Blake Duff SUBJECT: "The Rebellion of 1837—Last Phase" FRIDAY, MARCH 11 At 8:30 P.M. LIBRARY HALL, Seaforth Admission: 215c and ;1151. ST. COLUMBAN St. Columban hockey team defeated Londesboro in the last game of the schedule on Saturday night. Mr, joseph Liss of Kitchener spent. the week end with Miss Anne :Feeney. Mrs. Thos. Feeney spent a few days at the home .of her daughter, ,Mirs, J. Edkert, \1Je are glad to note that ,Miss Mary O'Reilly is recovering the sight of her eye after having a piece of glass removed from it. VARNA Mr. !Elmer Webster is preparing to build a new silo these. days. Mr. and Mrs. Appleby are moving to Ingersoll this week where Mr. Appleby has •secured a position with a dairy firm. Mr. and Mrs. Appleby will be much missed .from our com- munity. IDo you want to enjoy a good laugh? Then don't miss the play, "Strictly Business," to be given 'Weds. nesday evening, 'Manch 9th, under auspices of W. A. of the United Church. The euchre and dance put on in the hall on Thursday evening of last week under the auspices of the Beef - ring Society was a great success, .A number from the village were in ft;ippen an Wednesday night to hear the Hfllbillys.• Glad to hear Mrs, Coultis is im- proving nicely. Mr, !Elliott Chuter of Northern On- tario spent a few days with .his par- ents here. The March meeting of the 3V. M. S. will he held on Thursday in the LTnit- ed Church. Day of prayer will be observed in the United Church on !Friday of this geek. Urs. \V, Elliott and Mrs. Lottie McAslt of' F rucelield, spent a day last week at the home of 'Mrs. M. Elliott. The \W1:1. of St. Johns' Church met at the home of Mr,. ,M, Elliott Thurs- day. Mr. Ellinit Chung. of North Bray spent the week end at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. \1'ildfong and little family of HIay .pent Sunday last with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. •Grassi.. The social evening .111 the hall nit Tuesday under the auspices of St. J'ohn's Church; was very well patron- ized and the program put on chiefly by the Dramatic 'Club, Bayfield. Many thanks to them. A good lunch was served and altogether a pleasant time was spent. Mrs. .A. McConnell has returned home after a six weeks visit at Palm Beach, 'Florida. sphere the flowers are in ,bloom. )Jr,. Park of Saskatchewan is re- newing acquaintances in and around Varna. The day of prayer will he observed in the ("lilted Church on Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. \IdGowau of Blyth are visiting at the home of Nir. and Mrs. Fred Reid. Mr. and Nil's. Fred Appleby- are snoring to Ingersoll this week. The ladies of the United Church arc preparing a play which will be given in the near future. HILLSGREEN Mrs. Frank Farquhar of Hensel] and •Mr,. H. Mclinrtie of !Kippen are attending their sister. Miss 'Edna Cochrane who is very ill with a frac- tured s'kul'l, the result of an accident a few weeks ago. Her many. friends hope she may soon be better, Mr, and Mrs. W. Heatable of tCen- tralia visited friends during the week. Mr. and Mrs. \\', !Davidson 'and Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson called on friends at •Monkton and Dorking. A number of the officers • .af the Hlills•green Church were entertained at tete manse last iFriday evening, Ail enjoying the event .to its fullest. .Mrs, Mina Love is visiting now with her daughter, Mrs. (John Mc- Ewen near Hensel!. John Farquhar and Harold .Bots- thron galled on friends in the vveiitity, ,Mr. 'J. !Forrest and sister, .3tias Mar- garet and Will Forrest of Tucker- smith called one evening in tine ricin- ity. On Friday, March 4, the Hills - green ladies *re joining the ;Kippen ladies to hold the World's !Day of Prayer together. Mr. and Mrs. W. (Forrest attended the funeral of a relative at Hensall during the week. The many friends of Mrs. C. Steph- enson are sorry to !learn of her ill- ness. We all wish her a speedy re- covery. • ELIMVILLE Alter spending almost four weeks in Victoria Hospital. London, 'follow- Ina- an appendix operation, Mr. Bill Johns was able to return home last Sunday. His friends wish hunt a more rapid recovery from this on, Miss Dorothy Johns spent the week end with friends in London. Mrs. Alex MciFalls of Exeter visit- ed with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Horne, over the week end. Mission Band met at the home of Wanda and Murray Stephen on Satur- day afternoon. CROMARTY Mr, I•I•eber Snell had the misfortune to .have has arm badly ,cat by the saw when sawing wood at his home. Miss Doreen McLellan has return— ed to leer home here after undergoing an operation for appendicitis in Strat- ford hospital. Messrs. 'Wilfred Scott, Ross Hough- ton and Ross Hoggarth of •Guelph spent the week end at their homes. Miss Mary B. Currie is visiting in Toronto. LA number from here attended the hockey game in Stratford on Friday night. Miss Pearly Houghton is under the doctor's care. TUCKERSMITH Last Wednesday, Feb. '23rd, the men of Eggntondville congregation held a wood bee in Mr. David Mc- Lean's bush when over fifty men ga- thered to cut wood for the church. The ladies of the Women's ;Associa- tion gathered at the house for their monthly meeting. After the meeting the ladies went to the woods with weiners, buns and coffee and treated the men with the lunch which was greatly appreciated. Then this week the sante men will meet to cut wood for Mr. 'McLean and will be treated by the association the same as the week before. The weather ratan has provided all kinds of weather lately. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and 'Maxine of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forsyth. Ur. and Mrs. John McLachlan and Hazel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie. Mr. and 'Mrs. Casey Way have moved to their new farm on the sixth concession. Mr. Cecil Murray is sporting a new Plymouth car. Miss Thelma Elgie of Toronto spent the week end w•itn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eigie. What Slightly Goofy Geniuses Are Inventing Among many feature drticles in The American Weekly. with the March '6 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, will .be one describing some of the newest gadgets for lighting cig- arets by water power, keeping your ear to the ground, shushing chatter - ars and traveling in ways you never even had a nightmare about. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times. Fertilators ! Fertilators Transform your . Grain Drill to a FERTILIZER DRILL by attaching a Preston Fer- tilator. A Substantial Reduction on orders up to March lst. ,Pay Jeune 1st SPROAT SPROAT PHONE 136 r 2, Seaforth