HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-02-24, Page 5'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 193
Read (Every Item --'Good till Mar. 2
2 TIrNS 19c
32 oz.
AYLMER PEACHES, Choice per tinC ` c
2s squat
13 oz.
17 oz,
—sons come tan WOO.
MEP a—,
f �o
per 1b. 36 c
Save 4' labels and get Charlie McCarthy
Shredded Sweet Coconut .per pound 18c
Amber Honey, 10s -69c; 5s 35c -
Diced Beets or Carrots, 2s per tin 10c
Corn, Peas, Tomatoes 3 tins 29c
Calay Soap—special . 4 cakes 18c
Derby Cheese, spreads or slices per pkg. 15c
Flilicrest Toilet Tissue, very fine 3 rolls 25c
Dried Peaches, fancy per ib. 19c
Grape Fruit Juice, large tin, . 2 for 25c
Electric Bulbs, 40s or 60s....Doz.-1.00; each 10c
Plum -Apple and Strawberry Jam; Apple Jelly, 32 oz tins 25cc
Libby's Homogenized 'Baby Foods 2 3 129c
Pumpkin; Tomato Juice, ,Pork & Beanstins Cream Mixture, Kisses, Jelly Beans, etc lo29cbc
29 15
Sunkist Oranges, bright and juicy 2doz.
Texas Grapefruit, heavy and sweet 5 per
bag 25c
Hemphill's Wheat Berries3 lbs. 25c
Prunes, fresh and sweet
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce PHONE
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER; holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Wheat, per bus. ...,.....'.'..I.,. 0..95c
Oats, per 'bus. .......%.......'...413c 4ac
Barley, feed, per ,bus. ,..'.,.........'..60c
Barley, malting, per 'bus. ......'0&e
Buckwheat, per bus. 607.
ram committee, Edna Cochrane, Jean-
ette MdAIlister, Mrs. Walker. We
closed the .tneeting with prayer. IA
dainty Bunch was then served by the
Mr: John Henderson of Egmdnd-
ville, celebrated his 09th birthday .on
Wednesday, Feb. 2l3rd. His many
friends join in (best 'wishes. Mr.
Henderson is quite well at present,
is able to be up and around each day
and takes a keen.interest in every-
M'rs. H. W. Hart spent the week
end in 'Kincardine where she attended'
the floor show and dance at the Beach
Pavilion Where her niece, little Miss
Lois Dunlop, talented young .tap
dancer, 'wins a special feature of the
evening. Lois is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. (Dunlop, Fo'rnnerly of Sea-
The.Catholic 'Women's League in-
tend having their annual St. 'Patrick's
Supper on Thursday, March 11th.
Mr. George and Miss •Otara ,Pinkney
were at the funeral of their cousin,,
George Snell, Saturday afternoon in
(East Wawanosh Township.
Rev, lH, Smell of 'Ethel, Messrs. Hel-
mer and (Earl Snell attended the fun-
eral of their cousin, George Snell, at
.Ball's "Cemetery, Saturday afternoon.
+Mr. Harry Kruse of Toronto was
home attending the 'funeral of his fa-
Mr. Pete Eisenbach of Grand Bend,
Mr. Philip Eisenbach and Mr. Elmer
Willert of Zurich attended the funeral
of the late Wm. 'Kruse.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Robin'son
and Miss 'Margaret Robinson of Brus-
sels attended the funeral of the late
Wm. Kruse.
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Graham and
Mr, 'Lawrence +Graham and Miss
Brooks, all of Stratford, were visitors
The many friends of Mr. Frank
Kenny will be sorry to hear of his
operation at the Scott Memorial Hos-
pital tin •Seaforth. We wish 'him a
speedy recovery.
.Dr. Stapleton of Brantford was 'a
week end visitor in the village.
Mfrs. Dave McConnell entertained
a number of her friends to five- hund-
red on Monday' evening. Every one
reported a real good time. The prize
winners were Mrs. Joseph Carpenter
and Mrs. Wm. Curtin.
Miss •Mildred Murray visited
friends in Kitchener on Saturday.
M'rs. •Edward Diegel of Mitchell
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rock.
Mrs. William Woolf of Clifford is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. )Joseph Dill returned home af-
ter a pleasant visit with friends in
Mrs. L. J. Looby is visiting in
Mary B. Currie and niece, Miss
A'riene Young, are visiting for a short.
time with Mrs. Tufford in Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew McLellan
and 'family with Miss !Doreen Mc-
Lellan in Stratford hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Houghton end
Gordon accompanied 'Mir. and Mrs.
(John !Kemp .and two sons and visited
friends in Harriston over the week
Mr. 'Wilfred Scott visited at the
home of his parents.
Two carload; of export cattle were
shipped to Liverpool on 'Saturday.
We were sorry to report that ✓Miss
Mluriel Looby, who is training For a
nurse in St. !Joseph's (Hospital, was
operated on for appendicitis. We wish
her a speedy recovery.
;Emerson Kerr of St. 'Catharines
visited friends.
Mr. and Mrs, !Edward 'MdGrath of
Ilderton with 'her father, Mr. 'Frank
Many relatives of the late Mrs.
tPorten&eld of Seaforth 'attended the
funeral 'on Monday from this vicinity.
Miss 'Mary Hagan of London vis-
• ited during the week with her sister
and 'brother.
Several folk are suffering with se-
vere ,colds in the •community.
Mr. and ,Mrs. 3. Dodds and family
of 'London called on relatives 'during
the week.
The Women's !Auxiliary was held
at the home of Mrs. Ross Love on
Tuesday, 'February '1151th with Mrs. R.
McAtlrster presiding. The order of
service, the theme.the Church in Ac-
tion in•the 'Nation. The meeting open-
ed with hymn Imo. The devotional
leaflet was given by !Jeanette 'McAllis-
ter. The, •Scripture reading was taken
in. parts by three •members. 'Prayer
was offered after which hymn 502
was sung. The secretary 'then gave
her report. The 'business was taken.
It was decided to hare the quilting
done at the church the 'first Wednes-
day in April. IA ten -cent tea was de
cided for the 1117th of March and to
hold a ,b'i'rthday party ,on that ,occasion
as well: The secretary was aslked to
send for programs for the World's
Day of Prayer to be held. in the
church on March l4th,'Annie 'Jarrott
tube in charge of the program. The
president suggested a"letter to be sent
a v'a'lued ,mernlber in her great - loss.
The study was taken by two mem-
bers. The offering wit's taken. Those
on the 'committees for the tea on Mar.
ilf/th are •!''inch committee, Mrs. R.
Palace Rink, Seaforth
Thurs., Feb. 24
Game called at 7:30 P.M.
These two 'teams were runners-up in
bheir W.O.HJA. and IO,H.IA. ,groups
Two gatnes for the price of one
'A'dm'ission: 25c and i11Oc
Keyes--ttn Scott Memoria 1 Hospi-
tal. Seaforth, on 'Friday, ,Felbruary
1928, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. El-
moreLove and Mrs. C. (Stephenson; grog- 'Keyes, of Stanley Township,
Cafeteria Tea
Thurs., Mar. 3
From 5 to 7 o'clock
Come and choose your favorite
dish. !Different prices.
Under Auspices of Ladies' Aid
Sthiday with Mr. and Mrs, E. .Mole,
Miss 5tae Broadfoot of Port Nel-
son .is the guest of Miss Edith David-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat visit-
ed 'friends in .Guelph last week.
Mrs. W. IR. (Plant is visiting her
parents in Toronto.
Mr. and 1VIrs..Edward H. 1Pa:smare
of Los Angeles, Calif„ were guests
•this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Greig. '
Mr. (Gordon McKellar left Tuesday
afternoon to spend a few weeks 'vis-
iting Friends in Vancouver, 1Deior
sine, Man., and Regina.
Mr. (Frank Kenny, brother of Mrs,.
C. Eckert who 'underwent a minor
operation in the hospital here last
week, was able to return home to
'Dublin on Wednesday.
A man giving his name as Martin
Connolly of ,M'itc'hell was held in Sea-
forth on Wednesday night by (Chief
of Police Snell an a charge of vag-
rancy, 'pending investigation of alleg-
ed dealings of Connolly involving a
couple. of calves.
Mr. (Dawson Reid of ;Guelph spent
the week end with his mother, Mrs.
j. F. Reid,
Mr. Arthur Edmonds of Hamilton
spent the week end here.
Mr. W. H. ;Golding, M. P., was
home L during the week end from
Mr. IR. Walters of Dundas Spent
the week end in town, Mrs. Walters
who was visiting here, returned -with
Mrs. R. 5, Hays, Miss Mary Hays,
Miss Maude Laidlaw and Mrs. !Oscar
Neil spent the week end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie and
daughter were visitors Sunday at
,Several from 'here attended the
funeral of the late (George Merrier at
Dashwood. Deceased was a 'brother
of the late 5. 'J. Merner.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gibson White of
Windsor spent the week end with his
mother, Mrs. M. White.
The World's Day of Prayer will be
held by the women's organizations in
(Northside (United 'Church on Mar. 4.
Mrs. Tlohn •Cudmore of Holnmes-
ville has just returned. home after
visiting her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Dodds of
Oak ;Park, Ill„ and Mrs. ,Ellen Dodds
and Clarissa, also of Oak Park, and
her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert C. Dodds of Chicago and oth-
er 'friends.
Under the Auspices of the
Mon., Feb. 28
Friday, February 25
Admission 50c
Invitations may be procured
through any S. :C. I. student
Guitar Lessons
Studio will be open Every
FRIDAY Afternoon and Even-
ing.—Over W. R. Smith's Groc-
ery, Seaforth
Drop is and visit our Studio
any IFriday and we will be glad
to demonstrate, or word may be
left at Smith's Grocery store.
Hawaiian 'Guitar Instructor
IGowanstown, Ont.
.Keyes -In Scott 'Memorial !Hospi-
tal on Friday, February 18, 1938, to
Mfr. and Mrs. IEfmore ':1. Keyes (nee
Florence Thomson) a son.
'Rina.—In Scott Memorial Hospital
on Sunday, Feb. 20th, 1938, to Mr.
Lind Mrs. Hugh Rinn of Mitchell, a
daughter ((Martha (Edythe).
Goudie.--lIn Scott Memorial Hosp-
ital, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 19135, to Mr,
and Mrs. 'E. Goudie, Seaforth, a dau-
4 -
.Mr. Fred Millson and son Wilfred
of Atwood are visiting the former's
brother Mr. David MilIson and sister,
Mrs. (Peter Lindsay and Mr. Lindsay
and other friends.
The 'Sunday School will hold a so-
cial evening in the basement of the
church on Friday evening, ;Feb. 25th.
A good program fs 'being provided.
'Friends of Mrs. 'George 'Riley will
By Popular Request the February Sale
Continues For 2 Weeks
Our Special Permanent, reg. 7.50 Re -vitalizing Oil $5.00
Tonic Permanent, reg. 5.00 $3.50
Charm -Oil with curly ends $2.50
Special End Curls $1.95
Special School Girls $1.50
Sutherland's Hair Dressing
the week end at his home here.
The firemen held a very successful
dance and euchre on 'Friday evening.
Winners at euchre were: %Ladies'
first Mrs. 1R. Dawson; gents, Mr. Al-
ton !Johnston; consolation, (Olive
Johnston and .Mr. A. Sutter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie and fa-
mily of London visited his mother,
Mrs, Margaret McKenzie on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Shauldice and lit
tle daughter of 'Crediton spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. A.. 'Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe .Zapfe and family
spent Sunday with .Mr, and .Mrs. G.
Mr. Eldon Johnston spent a couple
of days in Stratford this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie of Sarnia an
Mfrs. Robinson of Detroit and Mr. IA.
Murray of Regina visited with. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm Berry. '
The monthly meeting of the United
Farm Women was held at the home
of Mr. and Mas. W. Nesbit on Fob,
dib. The meeting, in charge of the
president, Mrs. Wright, opened by
singing "Come Let Us Sing of a
Wonderful Love" followed by the
Lord's prayer. The minutes of the
previous 'meeting were read and ad-
opted. 'Roll call was ;answered with a
Valentine .verse. Letters from central
office were read from the educational
secretary, Mir. Harvey ,McDougall. He
suggested many ways by which the
community could be beautified; also
asked that the menrhers cu -operate
with the teacher, un 'irprovilig the
school • grounds. ..Mrs. Hamilton, the
nice president, said our slogan for
1938 is "Co-operation". A letter of ap-
preciation from Miss F Waldron,
who is in 'Clinton 'FIospital was read.
Questions from head office were an-
nered by Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Knight,
Mrs. Da}mau and Mr: Snider. The
topic Make Hold Beginnings" was
ably taken thy Mrs. Cairns. !During
the social programme, Mrs. C, Clif-
ton read a piece entitled "The Manse
Telephone" and a fortune telling game
%vas played. The March meeting will
be held at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.
A. McQueen. The meeting -closed
with song. The women joined the
men and hunch was served by hostess
and friends.
:Miss L. Marshall of London spent
the week end with friends in the
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser of H•en-
sall and Mr. Jack Kaiser of Detroit
called on relatives and friends last
Mrs. Smith of Exeter is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Rohner.
An old Brucefieid boy in the person
of Dr. Alex Addison has started to
practice with Dr. McKinnon in Zur-
ich. We wish him success.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas and
Mrs, L. Eyre visited at Blake on Sat-
Miss Louise Marshall of London
spent the week end with friends in the
Mr. (John Kaiser of Hensel] and
Earl and Jack of Detroit called on
friends in the village on Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Swan and Mrs. T. Baird
attended the horticultural convention
in Toronto 'last week.
Mrs. Wm. .Smith of Exeter spent a
few days with her sister, Mrs. A.
'Mr. and Mrs. T.111. Wheeler spent
the week end in Stratford.
Mrs. IR. Snyder is visiting her dau-
ghter Eleanor, of 'Kincardine.
Mr. L. S,millie and friend of Tees -
water spent 'Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Berry.
Mr. 'Eldon Johnston is having a sale
of farm stock and implements on
Manch Sth.• He has leased his farm to
Mr. Hill for a period of years.
Mr. Da. Snyder of Wingham spent
be pleased to know she was able to
leave Clinton ;hos:pital on Monday and
was removed to the home of her son,
Mr. and (Mrs, Frank :Riley. She will
ibe confined to her gybed for some time.
By Rev. Samuel Kerr
Of St. 'Paul's, (Ont. '1100 slides of his
travels in England, Ireland and Scot-
land, including some of the King ansi
Queen when they visited Ireland.
'Under auspices of the joint Young
'People's Society in
First Presbyterian Church
p. art, lEverybOdy cordially 'invited.
!General 'admission lfkc.
M. Stewart, president of the 'Field
Crop Association, at the meeting in
Toronto. With the province divided
into zones the particular p'rdblems
of soil and climate ,corild be studied
by local groups, Representatives 'from
these groups could then 'discuss at, the
general convention the larger prob-
lems of sale and distribution of seed.
It was decided to ask for greater fin-
ancial aid to carry out experimental
work. 'One of the matters demanding
attention is a method of controlling
seed -borne diseases.
Dr. G. P. McuRostie outlines the
crop testing program which had been
proposed a year ago and on which
some progress has ;been made. Based
on soil surveys made in Western On-
tario and the counties between Toron-
to and Kingston a number of zones
have been marked off. Attention has
been given to 'differences a climate
so that some uniformity of conditions
in each zone can he depended 'upon.
The ,corn growing area of Essex and
Kent and the Niagara fruit belt are
striking examples of crops adopted to
certain areas. 'Dr. 'MdRostie thinks
there is a possibility of producing tur-
nip seed in a strip of land 'bordering
on Lake Huron and (Georgian Bay
where conditions are similar to those
in Nova Scotia.
Much dependence has been placed
on the thousands of 'tests .conducted
on small plots throughout 'Onta'rio.
These have indicated in a .general way
the best yielding :varieties. To get
mare accurate data tweenty-,five larg-
er plots were tried .last year by stud-
ents of the Agricultural College. Re-
sults so far have 'been satisfactory and
obtained at moderate cost. There were
also fourteen supervised tests with
fertilizers which cost about $30 each
and w ere 815 per cent. reliable.
AWARDED 76,000
Ran J. 'Watson, of London, was
awarded $6;000 and costs by Mr.
justice 3. McFarland in supreme
court at Stratford Tuesday afternoon,
as damages in a $2210,000 suit brought
as the result of a traffic crash in
Bruce -field last September. Watson
was thrown from his motorcycle by a
car driven by Charles 'Reid of Bruce -
field. when Reid's car bit the motor-
cycle at the intersection. of Highway
4 and the Bayfield road and he suf-
fered loss of his left foot and part of
his Seg.. "I hare no hesitation in find-
ing the accident was caused by gross
negligence on the part of the defend-
ant" Dir. Justice McFarland said.
"and any damages awarded should be
substantial as injuries suffered are
permanent and will prevent the plain-
tiff from taking 'full part in his busi-
ness. Medical evidence is to the ef-
fect that he will probably have to
undergo a. second operation and his
earning power has 'been considerably
lessened." The case was completed
Tuesday afternoon when two de-
fendant's witnesses were heard, 'John
L. McDonald of IGoderich and Don-
ald Eby of Kitchener. In the morning
session witnesses for the plaintiff
were Provincial Traffic Officer Wil-
liam Robinson of Exeter and Clar-
ence E. Loupe of London who was a
passenger on the Watson motarcyele.
E. Johnson. of near Brucefield and
Lorne McKenzie, of near Goderich,
were defendant ' witnesses, The .eviri-
ence of The defendant, 'Charles Reid.
was read into the court when he was
unable to appear due to illness.—
Stratford 'Beacon -Herald.
just 'Round The Farm—
When I go up on the mow. To
pitch feed down for my mulch cow-,
The fragrance of the clover hay,
Bring memories of the summer day,
'When we raked and stored the hay,
For cow feed on a winter day. A -flock
of sparrows on the grass. Sought
larvae and •burgs for a repast. Our
shy, sweet friend, 'the meadow lark,
We love to hear calling Bob White
at dark, From shelter of grass tuft
or thistle. Cheers us with his merry
whistle. to robin red breast perched
on the wall, In ecstasy sings his
madi'grall. Nature then was all atune,
A lovely day near the end of ;June.
Today I have been out in the cold,
Drawing wood and farmer's gold;
Jetst now I got my supper eat, Close
by the stove I soak in 'heat, The
energy of that 'maple wood. To nay
old bones sure 'does feel gond, From
the oven door the Ifl'ow of heat, ''Is
solid comfort to my feet. When I get
warmed up shin 'bone :and thews, I
go and read the Seaforth News, Then
into arty 'bunk I'll slide. And roll up
in nay bison hide, In the warm soft
hair roll my feet, And cuddle down
for a long nig'ht's sleep.—OLD JACK
Field ,Crop Convention
Organization of ,district aasooiatiomu
to .promote the growing o1 better
seed in (Ontario was urged by Alex
Transform your Grain Drill
to a
by attaching a Preston Fer-
A substantial Reduction on
orders up to March lst.
Pay June 1st
136 r 2, Seaforth