HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-02-24, Page 1That %wigwam there,
Held Robin's 'broad; that crumbling
Albove the Porch, marks Phoelye's
casiriping place;
That 'bower was l3abolink',s, that
mossy .cup
Once brimmed with 'wrens, and.
where those twigs enlace,
Still rocks arid tosses like a. hell Chat
The erectile of .departed
--Nests in Winter.
Phone 84.
$1 a year.
Pastry Flour
24 'LBS.
27 oz. tin 15c
3 cakes 17c-1 cake for lc.
PRUNES, Choice, Meaty -
31b. • 25c
PITTED CHERRIES, 2 cans .. 25c
3 tins 25c
Vegetable or Tomato 5 tins 23c
MACARONI, 2 lbs. 13c'
GRAPE FRUIT, 6 for 25c
27 oz. jar ...
Toilet Flush 19c can
SHOE POLISH .....,. 10c per tin
with 3 cakes soap, all for 25c
25c each
Masters Hog Concentrate at $2.60
A. C.Routledge
Phone 166
%hie coal'
PHONE 18 or 43
Y. P. S.
The j'oint meeting of the Young
People's .Society was held on Tues-
day revelling, in the Northside Unit-
ed Church, with ,ehe president, Me.
'John Mills, in the chair. The meeting
was opened by singing byme 1415y
which was .floelowed 'the Lord's
prayer repeated in unison. The scrip-
ture was read by Mies 'Edith Hoag,
and hymn 01811 was sang. Miss Luella
Kahle gave a very interesting topic
on "How To ,Live." During the bus-
iness 'period it as decided that we
'would have Rev. SanMel sKerr of St.
Paul's give an illuserated !lecture on
his travels, through 'England, Ireland,
and Scotland. As it was social night,
several games were ,played, and lunch
was served. The meeting closed by
the ibenediction.
North Side United Church
Res. 'r, A. Carmichael, 'Minister
1,1 a;m., :Morning service.
glir 7 pen:, 'Evening service
SS, at 2:00. •
St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth
Rs:Men, Res, ,R. T. D. Hurford, .DA).
all a.m. Suggestions for .Lent.
7 p.m. 'Prayer.
"rhe Rector will preach at both
40 a.m., Sunday School.
The death occurred On Wednesday,
Feb, 23rd, of a 'highly respected resi-
dent of Seaforth in the person of Mr.
John Halliday, aged 70 years, 7
months. The late Mr. Helliday had
heels in the hospital .since ;November.
The .funeral which is •private will take
place from the :residence of his sis-
ter, Mrs. 13. tj. Elliott, West William
street, on Friday, Feb. 21.5th, at 2:30
p.m. Mr. Halliday was horn in Tack-
ersmith. township, on the Mill road
about a mile west of tEgmonelville,
tile homestead .being opposite the old
Dunmore toll gate. He lived at Fill-
mdre, Sask., for twenty-two years,
returning tn Seaforth about ten years
ago: Mr. Halliday was unmarried. He
is survived by 'one sister, Mac. J. 3.
Elliott, of Seaforth. Two sisters pre-
deceased him.
Martha Sheppard. widow of GeOrge
Dale, died at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. .13. W. Churchill, lOoderich
Township, last Thursday after an ill-
ness of three years. She was in her
B8th ,year wae bore in ,Goderich
TOwnehip sin Only 23, 11550, a tIlaugh-
ter of the late jellies Sheppard and
'Elizabeth AtkinSon, pioneer Huron
county settlers. On September 12,
51576, she married George Dale, who
Predeceased ,her on September 6, 1106,
Site Was a member of the Methodist
church, and lately the United Church.
She was the mother of eight thildren,
ofl whom six are living. They are
Sheppard Dale in 'Hallett, Christoph-
er on the hbinestead, Coderich town-
ship; (Harriet) Mes. 'James ;Barron,
Sea forth ; ((Elizabeth), 2sirs. m
Chesney, Bengali; Daiey) MTS. B.
W. 'Churchill, Goderich TownshiP;
(Violet) Mrs. Byron McGill, Sea -
forth, There also survive 28 grand-
children and el great 'grandchild -
The Pc neral was held' on Saturday
from the home .of her son-in-law, B.
W. Churchill, MO concession, Code -
rich township, Rev. IK. McGann of
St. 'Paul's Church, Clinton, conduct-
ing, the services. interment took 'place
in :Clinton cemetery. The pallbearers
were 'George Campbell, Ernest Dale,
Walter Dale, Walter !Forbes, Benja-
min Churchill, .granelsous, and Byron
McGill, son-in-law.
Mr. and MTS. Joseph Thornton and
son Kenneth Thornton spent the
.week end in 'Waterloo with 'the latter's
parents, sisters and brothers.
Mr. George 'Kistner of Waterl.00,
who has spent a month with his dau-
ghter, Mrs. Thornton ancl other
friends, has returned to his home in
Mr, and Mrs. William 'Boyd spent
Sunday evening with Mr. 'John .Den-
Mr. lElmer Hackvvell ,is in Toronto
on 'business.
Mr. Thomas Hacker -ell and sous,
Elliott and Howard 'and the Misses
Edith ahd Bernice liackwell are visit-
ing in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs...Ross ',McGregor of
ginburn were visiting with Mr. ;slid
Mrs. William Leeming on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming
spent Saturday at Carlingford 'with
the latter's father who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs', Charlie Ivluun 'spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mei.
Joseph Thornton,
INESS sAignes Derides spent the ,week
end with her Parents, ,Mr. and Mese
Miss 'Bessie .Davidson is improving
sloWly after her illness.
Mr Ray Nicholson who has been
working .for Mr: ;John .Creitiete for a
year, is at • 'MaSent4' • ivorking " dear
, We are glad to say MrS.
The 'death .occurred on Saturday,
Feb. 1191h, of Mrs. IRolbert Porterfield,
a highly respected resident of Sea -
forth, in 'her 713rd year atter an illness
of about two months. Formerly 'Miss'
Mary Hood, ,thaughter of the late
William Hood, Mrs; 1Porterfield was
born in 'Clifford. After ,her marriage
to Mr. Porterfield iforty-foor years
ago they resided in Clifford for seven
years and later in Heneall. In 1045
they alloyed to Seaforth. Besides Mr.
Porterfield, two daughters and one
eon survive: Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain
of town; Mrs. 'Gordon Miller, Los
Angeles, Calif., and 'Arthur !Porter-
field, Flint, Mich.; also surviving are
four sisters and four •brothers: Mrs.
Wilitani ijohnston of Clifford; Mrs.
joseph Thompson, iGorrie; Mrs. Dav-
id Wright of Isabella, Man.; Mrs,
Isaac Ntitchell, :Grand Forks, 'N. D,;
'William Hood of 'Clifford; Allae
Hoed, Basswood, Mane Tames 'Hood,
Castor, Atta„ and Andrew Hood,
Rex, Sask.
A private funeral took place on
Monday 'afternoon from the residence,
Market street. The service was .cons
ducted by her pastor, Rev. T. A.
Caemichael of Northside United
Church,, assisted by 'Rev. C. C. Kahle.
Two duets were rendered by Mr.
and Mrs. James Stewart Interment
took place at Clifford, the services
at the graveside being conducted by
.Rey. T. •A. Caeanichael asisisted by
Rev. Mr, Hamperson of Clifford.
The pallbearers were two, brothers-
in-law, Isaac Mitchell, Gland Forks,
ND., and ffeseph Thompson, Gerrie,
and two nephews, William Penman
and William 'Johnston of Clifford,
and Clifford Miller, Staffa, and Frank
Lamont of town. The 'flower bearers
were Neil Gillespie, John Finlayson,
George Seip, 'William Morrison, Chas.
Brodie and It, McAllister l(le ills -
Among those from a distance at-
tending the fatneral were ,Mr. and
.Mrs. Arthur 1Porterfield and daughter
Parkin of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Gordon
Miller of Los 'Angeles, Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Mitchell, Grand
Forks, 1N.D.; Mr. and Mrs, ,joseph
Thompson mid daughter Margaret, of
Gorrie, and from Clifford: Mr. and
Mrs. leVni, Johnston, ,N1r. and Mrs.
Wm. Hood, Airs. Wm. johuston Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. James Porterfield, Mr.
and •Mrs. 'Win. 'Penman; from Staffa,
Mr. 'Clifford Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
James Miller and 'Miss Ada Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. McCerdy.
A meeting of Heron Presbytery
was held at the ;Presbyterian ,Ohurch,
Clinton, On Tuesday with a good at-
tendance. The financial report on the
budget"was given by Rev. D. C. Hill,
of !Exeter, Mr, Weir of Goderich gave
the report of the c'omenittee on EIv-
angelism, 'church life and work, and
several recommendations were
The report on. Home MiSSionS was
taken by Rev, Dr. Barnett of Gode-
rich. Rev, A. M. Boyle Of 'Blyth in-
troduced an overture to the General
ASsembly in connection with the
church budget.
Rev, IG, A. Peddle of Clinton was
appointed Moderator. The retiring
Moderator was Rev. W. LA. Young of
The interim moderator reported
progress with regard to hearing of
calls by Seaforth congregation. Three
ministers have been heard and there
will be two more, Standing commit-
teeswere a9Poineed as idllows:
Horne missions, Dr. Barnett. con-
vener; pensions, Rev. A. M. Boyle,
convener; historical, Rev. W. A,
Young, rifeesall; Mr. McArthur,
Hensel]; Sabbath schools and Y.P.S.,
Rev. Dougeas C. !Hill, Exeter; H.
Strang, iExeter; colleges, Rev. 'Gor-
don A. Peddie, Clinton; Mr. Forrest,
Clinton; evangelism, • :Mr. Weir, Rev,
W. A. 'Young; budget, Rev. D. .3.
Lane, Godepich; 3. G. Mellen, Sea -
forth. The next •meeting of Presby-
tery will 'be held in May.
Fleet 'Presbyterian Cherch, Sea -
forth, was represented at the meeting
by Mr. T. G. Mullen.
The 'Mae Lane ;Auxiliary of North-
side 'United 'Church met Monday ev-
ening, Feb, 141, at the home of Mrs.
Ross Savauge. Miss McNay opened
the meeting with hymn 384, "'What a
Friend 'We Have in Jesus". 'Minutes
accepted as read. Treasurer's report
by MTs. 1Ruseel. Mrs. Moffatt geve a
very interesting temperance rea.ding.
The Supply 'Secretary, Mrs. Lorne
Dale, gave her report on our sewing
for this yeas-. Report of visiting com-
mittee and Mrs. Savauge's report on
Christian Stewardship was then giv-
en. .Mrs. !Gallop, captain of Circle No.
2 then took charge of the social part
of the meeting. Hymn 814 "The Whole
World Its 'Lost in the ,Darkness ,of
Sin," Prayer by Miss Myrtle Carter,
Psalm 91 by Mrs. Alex. Ms:Gavin.
Readings by Miss Wirinte Sevauge.
Solo by ,Edna ,Gallop, The chapter .01
the Stady Book by Miss SaltyWood.
Solo by Dorothy Gallop, The 'meet-
ing 'closed with hymn 012, and the
Mizpah benediction., .A.„ :delightful
lunch was served and thanks tendered
to Mrs, Savauge for the aise of her
Leeming is ,able to the am and around (Previously aeknOwledged ... '$921.26
again after her recent illIness. Junior Women's Institute ... 511101
Mrs, Nell Munn of Brantford has Nies. J. J. '0'13rien . . .. ...... 1.00
been visiting her da,ughter, Mrs. Ed.
The induction of Rev. R, P. D.
Hurford, D,D., as rector of St.
Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth,
took place on Wednesday evening.
The address was given by Rev. F. G.
Lighthourn, of Stratford. The induc-
tion was conducted by Acting Rural
Dean Ree R. McGoim, of Clinton.
Other clergy of Heron deanery were
also present.
On Monday evening a very success-
ful 'bridge and euchre under the ;net-
pices of the .Catholic Women's League
was held at the home of Mrs. D.
O'Neill, Queen's Hotel. The hostess,
assisted by the president, 'lies. F.
Devereaux, received the !ruests.
Eighteen tables were in •play. Honors
at bridge were won by Mrs. Ti. Chap-
man and Mrs. R. :el, Jones and at
euchre by lira. H. Weston and Miss
lis T-Teffernan.
The regular ,meeting of the Alert
;Mission ;Band was held. During the
ab'sence af our president, Janie Mof-
fat, owing to sickness, the meeting
was taken by Mrs. 1Pars.ons. The
meeting was openeni by a short pray-
er given by Mrs. 'Parsons. Hymn 4
was then sung. The minutes end roll
call were taken by the secretary,
.Margeret 1Pethick. Several items of
businese were discussed. LA contest
was started. The choosing' of the
sides 'was left till the end of the meet-
ing. Responsive reading followed
which was taken out of our new little
gospels. Mrs. :Parsons told a very
-lovely and interesting story. Hymn
41414 was sung. The choosing of the
sides followed. The meeting Ives ctos-
ecl by the benediction.
Twenty tables were in play at a
very successful euchre held in St
Thomas' Anglican parish hall on Fri-
day evening ander the auspic.es of
the Ladies' 'Guild. The prize winners
were, ladies, 'Mrs. Stafford Stevenson,
lone hands, Mrs. 'Robert Strong,. con-
solation, Mac 53. Pullman; ments, fR.
:Archibald, lone hands, L. Leyburne,
consolation; /Clive .Conebes; ducky
chair, Mrs. IA. Moore. •
• 'W. L. T. Pts,
EgniondVille .3 01 1 ' 7
Winthrop .. 21 0 6
Rinburn 72 111 '3
Kippen Of 2 4
Lon.d.es'boro ." '31 3
St. ColuMben a 4 a 1
The IKippen 'East W. 1, tint at the
home o'l Mrs. "31'. 11. McLean on
Wednesday afternoon. There •wa$ a
good .attendance of members and sev-
eral visitore. The president opened
the meeting and all repeated the
Lord's prayer after which .several .sel-
ections from the song sheet were
sung. 'Mrs. Wm. Martin .gave tlic
Bible reading .and Mrs. ,Glen McLean
gave a talk on the course in buyinan-
ship. Many 'uses of old paper were
given in answer to the roll call. The
motto, "A winner never quits,” was
given by Mrs. Doig. Mrs. Hugh ilk. -
'Gregor then favored •with two good
readings which were very much en-
joyed. Mrs. A. Hoggarth read a short
paper - on 'Other 'Peace Projects."
Mrs. Wm. Sinclair and Nies. J. Sin-
clair gave as their first number the
Old 'Rugged !Cross and responded
with The Spanish Cavalier. Rev. Mr.
Young gale a very interesting talk
on 41.1e revised couese of study in oar
sehoels. Mrs. Young then sang a ,cau-
pile of solos. This brought the ineet-
ing to a close, and 'while the host-
esses served a ,delicious larch a pan-
try ,00rdest was very much enjoyed,
The next meeting in • March will be
at the liotrie of Mrs. iE. Chappell,
Miss Helen Chandler of the .Colleg-
iate Institute staff of Chatham spent
the week end with her parents, Rev
and Mrs, E. 1F, Chandler at the
,Rev. a ncl Mrs. Chandler en tertain-
ed the .Young People of the congre-
gation on lEriday evening last The
very pleasant evening was spent in
contests and gaines into which each
entered heartily. .A delightful lunch
brought the evening to a close. A
vote of thanks was tethereet the host
and hostess 'by the young people pre-
sent for the very happy time spent
Miss Lanrabelle Wright, who is at-
tending 'Normal at London, spent the
week end at lice home here. She waS
atiCompanied by her friend, 7lisc
Louise M arsh all, a 'so of London.
The annual meeting of St. And-
rew's United Church was 'held in the
schoolroom. The different organiza-
tions showed everything very satis-
tory and a 'balance on hand for the
coming year. The retiring members
of the board of 'stewards were all re-
elected. A vote of thanks was given
to the pastor and his wife, Rev. and
NIrs. It 'F. Chandler, for their cap-
able leadership and a hearty invita-
tion to remain for another year. Rev.
Clumdier accepted the invitation and
thanked the members for their co-
operation d 7riis g th e past year and
Misting that the coming. year would
be one of mech. benefit and happiness
to all.
Mr, alt Mrs. George E. Thomson
and \V 111 A\ ere Stinday guests with
lir. anli Mrs. 'Fred Parsons in Sea -
We are pleesed to he able to report
that Mr. le Rapp wlio has .been for
some time in Clinton Hospital, has
been removed to Inc home and is
slants, regaining his strength. We
hope he will soon be able to be out
The 'ice end snow of the past week
has made our country roads quite
dangerous, but they are improving so
we hope that Spring is not so far
L.0.13.A. EUCHRE
The ;Orange Hall was crowded to
capacity on 'VVecinesday evening when
the L. O. 13. A. held another very
successful oscine. There were 32
'tables playing, Ladies' 'first prize was
on by Mrs. Jack Modeland, tone
hand by Mrs. Free and emssoletion
by Mrs. •Plreest Sox. 1Gent's 'first
prize went to NI r. .Aitcheson: lone
hands to 1,Tolin Strong and consolation
to MT, lack .liodeland. Mrs. Louis
Hoegy was the lucky ticket holder
for the cushion. The revelling. ;closed
with a well .provided hinch and the
singing of 'God Save the King.
The Duncan Cup
Hi the opening gamic of the play-
offs for the Duncan Cup, 411e lowly
Illackhawks Managed to eke. out a tie
with the Redwings, However the
Illackhawks .had the edge of the play
and should have won. In the first
period j'ack 'Fraser opened the scor-
ing for the liaselks. Jimmie South-
gate tallied for the ;Redwings to tie
the score. These were the only coun-
ters of the game. The game was
roiled.' and ready and 'five penalties
were given. Those receiving Penalties
were Brown I(0), Sanith and Fraser.
C. Pinder refereed.
The Nfaroons took the 13eavers in
camp 241.. The 'Bearers opened the
scoring, when Hildebrand tallied. C.
Case, the fast skating centre, then
score.d for Maroons to tie the score.
In the Brid period K. 'Dale scored the
winning goal for Maroons. This also
wa's a rough game with three penal-
ties. Montgomery, Earl and Powell
received the "gate". C. Pinder ref-
The Bruins experienced a humiliat-
ing defeat when the Tigers shellack-
ed them 2-4, Veneta • and Quinlan
were the 'goal getteree There were no
penalties. This win irsured the Tig-
ers of Illst place. 'G. Hildebrand ref-
The Canacliens suffered a trounc-
ing, at the hands of the 'Rangers to
the tune of 9-6. Those who scored for
Rangers .were: !Finnigan ,(2). "Mes-
senger Wigg (20, !Fortune (2),
McIver (1). Those who scored for
Canediens were: Grieve 1(3), 'Neil
(2) and Nigh ,(I). Referee C. Plan.
This winter l'hornas T3.eat tie, a
well known ISeaforth sport enthusiast,
started et minor hockey league.
There are about 215 boys participat-
ing from the ages of S to 10 years.
This is a good Move as it develops
hoekey talent (sally. Most .of the
'boys are already good skaters ,arid
neat stick handlers and the games are
packed with fun. 1For three weeks
now this 'has oCOurred until the teams
are now in the playoffs. Isi Satyr-
day'.s game the ..Midgets trounced the
Cubs 4-0. Goals were scored by -Doig
(3), Ryan (111). There are, stilt two
games.topeay and anything •can
happen,---Obeeld Scott.
Outstanding value
Pc this exclusive
Bridal Wreath
eeetgegatia desist+. Beautifully
ERFECT spteoed
ri ec d with three
oh monds.
The Gift Shop
'PIse.Kinburn Club of Progress
held it meeting on Friday evening. •
February 418, with Oliver Anderson
Presiding: The minutes were read
,and the business transacted. Those
'responsible 'for the Program for the
'next meeting to 'be :held on March 4
are the three trustees, .Mr. LAlvie
Dale, llr. James Dale ansi Mrs. Leo
Stephenson. 'Gladys Coleman Was ap-
pointed editor and Mrs. Harvey Tay-
lor, Mrs. !Robert iGritnoldby sub-
editors for the'K...inburn News. The
following program ,was then enjoyed.
'A recitation by Elwood Clarke; a
'humorous dialogue by the pupils of
'the school; a solo by .Maxioe Mc -
Brien. A splendid debate, resolved
that the automobile does MOTO 'good
than halm, was then given. Isabel
Jamieson and Gladys Coleman took
the affirmative 'and Bill itewitt and
'Mess MCIGTegor the negative. The
judge,' decision wa's in favor of the
affirmative. The jndges: Mrs. Alvin
Dale, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Bill
Dale, 'Following this a solo *as
given by Mac, IRObert Grimoltlby mid
the Kinbinn New was read ,by Verne
Dale. The meeting' closed 'by singing
'God Save the King.
Mr. Russell Shoicilee.and Howard
Querengesser attended the hockey
game at Maple Leaf Gardens in Tor-
onto on Saturday night. Mr. Simi -
dice will spend several days in
We welcome 'Me. 'arid Mrs. Eli Ra -
pen and Laurette to our village.
Mr. Ed. 'Ahrens underwent an op-
eration in Victoria Hospital, London.
We wish him a speedy recovery.
Me Leslie Wietcrson of 'Detroit vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. ,Aug. Hille-
,Quite a number from here attended
the (hockey game in Mitchell Monday
,Mr. and Mrs. !Latham and little son,
and Miss Beattie of London spent
Sunday .with tile former's mother.
Mrs, L. Beattie.
Mr. 'Victor Leeand Miss Gemmel'
of London spent 'Sunday at Mr. 'Geo.
Beattie's, Sr.
St. 'John's 'Church is having a social
evening •nn March 1st. A good pro-
gram will ibe provided. Ltinth will he
The benefit euchre and dance held
in the hall Monday night was largely
attended. The prize •winners were:
Ladies, most games, Mrs. C. Da-
nia:es': lone hands, Mrs. Willson Camp-
bell: men, most 'games, Me. James
1<err; ,Ione hands, lfr. 'Wm. Boyd.
After lunch a few hours .were spent
ie dancing.
!Me. and Mrs. "Fox of :Dtleand, Mich-
igan, are visiting 'friends 'and relatives.
Mrs. Fox was formerly Miss Edith
Dol ma,ge.
'Don't forget the euchre and dance
this Friday nigh t.
The Helping Hand mission band
met on .February 110711 in the base-
ment , of the church. The President,
Olive ;Puce, dresided. The meeting
opened by singing hymn '613. The
worship theme was Being Neighbor-
ly. 'Minute:4 of previous ineetiog were
adopted.' Roll ;cat was answered by
a fwvorite sport. Tbe worship story, a
Good 'S'amaritan, was .read by Phyllis
Catlin!. The mission hand 'purpose
was repeated. T'he .worship period was
taken ,by ,Mrs. Church and the scrip-
ture reading 'b'y iGeorge Pethick.
Ply,nin. 3199 was sung followed by
• prayer Lliy ',Ruth Pethiele. The -offer-
ing, letia received and the offertory '
prayer repeated. The study period
wa)s 'taken by Mrs. Toll. .Hyran 6414
was sung followed .bV all repeating
the Lprd's prayer. The 'junior slyest&
ers played a few games .and distrib-
uted valentines, after which 'Much
was served.