HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-02-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 19 8' HENSALL Anothee game in the Cyelone hock- ey. •aeries was played 'here on Friday evening between the Flying Dutch- men of 'Zurich arid the Hensall Tom Cats. Zurich won 5 to '4. The lecture ;given in the ,townhen on Friday evening under elle auspices of the Heesall Pii1i Library Beard -by Dr, W. E. 'Ternblya of the 'West- ern University, Staff, London, was only 'fairly well attended. The subject, Humor, .Ettglish, Scotch and Irish, was well handled by Dr. Tansblyn, and was greatly enjoyed by an ap- preciative audien-ce. Mr. 'Campbell was in Toronto •on 'Friday 'where he gave an address to the• veterinary surgeons Of Ontario, Who were holding a convention that city. Mr. Reuben Dennom'e, who has been assisting in loyert's stores -here for several yeare, has resigned and 'has :left for Windsor. where he has secured a good position. iNtr. Arthur IParkins, C.N.'R. section foreman bete, spent elle week end with his fatnily at Dentield. Alt. John MelEwen of the 'Peace River dietrict, Alberta, is spending a few -weeks here visiting his sisters, the Misses AleFewen, on the Zinich 'Road. just west of Hensall. 1/r. Samuel Coulter of Toledo, Ohio, accompanied 'by his •wife and daughter, were recent visitors here with the dector'e father, Air. john Coultee, w'ho has been quite poorly for some time. 'lite congregation of the lfeneall United Clinreh held their annual meeting in the church -on Monday everting. In spite of the cold and -dangerous condition of the roads, them was a splendid attendanee. The pastor, Rev, ;Arther Sinclair, was chairman of Ow meeting. 'Phe choir leader, ele. W. 0, Goodwin, lead the gatheeing in song and two solos were given hy .\l is Oladys Luker and Mr. Sam •Rennie. The bueinese meeting. then followed, and the anneuncement of the reeignation of Ale .4. W. Ii. 11.emphill as secretary was made. Mr. Sinclair expressed his deep regret and thanked ,Ale. Hemphill for his very long and able eervice in the past. Mr. W. 0. 'Goodwin wee appointed(' secre- tary and proceeded with hie duties, Reading the minutes '4 Me last ((15 5(1(1 and the auditor,' report. Mr. theVedale gave the tretreurer'e report, which 'Slowed a very eatiefactor,) ',M- ance on hand. Air. C. Slone gave the Y..P.S. report which also showed a nice balance. 'De cemetery report Showed a bahowe on hand. The Sun.. (lay school report was given by Dr. Serfillie. with e ,balance on hand. `He also euggeeted that the ,Ionation made 'by Alies Jeseie Moir he used 1st improve the Sunday School. The Wo- men's tAeeociati(t0 report w a, givea by Mrs. Hen -whin. and was cry eat- isfaetory. -showing a ens' 'balance on hand. The mission !hand report stated a good stnn had hetet eent to the treaquer. "The 'W. ALS. report was given by Alre. C. Cook and S41XISItO wee raised by that society. The ses- sion report was given by Mr. 11. lbw - Ion. It showed a net gam of 36 mem- bers during the year. Air. Horton eaid that the paettir had put Hensall on the map by lending two Toting men into the ministry. The follewine. were appointed to the property commit- tee, C. Cook, Time. Jas SInil- 10 the leeted of etewarelds, Hess, 1.. Aliokle. 11. Horton and K. Hicke; to the 19,440n. C. Cook and 4V. 'B. Cross An offering WiLA taken up for the Y.P.A. who providedd a solendid hue& Mr. 'Ian !Fn.:dile on behalf of the YeleA„ expressed their thanks, '111d 1 Mr. Sinelai•r for hi$ great help for the past year. In con- clueion Mr. Sinclair thanked the Of - firers and members of the varions or- ganization, for Vilely splendid loyalty and support throttglinut the ('ear. Mr. toed Airs. I), Thomas of Al- toona, Penn. ,ar, visiting here, the guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mr. J., W. 'Ortwein. 'fr. Harold Elder of 'Hamilton is visiting here with 161 parent:, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Elder. MiSA Nellie Ere of Milt ert1l11 s0111 The week end m the home of her par- ents. Mr. and MTS. Ce0. Fee. Mies Myrna Hodson of London viSited over the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mr'.. C. S. Hudson. Mr, Thos. Parkner is ..erionsly ill at his home here. Mr. John Mitchell has returned from St. 'Joseph's Hospital, London, where he was taking treatmeets Airs. .-41bert 'Bowen has reunited af- ter spending several %woke visiting Kitchener reladyes. Ales. Leslie laight and little daugh- ter, Arline. of Kitchener. a ore visiting relatives here and at the Beach -o - !Pines over the week end. Mr. Harold IHiggine was visiting relatives at Crand Bend nn Saturday, Aries Hattie Sutherland has been confined to her room for several days through illness. Mr. Frank Skelton o•f St. Alarye was calling on friends in town on (Mon day. ver. Alex. Filshie, who is attending the University of Toronto, spent the week end here with his parente, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Filshie. )Jr. Harry Cook of Toronto epent the week end at his home here. The bingo and dance ;put on in the town hall on We.dneeday evening last under the atespices of the Hensel] Members -of the Exeter Legion, was well attended. Some vatinable prizes were given. The Denome orchestra of •Zetricb were unable to be 'present ow- ing to the bad condition Of the read.s PO a Hensall orcheetra, David Xyle, Ed. Little, Pre•d Beer and M.el Moir supplied the musk. The Hay Market Demand! Hay is in fair demand and there is some prospect for exporting second cot alfalfa hay to the (United States. Supply: Albout 815 per ,cent of the crop is stili in 'farmers' bands. Tim- othy No, il timothy mixtures and alf- alfa are much' above requirements in 010St CtiOrietS. VARNA 'he •United Ohnrch 'Sunday .Sehool held ,its annual Meeting on 'Thursday last. Good reports were given by late treasurer. The following teachers and 'officers were ;elected: Superintendent, Fred McClyment; secretary, 'Arnold Rablewell; assist. secretary, 'Gordon Horner, 'Ivan Stephenson; treas., Wm. Stephenson; asst. treas., Wm. ,McAshe Organists --Marjorie Reth(weell, Relent Stephenson, ` 'Floyd MCA:sh, Anna Reid; missionary supt., A•frs. Peters: temperance supt., Geo. Clarke; cradle eon sulpt„ Mrs. Geo, Reid. Sr. Bible Class, 'Fred iApiplelby, Mrs. Peters, Mos. R. Stephenson. 'jr. Bible' 'Class, Bertha Diehl, Mrs. S. Keyes. Boys' class, Airs F. 'Reid, Sherlock Is:eyest Jr. -Girls' class, Marjrnie Rath - well, 'Jolene Steph e n son . Pni mary boys. "Mrs; McCiyment, Mrs, C. John- ston. Primary 'gills, dentate johneton, sMrs. W. Stephenson. The, Varna Library Board helcl their .antral meeting in the Library on Saturday evening last and. the 'follow- ing hotted was elected for 1936: Fred Watson, Ben -Rathwell, Fred Ale- Olymont, :Mrs. -Stack, MT.S. AL El- liott, Airs. G. Beatty, Mrs, O. Dow. '((1, Alre. "Mosso)) Council net in the hall 011 Tuesday vitt, a ,full attendance. The many friends of Afr. John Rath well will be irleased 10 1010W that he is able to 1110Ve whom the room with the aid of a small table (wt cas- tors, Miss E. ill'atty F.I1Cilt a few days with her 'sisters in London. Mrs, AlcConnell left last week to speed eome time in 'Florida. Mr, NE 'Elliott made a shipment Of live ;took to Toronto 00 Saturday, DUBLIN A pleasant event took place' Satur- day evening at the home of Mr. and Aire. Frank Smith when a manlier of ladies gave Mrs. William Sulill 1 for - 111e1'1.). Olive Harper) a recent bride, a miscellaneous ehower. An address wae read thy Mrs. Michael Nagle, While Anse Alary 'Beale played the wedding march. .4ngela 'Rowland and Marie 'Nagle, (tressed as fairies. car- ried in a 'basket trimmed with pink and white, laden with gifts, and pre - seated it to the bride. IProgreesive euchre was played. Mrs. 'Wm, Cur- tin wen the prize during the evening. Al -re. eleorge ,E•rawford sang three eolos. Patrick McConnell vieited Mr. and Airs. Dave McCennell. Mr. and Aire. Jame, Hanley and son 'Jimmie (tf Toronto visited sI r, and .\1r.. \V. J. rraffleY. sl 1.11,- Marie Kranskopf and Mary Flanagan were in Toronto, ,l is', Therein 1)elane1 of 1.ioderich as a week -end visitor at the home ,Of Nis. and NI rs. 'J antes Delaney. Funeral of •Norman Dillon— On Tuesday morning the funeral of Norman II/Ilion was held at St. Pat- rick". Church, High' 'Afass WaS Sling i)y Rev. Dr, difirtillees. Deepite the etul weather a large crowd attmuled, showing their respect to one who -was toted by all in life. He. leaves to utettrit In. Ines his age(' mother tutd live brothers and sisters. The pall - 'water. were Ferg Doran, 'Harvey Dtintzer. Ilzerte '<elle., Matt Mueray, I lerbert aml Thomas :Purcell, Air. and Airs. Joemili leo:eland end r.. J. Rowland attended the funeral f :Edward Rowland, heel nt Bruseels t St Meth. Church, On Tuesday evening at St. Pat - tick', hall the young ladle,' Sodality held a progreseirt- euchre party. 'Prizes were won hy Miss Nlary 1101- yneaux and Joseph Jordan. A dainty 'lunch was served .hy the girls. Alr. Ratters is wearing a enti(le. (It's a girl. Breeding Troubles Following long winters with deep snow, as this 01(1 ler promises to he, a great deal of trolible 1. neually experi- n Ced with hairlessness it) young: Plug. goitre 'in calves and Iambs, and joint 111 in foals. It is suggested that these troubles, may be traced to a lack 01 iodine in the thyroid -gland . of Me pregnant female, and tosses 0i3m this eatese mey he avoided by feeding io- dine, the form -of potassium iodide. 1, 11ts'.itu-siodide has a generally etimulating effeet, toning up the whole eystem, and exerts a particularly Orong influence on the generative or- gans. Females which are apparently. nen-hreeders 'sill often become preg- nant after this Cin0g ilaS been admin- istered for a few menethe. For -cows, diesolee two minces of .potassiunt iodide in a :cup of warm .151er: sprinkle this solution over 1100 pounds ,of salt spread :evenly and in a leyer on a clean !floor, and mix well. When fhe salt is dry, ;piece it in 't hos where the animals have 'free ac- cess to it. For ewes, follow the same method as far ;cows. For sows, .disscil.ve one ounce of po- tassioin iodide in .5 ctep of wars, Wat- er, and mix -one tablespoon per 'sow daily in the feed or drinking waiter. For mares, give each mare a 'half a teaspoonful •of pletassion, iodide in the feed grain or water on the !first and fifteenth of each month, TOWN TOPIC TWENTY-FiVE YEARS AGO There was some talk of Mrs, J. S. Roberts' bowie being broken into, but we are :pleased to say the report 'wag Rockefeller's 'share of the dividends declared On Monday by the Standard 1011 Co. was a paltry 11110,099,10010100A—Mise Mills, Woodstock, and Miss Grace Suther- land, Hamilton, were in town on Tusday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Dumeders—Mr, ,Ed. Daley has exchanged his cottage on Centre St. for Mr. Edge's house on Wilson St. at present occupied by Mr. 'Chas. Stewart. Both houses arenew and very complete,—We have met asked elle (Bear if he saw his shadow last Sunday, but we imagine he would have no trotebee in doing so.. Let's turn up OUT coat collars for another six weeks of it, boys.—Mrs. L. L. NI cTiaul returned to town on Mon -day.. Mrs. McFall] wee spending the win- ter -with her cion; Dr. McFall'', Toron- to, whe,n her house here was entered and considerable staff stolen, We learn the 'burglars hailed from Brus- sels .antl have been arrested.—Miss Mildred Johnston 'has rented one of Mr. M. William's stores rand intends (Tiling upa parlor there I • this spring. Death of 0,01111er Settiorthite :\ Ir. F. H. B. Cn 11, division freight tusent, at Detroit, mad formerly a resi- (lent of Seaforth, -died in that city, 041 Friday. \l r, Coll was only 49 years tdd, 29 years of his life having been spene with the freight traffic depart - 111511 of the Wabash railroad. Mr. Cull will he remembered 'by pinny Seaford, ,people, having lived here at one time, and owned the property now posseseed by Mr. Alex Camino, H igh street. Discovered In Time On Thursday night about 9:30 o'clock fire was discovered in Ever - ('ti'' 'butcher ehop, and only -for the prompt action -of the ,firemen, it 'might have resulted more disastrouele'• Mr. and 'Mrs. Tin NI centoeh, who have rooms above the botcher shop , covered the :fire first. Social Event: An "At Home" that hes been look- ed forward to •wilh a great deal (tf pleasure was given by Mr. toed Ales, O. ;Neil in Caee's hall 00 Tuesday emning.--A very happy event took place in the Rebekah Lodge room. Monday evening, 1' 11011 an address and pre(entation were made to Mr. and MN, W. H. Colding—The mili- tary elit'llte parte, given by Mrs. J. W.- Livingstone Thureday evening wee a decided success, the only lie in the ointment" being the victory of the anesians, despite the frantic ef- forts of Scotland to win the day, Miss !Grace Stephens and Mrs. L. T. De - Lacey aeeisted Mrs. Livingstone,— Mr, and Mrs. C. 'Aberhart were "at home" Friday night to a number of their lady and gentleman friends, when a 1110,4 enjoyable evening was spent. Aire, Aberhart 51(15 assisted hy Al PAS 161CW of -Clinton and Mrs, J. J. Chili', Seaforth.---Alrs, Jas. Dever - :nue was "al Mune to her many friends Monday afternoon in honor 01 her eister-in-law, Airs. 1', Edward Len non, 61 Calgary. .kAtempled dRobb•ery Quite a daring robbery was at- tempted at 2 o'clock 'Friday morning in the post office at Crediton, but WaS frustrated by thg fusilade of shote fir- ed at the :burglars by the banker,: in adjoining building. The burglars, three in number, exploded *four chargee in their attempt, hot by the time they had gained access, they had also aroused the neighborhood and were compelled. to 'decamp without obtaining any booty. They are sup - (trisect to be the same gang who oper- ated in Bressels it few nights ago. Feed a Balanced Ration 11 tltere 14 one thing more than any other the importance of whieli is stressed in hog feeding, it is that grains alone are not enough to make good hogs, and that for the produc- tion of select bacon type hogs it is lin- portant that a balanced ration be fed, In many parts of 'Canada, particu- larly •throughout the ,Prairie Provin- ces, there is an abundance of •eheap strain teecls which as they stand are unmarketable, bet when fed to lire stock quite -attractive prices can be realized, Where :grains atone are fed the live stock 'product is eeldom 5111.15 - factory and :to get worthwhile results a protein ettp,plernent must he includ- ed to •belance the 'ration. Skin) niilk or bubtormillt in somc form is The ideal !protein supplement in hog feeding.. These, 'however, are r not always a vailahle ,but because these are not available is no ;reason why other equally good forms of >re- tell, -supplement should not be used. A very Inc type of pork 0511 1130 ipro- duced thnough ,feecliiig tankage, a 'by- product of the peeking intlitstry. This provides an ,animail ,protein sappile- rnent ideal 'for hog feeding, and et the oresent 'time this can be obtained es- eentially a•t cost CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Of 'Farm Stock, Implements; Grain and Household Effectg, Alt Dot '49, Con. 2, Tockerstnit(h 5 miles east of Clinton (oppos- ite 'runner's Church) on Thursday, Felb. 10Ith at 11 o'clock sharp. No reserve as proprietor is in fail- ing health. Terents eash. lolin T. Merton, Prop,; Geo. 1-1 Elliott, Auctioneer. COMMUNITY SALE !Every Wednesday' at 1Queen's -Ho- tel 'Barns, Seaforth, .INext. sale Wed- nesday, Feb, 9th, , Sole was red good this week, 11010 pigs were edidat good prices. This week we leave .1 fresh cow, it springer. cow; suckere and -chunks, am in 'de- mand, also some.. Choice .stookei cat- tle. There is a market for a few work horses so please 'bring them in. Please bring in 'your .pigs, cattle, etc„ as tl't can't get 0111 .10 see you 'as the roads are bad. There wile be some imple- ments. Terms 'cash. For information phone the Queens hotel or Harold Dale, phone 11149, Seaforth, Auctioneer; Jos. j. Coyne, Manager. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the (Estate of Susan Senita, late of the Village of Walton, in The ColInt1' of Huron, Widow, who died On or about the eighteenth ,day .of November, A.D. 119217. Take Notice that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of seine to the underSigned Solicitor on or before the 111701 'clay of February, A.D, 1938, upon which date the undersign- ed administrators will procee•d to dis- tribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then leave received notice. Dated at Seaforth this 221,d day of January, A.D. 19138, AIDIAM SHOT -DACE 4V'1L 1-1 NI He 1 MIPHR I ES Admin let 'tato rs. 135 their Solicitor. Omer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont, TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Pre= Payment Receipts For 1938 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31%38 on all pre- paid 1938 taxes, Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. The Use of Potash It is the light. sandy and gravelly soils and muck soils that as a sole are markedly deficient ill potash, and on which profitable returns may be ex- pected t' rom the alpplication of this ele- ment The rate of application will, of course, depend 011 a number of fac- tors, chief among which are th•e Gbar- acter and fertility of the soil and the naeure of the crops to be :grown. For most grain crops an ,anylication of mitriate of p:otatth of 510 to 0'5 -pounds per acre will be found sufficient. For clover and alfalfa eheee arnotinte might lbe 'doubled with profit For po- tatoes, roots, corn and leafy crops generally, 1100 lbs. •of muriate of pot- ash per acre may be profitably used. As a rule it will be found more ad- vantageous to use potash with •form•s of ntrogen and phosphoric acid than alone and it is always advisable to :try out the fertilizer on a small reale be- fore making la,rge purchases. , The poultrymen with proper equip- ment can handle 'chicks in mid -winter with as little mortality as with April chicks. He may not get as high per- centage hatch as latter on, but evda the hatch-aibility of eggs is being control- led by the feed. January chicks will cost more as eggs are 'higher priced to start with. Then it will take more fuel than with spring brooding. 13.0 there is more time ,for ecneking after the chicks; there may be less disease and mortality; broilers will catch a high market, and -pullets should Ibe laying early in the fall oe even in late ..stemmer when egg prices are at their peak! Of 'course, if enany started hatch,ing all their ch•icks in January the higher prices for .broilers and eggs would be :wiped met, and chicks hatch- ed at some other season .would find She best .nearket. Brooder !houses un- suited for prolonged zero 'weather and the 1.tigher price ,for chicks will limit the number going in for January chicks, Nevertheless there sth•ould be good treturns for the few who do, and they can Prolong the use of their equipment, .ws 'these Who have another ,batch in the spring so as to have ,pttl-' lets earning into Production at .differ- ent season. ' Want and 'For Sale ads, 3 wks, 5131 SATURDAY' SPECIAL CASH ONLY (New Life Cattle Mineral per cwt. 2.95 New Life Hog Concentrate per cwt. ..... . ,,3.00 Royal 'purple Poultry Con- centrate, pe'r cwt 425 Royal Purple Hog Con- centrate, per cwt.. 3 75 New Life Laying M'esh per cwt 2.60 King Edward Flour, cwt3.69 Prairie Rose Flour, cwt., ..3,79 • Manning Chocolate Biscuits 2 pounds 25c Pot Barley, 5 pounds 25c Corn Meal, 5 pounds 25c Red Rose Tea, pound .,55c Lipton's Tea, pound' 59c Salada Tea, pound .... • 59c P. & G. Soap, 5 cakes.......19c ' Pearl White, 5 cakes 19c Surprise Soap, 5 cakes 19c SOFINEID,ER'S BUTTER. lb . , 33c' W J. Finnigan ELMER D. BLL, Successor to Sohn H Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario CARD OF THANKS William Slavin and family WiSil to •extend sincere thanks to .their many friends and neighbors for 'assistance and sympathy; also those who assist- ed in opening thc roads, •cluring 'their recent sad .bereaVement in . the loss of their only ,sister, . CARD OF THANKS. Tlhe family of the late Thomas Smale wiah to thank their friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness and sympathy shown in their ruCent bereavem 11 1, taso for the beau tifo! dowers 'and the loan of cars. CARD OF THANKS Ales, Edward Rowland anti family wish to extend their sincere thanks to erienclstargl neighbors for the many acts of sympathy ancl kindness, to those who sent .11ass cards 'and flow- ers, and to the iPlowmen's 'Assoen. NOTICE A meeting of the fUE.O., :known es the South Huron Co-operative, will be 'held at H•ensall town hall on Veh- ru•ary .1.2111, 119318, at two o'clock, to settle some verY important husiness, those who shipped live St001i in the vast are urged to be ,present. We need yciii.—By order of the linand. FARM FOR SALE • 1100 acres of good !land on /No. 8 Highway, 2 miles wcst oF Seaforth, good buildings. 116 acres wheat in and 30 acres -fall -Mowed, Cheap and on sasy terms. LAmply to 'Roy Lawson. R:R. 2, Seaforth. EXPERIENCED FARMHAND Wants •work by month or year, Phone, Seaford) (03111-2. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court ,Cau t0y of Huron 011150 111 th e Dominion Bank Build in, Sea:forth, 0 ffirr hours :— Tueeday, Thursday rind Saturday 11210 p.m. to 15 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:139 p, m, to 9 I). m. PROPERTY FOR SALE 0 A desirable property on Main St, Egmondvillc, consisting of seven 1000 frame house with hard and soft' water aad hydro, half an acre af land, and stable and hen house. Possession Nov. 20511, Corner lot. Apply at The News office. . FAR1VI FOR SALE Lot AP, Con, 7, 'rue1ceret-6t4i, 1100 acres. On this farm, a comforea•ble frame dwelling, hunk barn with ve- ment stabling, well :drained, situated 314 milee -south of Seaforth on Kip - pen ilRenul, 1 5 miles from school. Will 'be sold on easy .terms. If not sold by ,Nd'arclh Illst will he rented. Ro- land Kennedy, Segont.h, FOR SALE 1 circular saw, complete; 2 cutters, Prortlated and one cheap -cuttere one root puipme 1 feed cooker, used a Short time, will ileure 'woad or cowl. W. 'E. Butt, phone 41 on 9/1, Hensall. HOUSE FOR SALE The dwelling of the late Isabel Broadfoot, having garden anti ham at the rear which will accommodate two cars. :Apply Elmer D. Bell, Sea- • forth. .5 FARM FOR 'SALE i1100 acre farni with ,good spring creel( and buele Priced eight , For quick sale. Aoply to 'Phe Setif -mat Nemrs. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given , E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth Phone w PROPOSITION before you decide Our reputation for quality and service insures a ready market for used radio sets. We can allow you top prices for your old set on the purchase of a new 1938 Westinghouse. Before you make a trade, come in and get our proposition. See the NEW 1938 estinghouse The finest radio we have ever offered . . . sensational advancements including spe- cial Armchair Model illustrat- ed, also the newest Automatic Tuning Models with Auto- matic Frequency Control, Atlas of the Air Dial, Remote Control and countless other advanced features, $10. DOWN Von can own a Westinghouse Radio for as little as $10 down and its a niontb,' with liberal' allowance far your old set. John Bach Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 17