HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-02-03, Page 1Isyour place a"small •place?
Tend it with,aabel'
He set you there,
Is your place a sna'lll'place?
Guard it with cake!
a or.
Heset you there.
IVbtate'er your place, it is
Not yours alone, but His
'Who set you there.
--,Jahn 'Oxen ha,n.
WHOLE "S'ERIES,. VOL, 60, No, 5,'
Phone 84,
$4 a year.
�:, nCIrI SAlUAD0Y5 qN0 34'NDgYt
10c 24e 73c
Tornato Sauce 15c tin
10c per tin
PASTRY FLOUR, 24 1bt. 69c
PRUNES, 3 lbs. 25c
2 lbs. 25c
COLEMAN •LARD, 2'1b . 25c
2 cans 25c
FLOUR 18c pack
1 box Ritmo all for 25c
1 Infant's Delight for 21c
10c pack
cows milk , , .... , .. 22e per gal,
A. C. Routledge
Phone 166
E. L. B O X P43
North Side United Church
iRev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister
:111 a.m., Morning service,
7 p.m„ !Evening service
S.S. at 2:31.
itt. Thomas' Church, Seaforth
Rev: R. P. 1), Hurford, D.D„ Rector.
p.m.,—"Polite Ways of .Saying.
That God Does Not Matter."
Sunday School. 1t0 am.
The ,Rector will preach 'at •borl, ser-
The 'J bnua'ry meeting of the \\'o-
inen's Auxiliary • of St. i'hnnias'
church was held Tuesday at the resi-
dence of .Mrs, Holmes. The viceI ,ic.
Bidet t was in charge and 117, including
two new :tena!bers, answered the roll
call. The meeting .openod •with the
auxiliary hymn, after which Mrs,
(Mirfnrd read the Scripture lesson,
the members joining in prayer and
litany. When routine business was
completed the members appointed
and 'welcomed their new president,
Mrs. Hurford. After the dedication
of the offertory, the meeting was
dosed with the benediction, This will
followed thy a Guild meeting when
refreshments were ;served and an en-
joyable :hour wPa's spent. ' ' '
Total ainotint on deposit at end of
December, 1937, in the IPenny Bank
dm Seaforth schools was $1,2179.83.
Comparative 'figures of 'a year ago:
W. 1.
The Gunnar Women's Institute Will
meet at the (tome of •Miss iiosephine
Edge am Monday, 'Feb. 1114th: at 2:30.
The roll tall to be answered by
'What 1 •can deo tohelP Insti-
.ins i
tute." The topic on 'Books I 'have
enjoyed reading" ,vtll be taken b,
'Mrs, Paul D'aig.
Mr. (Clifford tCartnie'h.ae'i received` <t
'Christmas card this week froth
zibar, Africa, The card' had 'been post-
ed. on .Dec. 21st and had,'travelled for
more than a rands to ,reach ;Seaforth,
'Greeting cards from all over the
world have !been arriving at the Stamp
•Co:'lectors Eechange !Club headiquar-
ttens ever since'rC•haisitnias. '
A Meeting Of' the !Public 'Scltiool
Board was held• on ..Tuesday 'evening
When the recoinmenidations of the
engineer sent by the 'Department of
Education were considered, Na im-
mediate repairs were .addised. A num-
ber of alterations and' repairs were
suggested which the Board proposes
in consider at a meeting in the' near
Blind Hensall 'Girl Is a Talented Musician
Miss !Greta Laramie, talented H'en'sall young .wlom;aat, 'seated • .at
the piano in,her house, in a;photograph taken by The News.
A gifted artist an 'the piano, the
violin, and guitar, as well as an ac-
oomplisbed vocal .soloist is Miss Greta
Lanvnie who lives. at Hennal'1 with
her :mother, .\Irs. William 'Laramie.
31iss Laramie is a graduate of the
Ontario School for the Blind. •;\iter
graduation Mise Laramie, together
with two inter young lady graduates.
Hiss Kathryn Sells, of i ondott. ' and
the date \lits Gladys Slay of Sarnia,
formed the Sunbeam Concert 'Trio
and gave many concerts throughout
Western On before \\'ouun's
Institutes, lodges, dud:,., church or-
ganization and so 'forth. :Miss Lam -
mit, has a collection of press clip-
pings which attest to time popularity
al the S'un'beam Trio over a period of
several years. About 111939 when the
depression came, engagement; 'be-
catne scarcer. '3liss Sells is now em-
ployed With a large life insurance
firth in London as a slictap'hone sten-
og'rap'her. Miss l;tuntfie explained
that there, are only a very few Sons
in Canada who have catch 6nll time
work for typewriting from dictap'ho.ne
records, The other member of the
'trio, Miss Slay, passed away in Sep-
tember, 1196311, !fo:llowitng an operation
kr a ''brain tumor. She had .been giv-
ing instruction to private pupils in the
Windsor ciistnict and this work is be-
ing continued by K reta's titter, Miss
.a•n,' 'l.anrmie, w'ho is also blind.
Miss Lan ntie'.s activities include
being argaatist at St. Paul's 'Anglican
Church at one service and singling :in
the United Church choir at the other
sertticc on Sunday. Besides tbeing in
the nmsica1 part of a great many pro-
grams of the young people's and oth-
er church societies, Miss L'amurie hie
been very 'successful as a music tea-
cher. Most of the music slie demons by
heart. and if a pupil is playing a new
piece Miss Lammtie can follow the
notes with •her lingers on •her music
in the Braille system. bliss Lanunie
demonstrated the difference .between
Brame and iNew York point systems,
the latter 'having only two vertical
embossed dots on the paper ,sheet in-
stead of three. Braille is the universal
system lits Laramie said She Show-
ed lio% she mites 10 friends; a sheet
of 'heavy paper is set in a 'frame; an-
other frame with row's of small holes
is set• fn position over The sheet, and
the letters of the alphabet ,formed 'by
punching various Combinations of
dots with a special atwi.
"Wiroe,i %'e mail a better we always
tear open the ends of the envelope
and send the sheet tolled instead of
Rat, .\•Diss Lantmie said, 'Phis pro-
tects •the raised dots from being flat-
tened out in the mails, /Asked if she
addressed the envelopes in ordinary
writing, - \''isms Lantmie smiled, "My
letters always seem to reach the right
place, so 1 guess they are able to
read the writing."
Blind) pupils are taught 'how to
write block letters by 'feeling the out-
line of the various letters grooved in
st hoard. 1 -.earning -long hand was
more difficult, she said. Mrs. 1La,n-
mie is also a grathtato of th'e School
for the 13litt',d and doe's ,marvellous
knitting and needlework.
'descri'ption :1 'the Sunbeam Con-
cert 'Trio, whic'I, we quote from one
of Miss 1..aun tic's newspaper dip.
pings, gives something of the feelings
one has on glee ting this talented
v on trg AN. oman;
'Apart from the excellence of in
divirlun'1 talent there is a unity of
spirit in the ensemble lar .more
beautiful and satisfying than, mere
multiplication ,could produce of , it-
self. '''We enjoy our* work so
much!" That is the secret, and that
is why the audience enjoyed the
playing and tinging of the San -
'beam Concert Trio, so htch:
Watching them at work on the
platform you ,forget their affliction.
They look so happy, and are so
graceful a •nal ,confident in bearing
that many sighted artists of some
renoism ,night take a ;lesson 'frons
them in these -details with advan-
tage to themselves. But there is a
sweet intensity in all the music
they stake that very 'few sighted
magic makers ever achieve, Impos-
sible to describe this beautiful qua-
lity in words. 1P'lay your piano in
the dark, sing in •the dark, shut
your eyes When you listen closely
to music you, lo-vc. Blot out every
distraction of sight and movement
about you and concentrate an tone
and rhythm. Then your -music will
be like this the Sunbeam Trio
I itch v
, t begin Un-
in to ar
that something deeper
than mere sentimental pity for the
sightless is due—not to them but
to yourse'ff, we ,can see •the blessed.
stin and the fates' of those you love.
Far their nta,sie is a !kingdom of
beauty undivided. Ours is a botch-
- notch 04 sound and sight, and we
e1onS't know which is which half the
Palmerson held their annual bon -
spiel on U'on'tlay. ,.'bout 315 ,rinks were
in competition. Seaforth 'w'as repre-
sented by one rink which cense
through witinout a loss. The-pesison-•
nel of the rink: James A •Stewart
(dead), R. 11, 31c11eazie l(tsaco'n'd), R.
E. Bright (vice), IR. 'J. Witter 1(skip),
Y. P. S,
The regular meeting the )(nut
r'reslb terian and 'United •Church
Vomig (Peoples. Societies took place•
in the Northside United :Church on
Tuesday evening, with the president,
VIr. John Mills, in the che,i•r. After
singing hymn 717, the ,Lore's 1Prayer,
was repeated )n 'unison, followed by
reading the 2131rd'Psa'lm. 'rhe !business
of the meeting was then :discussed.
Mr, Sam Scott was .elected ,cl'evoti•onall
convener, and 1Mti'ss (Ethel Storey,,
press reporter. Mr. 'Mills theta !gave a
very , interesting table on his. . trip
cobrth. The meeting was .closed, lil3r.
singing 'Blest he the tie 'that ,binds,'
fo'll'owed by the ,bened'ictnon. .
DSsi'' you :rear the health talk. over
the 'radio 'the other night?, %viten one
of our leading child specialists 'said
that milk was the most essential food
:for the growing child, just one of the
reasons rwdhy the Lions' 1Ii1•k Fluid
was started, to try 'and provide
enough extra .milk to give every child
in ,Seaforth at least a pint of milk a
day. We meed your support to carry
out this dblject,
Yoursu'b'scription will be gladly re-
ceived at the !Provincial Lank, flank
of Commerce, :Dominion Bank, lix-
positot •OFfice or Netts '0'ufice, and
acknowledged through these columns.
'Previously 'acknowledged ..S52,0d
:` Friend • 2,00
Mrs. J. A. 3lunn 1.50
A Lion 2.00
Ree.' J D. 2,00•:
A Lion ... 1.00
Gold !Dust '''wins .5:0
E. C. C. 1.00
Lions' Skating Carnival , , 411.711
The inattgura)I meeting of the Sea -
forth Collegiate. board was held
rhmsda> eventing, Jan. 27th. in the of-
fice Of M. A. Re.icl.
The' follotviasg officials and cone-
mittees were appointed:
Cdaairman, J. F. •Dla!ly sec.-treas.,
M. A. 'Reid; supply committee, Hy
Stewart, William Stack, 1J. F. Daly
and Dr. 'E. 1A, McMaster; property
committee, A. P. Miff, 'C 'A &tuber
C. A. Sills and Charles Aber -hart: tru-
ant officer, ,Eames V Ryan.
The Board is awaiting word Irian
the Department of Public Works .in
regard to the 'final oheoking aver of
plans for the new addition for the
,Annual telephone mee!:n'g for the
Tucl.-erstnRh system was held in the
hall as B:r.ucefiekl on Monday of this
week \vith a good number :1 suhscrib.
err present, The auditors presented a
very favorable report. The officers
were all re-elected for 11035: Commis-
sioners, Wm, 31cE van, W'in. ,:Vex-
ander,.'Andrew Petrie; auditors. Ales.
31c'Ewan, Arthur Finlayson.
'Parc'els may now Inc mailed "S'nec-
ial Delivery," to those offices where
the special 'delivery Send ret aro in op-
t,i'.atiau. The rates are:
Up to and including 1115 pounds, 20'c,
!Over 115 pounds, ups to 20 'lbs., 25n.
Over 120 pounds, up to 315 libs., 311c.
!And applies to parcels posted in
Canada for delivery in 'Canada.
11'arcel post may now he redirected
without extra charge provided the
foravardinC' :address is within the pro-
vince to \vi deh the parcel w:14 arbg-
011111y addressed.
Parcels which fail of delivery now
have the senders notified, and reason
for non-delivery is given the sender.
Instructions as to disposal is now
asked for such undelivered parcels,
Parcel's yup to 35 pounds are new
accepted by the 1Post 'Office for des-
patch. The former limit was 1113 lbs.---
C. P. Sills, 'P.M.
(lames played on Jan. 2'9 resulted
in wins For Dublin •and'Kinburn.'The
Dublin S. St. Ca:luntban 11
!Kinbdrn 3, lrondes'boro 1.
The remainder .of the schedule has
been rearranged owing to postponed
games and unsuccessful attendance at
inid-week games.
Feb. 3a-
730'p.m Elgnond,ille vs. Kippen.
9 p,m. Lontleslboro vs. Winthrop,
Feb, 5-
.m .F .
. moa 1t' 1
a 1 e vs. , . .
P t t hinla, ,
g r
9 pan. Winthrop vs, 'Kippen
Feb, 1_a--
7:310 p.m. Dublin vs. IGgmondvitic
9 p.m. Winthrop vs. Kin!burn
Feb, 19—
7:30 St. Co'lutn'ban vs, Egntondriile
9 °poo, 'Dublin vs. Kippen.
Feb. 2f6-
7:310 Egmon•d'viii'le vs. Winthrop.
9 pm. St. Cblmmlb:an vs Londcsb'oro
Junior Farmers Standing
W. L. T. Pts.
Dublin , , 4 0 (1 3
Milburn .. q r 2 1 1' 5
Kippen .... .. 1 0 2 ..4
Lond'esiboro LJ .4 ;r
Winthrop . , .1 AI A 2
Egmondyille .. 15 11 . 0 0
St. Coltsntlban , . .., , 0 4 '0 0
The staff and .s'tud'ents af Seaforth.
Collegiate Institute are 'hooding their
annual At IIilotn'e fon 'Friday evening,
irelb. 2151th, in ,the Odd 'Fellows' •hall.
One of the greatest values Bulovo ever
offered -15 jewel Bulova' move- $24'75
m ent
The Gift Shop
The annual meeting of the 'Eg-
n,on•dvi'lle :United Church congre•ga-
tinn was held in the 'church on Tues-
day aiterntwn. There was a line at-
tendance. The Rev. A. W. Shepherd
minister, presided. 3)r. Edwin ,Ches-
Iley was appointed secretary pro tent.
Very encouraging repor'ls were re-
ceived for all;branrl:ea of the •church
activities. The following is a •summary
of the finances, which are in a heal-
thy •caudition: Receipts $12,450.50;
missions. 5(510,00; W. 31. S. 53117.40;
Neil Shaw 'Mission eirelt 5551,00; 5.
,School, 41111111aY0; Yal',S. t1723.8.9; Worn -
en's Association, 413169,00. 'Total 53,-
7213,6t9, The new °stewards for the (m-
atting 'three
n-aating'three year,, 3lessrs. Res 'Jac'k-
son, ,Edgar Allan, 1Rvssefl Coleman,
H'aro'ld Finnigan. The sin\aris at a
ambsecpueut meeting re -appointed Mr.
James Mcltttttsh Chairman of the
Board, and .31r. Jahn .Elgic secretary.
The carnival held cin 1Friday even-
ing in the rink under the auspices of.
the lions Club in aid 01 'the milk 1:1:11)
was well attended, ,11iss .Evelyn Lever
was crowned queen trf the icarnival.
Winners of the costume prizes Irene:
Ladies' national, 'Mabel Tnrnbail7, 'Batr-
b:trot Sprat: men's national, 13meldi
Smith, Donald Muir: 'hest dressed la-
dy (diameter) \Mrs. '-1• Munn. Vera
Hudson; •ladle.' •comic, Miss Janet
Baker, Mrs, W. Hart; 'best girl's
character, Helen Smith, 'Phyllis Man-
ning; best igents' character, David
Grieve and 'Donald Scott first, Bruce
Davidson second; men's comic, '.\ndy
Calder, Ken Adams; 'boys' costume.
D. and j. McKenzie, 'Garfield Baker;
boys' cootie, Donald \lair, Don'
Smith; oldest couple on skates, Geo.
Reeves and Jennie Hildebrand; •your -
gest couple on skates. Jean Me3laste'
and 'Garfield Baker,
An inquest into the death of Nor-
man 'Dillon, Hibbert Township farm-
er, who .was killed on 'Friday evening
on Nov. 58 highway east of Seaforth,
will be held on Monday-afternocm,
Feb, 7th, at 2 o'clock, Coroner Dr. V -
J. Burrows has announced. The jury
is composed of John Beattie (fore-
man), \Person 'Reid.lI-lenderson Smith,
William Hopper, George MeGavin,
Joseph 'Dorsey. William Barber, Nel-
son Canino, The remains were view-
ed 'by the jury on Saturday morning.
The accident occurred ,vhen Dill-
on's critter crashed almost head on
into a bus •w•hiclt was carrying mem-
bers of the Stratford Majors Inter-
mediate 0,13;:\, hockey team to 'Clin-
ton for an exhibition match,
With Dillon was his nephew, Rob-
ert 'Dillon, who escaped with slight
njurles, Two occupants of the bus
were cut 'by 'lying glass,• William,
Genby, coach, and James Elder, train-
er, When Dillon's horse reared up
and smashed the windshield of the
bus. The accident was investigated by
Provincial Traffic 'Officer 'J. \\r. Cal-
lender and Chief 'Hebmaar Snell of
'rhe game at Clinton was called
off awing to the •delay •nf the Strat-
ford tear, by the accident,
Arthur Lishman, of Kitchener, was
the driver df the ,bus, which was
proceeding west towards Seaforth.
The accident accc'nrred not far from
the spot where Joseph Murphy was
killed about three months ago. Occup-
ants of the bus told police the .bus
was on the right side of the road and
suddenly was •confronted by the
horse and entter meeting them, the
cutter being on the wrong side of 'the
road and without a light.
The bus driver is said to have made
a desperate attempt to avoid collision
(Continued on Page Five.)
Six Imported Speed and Figure Skaters
Will give you plenty of thrills and entertainment that will be
worth the price of admission alone
Palace Rink, Seaforth
8 P.M.
'fhls will be followed by a Moccasin Dance and Skating
Party for all who wish to participate. Splendid music with all
the latest dance hits and perfect skating music.
Von can enjoy the dance with: Moccasins, Overshoes or
Rubbers. Free coffee suppliedfor the evening,
Admission Adults 35c, Children 15c