HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-27, Page 7'THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE SEVEN a-•�M!e��a®ra��.r.,i--fln�.Ux�Cl vn••'.�eUw�.e p-uaw-,n 5, -- a Duplicate Monthly Statements We can save you looney on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples Also best quality Metal Hinged Se:- tional Post Binders and Index, 1 1 The Seaforth thews Phone 84 1 4, THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Rn Ialeraational Daily Neaorpaper It record. or you the world's clean, oonstracttVe doings. The matterdons not exploit crime or Sensation; neither does it ignore them. but deals correctively wit: them. l6eatures lir bdei men aid all the family, including the We Eli Magazine Section, The Christian Science rublishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter me subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for a period of 1 year $9,00 a months 84.80 3 months 02,90 1 month 78e Wednesday Issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year MM. g Pontoons Nom. Addrese aietpt. C.py ae ReCce•t foregoing business were taken up clause by 'clau'se with 'Reeve :L. Cardiff and Reeve 1.1. A. B'ryans in the chair, respectively. (Mayor Elliott, of 'Clinton, a .former warden, briefly addressed council. He congratulated Warden :Hlaa'cke. He spoke of his six years in the county council as the 'h'appies't in this life. 'He hoped to Ibe present at 'the .annual oounty council :picnic. Ian McLeod, agricultural represen- tative, urged consideration cif reforest - aeon, when 'he gave a short talk at WE NEED YOUR HELP - THIS YEAR! EVERY YEAR! Needy children from all over the Prov- ince are treated regardless of race,creed or financial circumstance. This policy has been continued for over 60 years in the firm belief that everyone who understands the facts would want this great work to continue ... would agree that no Ontario child should be denied a chance for health or escape from deformity if mere money makes the difference. Over 9, of our beds are in Public Wards. The Hospital receives no support from the Toronto Federation for Community Service because patients are accepted from all parts of the Province. We must therefore appeal to a humane and generous public to take care of an annual deficit ... this year it is $78,930.53. ® Please mail a donation to the Appeal Secretary, 67 College Street, Toronto. The thanks of little children will be your reward. The osuIt1 for Sick Children IRON. LUNGS produced In the race against time when the lives of children from an over Ontario were at stake during the Polio Epidemic. They provided the only chnnoe for life during the ethical stages or the disease. Every morning' in the year famous sur- geons came to our operating rooms to donate their services. More than 8,100 operations are performed annually. Rut there are many extras Involved and the maintenance of this necessary service Is very cost's,. 1 the afternoon session. E. C. Beacom, ins'p'ector for 'West Huron, 'addressing the Thursday morning session, said 'the number 'of, teachers holding 'first class centificates s'hows a slight increase ,over the 'previ- ous year. The numtber of changes of teachers was greater than 'for some years, S3 such changes taking, place, The 'average salary is 95516. Fifty-eight schools in the province hod been closed by the department because of an attendance of less than eight pupils. 'County Clerk Q. M. 'Roberts was appointed to 'the senate df the Uni- versity of Western iOntario. Eckert -Keys: that the (property committee investigate the 'heating system of 'the gaol and also the mag- istrate's office and 'boilets in the Count Htotrde :and report to council before end of present session. 'Prop- erty committee. Livermore-MdN'all, that the council purchase a uniform jacket for the jan- 1«0 if 3i. THAT MEANS A B I G SAVING IN MONEY FOR Y"OU CaINAelevetCea� UabOrs oniee' What could be more complete than a combina- tion offer that gives you a choke of your favourite magazines—Sends you your local newspaper— and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year — Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to you? This Offer Fully Guaranteed- All Renewals Will Be Extended MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Please clip list of Magazines after checking Publications desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the three, magazines checked with,a year's subscription to your newspaper: NAME :... , .. . STREET OR R.R. .............. .....:... ............... . • ' TOWN AND. PROVINCE THE SEArORTfl NEWS -)\ SELECT ANY THREE OF THESE MAGAZINES Maclean's (24 Issues) 1 yr. 0 Chatelaine 1 yr. 0 National Home Monthly 1 yr. 0 Canadian Magazine - 1 yr. 0 Rod and Gun - • - 1 yr. 0 Pictorial Review Combined With Delineator - - 1 yr. 0 American Boy - - - 8 mo. 0 Can. Horticulture and Home Magazine - • 1 yr. 0 Parents' Magazine - 6 mo. • 0 Silver Screen - - - - 1 yr. 0 Open Road tor Boys -16 mo. 0 American Fruit Grower 1 yr. `, .TOGETHER WITH THIS NEWSPAPER ALL FOR THIS LOW PR/CE al. Form 400 10. itor to the 'worn on special occasions Property committee. 'Keys -MacKay: that the depart- ment of 'highways be 'petitioned to -pay at least '75 per cent subsidy on the cost of bridges aned culverts in the '.Counties and township etthe to the •fact of the loads) and that a copy of this resolution be sent to our local members and also the various county councils. Good (Roads Com. IFrayne-Wilson: that we consider •at this ,session .the most economical me- thod of exterminating the weeds on our county roads and the advisability of .purchasing a weed sprayer.—iGood Roads 'Com: .Armstrong -Lamport, that we ask the .good roads 'commission to add to their system the ;Goshen 'Litre .from Zurich south to Sa',repta and south from Dashwood on Con. 1e and 113 to Mount Carmel on the 'boundary line between Huron and 'iVei'ddlesex comi- ties. (Good Roads. (Com. Wilson -Mawhinney, that this coon- ell go on record as emphatically pro- testing to the attorney general in .re- gard to crown.:abtorneys (being paid by n !fee system. We consider the practise of paying a fee to crown attorneys when there is all adjournment :of a ease, to he detrimental to a ;speedy. and economical administration of ]us -1 tice, We 'hereby request that all crown attorneys be paid a stated salary, also that a copy of this notion he sent oto the 'Department at Toronto and to all .county councils far their approval. Legislative committee. Watson-lA•rms:trong: that the coun- ty take over town line 'between .Hazy and Stanley from INo. 4 highway to Blue Water Highway. --.Good 'Roads. FRIDAY The equalization of the assessments in Huron County at a cost of .$7,'131) was authorized on Friday afternoon at the .concluding session of (Huron County Council. H C. Maggs and H. ;1. Quinlan, evaluators. were awarded the contract. It is eleven years since the assessment was equalized Mr. Moggs had addressed the coun- cil on Wednesday and the question was further 'discussed 'by the evaluat- ors 'with the 'Warden's Committee on Thursday, and on iFriday that com- tnittee asked for tiiecussion 'hy the whole council. An amendment introduced by Reeve 'Reagan .to leave the question over to the June session was lost and the motion of 'Reeves .Eckert and efadKray to revaluate was carried by a standing vote and the necessary .by- law passed The warden, clerk and .treasurer were appointed •a cotnmittee to wham Messrs. 'Moms and 'Quinlan will be responsebae, Warden Haack. 'being given the .privilege .of seeking advice from the warden's committee at any time. Many reeves expressed 'the 'opiliiott .that their !municipalities .would wel- come She equalization; a ,few favored leaving it .over for bhe 'Jeune session. T'he eq.uallnation of 'assessmen't of 19137 was ..confirmed as, the equaliza- tion assessment for 11193B. . The •evaluators expect to start in April; :office accommodation will the provided for them by .the county:. 'By-laws were passed' • au'tlioriz:ing the.appropriation of $1$0,000 for high- ways, and •the iborrowing .of $1001,099 for.current expenses and '$1105,'001N for county .highway expenditures. The licensing of slot machines, etc in the county was rescinded b by-law. The remuneration of the officials the old age pensions and mother allowance 'boards was fixed at '$4: a day and 'Inc per mile for necessar miles travelled. Caretaker George flames will 'her after appear in a proper jacket a recommended in the property cot tnittee's report. 'Reeves Livermore a" :McNeil who sponsored the motio (Marv! it would add to the dignity the council. Reeve :1'6c•Na'It—'it is a small ma ter but there, is a certain .amount dignity attached and it .looks ,bette not only to us .bot to visitors• fro other counties," 'Reeves .Brown and J, H. Scott als agreed, and it •was pointed out that i the many ,capacities in 'which M Janes aots that a distinguishing.jack et would add not only to the council' dignity (but to the wearer's. The county engineer and propert committee were instructed to investi gate the ,possibilities of what can ''li done i11. the bneelnent of .the nowr house regarding construction of lava tories and vaults and report in June. A ,re-infnrecd concrete floor will h constructed above the furnace at tit gaol as recommended .by the property committee. Other recommendation. by'this committee, endorsed were the' the turnkey's salary of •$900 .be in- creased 19 per cent; improvement in the lighting sy -tent at the registry office. A new chair and typewriter were ordered for the sheriff's office. Documents in the attic of the court house that the Western university docs not want, are to ,be destroyed on recommendationnof this committeeRoad Report The county' roads commission's re- port was adopted is fo111 1.': Ile ]in:g engineer's report eon- eernini; proposed.prnt,ram for the construction of 'bituminous roads, ort• rt•coounend that this program be carried' out as far as possible with the !trolley available, and with such changes as tirculu.,•tances may seem to'warrant. Re .Cony Meehan, We concur in the recommendation that the pension board be asked to deal more liberally with •him. •Regardig allowance from county, ounty, we recommend that this be left in abeyance until the action board the .pension oard be learned. Re CT. Dunlop tomb property, we recommend that a committee be .de- signated' to take charge. and that the county engineer be ,a member with Reeve. Eckert. Scott and gond roads coin itis ion. 'Re Constable Lever, •tve .recom- mend that he be retained and paid as in ,the .past. Re motion of Messrs. Cardiff .and 'eVilson that we keep new provincial highways .clear 'of snow-, we recom- nleid that this Ibe done as far as our equipment will permit; ,and that 'rhe cost 'be billed to the province. Re 'letter from T. J. Mahoney, re- quiring information relative to county expenditures, we :recommend that :this in'forotation ibe supplied •«'e recommend that an appropnia- tion 'bylaw for 01,80,000 the,passed by1 the council to comply with the regu- lations of :the Department of Higih- of $ �5 e - S 17 nd 0 t- af r m 0 n r. S' r De H. Mclnnes Chiropractor Office — Commercial Hotel Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after Electro Therapist — Massage noons and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treat - meet Phone 227. ways. Re let -ter from J. A. IP. Marshall relative to superintendents' :confer- ence at Toronto in February, we rec- ommend that the engineer attend., We recommend that the fee .of $115 ' , for membership, in the 'Ontario [Good Roads 3:tsaoci.a'tioit'^be paid. Re resolution of the council ofthe county of Lennox and 'Aiildington, re- specting county roads, we recom- mend that this council concur in this resolution. Re motions'concerning additions ;to the county road system, we recom- mend that the commission look over these roads and report at the June session. Re auction of Messrs. a;caay and Kerr that the Fgnlondville bridge ibe inspected, we recommend that this be given attention. Re motion of 1Messrs. tF•rayne and W'W'ils011, concerning weeds, we recom- mend - that your commission .camsider this natter and :purchase 'a sprayer, if it appears desirable. Re motion -of Messrs. Keys and MadKay that the (Government be .asked Ifo increase sulbsidy on 'brid'ge construction, we recommend :that the council concur in this resoletion. All motor accidents on county high- ways will be investigated (by County Traffic Constable Lever, according to a motion endorsed .by council. Council threw out the of recommend- ation at the education committee cone curring with the resolution from 'Perth County ,Council that '510 per cent be contributed' by the government of public and high school education. Objection was taken on the grounds that too much authority is being vested in ,the government by this means, Reeve '2fdNsli said: "We are the people who are responsible. We are asking the government oto take over this and that. iOne committee after another is ,being done away with, ,de- creasing the responsibility •of county councils." Reeve IDavidson 'favored the resolu- tion, but Reeve Brown said the taxa- tion is the same. A motion of Reeves Eckert and Bryans that council do not concur and the warden take the matter -up at Toronto ,before the Rowell 'Commis- sion is called, was endorsed. Reeve T. C. Wilson will represent the council at the 'Ontario Educational Association's meeting in June. Considerable 'discussion took place when the clause in the agricultural committee's report that no action he taken regarding reforestation govern- ment agreement, and it was finally laid over :for (miler consideration. 1..A. motion to grant P. W. Nolan; $1100 .on compassionate grounds fo- loss sustained when a ,fire on a conn. ty road spread into his (field causing destruction which he estimated at 53xs. 'vas lost. on division of '211 to 8, H. Edwards, superintendent of 111: Children's Aid Society, submitted hi. report. Twenty-four now complaint. were received regand(ng families re- quiring attention. and in relation to child 'protection cork (l1til6 visits were made. Only one 'child leas made a permanent ward during the year, but four were made tennporary wards. On Dec. 31 there were '63 children ander the care of the society. Unmarried parents work required 91 visits. Sit - teen new rases were reported durin the year.. Eight agreements were sign- ed and four eotrrt orders obtained. At the end of the year there were 19 cases still remaining open. lhfotfons Saunders-JGsain, that the members of the county 'council of ,Huron ex- press sincere regret in the serious ill- ness of ivIr. Chas. Seager, foriner crown attorney, of London, and :the :hope •for his speedy recovery. Canried, Eckert-MaelKay, that the pl'acti:e: of .paying county constables 315ic per hour as an 'option from '15'c per mile for time as paid in the ,pas•t be con- t]nued. Cceried. Before 'the :ac!iournlnent Warden Haacke 'thanked members for their eo-operation, after which 'the ;National Anthem, Auld Lang 'Syne and three cheers and a ''tiger" for the warden brought the session to a close, to meet again on the last Tuesday in May, Young husband 'Qbreatbhlless)e "t got your ;phone message alt the office and carne at :once. What's. happened?" • Young 'Wife: '"yo;u',re (too late. Baby had his toes iu his mouth ati,d he looked •so pretty,'+