HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-27, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 THE SEAFORTII NEWS These prices good till Feb. 2 QUAKER QUICK OATS 19c LARGE -PKG. EACH 31 c EACH ROYAL YORK COFFEE Special-ls TOMATOES, 26 oz. Linn Valley AYLMER SOUPS, Tomato or Vegetable 10% oz. 2 TINS 19c PURE LARD Is AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR PER PKG. 15c 3 TINS 25c 2 Los, 25c Calelli's Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Aylmer •Tornato or Vegetable &Alp, 6 oz. . . ... per tin 5c Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable. Soup, 22 oz, per tin. 14c Ayliner Soups, other varieties except pure chicken ...... 101_o 2 tins 19c 34 th 33c 2 tins 25c 6 cakes .25c .3 rolls 25c per tin 15c 9 this .21c each 5c 3. tbs. 25c 2 ths 17c per jar 25c 2 lbs. 25c leiptcm's Tea, mixed or black Heinz :Baked Beans, med. size Pearl or Comfort Soap Hillcrest Toilet Paper Beaver Blueberries Singapore Sliced Pineapple DerbY Cheese, % lb, pkg. Hillceest Soap Chips Rice, Choice Blue Rose 6 Apple jelly, large 32 oz. jar Pitted Dates, Sair Vanilla Extract, 8 oz. btl. orothers Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. bag kancy Mixed Biscuits McLaren's Jelly Powders asst. Humbug Candy per btl. 15c per bag 15c -per lb. 17c 5 pkg. 25c per lb. 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHON E PHONE 8 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma.and license. Flowers funaished Night or day phone 87 SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bus 91$c Oats, per bus. 40c Barley, feed, 'per bus. 160c Barley, malting, per bus. 68'e Buckwheat 'per bus. 60c ELIMVILLE -The January meeting of the Mis- sion Circlewas held at the home of Eva :Penrose on Saturday afternoon with 24 members present. The presi- dent, Many Johns, had •charge of • the meeting which was opened with the 'hymn, "The -01eurch's One 'Foundation," and prayer by Mrs. .(1Rev.) ,Penrose. The devotional leaf- let, "The IChurch in Action," was read by Marion 'Miners. Soriptune readings in .conne:ction with the -devo- tional leaflet, Romans leal by Jean Davis, tiff 'Peter 111:151-18 by Etra Teriroec, I Peter 31:116 by Hazel 'johns, 'Ephes- iares 2:110 by Ina .:Ford, Corinth- ians 9:17 by Mildred Veal. Laura Piped read an article "Jasacla 13ai, Pioneer." Heralds who responded were Doris Mord on 'Canada, Ethelene Ijohne on Africa, Merle Johns on Trinidad Gladys Slkinnet pp West EChina; Dor- othy Johns an Jean. Hymn, g Mas - ;ter let me Walk with Thee. Wfary. ...John% gave three Every interesting stories from the ifirst chapter of the • study hook, 'IlSiten and Women of Far Horizons." The roil ,eall was answer- ed by "Stiggestions fat- Improvement in the Ci§ele." Minutes of he execu- tive- meeting were read, 'also some business . dealt with. The m.eeting eliosed with the 'hymn "Faith of Our - Fathers." Launch- wats served at. the .olose. !Officers of the Mission Band for this year are as folloVes: 'President, ,Ola Johns; IVice Pteslident, Burdene .Cleeke; IRecOrding Seoretary, Isabelle I Cooper; corresponding secreCy, !Shir- ley ,Coultis; treasurer, Annie [Word; pianists, Leona Coward and Butdene Clarke; mite box secretary, Lois Co- ward; World pr1ends' secretary. Ola John; heralds, Grace Brock, trackie O'Reilly of near Shel- Went and ..eoe sale ,Alds., 1 week, 2,5e barite, is 'hired with Mr. Jackson 1Voods fr oa year. h HARLOCK Mr. Wm. Beacom of Pickford is at present visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. A, W. 'Beacom. The former is a nap -hew 'by marriage to Mr. Thos. INeilans having been anerried to Mies dCatie Hannah, whose mother was Mrs, 'Willie Hannah, 'formerly Miss Janet Neilans. Mr. 'James Leiper, '(Reeve) attend- ed 'Co:linty Council in IGoderich last week. Mrs. Simon .McVittie returned home Tuesday ,alter spending a few ,days with her .sister, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Taggart in 'Walton, who is sick. We leope she will soon gain strength. Mr. A. W. McElveing assiated by' neighbors, held a very Successful wood bee last Friday for Mr. Nor- man Shepherd in -the latter's bush, 1211 being nt the bee. -We 'hepe Norman will son lbe feeling well again. Mr. and Mrs. }Mott of near, c stan-ce visited their 'daughter Mrs. and Mr. Ward Knox on iSunday.. -Boys around Haelock haeitc...heen busy making a skating rink on Hai, lock school ground's and on Friday afternoon ,of last weeic Some of the young ladies had an !afternoon's skat- ing. , Mrs. ,Wirn. /Knox."'Ir." while skating had the misfortune to fall, getting a'black eye. , Nurse Beacom is at present on duty Wawenosb. Mr. John Leiper spent the week end at the home of hes parents, MT. and 'Mrs. James •Leiper, also -calling at the 'home .of Mr. and MTS. IA. W. Beacom and Mr. and Mrs. [Isaac Rapson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. KnoX' visited on .SundaY• at the ;home of Mr. end Mrs. WM.'13r.trwn. Mr. .aned Mrs. 'Audrey Knox :visited on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mns. Clifford ShObbrook. Miss Hazel Rapaon returned to her honie near Summerhill on Saturday alter being at the home of Mr. and 'Mts. den° IRapson the -past few weeks. DIED Ruesell - ICatheeine G. at (General hospital, Ha.lifax. ,Saturday, Jan. 212, 10318, Catherine IG., 'daughter of the ate Capt. J. S. and Mrs. • Roberts. Seaforth, Ont., land sister of 'Mrs. C. N. Henry of Toronto. Service, Gathe- red, Halifax, Jan. 241h, ihen by train o ,Moutreal for cremation. Notice of tidal in Seaforth later. TOWN TOPICS Many friend -s of Mrs. [John Lamb are ,pleased to !know .she is improv- ing alter her recent illness. 'I'he many friends of Mrs. julia MealMan, North Main St., are sorry to 'knew she suffered -a paralytic stroke. . The .Laidlies' Association of !Month Side United .0hur.ch ate holding a. Valentine st.iipipier on IFeb: Mr. 'Prancis Devereaux of London spent the week .end , with his mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux. , Miss :Dorothy Golding of 'Landon spent the week end with her parents, Mr, .and Mrs. W. H. IGoilding, Mr, 'Anther Edmunds of Hamilton spentthe week end here. Me. ;Rowland of Sarnia spent the week end at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. J. 'Finnigan. Mr. Thomas Smale, aged and Mgh iy esteemed :Centre street resident, 'fractured his bin as the result of a fall last week and has since suffered a Stroke of 'paralysis.. CONSTANCE • Mr. Clyde 'MeDonald. of London, nephew of 'Mrs. IE. Adams, spent •the week end at the home tyf 'Mr. -and Mrs. IE. 'Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Leo tSephenson visit- ed Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Logan of ,Blyth on Sunday. 'Edna 'Messenger of Seaforth -spent the week end with her friend, Jean Anderson: Mrs. IPeter 'Papineau of Strathroy is 'visiting her. 'beguiler, eVIe. Wm, Clarke and Mrs. Clarke. 'Pelday evening the Live Wire Class invited the Young People of Winthrop to a skating ,party, follow- ing which they went ,to the cheroh where lunch was s-erved, Mr. Lou Bolton maved a vote of thanks for the splendid time, after Which there sing sung and closed with "God he -with you till we meet again." PRESENTED WITH LIFE MEMBERSHIP A delightful pot luck supper was held on Tuesday evening by the Bar- bara K-irkman Young WonvenIs Aux- iliary in the school room of tFirst 'Presbyterian Church twhen over 100 members and friends were preient. The social 'committee, with Mrs. H. R. Soott, -convener, were in charge tof arrangements. The regadar meeting •fellawed, .pleasing feature of which was the presentation .of a.liFe anemias ership in the W.M.S. to Mrs. 'John Mael'avish from the !Auxiliary in ap- preciation of her faithful service. Mes. ;Merton Reid read the address and the presentation was made by Mrs. John E. Deley. .Mrs. MacTavish re- sponded very -nicely, although it was a complete surprise. Mrs. VVm. A. Weight was in charge of the devo- tional program, Scripture reading lby Mrs. :Frank Kling; current events by Mrs. Wigg; :Glad Tidings prayer ibv Mrs. Beverly 'Beaton. 'Miss H. .Mur- ray sang a solo. The topic was very capably taken lby Miss Trout. MISSION 111.419? The regular meeting at the Alert •MisgioerBand of Nortiesidetnited 'Church took place -on 'Tuesday, Jam. 215, wittelJanie Moffatt in the chair. The meeting' was opened lby the call to worship wthieh was followed by hymn 4153, The Lord's prayer was re- peated ill unison. The minutes were read by the secretary, Margaret Fe - thick, and the roll call • was taken, Business was discussed and 1Freci8ie Weecimank gave the Sloripture, read- ing. Mrs. IP -arsons led in prayer. Hymn 41312 was sting. This was folloare eel 'by a period of work pieparing val- entines which are to be sent to a. hos- pital where it is hoped they,will bring cheer. okOMARTY The relatives and 'friends of , -Mrs. Robert Scott...of !Winnipeg, .icirriretY Jessie Park, were shocked to hear of !her tragic ele'ath iby bet, clothes catching 'fire ifrom an electric heater and ,before her laidband arrived -10 assist her, she .was so lba.dity 'buoned that she stecounebed in a 'couple of weeks. Mrs. Will MBler,. ,who has under- gone a eerichts operation at St. eph's Hospital, London, le making good recovery. Miss May (blame has returned home after visiting .feiends in London. Want and For Sale Ads., 111 week, 35c. The Jr. Women's Institute presents John W.Piggott CANADIAN NATURALIST Speaking ',on Bird 'Friends tof Field and •Woodland. Beautifully illust- rated, this• nature lecture teepee% to , , Basement, Public Library, Seaforth Mon., • Jan 31'„ 8 p.m. Admission 15c and 25c PAGE FIVE HURON OLD B'OYS "AT HOME' (Continued 'from ,Pogo I) 'Amongst those present were -the following: Or, and Mrs. J. IF, Belden, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. IBochanan, Mr, J. A. MeLaren, Mr. IR. S. .Sheppard, Mr E. IFloady, F. R. McDermiel Mr. H. M. ijacksen, Mr. K. Stan - bury, Mr. D. D. Wilson. • Mtn. and Mrs. W. E. Hamm; Mr. and Mrs. It. di. McCreath, Mr.. and Mrs. 13. lvtoon; Mr. arid Mrs. W, A. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wickens, Mr. a.nd MTS. E. j. B. Duncan; Dr. and Mrs. H. 3. 'Hod - girls. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. G. 'Ferguson. 'Dr. .and Mrs. Byron Camplbetl, Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Jas. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, .anx1 Mrs. -W. D. Sprinlks,, 'Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. 'Pringle, Mt. and Mrs. M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'G. Gardiner (Regina). Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Ferguson, 'Mr. and Mrs. IGeo, Tlhoinson, Mr. and Mrs. IC, M. Chesney, :Mr. and 1VIes. 'Fred •Elliott. Mr, end Mrs, 12. Mc- Kinney, -Mr. and 'Mrs. J.,. di,. Hand. Mr. j. and Mrs, E. Langton, Mr. and bit's 3, MoCaurt, Me. and Mrs. 'W. McCourt, Mr, and Mrs. Brimston, Mr. and 'airs. E. Vernal, Mr. and Airs. Eirschm an. Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs. Clara Brown: 'Mrs. W. A. Duller, Mrs. Tierney, -Mrs. IDIeLacey '(Seaforth). Mrs. W. ltrydell, Mrs: jna. Bond, Mrs. M. Weller, •bit's. Harvey afar, - ris, Mrs. 'L. Speere, Mrs. 'Geo. R. Witley, Mos. D. Flynn, Mrs. Tlhonn- ton Meetaed, Mrs, J. IR. Crain . Miss F Paterson„ Miss Doris Hill, Miss A. ,Crittenden, !Was Grace Stirl- ing, Miss Lavina;Knox, Miss IE. Far- row, MlieS L. .Pa,nr ow, Miss E. Ham- ilton, Miss Helen Stewart. Mies 'jean Mies V. Morris, Miss M. C -o r le y , ae-.g., A. Cameron, :Mr. Geo. D. lvbeTaggart .(Clinton), Mr. Harold Timmons, Mr. Lack Kennedy, Mr. Chas. 'Stewart, Mr. je H. Cricle Mr, R. • Leiper, Me. 'G. .Collingwood, Mr. F. L, Bryans, Mr. .R. Carr, Mr, G. Horne, Mr. And. •McGarve, Mr. 31, .F, IGilleepie, Mir. IE. M. Grose. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Noble. Mr. and Mrs, HI. E. Worsen, Mr. and Mrs 4. S. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Milk, -Mr. and Mrs. IF. Cut -Into -re, .Mr. and Mrs. D. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs, De A. Peter. Mr. and Mee. C. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sander- son; Mr. and Mrs. T. McMichael Mr. and Mrs. A-. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Tnimmiter, Mr. and 'Mrs. 3.H. Pridhani; j. ID. Guy, Mr. john ICennedy, Me. and Mrs. W. A. Morrison. Miss Pauline Theredike, Miss J. Arehihalid, Miss M. MeGregor, Miss 71. Ledditt, Miss IE.- M. .0:elartt. Miss E. Taylor, Miss D. Campbell, Miss V. 'Ratcliffe, Miss Mery Brawn, Milo D. Thompson, Mies Babeocic. Mr. and Mrs. IGeo, Paterson, Mr. and bit's, 13. A-- Brodie, IVEr. and Mrs. 3. H. Barker, Mr. ,ancl. Mrs. Van Horne, Mr. H. [Allen. Mrs. IR. Ware, Mes. D. A. Arnetein. %/les. Pleneing. Mr. A. 'Fcnbes, Mr. 'E. Brown, Mr. J. Skinner, Mr. R. J. Honey, Mr, D. A. Jones, Mtr. IH. Cornfield, Mr. 3. O4Suilliran, 'Mr. A. MelNee, Mr. R. Rogers, Me. M. Atkin, Mr. A. Iliblmes, Mr. IJ. Walker. Mr. G. A. Stewart, Mr. G. Davis, MT.'S. Welk- er, Mr. R. B. Patterson. Mr. A. Veatch, Mr. IA. Ctarke, 'Egan, Mr. IR. ,Carr, Mr. C. Little. Mr. and Mrs. 0..L Brodie, Ale and Mrs: J. Brodie, Me. and .N.frs. l'. B. Gardiner, Miss 'Agnes Walker, ,Nliss ,1\1. C. Hawkins, Miss 3. Biggart, Miss 1. Tydatl, Miss 'Peggy'jones. 'Misses Zelda Scott, L. Allthe V. 112.; Jacksom Jean Hendry, McCutcheon, M., Bedpan, E. Wilkin- soil;k Mary Grose, IG. Treble, McDon- ald, `N.‘VVianseiell, M. Macdonald, Mre. 'Buddy, Mrs. W. 0. Brown, Messrs. F. S. .Comic, IG. Vanderburg, 1-1. W. Riddell, D. Cartwright, B. Idandly, C. Lit MOIL 12. Spohn, N. Egan; • MANLEY- ' Mr. :Fred Eckart spent a few days 'at his aid home last w.eek. Mrs. John A. 'Pekaet and her three- Yeaie-old' daughter ere .pr.ogreseing niceiy .'from their !tele fitness. We ate ,pleesed 'ea learn that Me. JOhn Murray 'is well an 'the way to recoVety front this late illness. Our January thaw has settled the "Snow drifts !but se far ,the .0ans ere `SCR tied up. and no ,neve license ,peates are required milli* elle sleighing is gill geed 'here. But when we !strike theeleighway that endSaur journey to town •as itlice,,stnow plOn0 has Swept the .povernettittaiit ids an ill wind that doesn't Ibllovi 4onid Ifor'sbine one ,that runs -a catintry 'Store. HILLSOREEN The roads Iralie been really soft this week with the January !thaw and rain. 'The Cans' aee beginning to nun, a 'little, but not tot) swiftly as yet. Miss' K. Dafreerhple .of Kippen et is visiting "relatives in this vicinity,. '131irthday p,erties and mat 'bees and 'butchering are in full swing in this SEAPORTH LIONS , ilk' Fund ce Carnival PALACE RINK, SEAFORrH Friday, Januar(' 23 Look at These Big Prizes I Prizes will be given fur best costumes as follows: National Dress (Ladies) $1.50.75 . National Dress (Gentlemen) 1.50 75 Best Dressed Lady (Character) 1.50 .75 . Best Comic Lady 1.00 .50 Best Girls' Costunae (under 14) .50 .25 Best Girls' Comic (under 14) .50 .25 Best Dressed Gentleman (Character) 1.50 .75 Best Comic Gentleman 1.00 .50 Best Boys' Costume (under 14) .50 .25 Best Boys' Comic (under 14) ..... .50 ,25 Oldest Couple on skates 1.00 Youngest Couple on skates .50 Grand Prize for Queen of the Carnival 2.50 Grand Prize will be lawarele,d for best 'general appearance and skating ability. :Judges are Miss Olive M. Laidlaw, Miss S. I. McLean. Mr. '1, H. Weedmark, Mr. IP, B. Moffat, 'Judging •commences sharp at 8 pm. What an evening far skaters! 'Finest music by the world's best 'bands heard through the recently installed 'public address system. Get your - e541 a cosI3urne and en t) the fun. 'Grand March immediately follaw- ing judging, and then affating for everyone until 'all pan. Grand March Refreshment Booth General Admission 25t cents Children 10 cents SEAFORTH LIONS. 'CLUB H. Stewart, 'Pres. E. C. Chamberlain, Sec. J. M. -McMillan, Treas. In event of unfavorable weather the 'Carnival Mil be held :Friday even- ing, February 4,t1h. BRUCEFIELD - Miss 'Elsie Su -1M spent a few days last week in Seaforth at the home ,of Dr. H. H, Ross. Miss Eelen Scott of London .spent Sunday at her honte here, „Nliss, Margaret Henry of Clinton spent the week end with Mies Anna Aikenhead. Mr. j. K. Cornish and Mrs. Wm, Hall spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. W. Hill, who, we are pleased to say, is feeling. a little better. 11 re. \Vi I fred Rose and i Id re n are -visiting in St. Marys, Mts. Alice Hohner spent Sunday in Gaderiole We are glad to report that the sick of our village are improving. Me, 'Earl 'Kaiser of !Detroit called on friends in the village on 'Sunday. The Brucelield Firemen's Bell, 1:1feontitday. jarmary 311... To 'bey .equip Ti - Hymn 262 Opened the meeting of Bruieefield YIP:U. on elan. 24. Lloyd Thompson read the Scripture and 'Kathleen lqustard lead in prayer after the singing of hymn 288. The topic, "The Age of Ilan". was very ably taken by .1fary MeC'tilly. Mr. Brem- ner again led the leadership training Glees alter the business and offering, The Meeting, closed with hymn 279 and all repeated. the Miz•pah benedic- t4°TiLhe 'United Wenn Women held their monthly meeting at 'the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Wright on Jen. :lath. The meeting ,opened with the new president, Mrs. A. 'Wright, in the .chair. !After 51nging and prayer the minutes Of the 'previous meeting were read and adopted, eolkcall was answered with a New Year's resolu- tion; letters were read from the Troy. president. Mrs. Anderson of Wing - ham, and the Prov..secretary, Mr. H. H. 11-lannam. Bulletin .questione were answered 'by Mrs. Snider, Mrs. Nes- bitt Mrs. ,Douglas and Mrs. Cairns. The topic, fiRochtdale pioneers, their method of work antl their principles," ‘vae taken by Mrs. Haugh. The meet- ing olosed with singing. The women then joined the men and lunch was served -by -the :hostees and !friends. ke bold beginnings," will be taken , reAtrse,the iFebruary meeting the topic "Ma • by Mrs. Cairns. Roll call, a valentine Mr. Stewart Horton and Miss Jan- et. Watson of Western dlniversitY, spent the wedic end et the homes of their parents, Mrs. Witi Hill was to 'Toronto on Sunday. 'We are ;pleased to report slhe found Mr. Hill, who is in Westerti. hospital, was somewhat 'improved. I Mr. Donald, McDonald is recovering nicely 'from his recent Mr. !Alex [Paterson and family have moved into, 'Mr. Lyle Hill's house. CKERSMITH 11 -von Forsyth spent the We'ek end in. Toronta. Mrs. Colin [Milian a 'Id Billie Of Staffa are visiting with ,Mr. and 'Mrs.' Jarnes• Hay. • Miss Thelme 'Elgie has secured a .position in Toronto. , Mr. and Mrs. IJoe 'McLellan .are visiting Mr. and 'MOS. lean'For'sylea, FINALITY -OR "RUN AROUND" (Stratford Beacon4Herald) The Ontario Temperance 'Federa- tion is given credit for the decision - announced on Monday night by At- torney -General Conant -that the val- idity and application of the Canada Temperance Act twill be argued 'be- fore the Ontario Court of 'Appeals ia May. With more truth than poetry, 'the Hon, Mr. ,Conant remarked that: "This question has 'been kicked abort for long time-reeteeewantefilealit.v...ou it." 'Perth, Huron .arucl fPeel counties are directly concerned in the promis- ed "finality7,efor the "kicking around" has been done in these municipalities. A,Vhett the Supreme Court of Cant -a. in 19315, ruled that the Canada Temp- erance Act tame into effect in the three counties named, superseding the leee restrictive Ontario Liquor Con. trol Act, 'finality- was believed to have been reached. But the Hepburn Gov- ernment ,used a test ease decision by a county court judge in Peel county to prevent the 'judgment of the Sep- reme Court from being followed out. As a second move against the op- eration of .the Canada Temperance Act, Mr. Hepburn's a drain is test ion in ‘119,36, appealed the Supreme Came decision to the Privy Council -4m' withdrew the appeal 'before it .could he heard. Thereafter, and partioularle during the.191317 general election cam- paign. Preniler Hepburn fell back on the Teel county ;judge's precedent ta justify...his refusal to obey- the Sun- reme Court's finding. The matter b -- came an election issee. 'but political leanings proved stronger than temp- erance sentiment, and the 'Oriterie government suffered• not at all -- except possibly in 'Peel, which .de- fe.ated Duncan 'Marshall, then Minis- ter of Agriculture. Now Mr. !Hepburn has apparently agreed to' 'have the Ontario Court of Appeals give its opinion as to the status of the Canada Temperance Att in the counties of 'Perth, Huron and Peel. The understanding of this 'ref- erence is that if the Ontario court ele- cides that the IC. T.A. holds priority in the counties mentioned the On- tario Liquor Control act will cease to have jurisdiction. But will strch a eldeisicen eettle this contentious question 'finally? Or will the, decision be appealed before a higher court? .Mr. ,Heob,urn did that before -what assurance is there that he will not do so agein? die has given none. he opinion is expressed by Perth nd Huron temperance rivorkers that the Ontario Court of Appeals will rule 'in favor of the C. T. A., but that the (provincial governments will carry the matter fortherthat is, to the Supreme 'Court .of. Canasja. for final disposition. -Does that mean the anie old 'resn. around," with the Hepburn government again' refusing to accept the Supreme .0o,urt's firtding if that be favorable to the C.1C.A.". and against the - Ontario 'Liettor ',COntrol Act? Time alonewill tell. ' Want and For Sale Ads., I week, 25e. Want and Po Sale ads, 1 week 28r