HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-27, Page 3°I)HUR9DAY, J'A'NUARY 27, 1938
Huron County Council
Blore than an , -hour was occupied
by .the Conservative nnemlbers of the
County Councilin -caucus to decide
lapon 'their nominee ,for .the warden -
ship af'Httron County, ;with 'the re-
sult that the opening session of the
Council did not get under way until
we'll after 3r -o'clock.
Eight ballots were taken in the
icau'cos, resulting twice in a tie 'be-
ltween. (Reeves ,Uaa'clee , •of 1Goderich
township, and 9.11,cNal1, of Blyth, but
when.the decision .finally was made
the' naeivbers 'filed in to the -council'
:chamber to name R-eeve Wilmot
H•aacke, as their choice.
The motion naming the new warden
was inade 'bp (Reeve 7ddNall, 'rurnner-
:up,' and Reeve' Cardiff, who in one
of the 'ballots. 'caused a three-way tie,
I'Ir. IH'aaoke was escorted to the
Warden's chair by 'Reeve J. .M../Eck-
ert, retiring warden, and the oath of
offi`c•e was administered by Judge'` T.
M. -Costello,
11 -lis Honor :warmly congratulated
the Warden and extended to the
Warden and the members :his wishes
for a successful year.
,He also eongratutated the County
.officers 00 their :work --"the clerk,
treasurer, engineer and the 01en who
worked': with lite on the criminal
1'he session was opened with •a few
wordsand prayer by. (Rev. W. P.
Lane. '
1n his •opening address \Varden.
7:i•aacke referred at length to •the
'problem of reforestation, The people
should he educated in the 'natter, he
said,'before any action is taken, but
he warned: "We all know if 'some-
thing isn't done soon in the wavy of
reforestation the county of Huron will
in years to come 'become barren.'"He
said forested. 'lands in Huurou. ,had
Ib'een !out in half ie the last thirty
years, from ten per cent. to dive per
"l believe the public is behind us,"
:he said, "and '1 don't think 19315'
too hate to start tete work,"
The \Warden also urged the pur-
chase of a sprayer to combat the
weed. situation and thought that more
stoney should ix spent on the 400 -
mile count road system.
A att•iking committee was appoint-
ed comprising 'Reeves ;I..4. Pryans,
IF. L..IJ;triclson, P.irhsrd 'l.thnstnii
Robert 'Turner and i1. M. Eckert, and
the committee ;met immediately - after
the reading of the communications.
The Cotn11 hI1telttion Wlli.},h„in stoat
cases were referred to the appropriate
'cotintittees, includedthe following:
Trent tete Department of :Footways
acknolvledg'in;,f receipt of the Coun-
cil's resolution -asking ' that the traffic
gash he made more stringent
From the Department of Educa-
tion, acicno'tvled1itig receipt of a reso-
lution by the Huron Council request-
ing that the Government Continue to
stake a :_rant to 'Teachers' Institutes
as formerly.
Front the 1)epartment of Agricul-
ture, 'Toronto, with .reference 'to the
Council's request that the .MIN or
spear thistle ,be listed as a noxious
weed. The 'Deputy Minister stated
that this was the first intimation re-
ceived by. the (Department that this
wee I • 1. t
d had 'become a definite pest, At
the .present time the Department died
not feel like adding to the noxious
,weed lien,'lbtt if this weed had 'be-
come a teal pest in this county it
coilld be handled under 'clause 4, sec-
tions 111 and:12, of the ,\Need Coaitrol
Aet'(which provides 'that the Comneil
of any County may, .'with the -con-sent
a the \'sinister. pass bylaws dec'larin;g
that plants other than those nten-
'hned in the regulations shall be
deemed noxious weeds within, the
Tran, the ;Dem:41 .0M o'f Lands anti
Fdrests, 'Peron to, with reference to
reforestation, an outlining` the . ag-
reenien't under whi'c'h the 'Government
:rill co-operate with. the -County in
this matter,
'From the 'County .Council of Duff-
el -in, asking support -of a .resolution
calling for the repeal of the /Farmers'
Creditors 1 rratngentent LA'ot.
From, the County Comic l of Hast-
ings, requesting endorsation :of a reso-
'trtion asking the Provincial ”Govern-
ment to disqualify recip'ien'ts of relief.
from voting at municipal elections;
also of a resolution asking the . De-
partment of Slntntcfpal'Affairs. to alter
the resident iqu•alilirations for indigent
From the 'Perth County, Council,
seeking support of a resolution ask-
ing that at leas fifty per rent of the
cost of public and high school educa-
tion be contributed by the Govern-
From the Lennox-:sddington :Coun-
ty. Council, submitting a ;resbl'utiou in
opposition "to any change in the pre-
sent county road system that w•oul'd
tend to lessen 'the authority of Coun-
ty councils with respect to the admin-
istra:tion of County roads,"
F:nom the 'Peterborough County
Council, sultnmitting a resolution call-
ing attention to the spread between
the cost to the 'consumer of agricul-
ture I •prod 1nts and the 'return to the
farmer .from the sale of such .products
and asking that the Dominion Gov-
ernment appoint it commission to in-
vestigate existing conditions and enact
legislation to improve these condi-
tions; also that, 'having regard to
the benefits derived from the Ottawa
trade agreements with the \lather
.:attntry and the :reciprocity treaty
t•ifh the united States, the 'Govern-
•ttc•nt of the 'Dominion of 'Canada ;be
requested to enter into negotiations
15it11 other nations with the object of
a_ocnring the widest possible markets
for Canadian farm prod'u'cts," and
"that the 'DominionGovernment Ibe
also urged to provide for the •better
marketing of Canadian agricultural
trodoets in the world markets, espec-
:aily in those ,,f Great Britain and
the United States.
From the Lttcknow Library Board,
asking for a grant. and stating that
about seventy -'live per cent of the
country readers ani the library are
from 'Ashlfield and •Wawanosh.
From 111e 'Ontario Chamber of Ag-
riculture, opposing all increase 111 1110 -
tor transportation rates.
0rrom, the 'Ontario Good (Roads As
sociation, asking information in sup-
port of a claim for file counties of a
greater share than they are now re-
re•i•eing Irani ga'olole 1011 other toad
•From the Dttpsrt tient of Highways,
Toronto, notifsino that the annual
conference •of road superintendents
and engineers will be 'held at Toronto
on Fe'linuary 2111st and 2121.n,d,
'From the `County Council section of
the Ontario Educational !Association,
asking support .of a 'claim 'for larger
Government grants for education.
From s :the Salvation Army, asking
for a grant .for the rescue work of
the Army.
:From Ross johnston, IR. R. No,
Zurich, Basking re -appointment as corn
!borer ina'pe'etor.
Froin the (East Huron 'Women's 11-
stitu'te, the S'ou'th Huron Wooten's 111-
s'titute, and the 'Ontario Agricultural
Council, a's'king ,grants.
The following stations were pre-
.Armstrong -/Cardiff: That a letter
of sympathy from this Council be
sent .to Mr. 'Wclbster Turner, es -reeve
of Stanley, who is ill at his 'home.
1Feaga•n-Stewart: That '14 r. Chas.
Asquith be' reappointed a member of
the 'Goderich: Collegiate 'board ;for
three years. 'Carried,
Ca'rdiffaFeargan: That a11is County
Council grant to the Warden $125 'for
the year 1119130 'to help pay his ex
pen's'es. :Carried.
•Cardiff-Hlaacke: That Reeve Geo,
-1'1'dNa'll be appointed to The -criminal
audit .board for ,19138. !Carried.
Eckert-Mac'Kay; That j. 1F. Daly
be appointed to the 'S'eaforth ' Collegi-
ate B'o'ard for 1119138,9440: 'Carried.
IGraht4D'avidson: That Mr. Willer
Proctor be reappointed to the IWin'g
ham 'high .School !board for three
}Tara. Carried.
Sanders -Armstrong: That William
May be 'ap'Pointed a member ,of the
Exeter (High School 'board :for three
years. ,Carried:
Standing Committees for 1938
Executive—L. E. Cardiff, F. L. Da-
vidson, J. H. Scott, E. D. Brawn,
Richard (Johnston.
!Legislative -- W. D. Sanders, Geo.
Armstrong, W. C. 'Kerr, 'Edward
Lamport, IPeter W. !Scott.
Finance—!H. 14, (Keys, Chits. Mac-
Kay, R. IE; .Shacddick, !Gilbert Frayne,
Fred Watson.
Education—'Fred 1.ivernibre, T. IC.
Wilson, 4, 113, Toner, 'Jas, Leiper,.
Percy (Passmore.
Property-1R'ohert '.Turner, 'Gilbert
Frayne, H. 'A. Keys, •'R, Ji. S'haddick.
'George 'Arnitrong.
Comity" Home -11. :\, Bryttns, 3 \i.
Eckert, Richard Johnston, J. 7Th Scott,
1'. C. \Vilsmt.
Agricultural—(Peter W. Scott, (Fred
Livermore, W. ;i. Stewart, FM. Lam-
port, \V. II). Sanders,
Children's Shelter -.I17. L. 117avidsou,
L, 11. Cardiff, Wilmot SIaaoke.
'Warden's ---,W. I1. Stewart, J. A.
&ryans, 13. M. Eckert, 'Jas. Leiper,
•Robert Turner.
Good Roads ---George •C. 'Feagan,
Chester Mawhinney, (Roland Grain.
An estimated rate of 4 mills pins
the cost (of secondary education was
announced last Wednesday 'by the
troasnrer at the second. session of
Huron County council, when 'he sub-
mitted a statement di. the estimates
of (receipts and expendiures •bar 1.938,
which wens referred to the 'Finance
The rate as estimated 1s based on
the 'following assessment: !General
hey:,. Books
We Fire Selling - Quality Backs
Boake are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. A11 ptyles,
Carbon leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere.
Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
ac'co'unt 7;18 mills, County high ways
119' emesis, (Provincial -highways .3
Mr. Erskine said lie left reserve
in that general fund for ...unexpected
expenditure. School costs apart from
secondary sc'hool's had •adva, ced +dur-
ing'the past year and may advance
again next year. The otherestimates
are based on the average .for ;the past
three years, except where accounts
show a gradual increase 'frosts year
to year.
The 'County Home estimate has
been set at 1$6,000: 'During the past
two .:years no money has been spent
on the H'onte due to the collections
from. .estates ,which lie waned.' could
not be expected to continue.
Mr. IE'rs'kine's statement of the es-
timates foelows: (General account, ex-
penditure, admin. !justice, $519,000;
'h'os', 1$132,00mnpagvn:
men't,pitals113!7,000; c0hi11';drenu'siciaidl society,
$4,55010; grants, '$3,100; .jail, $4,800;
county horde, 5361000; 01 .L. iirterest,
'$'3:0091; insurance, heat and telephone,
$2,3001; 'county property, .$1,1800; print-
ing and postage, 1$1,1200; a'egistry of-
fice, ($7001; ,audit, 1322610; corn (borer insp.
$350; now equipment, 011,01101; sty:hoots,
not secondary, 1$1:0,!(1',001; sundry, WOO;
reserve for unforeseen expenditure of
coun'e'il, 1$3,000:
'Dotal estimated expenditure $90)1110.
'Less estimated revenue:
Twps, re hasp'ita4's, $+31;200; admin.
justice, $3,800; licenses, :$650; 'fines,
$4100; .registry 'office, 1;2,319; re corn
borer, 1$11135; 111,8 midis on assessment,
$719).'x8, Total $90!3132.
Estimated sunplus, 1.11132.
'Provincial highways, estimated re-
venue—Ban'14 rbala'nce,, $1,86235; :3
mills on assessment, $1(3,28135. 'total
IEistimated expenditure —Debenture
payment, ,$113,9t50;416; !estimated sur-
plus, x$2,1193.414.
Clerk J. i\I. (Roberts in .submitting
his report showed there was a steady
reduction through recent years in
High and -Continuation School cost
for 119317. In that year costs amounted
to $412;300; in 1111341, }$557,000, and hi
11933 to over •13610,000. This he said
would .hare a 'favorable effect in set-
ting the mill rate.
Old Age Pensions and Mother Al-
lowances costs in 19131 ainounted to
$35,4180, In .19157, these costs amounted
to 111114118. .Apart from the cost of re-
munerating the Huron (Old Age and
Slathers' 'Allowances Local Board for
its services, tete full cost will be ah-
em -bed 'by the province, There were
855 old age ,pensioners -at the close of
the year.
''here were 8,81 hospitalization
cases in 110317 reported as indigents.
:\ considerable li.umber of these were
refused by tile reeves of the various
municipalities as indigents,
"We have made it a practice,
wherever 'possible ,to have sanitarium
patients returned 'to their homes even
though they had on occasions to re-
turn for occasional treatment. The re-
d;u'ction per patient in some cases was
as notch as '$500 per annum. This
meant a saving of at least $3;000 to the
county. (Patients returned to 'their
'losses on this basis have always been
with their entire approval or with the
ho'spital's assurance they were lit to
leave the hospital.
1'hc report was referred to the Leg-
islation 'Committee for consideration.
J. 1. 'Reynolds, gaoler, reporters
there have been 11216 prisoners in 1036.
Of these :418 were .for theft; 23 for
L.'Ca,A.; d17 for Motor Vehicles Act;
nine for vagrancy; seven for' breaking
and entering; fraud, six; assault, ;fotlr:
inland 'Revenue 'Act, two; :carnal
knowledge, one; indecent assault, one;
preventing 'justice. one; inlpersanati.ng
sheriff, one; possession of drugs, one;
attempting suicide, one.
There are six prisoners in custody
at present; cost of daily rations, ,112'%
Engineer's Report
IR. Patters -on, Comity Engineer re-
ported road expenditure, of 13(11,318,4139.-
'111; (tan -subsidy expenditures of $130,-
759,914 'Recei:pts amounted -to $1711,020.
There 'w^ere 216102102gallon's of ;Moo
min used during the year. At current
contract prices the spraying of this
material would be $6,1530.05, 'while the
cost with the county machine teas $1.-
1;901,518 •and adding $5500 for other
charges, '$3,11410.1119. representing a sav-
ing of $4,112886; 448 tons of calcium
chloride were applied to '1119 miles' of
18,'51214 cubic yards of 'crushed ;grav-
el and 13,1670.cubic yard's of •pit run
gravel where prodn'ce•d and -applied an
the roads. The 'cost of 'crushing. was
a little higher .this* ' year, awing to the
equipment becoming old, and opera
tions in more .cdetly pits. 'Considera
riots of Crus'h'ing 'by contract' is in
order, a'evd it will Ibe 'fond expedient
to ;contract a larger ip-ortiatt •af our'
wonk in the •future, or replace some
crushers with modern equipment.
"Depending 'ulpon the type of :work
u'nderta'ken, new equipment will the
needed by the county, and 'it may he
found Profitable to exchange some of
our tracks as pati( payment on new
TTntil tli'e end of the year all of
the county roads
wrer- kept ,o
pen for will be..cant•pleted before Spring. I
cars, and since that tine 1185 smiles. intervi'ewed, olficials of the C. V. R.
together with more or (less woelt on 315' and it was intimated that approval
miles of 'provincial highway, would be forthconriag dor Nlre 'inolu-
"'The county has in use orl.c sinal of the adjacent, t uused'property
about one-third the amount (if snow in the area to be ;beautified. 'I • have
;'fence needed, To supply .this at once had some 'brush out and piles of rub
would involve an expenditure of
about $315)000, 'hunt some should :be
bought fins year.
"The costs of o'pera'ting the new
trucks are: No. 1, )11,991088; for 96,-
775 yard miles, 13,,15/ per yard mile.
No. $11,622e712; 'for 16,0514 yard utiles.
4.5e per yard mile.
Allowing for v.arieetion in loads, it
is safe to say that t'he /c'os't averaged
less than 4,5 •cents,
"The chimp truck .operated it;
slightly over 'Sc per yard mile. Our
contract work w'as .done at '68 and 7r
per ya'nd mile, but it is expected
that next year such 'wortt will all be
done at 6c or less,
71928 a -traffic officer was ap-
pointed' in response to requests from
villages for supervision over the traf-
fic. .Since that time conditions have
changers; a con'sidera'ble mileage of
main roads were +taken over by the
province, and traffic through most
villages policed by the pro'viincial traf-
fic officers. 'Now tete 'chief occupa-
tion of the traffic officer is the invest-
igation of accidents, most of which
occur on ,pro:vincial highways and
township rows,s in which the county
road system las no concern, anti no
part of fie, cost of which should be
borne by the comity roast Mande, The REFORESTATION AND
,province now takes •a large part -of COINSERVATION
the 'fines collected, and 1 .do not feel
that the .county roads department .is
any longer ;notified in employing a
traffic Officer, and T believe _that _the
money is much more •urgent•ly needed
on the •roacls. Moreover, the investiga-
tion of ell sc accidents is a provincial
requirement, and it is reasonable that
they he investigated by; the ooficers
of the province, :which would save the
con 1111' money.
'.Since the province has assumed
many of our stain roads, and is add-
ing to the list of traffie officers,1
recommend that provincial - govern- <;oderich Si`If 1314 14,7 .8
stent ,be petitioned to employ Mr. 3laKillup .. .96:-1 3.6
!-ever, who has been our traffic of- '1'urn'heery o .,.(7213 131,9 1525 ')3.0
(icer daring the hast few years. \shlicld ..92.6 13.7 3.41 .7
"11 it be decided to continue his Stephen .. .. ...9.'6111 3.9
enrploytnent, •1 recommend that he slay ., 8t38 4;5 .8 110.0
be removed from the chargee f on, 1-Iullo(t .. .. , . , 14.3 4.3 2.3' 1.2
county road department. 1n the event Colborne .. 93,51 4:51 1.1.8 1,2
of his employment being discontinued T•uckersutith . _91.3 6.2 2.4) .5
by the county, and 11 the province \\'. \Vawamish 7(15' 6,6, (30 .5
fails to employ hint, I recommend fetors/ .. .. 92,9 6.9 .2
that he be .given a substantial retir- Sfnrris ., . • ,13'2,41 :7:0 12.1) 7:7
hug allowance. 1 Powick , , .. 69.5 7.4 ;1:2 31.9
"Pursuant to the reeontnlendatiims tires ., .. ...:'1347,'3 7.5 -•112.3
made last year that our main roads 1'-• \\'aw'auosh .,`5353 8:41 2n9
he provided with a bituminous surface Stan icy .,,, .,.,90.71 14,3
before ent'barkingu•pan any extencitc Huron 1114111:) ,it1.114 t).9 1(1,3
improvements to roads of lighter T•Inron-iiW$1-1') 715.1 5.75 .3, '59
traffic, tie following program is of_ The above table 'provides an inter-
fered for consideration; estinst study and very definitely brings
1938—Complete Seaiorth - Brussels 125 our attention the rather .alarmingly
road, '5 miles; Bayfield-Seafocth road, low .percentage of 'hush .or woodland
7 Hailes; Lucknow-Nile road, surface in each township in the •county, Lt is
treatment, 11111 miles; 'DHnio'p east 0' a generally accepted fact •that there
Carlow, 4 miles. should he at (east 1110 acres of wood-
"19139-_. Complete Bayfield - Sea. land to every 1100 acres in order to
forth road. 7 miles; ("ariant Idlyth maintain and carry on a s-u'ccess'ful
road, .113 miles; ('arlow,Nite road, 2 agricnl¢u're. an Harron County there
niIles, are eight Townships with less than
"1941)-81, Marys roads,' .5 stiles 5 per ,cent woodland and the remain -
Crediton road, '11) miles; Brussel• ing eight 'Townships run from 6)2 per
north, 5 miles. cent 40 9.31 per cent bush or woodland.
"11t)4111-1Kip'pen road, tl miles; St. A comparison of the (11901 and .1834
Marys ro ad, '5 miles; Brussels -Rel- 'ligates .. haws- that the percentage of
more road, 12118 miles. ' woodland in the County 'Inas dropped
"To carry out this work, six miles from 9,9 to 3.7 aver a period of 33
of grading and gravelling will be years. Looking forward to conditions
needed on the Crediton woad, ani' five which might obtain 80 to 411) years
utiles on the li'ippen road, as well as ;hence will serve to emphasize the
improvements to the grade on all the need far immediate action. In addi-
roads. Tile drains will .be needed on ,tion, it is estimated 'that the cutting
sections of the roads. and the grading for titicber and fuel in the 'County
and draining should be done well in amounts to at least MAO acres yearly
advance of the surface work. and (luring :the past few years there
"In most of .our newer roads, has not ,been over 100 acres per year
small construction job's will be sec- planted out to tree ;growth,
essary to make the roads safe, WIC' Value df the Woodiot to Farmer
the other roads -cannot be neglected
a In the opinion of many people
standard, while it is expected that the chief value of the wood•lot is that
some bridge must be replaced, it osiers a ready and convenient
No dnnht it will be found that source of fuel and lumber. The own -
emit a program must he varied. to er should 'use it for this purpose but,
suit conditions which may change by proper management, to retain it as
from time to time, but it is submitteda perpetual source of supply. An acre
as a passible guide for the future, of well managed woodland should
"Pony 3heal,an, who has been em- produce one cord of wood per year.
toyed ,by the carroty its power (grad_ ('b) The presence of woodlots tends
operator and on other work for
to increase the amount of water in
about seventeen years, has !been in streams and springs, and has a direct
Byron Hospital, Lofd'on, for over two influence 'out the water level in welts
months with illness, resulti•ing from
and. 'the 'aotou•nt 'of moisture is 'trite
war service, Mr. Hespan has been re- soil.
dei ieg et small pension, but quite (c)' \Vond4ats are important as
adequate, considering the nature of -windb'reales and shelter -belts and pro-
his injuries. 11 -Te has :had a great deal 'tent farts !buildings and (fields in crasp
of expense on account' of i loess in itis during (both •summer and winter,
!family, and I recontnnend that the ('d) 'W'here 'the country is rolling :or
'Pensions Board sit Ottawa Ibe peri- where steep hillsides or ravines are
based to -deal fairly with Mr. Mea- 'present, tree growth prevents severe
Ilan in regard to pension. ,i farther re erosion mot the eves/Mug away of the
commend that, 'pen'ding the decision soil. Tree planting on light sandy
of the IPcnsian Board VG
Mr. ea.lian he landprevetuts :such land firom dri•ftilag
granted a liberal allow'an'ce by the tato roadways or into tillable land.
County. (e) 'Tree :growth !provide's s'had'e ,for
"I (nay say that I have made a livestock, nesting places' for .iusecti'v-
survey :of ;the late, Dr. 'Dunlop's ,prop_ annus (birds, and Protection, .for bur
er-ty and' p'retaa:red a .contour' plan btarin•g .an'iotals.
which 1 have s•utbmitted to R. J, !(f) rA. good wraodlot alis a. 'definite
!Moore of the Department of 'Iiigh- .val'ite to the 'farm •'property and has
ways,, who has agreed to lay out -the often been the deciding factor -when
planting, and it is expected that it ltuyttvg or selling a 'Farm.
bish b'u'rned.
recommend that a committee 'be
designated at this meeting to report
on the proposed improvements, and to
supervise the work,"
The usual grants will be given to
all libraries within the 'county.
The clerk, treasurer .and caretaker
were granted two weeks' holiday's,
Deputy (Reeve Brown of Goderich
at the morning session inquired if
an exception could not 'be .made to a
recipient of mother's a'llow'ance not to.
have the antoun•t d'edwc'ted fora San
who had readied 16 years :of age. ,
"How can the !boy get employment,
and 'how is the mother to 'keep him?
The government has set a plan 'far
youth 'training but :the minimum age
is 11'8. (Positions used to be waiting 'for
boys; now it is different: He appeal-
ed strongly that 11 the government
has ackonwledged the responsibility
to keep bays to that age, .tire allow-
ance should have been makle to .take
care of Ahem 'between the ages of 16
and 1118.
(Reeve Cardiff--J.'T•h•e mother' -s
(Continued on Page Six)
(Continued from Page Two)
everyone doing something, even in a
small way, to 'restore the countryside.