HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-20, Page 8PAGE IGHJ
Mrs, John :Zudfle is confined to her
shame with an attack of pleurisy.
\Miss Evelyn Hupleing of Thames
!Road visited fpr a few .clays last !week
With Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell,
Mr. )John Coulter has lbeen canfined
to his home, through illness.,
Ws, Ij, W. Boirthron • returned
hame an Sunday from Kitchener after
visiting her Mother RvIrs. •Yungiblut.
Miss Hyde of •Ushorne 'is vlsiting
her grandparents, MT, and Mrs.. Geo.
IBorn,at 151117 W•eadall Ave., Kitch-
.ener, on January sillIth, to Mr. and Mrs
Leslie Knight, a daughter.
The annual meeting of bhe Ladies'
Aid of Carmel •Presbyterian Church
was held in the school room of the
church on Tuesday evening, jam IS,
at 8 p.m. The -Meeting wan apC11eti by
singing Psalm 2i. ftrIlowed by the
Lord's prayer in u.,ison. Miss Hannah
Murray presided o sec the meeting.,
The minutes of th previaus meeting
were read and ado ted. Business fol-
lowed, reports wer . read which show-
ed the society doi tst g splendid work.
Ears. D. 'Work -ma . the treasurer, re -
parted a total of 4460.92 made by the
groups for the sdb.st year, Mrs. Yining
,then presided over the meeting for el-
ection of affieers: President, Miss H.
Murray; vice pres., Mrs. Geo. \Valk-
ert secretary, :Mrs. Roy .11cL,aren;
treasurer, Mrs. ID, Workman. Meeting
closed by singing a hymn followed by
Mizpah benediction.
Miss Dorothy 'McQueen left on
Tuesday for Landon where she will
enter '''ictaria hospital as 0 nurse in
training. Her cousin, Aliss Jeanette
Scott, Cromarty, accompanied her to
'London and will spend a day or two William Dennis.
in the city,
The annual congregational meeting
of .Cannel ,Presbyterian Church will
he held on 'Monday evening, jan, 24,
in the church.
.A communion service was held in
Carmel Presbyterian Charch on Sun-
day morning, A pr'Isparatory service
was held in the church on Friday
evening. The pastor, Rev. W. ,A,
Young, conducted both services.
The 'Canadian Legion intend put-
ting on a Ibingo and dance in the
town hall on `Wednesday evening,
sjan. 26. T'his is the first bingo game
the legion has put on in Hensall this
minter. It should be well attended.
Mise lrene Douglas, assistant tea-
cher in the continuation school, is
confined to her home through illness.
Her place is sbeing filled by Miss Nle -
Clary of St. 'John, who taught in Miss
Douglas' place a few years agi when
Miss Douglas was off. duty` •on ac-
count of ill health:
Death of Wm. Eloosterman—
Mr. William .Kloosterman, a high-
ly respected resid.ent of this district
for over 1,5 years. passed away at
Dr. Mair's hospital on Sunday. Sev-
eral months ago he was stricken with
a cancer in his throat. He was a nat-
ive of Holland, coming to this coun-
try about 1'5 years ago. He %gas a
strong robust man, a splendid worker,
and his services were always in de -
man by the district .formers, spending
'about 110 years employed with Mr.
Hugh McEwen of the 2n,(1 con. of
Hay. He was 38 years of age and
had no relatives in this country. The
funeral ' took place from Dr. Moir's
hospital on Tuesday afternoon, inter-
ment in the Exeter cemetery. Rev.
Arthur Sinclair conducted the funeral
Mrs. W•illia m Henry and daughter,
Miss 1Margare•t Henry, of Clinton,
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs, 'Ed. McQueen.
Mr. Earl iParlmer spent the week
. end at his home.
,Ntrs, Mary MesKitig who was taken
to St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
about three :weeks ago, for appendici-
tis, was able to return to her home
here on 'Tuesday.
Mr. Thos. AVren has made a num-
ber of miproventents to the interior
of his store iveshich will make it more
convenient for serving his patrons.
Reeves Gen. Armstrong of Hay
Twp., and 'Ernest Shaddick of Hen -
sell, are in iGoderich this week attend-
ing the 'January session of the county
council. .
The pupils of the Henn% .publie
school held a skating party on the
rink on Friday evening. A large
crowd was out to enjoy the event.
The ice was in splendid condition.
At the close of the skating, coffee
and a lunch was served. The teachers
of the public and continuation isehools
were in charge.
Mrs. Alex Sparks is sPencling the
winter months with .friends in
The Hensall municipal 'books were
being audited last week :by First -
brook, Monteith '& Co., chartered ac-
countants, of Stratford.
Mr, John sRowcliffe who was seri-
ously ill for several weeks at his
home on the highway one mile south
of ,Hensall suffering from pleurisy, is
now recovering nicely.
'Miss .Elva 'McQueen has 'been con-
fined to her home •for several days
suffering frain a severe cold. ,
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. 'Bonthron left
on Tuesday for Florida where they
will 'spend the balance of the winter.
Miss Mary MoKaig of Exeter
spent last week at her home here:
Mr. and .Mrs. :R•obt. Varley and
.thaughter B'anbara of 'Chiselhorst
'spent a few days lest week visiting
'Mrs.. Arariev's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Chas. Wolff.
Miss IRuby Neff of Aliso. Craig
spent a 'feW days 'last week visiting
her ;parents, (Iva and Mrs. John Pfaff.
Large ;quantities of 'sawn logs are
being brought in to 'Welsh's sawmill.
The farmers are taking advantage of
the good sleighing.
Mrs. E. K. Hatton spent a few
days last week in 'Guelph visiting
friends. . .
Ray Foster spent the .week :end in
Toronto, visiting relatives.
Mrs. Fred Ronthron had the mis-
fortune to have her right wrist brok-
en on Thursday evening last. While
going out the back door she slipped
on' the ice ',and fell, and in thrawing
out •fier azan to save herself, she :frac-
tured her swriSt. .. '
'Mr. 2, K. Htitten has been at Mr-
, ham for several Weeks relieving- at
-the 'C.IN.R: staticin' there.
game 'of the Cyclone 'hockey ago. Since the death of her Ituaband
:league series was ,played here on 'six.
Monday evening between the Credit- months 'age, Mrs. HorMaler has
on and Hensall teams. Hensall won 7
to T. There was g fair attendance, •
,Meeting— ,
The W.M.S: of :Carmel Presbyter-
ian 'Church held their regular arnorth.
ly meeting in the 'basement Of ,the
church .on Thursday afternoon. There
was a goad attenktan0Q of members.
The president, Mrs. Colin Hudson,
presided. The program ,voas taken
from the !Glad ,Tictings•Mrs. Hudson
react the opening pant. A hymn. •was
sung and a prayer in unison, Mrs.
Hudson read, On the :Need of Prayer.
Mrs Workman read the Scripture
lesson and h prayer of dedication bY
Mrs. W. A. Young. Mts. Hudson
read What is grayer, and the re-
gionse was read in unison. Scripture
reading's were given iby Mrs. Hudson,
Miss jean 'Dolma Mrs. A. Logan,
MN. Arnold, Miss Craig and Mrs. W.
A. McLaren. Mrs, 'W. A, McLaren
sang a solo, "'Near to the Heart of
God," Mrs. 'Hudson read again from
the glad tidings, "What prayer does."
Mrs. .Geo, Walker gave tt very inter-
esting- address on •prayer, "The Vital
Force ot Missions:, The meeting
closed with a hymn and a prayer i1
r. ,Arthur Parkins. of Deafield
acting as foreman of the section
gang of the MIR. Hensall division
for a few weeks.
Mrs. Robt Higgins was. visiting
friends in Exeter on Saturday.
N1r. and Mrs. William, Boyd were
recent visitors with Ilr. and 'Mrs.
Mr. John Dennis is improving a
little. He is able to sit up ,for a 'while
each day.
Mr, and Mrs. 13,61) :Patterson were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William
Leeming last !Friday.
We are glad to say that Miss
Bessie 'Davidson is •progressing
Mr, Sam McSpadden Spent Satur-
day with Mr. H. Bryans of Walton,
Misses Jessie, Lena and Mr. Elmer
Dennis spent Saturday .veith Mr, and
Mrs, Alex Dennis of the nth,
Misses Edna and Margaret Crozier
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
!Mrs. Joseph Thornton
Mr, !Ray Nicholson, .who was 1st
Mg in Toronto, has returned to his
work at john Crozier's.
Mr. Ed Regele spent Saturday at
Ike home of John Dennis.
Mrs. George Beadle aild daughter,
ta, have returned home folio wing
.1 visit wil relative, in Detroit.
Nliss Beryl Wilson of Stratford
Normal and Miss Mildred Preston of
Wiarton sp en t the week end with
:dr, and Mrs. J. j..\\1ilson.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hamilton
1 11 11 family have returned home from
visit with friends at 'Parkhill.
Mr. A. E. Keller of Port Burwell is
rev relieving at th e R, station.
11 jo.epltine Weir is visiting
-iends at Strathroy.
Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Garre ft of
Myth vi.ited with Mr. and W. '1'. Ro-
)inson on Sunday.
Mr. '11111 Wallace, who has been eis-
lung his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Symington, for the past two
.11011ths, has returned to his home .in
Wilkie, Sask. .
NI r. John Sin itey and daughter,
'harlotte, of Star City, Sask., are vis -
,ting the former's, sisters, Mrs. .1.
lark and Mrs Writ. Dod•ds, Sr., and
other friends
Nliss Joan Sheppard spent the week
.1(1 .with Lois Ferguson of Clinton.
'Mrs. Geo. Sturdy is visiting friends.
it Clinton- •
Ilr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and
Stewart spent Sunday with friends in
Mrs. W. J. Rsibisun, 'Mrs, Edgar
gawscin, Mrs. Fred Ross and Joseph -
me Weir attended the reception tea
htld at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A.
Nl. lioyle. Blyth, last ThursdaY,
l'he public library held a dance in
the Forester's Halt last Friday night
aith a good attendance. Music was
supplied by the Hill Billie, of Wing-
Church Notes.—
Rev, A. Nl. Boyle conducted the
service in legiox (Presbyterian Church
last Sunday and gave a very impress-
ive message on Hereditary a.nd Fatal-
ism 'apeaking front :Ezekiel' 1-2. Ow-
ing to the illness of the pastor, Rev.
C. Wilson there %etts no service in
the United •Church 4ast Sunday.
The service in St. Mark's ;Anglican
Church was conducted by the rector,
Rev. IR. M. Weekes, who spoke on
Life's ;Puzzles.
Rev. G. W. Sherman .had the serv-
ice 111 the Baatist (Church on Sunday
and snake on Lot's Wife,
The Young People of the United
Church held their weekly meeting on
Tuesday evening ,with Geo.. Straughn
fit charge and Mary 'Munro• at the
piano. Evelyn Plaetzer •read the scrip-
ture and Stewart Ferguson gave the
topic on Medical Missionaries at
home and abroad. Aubrey Tall sang
a solo.
Death of Mrs. ,Geo. Howatt—
:Death on •Thursday evening claim-
ed Another :pioneer resident of this
.cornmunity 10 the person of Mrs.
Geo. ID. 'Hewett in her 77th year.
'Mrs. Howatt ha4 Ibsen in 'failing
health lior two years but death fol-
lowed a stroke stIffered two weeks
suad.e her, home :With hen. sis,Mr-ig!s
low, JaS!'''Plowatt here- Albotiti
nonth ago they left to spend the win -
'ter .with !Mrs. Jia. Howatt'.s .daughter,
Mrs. Percy Manning, Loadesbaro,
and it was at this .home that .death
occu.rreci. Mr.s. JHOwatt was formerly
'Mangaret Howatt, .dausghter . Of 'the
late !James and Innen Howatt and, 'was
!born in Burford Township where she
lived until her marriage M. 'George D.
.Howatt March 13101h, •1118198. The couple
moved to the KnightdEstate where
1Reeve and 'Mrs. eVni. Stewart now
live, later Ibuying the farm of the late
David Wilson .where 'Amos ',Andrew
now lives. Some 141 years ago they
moved to Auburn. !Mrs. I-Iowatt was
a member .of the 'Baptist Church and
always took en active interest in the
work of the Ladies' Aid. She was
also a member of the Women's In-
stitute until ill health prevented. I3e-
ing of a eniet kindly disposition and
•one who was often called in times of
sickness her passing will .be deeply
mourned in this community. Left to
moorn are one sister, Mrs Thos.
Lowden of Saskatchewan, and one
brother, Thos. IHowitt,
,A private funeral was hell at the
home of M.r. and sNirs. Percy Ilan
ning on •Sattirday, The service was
conducted by :Rev. G. W. 'Sherman,
pastor of the Baptist "Church. The
pallbearers were Niessrs. Leslie join -
bit, 'Cleo, Johnston, Stanley John-
ston, Percy Mann lug, \ V i Im er How-
itt and Was. Ho:wig. Many beautiful
floral tributes shoveing the esteem the
departed Aces helld were received froth
Althorn Baptist Ladies' 'Aid, Mr, and
Mrs. Wilmer Hawitt, Mr. and Mrs,
Percy 'Manning, Ur. and Mrs, I-Iugh
Chesney and Londesboro 'United
Church. Interment .took place in
13a11's Cemtery. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl ano
Shirley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Riehl Sr. in Mitchell on Sunday.
'Mr. Fred DM* is spending it . few
(lays in Kitchener:
'lir. J. L. Bennewies is busy wiring
in the district of •Gacishill.
Carmen Mogk who was confin-
ed to the Seaforth Hospital for the
past six weelcs, returned shinue, but will
have to remain in lbed :in a cast for sev-
eral weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Querengesser
arid Howard, Shirley 1)iegel, Ilr. and
Mrs. .Rtissell Sholdiee and:Cary visit 41
with N1r. and Airs George Young in
Stratford on •Stinclay.
The roads are being opened again
•fter being elosed after Sunday night's
storm, —
Rabbit hunting is order of day as
they seem numerims mul are damaging
fruit trees and 'lower shrubs. at.
X i t 11 th c It ea vy blanket of snow the tin-
fortnnate rabbits can't gel id. It
would be wise to scatter some alfalfa
hay for thern •th live on and Aave the
damage they are doing.
NI is Thos. :Purcell has been bus) ga
(tiering uu the rabbits Inc the fiik
farms at Eitchener and has already
delivered three truck loads.
Last Tuesday' -morning broke the re-
;ord as the temperature dropped to 15
below zero and jaok Eroat tritid out
all the weak spots.
The NICKillop, Logan and silibbert
l'eleplione Co. met at Dublin last
Wielneglay. The report showed an-
other soccessftil year. Many share -
hollers from here attended.
The Constance W.A. and W.M.S.
held their monthly meeting in the
basement of the church, Thursday,
Jan. 03. Mrs. Britton, president of the
W.M.S., took the chair Inc the first
part of the meeting, Minutes were
read by the secretary and adopted, Er -
511,. of the coming year .were discus-
sed. NIrs. Earl Lawson took charge
of the program Inc 'Group .No. 1.
Hymn -"The Church's One Fomida-
thin" was sung. The Scripture lesson
w,as read by 'Miss 14elen Britton and
Mrs. Geo. Addison read the devotion-
al leaflet, the theme of :which was
-The Church in Action—My Life.
Life," IA duet by Edith Britton
and Doris Lawson entitled, "Pt Pays
to Serve Jesus" was sung, Hymn
"Sons of Labor, Dear to Jesus" was
sung, Mrs. Rabt, Lawson closed the
meeting with prayer. Lunch was
Tihsere will be a progressive euchre
party and dance in the •Forresters'
hall 'Friday evening. 'Good prizes are
being given so come ,and enjoy it.
TM r. VIto. :Blacker of near Clinton
spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs.
'Joe !Riley,
The skating rink is in fwil awing.
-Many are taking advantage of the
good ice.
Mr. George Lames has hiredfor
the summer with Mr. :Frank IF!owler
on the Huron Road.
while I was standing in a zoological
garden I 'saw a man come in on an
Wednesday, Jan. 216 at stile Queen's
.Hotel Barna, ISeaforth. The.last sale
'was ,goolcl. This week we will have 510
sucker pilgs, '51 choice, sows due within
6 wee'ks, when Ice,pt they were all
graded as -selects. Stacker cattle and
pigs are 'wanted. Bring in anything -
you want to sell as :the roads are
heavy and we can't get out. Rates
reasonalble. anformaltion left at the
Queen's Hotel or Harold, Dale, looked
Terms cash. For information phone
the Queens hotel or Harold Dale,
;shone 111419, Seaforth, 'Auctioneer; jos,
J. Coyne,. Manager.
Seaforth Agricultural • Society
will hold their annual meeting in the
Carnegie Library an ,Priday. Jail. 21st,
1938, at 2 •p.m. Financial statement,
election of officers, etc. Humphrey
Snell, :Pres.; Mrs. j. A. Kerr, Secty.
For eight eords of hard maple !body
wood, fourteen inches long, to be de-
livered to School House No. 10, 14
1< i I lop, before . 310,th of NI arch. Ten cl-
ers to be in by the 217th of January..
R. j. 'Pethick, Sec.-treas., RR- No, 1.
Seaforth. 'Phone 2134 E 115.
We have a car each of 'First !Class
Hard Coal, stave and nut size, com-
ing shortly—off •cars, at .41112.40.' We
will deliver to town customers at
8113.010 off cars. •First quality coke
$111,20, "The Farmer's IPrice." Deliv-
ered in town, C1=112.100 per toll. 'Hygrade
Alberta Juinp, '4110.20, "The Farmer's
Price," Town deliveries, 1110.180 per
ton. Try our good quality fuels. "A.I.1
Prices Cash."
Phone 336. J. IL !Scott, Sec.
Rack off back of truck, green color,
lost somewhere between Seaforth and
Coderich on 'Wednesday ;naming.
'Phone Sj, Seaforth.
The annual meeting of the Farm-
er's Fertilizer Mixing Co.. of Densall,
will be held in the town hall, Hensall,
on Satnrclay afternoon, Jan. 2I3nd at
2 o'clock. Mr. 12. Scott of Belgrave
will speak on matters of interest to
farmers. MI wdeome, H. McLach-
lan, Secretary. •
The dwelling of the late Isabel
Broadfoot, having garden and barn
at the EetlE witi elt will accommodate
t\\ o ears. Apply Elmer ID. Bell, Sea -
forth. 5
Yankee --"Brother, that's tiothing.
'Once while 1 Wg5 watching a .ball
game 1 saw a player go out on a fly."
The W,X1.S. of the United Church
held thcir regulac Mee tin for
this year in the vestry on Thursday
afternoon. There !sus a good attend-
ance of members, Mrs. :Jas. Allan pre-
sided and opened the meeting by
sine in g hymn 5711, "Standing at the
Portal of the 'Opening Year." •Mrs.
ROM. Nletionigle took charge of the
devotional leMfiet "The Church in Ac -
0,,e," with the ypcicttis other mem-
bers givieg short readings, Mrs. Thos.
Richardson. Mrs. sl\foQuarrie, Mrs.
Jas. Stewart, MN, W. McMillan and
Mrs. Hugh Chesney Sr. The minutes
and roll call were read by the secret-
ary, Mrs, jno, Forest. Mrs. IR. E. Mc-
Kenzie very ably dealt with the .study
book, "A New !Church 1Fa,ces a New
World." The meeting closed by re-
Peating ihe 'Lord's .prayer in unison.
Sealer:1h played at Mitchell 'Wed-
nesday night in the local group of the
juvenile league. The score was Mit-
chell 7, ,Seaforth 6. Five carloads
went to 'Mitchell !from Seaforth and
saw a good game. The Seaforth line-
up included Leslie 'Ritchie, 'Jim 'Flan-
nery, Dick Box, Clem Hildebrandt,
Mel Messenger, 'Angus McLean.
Grant ;Finnigan, Pete Bannon, 'John
Moore, Mac tRintoul, Pete Nigh.
'Referee, L, Leopard, Mitchell.
Nlitchell will play in sSettfarth,
Thursday, Jan. 271111. Clinton, 'Gude-
rich, Mitchell and ,Seaforth make up
the local •group.
First Giade Creamery
Butter, 3 lbs. $1.00
With a $.2 (Grocery Order.
Tomatoes,3 this ,,,, .....29c
Peas, 3 tins ..... ....29c
Corn, 3 tins .....
Campbell's Soup, 3 tins ....25c
Red Rose Ib..........55c
Salada Tea, lb. 59c
Lipton's Tea, lb. 59c
Red Rose Coffee, lb. 39c
Women's Rubbers
3 Dome fasteners
per pair , $1.15
Misses' Rubbers
Dome fasteners
per pair .. „ . . . . 1.15
Child's Rubbers, per pair ..1.05
Pure Lard, 2 lb, 23c
Shortening, 2 lb. 25c
Seedless Raisins, 2 lb ....23c
Pastry Flour, 24 lb. ...67c
Macaroni 5 gods -Ids 23c
w, J. Finnigan
Successor to john H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
For six cards uf body wood, rnaple
and beech, 14 inches long, to be deliv-
ered by 'April 1st to S.S. No. 9. Tuck-
ersmith. Tenders received until Jan.
.41is1. Ivan Forsyth , Secty. treas..
Kip,pen RIR. 2.
Tenders for eight cords of body
wood, maple and .beech, most be at
least half maple, 1I4 inches long, de-
livered to S.S. ,No. 7, Tuckersmith.
Tenders to be in by Jan. 2151th, 1938.
A. !Nicholson, Seegtreas„ RE. No, 3,
Custom sawing will be done at
Gordon Richards.on's this spring.
tlie Party who removed a par-
cel with a gray coat and cap .from cut-
ter near Nlsain st. on Saturday after-
noon, return same immediately. Peter
Petersen, l'uckersmith, RE, 4, Sea -
I or tit , •
A six or seven roomed house in
Seaforth, centrally located. West of
Main street preferred. Must the reas-
onably priced for casli sale. Applg
13TiX II, News ;Office.
Through 12,000 Miles of Barbed
This is the title of a remarkable,
startling series of articles by H. R.'.
KniCkerbocker, America's most Me-
brated foreign correspondent, now
daily in The Detroit Times. ,Knicker-
hacker, after a journey which took
hint half way around the world, dis-
closes startling..findings of terror -rel..
low and red—threatenidg the world.
Rearing Winter Pigs
Successful 'winter pig ,production de-
pends la.ngely upon three factors.
These factors are: warm, dry sleeping
qmarters, free frorn drousglits; suitable
feeds and care in .feeding them, and
exercise in the early 'stages df growth.
Exercise .for the growing animal is
practically a .necessity. This is 'parties
olarly true of the pig in the early
stages, and especially so if the pig is
being forced lby heavy :feeding. Heavy
feeding without exercise is conducive
to .crippling, It is wise, therefore, to
allow the young pigs to run outdoors
during the 511e dell weather, a.nd when
they must be kept inside, due to bad
weather, They should he allowed suffi-
cient pen space to exercise freely.
With regard to providing warm and
earlier part of the year. !At the same
time it has to be remembered that any
attempt at forcing winter pigs when
ents many problems that are not en-
countered in summer time, since pigs
pigs are forced to live sunder •unnatur-
al conditicms in winter and without
the variety of 'feeds available
Land to rent, outright or on share
State full particttlars. sPhone 86 r 41,
E C. Chamberlaim
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to ,our prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1;30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
To 'progressive :farmers reeiding on
lands with buildings and having no
outside debts, Loans sup to 30%, of
present sales value of property. Apply
Elmer' D, Bali, Seaforth. '
A desirable property on Main St,
Egmondville, co.nsisting of seven
room frame house with 'hard and soft
water and hydro, half an acre of land,
and stable and hen house. Possession
Nov. 20th. Corner lot. Apply at The
News office.
Set of farm sleighs with flat bottom
and one good Portland cutter. W.
E. Butt, Kippen. Phone -111 on 91,
Tenders for ten cords of body
wood, maple and beech, most be at
least half maple, 20 inches long, deliv-
ered by March lat to U.S.S. No. 1,
NI cKillop. TenderS te sbe in by San.
117th. John Eallge, Sec.-Treas., RE. 4,
Tenders will be received up to Jan,
811 for twelve cords df '14 inch hard
body wood 'Rag S.S. No, 7, McKillo.p,
F.' W. Scarlett, Ser.-treas., 'R. R. 4,
A. good brown cutter rabe, in first
class condition. Phone 20 on 22,
before you decide
Our reputation for quality and service insures a
ready market for used radio sets. We can allow
you top prices for your old set on the purchase of
a new 1938 Westinghouse. Before you make a
trade, come in and get our proposition.
See the NEW 1938
The finest radio we have ever
offered . . . sensational
advancements including spe-
cial Armchair Model illustrat-
ed, also the newest Automatic
Tuning Models with Auto-
matic Frequency Control,
Atlas of the Air Dial, Remote
Control and countless other
advanced features.
$10. DOWN
You can own a Westinghouse Radio
for as little as 510 down and RI •
month, with liberal allowitae•
vest old NIL
John Bach
Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 17