HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-20, Page 540,
These prides in .effect 01 Jan. oth
JAM, St. Williams Strawberry
32 oz. Jar
size iS
size 2s squat
Manning's PER 21c
7s 27c.
10 BARS 3c
PER JAR 23 c
2 TINS. 19C
2 TINS .29c
24s -75c.
Eat Oranges Eat Oranges
Eat Grapefruit for Health
344s, Case—$3.40
288s. Case—$3.40.
216s. Case—$3.40.
TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT, excellent fiavor
130s. Per case at $4.25
2 DOZ. 25c
2 DOz, 35c
2 DOZ. 45C
6 FOR 25c
Sunkist Navel Oranges in Bas,kets, each 35c
Peameal Back Bacon, in piece or sliced per lb. 30c
Chocolates, Creams, etc. Mixture per lb, 15c
Sound Ontario Potatoes in 90 lb bags each 60c
Peas, Corn, tomatoes, Beans, Spinach, Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Pork & Beans, Pumpkin, etc. .. per tin 10c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77
Motor •or Horse Eguinthent
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
The January Women's Auxiliary
.met.at.the .home of Mrs. Robert Ste-
phenson on Wednesday afternoon,
leth. The president, Miss Edna
Cochrane, preSided. 'Theme for the
Year, "The Church in My Life, All
Life, All Lands." The 'meeting open-
ed by singing hymn MIL 'Miss arene
Turner .presiding at the piano. The
devotional leaflet was taken by Mrs.
R. Consitt. The .secretary and treas-
urer reports were read and adopted.
The 'business •was then taken. A letter
on supply work for (119318 was read
from Mrs: Colelough and the bales
are to be in her hands iby June Rat
this year. A motion Was passed that
each member give 159 cts. to buy
Tilt material for the bale. The Feb-
ruary meeting wil1 be :held in the
home of Mrs. JR. Love and Mrs. IR.
MdAllister will he in charge ,of the
,programme. The Bible reading, "The
.Church in. Action," •taken in parts by
Annie 'Jarrett, Rena Stephenson, Mrs.
R. .MciAllister, Irene Turner, Mrs. R.
Love. The study book, 1Men and
Wom.en of Far Horizons," was taken
on "Dr.oFtnathey's Work on. Drink-
ing Water, etc." Parts by Annie 'AT-
zdtt and Edna 'Cochrane. The offer-
ing was taken. Hymn .141C15,, and the
.Ibenedietion. A dainty 10116 was then
served bY the hostess with an attend-
ance of 'fourteen. '
'Mr. !Noah ,Sararas of .Kitchener vis-
.ited friends in this vicinity during the
Mrs, Mina Love is visiting her
• sister41140w at Kippen this week.
, 'IYIliss Annie 'Ijarrott met with an ,Se-
cidept on Thursday evening last
• When she •was thrown out .bf the
sleigh. She was about to he seated
when the 1-torse mov,ecl on, throwing
her oitt. She hit the ;reach on the
.'back of the sleigh with, her hack. !At
.date of writing she is improviug:
' Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Love and Mr.
W. J.jarrott and Annie attended a
session dinner at the 1Manse, ICippen,
on Thursday ,eyening.
• Mr. Percy Worlcman wears a smile
iTowiNbitvonder. A ,baby daughte't
'came to his house.
• The treasurer of the Hillsgreen
Church is waiting patiently for the
close of the books now another year
has begun.
Mr, John .Leiper who is engaged
with the (Goodison ,people has his new
car for 19138.
Mr. :Leslie Reid has purohased a
new truck.
Mr. ;Leo Watt purchased some
more cows recently.
Mr. and Mrs. INelson Lear and fa-
mily, ,also Miss Hazel .Rapson were
Sunday visitors at the home .of Mr.
and Mrs. /Leo Watt. •
Nurse Kathleen Beacom was back
to Clinton Hospital special-ing for a
couple of days the end of the week.
Iliarlock boys have been busy 'mak-
ing a skating rink at Harlock school
We hop e they will have lots of fun
MT. and Mrs. Warren (Gibbings and
Mr. Albert Rapson rvisited Sunday af-
ternoon at .01e home of Mr. and 'Mrs.
Isaac Rapson.
.Quite a number in this neighbor-
hood were rabbit hunting one ,day
last week.
Miss Jean Leiper visited MTS.
Charles Sundercaok one day last
Mr. John Leiner is at present in
Mr. Thomas iLeiper spent Monday
evening at the :home af Mr. and Mrs.
A. 'W. Beacom.
Mr, Clifford Ball vvho has been
helping 'MT. Lea Watt left on
day for for Windsor 'to visit brother
who is seriously ill.
Messrs. Illarold•and 'Bert Beacom
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of.Mr. and Mrs. 'James Leiper.
IMirs. Jennie Knox 'visited, last .weelc
at the home of her ,datighter, 'Mrs.
and Mr. Thomas ,Appleby, MoKillon,
We wish to extendour sincere
sympathy to Mr, Thos. 1:May1m and
family in the loss of their mother.
15 r. George Malone of (Detroit is
visiting at his :home here.
Mrs. ReVnokls of Clinton spent a
few days with her sisters, Misses
Tot rich.
.Frs. Billie Berne of Detroit at-
tended the funeral of .her aunt, Mrs.
T. 'NT oy la it. -
Mrs. M. ,Murray of Dublin is visit-
ing at the home of her von, John E.
Send us'.the ftatnes of your/visitors:
'Reeve j, H. !Scott, Seaforth, Reeve
J. M. 1Rokart, MelKillop, and 'Reeve
Chas. (MdKay, Tuckersmith, attended
the ;January meeting of county coun-
cil at Goderioh this week.
Ice .cutting on Silver 'Creek began
'this week.
Mr, and MTS. fEtwood and ;daugh-
ter 'of Goderich wre guests during the ,
weelc end of Mr. and ,Mrs. S. Hanna.
Miss Mary Jackson of Acton spent
the week end with 'her 'mother, Mrs.
L. C. 'Jackson.
.Mrs. Bushman ,of Calgary, Alta.,:
is visiting, Mrs. H. M. Ohes.ney, of
'Mr. W. H. COlding, ADP., was in
Toronto on (Monday.
A social evening will be held in
the parish hall ,o(f .St. Thomas' Church
ort Friday evening under the auspices
of the choir.
Mrs. B. M. Williams of Stratford,
who has been .irisitirrg her mother,
Mrs, S. Boyd, has been tailed to
Montreal owing to the sudden illness
of her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Haney, Sault
Ste, Marie, Ont„ Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
TO VP11. send, Conneant, lOthio, were
week -end igeests at the home of their
,brother, Mr. Sam Townsend.
Death of Mrs. Robert Coleman.—
' The funeral af Mrs. Rickert Cole-
man took place Irani her late resid-
ence, con. 8, it 29, Hibbert, on :Mon-
day. 'Jan. 117th, at 2 p.m. Her .passing
on Saturday folloWed an extended
illness. Born in Devonshire, England,
in 111818,6, her maiden .naine was Beat -
nee Frankpitt, and she came` to On-
tario in 11905 and had lived at Staffa
and Hibbert ever since, Left to mourn
the loss of a loving and kindly wife
and mother are her bereft husband
and two sous, Harold and leArence at
home, and two daughters, Rossie, at
home, and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, of.
Brucefield, to wham is eXtended the
sympathy of the community,
Also surviving are four sisters in
'England, Mos Laiwrence 1Fearby, Mrs
:Edward Leaman, Mrs. ljaok Winson,
Mrs. Fred Arnold; and another sister,
'Mrs. Sidney Triggs, of Maple Creek,
The funeral ,services on Monday
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Reidie 03
Cromarty Presbyterian 'Church. Int-
erment was in .Maitland 'Bank .Ceme-
tery. Pallbearers were ,Harold Cole-
man, Clarence 'Coleman, Wm. Cald-
well,. Thomas Laing, Win. 'Cameron,
and'Wilfred Coleinan.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week, 2$e
Cold Storage
Come to Meeting in ,
Friday,Jan. 21
AT 2 P.M.
Please be On time
Hear Information .
Chairman, Geo. 'McKee
Wm. Black J. M. Scott
Harold :Jackson W.V. 'Jefferson
D. MadFarlane E. L. Box
The -Ukulele Hill Billies
Wed., Jan. 26
Here's your chance to dance to one
of the snappiest Old Time Bands in
Western Ontario.
General lAdmission - - 530e
Monday Eve.
Proceeds, aid of Winthrop Sperts Club
. Admission l215e
Bring your partner, 'Lunch served.
and His Popular 7 piece Band
of Guelph
Friday, Jan. 21
• .Achnission 4i0lc
Souvenir of Plane's Only Flight
/2012, /7,91,1. fillr4/aPAI /9Ig
'4'. ,
• / Ite
, Nif
By AIR 11101
.Atho•ve is illustrated an .envelope referred to in these 'colatnos last
week, which came to Seaforth .from Netv Zealand by air mail, on the
Samoan ,plane and was received by Mr. IN. C. 'Carmichael. Tihe giant
,clipper was lost at sea on the return trip, tDuring the three years
'Clifford Carmichael has condapted the Stamp Collectors' 'Exchange
Club at Seaforthhis widespread advertising of "Seaforth, Ontario.
Canada," has generously given this town 'polblicity 10 many
newspaper and magazine readers in lAitnerica, 'Europe and elsewhere.
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
cemetery company was .held in the
town hall on Monday afternoon when
the following officers and directors
were appointed .for 1938: 'President,
Jas. 111 ,Reid; vice .president, Chas. R.
Middleton; sec.-treas., A. 1E. Erwin:
directors, john Hudie, D. H. Mc-
Naughton, Robt. Scotchmer, J. J.
Richardson, IE. IA. Westlake, Win.
Scotchmer. Sexton, Robt, Orr.
The annual meeting of ,the Guild of
Trinity ;Church, Bayfield, was heldat
the home of Mrs. .Goldthorpe ort
Tuesday evening. The fallowing offi-
cers were elected for 1191318: Mrs.
Yorke, Pres., Mrs. Bugler, Vice Pres.,
Mrs. 'Goldthorpe, Sec., Mrs, NiclICay,
The anneal meeting of St LAndrew's
Church was held in the basement on
Friday afternoon, Jan. 111401. There
.was a splendid attendance in spite of
the ,bad roads. The pastor, Rev. R.
M: Gate, in a •motion of the Board of
Stewards at a previous meeting, was
requested to take the chair, Miss
Maud 'Stirling nA1S appointed secret-
ary .for the meeting. The meeting was
opened with ,devational exercises by
the chairman after which well prepar-
ed reports were presented from all
organizations of the •chereh, showing
the congregation to be in better finan-
cial condition than in 1036. .Election
of the usual 'officers iand 'the various
boards then took place. A very hearty
invitation was extended to the minis-
ter to remain another year. Also kind-
ly expreSsiona to Mrs. 'Gale and :Miss
Gladys for her services as organist of
the church.
tin Bottiaeau Hospital, N. Dakota.
on Jan. lath, occurred the death of a
former Dayfield boy in the person of
Rev.. Thos. Johnson who was the son
of the late ,Ohris. and !Katherine
Johnsen. He was !born el years ago
on the farm now owned by Russell
Hurd an the Blue Water Highway.
He was known as a young man of
sound Christian principles. In 1885 he
was married to Clara Parker who in
4686 died leaving her husband with
an. infant son. After wonking at vari-
ous jabs here he went to Manitoba
then to North !Dakota where he stud-
ied for the ministry and was ordained
into the ministry of the Presbyterian
Church. He was married the second
time in 119100' and served as pastor and
friend in different charges in Dakota.
Besides his .wife he is survived hy
three sons and three daughters, Lorne
R., Rev. Erwin, 'rhos. Jr., Ruth. Neva
and Edna. also three brothers and four
sisters, !W. E. Johnson, Nakoma, N.D.
Wm.. Robt, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. •Nt-
wood and 'Mrs. 1:Parker all of •Bayfield
and Mrs, Thos. Parket of Naicam.
Sask. Seventeen years an he last vis-
ited his old home and at that , time
preached in 'both Pres'byterian and
Methodist churches in 'Bayfield.
Mrs. J. Toms Sr. was taken to 'Go-
derich hospital on 'Friday last for an
operation on her eye. Her many
friends hope she will soon be home
and that the operation will he of great
,benefit to her eyesight.
llesers. Simon MeVittie, 'Reiland
MoVittie, Nelson Lear and Geonge
Moen in company with Mn 'Witham
Wells of •LoncieSbero motored to Hes-
peler on Satteffay to attend the. fun-
eral of the former's youngest ibrother,
the late Mr. Albert MoVittie. We
wish to extend sincere sympathy to
all the friends.
The January meeting of the Ladies
A.id and 'W.M.S. of 'Burns' Church
was held 'Wednesday afternoon of last
week at the home 'of Mr, and Mrs. A.
.W. MciEwing 'with a good attendance
considering 'the weather and! roads.
We are glad. to know that Mrs. W.
Brown who was recently very aick is
able to he around and hope she will
soon ,be th.oroughly 'recovered.
Mr, cliff fln.a spent .Satuvday even-
ing at the home of Mr.4ancl Mrs. A.
W. Beacom.
,neighborhood attended the dance in
LondeSboro Friday night
Mr. John Leiper has been speeding
some holidays at the home of his par-
ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Leiper.
Miss Hazel Rapson visited Mr. and
Mrs. Audrey '1(110X on Sunday after -
.Mrs. Barbara Holland is apeadiag
two weeks in 'Chicago with her bro-
ther, Rev. Father Eckert, W110 is
seriously ill.
Dr. Prank Stapleton of ,Brantford
was a week -end visitor with his par -
eats, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Stapleton:
31r, and Mrs. James Krauskopf
are with Toronto friends.
Mrs. William Byrne attended the
funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Thomas
Moylan at St. 'Columban.
Miss Florence Smith, G,adshill. was
a .week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
:Prank Smith.
:Miss IDorothy Molyneaux, Zurich,
and Veronica. of Drysdale, with Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux.
'Mrs. James Shea and Mr. and Mrs.
M. Klinichamer were in London on
Tuesday t(I sen itt. James Shea who
IS in St, Joseph's Hospital. We wish
Mr. Silva it speedy recovery.
What might have proved a fatal
accident occurred on Sunday evening.
The little son of Mr, 1'.1ames 'Recite
was ,,,hot in the thigh by a son of Mr,
Pat i‘icOrath. While yonng McGrath
was taking the bullet out of the gun,
in some tray the guu went off and
shot little Herman Racho. The little
fellow is in the Seim .Memerial Hos-
pital at Seaforth.
'The annual meeting of the Ladies'
'Cluild of St. Mary's (Introit, Dublin,
was held at the home of Mrs. Gar
Smith on Thursday. All the offieers
were returned oflfice for .another
On Thursday evening Mrs. Frank
Smith entertained a few of her
Mends to five hundret1.1
Quite a few attended the funeral of
Mrs. Thomas Moylan at St. Col-
mnban on Tuesday.
Mr. Wm. 'Maloney of ,Ninette, :Ma-
nitoba, who is ot a three month tour
in Canada, has returned to Dublin af-
ter an extended visit with his sister-
in-law, Mrs. 'Catherine ,Maloney of
London. 'William was a brother of
the late Patrick and James Maloney
of Dublin and he sees g: good many
changes as it is forty-seven years
since he left for the West.
The first euchre and ,dance of the
season was held in the hall last FTi-
day- night twith a very large crowd.
The prize winners were, ladies, most
,games, Miss Agnes 'Dodds. Loin
hands. Miss Clara DrAmage. Mee's,
most games. Mr. Dames Hogg, lone
hands. 'Mr. Hiram Shannon, 'After
lunch a .few hours :were spent in danc-
ing. The next euchre will he held on
the 128th and will follow every two
Old man Winter is still on the job.
Latest reports are .for milder weather.
Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and
Billy, spent :the week end, and Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McGowan spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Eaton.
Dublin defeated 'Winthrop in ,hock -
eV' last. week. St. Columban meet
Winthrop this 'Thursday. Best of
luck !boys.
Miss Dora Addison eif ,Londeshoro
has 'been visiting in Beateefield the
past .week.
Miss Marie Elliott, who spent over
two months with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. Ijohn Reid and Miss Mary Reid,
in Bayfield, returned home last week..
Mr, Norris Siblery returned home
last Wednesday from :Stratford hos-
pital. We are pleased io know he is
much 'benefited iby the treatments he
Mr. Will Hill, was ,taken to TOTOTI
to early last week to see a specialist
Me Hill was ,kept there for ,furthe'r
meats will be a success.
We are sorry to report Mr. fri.arralld
McDonald, north of 'Brucelfield, is itt
with pneumonia.
Miss Tens NIoNeught on, after
opending- a week or more with her
sister, Mrs. 'Vy'allace Haugh, returned
to her home last week.
Mr. Wallace Haugh sold a team of
horses to 'Pepper 'brothers of the Ond
concession of Tockersmith.
MT. and Mrs. C. West and Dorothy
of St. Thomas spent Sunday ;with
'Rev. and dvIrs. W. A, Bremner.
Mrs. R. IMason and Ronald .of 10a4c-
vine visited with 'friends' in the village.
Mr. and Ivins, Wm. Simpson of De-
troit visited with Mr. C. D. Simpson,
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend a Ohio are
visiting Mrs. Townsend's .sister, Mrs.
Mary 'MolKenzie.
Mrs. Alice Hohner is spending a
,few days in IGoderich.
Mr. W. MeClinchy of Stanley vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. H, Zapfe on
The many friends of Miss Bessie
Chuter 'will be pleased to know she is
,able to walk out and is gaining
We are also pleased to report 'Billy
Austin has so far recovered that he is
able to ,be back to his 'job.
'NIT. and Mrs. Ostrotrin are now
comfortably settled in their new home,
CParr line, recently purchased from
Miss Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell enter-
tained a few of their friends on :Mon-
day night.
Stanley District LO.L, met in the
'Orange hall on IFriday last. The elec-
tion of officers was as follows: Dist.
W. AL, Elmer Webster; Dist„ !DM.,
John Castle; Dist, Chap., Chas. C.
Pilgrim; Dist., Rec. Sec., iPercy John-
ston; Dist. IFin. Ste., James Petty;
Dist. Treas., Ben Ratltwell; Dist.
Marshall, T. J. Stinson; Dist. '1st lee.,
Roy Keyes; Dist. 2Ind let., (W. J.
McLeod. The election of officers was
conducted by Past IDist. Master Fred
McClymont and the installation: by
Past Dist. Master Geri Diehl,
Varna Couple Honoured.—
An interesting event of the week
Was the celebration of the thirty-fifth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and 'Mrs.
George .MdClinchey an Friday even-
ing when about forty guests were
present to 'congratulate and present
them with many ;beautiful gifts of sil-
ver and crystal. They were also pre-
sented with a 'beautiful ;Aladdin 'lamp
from the family. Mr. and ,M.rs.
Clinchey were united in marriage on
Jan. Alla, 19013, at Bayfield by the
Rer„T. A. Jennings • and took up
farming on the Goshen ;line, fifteen
years later moving 'to the Bayfield
road vatere they now reside. Mr. and
Mrs. McClinchey received many mes-
sages of .congratulations by mail and
phone during the afternoon and ev-
ening. The entire family were present
for the occasion, Wilmer and tErnest.
, Varna; Mrs. Emerson Kyle, IKippen:
Mrs. Ivan iSteckle, Bayfield, and John
at home. 'Cards were indulged in un-
til midnight then the singing of favor-
ite songs after which dancing took
place nntil the early•hours of the mor-
ning. •
Prices Compared
An interestin.gcomparison of ,prices
is that of the prevailing- price 51.
years ago and the prevailing price to -
'day, for :farm produce in Renfrew
County. Fifty years ago, prices wen.
as. follows: :Wheat 80-90c bus., peas
59e, oats 1315-36c, butter 12-al91c lb.. eggo
117-120c doz., potatoes '50.6De bus.. hay
$9-$110 ton, turkeys 8-.9c lb.. geese and
chickens 151-16c. Prices prevailing this
year during the holiday season were:
Wheat goll-$11125. peas $2-$2.215.
oats 55-60c, tbatter 314-36c, eggs 35-
6451c, ,potatoes 50-00c, hay $8411 ton.
turkeys 20-135e, geese chickens
The Hay Market
(Eastern. ;Northern and 'Central On-
Demand: Movement is still quiet
in Eastern and 'Genteel Ontario and
active in Northern 'Ontario.
:Supply: Large quantities are avail-
table in Eastern and Central Ontario,
hut itt North.ern [Ontario, supply is
Prices: Belleville, at barn No 2
timothy $6 to :WOO per ton; No. 2
timothy and 'clover mixed $6 to
straw $4 to $5, Brockeille, at oar or
warehouse, No. '2 timothy *16 to $8:
straw $4. !Lower Ottawa Valley, at
car, 1No. B timothy, 415d510 to ST. North-
ern Ontario and INorthwestern Queb-
ec, at 'car, 'light 'clover mixed $1.15 to
(07 grass hay $115, dairy or clover hay
$115 to $1l5, alfalfa $17, straw $7 per
Southwestern :Ontario
Demand: H.ay' is in fair demand and
there is some prospect for exporting
second cut alfalfa hay to the United
Supply: Albout 85 per ,cent of the
crop is still in ;farmers' hands. Tim-
othy No. It, timothy mixtures and alf-
alfa are glitch above requirements in
Some Of the y'ottxag
people from this medical treatitient. 'We hope the treat- tnost districts,
. .