HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-20, Page 1A,smalt drop of ink,
Falling like dew,. upon a thought,
That which makes thousands, perhaps
millions, think.
This world that we're a'livirr' :iii
Is mighty hard to 'beat,
You get a thorn with every rose,
But ain't the roses sweet.
WHOLE S'ER'IES, VOL. 60, No. 3.
one 84.
$1 a year.
15c- Ib,
35c doz.
3 cans 25c
2 lbs. 25c
COLEMAN LARD 2 lb. 25c
lb, 150
SODA BISCUIT ... 2 lb. 25c
OLD CHEESE; real nippy--
ippy-25c lb.
IiRISSH STEW, 2' tins ............250
'SEEDED RAISINS, 2 pack , .. 25c
CRISCO, 3 1'b tin 63c
'CASTILE SOAP, 10 cakes 25c.
3 cakes 1lc
3 cakes llc
CAUSTIC SODA, loose , , .. IOc lb.
MOLASTOCR, good 'for all kinds
...,of stock, $2.15 cwt.
Phone 166
E.L.BOX 43
Northside United Church
Rev. T. A. Carmichael, :Minister,
'am., Morning service.
7 p.m., Evening service.
S.S. at 1:30.
St. Thomas' Anglican Church
Rev. 'R.: ), 1D, Hurford,ID.D., Rector
Sunday, Jan, 23:
111 a,m,---'"lite Minister and 'His
7 p.m, ---•"the Eternal Presence."
S.S.-21() o'clock.
The annual meeting of !First :Pres-
11yterian Church, Seaforth, was held
'Monday evening. Rev, 'Gordon
:Peddie, of 'Olin•ton. interim modera-
tor, presided, 'Che reports .presented
showed a year of progress. The treas.
•urer's report by Mr, M. Md•Kellar
gave tots 1 revenue for 119137 of
$4,2130.16 and total expenses of 64,-
t51113,,76. IA suggestion placed before
the congregation ,by the .board of
management in regard to reducing
salaries was approved. The sum of
$5012.90 was contrib'utech to the
schemes of the church. Two of the
oldest nen3bers of the Ladies' Md
Passed' away during the year, Mrs. IS.
tMurray and Mrs. W. E. 'Broad'foat,
The sum of $6010 was :paid towards
the new heating system. There are
46 life members on the W.M.S. En-
couraging reports were also given
by the :Goforth Mission Band, Marg-
aret Larkin C:G.I.T., Barbara Kirk-
man Y:\V.A. and a joint Young .Peo-
ple's Society had been organized with
Northside United Church. It was de-
.ouded that candidates for a call will
be heard commencing the second
Sunday in February.
+Elected to theboard of managers
were ;Messrs. IG. A. Ballantyne, E.
'Geddes, G. D. Ferguson, Jas. T. Scott.
Hearty votes of thanks were convey
ed to 'the retiring treasurer, M. Mc-
Kellar, for his hellp'full and efficient
services, extending over.. a long per-
iod; to a member of the session who
generoil'sly had the basement beauti-
fully decorated at his own expense,
and to the ladies of the- congregation
who provided bhe lunch and had
worked so 'will'ingly and faiithfully in
the past it8 The interests of 'the
Mr. D. H. 'Wilson . was 'appointed
treasurer in place of Mr. M, 1MdI(ellar'
who retired from the (board this .year.
Following ix tthe schedule , of the
Duncan! Cup hockey games in
January 2121 d--
1,8 a.m„ •Canadieis vs. ''Rangers,
, 9 a.m., anti ns 55 1'igers
I.10 am„ 13envers v, Maroons,
11 a.m„ Black 1{ewks vs. Redwings
14/11111/ 39
6 arm., Black 1-lawks vs. 'Tigers
0 a.m., \Tafoons vs C,titadiens
1110 a.m., Bruins vs. Redwings
111 ann., Beavers vs, Rangers
;February $tlt-
8 a.m., Rangers vs. Black Hawks
9 a.m., hreins ve. Black Hawks
10 a.m. C'anad•iens vs. 'Beavers
1111 0.01„ 'T'igers v, Redwings
, 1'hc'league consists of 'eight teams,,
divided into two groups, ,\ and 13 ae-
corcling to age and size.
'Group A ,(Boys 014,, P5 and 1'6 yearns
of age).
C•anadiens—'D. Grieve, ,f, 'Moore, 1'.
Nigh, 6. O'Neill, j, \lacl'Leaat A. Ba-
ker. ID. Coutts, S. Kerr, Ken Reid; E.
Scott. -
lRnngers-1 Ritchie, <'i, . Finnigan.
\t, 'Messenger, 1. Fortune, +R. Box, S.
Wigg, E. 'McIver, N. 11 cMrllan, T.
Wilhce J. Ramon.
Beavers --111. 'Earle, (lien Hilde-
brandt, '1', McIver, 13. .\fontgontery,
J. Flannery, C. Haney, S. I -Till, T.
Kale, F. Casson.
lfaroons+--tF. Golding, .4. McLean,
Pete 'Bannon. Il'. .Phillips, S. 13a+b-
kirk, C. Case, 1) \\'right, G. Simmers.
1<. Powell,
'Grotto 13 (Betts 111, 112, and 193 years
of age,) -
hrum -BiI1 Sntitil, P. Chesney,
Ross Nicholson, R. 'Montgomery, W.
Boyce, 1\', Witbee, T -T, Ainshorau.gh,
E. Doig. R. Coutts, L. 1 -Taney.
'tigers—IG. Messenger, D. \Pcl.ean,
J, Quinlan, IA, Venus. J. Patrick, L.
Oke, S. 'D'eearn, '\V. Coombs, 3, O'-
Reilly. 111 11. Mclean.
Blark Hawks ---S. 1Finnigan, 1<.
Coombs, l(I, 'Barry, :11. Scott, U. Fras-
er, \i. M a illan, I1. Doig, 9'. Dever
Cates, C. Ross, ,1. Brown, B, Hodgert.
'Red wings -t -ID, \?\'ands, 1'. Smith, .f.
Southgate, B. +Elliott. Geo, Hilde-
brandt, R. Sm'le, C. \\'estcott, 1', MIc-
S+padrlen, A. Taker, 1). Rupee,
Canrpiliedl—+In Scott •iMenvoriai 'Hes-
pital, Seaiforth, on' Saturday, Jan. 1188;
1119318, to Mr. and Mrs. IGeo, Campbell,
Walton, a.son,
Edmunds -atm Sleott Memorial ;Hos-
pital, on ;Sunday, Jen, 1116, 112318, tb Mr.
and 'Mors, Arthur 'Edmunds; a ;dau-
Miss Alice Mary Archibald, a high-
ly esteemed resident, passed away
rether tntex•peetedly 114 the }tome of
her brother, 1\1lliain Arctuiibald, in
'I'u_kersmith, on Friday - evening,
Hiss Archibald suffered a stroke of
paralysis Oct,''her 'yd and.was taken
to the Scott \lenutrial Hospital where
New Warden
Wilmot Hooke, . newly elected
\,arden of IT-Iuron Cooney, was
thorn in the Township of Markham,
York County, and tante Its a e'hald
nt ith his parents, the late Mir. and
I .
'Nies, 'William iHaa'ke, �to 'Godert,idh
Township 'Huron (County, in 111883.
I wenty hvc years ago tte married
1'hrasa IRodges, of 'Goderich Town—
ship. Their only child, 'Grade, is
now Mrs. Parry Welter, of +Coder-
iclt Township. Mfr.'Hawke operates
a ,fine 12015 -acre farm on No. 8
highway about five miles from
+Goderich. He served Itis rtntslicipal-
Lty as a school trustee 'for ten years
and thirteen years in the Town-
ship Council, •five as counoilor and
eight as reeve and - county coon-
rilnr. Quiet in manner, he is pos-
sessed of a !fits executive ability
which has won the esteem and
001116denec•, not only of the citizens
n:' his own municipality 'but of the
enmity et large. MTr. Haake was a
member of the 'Good Roads 'Com-
mission for three years, two of
tthich he was chairman. In politics
he is a Conservative and in religion
t nnenr'ber of Zion 'tTnified Church.
Coderich `fownehtp. He is a Past
Chief Ran ger of 13enm.iller Lodge,
+Nst. Rh, Can, Order of Foresters.
T•he annual vestry and congrega-
tional (meeting• of Sl. Thomas'
(`h»0011, Seaforth, wee held on Tues-
day evening, !Rev. Dr. 'Hurford. who
recently hecaule rector of St. Tho -
lime' Church, epoke a ,Few words stat-
ing he appreciated that he had been
5,1 'kind'ly received and expressed the
hope that all shn+tld stork happily and
sower fetlly together, The following
officials were elected for the year:
\\'scrim's, Messrs, 'l'•hns. ;Jackson awl
R. 11. ll' i'ke; select vestry, Messrs.
E. C. Boswell, H. 10. '11eir, -Robert
,Areh•i'badd, '\\'ut. tl),'eni, W. Oldfield.
\V. Leyhnrne, 1\'•m. Mill: represen'ta-
she retrained until the new year when I lice of 1 )1de5' organizations, Mrs,
she had recovered 'sufficiently to 4)1' Moore, Nit's. 'Earle, Mrs, Best 11151
removed to 'her hrother's home. r\fterl MMrs, Thorne. '1'lm report of the tre e•-
aupper on 1Friday last she complained tiger. 'showed total receipt `(L,41:11'hai
cxpenrltuae5 v�;111oit.611. leaving a 'bel
of not feeling
well and ,died conn 'tit nice. of 2-10.0'4. The 1 s,iies' G»i111,
ter from a heart attack. The depart` ',"noir. Cha ne-el '0 1ilct, finita} School
rd woman who was7t rearsof age'awd G\'::1. all rGeild,d favorahS 'bol-
o. Dec. 9tlt, was 'horn in 'l'uckeremith
being the second daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. iAndrew Archibald. -She
hall the honor of (being the ifirat'baby
baptized in St. 'Thomas' (Church, Sea.
forth, shortly after ie was erected.
Following the death of her .father
over thirty years ago, Miss +Archibald
proved with her mother 'tie Seaforth
where they lived until the -death of the
latter: Sone years ago she leased her
home 011 God'erich street east but still
antes; .$4150 was paid to the diocesan
Midget for missions, etc. The new
heating system is now paid in •full and
a 'balance remains; the total receipts
far this purpose amounted to $11°,11'•74,71.
At the first regular monthly meet-
ing of the W.M.S. of Northside 'Unit-
ed Church, ;for 1008, held on Thurs-
day, (fan, ,1031, at 1230 p,01. in the ,hase-
LIONS' MILK FUND �•.,.^ - We - read of a child under two
years of age which gained 1 ounce
only in—over six months. The same
child then a proper supply of milk
was added to its diet immediately be-
e gan ,ptdgress-to normal health and_'
weight. This is precisely what the
.Lions' '1(111'10 IPuttd is -doing, 1 pint a
milk per day means one Dint of health
per 'day to each undernourished child.
Tlie estiutatecl cost of this 'Help to
Health" programme is, +$'311110 and we
depend on your generosity.
Previously acknowledged .. $30.3.6
E. D. 2.00
A.B. 1.1(1
A Lion 3,00
j', Beattie
Thank' you.
At •the in -augural meeting of the
Roman +Catholic Public School Board
the following appointments were
made. IGeo, A. Sills, representative on
the ,Collegiate Board Miss Alice
Daly and Basil J. Duncan on the
Public Library Board, 'Thos. Mel-
ady, Truant 'Officer, and 'J, F. Daly,
Auclftor, The personnel of the . School
Board for the year 111938 is: Jas.
Cleary, J. M. IMicMillan Chas, P.
Sills with 'Michael Murray, Chairman,
Chas, Stewart, Treasurer, W. J.
Duncan, Secretary.
The annual congregational meeting
of Northside 'United Church was 11e10
one ,Monday evening. 1Rev, T. A. Car-
michael presided and Mr, W. C. Bar -
continued to live in town 'where she ment of the church, Flynn 308• was
.took an active part in the eViemen's sung, Mrs. Laing, :the president, led
Auxiliary tied Ladles' 'Guild of St. in prayer and the secretary's repent by
Thomas'Anglican Church, :of which Mrs. IFinlayson was read and adopter!.
site was .a valued member. Surviving This was followed by the installation
are four brothers, (James, 'Clinton; An- of officers for 119138 by :Rev, T. .A.
drew, .Seaforth, Wm. IR., T•uckersntith, Carmichael. The treasurer's report by
and John .R., of ;Kitchener. ,One sister, Miss A. Tergttsoat was read and ad -
Mrs. 'Wen, 'Waite '(IAnna.) .of Hallett, opted. This report was very gratify -
'passed a'w+ay in .113917. ing tea at showed- an allocation of
$6911.76 had been reached by. the sob -
lay, Mrs. Amchii)ald, the Christian
Stewardship secretary, gave' her re-
port. Mrs. Kaine, the Temperance
secretary, gave a..good reading 011
temperance, and Mrs. 'Mcl'Irichael, the
Watch Tower secretary, also had a
.go-od reading'. The roll call was then
taken; Mr.s. 'Porteous, as cap'ta'in of
Circle 1, 'then tack charge -of the de-
votional part of the meeting. A hymn
was sung and 'Mrs. :Carmichael read
bhe devlational leaflet "The Chunch in
!Action." This was fa -Bowed by prayer
The 'nunlerel -took ,place on Monday
from St. 'Thomas' 'Anglican ,Church,
interment in the 'Maitlandlban'k 'cemet-
ery, - Rev. 'Dr, lItunford officiated. The
pallbearers were '12. -Doig, R. IG.JParke;
H; Edge, •1', I•lackeon, R:.Archi+bald Sr.,
Thomas IAnclisiseld.
:Aenoog those from a •d'istance Who
attended •tlsc ,fuarera'l were 'Mrs, IE, C.
Armstrong, Waterloo; .J, 'R. !Archi-
bald, Kitchener; William Waite and
daughter Bessie; IGodorich, . '
T•h,e ,;annual meeting of the Mc-
Killop 'Telephone Co. was held in
Winthrop 'Hall on Monday -,afternoon:
The retiring commissioner, Maattlew,
Armstrong, was re-elected for -three
years. The offitens were re-elected- as
•follow.sr Ghairman, 1M. ,Armstrong;
secretary. Ross 'Morale; treasurer,
M. Eckert.
'by Miss M. +Fergusson. Miss 'Lawrence
then' took in '.charge chapter ;Deur of
the sandy, book, "Medical Missions at
(Home and in 1Foreign Pietas." She
was assisted by Mrs. W. Webster,
Mrs. Laing, Miss !Murray.and 'Mrs.
Barber. The offering was then receiv-
ed, hymn t7.0 5' was sung and ales.
Porteous closed : the meeting with
1ow,a17Je e
for $
The lowest price ever for a
fine 17 -Jewel !Wove! You can
now choose from several-
ultra -smart Bulova Models! -
The Gift Shop
'(Shelburne Free Press & Economist)
A meeting long to be remembered
by the members of St- 'Paul's Angli-
can Church, Shelburne, took place in
the basement df the church on Tues-
day evening of this week, At a can-
ber was secretary. (Excellent reports gregatinnul banquet, +prior to the re -
were given ;by the various depart- moval of*Rev. 'Dr. R. P, D. +Hurford
meats, iltowing'all in very salisfact- to. 'become rector of Sc. Thoma;
ory condition. The total receipts for Church, Seaforth, 1)r, and Mrs. Hue -
11907 were $4,206.74; M. and M. fund, Mord were -presented with a silver tea
(1,1t18,88; Sandal' school $203.-3; 1'• service and ,lean with a wuolerrMan-
PAL :614.27; W.M.S. $613,59; W.A. ket and compact. Mr. !Geo. E. Ber-
$111.55: Alert Mission Bared, $38.3'1; tt•icik read the following address: "To
Philathca Class $04,04. The -Viae Lane 1)r. and 31rs, lit,rford and 'lean: It is
\'stung-reyonteu's Auxiliary, the Baby with mixed feelings that we air gath-
H;end and the Adult Bible Class pre- ered here to -night to clo honor to von
rented 'iavor:1,1M reports. 'Four elders on the eve of your departtwe to take
were elected for four years: Dr. F. J. up tete work ill a new parish. \\'e
Burrows, :\Blain Dodds, W. H. ;Cold have had twelve years of happy 5 5 -
ht q, \LtP„ 'Rev. C. C. 'Kine. 'Four soe'iatien together, and while the are
stewards elected were J, \1. Stott, W.
I. Rintatrl, Sant Scott, 'A:. C. Chamb-
erlain: Following the congregational
meeting the Official Board appointed
-Miss IFergtison as secretary.
glad that you has'e been called to a
larger field, we hutch regret the 'break- 'Ontario, March 410, ta7i0, and there
ing of the friendly ties. Not only have spent her girlhood days, In 1896 site
you been an• pastor, Dr. 1Hurford, 'b'ut 'was married to Thomas IMoylan . of
yon have always ,been a'kind friend ill McKillop Twp., who 'survives her
our joys and in our sorrows, and your with a family of three sons and one
Place will he hard to fill. We trduid .daughter, Mrs. Maurice Dalton of
l.ond•e.bnro rleFeute4• E•gmnuctvillc ask you to please accept these gifts its Hibbert, Joseph of 'Kitchener, John
i-2 in the rink on Saturday night in a slight remembrance front the them- and IFran•k at home. A son, George,
a .lean ganne, It was ;F:gmdndvilles bens of 111. IPaul's Church, -Shelburne. died in infancy. Also surviving are
first game of the season. Bruce Tiley and •with them go the shtrere 0ishe• two brothers .and one sister, Mrs.
and Wallace Riley .;cored for Lon- of this congregation for your succen1' Leo. D'Fortune ortune of Seaforth; John
des+hnrit. .110b 'Gcnunell scored on anand happiness in your new field of and Joseph Kenny of Dlulblin, all of
assist from i \•ngus MleLeair For 1Eg_ work, Signed, 'F, O, Fleming, Chas, wlton1 have the sympathy of their
mmn'tiviliie's first goal and IJohat Flan -
Firth, \\'artless." +Dr. Hurford made a many friends in. their sad bereave-
nervq got the second. suitable reply. -R v. C. E. Dyer, of ment. Predeceasing her were two sis-
L•anies.i)dro -- !Coal, 'Ed Radioed Knox 'United Church, tool •Ree, 1f3. O. kers, Mrs. James Jordan of Dublin,
defence, 'Good 'Knox, Ben (Riley; yen_ Hu-tcheson, of Wesley 'United Church. Ont, and Mrs. John Redmond of .
tie, 131+11c !Riley; wings, Percy Cra- spoke of the splendid fellowship they Calgary, iA'ita, The many 'Mass cards
ter, '\\'alt 151 1 le, alternates, Bert had had With 'Dr. Hurford uid,Family, and spiritual bouquets and floral of'f-
G•rey, Alb $haddick, Bill Leiper, Milt and wished. them Godspeed in St erings showed the high esteem in
Little Thomas' Church. Members of the 'which the deceased was held.
Igmoedville--Goal, Bob \GaCart- congregation also gave short address- The funeral took p'l'ate- on. Tuesday
ncy; defence, +J. Nicholson, C: Rin- es and spoke glowingly of Dr. (13ur- morning, Jan. 118101, at Sit. Coln -urban
told: 'centre, 'J• 'lbannery: wings, \. Cord's work in Si. lPaut's'Church. The 'Church, where Requiem Mass was
\11rI Dan, Rab Gemmell; akerne tes. evening was enlivened 'by comm niity sung by Rev, 'Fr..Dantzer, who also
Bob \renus, hies 'Rii3Toul, M. Mies- singing, and closet} with the singing conducted .the services at the inter-
seug•er, R. F9odgert, of "'Auld Lang Syne:" went in the Sit. Columlban cemetery.
Referee, Fred .Willis. 011 Monday night, at ,Primrose, at During the Mass soios were rendered
a congregational banquet in St. James' ,by Mr. Frank Sills of Seaforth• and .
DEATH OF SISTER hurc•h, Dr. .and Mrs.Hurford were Mrs. 1\r. J. Cleary of St. Columlban.
Canon ..Appleyard, late Rector of 1''11 111tccl with a ;floor lamp and Jean The pallbearers were Messrs. John
with a toilet set :St.:Paul's Church Lynch, James Carlin, (John Shea, John
St.cel Thomas' Church, this fawn. re teas packed to overflowing on Sunday Delaney, Joseph 'MI•ciQaiaid and Matth-
teived word MIo•ncday evening* of the night .last, for Dr. Hanford's farewell ew J, Lynch.
passing on of his sister, Mary Aip:pte- sermon. '1,11e services in Wesley toted Miss Gertrude McGrath of Ketch
yard, at her home in 'T onctoii, Ont., 'Knox United Churches were caller} ener spent the week end with' her mo-
the funeral service ;being held in Std off, ;moi tRevs. H. O. Hutcheson and ther,.Mrs.IP. V, M+dG9atkt:
ATban's Church, Grand Valley, at - C. 11 Dyer read rile lessons in tis. The symp:atihy of the community 3s
p.m, 'Wed'nesday, January ;119111, int- Paul's. The service in the :United extended to Mr, $hots. Moylan and
ermena do S't, t\idle; burial grotnttt C•,Iwrch at'Primrose on Sundry 3 after -
after in the death nt ,3frs. 11fo +tan
after the-charch service. Miss Ellett y y
noon, was also called off ;for )D'r, Nur. 'w'hich occurred on Sunday morning
:\pple-e'rd, another sister of the Can- ford's farewell in St. games' Church, after a ttieek's' illness, Tlie-funeral was
on, sisters
dnearly two years ago. Both 111 their twelve years' residence in 'held ani Tuesday morning.
his sisters .were graduates of the hos-
Mr, Dr. and \'tis, Hurford have
Mr, and Mrs. IHuberit Miller of Ket-
pi,tal etc Providence, Rhode Island, made many 'warm .friends among the 'chener s;penf 'Tuesday twi.th her ,moth -
and lived in Atlanta, Georgia, far citizens at large, as well as with. the er, Mrs. IP: V. 'VIu'Grath,
some years, and in New Yank Cit iP' .'s Miss Katherine L+ane
far some time. They both visited with St. ail , and St. Jetmes' coategtrega- of Clintton
ytions_ speak Sunday at':her home here.
Canon and. Mrs. Appleyard at St. 1)r. (Hurford was ,presented with a Mass 'Clara "IKraus'k+apf oID :London
lihoin'as' ,Rectory, • h Berth, near]\ book +b the S:helbaurne Ministerial spent 'the •week end sviah relaltives
(three years 'ago: Both served an Red y here:
Cross niurs'es with the United States association '(of which he has been
fa F'li Al 1 ri tl tl presicden't since its beginning 3 year..',
Death. of .Mrs. Thos. Moylan.— Mrs,
Angel of Death called to its'et-
ernal reward the soul of rs, Thomas
(Moylan on Sunday morning, (Jan. 110.
after a 'brief illness of one week. She
passed peacefully away at her home
in MfKil)ap Twp, fortified by the last
rites of the 'Catholic Church of which
she was an active and a fa4+thful mem-
ber. Mrs. :Moylan served as President
of the Catholic Women's League for
two years and 'was also a member of
the Sacred Heart League and the
Propagation of the Faith. She was
ever an exemplary 'Catholic in attend-
ing to the ditties of her faith,,aud .as a
loving wife and another she will be
sadly missed in the hone, and as a
faithful friend and kind neighbor in
church and social circles. The deceas-
ed, whose maiden name was ;Agnes
Elizabeth Kenny, was +born at Dublin,
tees en pp eynar u•i t
troops in Europe and England. Mara ago) at its meeting on Jan. 70.
lAlppleyard :served during 'the war with
Spain, The IR'ev. 'B. tAppleyard, ,pec LNSPECTS,SGHOOL
for of Burgate, Noddle, England,
a •brother, served as Chaplain with 11' Philips, an anchitecb sent `+by
theI'unvperfad Forces in Prance dur-
the Department of 'Education, made
ing the (Great 'Wes' Canon Appleyard an inspection of :the public school
served with the 'Gaitadiane in ;France }building on Tuesday . morning. His'
d B h report will die. Marie to the Dept
an a gntm.
Dublin W 0L T Pits.
a 4
Kinburn 11 0 1 0
Kippeu .. 1 01 1, 3
T,oudesboro , 1 4 •11 = 3
Winthrop0 1°: 0
St. +Coluanrhan . 0 p ` 0