HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-13, Page 84,11 , PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JANUA:RY 13, 1938 IIENSALL The regular meeting of the Henson School- Board was held in the Council Chamber of the town hall on 'Friday evening 'with all the Merithers ent. The hollowing oflfieers were elect - ted" for 1119318: Chairman, 1Rev. W. A. Young; sec. treas., A. L, Case; j. W. Ortweln, truant officer; 1Geo, Hudson, caretaker'; Sam Renme, Musical ine stauceor. The other 'members of the School Board are: Geo. Hess, W. O. GOodoin; john Shepherd, Joseph Flynn and All, :Clarls. After the Meet- ing closed the retiring chairman, Geo. Hess entertained the p,aaind to an oy- ster supine at the 'Koss; Korner res- taurant. A ,very enjoyable hourwas 'spent. Mr. mad Mrse, :Albert Bowen and Mrs. A. J. S,weitaer of Grand Bend and Mr. Leslie iKraight and son, How- ard, Of 'Kitchener Swere visiting rela- . tivee in the village\ on Sunday, Mrs. Bowen returned tq Kitchener with Mr. Knight on Sunay evening where she will visit with Me. and Mrs. Knight for •a couple Of weeks. Mr. 'Leslie Ratz spent the .w•eek end with his --family in :Mitchell, Mr. C. BL 1311awes. Principal of the pubilac school, has received' a letter of - thanks to his pupils for their contri- bution of $2.30 to assist with the work of War Memorial Hostpital. The Wohelo. Class Meeting— The Wohelo Cla.ss of the 'United Church Sunday :School held their monthly meeting in the schevol 'room of the .clatarca on Friday evening with Miss Gladys IPassmore presiding. The meeting .oatned by singing a lismin and prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Mildred Sento:1, Miss Fisher attacired .With a piano solo. El- ection. -of officers for 019318 took place with the following elected: .President. Edison Forreet; vice .pres„ Ed. Cor- bett; treasurer, :Gladys Pasemoie; secretary, Gladys Laker; pianist, Miss Mcalurchie; asst. pianist, 'Miss :Fish- er: conveyance, Ted Munn.' At the . conclusion of the meeting a social hour was spent in garnes and con- tests, and a lunch was served. The Wohela Class of the United Church Sunday School is a live organization of young, men and wcanen under their teacher, Miss Ellis. Cyclone. Hockey Datea— At a meeting held here last week of delegates from Crediton, Exeter, Zur- ich and Hensall, it Was decided to re- vive the Old Cyclone Hockey League with teams from Crediton, 'Exeter, Zurich and Heneall taking part. A single schedule was adopted with playoffs to be first and 3rd teams and second and 'fourth, home and home games, goals to count. The following officials were appointed for this sea - ecu: Hon. Presidents. W. H, Golding, M.P.; James Ballantyne, M 1.. A.; president, 1Janws limey, Exeter; vice •pres,, Stanley Tudor. Hensall; sec. treas. Leroy .O'Brien, Zurich. The fol- lowing sehedule was arranged: Jan. 1111.„ Zurich at Exeter; jam 1:3, Credi- ton at Hensel]; Jan, -17, 1-1-ensan at Exeter; Jan. 19, Zurich at Crediton; Jan, '21, lEXeter at Herteall; Jan. 24, Exeter at Zurich; Jan. 27, Exeter at Crediton; Jan. 28, -Zurich at Hensel]; jan. 311, Crediton •at Zurich; Feb. 2, Hensall at Crediton; Feb. 7, Crediton at Exeter. Mr. John Pepper of Tuckersmith has a new way of beating bad roads and now :banks. On Sunday he bitch- ed hi, tractor to a aleIgh, gathered up his neighbors and his own ,Iornily and brought them to Sunday Sehool and eleurch going over the bad roads at feonier2.`sto 1115 miles an 'home The.Hensall Senior 'Institute held . theie regular inonthly sneeting on Taeaday evening, January 1111th at the home of aliss Gladys Luker. The meeting .opened with the singing of the Institute Ode .follawed by the Lord's prayer. The business was discussed, the institute members de- ciding to send clothing to ,Capreol. Ontario. 'Piano fleet, „Miss Irene Hog- garth and 'Mr. 1V. A. Young. Topic, "New Year's Resolutions.", by Miss 1.M. Ellis. Mee. Annie lloDonald gave a demonstration on quilt patterns and quilt making, Violin solo by 'Greta Lammie accompanied by Miss Elean- or II:ashen The motto, "Whatever you .do, do it kindly," by Beryl Pfaff, clos- ed with •God Save the King, after which a dainty lunch was served. air. and Mrs. :Jack 'Finney (vf Hay township at) e n t Sit n fl a y here with Mrs. Tinney's parent:, Mr. and Mies. Jane' NleClinchey. Miss Annie Coleman of Hay town- ship, is visiting here with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. William ' Consitt. -Mrs. Verne Smith of London is visiting here, with her mother, 'Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey of Kippen have moved into the village and are now nicely settled in their news, home, on Queen St. west. Miss Dorothy McQueen will leave for LonclOn on 'Jan. 18th to ,begin her comae 01 trainjng for a nurse at Vic- toria :Hospital Miss al cQueeit'e many 'friends wish her euccess. W. M. S. Meeting— The IN.M.S, of the (Tithed Church 'held their first regular meeting ,for this year in t,lte .hasetnent of the cherch 00 Thursday afternoon. There was a georl attendance of members. The president. Mrs. Cross, presided, over the business period., and Mr,. Albert Spencer took charge if the de- votional pericid..Meeting opened by • singing hymn 99 and repeating the Lord's prayer in nnison. .A number of reports were given and other lnisi- ness discussed. Mrs, .Geo. 1 -Tess favor- ed with a heantiftil solo. Mrs. Charles McDonnell very ably dealt with the first chapter in our new emits boole, A New 'Church ;Faces a New World, The meeting closed hy singing Itjmin 7215 and Mrs. McDonnell prommitced the 'benediction. • Mr.. Earl !Parlrner ‘s.asraling .friends' in Clinton on Ttiesday. played Zurich on the' Zuricfh rirri, but were beaten ‘6 to-1,,.The next gable to be 'played here will be On Thursday evening, Tan1t31th between the • Credi- ton and 11-1-enssall teams. The Hansen rink is of standard size, ,well lighted, and a nurtabei ,oh good games .will !be played, here this :winter. 'Mrs. 'Roy 1MoLarea 'entertained her group of the Ladles' Aid of :Carmel Presbyteriatt Church at her home hone on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number of members of Car- mel church attended a meeting of the Huron Presbyterial at Clinton on TiueSday. The officiali. opening, of alensall's new skating tank was held on Wed- nesday evening. A big carnival • ,Was part on 'aponeored by the . Hensair council and rHensall ellamber , di com- merce. The ,Hensall Citiaene ;Band was present and rendered a number of selections during the evening. 'Val- uable prizes were given "for the diff- erent event; A very enjoyable ev•en ing was spent by ,:the Lange crowd at- tending,. Another •of the ',big social events of the Winter an :Hen -sail will he .enchre and dance sponsored by ' the ldhalrelser elf:Commerce 'and held in the town hall here on Wed- nesday evening, ..ean. 19Ith. The first part of. the evening be for the euchre players, and.after gunch danc- ing to the Music of Shorty Grant's orchestra. The proceeds, will ,he Ifor the purchase of new uniforms for the 'Band. Sunday in. the Churclies= At• the :United Church on Senday Lair congregations were out for both services, The pastor, Reis Arthur Sinclair occupied his own pulpit both morning and evenings At the morn- ing service airs. Alf. Clark sang 2 Solo. At ,the eveniag service Miss Greta Lamtnie took the se& parts in the anthem. At the 'Presbyterian Church the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, preached at both services, At the evening ser- vice Rev. Mr. Young and 'Miss Irene Hoggarth saog a duet. Sunday, January 9th being the 415th anniversary of the organization of the Woman's Auxiliary olf St. IPaul's An- eglican Church special services were held. At la, an, Rev. al, A. Hunt was the speaker and spoke On misSiOnS. At the service at 3 p.m, 'Miss Me - Naughton of Landon was the guest sPeaker and gave a very interesting talk on missionary work and of the meeting of the WA, she attended in Halifax, Taylor-Warrener— At the 'First Christian Church, 'Pon- tiac. Mich., on Wedneeday, jam '5'th, .11iss Evelyn N. Warrener, daughter of ale and Mrs. N. P. Warrener of Foster St., 'Pontiac, and forrnerly of Hensall, became the bride of William H. 'Taylor ,Tr., son of Mr. and Mrs. aV. ha, Taylor of Pontiac. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Leland I, 'Marion, pastor of the church, be- fore an altar banked with palms and •haskets of bridal roses. Teen 'hundred invited guests witnessed the cere- mony. airs. Merlon 'was organist and Mrs. Merle Monroe sang Oh Promise Me. The bride had chosen for her wedding a floor length gown of white satin, with a train 'fashioned on prin- cess lines and with a collar of seed pearls. The long sleeves terminated in points at the wrist and lull length tulle, veil canght to a tiara of tiny ar- tificial calla l•ilies. ;Her bridal bouquet was of calla lilies. Miss 1Ruth War- rener, sister of the bride, was brides- maid and wore a pink taffeta gown of floor length, With a :jacket and du - bonnet accessories. She carried a bou- quet of Briarcliff roses. Miss 'Ruth Cook and Nliss Jean Taylor were also bridesmaids, and were dressed in lav- ender taffeta with silver accessories, and carried bouquets of :Johanna Hill roses. Niary Lon Horsley acted as flower girl. Howard Warrener of 'Pon- tiac wae groomsman, The ushers were Harry 'Grace and Edwin 'Grace of Berkeley, and Carroll Lovett of Pontiac. Immediately following the ‘seedding a reception vas held at the enurch. Among guest, attending the wedding: were Mrs, :Gee. Drew. Cod- erieh 'grandmother of the bride, Jack Warrener, (if Sarnia. Mr.. '1 van \Vick - one an d l ie., Dorothy Wickens of XVaIlieehsirg, Mrs. Taylor is a for- mer lIensall yolir lady. was born Isere, and moved from here with her soille years ago to Pontiac. Mich., where they have gime resided. 'Mrs. Taylor's many friends here send their best wishes. Hockey Notes— The hockey season opened on the :local rink on Wednesday evening last by a game beeween the newly re- carganizea Hensall and Crediton teams. The game was keenly ,coa- tested. and a big crowd of local hockey fans witnessed the &wale, Re- sult 14 to 2, in !favor of Hensall. On Friday evening the Heilman team On Tobacco Exports Exports of tobacco to the 17nited 1' 1101111 in the twelve-month period ruding September e1t637 amounted to P.,2ot,bfill pounds, as compared with 6.350,00,9 intel in the preceding tweleesinanth period. The ottilimle for export shipments this season ls re- ported very good with a 'loam interest •Ii:playerl on the Dart export ers lose - is purchasing 1h.•30 requirements durin.g the sale of Norfolk tobacco. . _ TOWN TOPICS' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ' A Large Car of Lumber— N. Chef:F..8s Sans ha•ve received the largest car of lumber ever delivered isa'Seaforth. The car contained .31,5q1 feet of lunaber. 115,000 feet is -consid- ered a fair sized car, while 25;090 feet was the largest car taro -eight into 'Mon previous to that of last Saturday. 'The lumber was anostly green hemlock "and weighed mama fx,und.s. The Council—, , Sea -forth counoil for 18113 vvas: J. C. Greig, Mayor; Jno..A. Stewart, Reeve; ,Councillors, gobri Grieve, IR. STnitre, J. J. cluff, H. Ste,Warte. Chas. Aber - hart, Geo. Card:no. McKillop ,council was: Reeve, J.. 'M. Govenlock; Councillors, Roth. Arehi- bal-d,. Con Eckart, F. J. MoQ'uald, 3. Goveplo.ck. 'ruckersmith council: Reeve, Roht. MacKay; Councillors, R. 13e11, H. Crich, F. MacKay, J. Cameron. A Pleasant Surprise— After the stewards of the Christmas dance had completed their final work on Friday evening they ,presented the secretary, 'Mr. A. D. Sutherland, with a beautiful morris chair to show their appreciation of his services in making the dance a success.Mayor a, C. Greig made the presenta;tian and a,ccompan- ied it with a very complimentary ad- aress. Mr, Sutherlan'd, alt'bou.gth taken conipletely by surprise made a suitable reply and thanked the stewards. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. J. W, Livingston for the very able matinee in which he directed the work done. A youins Cana•lian girl,;t resich•nt Kingston, .0.atario. ti hilt- visiting some friend, in England, desired to send a raM bus, and having •writ- ten it .rut, handed it to it clerk in the cable office, The 'cleric a•ppearerl to he rather curried about it, and, tater consult- ing various referenee books, said t,, th, can find K 11 g and 'Kingston -on -Thames, bit I cannot locate Kingston -cm -Tarim" Geometry Teacher: "Now, class, since we have learned ahont tri- angles, circles and squares. 1 wonder if anyone present can tell ine what a rhombus i8 Johnny: "Yea, Miss, ,T can. A rhombus is a ;Square, only it's sort of 'mulled over." • Want and For Sale ads, a week 25c „CARD OF THANKS grs..11.4.14. Eater, and family vvish , • s!toeethartle ',friends .ance neighbors for th maey .kired. expressions .tet sym- Pei-Lye ,and for -loan of ears, etc., du'r- ing' 'their -recent bereavement. Election of Officers— At _a meeting of Lady Nairn Camp, SODS of Scotland, officers were elects ed for 119110: -Chief, Mex. W, Stobie; -Past Chief, W. E. Hinchley; Ro'bert Steele; 'Chaplain, Jamee McMichael, Sr.; 'Fin and Rec. Secy., A.. D. Sutherland; Treas., W, E. Hin- ehley; Marshall, W. 'R. Smith; Stand- ard Bearer, Willard Elliott; Sen. G., Mex. Sutherland; jun. G., R. Broad - foot; physieian, Dr. Chas. MeeKay: True -tees, Wm. Ballantyne, W. R. Smith. Collegiate 'Report— ,A report of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, by G. 'F. Rogers, principal, Allowed 3111; pupils enrolled during the year; of these la came front the Coen.ty of Huron . and 212 from other counties, and 69 from the WWII of Seaforth. Cadet officers were Captain, \Vm. Butson and Lts. jiio Hinchley rind Thos. ;Dick. The rifle team con- sieting of 9. Hinchley, A. Dick, T, Dick, W. Archibald and D. Reid won the ehampionship Of Military District No, 1. anti stood third in the Pellat team competition. Obituary- - The many friends of Mr. tjames MgMichaol wore saddened when they -heard that he had passed to the great Beyond. lf :a1r, McMichael had lived until next Nfarch he would have been Ci0 years of age,' lint although 11in years, he :Alia young in heart, and entered into all the games and sport, of the yoittger set with great en- thusiasm. 'Curling and howling were bit favorite games, and for many year., in fact ever since the bowling club ea, organized, •he wee its presia,- rut. fir 'bought the •present bowling green and presented it to the club. lie vas the lOather of the 'Bowl- ers and as -Ain was h eloved fhy 111 the player,. ashe -latt: Mr. Me Michael was horn in Karkinuains, Dumfries- shire, Scotland. on March 911, 1823, :111(1 came to Cauarla when he w RS 18 yeare of age. He was a joiner aby Iran . After ten years he bought 1100 acres in Hallett. He wee the first tax collector in Hollett. in 1862 he went to Australia, ma'king the trip in 16 ,weeks in• a sail boat. He worked in the gold digging 'there :tom months and then went at his own trade again. after a sojourn of four years in :Aus- tralia he returned to Set -gland. via Cape alarm and there married Marg- aret Laidlaw, whom he always spoke of as the ''Cuid Wife." and who pre- deceased lin 110 years ago. He and his orife visited Scotland many times. He finally sold his Arm, and eame to reairle in Seaforth, and here he has lived ever since r11181, respected and esteemed by a large circle of friehtls. IN MEMORIAM • tHoggia,rth—In loving nieraory of our dear Mother, JanesIDvis Hog- prfh, Wide of the late Wm. 'Howarth, who ge.esed away axle year ago, Jan. 11131th, 119317. It's only a grave but it still wefts care For the one we loved lies sleeping there, • Some may forget her now she is gone, Boit we'Mqbevei foiget rio matter how ,Iong. ---ffn fondest memory, The Family. , Wintering the 'rood Sow The brood sow .doserves her fair share of winter accommodation. A pm, that is well bedded, .dry and free from draughts is c:sential. Place the feed ;ret1e:11 eonte istanee ft way so tha.1 she is forced to es'ereise outdoors 15113, E.railicate lict and round wonns; there ie no market for them. Feed a mixture of grains to maintain the sow in fair -flesh, .hut use barley sparingly unless the 'sow is very thin. Provide clover or alfalfa hay to lie eaten .at wili, Tl'e kind to 'the sow but not ''too !cinch" or weak, orithrifty pigs will result. Send ui the names of your visitors. COMMUNITY SALE Next Sale, Wednesday, Ian; 1191h. at 1 p.m. • Everything was sold on- Wednes- day. All ,the grocery and dry gdnds stores are again co-operating :and Will have 'specia'ls on next Wednesday. IFlease bring aaything you have in Cattle, Pigs, etc. We have 1113 horses listed for our special horse sale which will :be annotneced next week. We want no more horses, •Little pigs mid springer Cows are in demand. Also .a few stocker citttle, '5 tube radio with loud speaker; in good shape; a electric range, alinost new; 1 Viking creana separator, nearly new; :6039 alb. :capacity; 2 springer cow,s. Also furniture, implements and (t few cutters. Terms .caah. For information phone the Queens hotel or Harold Dille, p'h'one 1109, Seaforth, 'Auctioneer; .1 OS. J. Coyne, 13 an ager, WANTED A Studebaker or Buick ear, body not necessary; must have good engine ancl rear end. Also a pair of corn :Wild- er Wheels and- a set di tractor spade lugs. Alpply to The News Office tn. phone 103 on .84, 'Hensel WANTED A number of yolong cattle to feed, 'feed being all Bean Straw. Phone 86 r 41, WANTED 'Girl wants work cloing housekeep- ing in or near town. Apply to News Office. • ANNUAL MEETING Tho Seaforth ,Agricultural S'ociety will hold their anon:14 meeting in the Carnegie Library on 'Friday. 9an. 2ast, 1938, at 2 p.m. Financial statement, election of Officers, etc. Humphrey Sitell, Pres.; Mrs. J. A. 'Kerr, Seoty. WANTED Land to rent. outright or on shares, State full particulars. Phone 86r all. FARM'ERS' ATTENTION We have a car each of !First Class Hard Coal. stove and fait size, corn- ing shortly—off 'cars, at .$12,40. We wall deliver to town customers at 8113.011 off cars. .First quality cake Vila?, 'Mu, Farmer's Price.' 1Deliv- ered in town, $112.80 :per tom Hygrade Alberta Lunsp. 4110.20, "The iFarnier's; 1?rice." Town deliveries, 4110.180 per ton. Try our gond quality laele, Prices -Cash." THE SEAFORTH FARMERS' CLUB Phone 3316. 'Scott Sec, PAISLEY SHAWLS The T'aisley people are eaill to be the proudest di' the proud. ft is over the fact that :Paisley weaver's beat the weavers of the Orient at their own epecialty—shawls, The story of the Paisley shawl forms (me of the shortest and most romantic chapters in the modern his- tory of industry. The manufacture of these 'beautiful thingwas :begun, reached a great height M prosperity and became ex- tinct in the space ,di a little over eighty years. 'No Paisley shawl has been woven since 1880, anti none is likely ever to ;leave the looms again. The shawl lia,d its origin in the am- bition of fthe Paisley weavers to pro- duce on the loom ;the amazingly elab- orate 'patterns wrought by the needle, of the :cashmere shawls that had been sent honie from the East by Scottish officers and traders to the womenfolk. The Paisley weavers were notable craftsmen, and they 'produced it shawl which excelied its prototype in beau- ty of design and richness of color. Their saecess was the reward of pati- ence, akin, taste and a delicate and delighlfai artistry. a large banquet Lady Aeter erwe remarked that men were vainer than women and, meeting with stormy opposition, declared herself ready to stt b sta n Bate her state in e n t. Steering the conversation to 1111.11'S. fashions, she suddenly said in a loud voicea "it's a pity that the most in and learned men attach least import- ance to the w.ay they •dres.s. Why, right at tlriS table, the most, cuiti vs 1- od nt, is -wearing Vlit nost clumsily knotted tiel" As, if on a given signal, Oery man in ,fhe tr001/1 immediately put his hand 10 his tie 10 straighten it. SPOT CASH WEEK END SPECIALS • Bleach, 3 bottles . ..... Libby's Tomato Juice 1054 oz. size .... do Libby's Tomato Juice 193/4 size ... . .. doz. 95c Campbell's Tomato Soup per dozen . . ... 95c Tomatoes, large sire 3in 29c Peas, 3 tins 29c Chicken Haddie, 2 tins ....25c ..1.9c Red Rose Tea, lb. 55c Salida Tea, lb. 59c z. $9c Lipton's Tea, lb 59c Gold Medal Tea, lb. .. .59c Teacnp Tea, lb. 69c Bulk Tea, lb. - . ....... .. 49c Instant Chocolate, lb. 25c Morning Cheer Coffee, lb. ..23c "Chase'te Sanborn's Coffee lb. 36c Red Rose Coffee, lb. 39c Neilson's Cocoa, Yz lb. .. 15c Aylmer Soups 6 Tins 25c W. J. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PlIBLIC Seaforth, Ontario TENDERS WANTED • For eight cords of hand maple 'body wood, :fourteen inches long, to be de- livered to :School House No. IV, Mc- Killolp, before 130Ith 61 Mardh. Tend- ers to 'be in by the 1217th of January. R. J. Tethick, Sec.-treas., RR. No. 1, Seaforth. 'Phone 21314 r 115. TENDERS WANTED For six :cork of body wood, maple and beech, 14 inches long, to be (lona- ered by 'April 1st to S.S. No. 9, Tuck- ersinith. Teri:tiers receiaed until Jan. .41gt. Ivan 'Forsyth , Secty. treas.. Kippen RIR. 2. ' TENDERS FOR WOOD Por ten coeds oif mixed wood to be delivered at S.S. No, 8, Tucker - smith, Tenders to be in by Jan. 214t1). 0. Genamell, Sea.-treas., Seaferth, 12, R. 'No. 4, . TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders for eight cords of body wood, maple and 'beech, must be al least half maple, :114 Mabee long, de- livered 10 S.S. No. 7, Tuckersinith. Tenders to be in by jail, 2:alth, 19311. A. INicluilSon, S'ee.-treas., RR., No. 3., Sossforth, TENDERS FOR WOOD 'folders for ten cords of body tvocal, maple and beech, nrust be at least half maple, 20. inehes long, delie- ered by alarch 1st to l,..a.a. lacs 1, MeRiflop. Tooder,. to :be in 1)y jam 117th. John 'Range, See.-'rretts., R.R. 4, Seaforth. 2 TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenderif Will be l'eceived is to Jan, ail for twelve cords ol 1114 inch hard body wood for S.S. ;No. 7, 1101(illo.p. 'F.. W. Scarlett Sec.-treas., 'R. R. 4, Walton, CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will he done at Gordon Richardsoe's this spring. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AGENCIES ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'busi- ness of Haps and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our tares - taus facilities enables us to give yotz. unexcelled services in all lines. Seaforth, Ont. The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ipg, Seaforth. Office hours Tuesday, .Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m MONEY TO LOAN 717n ,progressive Ifarniers residing on s landwith buildings and having no. . - outside debts, Loans nip to 50%, of present sales value oh property, Apply Rimer 13. 13e1i, Seaforth, TENDERS WANTED For 18 cords of body wood, maple 'and beech. 116 inches long, to be de- livered, at Cavell -Church, W-inthrop. Also caretaker for 1938. Tenders tea% be in by 'Jan. 119th, 11938. W. R. Som- erville, Sec., R.R, 4, Walton. • PROPERTY. FOR SALE A desirable property on. Main St., Egrnondville, consisting of seven room 'frame house with'lhard.and soft water and hydro, half ,an acre of land, and stable and hen house. .Possession Nov. 201th. Corner lot. Apply at Tlae- News office. FOR. SALE Set of farm sleighs with flat bottom and one good Portland 'cutter. W. E. Butt. Kippen. :Phone Al on 91, Hensel]. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting cif Huron Conn- ty Council :be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, Court House, Godericla. commencing 'Tuesday, January tleth at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu- tations applications 'tenders and oth- er 'business requiring attention of council should be in the hands of the County Clerk by !January ISth. J.. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, iGoderich, Ont.'s Get our ROPOSITI bef re you deci Our reputation for quality and service insures a ready market for used radio sets. We can allow you top prices for your old set on the purchase of a new 1938 'Westinghouse. Before you make a trade, come in and get our proposition. The finest radio we have ever offered . . . sensational advancements including ape. cial Armchair Model illustrat- ed, also the newest Automatic Tuning Models with Auto- matic Frequency Control, Atlas of the Air Dial, Remote Control and countless other advanced features. $10. DOWN You can own a Westinghouse Radio for as little as 11.0 down and $5 a month, with liberal allowance for gour old wt. John Bach Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 17