HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-01-13, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS • PAGE FIVE * S .All pridesood dB Jam 19 GARDEN PATCH PEAS 10C 17 oz. special PER TIE CHIPSO, LARGE PKG. 18 C Special PER PEG. 40 x 50 size 2 LBS. PRUNES, Sweet Santa Clara 23c AYLMER MARMALADE, Large 22c 32 oz. PER JAR 2 TINS 27c HELMET CORNED BEEF per ib. 15C McCORMICK'S NECTAR FIG BAR BISCUITS, Eat Oranges Eat Oranges Eat Grapefruit for Health • Navel Oranges, 344s, case $3.40, 2 doz. 25c 11 11 ' 11 11 288s, case $3.40, 2 doz. 35c 216s, case S3.40, 2 doz. 45c Texas Graperruit, excellent flavor, per case at . $4.25, 6 For 25c 130s Ross J. Sproat PHONE Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 TOWN TOPIC 'MT. Joe Eckert has gone. to 'resume his (Reties I ahe repair shap. of the King .Construction .Co an Oakville. The Sikband 'Euchre Chab, af (which Mr. Con Eckert is .seoretary, extend sincere 'sympathy to 'Mrs. Allbert Ed - ler and. 'family in their .bereavement of a kind and 'loving father. 'Miss Dorothy Parke returned on .Wedn'esday to 'Strathroy after spend- ing a few days :with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. R. IG. Parke. Mrs. W. Edmonds left . ,Friday to apend a anonah with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Curtis, at 1Mtarenora. - A letter was received in Seaforth an Tuesday .whieli had come Ifrom INew Zealand by aie mail on the ill- fated Samoan plane, lost at .sea this week .on the return trip. The letter was posted in New Zealand just two weeks ago, on Dec. 27th. Mr. H. M (Jackson of 'Toronto spent the ,week end at ths home in lEgmoredvilie. Mrs. la. D. 'Hinahley left Friday 'for an extended :visit twith her sar, 'Mae J. M. Illinchley, in, Owen Sound, ,. Rey. Da. and Mea. Hearford and daughter Jean arrived in town on Wednesday afternoon and have mov- ed into the Rectory of St. Thomas' Church. Mos. Herbert Whittaker and son .Miehael, oif .Hamilton, are spending several weeks 'with her mother, 'Mrs.. Chapman. Mrs. J. H. .Mc011achey has gone to Toronto for an extended wisit. Mr. and, Mirs. !hark Fletcber and family df Clinton spent Sunday with the former's sister, 'Mrs. E. 'Ritchie. An article by John C. 'Kelley, Post- master for the 'Windsor district, apa ,peared in a ricent issue of the .VVind- sor Daily Star. ,Economao conditions have improved not only in the .border district, but all over 'Canada, he stat- ed, pointing out that definite progress has been made toward .establisatment of a trans -Canada air mail service. Mr. Kelly is a son of 'Mrs. Rebecca Kelly of town. Visitors front Goderich were guests of .Sealforth Badminton Club on. Wed- nesday evening. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per 'bus. Bartley, ,feed, per bus. 'Barley, malting, per bus Oats, per bus. Buckwheat, per bus. 98c-11.00 60c 6Bc Age -142c 64ac HIBBERT . Hibbert Council— • The inaugural meeting Of Ribbert township council was held at Staffa on Monday, ijanuary al% ipursaant to statute,' all members present, who subscribed to the necessary ,deelara- tion of office end assumed their re- sponsibilities. The Ifollowing appoint- ments were made; .01erk—Mrs. K. {Feeney; Treasurer -1A. A. Cokru- hoten;' Assessor—ljoseph IP. Roach; ,Anditors---Roy Buchill and Freak Doyle; anedioal officer of health—Dr. Stapleton; sanitary inepector and • .member B.D.H.—J'ames Scott; sheep valuators--; Andrew .McLachlan ,and Ijobn 1G. 'Seat; .engineer for D. and W. Act—S. W. Archibald; .school at- tendance officer, T. J. Molyneaux; caretaker of hall—Henry 'Fleabane By Law INt. 4415 ,conartning munici- pal .aapointenents was passed. Resalu- tioas were approved 11 Authorizing • The Reeve and Clerk to submit the superintendent's report to Depart- ment ofHighways .for 11907 road" ex- penditare: 11071013.03, and requesting statutory (grant. 2. lAtithorizing.pass- ing df By Law No. 446, providing (for road expenditure for 1119318. 3, Aeithor- itsg Councillors Kay and Dow to post up tenders ;for COI (cords lof wood ;for township 'hale The following orders 'were issued; 'General expense, $106; interest and principal payments on .private notes, 1:0201516; direct relief, $67; charity, $ale road expense, $1102.. The meeting ,adjourited until Tuesdel, 'Feb- ruary 8 at ,1% pan.—eKetleleen 'Feeney.; Municipal .0Ierk. The British Market and Canadian Farm Produce • A story of neglected oloportuitities for sale of Canadian agrioteltural pro- ducts in the United. Kingdom market is told in a highly,informative report just issued by the ID'ominion Minister of Agriculture. Hon, James G. Gard - Mee. The report reveals the 'results of an intensive study df the 'British mac- ket which was conducted 'by a group of Canadian agricultural experts who visited the British' Isles with A. M. Shaw, recently appointed Director cif Marketing Services ifOT the Domittion Departtnent of ;Agriculture. It was aound that other fDominions' products were better known than Canadian in 'Great 1Beitain and that housewives were not familiar with 'Canadian goods. Practically every product of the Ca- nadian 'farm Which .enters the export market, .from tcattle and dressed .pota- ary to honey and canned veers. is dealt with in the report and each item is related ao the British mer- chant and consumer. The report re- veals information which the ;Canadian agriculeural specialists gleaned ,from interviews with importers. domenis- sion ,agents, 'brokers. wholesalers, mantifacettrers, retailers and house- wives in 118 cities in. lEngjand, Saddam' and Ireland. Farms where her& of Canadian dairy cows and beef cattle were feeding were visited, as were Fruit auotione, cheese factories, jam .manefaeturing plants:* and famous food marte. Want and For Sale ads, '3 wks, '50c FARMERS Cold Storage Come to Meeting in TOWN HALL, SEAFORT}1 Friday,Jan. Ll AT 2 P.M. Paease be on time Hear Information ,Oheirrnan, Geo. McKee Committee Wm. Bleak J. M. Scott Harold 1Jackson W.V. 'Jefferson D. MadFarlane IE 'L Boc STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Olivaster of Loodon spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre, lacCliachey of Bronson line. ble. Wm, Duncan of' St. Thomas, Who ;pent 'the past week with Mr. Harold Penhale, has returned..home. Mr. and Mts. John Scotaltmer Sr., *met Sunday with Mr, and ales, Rcrbt. Greer. lins. Beacom of the front road vis- ited friends at Londesboro laet week. Messrs. Alvin and • Asa Steckle, ac- companied by the hitter's sister Mary, atteaded the .funeral of a c,ouain in Waterloo ,County the end of last week. The deceased was a young man of 136 just recently married. The cause of death was typhoid fever. and Mrs. 'J. A. Carnie and daughter Jean had tea and spent the evening at th,e home of lar. and Mrs. 'Gladwin Westialce on Thesday of last week. • Teams have been very busy haul - Mg wood and timber belonging to Mr. Wm. Oesela recently purchased frons Mr. Joe Martha Owing to the recent sleet storm car drivers 'find it ,practically impos- sible to navigate the concession lines we present. The snow is much like granulated sugar and provides no traction for the ,wheels. ST. COLUMBAN 'Miss Alice !Flannery has gone to Toronto ,for the winter. ,and Mrs. ,Fergus Horan vent Sunday with ale. and 'Mrs. lAlbret Cronin. Miss Mary 101Reilly is confined to Scott Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, with an injured eye suffered .While skating. 'Miss 'Rose aVIeQuaid, Of To- ronto, spent a few days 'with her par- ents, 1MT. and 'Mrs. 'Joseph ,MeQuaid. 'Mr. M. avadSween nE .0hina Mission College, Torowto, speat New Year's with Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph 'McQuaid. Thos. Maduaid and .Mr. 'MeSeveen returned to the .conege this week. 'Mr. lachn Lynch of 'Minden, Sask., le aisiting sisters ani other friends tor the .winter. MANLEY We are pleased to learn that Mrs. John A. 'Eckert and her little daugh- ter are recovering from their recent illness. Mr. 'John A. Eckert has • built a .pleasure sleigh 'with a top ated has equipped it with a defroster on alp windshield, Which is run by an electric 'battery, making visibility clear so that he. may enjoy the inclement iveather 4n:tang the winter. We are ,pleased to hear that I.tr. John IMurray is improving ander the doitor's care. BORN IGramenett — In 'Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, Jan. 1(1, (1191318, to Mr. and 'ales. Percy 'Grumm.ett, Sea - forth, a: son. MeNairn—lin Scott Memorial 'Hos- Vital, on .Saeurday, Jan, 5, 1119331, to air. and' MrS, L. 3. UONairn, Sea - forth, a ion. Eaton—In McInlop, ,January 3nra 119136, Id Mr. and 'Mrs; Walter baton, the ,gift of a baby boy. BEECHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 101Roarke spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert .Cronin. We are sorry to know .bleat tMaster Jackie Keillly had the misforttme ,to ifall and break his leg. We hope for s speedy eecorvery. Mr. lames 1Nolan is wearing e s.mile. "(It's a 'bey." ' Mrs. .Margaret Maloney of 'Sea - forth spent lest week at ;the home of her son, ,Peter 'Maloney, Lead, agricuilmrag representative, to Vincent Lane, A, Harrison, jno. L. be !present. Mrs. W. McLean gave demonstration :M ihair pin work and showed several pieces in cotton made many years ago 'and others itt. wool made recently. Tire real call was re- sponded to 'with many goad resale- tioean•n s., Tm he next eeting in Februaay to be at the home of .Mrs. W. Mc- LMr. John C. Doig of Detroit visited with his mother and sister for a few days 'recently. Miss Etta Bell of Lundon was a re- cent igueat of 'her .parents, Me. and Mrs. Andrew Bell.' . Mr. and Mrs. fRobt. 'ararley and daughter, Barbara, are 'holidaying with efrienals in Hensel. Mr. and airs. Reg. Tippet were vis- irteecdcnbtly.ya number of relatives one day Miss ,Ruley Pfaff of Ailsa Craig vis- ited her relatives in the neighborhood for a few •days recently, Mr. and Mrs, Lerenis Seaman and childre.n of Kitchener, who have been holidaying with relatives in •the neigh- beeluxvd, returned home aater having slpent a pleasant .visit: Miss Camilla Grant spent a pleas- ant 'holiday visiting with Kitchener friends (before returning to' her ipme with 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Robt. :McGregor and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClelland and son of (Egmondville visited for a few days with MT. and Mrs. iliugb Mc- Gregor. Miss Isabel Moir, of Hensall was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'D. Stew- art and Miss 'Winnie 'for a few days. TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmith Council— Vic Council of the townahip. of Tuckersmith 'head the first meeting in the 'town hall, Seaforth, on Mon- day, Jan. !Path, and took the neces- sary declaratioes of office. The fol- lowing officers were appointed for 189318, Arthur IFinlayson and Earl Ley_ burn aft auditors; W. P. Thompson, member of hoardof health; James A. Hay as assessor; Robt. Dalrymple, road suaerintendeet; 'Roland Ken- nedy, weed inspeotor; Dr. G. C. jar - rota medical officer of heatth; John Earle, sanitary inspector. Bylaw No, 1 to .provide Sor an expenditure • of $11,1000 on roads and machinery for 1938, in order to seeure the govern- ment grant. Ernen 'Robinson was paid $7160, being $0 per cent of the cost of the tile in the Sinclair Draim The Clerk was authorized to sob - scribe ;for eight copies of the Munici- pal World. for nee of the officers. The council adjourned lo meet on Saturday, jemmy 09,111 at 2 ,pon.— D. P. afeGregor. The ljanuary meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies' nub Itch] at the home of 'Mrs. Ernie Crieli. There were twenty -'four menabers and two visit- ors present. The new presirle'at, Mies Margaret .Fear. was in charge and roll call was answered by .payment of fees for agata Several inattere of 'busi- ness were diecnseed and a short Pro - grain Was .given consisting of emm- muility singing, piano aolo by Mrs. A. Matheson. duet ;by ,alise Margaret Crich mut Mims Sadie Bell. and a can- dy contest conducted by Mrs. Famie Crich. The miffing .committee bad severae articies reac13- for sewing 1%146 occupied the tinic until the tea hour. For the Fearetary meeting Ciroup 3. ,consistiag of Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Lawson, 'Mrs. W. IPepper, Mrs. Fear and -Arm. Walters, will have eharge of the ;program and refresh- ments. Meeting will he held at the horn' of Mee. 'O'Brien on 'Feb. 2nd. Roll cell is to he answered by "A book a have recenaly read, and the name tef ie.. author". There 'Win be a ell Cala Valentine gift excbange. Ole. and Mrs. Samuel Laidlaw and laegliter •11nry of elbnax, Sask., are this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. w are 'both former residents of this district and their many friends are glad tce see them again. At the annual meeting of S. S. No. 7,, Tuckersmith, Mr. 'William Camer- on resigned. Mr. Cameron *ha e been a trustee of S.S. No. 7 .for the past fif- teen years and 'has alweys taken a great interest in the school. Mr. Ect- gar Allan is the neve trustee in his place. 1VIcKILLOP McKillop Council— • The townsbiP cottncil af McKillop held their statutory meeting on Mon- day at the Carnegie Library, Segarth, am( appointed the following officials for was: 'Clerk, Joan MeNay; treas- urer, F. Bruce aLeckl; coalector, Geo. McKee; auditors, Jae. B. Hogg and Alex •Dennis; sanitary inspector, Da- vid Boyd; .shoo[ atteadance ofifi.cer, George Eaton; drainage inspector, Chariest Regele; weed. inspector, Freak Storey; road stmt., Wm. J. Manley. 'Appointment of ' assessors was laid over meta a special meeting when council will consider a complete revision of assessments in the mafaci- pality this year, in which ense three assessors may be named. patrolmea'Louis 'McGrath, Henry Klether, John Shea, :George H. Leon - beetle aosegh alarray, tCalvinHililen Thomas Scott. Roy lPatrick, Wen. T. CONSTANCE ' , The Kinberu Gab .af Progress acid a meeting on 'Friday evening, jan. 7.111, with 'Oliver Anderson in charge. The 'secretary's report was given by Helen Britton, after which elle following biesiness was transacted: Those on the program committee for ahe next meet, lag which ,will be 'held ,on Feb. 4th are Mrs. Peter Lindsay, Mrs. 'Ross Mc- Gregor and Leo Stephenson. After. Verne D2r1e was appointed editor and Doris Lawson and Doneldet Adams sub -editors for the Ilaialeurn news. The .following program was enjoyed hy all: Solo by Ross Medd, oeading by aeau 'Anderson, solo by Doris Lawson, an account of the life of Ra'lp'h Connor by Elma Leitch, solo by Helen Britton, an interesting talk ,by Mrs. William Thompson. a mixed .quartette from S.S. 'No. 1 which eao much appreciated, a reading by Mrs. Harvey Taylor, a comic song by. ,Val - gin Nate, reeding lby Hattie Arm- strong, a beautiful solo by Miss Ed- wina 'Min after which a splendid edi- tion of the Kinburn News Wan given. The meeting closed by singing God Save the King. 'There wila be skating on the .open air rink on 'Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday nights and 'hockey practice Saturday afternoons. Malone, Percy Smith, 'Finlay 'Me.Ker- cher, William Herr, P. MIC,Langithn, R. C. Dodds, Ed. Devidson, Wiiiiaret Somerville, 1.1. R. •Leeming, Joseph Cannebell. Pound keepers: John Walsh, Jos- eph Carlin, Henry :F. .Beuermann, Wm, Anderson, Joseph Scott, Ohas.. Richer, George McKee, Percy Tay- lor, Henry Bennewies. Fence viewers: Jahn Delaney, Wen. 'O'Reilly, }Robert Dougherty, Peter Eckert, Wm, J. Shannon, R. W. ,Camplbell; 'Peed Sea:delta Thos. W. McMillen, Zack McSpadden. Sheep valaators—jahn MeDowell, John Shea, R. C. Dodds, Henry VVieterson. Building inspect- ors: Robert Hogg, Charles Case, Wil- liam Somenville. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Duff's ,Ohurch, McKielaP, was held at the home of Mrs. Ivy (Henderson on Thureday, gen. 6th, 'with a good attendance. W.A. president, Mrs. John Gordon, opened the meeting with hymn 51711. Mrs. Chester Henderson gave mem- bership prayer. ,Roll was answered by paying the W.A. tee. 'The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed.' 'Plans for the .coming year were discussed and the +Scripture was Teed by Mrs. Ivy Henderson. An interest- ing questionnaire from Missionary Monthly was taken up. The W.M.S. then took over the meeting with MTS. R. W. Craw presiding. Hymn 3195 was sung and minutes of last meeting .were read and adopted. .W.M.S. discussed their plans for the coming year. The offering was then taken. Mrs. IR. W. CraW gave an interesting talk on China. Mrs. H. Lawrence took the Medical 'Mission 1Prayer. Hymn 1148 was sung and meeting closed with the Miapah benediction. A deliciousattach was served by the hostess and lunch committee.. BRUCEFIELD 'Friends of Mrs. Ijokirrt Grainger are sorry to learn that she is 'confined to ber bed through illness. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stackhouse with Mr. and Mrs. Neale of Glencoe over the ,week end. A joint meeting of the United .Far- mers and theiII.F.W,10. will be held et the 'home Of Mr. aced Mrs. Alex Wright on Tuesday, Jan. 118 at 2 p.m. The January meeting of the Wom- an's Associaaion. wee held. in the school room of the ehunch on Wed- nesday, Jaii, .5th. The first part of the meeting ll'aS spent in sewing. Then icalowed the devotional part lof the meeting. This WaS in ,charge ;af Mrs. Andrew Scott, devotional eonvener.' Meeting opened by hymn 41, three verses. This was .followed with pray,er by Mrs. James IvIoQueen. The Scrim tire reading was from Psalm 1111. Then Hymn 4136 was sung and all re- peated the Lord's prayer. Our new p re ',Aden t, Miss 'Martha MoDonald. took the .chair for the business part of the meeting. The'mirattes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call VMS responded to by 24 mem- bers. Business was then discussed and the meeting 'closed by all repeating the .alizpah benediction. IA. dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. IlVar. and Mrs. Jas. pommy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Grainger Ur. and Mrs. 'C. 'Halstead and Floyd of Stratford spent Sunday .with Mr: and Mrs. T. H. VV'heeler. Mr. and Mrs. !Schillye of Iluric'h vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. IG. Siwan. Euchre & Dance In Winthrop Hall Friday,Jan. 14 GOOD MUSIC Admission 051c. Ladies with 'lunch free DANCE, BENNY PALMER AND HIS ORCHESTRA (Radio and Dance Artists) I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Seaforth FRI., JAN:...14 Under auspices of ..Yeatrieg. Ladies ' So- dality of St. James' Cburch Admiesion aBc. Dancing 9.130 to 2 Intermediate 0. H. A. Hoc..E Y ST. MARY'S vs .SEAFORTII-1 PALACE RINK, ,SEAFORTH Thur,,Jan. 13 Adults 35e. chitdr.en 1115c HILLSGREEN The hydro folks in this vicinity are preparing now, and ;haaing their wir- ing <lone as well. It won't the many days now ibetore some will have the pleasure of the hydro. We are pleased to report that Mr. W. Turner is slowly recovering from his sevens illness. Miss 'E. Ealliott of Clinton is caring ,for him at ,present. Mr, a Bender has returned 'to his work after a pleasant holiday for a ,few days. Mr. Ludwig 'Schultz aud family vis- ited friends near Blake. Butchering is still keeping the far- mers busy. ,These ere ideal days for that work. and Mrs. 'Emerson An.derson, bridal .couple, are getting settled on their Sarin 'on the town eine. Con- gratulations. WINTHROP With deepest regret we learned of the passing of Mrs. John Armetron df London on Jan. 6th after a few months' illness. Mrs. Terg. Dullard i a daugihter of Mrs. 'Armstrong and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to her on the death cmf her mother. • Mr. Angus .More underwent a seri- ous operation in London Hospital this week, We wish him a very speedy recovery. 'Miss Ituriel Dolmage spent the week encl with 'friends in Kitchener. Miss Eliza Betts and Mrs. Laird attended the funeral of the late Al- bert Edler of Seaforth. lair. Sill Campbell who has been sailing the great lakes on the Captain Secord freiglht boat, it .apending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. The many friends of Mrs. Mae Der - e ranee are pleased to hear she has re- turned home from Scott Memorial 'Hospital after a serious .openation. "Tim" 'Eaton wears a broad grin these days. It's a baby aby. The most of the roads are still blocked 'for traffic. It's poor service Lor motorists. KIPPEN A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. Robert Simpson when the Kippen 'East W. 'I. net on Friday afternoon to oak two ,quilts and ,paek a bale of clothing to be sent to Dr. Margaret Strang Savage in the Pea.ce River District. After the quilts were finished afternoon tea was serv- ed. Nies. Workman and Miss .Sarah Sinclair presided over the table with Misses E. Sandford, G. ,Martin and L. Tremeer assisting. A short lbalSiaaSS SeSSi'011 was held and sides were again chosen for our an'n'ual contest with 'Mrs, W. McCeecgor and 'Mrs. H. Cald- well for leaders. lArrangements were else made for our community night to be held in Kippee an Wednes- day evening, Feb. Cud, Ma, Dan Mc- Dodds,Russell Barrows, John \Powell ening a 411;41°C00 h'fc anthlitY* You Still Can Win A $100.00 A Month Life Income The •apporthaity to become 'financ- ially secure !for the rest Of your life is offered in the great reeder test in The Ainerican Weekly, the great weelcly magazine (which comes with The .Detroit Sunday Times. No rid- dles! No ;puzzles! See The Anniericain Weekly ,with the January 16 isstm of The Detroit 'Sunday Times and get stanted 10 this great now contest off- j.