HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-12-26, Page 8tegaziettivizetzew There appears to be a rumourgoing ar•oun.d about nthis funs be g fined for drugging meats of 'sonic sort. , Ik':s an absolute untruth Everything" hereis' in league with the' Pure Food Laws;; and"a1 Anyone who doubts ,it, please conuiunicate with C E Abrams, ,Inspector of. Food and Drugst Post office bmldmg,' Gixclph. W e ,Wish Everyone A HAPPY 'NEW Y . MARKET NN ilh�iY9hh'Y$i?i\ CONNELL .,`+&,.::'TYN®Al;L "• CLINTON'S' LEADING, •-MEAT Phone 162. Albert Street momoctectocramicwa MAY THE NEW YEAR FULFILL OUR EVERY WISH FOR YOU. THAT IT MAY MAKE UP TO YOU IN FULL FOR ANY ADVERSITY 1935 MIGHT HAVE BROUGHT YOU -AND FILL YOUR CUP OF CHEERFULNESS TO OVER- FLOWING IS OUR WISH FOR YOUR NEW YEAR. Sutter.-Perdue—Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night r q'a FURNITLrR�' 00$ SEAFORTH i'e ..THAT THE YEAR BRING GREAT PROSPERITY 4 THAT YOU SHALL KNOW NO. ADVERSITY— A THAT EVERY DAY IN TIIE NEW YEAR. SHALL CAST. NEW BLESSINGS IN YOUR PAHT, TIIIS WE WISH TO YOU WHEN T° WE SAY:— HAPPY NEW YEAR WALKER'S FURNITURE STQgE• FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING PHONE 67W, SEAFORTH. HOLMESVILLE' Miss Cora Trewartha of Nipissing arrived on Saturday to spend the Christmas: vacation at the home• of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tre- wartha.'• Miss Helen MacMath, London, is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Mac - Math. Mrs. S. Cooper, of Clinton has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A. Bond. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter are hav- ing as Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacDonald and Mr. K. Mac- Donald; Teeswater. • On' Friday evening a good crowd gssembled in the church auditorium • to enjoy, 11 very fille program prep&r- ed by'the teachers and pupil of the CM) Tli'e recoQ ny'o1 the'''people nor pf bhe Mations is ,not yet'' complete.! $ut we,.bave hope and 'witH'sonie degreo of assuranee lrldge that a stronger note. of confidence stuns through the land. r At this time and in this, spirit we are one of 100,000 of others who ex- press the wish that your New Teal will bring you much for which to" be. thankful. May. you successfully ne- gotiate all hazards (in the language of golf) .and' your cup of happiness be filled, closer to the brim. Take stock of the old year,, then let's get on with the, new. Never before has there been so much new sin the world. ' We don't know from hour to hour what new event will 'take the headline, there's Japan and China, Alberta and. Social Credit, Italy vs. Ethiopia;Britain, France and Germany and their rela- tion each to the other. ` What will the Ring' and Hepburn governments do? Then 1936 is leap year and you know what that means. Mario, and Eileen Glidden and Mollie Finlay, preceded the Rainbow Drill; Very skilfully clone by the girls , of Miss Elva Proctor's class. Mr. Ilex- bert's speech of a few . appropriate words ails followed by the conelucl- ing pageant in which the girls and boys participating had been careful= ly trained by Mrs. S. Walter, What we are really trying to say is that it's almost absolutely neces- sary that' you read a daily' newspaper, and we will be grateful to have your order for it or any magazine. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Finally Santa Claus arrived with his sack of gifts and fan'amidst the cheers of the younger set. 'After dis- tributing the fruits of the well -laden tree accompanied by his usual jokes and witticisms, the old fellow made his exit and the crowd dispersed, well -satisfied with a very merry ev- ening. 0 pimZh!lilllulli "iilnuu���� i�agmlullreil III! Mrs. W. A. Oakes spent last week with relatives in Toronto. • Professor Harry Shaw of Dartmouth College is home for the Christmas- tide. Mr. John Torrance of Lethbridge is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Tor- rance. Mr. J. N. Hobbs of the Royal Bank staff spent Christmas at his home in Hamilton. • Mr. W. J. 'Argent of Clifford is home for the holiday ported with his mother in town. - Miss Harriet Hawkins of Hamilton is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in town. Mr. Joseph Webster of Londesboro spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. E. G. Saville of town. Mr. Brenton Hellyar of Clear Lake, Ont., is spending the Yuletide va- cation. nc'his home in toWn. niSS Freda Wallis of Guelph was home for the week -end and the fes- tive holiday yesterday. Mr. Dodds Holloway, Royal Bank manager at • Fleming, Sask„ is holidaying with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning and Hel- en spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Manning: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs. Kohler of Toronto were home for. Christmas with the . former's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs., G. W. Pinner of Toron- to are spending Christmas with Mrs. C. H. Bartliff and fancily of On the morning of .Christmas Sun- day our pastor, Rev: Mr. Herbert,"de- livered a fine Christmas message in the United church.• -Special music was • 6uncial Snhpgl. Mr. Bgrry Walters; given by a full choir, two lovely an Isiipeiairterrdent, capably acted.' as i thems being rendered MIM. Ulmer chairman during the evening.. Fol -1 Potter and Miss Ada Finlay takhig, Sowing the opening chorus and the solo parts in the former: chairman's address, a number of well -delivered recitations were given by Masters Billie and Donald Pal- mer, Ford and Jack Little, Milton Me- Cool, . Walter Jervis, Clifton Pickard and Eldie Glidden. Under the direc- tion of Mrs. F. Potter and Miss. J. Webster, a very dainty drill and lul- laby was enacted by a number of lit- tle, girls in frocks of rose and tinsel; also a humorous song entitled "Up- side Down" which was sung with ac- tion by c-tion-by eight small boys. Both these numbers were deservedly applauded. "Raiys of the Christmas Star," a pretty drill and song by several of the boys and girls, was followed, by a dialogue entitled "Helping Santa," prepared by Mrs. Elmer. Potter, which was well presented. A tableau followed in wineh Mrs. L. Jervis and Master Donald sang a duet, after which a motion song was phut on by members of the school. "To All, Good Night»,•, a pretty trio sung by the The Y.P.U. gathering of this Fri- day will be under the joint direction of the Misses Norma Potter and Es- ther MacMath. We hope for a full attendance at this last Meeting of the closing year. Miss.. Grace Hellyar of Massey is spending the . • Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.: Hellyar, • Miss Madeline Hawkins of Toronto is spending the Christmas' holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eagen of Nap- anee are spending the Christmas hoidays with • Mrs. Chas. McKinnon • and her mother, Mrs.' Johnston., ID1E❑o The following is the school report of 5,, S. No. 3 for the Christmas ex- amination tests: Sr. 4th—Douglas Finlay; 68,6; IVah Jervis, 56.7. Jr. 4th—Donald McCool, 49.3. Sr. 3rd—Maude 1VIanMath, 19.3'; M. Hudie, 77; Donna ,Sudie, 75.z I evils Dempsey, 63.5; Iva McCool, Jr. 3rd—Maly 5driii§, 65.5; . tetty Stock, 64; Elva .'icic8rd, 38.3. 8• Clete Pain'ter, 2nd--bohai ", 7 4. ]mer Potter �G3 Potter, 64.8;; J)e 1st--Jieeiti' Kittle, Oliffoid 1'iticaril, Naiida Poeocic F11d`on Glydd iii, Wal- ter Jervis, Milton McCool i : Fdrit 7,it%]e; &carte ; cdhddbir;. WS -RECO: ONE TELLS ANO'k'H,Lt; BEST WISHES TO- YO At this Festive Happy Seas®n} our Sincere `Hopes and Wishes: are for y®u and yours `to havethe fullest Measure - possible of Health` and •Happiness We take this opportunity to Heartily Thank you -for• Your Generous • Friendship and- Co-operation • throughout the .Year.- and Wish you A Happy and Prosperous: New Year Big. Stock- 'Faking Sale, week of January 2nd I936 st Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. . 0'N b. CLINTON'S . BIG CORNER GROCETERTA ' Phone 48 'J' 31011J.r1L' C+IMOr. +•aVG"+ "tire+V.rAKJAO.riil AY/Mi'SVA"4VAS/G'+?"31G1SJG',h.,,JG�'�• G•q`SJ 6+�►y/G�.F WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS' AND CTJSTOMERS A HAPPY r AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR F, R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 31 and 176. A 9s3^.3t'=t€r,%-MathrrDat#rr„`^t IgtQ .'a The Henri Beauty Shop ..1 offers ,Hearty New Year's Greetings to all its patrons and also Thanks for Patronage Extended Mr. Reg. Noble of tho College of Edu- cation, Toronto, is home for, Christ- mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Noble of the Huron, Road, East. Mr. Renneth Rorke d f Cobalt, Mr. Edw8r'd Rorke of Huron College, London, and Miss Florence Rorke of Toronto were home for the holi-, day season. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore and Mr. and Mrs. Green of Teeswater are with the formner's son, Mr: E. S. Livermore, and family in Ayl- mer for the festive holiday. Miss Ruth Cartwright and Mr.. Bar- ker of Toronto and Miss Beth Cart- wright of Kitchener were week -end Visitors at the home of the girls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cart- wright, Mrs. H. B. Chant, who has been vis- him' is-h'tim ' .at the home or her daughter,. Mrs. J. A. Sutter, for several weeks, left Tuesday t o spend Chiasma§ 'With 'another daughter, Mrs. V. E. -needy, during 1935 and hopes it will be con- tinued during 1936. enriBeautty Shop ? Isaac Street, Clinton, Phone 223. road, Miss Vina Peacock, sister of Mr. Chas. Peacock of Clinton and Mr. Lou Peacock of Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. John Ingel, Hastings Mich., are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel. The ladies are .sisters. Mrs. Herb. Manning, Walton, anoth- er sister, spent the week -end with her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ingel, Mr. and Mrs. Plumsteel and Mr, and Mrs. Mittel, Clinton, spent Monday in Lucknow visiting their aunt, Mrs. Hayes, who celebrated her one-hundredth birth- day, LONDON ROAD Mr. Arthur Lebean, who has spent the past few years near Edmonton, Alta., returned home . Saturday. Mr. J. E. Jones, .Toronto, is spend- ing the Christmastide with his fam- ily on Dinsley Terrace. Mrs. A. Bethke, Detroit, 'spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Swin- bank. • ALL OF US ARE WISHING 14liss Edith Stanbury, Toronto, ar- rived Tuesday to spend her holidays I with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanbury. Mr. Bennett hadCthe misfortune to fall and fracture a couple of ribs one day last weekl. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson and daughter, Edna,' and Mr. Archie Montgomery, Blyth, , visited friends on this road on . Sunday. Old friends will be sorry to hear of, the death of; Mr. PeterStewart, 1 w held- cp in his store in Far- co wast RILEY'S With Sincere Hopes that 1936 • will bring you HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND PROSPERITY, and that your cup of cheerfulness be ' filled to overflowing. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. go, N. Dakota and shot. He died from Jet- Palmer, -Eileen Glidden, Herbert the 'result and the; funeral took place, PoStek, Edith i' o'kard.' st from } ]lis• , home ,on Saturday, r' His . `Webster, teacher, wife was a former, resident of this FOR ALL OF YOU THE HAPPIEST AND MOST PROS PEROUS YEAR YOU HAVE EVER ENJOYED. r� • We Thank You For the Business you have favored us with' during the Past Year and We Wish you all g A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 4 A N. BALL, n Phone 110. BALL ZAPFE Phone J. 3. ZAPPE, 195. Phone 103 ,ranarnecvm a airs:amrrrva`•t`s riot .mr3r2mwi,�9tb` ,r3t9: t.26;01-Mka* HARDWARE and'PLUMBING ' Phone 2441 THAT THE NEW YEAR BE A M OST HAPPY ONE, THAT IT MAY CONTAIN FOR YOU ALL THAT YOU DESIRE AND MUCH MORE; q THAT WE MAY CONTINUE TO MERIT YOUR, VALUED AND APPRECIATED PATRONAGE,— ARE OUR SEVUERE ROPES FOR 1936. to . '. MCKN IGHT & SON iit;;;;;11;kosomes_olowstsosegasgsiostioZi: