HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-12-19, Page 8PAGE 8 This space not used this week on account of our sad bereavement. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street 1 WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS Christmas Suggestions SEVERAL SIZES AND SHAPES OP SANDWICH TOASTERS. ELECTRIC IRONS may be set for four different heats with thumb Control - COLEMAN QUICK -LTTE LANTERNS AND LAMPS. NEW STOCK OF ENGLISH CHINAWARE IN TEAPOTS, PITCHERS„ FRUIT BOWLS, CHEESE TRAYS. PYREX CASSEROLES, PIE PLATES, with Silver Frame. WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR STOCK. vatmetocratatamtatermatometcrwerewavom Furniture Department °' Many Lines of CHRISTMAS NOVE'LTIE'S. such as, SMOKER, 1 BOUDOIR, READING and DESK LAMPS. all in latest design and celour. PICTURE• FRAMES finished in Chrome with Mirror Attach - went, PRICED FROM 20c to 55e. to DEFOREST CROSLEY, RADIOS. MAY RE SEEN AND HEARD IN OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. wisetzeccommatoaraztemovarewetzetwaretarmamomarovemoto Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service=.Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night 0S'✓trIartMaPinngtratMt'YVant3Almtal-Mrtr2r±3'r rr `m7reattlr tai 2i.3t;.t5Sia v r ovemmiziowitzweramovztorommftvemmoz A FURNITURE CHRISTMAS $ URNITUR . • SEAFORTH 4p4. WISHES TO EXTEND TO ALL OUR CLINTON FRIENDS A Very V ei y Happy Christmas Season We are making a Very Special Effort to give you THE MOST WONDERFUL VALUES IN EVERY LINE OF Furniture and Novelties SUITABLE GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. iiVISIT OUR STORE AND SEE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SELEC- TIONS WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO OFFER YOU. WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE ,AND UNDERTAKING PHONE 67W, SEAFORTH. PZektrUatvaeD0QR5r3u"Wilk W"r:aa;s+90Lni7p„'ar 973stnr ttaat. nisabr t�Yi' wt" i letatetttetgtMtVg + si Santa Claus Comes to Clinton Saturday Afternoon at 2 pan. All' children in surrounding townships and the town axe re- ' quested to meet at the Public School, at 2,00 pan., Saturday, Dec. 21st. Santa Claus is espec- • ially anxious to meet you children as he will have a present for each one. Santa Claus wiII also appear at the Community Welfare Concert on Thursday, this evening, to ar- range for distribution of, Welfare Baskets at Christmas. Mrs. J. P. Manning, of the Mission Band the president read the report of the Band. The report of the Baby Band was given by Mrs. W. B. Al- len, who is the leader. The Roll Catl for next month to be answered by a verse frons the Book of Genesis, Mrs. W. B. Allen and Mrs. J. Armstrong were appointed as visiting committee for the month. After conclusion of all business the neeting was left in charge of Mrs. T. Fairservice, No. 6 Group leader. A Christmas hymia was sung and Mrs. J. C. Adams led in prayer. Mrs. Robt. Townsend read the scripture lesson, Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. Geo. McCall sang a very pleasing duet, "The Story of Jesus Will Never Grow Old," The Study Book was taken by five of the mem. bers, Mrs. Wilfred Thompson leading and asking the questions, Mrs. W. B. Allen, Mrs. Jos. Manning', Mrs. W. E. Manning and Mrs. A. Webster an - h" �r`3't "MwYer�4r spering the questions. Election of ! officers took place, Rev, Mr. Gardi- ner conducting it, with the result that all officers were returned by acclam- ation, . Mrs. J..Taylor was the -chos- en Life member, Meeting was doe, ed by singing hymn 312 and Mr. Gardiner pronounced the Benediction. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fairserviee and her group and a short social time was spent togeth- er, On Monday afternoon several car- loads for the W. M. S. Society met at the hoarse of Mrs. W. Crittenden near Clinton, and presented Mrs. J. Taylor with a Life membership certi- ficate, and were pleased to. see her able to walk with one .crutch and it is hoped she continues to improve, Mrs. Taylor thanked the society in a few words for so kindly remember- ing her and a very nice' afternoon was spent with her. Old Lang Syne was sung before the company left for their homes, LONDESBORO Miss Hazel Hoggart spent the week -end with Clinton friends. Mrs, E. Crawford went to Niagara Falls, Ont., this week to the hone of her daughter, Mrs. A. Kunkle, where. she willprobably remain for the win 'ter, The W. M. S. of the United Church held their December meeting in the school room of the church last Wed- nesday. There was a splendid turn out and quite an interesting meeting was held. Miss L. Young, thepresi- dent, was in the chair, Meeting was opened by singing a hymn and a few minutes of silent prayer, followed with prayer by Miss Young. Reports of the year's work was given by the Secretary, Mrs. E. Wood, of the Mis- sion Circle, by the leader, Mai. W. E. ;"Manning. In absence of the leader, `LE :CLINTON NEWS -RECORD lor Stock mayAssist a e ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER you to take the RED AND ;E : ' Always in the Lend "if" out of G -I -F -T -S You would purchase a particular thing for a certain friend if it ,were: sure to please, if it Offered the right Combination of usefulness and pleas- ure, if the price was right. Per-' haps a survey of our, stock would make these' and other ifs disappear We try to buy our stock to result in a happy blending of the serious, with the entertaamng, the practical with the 'cultural. The "Warwick Gift Worth While" is an example, each piece with a box to fit design- ed to magnify the appearance • of the gift which it contains Shirley Temple Dolls.—The same charming face, winning smile and dimple. The same hazel eyes, nat- ural hair. Dressed in exact copies of clothes worn by Shirley in the pic- tures. We have three sizes and pric- ed at $2.98, $3.98 and "$4.98. Then if you'll sing with Shirley we have a song album and it is priced at 45c. Contains 8 songs from her picture hits. Tlie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat lulu. I � ��impAtpl j Mrs, W. Brydone has returned af- ter a fortnight's visit in Toronto. Mr. A. Torrance of Toronto spent the week -end with his mother and sister in town. Mrs. Allen of Owen Sound visited her cousin, Mrs. W. E,. Morrison, over last week -end, Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and Misses Kathleen and Jo Anne spent last Saturday in Toronto, Mr. John McPhee was in Stratford on Thursday attending the funeral of an old friend, Janies Baxter. Mrs. Albert Colclough of near Bay- field visited with Mi. and Mrs, Annie Colclough for some days last week. Mr, and Mrs, H. A. Steven of Mat- achewan are here to spend Christ- mas with Mrs, C. H. Bartlif£ and fancily, Mrs. J. A. Ford left Friday for To- ronto, where she will spend some weeks with her daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley. Miss Marion G•ibbings left this morn- ing to visit her brother, Mr. Jack Gibbings of the St. Catharines Public school staff, for a few- days. Mrs. J. B. Rumball left Friday last for Montreal where she will spend the winter with her son and his wife, Mr, and Mrs, 3. R. Rumball, Both Mrs. Rumball's sons are now in Montreal. Dr. and Mrs, Struthers of the west were in town last Friday and a- ' mongst others called on Miss Brig- ham. ,Dr. ' Struthers was for a time a partner of Dr, Brigham 'of Star City, Sask,, a former C. C. I. boy and known to many here, who is doing well in the west, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Straughan of Mertzone, Texas, are spending the holiday season with Mayor and Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes and Mrs. W. H. BaII; and will also visit other friends and relatives in the vicinity, Mr.- Straughan is a brother of Mrs. Ball and of Mrs. Margaret Farquhar. ST. HJ ENS Mr. Joe Hyde of Underwood visit- ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hyde last week. Mrs, R. J. Woods returned home last week after a ploasant visit with friends in London and Southwolct. We are sorry to report that Mc John Webster, who has been in Wingham hospital, is not improving as well as his anany friends would like,. The funeral of. the late. Mrs. Love of Belgrave, who died -at the home of her brother, Mr. Gilbert Vint, Ash- field, passed through St. Helens on its way to Belgrave, where interment took place on Saturday. A quiet wedding was -solemnized at the residence of the bride's par- ents in St. Helens on Thursday, Dec, 12th, when Miss Helen Elizabeth Miller, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. I, Miller, was united in mar- riage to Mr.. Thomas James Todd, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank G. Todd. Only the immediate relatives of the family were present. The bride and groom left on a motor trip and on their return will reside on the groom's farm,. near'St. Hel-' CLEARING SALE Santa has only a few days left to scatter his Candy, Nuts, Oranges, Figs and Dates to all parts of the country and they must go out. All Prices at a new low for these remaining days. Golden Bantam Corn, 2 for 260 Layer Raisins, per pkg. kr 35c Libby's Dill Pickles, at 15c Pickles, Sweet, per bottle 21c Cranberries, per lb. 29c Celery (learns 10c Head Lettuce, 2 for 15e Tomato Juice, per tin lOc � B. C. Apples, for table use 6 for 25e Nle. Red and White Coffee, per lb. 39c. Blue Ribbon! Coffee, per Ib. 39e Red and White Tea, per lb. 32c l Old White Cheese, per ib. 25c ' 'n Old Yellow Cheese, per Ib. 28c Gorgon Zola Cheese, per lb. 750 '' Fancy Swiss Cheese, per pkg. 35t Beaumert Cheese, 2 for 25d t~ Real Canadian Cheese, 2 lbs. for 35i R. Special New Satin Candy, 2 lbs. for 25c New Christmas Mixture, light and brown, 2 lbs. 250 Fancy Mixture Creams and Chocolates and Gum Drops, 2 lbs. for 35c Fancy Assorted Creams, Carrels, Etc, per Ib. 25c Fancy Assorted Chocolates, per Ib. 25c Chocolates, Cream Centres 19c Fancy Creams, Turkish Delight & Assortment 1 lb. for 35e All our Nuts are going out Quickly, 2 lbs. for 35c. Peanuts, 'Roasted, 2 lbs: for 25c ORGANGES ARE FINE FOR JUICE & SWEET Japanese Mandarines, Blue Goose, per box $1.16 Navel Oranges, doz., 25c, 33c; 44 49c, 59c, 69c Grape • Fruit, Seedless , 5 for 25c • SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER Olives, Plain or Stuffed, per bottle 25c Olives, (Stuffed, at 15c and 25c Canned Asparagus, per tin 22c Canned Peas, large ,and sweet, 2 for 25c Fancy Crackerettes, Crax and Sodas Fancy Macaroons, Peanut Cookies Jelly Powders, all flavors, 5 for 25d Patterkrisp Candy,per lb. • 29e Oysters in Jars, 25c . (Smoked Filletts, per lb. 17d Almond Icing, per 1-2 lb. 25c CHRISTMAS TREE NOVELTIES Christmas Packages and Cookies Cellephane Baskets of Fruit (made to order), 30c up To all W. a A Merry Christmas and .A Happy New Year ................. Where 'ONBIPrice Pri W4 T • O'NEIL CORNER GROCETERIA � ge �`'' � N. Phone 48 Ted., i e. s w tgionctest+om a'tctemetatstc wt@�e6 DA LET FLOWERS SAY "Merry Christmas" g l 'You are invited to see our hoiiday'e stock of FLOWERING PLANTS Azaleas, Cyclamen, Cherries Poinsettias, Begonias, Primulas. g.r �CIIRISTMAS WREATHS, A 'FABLE CENTRES, ETC, Pans and Baskets of ASSORTED PLANTS An Unusual Cactus in Bloom on exhibit. CUT FLOWERS Carnations, Roses, 'Mums, Etc. Canadian National Express of- fice is in connection with our Flower Shop. Ship your Christ- mas Gifts by Express. Reduced rates in effect. dg F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST .Member of FIorist Telegraph Delivery Association Phones 31 and 170. :rmr A-cia nal m> r9rararZ-ar: Community Welfare Concert Thur. Evening, Dec. 19 TOWN HALL AT 8 P.M. A real good program has been corn, pleted and those attending are assured a treat. The Various Organizations of the Town are assisting the Council to make this Concert a Success. —ADMISSION— Clothing (UsefuI), Vegetables, Fruit, Canned Goods or Cash, 57-2. GIVE A PERMANENT WHY NOT GIVE IIER A CHRISTMAS GREETING CARD entitling her to a Permanent Wave ASK US ABOUT THESE. HenriBeauty Shop Isaac Street, Phone 223, 58-1. ens, We wish ,thein many, happy years of wedded life, Mr, John Webb of High River, Al- berta, is visiting with his brother, McKenzie Webb, at present. Mr. John Durnin of. Morriston spent 'a few days visiting his moth- er, Mrs. Chas.'Dernin, Sr. Mr. McKinley Ramage of St. Paul visited at his hone here over the week -end. Oa Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Todd gave a house-warm- ing party to all their neighbors and friends and to `welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd on their return from their wedding trip. A very pleasant time was spent, RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Christmas Specials Large Bottle Plain Olives . , . , ..29c Large Bottle Stuffed Olives .. , .29c Short -Bread in Packages 25c California Grapes, 2 lbs. for , , ..29c California Oranges, 29, 35, 39, 49, 59c Cranberries, per Ib, 25c Mixed Nuts, (no peanuts), 2 lbs. 35c Brazils, Almonds, Filletts 19c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 Ibs23e Grocer's 'Mixed Candy, 2 lbs. . ,25e Satin Mixed Candy, per lb. 15e Gum Drops, per 1b. 19c Creams & Chocolates, Mixed, lb. 19c Bright Trolley Creams, lb. 19e Light and Dark Cut Rock, lb. 19c Some Large Christmas Sticks, . , .5c Specials for Week -End CAULIFLOWER, HEAD LETTUCE, CELERY HEARTS, CABBAGE, SWEET POTATOES, TURNIPS We BUY AND GRADE EGGS for which We PAY lc A DOZEN MORE IN CASH OR TRADE. • • RILEY'S GROCERY SPECIAL DELIVERIES FROM NOW UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS Phone 39. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CUTLERY CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF Carvers, Knives and Forks ' ALSO Child's Sets. Special Cuistmas Gifts Some nice Double Roasters HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS TUR. KEY COOKED IN ONE ,OF THEM. t � HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 A;tntt;'temozza a tG2vt<wt„oRecht novvvetolitara cglac $mmozczu.ty Just a Few More Days AND THE JOYOUS CHRISTMASTIDE WILL BE HERE and we will all forget business and enjoy the season's festivities. But in the meantime, we are confining our efforts to supply- ing the gifts you may be looking for:— You o:— You Will Find a Good.Assortment of— CHESTERFIELD sums, IONAL DADESKS,SMCRSAND ABLES OF VARIOUS STYLES, CEDAR CHESTS, LAMPS, PICTURES, MIRRORS, and a swell assortment of DOLL CABS and CHILDREN'S FURNITURE. —So you will still have time to make someone happy tp IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT oI You will find many Useful Gilts such as: -- SKATES, HOCKEY STICKS, COLEMAN LAMPS, PYREX WARE, ROASTERS, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES That will be Very Much Appreciated. Store Open Every NIght From Now Until Christmas aP Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas BALL & ZA.PPE NPhone . BALL, Phone J. J. ZA1°FB, 195. Phone 103. .arhtni-M rtsrb` M*11 0:14242 £11Wwit•n r2>v'^rhr>"i=0,74=91•• 2r-' t:r at;7s tMtbrZinmtz. b. SUPERIOR STORES 5 Days Left for your Christmas Shopping A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF CANDY Satin Mixed or Grocers Mixed, 2 lbs. for 25e Creams, French Crystalized, per Ib. 19c Y: Chocolate Drops, per lb. 15c Christmas Fancy Boxed Chocolates, 3 lbs. 73c Canada Dry Ginger Ale (plus bottle), Quarts 20c Canada Dry Ginger Ale (plus bottle, Pts., 2 for 25c ... Magic Baking Powder, 4 oz. 15c; 8 oz. 25c; 16 oz. 30c McCormick's Soda Biscuits, Waxtite, Each 17c , Blue Pkg.. 12c _ �,' Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for 25c 4 Poultry Dressing, Savory Thyme, Sage, per tin 10c Garden Patch Peas, 17 ozs., 2 tins for 19c ,;" Aylmer Tomato Juice, 251-2 oz., 2 tins for 17e re Royal York Coffee (1's Special), each 33c ,Ia. Olives, Lealand, Holiday Spec., Queen, 171.2 oz. 25c Stuffed, 13 ozs. 25e NUTS! NUTS! NUTS! e Golden Mixed All New, 2 lbs. for 35c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for 14c Chipso, large pkg., 2 pkgs. for 35c We have a TREMENDOUS stock of ORANGES to unload before CHRISTMAS. Be sure to get our cm PRICES. We can save you MONEY on all your ' Purchases. WE DELIVER. IMPORTANT NEWS We announce the arrival of the famous Dawes non-alcoholic Wines; a rare treat for Or -gy 1I Christmas !!inner and Parties, Imported direct from England. J.T. McKN IGH _ 'I°'SO , Phone 111 CLINTON