HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-12-05, Page 41AGE 4 iiiisposassamaissasmassismouthiniams THE . CLIN'ION NEWS -RECORD '''`'x''''9''''1 'o'16''' I„ TOYLAND on Second Floor where you will find a wonderful display „offTOYS . GAMES and BOOKS Doll'BoLEY.oth with " .SHIRTEMPLE the Leading Attraction YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS CAN EASILY BE SOLVED HERE Visit the. ChinaDepartment when in doubt as what would suit, the ladies • BOXED STATIONERY'' 15c to $2.50 Christ!nas Handkerchiefs;. ' 5c to 50c ...;:+,• it CHRI TMAS LINGERIE Slips, Bloomers, Panty .Sets Etch Nicely .Boxed. ONLY 15 r SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS •- ,;i Phones 36w T COOP__..Ao .^ tstigwAgstgAti5.5stawatiA5stg5,406,5A50-46024goeg i CLINTON :• rG ,ts"R"4#tt.K R4Et�;tEk.A4C�. ...e...�t t6wev.,: tP. taF.rGtCt;V.,.•...,,-ovece o 'DON'T MISS THESE Thursday,Friday' and :Saturday DARLENE NEW GARDENIA,FAC'E POWDER' •Bring this 'coupon and 29e to�.aur store and receive .REGULAR BOX' OP A '-29c DARLEN'E; NEW GARDENIA FACE' POWDER And ABSOLUTELY FREE an exquisite 50 bottle of..., and This Gardenia - ,P'erfune : DARLENE. Wrapped in lovely. Coupon C'hristrnas Box., FOR ONLY SPECIAL SHAVING',,SET FOR MEN Made exclusively £or this. sale by one- ' of the largest -'ONLY manufacturers of shaving creamy in Canada. • 1 Tube, Superfine Shaving Cream 85c• • 1 Bottle Superfine. Shaving Lotion 25e ' Total Value 60e - AND FREE with' this combination 1 Ever -Ready (British, Made) Razor with one blade .Coupon FREE , Packed in fancy gold box FREE, and This THREE, BEAUTY AIDS By the manufacturer•loi one of the best known and great- • ly advertised' lines of eosmeties• i t Canada. Bring this coupon. and 39e to our store and receive FOR ONLY A Beautiful'Gold Gift Box Containing';• 1 2 -oz. jar Darlene all purpose cream .50.. 39c 1 Compact with •puff in metal case .25 1 Lipstick in metal case 25e and This 7 ,tat, • Total Value $1.00 Con $1.00 These are regular size, not sample size. VALUABLE DISCOUNT COUPON bLatestBlue Steel e1 Raz aBlades, Value .25 4.1 Tube Highrode SlavineCream, Value. 35 1 Styptis Pencil. Value .10 1 Instant Blade Sharpener, Value .25' TOTAL VALUE, ,95 ALL FOR 2 c. 9 and This Coupon BRING YOUR +COUPON, AND IF YOU HAVE NOT GOT ONE ' . YOU MAY, PItOCW8B COUPON AT STORE. W, Sa R, HOLMES PH'M. 11, CLINTON, QNT PHONE '51 :t r°3i Di'u`goYiBti"t77totzt-`i^aC34PFt'at-.iotl'y19tE9mt848i`fnmbr`u'7iii`ao i`,3}yeasai'il`aitEh9als"•'. aR I ,s l • 1 • 'trate 2taci" lQ� Stare A ;th'1i.;2F'. a,t0. Plat, . . .'.F.t@ lFi7$7Zxil$t .*pzego`�' 7.`�i nsK+ '.1alp.1Fi-7�t°, dG�P.,t."tfr'att;!b osam fs CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS 3 TH ' 1*ORSY FORFUSED SHIRTS white or colored .Forsyth Broadcloth Pyjamas l',1 :Forsyth Ties 'Dressiu_ ; Gowns ' �r..' ;'.Scarves' • . � nn 'other articles too' numerous a to, mention. DAVIS & •CLEANING~, PRESSING AND REPAIRING E'S NG REP G s$Siv7z'iiaY"y'73r7H 1`�ia3if'`x3fP'a577i37D}Di bi tD79tL"h$tDt`at�7$t9fi `rh`a`f-�7^aJ81 1$tbtv�7°�i$1'2Yn}adiD7`nin `.87th • ' ":CENT°A MILE Round.Trip Bargain ,EXCURSION Minimum Four Aduits'75c Child 40c•t From' 'CLINTON AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R.. STATIONS iFRI■ DEC. 13 t� Nlipanee, Kingston, Gananoque, $roekvjlle; Prescott, Morrie urs, Cornwall, Uxbridge, •Lia,dsay, Peterboro; Campbelllfoid, Newmarket;. Allendale Penetang; Colhngwood, Meaford,'Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst;l'3racebridge, .Ilrinteville, North Bay,; Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario otr line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario RlyM Nipissing Central Rly. ; Kapuskasing, '•Longlae Hardrock, Geraldton, Jellicoe. 'SAT. DEC` 14 iii TORONTO Aiso'to Brantford,, Chatham, Mosley, Clinton, Durham, • Exeter, '.F i s e c el h d Gu Hamilton,Hanove Harriston ex , � , Ga nl li, in er ell'p s Kincardine Kitchener,London, iMitchell,'Niagara go Listowel, NieQ ora , Falls, Owen 'Sound; Paisley, Palmerston; Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, aEt.,.Maxy Sarnia, Southampton,• .Strat%rd, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarten, ingham, Woodstock. nand..SAT. ocally between Important Stations at 'Ale Eacaroton DEC.• 14 Tickets lies sold -Ask Ticket Anent. • `4 Ask nearest Aliens of Canadial Ndtieeol` Railwai a for lcaflat and feu informd1tion on Cdlketglional Alrf;'aPense 1'our to Toronto -Saturday/, -feu 1-6:. ,VISIT ROYAL ONTARIO .M,U SDCJat 'PARLIAMCNT RUfLDINGS„ ata, Of spacial infercet'to fcdche:11 izi t'atudente of Public dad FIiR7i Schools. • Pare?rt8. Wad, guardians a&0o welcome. • For Ferns, Return Limits, .Tratn.information; Tickets, consuleneataat•Agent. • - Sc Handbills for campkte list of destinntions, Tann, CAN'ADI' A N. .NATIONAL :'Although the Standard Oil people 1 At the opemng..of;the British Par +deny„that.,suellan ar5;angemeiit has iiameiit on Tuesday Viscount Hails, beep spade, thee >Maiei , perelets . att iaiii, "Briti}sj17 Lo 1 Chanaellora teed" ragr'eegnl3nt,lha"s •heen.rireaehed withea iie,speech,iiom th.e 'brone, the Ling`, •siib;idiary ; cowpony to :suppi : ;Italy i being iabse et7J1',ing' to the .death' that. TOWN COUNCIL • (Continued' from• page 1) • St: Jiames' i' Ward Rattenbury Semple' Rooms: Bert Fitzsimons, D. Nickle, P C • St. Jean's Wla'rd•--='avis' Garage :VV. Vii(allis, D:R:O; G. Lawson, P C:` St, 'George's'• W1aell •W1tlfred -Pla,' :) ett,' D.R,O.,' Ross res'terPC, .•: The sum of three'd'ollars will be ,�oaald fertile use of each'pollmg place; ;$4±fo7rt the ser -,vices. of the deputy -re= rn ;tuing officer and 13, for those A the poll `clerk r 4 ?..The -'repeat of the Health Olfieei_; Dia Shaw, was' read by Clerk tan. Ming, who is a member of the Bear& as follows:• •• Clinton, Dec, est, .1935. 'To the Mayor and members oP Clinton Town Council. Gentlemen -an submitting the an• nual report of the Medical Officer of Health for, the year 1935, I can 'say that your town has had a remarkable absence of any sign o2 epidemic at infectious diseases, there were two cases of typhoid fever the first In many years, both were imported ans had no source in town. Three feria Mies with whooping cough. One of chicken pox, and one of tuberculosis. All were isolated eases and did' not spread, The dairies were inspected and found clean and no cove infected with tuberculosis, No cases of Un- dulant Fever, This is a disease that originates with infected cow's milk not Pasteurized. Olean .nvllk is not Eby any means safe milk. Cleanliness of the gen- eral supply is desirable to ensure safety pasteurization is essential OT boiling for 10 minutes. It would seem very desirable for milk distrib. •utors to consider seriously the nth of Baps. for miilk bottles that will cover the top of the bottle and down the edge ;so that handling and deliv- ery will not contaminate the pour. ing surface. Of course washing helps but that is not always conven- ient, Owing to the absence of a Sewage syetern considerable dif1.'iculty._.has arisen with carelessness of drains from sink's and cellars. A Iittle extra co-operation with neighbours would avoid heated arguments, The Town of .Clinton has aquae a reputation for clean and tidy streets, which it deserves; but I cannot say the lanes and back yards are of 'the same character. The:,Boaed :of -Health has had many complaints this summer and the Sanitary Inspector has been kept `'busy. Try find rtwop- 'erate next year. • All recent arrivals' in the .Public School habe been Toxolded foo' D9p, .theria, and a few'for Scarlet Fever. The deatha :luring `1936 were' i.3, and the births from Clinton, 22, ably from outside, 32. , The Sanitary Ins esters have been diligent and courteous, Alt of Which wick. ' a is sec ul x tC sub - 1.1 - � ub p . y matted.' " 1 + -tel. W. SHAW;'' 111 O.H, Chief Frem'lin . came in ,to answer; the inquiry of councillors as to what success be had had in having, several old wells covered .or filled. He saj,7l he had given the order;'as'instructed by council, but that in no case had; the well been 'satisfactorily covered Ile recommended that they be filled or covered and t'ho bill for the week. sent to the parties •concerted. )le was instructed to give another warning. Chairman Cook of the Park eoir7- nlittee reported that .the Business Hostage Stamps 3.00 oil to be built of wood and iron, tied 'Mrs. 3nkley'Asked 'for a permit to replace' old' -verandah with 'a new one. Both were granted - Chairman Walker of the Street R• '• committee reported manor iji'7prgve- ments "ln the, cleaning out of drains" catcbbast#s,, nprovement. of' cross streets, etc. He 'said' the peeple might' think the amount expeades high but he said the returns will be well worth while, He recomanended the fixing up of 'the altr•'eet • 13nssing St. :Joseph's ;church, also .the.proeur- ing of some stickers to place on ears which are often parked-' in spaces where no parking should be allowed. He thought art -example might; be made of some motorists, 'The, re- port was accepted. `On motion _ of Councillors Inkley apd Cook it, Spas decided to advertise the bylaw in regard to 'building per. nuts, as a good, many citizens do not seem to realize, that such a bylaw exists, Councillor Murdoch called atten- tion to the fact that daring the hours front eix to seven in the rnhrning, six to seven, in; the even- ing and aa tha' noon.:hour the police office was locked. Nobody could en- ter -even to answer a' telephone eall, ,which might be a -fire Call.'I•Io thought the office should be open at all times, After - some discussion showing that the sante idea was held by ,several. of ,the,,m�embers, it was decided that, Vie.committge be Asked to arrange hours with , ltee members of tlie., police force so., that the office would. be open and occupied at all bourn. 'Councillor Lievrmoi•e offered the thanks of the Salvation Army for the use of the hall for a special meeting recently and 'the kindness extended by the conncil and citizens, Reeve Elliott, chairman of the financial committee, read the :follow- ing report: • „Street Pay Sheet $69,38 H. Trewartha„gravel, 34 yds ..at. 15e , ; ... 5,10 N.. Cole, repairing ditch . , , , 78 Hazel H7arrist,, painting sign .75 Alex, Inikey, Jr., snow fence 1.00 Earl Fulford. snow fence ,. 1,00 Property Public Utilities C'omm'ission lighting streets , 163.17 Public Utilities Comnmission lihtign town,.ha.11 11 02 Public Utilities C'omnrission 6 !arras • "Al Lighting, rest room 1.00 Nora Tidaswell, care refit room `2, 00, J. B;, Mustard, coal for stock • scales 1.76 J. Hall, repairs at t'owe. hall ..7;20 ,VV, 3. Miller &' Son, 954e lbs. coal ,,,.,,. 69.17 Glcmetery M, M.eEwan, 'salary 60.00 F.;Q. Ford ,,grass seed 5,80 Dry,, earth Gl;eset r•,, Fulford, salary , . 60 00 Salaries A,•E. Fremlin, salary „ . 60 00 �Er`, Grealis, salary .. 50.00, 1L.,. E. Manning, salary , . '58.38 \Grants, . 'Pubic Utilities. Commission light and X-ray,, hospital , 45.82. Insurance Federal Ins; "Cie. Insurance on town hall',,. 36.00 l'erth' Mutual, Insurance on town hall • , .:, I000 Halifax, •Inauranre on • Town nwlab taWi 'the.. ea.;:.!aae<led .,.throuGn nioegoing lIns srdtet, Princess Vic s rp.i anip„ via Hungary. i."wt•:.9 !Moria. 7 hall . , + 80•.00 Printing; • <, G. F9+. ` Ball; a Acet , , . 109.50 Mens Association h o n ad used the Bo Health Board f I h o ea money taken at their recent frolic ear. Shaw, salary & ,Ebcpenses 103.00, to move a number of trees from ,he _ , .I,jre,t'and' Water .. nursery at the' Collegiate to the Park' Grant Rath,..rubber boots 2.75 and they had been moved and plant- Gor•iori••Lawson, rubber boots' .:2',.75' ed in excellent shape. Geo. Hanley, gee and oil:. • 2, 95 Chairman Livermore of the Fina General' Municipal.'EScliense; • and Water eomndttee: 'reported the, Miss Streets, typing • 1,•7li Ore alarm siren "thoroughly , tested, ', as had been're t $ell Tel .:• Coy rent and: acct. 7:17 5 reported et the special a. E. •Mannin ex euse re meeting of the council, and he, the 7' gi P t, , Tax •Sale 'tr � .1 council and several citizens to whore RECEIPTS h hail boa" talking, were in fay,, •GREALIS.4-r'c, 8.90. '13,00: or of the insta11atioi og, the new. i meeeekScalest alarm.. I•Lowey er he was an favor of i Half rent' . eara leaving it' for the action o'f .he 1030, ,,Tr; rpi a leaving ....all. in- <., -^Said i., sof »ar; :.t ✓1•.•S5 formation Ilbta ed fe t swill„ ! ; ,Ii ar their } • v CaT<leto'lii t tpotltetujty-26.00! ante r.t. p,t ]e. ,. 1., ,, ,,,,: ro v it ':W4orlcl. ..t•,1,.17.i.tr47Ci0 it:.,7;v • 'The' ,f 0 67:00 an; Oal G"�ampaRa+raasli?h;"9!G.a:7TV';r:Lf.Rly� 'r?,> aril' tf.l:l,t for permit to erect a warehouse for T' R� - Stock Scales 4,95 5:00 ST. HELENS Messrs. L. Salkeld, W. 1. Miller and Will and Hugh Rutherford mot' ored to Guelph on. Tuesday to attend the Winter Fair. Rev. Mr, Wright. attended a Min- isterial meeting at Winghdm on Monday and also Presbytery at,Win- throp on Tuesday. Mrs. Robinson Woods is visiting at present with her daughter, Mrs, A. Murdie, of Toronto, Mrs. H. Schlenker of Bridgeport and Miss .Irene Woods of Waterioo were recent visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Lorne Woods. Mr. J. 11, Wallace has returned to W. -A.. Miller's after spending the Past eight weeks in Wingham liospi- 'tal, due .to, a fractured hip. He ie •progressing very favourably. Born to Mr. and .Mrs. Eldon Mil- ler' a daughter. Congratulations, The Y. P. S. had a very enjoyable time last Friday evening at their 'Socia' A Mock Parliament was the most inte esting' part of the eveti- ings entertainment. The Govern-' ment trying to put' a paved road through St. •Helens from Belfast to Fordyce but with the Opposition in the house it, was voted down. Itall proved to be both very interesting 'and amusing• as well. Mr, Gordon 'McPherson on the violin, acconipan- fled, b3eIVIrs.' E:'•W. Rice on 'piano, al- so gave' two numbers.. - • The men served^a'delicious lunch and this ad- ded to the enjoyment of the evening. number' from St. Helens attend - 'ed the fiftieth anniversary at Luck- , now United, Church last Sunday and also the than, supper; Monday even- ing., All preyed .to be a decided suc- cess. The Rev. G. R. Turk, who.op- ened the church fifty,years ago, was ,the speelal speaker. He •also.reeder• ed two beautiful solos -at both ser- vices; . The United Church of St. .Helens is having a concert on December 9th, the program is. being put in by the Rev. Mr. Piercy of Niagara Falls, assisted by Lucicnow talent. Princess Victoria, sister of King Georgeof England, died early Tues- day morning after but, a short ill- ness. Princess Victoria had never married and as long as her mother, the late Queen Alexandria, lived she devoted herself to her. She wasa' greatly interested in hospitals, chil- dren's welfare and such like inter- ests bat lived very cuietly. She is said to have been King George's favorite sister. Only the King . and Queen Maud of Norway now sur- vive of King Edward's family. The Duke of Clarence the eldest son and heir to the throne, died in 1892 at the age of twenty-eight. another son died in infancy and the eldest daugh- ter, the Duchess. of Fife, died some years ago. GODERICH: Four young men, ranging in age from 22 to 32, sen- tenced to reformatorywith terms wi h hard labor by Magistrate J. A. Ma- kins Thursday •last,.'A fifth wan jailed for seven days and another was committed for trial, Two broth- ers, Alfred Neable, .of Wallace Town- ship and Arthur. of Grey Township. pleaded.gdilty to four charges of theft pf fowl. They were sentenced to four months and fifteen days at Guelph, concurrently on. each charge. The brothers' admitted stealing hens from Fred Cox, Grey 'Township; d0 hens from W. German; Morris Town- ship;. six ducks and 12 hens from Vailence Inglis; Grey Township; and 15 hens frons. Abner Williamson. Rant. Nesbitt and John McNall, of Blyth, found guilty of breaking and entering the Blyth home of - Joseph Coulter and steiiling• a jug 'of .wine, also. were sentenced to reformatory terms with hard labor. • Nesbitt was given five months and McNeil' three.' HTURS„ IIIIUI1'' all II Illiunuunuumuuli uuuuiuTP! 911,111111111111 I";,'i� dr' I►11( A GIFT FOR ANYONE A Sevings'Account•at Tire Royal Bank is a Christmasgiftthat is always appreciated. ;<You can open an Account in anyone's, name -a child, a friend, an employee-- and mployee'and present it in a pass book with special Christmas cover. Arrange this now at any office:ofThe Royal Bank, for any amount. THE'' =tti s R. O Y A L BAa OF CAN'ADA .. i7 CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Monger COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ;AFFAIRS • INTERESTINGLY, WRITTEN UP BY A .STUDENT We don't quite know whether or: to slide (probably due to the weight of Dougan's feet) acrossthe st go, AIso when the lantern wouldn't'ligh. And, then we had a bad time in "The Red Lamip" when the lamp glass refused to break and Pare had to give it a second bang-hovi,- ever theaudience seemed to' under stand. not to tell. 'you about the Commence, ment, as most of the town seemed to be there- .Nevertheless, we shall "say a few words" on, the subject. The programme was opened by two songs "Santa Lucia," and "0, No, John." by a double mixed quartette. Then the Gym Team came on and. "slid their stuff." accompanied by gasps from the .audience. Next was a play called !Trailers. in. Arms." The scene was •laid in a frontiers - mans cabin in Naorthern Ontario. After a selection, by the orchestra, a dance "Shepherd's Hey" was per- formed by six girls in sports dress Rev. F. G. Farrilj presented the Ath- letic prizes on Thursday night and; Rev. C. W. p'. Coserrs presented the diplomas' and essay prize on Friday night. The second peat of the. programmeme consisted of a Sort of aiea l lAy P . "2 Gypsy Fantasy" so the program Clinton goes to London on Wed. said. With several solos and cher- nesday to play Westervelt in basket. uses, plus the bright costumes, this wee very effective. The school paper was read by R. Passmore, the editor. Friday night, the teachers were called to the stage and presented with suitable gifts by the students. Next was a wand -drill exercises We didn't get • the school-phhp'e this time.. There were some rather good ones in it, Some very Mee poetry, thine very cutting and point- ed Girl's Sports, an excellent editor- ial and. Current Events, The Boy's Sports (how like a' man!) started at the very beginning of the year, wits a charming disregard for the fact that it was Ancient History by now. There was one very good poems -we think Fishie wrote it. ball, weather permitting. TWO games -boy's and girls' both. Tie don't know much about the' big Lon- don team. but the very high-sound- ing name of it gives us a few qualms. These are the first Barnes of the season. We hope to give them a good fight, but. -When you read this, it performed by girls in middies and will be all over, but right now `tile skirts, with long wands. The last it. suspense is dreadful. We are hop- em was another ployi CThe7 Red ing for the best. Lamp." This was a comedy, which The "most unkindest cut of all" was received with much enthusiasm, came .on Friday night. The C.C.I. re• Friday night, dancing • following porter was dancing with an ex. the prograan and to use a hackneyed student, who remarked suddenly, phrase "a good time was had by all." "Say, every week in the :Clinton pa.. There' was a very large crowd at per, I read a column eb school' news -and it is over full of tommy-rot; The person who writes it must be pretty brainless. Of all the silly, senseless stuff ! 1 1 We were rath- er at a loss for words, naturally, anti instead of making a suitable retort, we•were unable to do anything -blit splutter.' However. after lying a- wake at nights to think up an ane - Wer, the solution canis--�thusi If the gentleman in question con- siders the school news snob unutter. ;able tripe, WHY. DOES HE READ R a .IT EV • E Y :WEEK?" the Commencement. Bath plans were filled by Wednesday, and the rush seats which wese brought inwere soon filled. Everything went aver 'ureil hisexcept finti eolm Much,newspaper; comment has pic`ely, that Cecil • peen made " in connection with the . a: .. gerdtir hgymnaa announcer:met that Dr. Riddell, per- ties. A new feature way introduced' 'inanent Canadian representative at in the "Squash." After the school ell, the pyramid collapsed, but Geneva,' was speaking •for' himself,' Izz "Powell remained ' 'banging in y d gt not for the nth agnent when he sig the air byno visible means of gsu - gested a month ago that the League!' p of 'Nations ban' oil, etc., to Italy. The' port. We'll let you in on jt it was general opinion seems to be that the a. rope from the ceiling. Government " has gone too far or not There were several tense u oments, fait enough. Even the Globe, the however :far : instance when the ; We consider this quite crushing; 'g'oveiimi.ent's sturdy ally, strongly stove that formed• part of the seen- On this .triumphant nate we ,shalt disapproves. etyfor, "Brothers: in `Arms" began i close.-S'long. NYEODT Can et ggs in the Springtirne -----but' YO'J want' a feed that will give you springtime production, NO' -.a feed that will keep the birds hustling, full of vigour and pep. 'More''piiofits 'are a$ailable the Year• round with ROE VITAMIZDD, iDS•-finanu.£actured by expdrt enced P'dultrylnen with a thorough ;knowledge of nutrition, ,ROE VITAMIZED:' FEED'S instil BETTER HEALTH into your birds, 'maintain GREATER PRODUCTION, and make you' MORD MONEY. - ,Get a ,supply from your dealer today. A. trial will more than convince you that ROE VITAM11Z,E'D FEEiDS produce the most ; eggs ypex dollar of feed cost. ROE . FARMS MILLING C� A, nry iSION .OF TII'Ila'ROE , POULTRY -RANCH.,. .., •ATWOOD' •"ONTARIO" i s E ,,OCAII�-REPR ,. T . ENTA I E RL SSELL:L, JERVIS