HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-12-05, Page 35, 1935 WHAT CLINTON WAS DOING IN THE, GAY NINTIES DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED DURING Ms LAST DE- CADE OF THE OLD CENTURY? From The News -Record, Dee. 4th, this .little hoot: "As municipal clerk 1895:' Mr, Victor Orwell of Miitchell was on a visit to his parents here recent- ly. • I Deputy Reeve , Canteion was, in Goderieh township on Monday and happened with an accident. His usually quiet horse man away throw- ing him out and breaking a shaft. The 'Clinton Public Library has just added $100 worth of books, ppm chased from Cooper's' book store. 'The business • men of Clinton have expressed their willingness to close at mine o'clock on ,Satur- day nights, and the new order will come inta effect on and after Jan. lst. The Council will be re- quested to have the town bell rung at that hour Saturday ;evening. Two mares wandered from the In- dian Reserve and an advertisement" appears in another'epage asking for information of their whereabouts. They were seen near Bayfield and they may now be in Goderieh town- ship. The town .council on Monday ev- .ening made a mistake in rejecting the motion of Councillors Searle and ;McMurray to have the municipal nominations held in the evening at seven -thirty. Mechanics and working- men, who are in the majority, are at liberty in the evening without a sacrifice of time. This issue of The News -Record was 'The House of Refuge Num- ber;' and was a twelve page paper. On. the front page appears cuts of the house, of the architect, J. A. Fowler, the contractor, S. S. Coop - me the inspector, W. Coats, the physician, Dr. Campbell the mana- ger and matron, M. an Mrs. D. French, and the members of the County Committee, Messrs. H. Ells ben chairman, Stephen; D. H. Ken- nedy, Clinton, Peter Holt, 'Goaeric'h, W. H. Kerr, Brussels; B, S. Cook, Howick; A. T. McDonald, Hulletf and George *Ewan, 'Hay, with a little sketch of each one. From The New Era, Dec. 4th, 'I895: Mr. Doherty has generously ,gieme an organ for use in the House of Refuge whenever services are held. Mr. John Lanxotn of the Huron road west comes to the fore with a coat that beats the record so far, It is an English broadcloth and has been ,in use every Sunday for 'Me 'past thirty years. It is not "just as good as new" but it is good for sev- eral year's service yet. During the month of November the Doherty organ factory turned out 250 of their world-renowned or. gaps, Mr. French invested in a 'hand- some new Newcombe piann 'fast . week, which was -placed ;in the House of Refuge . .. It ;s 'needless ,to say that the piano es for private use. .Wanda, the fast trotting mare .owned by Beattie Bros.: of Wingham, was sold to Mr. King .of Montreal in New York on Wednesday for the sum of $2700 , . . As a'four-year-old the Beatties bought 'her from W. J. Paisley of Clinton for SZ50. Messrs, Gilroy an.d Wiseman have just received the first shipment of corsets with Gilroy's 'Patent Perfec- tion' . sT'asening . . since these corsets have been placed on their counters the firm reports that it is im:possiblea to sell the old ,makes Mr, Gilroy has certainly a fortune in prospect, WHEN PRE PRESENT CENTURY WAS YOUNG :From The News -Record, Dec. 1st, 1910: Mr, Ern, 'Rumball of the Electric Light Co., staff has been on the sick :list for a few days, Master Fred Rumball has been somewhat under ,the weather for the past week but his friends hope to see him around again soon - 'Miss 'Webster and Messrs. R. J. Cluit, J. P. Sheppard and Henry Beacom attended the funeral of the late Henry Bement of *Mance Mich., held at Bayfield en Tuesday Mr. .A; W. Beacom of Harlock was in town 'Monday and Tuesday and also attended the funeral of his brother, who died in Midland, Mich., end was buried at !Bayfield Tuesday. Miss Baker of Kingston has se- cepted a position as Commercial teacher, on the C:C.1, staff, made va- cant by the resignation - of Miss Fisher . . This will be the only cl-range in the staff. ,:'Mr. Newton Davies and his sister, Miss Margaret, spoilt the Aaneriean Thanksgiving Day with their sister, Mrs. Marsh of Detroit. ,This issue carried a cut of Mr• N. Trrwartha, which, though a lot ,younger locking -than.. 'he .is•+now, stiill••would ,be recognizetl''by; 'thee • qusieted With him, and''underneath of :,Gloderiehtownsh'ip, Secretary of the Holrnesyille Cheese Factory and Proprietor of the (dol sesvilIe Poul- try Station, air, Trewartha is mak- ing -'goods. , 'f Oh` Thursday evening ; Mr. Angus McLeod • entertained a few of his friends, we say a few, because ;only about thirty` were present . sup- per was served and it consisted of the season's delicacies, better prepam ed than some might expect in bath. elor .quarterss Then followed speech, song and more games until the wee swa'' Dors. This reference to the evening would not be complete' were The News -Record not, to add that during the course of it Major Me - Taggart voiced the feeling ' of the company in appreciation of the host's many good 'qualities, which was, sup-' plimented by the presentation on behalf of the company, by Mr. John Ford of Goderich township, of a; very handsome easy chair. Mr. McLeod Was so taken by: surprise that you could have "knock- ed him over with a feather," .and there came a lump in histhroat that prevented speech other than to say, "Thank you ,gentlemen," with which he dropped into the easy chair, which we all hope he May enjoy for many years to come. The Young- Men's Bible Class of Ontario street church tendered e banquet to the young meals classes of the different denominations in town on Tuesday evening. Each of the other congregations was well repre;Istned, about ninety sitting down . . . Mr. C. S. Hawke was toastmaster and filled the position with grace and dignity, The "Or- ganized Bible Class" proposed by 111r. Hawke and responded to, in the ab- sence of Rev, Dr. Stewart, ,by Mr. It E. Manning. Other speakers during the evening were: Mr. I3, Pickett, Dr, Thompson, Rev. J. E. Ford, Bert Irwin,' John Kartley, Frank 'Tyndall and Rev. 'T, W,. Cos- ens. During the ,evening Idr, Fowler and Mr, W. Harland favored with solos. On 'Friday evening last the Clinton collegiate held their annual com- mencement exercises In 'the town hall , . , Rev. C. R. Gunne, chairman of the C. Y. Board, presided for this part of the program, presenting the diplomas, assisted by Principal Tre. leaven .. , lie spoke of the splendid record made by the Collegiate this year, when one of its students-, 'Douglas H. `Stewart, headed the list In the University Scholarships ex- ams, winning the First Edward Blake Scholarship. The first Carter scholarship for Huron, was also won by this student, and the third ,by another Clinton student, Dean Caur- tire, - . . The senior athletic cham- pionship was won by Lawrence Greig, the prize being a handsome silver cup; junior championship by Fred Rumball, who received a medal, , , . The second part of the program was an illustrated lecture given by Sir Frederick Villiers, war corre- epondent, artist and author. The annual bazaar, held under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild. of St. Paul's church in the town hall on Tuesday 'last was, as it always is, a huge, success... , In the evening :a three -act play, '111'Iiss Fearless & Company," Was given by the young ladies,' The play -was highly •amus- ing and many remained to see it. From 'The New 'Era, Dec. 1st, 1910: The removal of Rev. C. R. Gunne from, Clinton will necessitate the appointment of a new Collegiate trustee. lie always took a deep interest in educational affairs. The Onatrio street parsonage was the scene of a happy event .on Wed- nesday when Miss Jean B. Le Camp- bell of London was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Mr. Ernest Roweliffe of the township of Tucker - smith by the Rev. T. W. Cosens. The year 1911 will be pecutarbe- cause it will open end close on a Sunday and most of the holidays occur the day beforeor the day af- ter Sunday. A very pleasant twist event tbok place on Thursday evening, Nov, 24th, at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Rands, Cooper street, when their daughter, Miss -'Monoline, was united in marriage to Mr. Al- bert Furniss. The ceremony was Per - teemed at eight o'clock' .by the Rev. T. W. Cozens, in: the presence of a- bout twenty-five gusts. NO JOKE THIS TIME IFathere-lGit jer packet aff, young mean, and come wi' me, Jock-Yer no' goin' ter lick me, are ye, faitherl Farber I am that; didna I tell ye this mornin' that I'd settle wi' ye Ter yer bad behaviour? Jock—.Ay but I thought it wis on- ly 'a joke, like whin,Ye telt the, grec- er yo'd settle We him. , CLINToN NEWS -RECORD WHAT OTHER' NEWSPAPERS,. ARE PROSPECTS NOT BRIGHT Alberta reports that there will be a deficit by March 31st, , next, of nine million dollars. The outlook for that $25 a month from the See. ia.l Credit party' does not appear cheerful. -London Free Press. BROUGHT HOME CUP Seaforth Collegiate Institute foot- ball team wound up the footballs sea son in ablaze of glory on, Wednes- day, when they returned from. Lis- towel bearing the Hough Cup,, won' after a 2-0 victory. -Huron. Expositor. DANGER OF RED SORES? Three quarters og the ills of thfe'. country would vanish were people to be in bed by 9.30 p.m, Folk who are up alter that hour should be asked the reason why. —Exeter Times -Advocate. WHERE BABIES UNWELCOME - Babies are unwelcome in ,Gibran tar, which is not a rock, or island,. but part of the mainland of Spain. Being primarily a fortress, , Great Britain has no desire to encourage any increase in the population. For over thirty years no new residents. have been permitted to take up thelr abode, not even British subjects. —,Maclean's Magazine. ALL HET UP It is difficult to realize just how hot the inside of a man's hat can be. One experiment was performed in which a thermometer was placed in- side a het worn by a man, and kept there. When the outside tempera- ture was 77 degrees Fahrenheit, the thermometer inside the hat was 90, and when the outside temperature rose to 90 at noon, it was 108 inside the hat. In the e' ening, with an outside temperature of 68, it was 88 inside the hat. A motor cap showed a temperature of 98 inside se compared with 78 outside. —Hanover Post. A LITTLE MORE COURTESY In a recent issue of a widely read magazine ,attention is called to a by-product of the automobile indus- try which ordinarily goes unmention- ed, the utter ruination of tempers and manners which the automobile seems to have brought to millions of good citizens. It is a point well worth considering. It applies to nearly all of us and in the last few years it has porduced a set of road manners ,which would seem to justify the complaint that we are a nation of barbarians.--iChatham News, • SAYING YOUTH AND AGE Youth has -its virtues, and Impat- ience ,with intolerance' conditions' ^is one of 'them. ' Energy,. generosity, idealised are others. All these vir- tues will peeve ueelul in achieving. a solution. But they will not do it alone. They must work with the experience and ,wisdom of the older men. If they can give edge and purpose and""strength to the Melee men's counsel so• much the better. But the eider men's counsel Must give caution to the vigor of youth. ,Vancouver Province. THE FIRST SNOW The first snow of winter 18 always greeted with mixed feelings. Child- ren and pups are invariably amazed. and delighted, but grown-ups,to whom it is an old, old story, take the metamorphosis of the out-ol.doors world stoically, ,:In fact, most of us don't really like it at all, even though vigorous, healthy peoplede feel bet- ter in winter, usually, than they do in summer, ' If Canadians, 'generally, took ,more kindly to the ,. bracing breezes of winter and indulged more freely in Winter sports, we should all be better off--Goderich Signal. MEMORIAL WILL HONOR GREAT LAKES PIONEERS London, Ont., Nov. 25 — frwo ad.' mirals who conducted ,the first see enti<ftc survey of the 'Sheat Lakes. will be further honored by the erec- tion of a monument in their memory at Owen Sound. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board will erect the memorial with an engraved tablet bearing the names of Admiral Bay- field •and• Admiral Owen. Bayfield Village and Owen Sound are lasting memories to these two naval men who greatly aided early navigation through their work in the early part of the last century. —Toronto Telegram. USES OF TOMATO JUICE Miss -cora Hind, the noted woman writer of the Winnipeg Free Press, has been in Europe and letters from her are appearing in that paper. In her London hotel a bottle of ink fell on a rug, vrhice seemed to be ruined, but later in ,the day the rag was as good as new, On inquiry .Miss Hind found that tomatoes had been. used to work this miracle. Dr. Alan Sec ord of Termite, who operates the cat and dog clinic, tells us that there is nothing 'better than tomato juice for rern-o1%ing skunk odor from cloth- ing: Toronto Star Weekly, Problems of Youth Those of Social Order (The following 'is from The Strat- ford Beacon -Herald and is a report of an address given before the Min- isterial Association of that city a few weeks ago-) "The variability. of youth is a normal and proper oigan for the self - revelation of God." With this sen- tence, Rev, D. E. Foster, pastor of Parkview United Church concludes one of the most interesting papers ever delivered to the members of the Stratford Mini aerial Aasoct>iatiore The entire address was thought -pre- yoking and filled with' matters which have ,caused controversy for years, "The Church of Today and the Problems of Youth" was the topic on which Mr. Foster was speaking. "Assuming that there is n lsrob- len," . he said, "we must first con- sider how 'to hold youth to the church, the problem of loose morals, unemployment and how to get them, to assume responsibility. So many oil the youth are said to have gat- ten out of control and many think this eonetitutes a .menace to civil- ization. The problems of youth are the problemt of the social order and these tendencies of cirvilieation have been localized in youth. 'Consequent- ly the cure must be sought at the seat of the trouble. If the problems of the social order are solved, the problems of youth will be likewise solved." Mr. Foster drew attention to the fact ,that there has aways been a cleavage beween youth and age, a misunderstanding. O'lder people 'have always thought the young people were going "to, the nags." He asked whether or not there was anything NE+Wi wrong with the young people. Study youth in its environments he said and you will find symptoms not found in the past. Disciples of Adventure "The 'c±haracteristies ;of youth might be',enumereted as craze for excitement, lack ,of reverence and re. speot, disregard for reasonable re- atraints, lack of individuality show- ing itself in mass action and lack of purpose. Are they responsible or just •reading in a perfectly normal Way to that for Which their' elders are responsible. Youth's '.outlook has been transformed by enlarged powers. New invitations are coming to'nhem with neW—.opportunities for enjoyments These amusements are exploited:' by 'commercial enterprises, Is it any wonder they ignore old "culture and •are disciples of adven- ture?" Mr.. Foster referred tss the chang- ed, status of women, ,Girls cannot follow 'old grooves, he said, and fe- male conduct cannot be estimated by old standards which assumed In. equality of the sexes, He continued by saying that the difficulty' in which women find themselves today- arises odayarises from the fact that they have been admitted into a much bigger world and are ill prepared. Who is there to say what is good taste and what isn't, he asked. "Both boys and girls have a new freedom in a world where sex at- traction is ,ane of the basic facts. Neither are prepared for the prob- lems, They handle the situation as well as dart be expected. We ought to feel surprised not at the increase of immortality but rather that itis as moderate as it has been under the circumstances% Then comes the clues. tion of the contacts of youth. Where. as in former days muoh of their as- sociation was with older people, to-. day 'they, come in contact with clas. ses .of their own 'age." • Profit ie Everything .Mr. Foster made the statement that youth has inherited the ailments of the industrial civilization and have acquired their characteristics through the industrial order. He laid stress upon the profit motive para- mount in the world tooay. Profit is behind every aaction and nothing is done with the ide., of ,helping some one, he stated. The result is that leaders• are the men of economic drive, He referred also tothe,snechan- Ization of men, the trend toward et- aminating .individuality and thought. Following the remark about mechan- ization he spoke of the chasm be. tweet' work and leisure which sends men out in -search of exciting pleas- ures. The fourth point touched ,upon was the great number' of women whe have been driven into industry, changing their outlook. making them independent and -choosing their own pleasures. o'Our youth of today is hopelessly enmeshed in the industrial system which impoverishes the spirit. All they ask is a goodly supply of mon- ey so they can. go out,: ,and :enjoy themselves. The youth has been plunged into view conditions without' the opportunity for an, education ap- propriate thereto. At not one of the four points I mentioned is the pre- sent :system of education facing the problem of giving them a,rational, purmise£ul idea of •living. They need to be educated as to how to judge worth, value. They are willing to exert themwelves• in any way as long as it means money. Are they any different from their•: elders in that way? Their pleasuret are pretty much these o3 the older people, only they carry them further." Rev. Mr. Foster questioned his Waren as to whether or not youth has, ever been brought to consider the significance for life of the tri- umphs of modern science. He asked if people were really any better for all the inventions and discoveries of Modern science. He was of the .opin- ion' that colleges should open these questions, should have studies on social interest, should tell their stud- ents what it means :to be a neigh- bor in this mechanized world. Blames the Schools "There are two considerations. We should attaek our own ailments of the present civilizationand get our youth to. help us d -o it. What ails our education? This, is the answer It is a rapidly ' changing world, whereas we. have slowly changing schools and colleges. The changes In the world call for different outlooks 'and ,our education should help. Our education tells us nothing about the business of living, the meaning of life.. The schools and colleges are like factories. They have t become mechanized and conventionalized. 'Our teachers teach in the routine way. How do schools and colleges seek to attend to ,the.' religious sides They have chapel service and then the religious portion is dropped. Realm ion should be made a part of every lecture, should be related to life. Isret it true that the dryness of edu- cation somewhat' assists the craze for athletics ? And yet our youth is criticized for that craze. The schools and colleges are held within conven- tions because they are dependent up- on people .with money. One reason why the youth of today is not quite healthy is because the nationalistie element has laid hold of the colleges. The authority of state is replacing the authority of God." The next matter touched upon by the speaker was the attitude taken by the schools and colleges regarding the right of free speech and assem- bly, He pointed out that the right is being •denied today. Mr. Foster• went ns far as to say that the colleges have simply been plastic clay in the hands of the state. "When is a youth well-educated?" he asked. "The answer is or should be, when he's educated to live well, it is absurd to call a person well- educated, who has never been social- ly awakened. They have been cul- tured only according to recognized standards. There are thousands of religionists who are not ready to take the lead in the building up of the new social structure, have 'we any assurance that if everyone were educated to day we would have a different society to -morrow?" Hopelessly Entangled Youth, Mr, Foster stated has the power of variation and should be changed. How is the world ever to have a deliberate, thought -guided evolution (not revolution) unless youth is taught to make the changes, he asked. How is it to happen un- less there is room in the curriculum found for the variability of youth, unless they are taught to see the defects of the present system and find means for correcting these de- fects, He asked further if religion In the church could supply the mit sing factors. Have the leaders in re- ligious education been awakeend as to the need for changes he'asked. "The church too has become hope- lessly entangled with the capitalistic system. The youth is criticized to. day and, they want to make changer, How about a little co-operation on our part? The privileged class re- cognizes that if they are going to keep their privileges they must keep youth quiet. We mustn't exclude youth from ,the ,councils of one church. The problem for us is to humble ourselves and acknowledge our failures and shortcotnings and the .message of the church to youth should be an invitation to the unfin- ished and unbegun task of Christian-. DOINGS IN TME SCOUT WORLD ,;A national Boy Scout Association of China has been formed under the auspices of the Chinese Government. The latest World Scout census, res ports show 2,9.72,014 Scouts and leaders in 47 countries (the British Empire counted as one). It is significant, ;that edictator". nations are the only countries which have dropped !Scouting—,Germany, It- aly, .Russia and Albania. • Germany and the Boy Scouts Before the coming of Hitler and Nazism to •Germany there •were;sev- eral ;German• Scout, associations, but none recognized by the Boy Scouts PAGE 3 IAPSUOT CUIL DON'T FORGET •THE BABY: SUBJECT:e es KODAK 8 Pictures like thla: never lose inter- est - IT isn't necessary to cheek back 1 over vital statistics or do an re - Y • search work to know that thousands of new babies made their debut into this world during the past few months, In fact, a lot of babies were born yesterday, , How many•parents have taken snapshots of their new arrivals? The chances are that the majority have been so busy watching the antics of the little rascals that they have • completely overlooked, the fact that babies have a habit of growing up and changing right before parents'• fond" eyes without their seeing the , change—in size, disposition, looks or actions. Cute things the baby may do today may be completely forgotten'by him tomorrow. A snapshot would pre- • serve that little baby gesture for years to come. Of course you want many so-called "record" pictures of the youngster but for the most part make an effort to snap the baby when he is doing something. Sooner or later he will discover that he has toes to play with. Snap a picture of him when his tiny little bands have a :'strangle hold" on his chubby foot. You will cherish that picture in years to come. In a ,baby's life there is the first time for everything. There's his first smile; the first time he reaches out his little arms to be taken from his crib; the first time, he pulls himself up to the side of a chair and then his first step.' By all means don't fail to get a picture of his first excursion to his "high chair" to join the fancily for his first meal at the table. - Make it a practice, or better yet, a duty to have your camera loaded at all times and ready far action, At least be prepared to make one dam- e week a picture taking day and: then watch for that picture malting- opportunity. altingopportunity, A picture such as .the one above. is quite simple to ms,ke with the aids of three Photoflood bulbs providing; you have a camera with an j.6.3 or faster lens. . Place an ordinary floor lamp about: three feet to the back and to the Ieft-. ofyour subject as shown in diagram. above. Floor lamp "B" should be- placed as shown in the diagrams • abort five feet away with both shades • tilted upward so as to throw thea light directly on your subject. Yotr- should have two Photoflood bulbs Me lamp "A" and in lamp "B." Set the diaphragm at /.6.3 ane' ' shutter speed at1/25 of a second. Focus the camera properly, turn ole.. your Photoflood bulbs, snap the pie- tune—and there you are. If you have a box camera or otto with a slower lens you can make et, flashlight picture with the aid of as Photoflash bulb. With a Photoflash. bulb you will need but the one, lamp. Place your camera on a table or some solid object and set it for- "time." Within arm's length and at your side, place a floor lamp witht the shade removed. Remove the home, light bulb and replace with the Pho- toflash bulb. Now—open the shutter of your camera, switch on the cur- rent for the Photoflash bulb, which, will give a vivid, instantaneous ;lash, of light. Immediately after the flask close the shutter of your camera, You will get a lot of fun out of: taking pictures of your baby and le years to coma these pictures will prove to be a real treasure chest of memories. Start today, JOHN VAN GUILDER' International Bureau es representa- tive of the whole of Germany. Five organizations had come into a loose federation when the whole movement was banned by the Nazi Government. At present the only youth movement permitted is the Hitler Jugend, the junior branch of the Nazi party, Italy and the Boy Scouts Prior to the Facist regime there were 40,000 Boy Scouts in Italy. As part of his plan to secure national unity, Mussolini demanded but one youth movement, the B'alilla, the junior branch of the Facisti. Fol- lowing discussions, the Pope acquies- ced 'and reluctantly closed down the Italian Scout Association, Musso- lini however, is not antagonistic to- ward the Scout movement in other countries. Scout visitors to Italy have been received In friendly fash- ion and without any attempt at pro- paganda. Russian Boy. Scouts. Shortly prior to the Russian re- volution Czar Nicholas had, the text- book by Lord Baden-Powell, "Scout- ing for Boys." translated at his own expense into Russian, to encourage the growth of Scouting in that country. The Soviet Government suppressed the movement .ruthlessly. A few Scout troops tried to 'carry on in secret, but were gradually stamp. ed out. The only .Russion youth movement now permitted is the "Young Pioneets'," onemlbership' in which is practically compulsory, and which is anti -religious, -and teaches class warfare. There are a number of Russian Scout groups in other countries, composed' of sons of Rus- sian refugees, WE DON'T KNOW ALL! To assume the pose that we are above mistakes is absurd; better far admit most frankly if we occupy a prominent position before the public, that we make mistakes, many of them, and we expect to go on making them so long as We live. This will dispose of any claim to infallibility, but it will place us on much firmer ground, an help men to realise that we are just as human es they. This in itself, does not alienate men, but rather .draws them to us. Teachers, Professors, preachers, and above all,, parents, had better be ready to ad... mit that they are by no •means om- niscient, and not by any means free from blunders, Don't, try to stand on any pedestal; it isn't safe and it Isn't Wise. -Exchange. The production of, concentrated milk in Canada for the ten months ended October '31, ' 1935 allowed an inerea5e -of '10,493,83r pounds, or 13 per cent, over the corresponding per- iod of .1934. The 1935 output - far; the 10 months was 93,774,571 pounds. Mow Along The Air Waver, (Continued from page 2. and better "Mirth and Melody" fore: Canadian listeners. COMMISSION FEATURES'' DAY BY DA' - Thursday„ December 5: 9.00 p.m. "For You, Madame =-. Canadian women's program. From: - Montreal. 10.30 p.m. University Lecture— •. Presenting Prof. D. C. Harvey. From . Halifax. Friday, December 6: el • 10'.00 p.m. "Up-to-the-Minute"— Latest news, literary, music, and sports releases. From Toronto. 10.30 p.m. Gene Fogarty and his Chateau Laurier Orchestra— Supper Dance Music. From Ot- tawa. Saturday, Decembre 7: 8i00 pan, "Ciaitters' Sateirdpy- Night"--- • From Sydney. • 8.30 p,m. "Let's Go to the Matto HMI"— Old time music hall program, Froxisi Toronto. - Sunday. December 8: 6.30 pint. Events of Canadian In••-- terest- (News commentary by Dr. Stewart. From Halifax, 6.45 p.m. Presenting Lionel Dauta-_ tact b nitlone— Song Recital. From Montreal. 10.00 p.ml. "Atlantic Nocturne" Readings by J. Frank Wallis. Front' Halifax. • Monday, December, 9, 9.00 p.tn, "C'est un Rendesvoua"--• vocal ensemble direction Guiseppe-• Agostini, From Montreal. 9.30 p.m, "Melodic Strings' Orchestra direction Alexander Che - haldin. From Toronto. Tuesday, December. 10, 8.00 p.m. "Show Times on the Aire - --From Montreal. 9.00 p.m. "No Mournful Numbers°" --,Comedy, music. From Winnipeg.. 'Wednesday, December 11, ..9,00 p.m. "Premiere gat Nine"---...:. Musical comedy and variety show. From Toronto. 10.30 p.m.' Mart Kenney and hies• Orshestra Supper dance music. From Van-.- couver, The area sawn to fall wheat in the auutths of 1935 is estimated by • the Dominion Bureau of Statisitcs at 514,000 acres, a decrease of. 25 per rent. as compared with the area sowers „ to fall wheat in 1934, •