HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-12-05, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is • Incorporated . The Clinton New Era NO. Z456 -57T11 YEAR The New Era `Est. '1S65' CLINTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, 195 THE HOME ' PAPE miwgiurdtelemeca'a +as etwo6 r z , a :es4 ► or An .Jdeal:. lift to suit the Average garde go to YCell ar.'s lewelerq store Our stock is well assorted, with goods of merit, purchased from. reliable: firms. SEE OUR THREE STONE DIAMOND' RINGS AT $17.50 SEE, OUR DEPENDABLE WATCH FOR MEN OR ;WOMEN GATESDE SIGNS AND PRICED FROM $10,UP T S .06 BOYS' AND GIRLS' WATCHES AS LOW AS $1:25. CHIMNEY CLOCKS FROM $12.50'TO;S100.00 OTHER, CLOCKS AS LOW AS $1.00 We have a good stock of China, Cut Glass, Silver-plated Ware, Pens; Pencils, Jewelery of all Kinds and Novelties. Call and inspect our stock—Only 16 more buying days before Christmas. Ie11ijar Jeweler and Optomiterist. a vezewomenr N DOUBT ABOUT IMIAFTO GIVE AT CHRISTMIS? WE HAV IT HERE, 0 If it is a GREETING CARD to your Casual .A,equaintance, Y, our assortment. at 3c, Sc and IOc will appeal to you Or for your More Intimate Friends You Might Select Hosiery, Lingerie, Gloves, Scarf, Purse, Sweater, Knitted. Suit, Bed Spread. Wool Blanket, Auto Rug, Linens, Bath Robe, Kimona, SALE OF 0 &1 SAMPLE DRESSES We have had a further shipment nu of Travellers' Sample Dresses P e in Crepe and Wool 1 Regular Valve $ 0.95;:: OICSaile at$6.95 WINTER COATS - We ` still haveracticall 2 dozen p Y Coats on our racks, which we areClearing g at the low- est prices, possible. IR{�I9'S " CLINTON'S' LEADING' STYLE SHOPPE "'_ o'. 5 55 55 A F �O iA THE MARKETS Wheat, 70c. Oats, 25c. Barley, 40e to 42c. Buckwheat, 30c to 35e. Butter '22c. , Eggs, L. 33c; M. 28c; P. 24c; C. 20c Live 'Hogs, $7.50. AMONG THE CHURCHES The LondonConference Con erence o:� the e United Church will meet in the Met- ropolitan church; London, 'on June 2nd, next. Free Methodist Church The s serviceas usual on Sunday morning at . eleven. Sermon ' sub- ject: "Did Jesus-' Fail." Presbyterian,Church 11 a.m. sermon subject: "Law and .Liberty." The W. M. S. will meet at the Manse,'. Huron street,- on Wednesday, 'December' 11th, ' at three 'o'clock, The annual election of officers will be held and reports given. Baptist Church The annual birthday party of the Lad- ies' oiler Aid.'S was w s bel d last week at the hone of Mrs.' W. G. Cochrane. Mrs. R. 11: Johnson, the' president; in th'e chair, and Mrs. W. Aikenhead at the piano. The devotional period was followed w bybusiness andh the roll call. Answers to the latter were given by quotations from Bible pas- sages in which the word cistern oc- curs, chosen to encourage the "searching of the Scriptures." A pleaing' program followed, consist- ing t- in of solo by GuyJon Jones, with'piano accompaniment by Mrs. W. 'Aiken - head; duet, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Sherman, self -actor- parried; reeding by Mrs. Aiken - head; duet, Mrs. Aikenhead and Harry Cochrane; mouth organ and guitar selections ,Robt. Hale; guitar. duets, Misses Beatrice and Stella Brown. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a large birthday cake disposed of. Barrels and sunshine boxes in which members had depos- ited donations' during the year, were returned at dile meeting and opened. Ontario Street United Church The Autumn Thankoffering of the W. 81. S. was held in the church on Wednesday evening last, Mrs. Far - rill, in the absence of Mre. Shipley, presiding. Mrs. Partin led in mate er after the opening hynm, Mrs.' Kennedy read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Milton Wiltse read the de- votional leaflet. A minute's silent prayer was oh. served in memory of those who have, passed on during the year. During the evening Mrs. Wendorf and Miss E. Wiltse contributed a. pleasing ng musical number, Miss Carol Evans sang a solo, Mrs. Clegg and Mrs. Plumsteel contributed a vocal duet with guitar accompaniment, Miss Armstrong a reading, and -a number of the members sang a chorus. The offering was a generous one and the dedicatory prayer was made by Mrs. C. S. Hawke. The`1' t tt le missionary, playlett, "Aunt Polly: Joins the Missionary Sociey," was' very well presented by Mrs. E. A. Fines Mrs. D. M. Maltby, Mrs 1i. kfcIntyre, Mrs, G. Murdoch and 'Miss Dorothy Manning. At the con - elusion of the program a hymn was sung and Mrs. Aiken made the clos ing prayer. On Tuesday next the regular meeting will: be held at three p.m., with election of officers. Wesley -Willis United Church. The minister's sermon subject o. 1 n Sunday morning will be: "St. Luke, The Historian and Gospel Writer," Evening: "God's Seeming Delays." Sunday is White Gift Sunday in the Sunday school, when all who can do so are asked to bring some useful gifts, which will be given to needy people. The W M. S. will meet in' the church on Thursday evening, Dee. 12th'w when Mrs. Addison's group 'will have charge of the study period. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Tuesday evening in charge' of the Assistant Missionary Convenor, Benson Sutter, The meet- ing opened with quiet - music with Irene Robertson at piano and Rev. Mr, Cosens on . the violin. Dorothy Corless gave the call to worship and led in prayer. Viola Holland read a poem, "Missionary and Maintenance" The Scripture was read and the top. ic,:"The Business' of Missions," was given by , Benson Sutter. A letter was read from Dr. E: C. Wilfrid, one of Huron's Missionaries. Dr:.Wilfrid is an old Blyth boy and is stationed in Cliengtu, West China. The presi- ,dent conducted the business and the Meeting closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. Miss Ida McGowan of Blyth, as- sistant Missionary ,Convenor .of the Presbytery, will address the next meeting on Dec. 10th. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE "MEETING The regular meeting, ` of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the Legion Hall on Thursday, Dec, 12th:' The' usual Christmas Bazaar, gifts not to exceed '25c, and good Christ- mas programs. .The roll call is to be answered by giving Current Ev- ents. The hostesses for the day will be' Mrs. N. W. Trewartha ssDr: Thompson Mrs. C.' Elliott, Mrs. U. L. 'Paisley and Mrs: W. Rozell. THE PENNY BANDS The total amounteld in the a Pen- ny Bank,Clinton at theend of Oe- tober, 1935, was $1,260.49, compared with $1,386.10 one, year' ago. It would seem as if Clinton children are growing- s little bit weary of thrift. ., 'Fifty-eight per cent. o2 'Clinton 'pupils deposit regularly in the bank. Two schools in London, Fergus Sep- arate, Merriton, North. Ward, two schools in Toronto and Beaverdam, near Thorold, are the only ones which have 100 percent, depositing,' though a large nurryber -have over ninety and a still larger number over eighty. • , . FUNIIRAL OP JUDGE NYE Judge Nye of Moorhead, Minn., mention of whose sudden death ap- peered iu last week's issue, was giv- e military t t ati Buri m � a �h ' a 1 he having been A g a military man who had taken part in the ',Great War, The funeral was attended by lawyers, judges, soldiers and citizens and many high tribute, paid him. In a leading editorial re the Moorhead a Daily News, published the day of the funeral, we read, af- ter a summary of his"work for the eomnvunity in so many ways: "Beyond all these things. which represent the outward deeds, there was the man himself—the neighibos, the shrewd and kindly morn who en- joyed friendships and shared in the joys and sorrows of others; the ratan Who enjoyed few things more than the flowers and. vegetables he grew in his excellent garden; the man who delighted in books and the conversa- tion of thinking people; the man who, while his mind Was 'often occu- pied with weighty decisions, appre- ciated the humor .of life perhaps no less' than, his famous humorist broth- er. It. was such qualities that ,made him by profession a; splendid jurist and by nature a prince among men, Judge Nye was a brother-in-law of Mrs. A. J. Tyndall of Clinton. DIPLOMAS AND PRIZES On another page of this issue, mi- lder the heading of Collegiate News, will be found a report of the Com- mencement, held in the •auditorium on Thursday and Friday .evenings last week, so we do not repeat the he news. But we wish to say that the program given was very much en: joyed by large audiences each even- ing. On Thursday evening the prizes for athletic -sports, etc., were pre- sented by the Rev. F. G. Farrill. Following are the names of those taking the prizes this year: (a) Clinton Field Day Champions Senior Girls' Champion—N. Cook, V. Fremlin (tied). Senior Boys' Champion R. Pass. more. Intermediate Girls' Champion -0. Finch. Intermediate Boys' Champion—'R. Finch. Junior -Girls' .ChampionI. Colqu- houn. Junior Boys' Champion—R. 'Dra- per. Juvenile Boys' Champion K. Cooke. b Huron ( ) Hu n County Field. Day- Clinton Collegiate Institute won the following Cups and Shields:. (1) McMillan Cup—awarded to the school winning the largest num- ber of points. • (2) Col. H. T. Rance Cup—most points in Intermediate Boys' Events, (3) Savauge Trophy—most points in Girls' Events. , (4) Goderich Salt Co. Trophy most points in Intermediate Girls' events. ' (5) Hensall 'School. Board Cup Intermediate Girls' Champion — K.. Cuninghame. (6) Goderich Elevator and Tran- sit Co. Shield—Junior Boys', Chem- pion—R. Draper. Rifle Practice Strathcona 'Medal—I: Dougan. On Friday evening the diplomas were presented by the Rev, C. W. D. Cosens, to the following, most of whom were present to receive them: Clara Bali, Clare Brunsdon, Alma Carter, Kathleen Calvert, Constance Cluff, George Elliott, Helen Glenn, Vriginia Harris, Fred Hovey, Elean- or Hudson, Harold Johnston, Rex. McInnes,' Andrew McKenzie, Sadie Munnings, Gladys Radford, ' James, Reynolds, Wilma Roweliffe, Myrtle Thomson, Robert Thompson, Mary Turner. •' Miss Violet Fremlin was preeent-. ed with the Essay, Prize. A BOLD THIEF Clinton had a bit of a burglary on Friday night, The residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street,. was broken into while she was at- tending the Commencement exer- eises and ,some money and, jewelry stolen. Miss Nixon of the Collegiate staff boards with Mrs. Kennedy and she was a1so at the e C f1egrata Shehad•. in her room :about twenty dollars of the money taken for tickets, for the Commencement. This, togetherwith a fraternity pin, and a gold watch and a ring 'belonging to Mis.,Ken- nedy, are missing. The watch had Mrs, s. I{ennedy's maiden name engrav- ed on the inside of the case,. Chief . Fremlin was notified and also'the county police and they are working on the case. It was a bold robbery and it looks as if it might be the work of someone who knew something about the circumstances and the fact that the occupants of the house would be absent at the time. • "WHEN WINTER COMES" We have had in this part of the province a very unusual Autumn, with no frost, after an early one in September which nipped ed off t h e P flowers earlier than usual. But since that a white frost at- night, . even, was unusual. The lawns and fields were gieen, many hardy flowers blooming gardens, d in 'the ai•dens an the days balmy and warm, although dur- ing November the sun was for the most part hidden. But it was a warm, pleasant time and hardly e- nough snow -nough'snow to cover the ground un- til nearly a 1 the end of November,and Y robins chirping 'about. But apparently Winter, with a capital letter, has set in. We ,hail snow over the week -end and this Week it has been falling everyday and this morning, Wednesday, the mercury was as low as six below and the promise is for colder weath- er•. Now, Wednesday afternoon, it it fine and fair; the sun having conte out. But it is winter weather and we may expect some more of it, But it is December and this is Can- ada. Canadians should not mind a bit of snow and colli, nor do we. The above is written for those who areaway from home, as we all are quite aware of the weather, be it cold or hot. Thursday a.m. It is milder today. THOUGHTLESSNESS. 0'R 'WORSE Councillor Wialker at the council meeting Monday night recommended that stickers' should be placed on cats whose owners park them where no parking is ,supposed to be allow- ed. One place where such a sticker is needed is on the car which is parked squarely at a crossing. The writer comes up P the post office. cifice from the west two or three times' each day and very often has to walk around a car whose owner is in the postoffice. the car being placed right across the nat- ural crossing from the west side of King street. Then one is lucky if one doesn't have to go around anoth- er one parked at the east side or Victoria. It is surelythoughtless a t aughtless and sel- fish thing for anyone to. park 'a ear across a crossing. A • driver who parks in such a way should at least leave both doors open .so that ped- estrians might be able to walk through. After all those who walk should have a few sights on the pub, lie streets and highways. ST. PAUL'S ANNUAL 03AZAAR The Ladies' Guild of St. Foul's church held their annsal 'bazaar last Thursday afternoon, The parish hall and booths were areattractivelY decor- ated in green and yellow, and the tableswere tastefully arranged with yellow mums. In spite , of the inclentlency of the weather the booths were all sold out and those in, charge of the tea -tables did a flourishing business. ' Rev, .I{, McGoun opened the Bae. oar and those in charge of the vase boilsbooths were as fcdlews: • Faney Work: Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs. 144lontei th, Mrs: C R,umliall. Kitchen -nook -Mrs,, Zapfe, 14I'rs. F. Ford, Mrs, M'. Counter. Doll Booth—sMiss A. Steep, Mrd: MbGoun, Miss D. Bartliff. Torch and Take—IMt•s. ilbvey, Mee. J., •Watkins, Mrs. Cardwell, Mrs. McClinchey, 'Candy: Mrs. G. Walker, Mrs. H. Ford. Mrs. McInnes, • Fish Pond--MS.'s. C. Cads, Mrs. 11. Hawk ns. 'IIome-Baking—Mrs. R. Thompsoat, Mrs. Geo. Taylor, bjrs...S, Taylor. Produce: Mrs. H. Thompson; Mrs; Morrison, Mis. B. Murphy. Rummtage—Mrs, A. E. Fremlin, Mrs. G. Smith. ' Those' 'in charge -of the tea -tables were: Ors. Theo. Fremilin, Mars, C. V. Cooke, Mfrs. T. Churchill, Nara. MCBrien, Miss Lottie: Sloman, Mrd: J. ,Johnson, Mrs. F. Johnston, Mies Evelyn Hall; Social Hostesses—Mrs. 0, Draper, Mrs, H. Bartliff, TOWN COUNCIL HAS GAINED USEFUL INFOR- MATION RE NEW 'FIRE ALARM Leaving It For New Council's Consideration The town-oouncil met Monday ev- ening, all members present, Mayor Holmes in the :chair. ,After the reading ,of the minutes' ofs regular last r gulag and special meet= ings 'a communication was •read from the Canadian Legion, Clinton branch, expressing the thanks of the Legion for the kindness of the'coun- cil in purchasing a Vet-Oraft wreath and also in supplying �' the programs for Remembrance Day and for co-op- eration in the observance of the day. 1Chairnvan Inkley of the bylaws oontreittee said he had seen Mr. Fa:- ooner about his building and he had assured him he would comply with the building 'bylaw requirements: Chairman Inkley also submitted a draft- of. prices for rental of town ON BOARD OF EDUCATION Rev, W. H. Townshend, rector of the Church' of the Redeemer, London, and a former Goderich township boy and a graduate of the Clinton Celle- giate, was on Monday elected as a member of the London Board of Education. And what is more, his vote, 8643, was less than a thousand of being twice that of the two oth- er members elected. DEATH OF MISS McC00L A sudden death occurred on Fri- day when Miss Sarah Jane McCoot of Albert street, passed away about nine o'clock. .Miss McCool had been in usual health, she had not been in robust health' for some •years, but she had been going about as usual. On this morning she asked a pas, sing neighbor to call a doctor, which was done and her sister-in-law, Mrs, S. McCool, notified; but the spark of life had fled before either arrived,. She was in her eighty-third year. The deceased lady was the eldest daughter the of tl a late James McCoo.t and his wife, Margaret Brownlee and she was born in Eastern Canad;, but the family moved up to Huila?, when she was very small and she spent her early years near Londes- born. For the pest several years she had lived in Clinton. She was the last of a family of six, her five brothers having predeceased her. She is survived by a number of nephews and nieces, James W. Me - Cool, clerk of Huliett township, be- ing one of them. Miss McCool was a member of Wesley -Willis church and while health permitted was regular in het attendance at its services. She made a donation of baking to a bazaar held by the ladies of that church on- ly a few weeks ago. The funeral was held from her late home on Monday afternoon, the ser- vice being conducted by the Rev. C. W. D. Cosens of Wesley -Willis church, Interment was made in Clinton cemetery, the pallbearers being six nephews: James W., Wel- lington, Harry, Armand and Fred" McCool and Lloyd l A wde o Y , CLINTON BOY SCORES Elwood Campbell, a Clinton boy who learned to play hockey while go- ing to school, is playing this season with Oakville and last night was the winner of a match with the Port Col- borne teams at Maple Leaf Gardena, putting the Oakville players in third place in the O.H.A. Senior standing. From the sport page • of today's Globe we clip the followings "Elwood Campbell, an ambitious youngster, r who patrols s the e I ft boards for Oakville, came into his own in this contest. The likeable lad, who starred several seasons with Stratford juniors and who is playing his first season. in senior company, paced the "Vihans" in victory with three goals. Campbell sent Oakville to the front in the closing stages of the opening frame, slamming hone the puck on a passout from Saral Allen, after the, latter had -led a charge on the Ports' net. Close to nine minutes had elapsed in the second period when Vince Up- per, hard -shooting left-winger for the. Sailors, tied the score. Breaking loose from an Oakville attack, Lipper: rotmded' the defence and blazed the puck hard and true into the top cor- ner. of or-ner.of the net, giving Harvey Teno little chance to blade The "Villans" came right back to score again less than a minute later, however, when Campbell registered goal No. 2, lifting the puck into the open net during a scramble. Doug, Boston's drive took Les Cuthbert out of position and Campbell had an; op-, en target. Another' scramble provided Oak- ville's third counter, with Campbell again being the • ice ksman, after shots from Marzo and Sutcliffe had been' stopped; by Cuthbert. That, one came with about one minute remain- ing in the period." hall as follows: Council chamber foams' local organizations, $3; for outside organizations, $5; town hall, local or gan izations , $7• outside, d e 10• io r dances or any entertainment where dancing is included, the price to bm• $12, this not to include the waxinng:• of the floor: Chairman Inkley recommendeda thatbhs matt i _ matter be deft over for vthe new council ou i 1 toy deal with, Reeve El - Hatt thoughtit a ,mistake to reduce - the price for dances thought/41,S lit- tle enough and several sii'thYecoun- cillors expressed :some opinion on the - matter. Councillor Murdoch ' said" his idea in suggesting that a new•• scale of prices be set was to do swap• with the granting of rebates. Coun- cillor Cook said it cost about, $4 toe• light' and heat the hall for an even- ing, so they had set that price arida- he thought anyone who wished tot use it should be willing to pay the - actual cost. On motion of Councillors Inkier and Cook the recommended change' in thetown hall rental prices , was: left over .to be dealt with by the, 1936 council, :Bylaw No. 6 for 1935, a bylaw to- fix vfix the' trme place d I n ace far the hoId- ing of nominations, and elections, if any, was read three times and pas- sed. The nomination for mayor, reeve, councillors, school trustees and: Public -Utilities commissioner will be- held intown the t tun hall on Monday ev- ening, Dec. 30th, fromseven-thirty to eight -thirty. If an election Ms necessary, it will be held on Monday,.. Jan. 6th, 1936, at the following plac- es, the following deputy -returning officers and poll clerks officiating: St, Andrew's Ward Town Hall; H. Frem'iin, D.R.O., E: A. Mitten„ P.C. (Continued on page 4) JR. INSTITUTE MOOTING The regular -monthly meeting of the Junior Institute will beheldFri- day, December 13th, in the board' room of the Representative's office. Please note change in date. A very - interesting program has been ar- ranged and all young ladies are in- vited. The roll call is to be answer- ed by "Something I remember as a: child about Christmas." COMMITTEE HERE The House of Refuge committees of Huron County Council stet ire Clinton last week and expressed sat- isfaction with recent repairs to the county building. The session was occupied mainly with the passing of accounts.Committee nComn itt members are Reeves R. J• Bcnvman, M. Hanley, J. Moser, P. Davidson, C. McWhinney and Warden W. W. Sweitzer. BAYFIELD'S FOUNDER • According to reports published last: week the pioneer from whom Hay- field ayfield gets its name, Admiral Bay- field ,is to have a memorial moat, meat at Owen Sound. The two men who conducted the earliest scientific surveys on the Great Lakes, Admirals Bayfield anti Owen are, to be jointly- honoured Ira a monument to be erected in Owers Sound, by the Historic Sites and - Monuments Board. This will be fine,. but surely Bayfield ought to have some mark, This lake port was one of the .most important in early days.. Bayfield did not grow into acity, a+ Owen Sound did, but nevertheless it- is tis famous in its own way. It is one o th f e most delightful g 1 of summer resorts in Ontario, ;more popular, than even the city of Owen Sound in that respect. A tablet should at; least be placed in the town hall there. !- LITTLE LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald haver moved into Mr. P. Plumsteel's house, corner of Rattenbury and Raglan: streets, Two - basketball teams from the. Collegiate played' - the Westervelt School in London yesterday, the girls; winning 16 to 5, the boys losing 21. to 14. Mr. Iain MacLeod has rented the, Anderton house in . Ontariostreet. and will movein as soon as Mr. and.; Mrs. Anderton, who go to Goderich,,, move out, The Misses Beattie of The Vogue• entertained' a number of friends from:: Toro'hto. London and Brucefield to ese chicken dinner at . the Batterbury; House on Sunday evening last. In yesterday's Free Press appear•• - ed a picture of the cast of a play-- which laywhich had been gotten up by a group.. of Knox United church young pee•'= ple and in it appeared Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Steepe, former residents o C" town, the formes. being a..son,of Maw, and Mrs. David S.teepe.