HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-11-28, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON ,NEWS -R1 CORD DRESSED HOG, by half, per Ib. FRONT 1-4 OF BEEF, per lb 1 .. .9c HIND 1-4' OF BEEF, per lb IDe DRY SALT COD FISH, per Ib 15v SMOKED FILLi5TTS, per Ib. . , , .... .1.15e VEAL CHOPS,* per Ib. .. .20e PORK CHOPS • per , . . ........ .20e DUPE'S 'LARD Ib prints, in 1 ]b. rints per flb, ,•16e' SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per • lb: 1Se ' p BONELESS SALT PORK, ib. 1Sc CONNELL di TYN.DALL CLINTON'S LEADVIG. MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. . Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE SPECIAL HEATERS Five sizes PRICED AT $4.50'„ $5.00,. $6.00, $12.00, $17.00, and $18.00 ALSO NEW AND USED COOK STOVES,—Reasonable Prices a.m.slw Furniture Department THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD "SUITE--wwith Spring -filled Cush- ions, Walnut 'Construction Frame, Covering in Silk Repp with Flow- er Design. FOR THIS 'WEEK ' 10 PERCENT DISCOUNT. LARGE ASS'ORTME'NT OF LAMPS ranging from $2.75 to $6,25,, THE NEW STUDY LAMP, in bronze finish at Reduced Prices. SIX -PIECE KITCHEN SET, Cabinet with Few Drawers and Two Shelves , , $24.00' Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night HOLNIESVILLE Mr, Eimer Potter motored to Tees - water on Sunday, Mrs. Potter re- turning with his after a week's visit; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. MacDonald. Wa are sorry to know that Mrs. D. E. Gliddon is not enjoying the best l of health. Miss Franeie Patter, who is im- proving nicely at the Clinton hospi- tal, is expected to be moved to her home this week. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Yea, Mr. and Mrs. W. Yeo and Reta attended a wedding at Locust Hill last week, taking in the Winter Fier at Toronto before their return. Messrs. Norman and Kenneth Tre- wartha and Kenneth Chambers re- turned Sunday evening after an in- teresting few days spent at the Royal Winter Fair. Plans for a Christmas concert in the United Church ate moving along rpleadidly, The date la Friday, Dec. i20th1 As the Y,P,U, meets with that of St. Andrew's United Church, Bay. field, en Wednesday of this week, there will be no meeting in the church here on Friday, Last week's Y.P.U. was in charge of the social convener, Miss Norma Potter, when a fine program was enjoyed. The theme was "Keep Smiling." A brief sing -song led by Miss Jean Webster, was followed by the opening hymns. Miss Norma Potter read the .scripture, the con- text of which was explained by Rev, Mr. Herbert. A very interesting topic was read by Miss Alma Tre- wartha, and readings were given by the Misses •Charlotte Trewartha and Ruth Potter. After a few games and a bus;inests m4eting, thie gathering dispersed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. after spending the past two weeks Iat the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. R. Brinley, near the Nile. In an item in The News -Record last week Was a paragraph stating that the first time the ground was covered with snow at Clinton was on Thursday last, the 21st of November. We here, must be several degrees nearer the North Pole, as the ground in this section was white with snow on Oct. 4th, which gradually melted away by the 5th. The White .Gift Sunday will be held by the S. S. of the United Church on December 16th. The annual Christmas tree enter- tainment will be held on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th, in Community Hall. Thd fowl supper which was held in Community Hall last Thursday night was a •huge success in every way. The crowd was good, likewise the entertainment, and bountiful supper, All yrent M'tly full and happy, LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Lloyd visited Stratford friends last Saturday. The December meeting of the Wo- man's Institute will be held in Com- munity Mall on Thursday, Decem- ber 6th, Christman message, Rev. A W. Gardiner roll call; recipe for Christmas C'andy; music, Mesdames, E. Adams, S. Carter, G. Moon, M. Rost; ;reading, Miss R. Shaddick, Hostesses :Mrs. Wti B. Allen, Mrs. T. Fairservicc, •Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. W. Brunsdon, Mrs. R. Shaddlek, and Miss M. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith and Mr, JJ D. Ainsley of Leamington, visited Mrs. J. Eleley and Mrs. .1. Tamblyn recently. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and son Gladwin of St. Marys visited at the home of Mrs. Blooper's parents on Saturday last, it being the event of Mr, Eisley's birthday. 'Mr. Frank Campbell of Westfield visited his aunts, Mrs. Elsley end Mrs. Tamblyn on Saturday last. Mr. and Hairs. Howard Brunsdon and daughters and Mr. A. Brunsdon of Clinton were the 'guests of Mr. ad Mrs. Wlm. Brunsdon on ' Sunday lrtst:c,,l,• ,S' Mrs. E. Clrawford has returned and hearty good wishes. HULLETT TOWNNSlIY, On the occasion of her seventy- third birthday, Mrs, Annie Brown of Clinton was greatly surprised when the members of her family gathered at the home of her youngest daugh- ter, Mrs. Wesley Hoggart of Huilett, and gave a dinner in her honour. Mrs, Brown was the recipient of many beautiful gifts and a pleasant day was spent by all. ' " LONDON ROAD Mrs. Edith Grieve arid daughter, Mona, of Landon spent Sunday with the former'e mother, Mrs. McMich- ael. :Mr. Carl Stanbury returned Sat- urday after a week's "hunting in Brure and Grey county. 2'llr. Norman Manning was taken to Clinton Hospital on Tuesday for an operation for appendicitis. His many friends wish him a speedy re- eoverry. There has been a scarcity of wet. er in this section and it has been a great inconvenience. Mr. D. Elliott of Clinton has been digging a well for M'r. R. Plumsteel and .has struck water, so it is hoped that shortage will be overcome, and Mr. W. G. Mof- fatt is having his drilled well deep- ened, and itis to be hoped this wilt also give a fresh supply. Mrs. Geo. Falconer and Mrs. Frank Rathburn of Kippen were hostesses at a very happy little affair at - the home of the former in Sunday, it being a surprise birthday party for their mother, Mrs. T. Lindaay. Four of Mrs. Lindsay's sisters were pre- sent: Misses . Margaret and Georgina Murray and Mfrs. (Dr.) Lindsay of London, and M'rs. Ellis of North Da- kota, also several of Mrs. Lindsay's old neighbors and a cousin, Mre. Mary Durnin. A buffet luneheon was .served,a three-storey' birthday cake wag cut and after the refresh- ments were served all joined in sing- ing old hymns. MSrs, Lindsay. was the recipient o1 -,,,n y•gifts'and many FOLDOVER.PAD" of EXTRA QUALITY IRITlNG PAPER 40 SHEETS 'RIPPLED EDGES on Both Pad & Envelopes 1 EACH PAD AND Package of Envelopes FOR 29c ASK TO SEE OUR POP-UP BOOKS Tie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best POEM Ogillin *DIM ._. ,1111111M01 UAL 1 Mr, N. W. Trewarthe. wee Se 'Drente over last weelc-anti. Mr, A. J. Morrish was in tow,, one day dulling the past week, Miss Gladys Addison spent the week. end with friends at Grand Bend. lift's, Wm, Rath of Blyth is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Govett of town. Mrs. W. Radford is making an ex• tonsive visit with her son near Palmerston. Mr, E. Paterson and Miss Edith vis- ited the former's parents at Wier - ton last week -end. Miss •Dorothy Cantelon spent a few days over last week -end in To- ronto and ()lithe. 1411rs. E. Paterson, Mrs. Axon and Miss L. Brigham spent a day last week with Londesboro friends. Mr. and Mrs, H. S. Turner and Lit- tle Miss Marilyn of Goderieh visit- ed relatives in Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mfrs, Robinson of Auburn were recent visitors with the lady's !mothers Mrs. S. McCool, of Albert Istreet, Nrs. J. P. Reynolds leaves Saturday for Detroit, where she will spend. the winter with members of her family. Mrs. Fred Hall and Mrs. Orville Jenks of London were guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Ward, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vodden are visiting at the home of M'r, and Mrs. Radford of near Palmerston, where they will spend a month, Mrs. Ralph Hewson, who has been spending the summer in Clinton, Mr. Hewson coming up for week- ends, left Saturday for Toronto, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Cutts and fam- ily motored up from Thedford Saturday and spent the week -end with the lady's mother, Mrs. An- nie Brawn; and other relatives hereabouts. STANLEY Miss M. Wightman of Seaforth was the guest of Mrs. Thos. B. Baird last week. Mr. John McCowan and ,Mr. Geo. T. Baird visited in Stouffville and Toronto last week, and also attend - td the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Kay Scotchmer, who spent a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Brooks' of Clinton, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney, Sr., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald of the 2nd conees-. cion on •Sundby last, Mrs. Harold Penhale spent a fen days last week visiting her ,parents near London. Mr. Alex. Chesney called on the Bronson line on Sunday. M{rs, J. C. Henderson of Kintore passed away on Saturday last aged eighty-three. Mrs. Henderson was the mother of Mr, George C. Hen- derson of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson attended the funeral which took place on Monday, ' at Kintore. . The November meeting of the Stanley Community Club wwasheld at the home of Mrs. Goldie Graham with, twenty-five - members . present and a large number' of, visitors: The Roll Call was answered by a Scoeth ONE FRIEND• TELLS ANOTHER Always in• the Lead CHR S'"�'MAS CAKE THUT.RS:,,NOV 28; 1935 Tested and tried by ourselves, we will be pleased to demonstrate, and explain the ingredience used in mixing and baking of this cake as copied from the Globe. WHITE FRUIT CAKE One cup of butter, one cup sugar, (fine), 6 white eggs, beaten stuff,, 1 lb. Blanched Almonds, 1 lb. white raisins, 1-2 lb. crystallized pineapple, 1-2 lb. Candied Cherries, 1-2 lb. Citron Peel, 1-2 cnp grated Cocoanut, '2 teaspoons baking powder, sifted with 21-2 cups of f1o'ur. Method—(cream butter and sugar( bake 11-2 hours in slow oven. Cooking Eggs, (B) grade, per dozen 30c Fruit. Sugar, 2 lbs. for - 25c Shelled Amonds, per lb. 45c C. Cherries, 1-4 lb. for 11c C. Pineapple, 1-4 lb. 14e Cocoanut, per lb. 25c Bowes' Baking Powder 25c Swansdown Flour 35c Bleached Raisins, per lb. 19e Granulated ;Sugar, 10 lbs. for 49c CANDY—We are sellin gnow and for Christmas HUNTS' SATIN MIXED, per lb. 19c Fancy Creams and Chocolates 19c New Christmas. Bon Bons and Assorted Toffees in Packages. v HEALTH DEPARTMENT Roman Meal, per pkg. 35c Good Morning Breakfast Pudding 25c Cereal' Blend, per pkg. 25c .FRIGIDAIRE Canada Packers Dated Sausage 25c Breakfast Bacon, per 1b., piece 29c FRUIT SPECIALS Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dozen 33c and 45e Honduras Oranges, per dozen 39c Lemons, per dozen 39c Bananas, per lb. 10c Grapes, 2 lbs. for 29c CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR KIDDIES— Santa Claus expected to arrive Saturday, De- cember 7th at 3 p.m. All children welcome in order- ly Parade. Walkersides Ice Cream Where "Seals for Less" Price Prevails RILEY'S W. T. O'NEIL Where Quality Sells and Service Tells WHEN IN DOUBT PHONE US ABOUT YOUR 'CHRISTMAS CAKE FRUITS Large Prunes, 2 lbs. for ,,, ,.,23c Medium, Prunes, 3 lbs, for 25e Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 23c Choice Cooking Pigs, 2 lbs. ,...,17c Currants, Recleaned, 2 lbs. ,25c Dates, Pitted, 2 lbs. 25c Dates, with pitts, 3 lbs. for . , 23c Seeded Raisins, per 1b. 15c Valencia Raisins, large, per ib. 15c Lenten and Orange Peel, lb. 21e Citron Peel, per lb. 33c S. Walnuts, Halves, lb. 45e S. Almonds, per lb- 45e Red Cherries, Wherk, 1-4 lb. , . , 11e SPECIALS FOIL WEEK -END Celery Hearts, Head, Lettuce, Cauli- flower, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, and hojce Spy APPlee, We BUY AND GRADE EGGS for which We PAY lc A DOZEN MORE IN CASH OR TRADE. RILEY'S GROCERY FREE DELIVERY Phone 39. story which resulted in many a gond laugh. Readings were given by Mrs. John! A. McEwen,. Miss Myrtle Pearson and Mrs. McFarlane. Miss Nola Taylor, accompanied by her mother,' sang two very pleasing solos. A great many Christmas gifts , were brought in, including four I quilts. These are to be sent up north to Fred Shemin, who distributes I them amongst the needy. The next meeting is to be •held at the home •of Mrs, Pearson, roll call to be answered by a "Mending Hint." iSEAFORTII: The death occurred at his home in Egmondville Tuesday morning after an illness of some months of John A. Murray in his eighty-first year. Deceased, who was well known and' highly esteemed In the community, was born in Tucker- smith Township being a son of Mr. ad Mrs. William Murray who were among the original settlers in this district. He was married 62 years ago to Charlotte Ann Leatherland of the same township. They settled on 5 farm on'the Kippen road retir- ing a number of years ago to Eg- mondville where he had since resid- ed. He was 'a. member of the Eg- mondville United Church, assessor for the townehip and agent for the McKillop Mutual Wind and Fire In- surance. He is survived by three, daughters and' two sons, Mrs. Vine Coates, Neepawa, Mian., Mrs, ,Ger- trude Keene, Egmondville, Mrs. El- liott Walters, McKillop, Wialter, Dry. den, and Neil; Vancouver; two sis- ters, Mrs, Isaac Townsend, Egmond ville, Mrs. Harry Tyndall, Tucker.. smith; three brothers, Thomas, High River, , Alberts; William, Dauphin, Mane Samuel, ;Monteville, Ont. The funeral willtake place from the Eg rcvondville United Church on Thurs., day,' interment' to he ,in the.Egmond villa Cemetery. PERMANENT Before your Permanent is the time FOR A SCALp TREATMENT We will give a free scalp treatment with our $7 Naturelle Permanent. HenriBeauty Shop Tsatie Street, Phone 223. 55-1. WINTER HOUSE PLANTS Primulas 40 and 45c Cyclamen 50 and 75c In Bud and Bloom CUT FLOWERS Mums Roses Carnations A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FINE QUALITY BLOOM Jen F. R. CUNINGIIAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Phones 31 and 176. CALL and see our Cutlery. and J Granite ware before buying PLUMBING AND HEATING IS OUR :SPECIALTY GIVE US A CALL T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 SPECIALS FOR EARLY SHOPPERS We are showing same real bargains in Kitchen Furniture this week, in order to make room for other stock coming in, You can select any part of this suite which consists of a Swell Console Cabi- net with all the modern equipment. a Buffet, with or without the top for China, Etc., an Extension Table or Falling Leaf Table and 4 Chairs, all nicely enamelled in Venetian green and ivory, You will be delighted with our showing of Cedar Chests. We are sole agents for -the famous Lane line, carrying an insurance policy of $100 with every chest against moth damage to their contents, Also a nice stock of the less expensive kind, Every girl likes a Cedar Chest. And what a Stook to make the kiddies happy—We have Doll Cabs, and Prams, Dell .Beds, Cradles, Dressers, and 'Chests of Draw- ers, Kiddie Cars, Sleighs and Wagons, Toy Sets, Haigh Chairs and Small Rockers, Etc. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT See Our New Stock of COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTERNS FOR THE HOME, A LARGE NEW STOCK OF THE FAMOUS CIC:M. SKATES FOR THE YOUNG FOLK. THEN FOR THE CHILDREN — TRICYCLES, WAGONS and SLEIGHS, -'and an EXTRA SPECIAL KIDDIE CAR BARGAIN AT 60c—WHILE THEY LAST. WATCH OUR WINDOWS—YOU WILL SEE SOMETHING NEW NEARLY EVERY DAY. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK We Will be pleased to put away your selections for later delivery. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers ' N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. 196. Phone 109. NEW CHRISTMAS CANDY Chocolate Drops, per lb. 19c Ganong's Chocolates, 3 lb. box 79c Satin Mix Candy, per lb. 15c —MEATS— Fresh Hams, per lb. 15c Side Bacon, per lb. 29c Head Cheese, per lb. 15c Oysters, per jar 35c Peameal Bacon, per lb. 35c GROCERIES , Tomato Juice, 101-2 oz. size, per tin 4c Granulated Sugar, with $1.00 or over of other Groceries, 10 Ibs. for 49c Kellogg's All Bran, per pkg. 19c Fry's Cocoa, 1-2 lb tin 21c Tomatoes, large tins, 2 for 19c Ginger ;Snaps, per lb. - 10c Oranges, per dozen 29c, 39c and 49c Grape. Fruit, 6 for 25c Parsnips, 6 qt. basket for 25a Head Lettuce, each 10e Smoked Fillets, per ib. 15e Cod Fish, Ib. pkg 15c NEW FRUITS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Fancy RaisiiiS, Bleached, per Ib. 19c Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for 25c Glace Cherries, 1-4 1b 13c Glace Pineapples, 1-4 lb. for 15c Be Sure To Visit Our Store This Week J.T. McKN IGHT & SON Free Delivery at MI Times -Telephone 111 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 1