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poba .w
Shirley Temple
The most perfect dolls
ever made in Canada.
TIia sensation of the year.
$2.98 to $6.98
Continue until Saturday
TOYS .on Second Floor
CHHINA in. China Dept.
in Main Store
and decorations in the
Smaliwares Dept.
PHONES 36w, 36j.
For Your Approval and
We are now ready with what we believe is the best assorted
stock of High-CIass Christmas Goods it has ever been our privilege
to present
The prices, too, are of such a wide range that. truly ,Christmas
buying is made easy for all.
We welcome your inspection and inquiries and assure you it
will be a pleasure to serve you.
Just Arrived
FAMOUS JENNY LIND CANDIES .. , , , ... ; 25c, 50c, $1.00
• t
But Some Must
GREY TOWNSHIP—All offices s
here were filledby acclamation.
Reeve—aL A. Keyes. Deputy reeve
—Oliver Hemingway.
'Council,—Waiter Broadfoot, Tho-
mas WtI1son, Thomas Doherty.
a EXETER—No election is necessary
here to fill .the municipal govern—
mental effices here, all nominees re-
ceiving an acclamation as the quail-
' fications closed. Thomas' Pryde was
elected reeve and the councillors are:
WIellington Herne, J. W. Morley, E.
M. Dignan and H. T. Rowe. The
school trustees are Franklin Del-
; bridge, William H. Deering and John
W. Willis. William Ward was given
an acclamation ashydro commission-
HENSALL—Hensa1l wills have an
election this year but only to decide
upon the reeveship. Three will con-
test the seat. They are: David Rob-
inson, Owen Gieger and William S.
Sheppard; all three having qualified.
W!. J. Jones, reeve for the past two
years, has resigned.
The council, elected by acciama.
tion, is composed of WIllliam Sang-
ster, Archibald Hamilton, Richard
Shaddick and George Brock.
The school trustees elected by ae-
ilam'ation are George Hess, Fred
Maims and Rev, W. A. Young. Char-
les Moore was elected hydro com-
missioner by acclamation.
Wilmot Ilaacke, acclamation; Coun-
cil, Oliver .1. Jervis, Henry Corey,
Herb. C. Cox, Ben. Rathwell, ace:
ASIIFIELD -- Reeve, Murdock
Matheson, aecl., Richard Johnston,
John A. Mackenzie; deputy reeve,
Samuel Sherwood, .accl., E. G. Zinn,
Wilfred Ferris, Arthur ' Culverts
Council, Gilbert Frayne, Alex. S.
Macdonald, Arthur Culvert, Archie
Turnberry—Reeve, R. Grain; Coun-
cil, . H. Moffatt, James 'Breckenridge,
R. Milton, Ray Porter.
Only 4 More Weeks
Everything a Gentleman would Like
Bra Chicks
Enter: This Big Contest
It's here! • Your chance to get your 1936 chicks for the cost of a
couple of postage stamps! Try your hand at the 1936 Bray Chick
Contest. 20 flocks totalling 1,005 chicks are being given away ab-
solutely FREE! 200 of the finest, healthiest, scrappiest chicks you
ever saw, go to the winner! Andl there are 19 more flocks waiting
that have got to be given away. Your thoiee of breed.
You don't have to buy or sell anythinu to win. It wont take 15
Minutes of your time -30 at the most! EVERYBODY, wins a prize;
you cant lose. Because every contestant who doesn't win one of the
grand prizes, receives a "credit Note" which in itself is s. fair re-
ward for your time because it entitles you to 10 extra chicks. FREE
with your 1986 order!
Don't delay! Get full information at once. ' Fill in the coupon and
mail it to us today.
Bray Chick Hatchery,96 Clayburn Ave,, St, iCatharines, Ont.
I am interested in your 1936 Chick Contest. Please send me
complete information, and your printed entry form.
'1 keep ' hens, and 1 have......,.. .•lbrooder
houses and brooder stoves.
NAME..... , .. , . •
ADDRESS. ... . , ....... .. .
.Mrs. Golding, Mother Of
Huron -Perth Member Dies
In St Marys
home with their son. Heri husband
passed away on Decembr 10, 1933,
and since' that time Mss'. Golding
resided in St. 1V2arys, with her
daughter. ` ;'
There were seven in the family,
Member of Pioneer Family five of whom survive, Mrs. Sills, oi:
Cleveland; Mfrs, Turnbull, St. 3farys;
'The death occurred at the home of Mr. Prank ,Golding, Stratford; Mr.
''her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Turnbull, George Golding, St. Marys, and W.
in St.aldarys;on Thursday,, of Mrs. H. Golding, of Seaforth. One .daugh-
' Henry Golding, one of the respected 1 ter, Sarah `Ann, diedin infancy and
early and honored residents of the Charles died in 1913.
district. She was the mother of W.
'1i, Golding, S'eaforth;' M.P.-elect for
NTS. : Golding was born in Wilt-
isbire, Eng., on February 18, 1838,
When Superintendent Roy Smith
;and 'would, have celebrated her 98th failed to decoy the ducks of Diamond
birthday in February next. In 1874, Point Park, Bemidji; Minn,, from a
pond to winter pens, he snaked bread
in alcehul and cast it on the water.
In one hour the flo'ek of 47 dujaks
tired of ' uitcertein diving and dizzy
quacking and settled''doWn •ta recov-
accompanied by her husband, she
•came. to Canada, the family settling
in M;itehell, . A. few months later
they moved to Hibbert Township,
•'P'e h Gaunt,, where they continu-
sed the reside until 19,33.whe .• they er from the hon over Spith then
ceame,M•Seaforth to make ,,their; rounded, thefar up Witly''esrse •
Hold Elections
Scott, Wilfred ' Reid, George :Young -
bid; Council, J. D. 'Beecroft, Adam
Robertson, Harvey Black, Lewis Rud-
dy, George Kerr, William W.
S1traughen, R. It Redmond.
' GREY—Reeve, Henry A. Keyes,
Jelin 1VacNabb; deputy, Oliver Hem-
ingway, 'Whiter Broadfoot, Thomas
0, Willson, Thomas Doherty, Silas
Johnston; Council, Walter Broadfeat,
C. C. Wilson, Thomas Doherty,
George McDonald, Leslie NeKay.
liam J, Stewart, accl.; Council, John
McQuillan, Albert Gammie, Cairns
Aitcheson, Brown Smyth, accl., Wal-
lace Miller, David. McAllister, Harold
Gaunt, nominated but withdrew,
W1N1GHAM: Nominations were
held in the town hall. on Monday
night, for mayor, reeve, councillors,
utility commission and school board
with the following results: Mayer,
John W. Hanna,' Thos. Fells, E. S.
Copeland, Dr. R. C. Redmond; reeve,
F. L. Davidson, Thos. Fells, J. W.
McKibben; Council (six to be elected)
R. H. Lloyd, H. T. Thompson, D.
Geddes, Wlalter Vanwyck, T. R.
Bennett, John PoAter, Gordon Me-
ehan, H. F. Buchanan, L. R. Black-
wood, W. T. Beath, Joseph Evans,
Elmer Wilkinson, J. H. McKay, J. H.
Crawford, Art Willson, A. M. Bieber',
W. A. Muller, W. B. McCool, Thos.
Fells, W. W. Armstrong', R. S. Heth-
erington, Rev E. L.' Roberts; utii-
ities commission, A. J. Walker, H. T.
Thomson, R. II. Lloyd '(ane to be
School board, ward one, Rev. J. F.
Anderson (ace.) ; ward two, N. L.
x'ry (awl.); ward three, J. 0. Hab-
kirk, Walter Vanwyck; ward four,
Dr. F. A. Parker, R. A. Currie.
Mayor Hanna will again be mayor,
all others having withdrawn. This is
his third term. Reeve P. IC. David-
son will be opposed by former reeve
AT. W. McKibben. Mr, Walker was
given an acclamation for his second
term c:n the Rydre Board. Nine of
the nominees for council will run.
KINLOISS COUPLE l parents in the 'world. We all love
you very dearly and will always con -
MARKS SILVER tinue to do so.
We desire now to give you a tok-
enFami of Mr .and Mrs. Charles Burt of our appreciation of your loving
care and helpfulness, and we there-
fore ask you to accept this occasion-
-chair and gate -'leg table as a
slight token of ,our ,affectionate grat-
itude. May you enjoy many more
happy years together.
We sincerely hope that as Father
and Mother and' Sons and Daughters
we may all be spared to rejoice to-
gether at your •Golden Wedding An-
—Youlns lovingly, ,Mary A(eien,
Edith Merle, Annie Laura, James,
Alfred, Gharles,Edward, William An-
drew, Robert Howe, Norma Isabel.
Although taken by surprise Mr.
Burt on behalf of himself and his
wife made a suitable reply thanking
the family for their lovely and valu-
able present and appreciative ad-
At eight o'dlock additional rela-
tives and close friends arrived in-
creasing. the panther to over fifty.
The additional presents were beau••
biful and suitable.
half, 'and have A very enjoyable social evening
passed through many was spent, after which a lunch and
Wale and much hardship for our wedding. cake were served. The pro
sake, kindly permit us to say "Thank
You" and to assure you there are ceedings were ,brought to . a close
eight of us to helpnaso wish singing ; Far They Are Jolly
g your burdens Good: F_ ellowa and the National An-
and brighten the remainder of your them,
We are glad you taught us the
right and did your part to keep US Hon. De neap Marshall, Ontario
from doing the wrong. Minister of Agriculture, is proposing
As children we sometimes thought a produce -exchange plan for Toronto
this was rather a hard world but as ,and it is expected that a fifteen -acre
we grow older we are; glad you fruit and vegetable exchange will be
taught us to obey our parents, , located on the waterfront. Prices
You_ha(ve .sacrificed for our sake, w;i11 be posted daily and it is ex -
You have ministered to. us in health petted ,that, while farmers will re-
and in sickness. You have laved us ceive mere, fete their •,prodm8e, house -
tenderly. W'e,appresciate, all.: you have wiles,. will be 'able to. obeain •cheaper
done forus.
(. fru all ame. frut and vegetables., The middleman
we • have. theyery, best is le be squeee ad oute ey^identhe ;.t : r
Show Affection) - by Plreseeting
Parents With • Beautifier Gifts.
The 25th anniversary 'of the mar-
riage of Mr. and Mrs,Charles Burt
was celebrated at their home nine
miles from Lucknew in the Township
of Kinloss .on Friday, November 15th:.
The members of the family had a
happy reunion and enjoyed a hot
fowl supper, after which the children
presented their parents with a mag-
nificent chair and table accompanrl
led by the following address, which
was prepared .by the oldest daughter,
Hlelen, and read by the youngest
child, Norma, who is ten years :old,
To Our Parents
Dear Father and Mother: -a
We, your children, have gathered
here this evening to extend to you.
our very best wishes and mast hear-
ty congratulations and to rejoice
With you en this the 25th Annivejr•
sary of your 'wedding day.
We are not unmindful of the fact
that you have worked hard in our be -
THURS., NOV28, 1935
The Taschereau Government was
returned in 'Quebec on, Monday but
the vigorous campaign of the. Con-
servative and; Action Jiiberale Na
tionaleo cut the majority to six. It
was the closest election in the his•
tgry of the Province.
The Ontario Court of Appeal on
1Vfonday refused the appeal of •Mrs.
Tilforcl;, W\oodgtae(<c, condemned for
the murder of her husband for a
new trial.
A thief atoie a box of jewels from
a Birks-Ellis-Ryrie delivery truck
which was parked. on Front street,
Toronto the other day. The driver
had gone into a place to make a
delivery leaving the back door of the
track unlocked. •
H'auptmann,u der sentence for
murder of the Lindbergh babe, hat
called upon Dr. J. F. Condon, -ransom
We shall be very brief this week, Second -)Formers were . singing'
partly in view of the fact that we • "Rain," on Monday, when: drops of
have little to say, and partly =because water, oozing through the ceiling, : `
we shall have an extra amount next descended Upon their heads. They
week. were filled with terror. Their fertile
Better get your seats for the imaginations conjured up visions' of
Commencement marked, as it will another earthquake, which,. all un-
seen be too late, , We hear that the noticed, had rocked .the second story
Friday night plan is entirely filled, "off the school, and now the rain was
and the Thursday plan not far bedripping through on their unproteet
hind. Itpays, to get your ticket ed heads. One youth summoned up
and your seat yearly, sufficient courage to go upstairs
Get your Commencmnt prgramme and investigate, and he arrived in
at : the door. It is not only useful the Chemistry "Lab," with the
for reference, but is also a nice startling announcement .of . "We're
souvenir. getting wet downstairs.' It turned
There 'is very iltble doing •at the out though, that one of the sinks had
negotiations emissary, to "make a school except practice and prepare- overflowed, while the over-enthua.
full atiatenrlent.'" lie dee/ages tat tion for the big night. however, mastic Fourth-Formers.:expe'rimented
the doctor holds the "key" of the there are rumours about that the 'with :hydrogen,
case. bays basket -ball team will play We .
tervelt "sometime soon." We shan't
vouch for the truth of this it's only
just `.`what they say." Here's ho —
ing its true, that's ell.
Several people have died in San
Francisco from using what is sup-
posed to be poisoned soda. It is al-
leged that ;the arsenic had been
thororghly 'blended with some bulk
soda rind it is believed that it, was
an attempt at mass murder. The
policeare checking up, on .the mat-
A. Meister is dead at Chippewa at
the age. of 101. For several years he
was inspector of : customs at Buffalo
and deputy collector at Black Rock,
N.Y. It was while there that he
saw the departure of the Fenians
for Canada in '66 and also witnessed
their return.
Here's a Iaugh.' Audrey Murdoch
informs us that she's had her for-
tune told. A'mn:ong other interesting
details, the fortune-teller informed
her that she was "reticent" After
all, the man had nothing to work on
but her handwriting. Mir. Franks,
who has .had personal experience,
would tell another story, 'we have'nb
The delightful announcements on
the 'bulletin boards have- filled the
hearts of all the students with joy.
Whatever would we do if there were
no Christmas holidays to follow up
the horror of exams. Life wouldn't
be worth living.
Well this is all we have for now.
Whatever will we do if we are .heav-
ily censored? •However, when
there's nothing to write about,we
can't invent it, or that would be
dreadful. Thesrefoilce until (Cam-
mencement, we make our adieus.
A new trade treaty has been made
between Canada and NewnZealand, To date, Nov, 22nd, Registrations 10 or12per' cent.
issued last t. ' to register yet.
details of which were
week. For the part three years the 1 of upwards of 48,000 acres have been The following table is quite interest -
two coantuies helve been operating received, but it is felt that there are ing:
an a treaty signed in 1932 and re-
newed each year.
Tuesday's despatches brought the
news that Ethiopian troops were re-
gaining territory lost and were driv-
ing the Italians toward the frontier.
The worst that the world wishes It-
aly is that her troops may be driven
from' the territory where they should
never have been.
The Federal: 'Governmienit is ;set-
ting up a Dominion Chamber of Ag-
riculture, of which all Agricultural
organizations in the Dominion will
be memibersand the welfare of agri-
cultural interests will be studied and
problems considered.
The Nanking Government is mov-
ing to oppose any move an the part
of North Chinato separate from the
rest of the country. Japan says the
central government is too late.
..After all Acting -Premier Nixon did
don his best duds and attend the re-
ception given by Lieut -Governor
Bruce and Mrs. Bruce to Lard and
Lady Tweedsmuir on Tuesday. It
was a sensible move and the infer-
ence is that he had special permis-
sion from Premier Hepburn.
It appears that France is going to
stand by the League in applying the
penalties upon Italy and the probabil-
ity is that when they "get going"
Italy will find her position difficult.
It is hoped war measures will net be
Lloyd George, it ie alleged, turned
down an offer to head the Liberal
Party in, England but is returning to
the Liberal' fold, after some time
spent as an "Independent"
,Premier Mussolini has forbidden
the Bank of Italy to publish a state-
ment of its holdings of gold, also is
forbidding the publication of any
statistics which would give to the
League .of Nations informaion con-
cerning Italy's ,resources.
A man in Whinipeg was sent to
jail for a month for stealing a bottle
of milk.
terrible story' comes from Sud-
bury of the neglect of a little baby
Kent . . , ..1.
Elgin . , ....
Middlesex . . ,
Lambton .. ..
% of Total Sales By Counties
Total Acreage Sept. 1—Nov, 22
26293 56 129967 bus.
10443 21 45512 bus
2938 7 Included with
1567 3 3 Counties.
6553 13 38345 bus.
46794 1001s
The final yield will be somewhere
between 19 1-2 to 20 bushels per ac- ;
re. Total Sales since the first of
September up to the time of writing
have been approximately 226,000
bushels as compared with around
206,000 bushels in the same period a
year ago. For this figure of'226,-
000 bushels consideration must be
given for about ,upwards of 60,000
old beans. The quantity of old beans
left is practically very small. The
present Government, unfortunately,
have seen fit to bring to the atten-
tion of the Supreme Court the legal-
ity of the Natural Products' Market-
ing Act, together with other Social
Legislation of the Bennett Gokern-
meat. It is probable that this will
not come before the Supreme Court
before some time in February. As
this is one of many things which
this Court has to consider, it may
213824 bus.
possibly be March or April before
any action is taken. The Supreme
Court are merely being asked for an
opinion as to the legality of the Act.
The Dominion Government have
engaged the Hon. Mr. Rowell and
Mr, Laurent to argue the case in fav-
our of the validity of the Act, whilst
the different Attorney Generals of
the several Provinces will argue
against the Government and no
courier will be permitted to repre-
sent any of the different Marketing
Schemes in operation. The bringing
of the Act before the Supreme Court
coupled with the recent Reciprocity
Negotiations with the Buyer all ov-
er the Dominion and the resultant
slowing up of Sales, On the other
hand it has probably caused the
farmer to press his beans on the
market where he normally would
have held them back.
who was ill and who died from neg-
lect and starvation.
The mayor of Woodstock received
e letter fiom a Galifonia woman ask-
ing him to have changed the date of
the exeoution of Mrs. Tilford for the
murder of her husband, Dec. 17th,
the date set is her birthday, it seems,
and she was afraid she couldn't enjoy
the festivities if she 'knew a woman
was being hanged in Canada on that
When the conference is held en
December 9th of the Federal and
Provincial Premiers an effort will be
made to get the financial condition
of the provinces in better Shape. The
provincial debts, it appears, now to
I tal something over one billion and a
quarter. Looks as if we had all been
living a bit beyond our means.
The holders of Canadian wheat are
beginning to have same faith that
the stocks are to be moved out . at
fairly good prices. Something like
six million bushels have been ship-
ped out of •Canada, weekly during
November, it is stated, so that should
soon make a big hole in the supply.
When shoe repairers hold a picnic,
they usually enter into their merri
ment with awl their heart and sole.
—Kitchener Record.
And they enjoy themselves if they -
are on their uppers, -Chatham News.
And as long as it lasts.—Montreal
But if anybody asks if they had a
good time they reply. "Oh, just sew
save.' They, never wax enthusiastic.
--London Advertiser,
And when Friend Wife gives any
one of then a tongue -flailing for the
way they flirted, his answer is
"nothing like leather." -.The Clinton
News -Record.
Can get Eggs in
the Springtime
but YOU want a feed that will give you springtime production NOW - 'a feed that will keep the birds.
hustling, full of vigour and pep.
;More profitsare available the, year round with ROE VITAMTZIODI F'E'EDS—+manufactured by 'experi-
eneed Poultrymen with a thorough knowledge of nutrition. ROE- VITAIVIIZED. FEEDS instil BETTER
HEALTH into your birds, maintain GREATER PRODUCTION, and make you MORE MONEY.
Get a: supply fromyourdealer today, -A trial will more than convince you that ROE VITA11111ZED
Fk1EDS produce the most eggs per dollar of feed cost,
OE �Aii S O C
ENi A,MT . 1:Vgle L:.,JEItITIS,