HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-11-14, Page 8d •S: 'PAGE'b THE CLr'NTON NEWS -RECORD' THURS., NOV. 14, 1935 Friends and• some missianat'y. ife people missionaries, hymn, followed read OF ,,,;,, per ib. Ib. CHOICE BEEF, per Ib, . per ib, ... 7. , , , .... , :/.. , , ,,,,,,,. „ ,,,... , . , , . , .. !, .. „ per. lb. OFF, per Ib. ...... ...,.19c Ib. . •12e ,' . , i .12c ,.,.11e „ 13e 18c 1P' 18e 25c 22e . 18c FULL SIZE CHUCK ROAST SHOULDER ROAST OF BEEF', BOILING BEEF, RIB, per lb, VEAL STEWS, per ib. SHOULDER ROAST OF PORK, SIDE PORK, in -piece, per lb. SIDE PORK, in piece, per 1b' SMOKED PICNIC'S, SHANK SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS,. per BONELESS SALT PORK, per CON'NELL 145 TYNDALI. "'CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. ,. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE SPECIAL HEATERS Five Sizes PRICED, AT $4.500„ .55.00,:56.00, $12.00, 517.00, and 518.00 , ALSO ,NEW AND USED COOK STOVES,-Reasoniable Prices Furniture Department THREE-PIE'OE CHESTERFIELD SUITE -,with Spring -filled Cush- ions; Walnut Construction Frame, Covering in Silk Repp with Flow- er Design. FOR THIS WEEK 10 PERCENT DISCOUNT, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS ranging from 52.75 to 55625, THE NEW STUDY LAMP, in bronze finish at Reduced Prices. . SIX-PIEGE KITCHEN SET, Cabinet with Four Drawers and ,Two Shelves . 524.00 Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS -ENGRAVING Ambulance Service -Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night %rr �rrrrrrrrrriYr i :Yrr.-'� i �rrri rrrti :rrirrira`r P rirm'rrriri IM i rii'rrrrs'arq'- ;. We .Wish to Announce that the 'r . SuPertest Service Station -..: ,,,i ,,... ,; is now open under New Management` ;; WE ARE HANDLING A COMPLETE LINE OF .r r r % SUPERTEST PRODUCTS o: rr r "Service is Our Motto" -Tires, Batteries .and Accessories r. ,r rr r Lessee - G. R. Lavelle :: r rY >: Attendant - W.H. Cudmore r '. r l'I A i°riri rirMArrrr arrrr eirrrrraZirrrrri i rrrrri-rrrrAMAi rirrryirrra i / '„ • HOLMESVILLE . Miss France Potter is recuperat- ng in the Clinton Hospital after n 'e46216 013e14tion $or 6j pend10itis. 'hone soon to see her un around again as usual. ,Miss Edna huller: visited her ister, Kathleen, at Sebringville a gay or two last week, Miss Jean Webster spent Remem- ranee Day with friends in Toronto. Mrs. John Cudmore left on Mon. ay for Brampton where she will pend a week with Mr, and Mrs. fiari Cudmore. ' Rev. Mr. Herbert has been in To- Mho for a few days this week, Miss Thelma Cudmore spent a leasant few days with relatives at ondesboro. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Potter attend- d the funeral pf a relative in Tees- icer one clay last Week. The regular ,monthly meeting Ga he. W. M' S. and. V. A., groups Was ell tbie 'Tuesday afternoon at the of .Mrs, Wm., Mulholland, The program, Under the di- ection of Mrs, Will 'Yeo, dealt with in Africa_ and work among the there, which is being done by After the opening the chairman . led in prayer, by the. scripture lesson, by , Mrs. Edgar Trewartha. !our interesting and suitable read- ngs were given by Mrs. Lorne Jer- ,is, Miss Esther EaclVf'ath, Mfrs. EI- n'er Pouter and Mlrs. S. Walters, re- spectively, • At the conclusion of :hese, the meeting was turned over to the W. A. president, !Mrs. Fred Potter, who led in the customary discussion and settlement of business matters. This completed, the corn- pany sat down to partake of a fve2y appetizing tea, prepared by the hos-. tesses, Mrs. Wim. Mulholland and Mrs. D. E, Glidden, The meeting, was 'closed with thebenediction. You are reminded of ' the special evening, service which the Young Peoergs Union is holding on Sunday, Nov. 16, a 7.30. • There will be a young people's choir to render mus- th, while the address will be given by Miss Marjorie Prowse of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, rhe regular congregation and also members of neighbouring congrega- tions are .cordially invited to this Worship service Sunday evening. t.aa+ Friths,'.. V P Te ,.,aa+;,;.,, ,o enship convener, Miss Esther Math. Following the opening Miss Aline Trewartha read son, and a brief talk was PSV, bVlr, Herbert. The musical ber was a very pleasing solo self -accompaniment contributed Miss Ada Finlay, Tht Remembrance Day topic, prepared by the was read by Miss Jean Webster, ter which poems entitled,"White Crosses," and "Peace Must a Troubador," were given l\IUsses Grace MacMath and Grigg, respectively, The Miss Webster, took charge business period, during which minutes were read by Whitmore, secretary, The closed with the Mizpah benediction. Friday's gathering this be in charge of Mr, Mervyn missionary convener, • Mac - hymns, the les - given by num, with by chairman, af- Come as by the Marg president, of the the Miss Gay. meeting week will Lobb, i ! of 3, for October: Gordon '70; ilO. 64; Res; at - teacher. -- SUMM �,RI3ILL The 2o11'awing is the, iipar't S. No. 12, Goderich and Hallett, the months September and Gr. 40h--iFrieda Ellis; 8a; Rapson, 74. . Jr. 4th -Gertrude Tyner, Clayton Ellis, 61; Phyllis RMI,, Sr.. 3rd -Lois Raps" Hoggart, 65. Jr, 3rd-•AFAwyne :Melee, $2. 2nd ---Dorothy BIake, 58. 1st-EKennethilei,, Ni. Pr. A. -Annie %lb, '!b_. tPr, B-Ena `.Yoiiiiston, 71. Number, on roll, 12; average tendan'oe, ' f1.03. -.yDorothiy Wilson, 'SEA.FORTH: The members at the local Lion's Club' were hosts to the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Legion at a banquet at which there was a full attendance of the Lions, 34 visiting members of the Legion and Lions from: the Stratford and Brampton clubs and seven guests froth town were present. The prest- dent of the Legion, Charles' Holmes presided. Lion WV J. Duncan ten- dered a formal Welcome from the club to the members' 'af the Legion, 3. T. Scott delighted the audience with a fine rendering of a solo; Rev. G. J. Ligthbourne, of .Stratford, gave a splendid talk on "Some Lessons That the War Taught the World," ,,; o,,r 1416,..;...-+t,,,a o,..,,..V ,.,,,.... Prepared "and :in charge of the oitiz- snug. RECENT BOOKS CHRIST'S ALTERNATIVE TO COMMUN'ISIII By E. Stanley Jones Mr. Jones; observed at first hand. how Communism is working out in Russia. To a group of one hundred he reported his impressions. After discussion they outlined a program which will be found in this book, for the Christian Church to ;follow if they are to meet successfully, the chlallenge c Ogmniuniem. PRICE 52.00 MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - B�y Oswald Chambers Inspirational readings for each day in the year based, upon scriptural texts.. These books are simple, straightforward, and filled with mesa sages that day by day will continue to bring the quickening life and in- spiration of the Holy Spirit. PRICE 51.25. SACKCLOTH INTO SILK By Warwick Deeprng; Round a vigorous historical Ro- mance he has wrapped a picture of England so vividly described that the reader rs completely absorbed, PRICE 52.00 THE CRIMSON SIGN By H, A. Cody A stirring tale of romance and adventure set at the close of the 17th century' when the English and French were at war in Acadia. PRICE 52.00 THE BATTLE OF BASINGHALL' STREET By E. Phillips Oppenhiem A big villian and seven little vil- lains and a very pretty scheme of vengeance. This story has not peered serially. PRICE 52.00 CHIVALRY • By Rafael Sabatini Chivalry is a brilliant and enter- taining story of action, adventure and love. PRICE 52.00 ap- The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Miss Annie Brown spent the holiday with Mrs. J. Elsley of near Ben - Mrs. John Jervis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dow of Cromarty. Mrs. H. B. Chant of St. Catharines is a guest at the home of her daughter, Ma's. J. A. Sutter. Mr. and Mr's. Samuel Kemp were in Blyth on Wednesday owing to the illness of Mrs. Kemp's brother, Mr. William Rath. Mr, and Mrs, Levi Trick, London, and Mr, and Mrs. F. Lawrence, of Hamilton, called on Clinton rela- tives Iast week -end. Miss Della O'Neil of Toronto, accom- panied by the Misses Parker, spent the holiday week -end with her mother and sister in town. Mr. and Mos. Ernest Cisrter and son, Roger, of New York City visited Iast week at the home of their uncle, Mfr. J. V. Diehl, of town. Mr. Jack Perdue has returned from Stratford, where he played a week's engagement with the Tony Parr orchestra at the Winter Gar- dens. 1Tiss Edith Hodgens of Toronto spent the week -end as the guest of Miss .Beatrice Greene of town, al- so calling on many other old friends 12z.' John E. Howard has returned from a two weeks' hunting trip tp Silver Creek, Manitoulin Island, bringing back a 200 -pound deer with him. IVlessrs. Horace and Fred Wliltse of Detroit came over last week -end to visit their Mother, 'Ml's. L. Willtsc of •tu'?vt. and their brothers on the Londii Road. Mrt, 1VI Goil'inelt has returned to her Rome in Woodstock after a visit driitli her' mother, Mrs. Chas, Cook, who has been in very poor health Ibut who is now recovering, her friends are glad to know. Mrs, J. A,_Sutter was called to Pitts- field, Mann., the ,beginning of the week owing to the death of her • sister'•,in-law,' Mrs. Fred Chant, which took place Sunday evening after -an illness of several months, Mss. Finn and her son and daugh- ter, 'Carl and Evelyn, M'r. B. Hell- yar and 'Miss Irene Beck of To- ronto motored up .and spent the week -end as the guests of the forme sister, Mrs, W. H. Helt. yar. Mrs. Malcolm Mc1Vlurchie and son Wallace of St. Thomas, • North Da- kota, are visiting the lady's broth- er, Mr. Arthur Jamieson of Lon desboro. Mrs. MC'Murchie's hus- band was a brother of the late Mr. S. McMurchie of Clinton. Mr. W. A, Grant Ieaves Saturday, for Orlando, Florida, where he will spend the whiter, Mr. Grant has his mail forwarded in, care of a town !bowling club, so it is easy to guess how he will put in most of his time while down south. ONE FRIEND TELLS ,ANOTHER H: R I S. T M A NEW FRUITS, PEELS, NUTS, CHERRIES & PINEAPPLE PEELS We are pleased to show you these new shipments. Cellophane acka.on. display. P packages Pay• The best news we have is for you this week is - 'Call and inspect your future Puddings and Cakes. All you -have to do. is mix up these fruits, peels etc. THIS IS FOR YOU. ARE YOU INTERESTED': Blue Ribbon Coffee, per Ib. 39c Blue Ribbon Tea, 1-2 alb. for 25c Special Coffee, per •ib. 23c A Few Jars Plum Jam 23c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 15c Corn Syrup, 5 lbs. for 39c Slue Rose Rice, .3 lbs. for 25c Cowan's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. 14c Baker Cocoa, 1-2 lb. for 17c Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs. for 3 lbs. Bulk SoapChips 25c '. 25c s=, Sunlight Soap, per. bar, 6c Surprise Soap, 5 for23e, P. and G. Soap, '7bars for' 24c Five -String Broom Asparagus Cuttings White Aylmer Corn, '2 for 2 Lbs. Sodas Fancy Biscuits, Fig Bar, Etc., lb. Medium Cheese, per lb., - Libby Pork and Beans, per tin Clark's Pork and Beans Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for Dried Apricots, per lb. ; New Prune:,, 2 lbs. for Beautiful New Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for New Drained Orange and Lemon Peel, lb Citron Peels . . New Dates with Pits, 3 lbs. for New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. for New Texas Raisins, with Seeds, 2 lbs. for Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for Candied Cherries, 1-4 lb. for Pineapple Peel, 1-4 lb. for New Australian Currants, per lb. California Grapes, 2 lbs. for Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. for Celery Hearts 10c Crisco, 2 lbs. and Premium 65c Oranges, per dozen • 33c Grape Fruit, Honduras, 6 for 25c 35c 15c 19c 25c 15c 19c 10c 12s 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 21c 33c 25c 17c 25c 25e 15e 15c 15c. 25c 9c t: FRIGIDAIRE NEWS Bacon, in piece 29c Cottage Rolls, per lb. 20c FRESH SAUSAGE -Canada Packers, Schneider's and Swifts. Finnan Haddie,' Codfish ,Filletts. Agent for Sunset Dyes, Walkerside's Ice Cream, Weston's New Prune Wheat Bread NEW SHIPMENT OF CHINA Prue CLOVER HONEY For HONEY WEEK Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. ®'NEIL C p TERN GROCETERIA 48 RILEY'S Where Quality SeliS and Service Tells Orange Pekoe Brodway Tea, Ib. 59c (Free Glassware) See This New Shipment Brodway 'Coffee„ per lb. (Free Glassware) Forest City Baking Powder ....25c (Free Glassware) Large Chipso (1 Small Package, Free) Large Oxydoil , (1 Small Package, Free) Loose Black Tea. Banwell Coffee 35c 23c 23e 35c 250 SPECIALS FOR TH.E WEEK -END Cauliflower, Head Lettuce, Pie Pump- kins, Squash, Sweet Potatoes,, Span- ish Onions, Cranberries and Celery Hearts. We BUY AND GRADE, EGGS for which We PAY le 2,. DOZEN MORE IN CASH OR TRADE. • RILEY'S GROCERY FREE 'DELIVERY Phone 39. BAZAAR and CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP under auspices of the W. A. of Wesley -Willis Church in the Council Chamber, on Saturday, Nov. 16th • BOOTHS: Ghost ta9 'MAU, Home Baking olid Produce; Aprons, Candy. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR BOYS AND GrRLS com'meneing at 2.30 Afternoon tea served from 3 o'clock. EVERYBODY WELCOME 52-2. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR under auspices of the Ladies' Guild • in the Parish Hall, Thursday, Nov. 28th 2.80 to 7.00 p.m. BOOTHS: Fancy Work, Doll Booth Kitchen Nook, Home Baking, Gandy, Rummage, Touch & Take Produce, Fish Pond. AFTERNOON TEA Chicken ,Salad, , Bread and Butter, Cake, Tea. 53-2. Queen's Park issaid to have wash- ed its hands of the Labatt kidnap- ping case and of any new trial is given Meisner, who is serving a fif- teen -year term ; for his .alleged part in the noted case, it will have to come from thefederal department Of justice. MASQUERADE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, CLINTON Friday, Nov. 15th 5 PRIZES for BEST COSTUMES Lunch Served at Midnight Admission in Costume, 25c. Admission Without Costume, 35e 53-1-p; A REAL SPECIAL, THIS WEEK IN POMPOMS 50c A BUNCH. Bronze, Yellow and Pink. SPLENDID QUALITY BALANCE OF OUR CHINESE LANTERNS TO CLEAR AT 15c A .BUNCH. F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Phones 31 and 176. CALL AND SEE CLARE BROS, STOYES&H EATERS before buying STOVES FOR - COAL OR WOOD WE MAKE OUR OWN STOVE PIPES THEY, WILL LAST TWICE AS LONG AS FACTORY; MADE. TRY THEM. WE ALSO HAVE Paints, Oil and Glass AT GOOD PRICES 1 T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 A Chance to Save Money We have just unpacked a shipment of SENSIBLE AND USEFUL CFIRISTMAS GIFTS that will enable you to buy at very low prices, and we have them all on display in our large furniture windo'v, you can select from the following articles --BOUDOIR, TABLE AND BRIDGE LAMPS, SMOKERS, COFFEE TABLES, M1A.GAZINE RACKS, BOOK CASES, CENTRE AND END TABLR,S, FERNERIES and FOOT STOOLS, and the price for any of the above pieces 53.75 each Drop in and see our fine assortment of CEDAR CHESTS, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT andhave r al quality. Ae stock of fineuselectionlrof ��Electricalthe Appliac pat- terns oms COFFE-IRONSE PERCUtiLCH 1STERS, ATORS,BULBS AND LIGHTS forour CURLING TChrist- , h st- mas Tree. A big assortment of CASEROLES, PYREX WARE, AL•LUM- INUM and GRANITRW'ARE in many useful articles for the Home, THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Ambulance Calls Prompttk and Carefully Attended To. BALL, & ZAPPE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. 0.1•=011111111•••S.e,e SPECIALS NOV. 14, 15, 16. Pears Naptha Soap, Special, 10 bars 33c Cowan's Cocoa, with 5c Coupon, 1 lb. tin 23c Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. 20c Brooms, 5 -string, Rose Brand 29c Chicken Haddie, Special 2 tins for 25c 21e Chipso, large pkg. Five Roses Flour, per bag $3.25. Peerless $2.95 Royal York Coffee, 1 lb. tin 39c Oxo Cubes, Small 10e. Large 25c Christmas Fruits and Nuts fresh on display Get Your Supply Now. Clinton Creamery Butter, ,.lb. 28c Schneider's Creamery Butter, per lb. 28c Oysters, per jar 35c Oranges, sweet and juicy, per doz., 29c, 35c; 39c. 49c Pork Sausage, per lb. 19c Bacon, Side, per lb. 29c Bacon, Peameal, per Ib. 33c Head Lettuce, large size 10c Carrots, 6 qt. basket 20c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 9c Jams, Strawberry and Raspberry, 32 ozs. 33c Garden Patch Corn, 2 tins for 21c J.T. McKNIGHT & SON Free Delivery at A11 Times -Telephone 111 WE SELL THE: BEST. FOR LESS - d