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Get the best and get value for your money.
' 4 OZ. BOTTLE FOR 25c
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Combinations from 0.00 to $4.50
Premier King intends toapproach.
the British Government immediately
:after, the elections with: a suggestion
to lower tariffs between this coun-
try and Britain.
The ' new trade •treaty: beween
...Canada and the United States, which
has not yet been signed, •is being
-opposed by lumber and live stock in-
tenets in the 'united .States. A threat
:to carry the matter into court was
made by the Florida Agricultural
"Tarin" Association. •
The. Italian Dictator ignores the
League of Nations Committee sanc-
tions committee and writes to all
fifty combining to apply penalties,
threatening reprisals' if the penalties
are applied, The League committee
Is taking no notice of these notes and
Sunday at midnight: the sanctions
twill be comanenced.
Hairy O'Donnell, charged with
the murder of Ruth Taylor in To-
ronto last' week, will appear in
,court Friday, Nov. 22. The accused''s
lawyer ds asking that O'Donnell be
aillowed his freedom to meet his wife
Yon Meeday, when she will be able
•to leave the hospital with her young
babe. So fax the wife knows noth-
ing of the trouble her husband is In,
thinking' that ho is .suffering from
la grippe and that the doctors far
:bid his coming to visit her.
The new trade pact with the •Uni-
l;ed States will probably. ;benefit
',Canadian distillers, :who are report-
ed to have large stocks of whiskey
on hand . wbicb will be shipped
Ari order has been gi'v'en that
smoking .during working. hours by
government employees' will not Ise.
villowed .in Alberta. ' The workers
must remain at their desks until the
quitting bell rings, too, and no loit-
ering will be allowed in corridors.
If Premier Aberhart can eliminate
all useless employees and keep nec-
essary ones at work during office
hours he may be able to same the
province quite a: sum of money,
IBctween 30,000 and 40,000. farmers
in Manitoba, on the Northwestern
shores of Lake Winnipeg, are said to
be in such straits that the Manitoba
Government is planning to feed
then. They are small- farmers;
growing only enough wheat for their
own use, but this year their drops
were, a complete failure. Relief offi-
cials are busy gup checking with
municipal officials in an effort to
gain knowledge of the. number to be
looked after, Mlost of these people
are of Ukrainian stock.'
A simple but very impressive ser-
vice was held at the Menilbiial Cairn
in Clan Gregor, Square on Remem-
brance Day at which there ' was -a
very good •attendance. 'Phe School'
Children . and Great W'ar Veterans
assembled at the School and march-
ed to the Cairn led by the prineipai
of the school; Tohit Ferguson.. Rev.
R. M. Gale offered the opening gray-
er and read the scripture lesson.
Rev. W. G. Bugler then read„ the
.names of the fallen, following which
the two .minutes silence was observ-
ed. Iii his brief address,'Mi. Bugler
stressed the feet rthat men had nide
the sacrifice in war 'which they
thought was to end war. They h'ad
thrown the torch back to us and if
war comes it is because we as indi-
viduals and a nation • have not kept.
faith with those who, died . in Flan
der's Fields and elsewhere. Wie have
failed. Wle have ,not made the sac
rifice in living as they did in dying
for their country. A wreath frons
the Province of Ontarie was placed
on the Cairn by Nursing Sister
Maude Stirling, and one frame the
Police Village of Bayfield by Leslie
Elliott,. The veteran's then marched
around the Cairn, placing their pop-
pies and paying respect to the fallen
as they passed the Membt•ial Tablet,
Rev. Dr. Grierson, veteran mission-
ary of Korea, offered prayer and
the Benediction was +pronounced. by.
Rev. W: G. Bugler.
A most delightful st d g ful social evening
was held in the Town Hall on Tues-
day evening for -the 'members of the
Parish of St.. John's , Varna, St:
Jaanes, Middleton, and Trinity
Church, 'Bayfield. Rev. and Mrs.
Bugler received the guests. Mr. Bug -
The, latest reports from, the war
zone is that the Ethiopian troops
are offering more resistance to the
invading Italiano and that one thous-
and Ialian soldiers' 'have been taken
prisoners. Up to the present the
Ethiopians seemed • to be keeping.
out of the way and allowing the in-
vaders tocome into)' the •country as
fast and as fax as 'they liked,
Eastern Canada has;, suffered from
a sleet and snow storm, When take
phone and telegraph wires have been
destroyed and much damage dome.
And this,inorring word comes of a
severe storm in .Quebec,
The ' i3itish election takes, place
today. So far the return of the
Baldwin G'avernment, with a big
inajority, was freely predicted, The
last day or so, however, it was stets
ed that the majority might not be,
quite so large, But today will' tell
the tale, r There are over 14 million
male•" and; over over 16 million 'fe-
male voters, on the lists, so counting
the ballots will be' no small chore.;
We have heard a lot about the
horrors of penitentiary life,.but the
other day a man who had spent thir-
ty-five years in Porianouth and who
was released last August, asked 10
be sent back. He had been allowed
to go on condition that he would go
and live in an old man's home.
'Iie spent the money which would
have paid his way there, and now 10
homieless and wants ta go back
where board and lodging are sure.
A couple of United States army
flyers 'ascended fourteen utiles into
the blue on Monday ,and sa it is
said, brought back much knewledge
useful for scientists.
Italy hints; that she may withdraw
from the League of Nations. "If
sanetions are too hostile,"
The story comes from St. Cattier -
Ines that a teacher asked a class on
Tuesday why they had g holiday
Monday, trying to find out just what
had been learned about the meaning
of Remembrance Day, a young boy
held up his hand and when asked to
explain he said: "Because' Hepbyrn's
Mr, Vincent Massey, who with his'
wife Landed at Waterloo station;
London, yesterday ,was given a very
warm welcotnle. Among the many
who met the new High Commission-
er and his party was iron. G..How-
ard Ferguson, who has held the
position for the past five years and
who carried on until his ' successor
was ready to take over.
Solite hardy lads went in bathing'
at' Kincardine the thee day. They
said it "might have been worse,"
and no doubt 'was'ale° very 'much
better last July:
Ottawa assures the nation that the
new trade treaty safeguards indus-
tries, that a quota system will . be a'
:feature of the new pact and that the
concessions ,given by 'the United
States are "generous,'
Egyptian gypt an riots against Britain, in-
flamed by Italian influence, it Is be-
lieved; are reported from Cairo. Two
deaths are reported and a number of
wounded. So serious have been the
disturbances that, •the, British.. troops
were obliged to return fire:
.Miss Jean Batten yesterday com-
pleted a successful solo flight across
the Atlantic from Daker, Africa, to
Natal, Brazil, the first tune a woman
ever made such a flight. Mies Batten
is a Neer Zealand girl.
The' "Quints" are to go into mov-
ies, a contract having been signed
to have them pictured on the emcee.
Of course, they will not do any act-
ing, they will just be themselves and
if they do net make. a good picture of
the auto wee things we shall all bo
up in arms about it.
The panic of the lt,t, lion, Geo, P.'
Graham is mentioned as. the choice
fo> the Washington post, Mr Gra
ham 15 one of else most pisturesquo
figures in Canadian public life. He
s a fernier ,journalist and is seven-
ty-six ,years of age, this being the
only handicap but he is vigorous and
tapable and the appointment would
be a poprlar•' ohe.
THURS., NOV. 14, 1935
ler told the story of Rip, Van Winkle
for the' children and then followed
an impdomlptu program consisting
of 'a piano ;duet+ by, Phyllis and Ruth
'Middleton; an orchestral selection by
the. orchestra, Milton Pollock and
Harry ,Brandon, violins,. Grainger,
with cornet; • accompanied by Ma's.
J. Parkes; . a reading by, Mrs. John
Beatty; pianoforte by Betty Middle-
ton; pianoforte by Vera .Pease; saxo.•
phone" solo by Ross Middleton, ac-
companied by Mrs. John Mid'dleeon;
vocal solo by, Miss Lucy Wlo'ods, The
program, which .was much enjoyed
by all present, was interspersed with
dancing and there were also games.
Mrs. Walter Westlake,' accompan-
ied by"' her cousin; 3frs, Gee, Bean
of •Salt£ord, and uncle, Win.
of .Stanley Township; motored,Slack to
Port Hope, Mich., en Friday of last
Week to attend the funeral of her'
aunt, the late kis. las. Cowie. They
returned hernle,•-earll Sunday morn-
Miss 'Ruth ',Houston, ecconnpan-
ied by Win. 'Moran, • of Lend'oe "spent
the _ holiday with her parents, Mr.
and •Mrs, S. -Houston,
. Miss Delores Atwood left on. Mon-
day to, spend a couple of weeks with
her father, A. Atwood, in. Detroit,
who was injured in a railway cros-
sing accident:': }Ter ;many friends
will be glad to know that' he is im-
proving in health.
Misses Ahnie and • Louise McLeod
left Iast week to spend some tin'ie in
London. ,
Dr,P. Lewis
E , of Toranto:cvri's the
guest r. of: NEM, N. W. Woods ov-er the
week -end, Mrs;, Lewis,' •who visited
with her cousin' for a fortnight,'; re-
turned to Toronto with him on Mon;
Mr and Mrs'. Thornton Mustard
cf Toronto 'spent the weekend at
their. cottage. ,
Misses Elva and Anne Dewar and
Mr. and Mrs, David Dow'ar•of Toron-
to were with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. D, Dewar, over the week -end.
Mr. J. Cameron and son, Evans, of
Toronto :were at their cottage over
the week -end.
Miss Helen Bugler of London spent
the week -end with her brother, Rev.
W. J. Bugler.
11'Ir. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left on
'Tuesday to visit their daughters,
Mrs. E. Kendall, Elmira, and Mrs.
Roy Poth, Caledonia, en route to
spend the winter in Florida.
err., and Mrs. C. Scctehnter and
Mr. 'and kiss. A. C. Brandon motored
to Toronto on Sunday where they
spent Armistice Day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford King and
Master Douglas, and Miss Mina
Proctor of Toronto spnet the week-
end with the former's ,parents, Mr.
and Mrs, George King.
Mi. Wim. Robinson and son, Jini,
of London were at. their cottage over
the week -ends.
Mr. and Mbs. Fred Fowlie and
Lawrence F'owiio of London were
with their sisters, Miss F. and E.
F6wlie, over •the week -end,
Mrs. R. I. F. Gairdner and Miss
Betty of London were at their home
in the village over the week -end.
Miss Lucy Woods returned horse
on Friday evening atter leaving vis-
ited friends:' in Windsor, fort Stan-
ley and London.
Mrr. Robert Penhale and the party
of nu accompanied en who a comic need hnl to
Northern Ontario on a hunting trip
returned home on Monday evening,
having bagged four deer:amongst
A .very enjoyable evening was
spent by the choir of St. Andrew's
United Church last Friday evening,
at the home of Mr. and *s. Donald.
MlcKenzie, who were recently par-
ried. After a social time together of
games and contests, Mr. A. E. Erwin
read an address to the young couple
and Miss Gladys Gale presented them
with a lovely',silver .creams andsugar
set on a -silver tray. Refreshments
were then served by the choir.
At the morning service -in St. An-
drew's ehurch on Sunday, Mir, Wil
Ilam J Fuller president of the Young
Peoples' Union of London Confer-
ences gave a niost'impressive and in-
formative address taking as bis sub-
joot, "The Current 'challenge to
Christian Youth" He dealt with the
a,ttitdue of youth to the eeonamie,
the racial, the drink problem, . and
war. He declared Y
az dthatthe outhof
North America were banding togeth-
er to study these -problems, and seek
to face them in the spirit of Jesus.
At the evening service Rev. Dr.
Grierson of Corea made a most im-
pressive appeal for the mission work.
of the ehurch. Ire has spent 37 years
of his life. in .that ,strange and won-
derful land. ,Fl3s presence and ap-
peal were specially interesting in
that he was associated in the work
there`with Dr. J. 5., Gale, brother of
the minister of the congregation,
Theca who, had the privilege of hear-
ing hien could' not 'but have their in -
tweet and' zeal quickened for the
missionary work °fell* chureh, The
whole day was, one of steep interest,
and was indeed fitting for Armistice
Sunday,ins that the purpose and aim
of the different addresses were. truly
for the 'peace' of the world.
Very appreprlate musk was ren-
dered by the choir et both services.'
Hugh Hill, Goderich
New Vice -President
W; L. Cock of Yarmouth, N.S., was
elected president'-'' of the Canadian
Guernsey Breeders' Association, at.
Amherst, N.S., on Tuesday; to: suc-
ceed K. A. M. Sheerer of Aneaster,
Ott., and Hugh ,hill of Goderich was
elected vidtp1esiclente •
The 7611 annitiersaiy ` services of
Knox Presbyterian Church were held
here Sunday, when Rev, A, Budge,
Hagersville, moderator of tht Synod
nt Hamiltoh and Louden, Was 4he
speaker. ,,Some years ago Mir, Budge
taught in No. 3 school in Colborne
Township. The morning service
took the farm: of one held in olden
days when the congregation sat when
singing and rose during ,prayer.
P'sadmc were sung. There was no m
gan or choir. The singing was .-led
by a presenter, . Donaiid M eLean, of
Lochalsh, who caught`the note from
the tuning fork. The collection was
gathered in a box with a hinged top
with a long handle attached, In the!
evening, the music was supplied .1(5).
the church choir under the leader-
ship of Mos .John Houston and con-
sisted of an anthem, a quartette by
Misses Josephine Wei and Edith
Stoltz, W. Braddock and A. Rollinson, I
and a solo by kiss N. Stoltz.
The annual fowl supper was served'
in the basement of Knox Presbyter-
ian. Ohureh Monday evening, after
which the Young People of Porter's
Hill presented a four -act play en-
titled, "Ibere Comes Charlie," in the
Forester's Hall. Rev. Mr. Mills,
pastor of the church, introduced Mrs.
Torrance and she presented the mem-
bers'of the cast, who included Larry
Elliott, Argyle 4,,ockhart, Eleanor
Cox, Glen Lockhart, Dora Harrison,
Evelyn Cox, Ray Cox, Mrs. E. Bell,
Dorothy Cox, Alvin Betties..
The play was exceptionally well
presented, each player taking his
or her part admirably. Between acts
a duet was sung 'by Josephine Weir
and Harvey keGee, violin music giv-
en by Raymond Redmond and: a solo
by Harvey McGee. Miss •Mae Red-
mond and Mrs. R. J. Phillips were
acccmpanjsts. The proceeds amount-
ed to $180.
Mrs. J. Steep spent eut a couple of
days with her mother, Mrs. Miller of
Goderich township.
Messrs..Horaee and Fred W;iltse
of Detroit visited their brothers
here and -their mother in Clinton for
a few days.
Mrs. Jacob of the County Home
has returned after svisit with
friends in Detroit and 'lhiilford,
Mich. s.
A jolly time was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiilts°
Friday evening last when the lady
entertained her Sunday school class
of young ladies. There were twen,
ty-two present and the class took
the opportunity of electing their
officers, The roll call was answered
by a number for the program which
consisted of playlets, contests, read-
ings and vocal and instrumental
selections. Three young ladies cane
in costume and acted the part (lur-
ing the evening. A very jolly time
was spent and delicious refresh-
ments were served by the hostess.
A hearty vote of thanks was given
the 'host and hostess for their enter-
SEAFORTH: Mrs, G. A.Sills, of
Seaforth, had the misfortune to slip
on the door step of her residence and
fracture her arm.
Count Road
Commission of the County of Huron
Tuesday discussed purchasing a
four-wheel-driroe truck for the county
snowplows. The matter was not set:
tled definitely, but it was• thought
the purchase would -be cheaper in the
long run than co-operating with the
highway department, as was sug-
gested by a representative. A few
small accounts were passed, All
members, Reeves Cardiff, Eckert,
Haacke and Warden Sweitzer were
This week, perhaps, we shall ,00-
eupy a rather modest corner, as coni
pared .to that of last week Never-
theless, we should like you, to know
that despite the fact that not a thing
is happening' at school, everybody is
in good health and full of enthusiasm
Mao that school is going on ae
smoothly as ever. •
Commeneement, which is the
greatest day in all the school year,
is now alarmingly close at hand. The
date set, we hear, is the 28th and 29th.
of November. Two weeks! We hope
that everyone will come and see it,
ilor it .is going to be bigger and bet•
ter than ever this' year. Everybody
has been pracising wibh great inter-
est, we hear that there is to, be a
gym ,team this year. Let's hope se.
The team always makes a hit, and
provides a touch oil the unusual. The
boys in Miss Nixon's play are all
letting their beards grow, we are
told, because they are supposed to
be backwoodsmen. A stranger at
the school would no doubt, be .some-
what astonished at the wild and wool-
ly appearance of the students. That
e e i
ss n a] realistic touch must be ob-
tained for the play, however.
,A basketball game was held last
Tuesday between two 'Second )! orm
squad -s. At first the game was rath-
er one-sided, and if it were . not for
the aboninable shooting of the team,
a heavy score' would have been piled
up. The team however, missed the
basket so frequently thad the score
was kept fairly low. Later mein the
game the other team woke up suffi-
ciently to realize that they were be-
ing rather heartlessly beaten, and
settled down to .work. They were a
little too late to make a victory of is
but they were oniy a few points be
Fordeverds: Gertrude Holmes,
Mary Thomlpson, Dorothy Deitz;
guards, brelen Mackenzie, Edna Pic-
kett, Jean Swan, Rhoda Govier; for-
wards, Helen Levis, Eleanor Sprung;
Edna Dayman; Guards, Erma Hale,
Dorothy Peck, Florence Yungblutt,
The fust team were victorious by
a small margin.
Well, here` it is November, and
not , much bad weather. yet. "The
tneleneholy days are come" but they
aren't so bad, really. They mean
foot -ball is over, but there's always
hockey and basketball to look for-
ward to. By the way, what about
our hockey team ,this. year? Those
red and blue dweaters are still
flaunting themselves about the cor-
ridors, anyway.
We hope to see many more games
in the near future. Basketaball is
being neglected lately. We want an
organized team that will really go
places and win games.
!Hurrah!' We have. found 'a sup-
porter! After pleading for many
weeks in aur column for the "Trophy
Case" at the school, and receiving
no response, but a cold -silence, we
decided to give it up as a bad job.
And then the 0.0.I. Broadcaster
caught up our echo and shouted it
from the platform. We felt consid-
eralbly cheered.
'We are glad to see that the injur-
des'which Levis suffered in a foot-
ball game recently have sufficiently
recovered, that the chalk -box which
served as a loot -Test for hint is no
longer deemied necessary. It is non
replaced on the desk in its former
position, although the lid still bears
the label: "Ohev's patent footrest." -
A•lso we are glad to note that some
very, insulting- notices placed near
theC.C.I. by Hall'owe'en practical
jokers have., been removed. We ob-
ject to the side -walks' leading to the
Collegiate being labelled as "C'attle-
Orossin.gs." And if these are cattle -
crossings what is inferred about the
students ? ? ? 7
Well, this is all Lor to -day. Hope
to, see ell of you at the Commence-
ment. S'long till •,then! '
DUNGANNON: A large gather.
ing of relatives and) friends pale
tribute of respect to a pioneer' of the
Township of Ashfield, when the fun-
eral of Samuel 'Johnston washeld
from the home of his brother,
James Johnston; concession 2, Rev.
E. W'. Pomeroy, pastor of St. An.
drew's United Church, Poet Albert,
conducted. h
d ted t e .service. Interment
was in Dungannon cemetery, with
six nephews acting as pallbearers,
Lester. Harold, Eldon, Lorne and
Wilbert Johnston, and Ross Taylor,
while the flowers were" borne by
Howard Johnston, Victor Hoy, Port
AIbert; Charles Beadle, Auburn, and
John Ryan, Bayfield.
HOWICK: Miss Dorothy Eliza-
beth Irene, youngest ..daughter of
William Set/mean and the late Mrs;
S'otheran, of Howiek, became the
bride of Roy Heilman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Hartman, at a quiet
wedding service in St. Stephen's
Church,, at Gerrie. Rev. A. H. O'Neil
officiated. The bride wore a gown of
rose transparonts velvet, with hat to
match. 112x, - and Mrs. Hartman left
on a honeymoon Trip to Toronto,
Niagara Palls and other cities. The
bride travelled :in a navy blue en-
semble with hat and accessories to
maheh. Upon their return they will
reside on the groom's farm near
GODERICII': For the first time
in the history of Alexandra Marine
anti General Hospital, ,triplets have
been born within its walls, The proud
parents are Mee and Nres. Fred Mc-
Cabe, Rs R. 2, Goderich Township.
The babies, all boys, were born Sat-
urday. Two are four pounds, the
third 31-2 pounds. Mother and
sons are fine.
IBLYTH: The following officers
were recently elected to lead .the
Blyth Young Peoples' 'Union of the
United demob, for the coming year:
President, Lloyd W:ettlaufer; lst
vice -resident Kenneth Brook; 2nd
vice-president, ,
vice-president, Margaret herons;
secretary, Fred earthew; assistant,
secretary, Madeline Bell; treasurer,
Alena Munro; pilanvst, Dorothy
Hellyman; assistant pianists, Helen
Shaw and EIizabeh Mills; Christian
fellowship, Margartt Cowan; mission-
ary, John Thompson; citizenship,
Vivian 14e10lroy; Christian culture,
Gertrude Elliott; leadership 'brain-
ing N. P. Garrett, 'MAs, Wietbser; re-
creation, Dr. Tall; publication; Edith
Elliott, The program consisted of a
duet by Jean and Irene McCallum,
and a piano duet by Elizabeth Mills
and Lloyd Wettlaufer, Kenneth
$rook gave a report on the older
boys' leadership conference, recently
held in Stratford,.
It's .Time to Put Those
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Get Them
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Freshly mixed daily ' nvith ttliality ingredients, tier} palatable, easily digested, vitamized with Dehy: cleated alfalfa, fortified cod oil, yeast and iron, a choice selection of animal anis vegetable proteins, eou.can't
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Care andpn.'act'ical experience keep the quality up, Our goltime .buyiiig ,keel's your, price down. It is iri
daily use by more' than 500 farmers... Get a,bag today; Complete feeding' instructions in cavery bag.
400 lbs,.
of your
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