HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-11-07, Page 8MINCE -MEAT, 2, lbs. for . DRESSED HOG, . By Half,, per lb. . IIEAD CHE'ES.E per ]b PORK CHOPS per iQh I212e• 11Ic • 20c HOME-MADE SAUSAGES, per ' ]b„ VEAL CHOPS, per Ib.. .20c LAMB. CHOPS, per Ib • 22c SCHNEIDER'S LARD; per lb. ...... . .... , ., . ,r17c: 20_ -LB. PAIL LARD, for . • , FOWL FOR ARMISTICE DAY 'CONNELd di, 'TYNDALL . " CLINTON'S LEADING.. MEAT.. MARKET'" Phone 162. Albert street, DOMINION HARDWARE, STORE We REPLACE, AUTO GLASS. Drive in and have it done before cold weather sets in. WWINDOW, GLASS any size, and quantity. NEW AND USED KITCHEN RANGES on display. Come in and see these malues. TWO DIFF'ERENT MAKESOF QUEBEC HEAT- ERS. ASBESTOS MATS for Heaters in different colours and sizes. eammeemee Furniture Department NEW STOCK OF BATHROOM AND HALL MIRRORS PRICED FROM 75e to $9.75 REDUCED PRICES ON STROLLERS AND WICKER BABY CARRIAGES. SWEEPER VAC ELECTRIC 'CLEANER with an attaihment for gleaning Furniture, Rugs, Drapes, Car Upholst,ering, Etc. Has been' slightly used.—PRICED FOR CASH SALE SMOKERS, ASH TRAYS, END TABLESeCAILD TABLES, OCCAS- IONAL CHAIRS, STUDIO COUCHES;, DAYBEDS Always on Dis- play. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day on Night • BAYFIELD A very jolly Hallowe'en party was ' field at the Rectory on Friday even- ing when a unique shower under the auspices of the W. A. of Trinity Church was presented to Mrs. Del- bert Haw, formerly Miss Nina Heard, their ane time secretary. The rectory was tastefully decor- ated in Hallowe'en colours and after the arrival of 'the 'bride a number of masked goblins mysteriously appear- ed in the hell. Atter guessing who these queerly dressed creatures were the masks were removed and each one was presented with a sijp, of pa- per which instructed the party, lead by the guest of honor, to look in the various hiding places about the rec. tory where other slips of paper,, read by the leader, were found directing the seekers front plaee to place. Al the end of the search a slip of paper directed "the 'bride to the dining room where a large pumpkin was lit. The mouth of the pumpkin face held another slip -in the form of an ad- dress which :reed es "tollews; "Dear Nina: We of the,'Vyomen.'s Anxiliary el the Trinity Church Branch, take this opportunity of erxpessing • our eangratulations and ,geed ivlshe� to you and Mr Haw, (in Absentia) for inanly.•years 11.41A and happittss9 eichiy Messed of essed of` God. Accept this little drawer at a number of memen- tos of your friends in Bayfield, May the friendship for which they stand last 'long alter these nioinentds"have perished and their memories-: after faces have been forgotten. On behalf of the ;Trinity Church W. A. Elsie Bugler, President," At each, side of the pumpkin sat a miniature bride and groom surround- ed by a number of shower gifts. After ",the bride had extended thanks an apple bobbing contest took place. , Reiv, Mr. Bugler took charge cf.' a: number . of humorous ;stunts and games which were much enjoyed by all At the conclusion e. dainty 1><riteh was, .served. "' On behalf of the members of. the •. A.Y.P.A.'s of the Parish of Bayfield, Varna and Middleton M. and Mrs. • Haw were recentYpiesen ted with a silver pie knife and address exprea• 'sing the sentiments and geed wishee. of the young people; While visiting in Toronto, at the bathe of the groom's sister the young couple were made the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts in the form of 'a miscellaneous shower. Rey. and Mrs. J.. F. Parke, who ;spent the summer at Paradise Per.m, 'have returned to. Toronto where they will stay for the winter. Miss Mary Widoorebe has returned home after visiting her .sister, Mrs. -AIlan Pye of Windsor. ^1` •Mrs. R. R. F. Gairdner and .daugh- ter Betty of London, spent' the week- end in Bayfield: e Mrs. 'S: A: Holley returned to De - emit on Saturday after, spending the summer months in Bayfield, Mrs, Tpml Brandon and children, Harry, Norman and Barrie are vis- iting• in Waterloo- with the fornmer's Mother, Mrs. Toni Barrett. Mr. arid' Mrs, J...0. Goldthorpe left ee ATnray for a hunting trip up ANTerth. • Messrs, Walter Westlake, Ninian Heard, Robt. P'enhaIe, Fred Watson, of Bayfield, Mr. Jack Howard of Clinton and Messrs. Fliendrichs of St Joseph left last week in Mr. Pen- hale's truck to ga deer hunting in Manitoulin Island. On Monday evening a meeting of the Bayfield Badminton Club was held and the following officers elect- ed for the:, ensuing year: President: Mrs. Fred McEwen; vice•epresident, Murray Grainger; secretary -treasur- er, Charlie Wallis; Ladies' Captain, Marion Davison; Men's Captain, Rus- sel Grainger. We have quite, a num- ber of younger members joining this year and we hope the Badminton Club will have a successful season, Mrs. Ed .Sturgeon received very sad news last Friday, when he heard of the death of her lather et his home In Crediton. He was buried THE. CLINTON .:NEWS -RECORD, • RECENT , BOOKS CHRIST'S ALTERNATIVE' TO COMMUNISM By E. .Stanley Jones Mx Jones observed at first hand how Communism is working out in Russia. To :a group of one hundred he reported •hie impressions, After discussion they outlined a program which will be found in this book, for the Christian Church to follow they are to meet, successfully the challenge of Clemmuniern PRICE $2.00 . . MY UTMOST. FOR HIS •HIGHEST 13;y eiswald Chariibers Inspirational readings for each day in -the year 'based- upon scriptural texts. . ' These books are' "simple; straightforward, and filled with mese sages that _day ,by day will continue tobring,the,•quickening life, and in- epiration of the Holy Spirit:; .PRICE $I.25 ,, „ •. SACKCLOTH' INTO SILE By Warwick Deepmg Round a vigoroas historical Ro- mance he has wrapped a picture of England se vividly described that the reader is completely abso'rbed: . PRICE $2.00 ' THE CRIMSON SIGN By H. A. Cody . • A. stirring tale of romance and, adventure, set at the close of the 17* century when the English and French were at war in Acadia. PRICE $2.00 THE BATTLE OF BASINGHALL STREET By E. Phillips Oppenhiem A' big viillien and' seven Iittle vil- lains and a very pretty scheme of vengeance. This story has not ap- peared serially. PRICE $2.00 CHIVALRY By Rafael Sabatini Chivalry 'is a brilliant and enter taming story af' action, adventure; and love. PRICE $2.00 The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best THURS,1((W 7, 1 $ED A] W l 'isti a s News,. L_ us t Arrived,New Australian, Sultana and Iarge. seeded and unRaisinsseeded • Also New Famous Australian Currants, ,E SPECIALIZE IN NEW FRUITS FOR' THE CHRISTMAS SEASON . . New Dates ' Figs, Apricots ., an g , d Prunes also in :Stock EVERYTHING NEw Ve will be pleased to furnish Recipes for Dark, Medium Dark and Light Fruit Cakes A WEEK -END OF SPECIALS SPECIAL .CORN, 3 tins for 23c SPECIAL—PEAS, 2 tins for 19c SPECIAL—NEW DATES, 2 lbs. for 25c SPECIALS -=SPECIALS MACARONI, 3 lbs. for 25c MEDIUM CHEESE, per: lb. 19e MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for 25c GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for 25c TABLE FIGS; per pkg. 10c and 25c • NEW BRAZIL NUTS, per lb. 19c :. COOKING FIGS, 3 lbs. for 25c -',TUNA FISH FLAKES 15c SPECIAL New Stock of Sunset Soap Dyes 10 Bars Comfort Soap and Free Pkg. Ammonia, 45c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. We are willing to keep and Remember , Armistice Day in the best and most fitting way. We therefore wiil be closed all day Monday. . SPECIAL—SUNLIGHT SOAP BARS: 6c HEINZ ASSORTED SOUPS, 2 for 27c : CELERY HEARTS; each • 10c HEAD, LETTUCE, CALIFORNIA GRAPES CAULIFLOWERS, 2 lbs. for 25C ' SPECIAL Pumpkins, Finnan Haddie, Citrons, Oysters, Filletts Haddie, Tenderloin and Spare Ribs WALKERSIDE'S ICE CREAM New Shipment of China—Bring in Your Coupon Cards. • Ta O'NEILCORNERPh CLINTON'S ETEBiIT i r�v Illul�1� t o 1ihllllllll71nr 7117,11 , 17,70 i 7771171111-. poll.._ Miss Freda Wallis of home last week -end, Miss Brickenden spent the week -end With friends in London. Mrs. A. Johnston of Ashfield is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. John- ston. Mir. J.' B. Lobb is spending a few days visiting friends in Galt this week. Miss Dot Cowan of Blyth was a week -end guest of the Misses Walkinshaw. Mis F, Gilb ,J Guelph wa., s va ert of Goderich town- ship has beet} visiting with Mss.. last Monday at Grand Bend Cerise- Ross Fitzslmbns. Eery. Mr, Bob Gandier of Toronto was the Mrs. W. E. Parker entertained a guest of 'Mr. John Cuninghame number of friends on Tuesday, even over last week -end. Messrs. IL Fitzsimons and W. Hig- ing at her home when she gave kitrhen shower in honour of th hew- .serving on the juryt, y -wed bride, Mrs. Delbert Haw, Who Mr. and Mrs. W. 4, Penhale of Ere, on receiving the gifts ;,neueee the teT Yldntt+h, e home of Mrs, r ed at r any inn a' icy Well sh"eit words, George holland on Friday last. The playing of .earths 'occupied the i Mr. Alvin Leonard o Milton brought Major peel 6f ithb s:;editlg acid after- ( his father 'home, Saturday and Wards a very dainty lunch was serrepent the 'weekend with hi r- 'gins are in Ggdegieti this week vel. ent$i • Anna. Jackson of Renard '' and (Intended for last week) Mr. Ed. Cardwell of. Stratford vis- In an . account of Mrs. ' Wen. C. Red -Mrs. T. J. Cardwell' of lova Johnston''s obituary it was erroneous- this week, ly reported that she was ;born in Mr.- and `Mrs, Wm+. Moore and son, Prince Edward Island, Mrs, Johnston. 'Bill, of Landon visited their aunt was born in Goderich in'"'1858 and and cousin, Mrs.. Ghanubera and moved to Prince Edward Island when Mies Muadieeon Sundafy. two years old, and later returned to 'Nix. and. Mrs. G; E. Hall. and, 'Miss. Bayfield where her girlhood days and her declining years were spent. The funeral took placeon the' 22nd of October. Rev. E. M. Gale con= ducting the services. Out of town relatives attending the funeral were Mrs. R. B. Stowe, Toronto, Mie. Leonard Roberts, , Mrs. Geo, Pinkie and Wilfrid Macdonald of Kitchener, hfr.' and Mrs. Waiter Biichannan, Mr. and Mis, Gordon Ieaedafllid, Mrs, Murdock Macdonald arid; Mie.,Norenen McKeey, Goderich, The Interment was at the Bayfield 'Cemetery and tha .pallbearers were George Elliott, George Weston; Percy Weston, John Parker. and Welter Buchannan and Gordon Macdonald of Goderich, A very interesting . evening was spent' last Friday evening in St.'An- drew's United basement, Hayfield, and enjoyed by a f1311 hen8. The first part of the evening was. spent in games for 'the children this .WAS followed by lantern slides, "A Trip Around the Wee:1d." theee • edee ihis- sionary picttiires ia colraie s bf 'ehil- Jaen of other' hands. And •the''1ec- ture wits 'read ',by Miss Maude. Stir- ling. Miss Gladys Gale's Pupils then put oh a piano recital, which was. much enjoyed .by all, it being their first public attempt. , Those taking, part on the programs' were Maria Hehner, Elsie McLeod, Patsy _Atkin- son, Mary Torrance, Ruth Middleton,. Phyllis . rttddieton, Mina Reed, Syl .via Lowden, :Floyd ,11,11cAsh and Vera Pease, Doreen Mclfe'wpn {`and• Lor raine Talbot .being absent.' ''$he clil- dren then enjoyed a treat of ,eandy. Evelyn motored to Torontolast week -end and the tura. latter are remaining for the week ,Mrs. M. D. McTaggart and Miss Catharine left Friday last for 'Clearwater, Fla., where they ex- pect to spend the winter. ' Mr. W, W, Cooper of Riplien was in town do Saturday on his way home after a," visit with his sisters and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Ma -s. Adam Scott spent a few days Iast week with the latter's son and his family, Mr, and Mrs..Wil- fred Penland, of the Maitland Concession. . Miss Blanche Gibbi`iigs of Rosetown,' Sask, is visiting at the home, of hes uncle, Mt, R. W. Gibbing.: of the Boron Road, East, and with Tether- friends hereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley.Haggart and fernily. of Hullett and Mfrs, Annie Brown of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Clifford Shurrte and Mr. and Mks. J. Finch, Strat- ford. Mr. Fred Leonard returned Saturday after spending a week or ten days with relatives in Guelph, Wood- stock and Milton, his son being, principal of the Public school 'at the latter place, Mir. `Leennrd at- tended the funeral of a niece of Mrs. Leonard, MIse Anna Wilson of Woodstock, who died as the 1e - suit sof .injuries received When she' 'w s struck by a car .'ivlYetr rossin '' lthe highway on the evetiiiig Tof Thanksgiving dsjy RILEYS Where Quality Sells and Service Tells )n EJ ernernbranee OF OUR DEAR COMRADES TRAT HAVE, FALLEN IN THE GREAT WAR, WE ARE CLOSING OUR STORE ALL DAY MONDAY, November Ilth LEGION COMRADE 'LEST WE FORGET ti RILEY'S GROCERY Phony 99. FREE DELIVERY BUSINESS FOR SALE CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Apply W. N. COUNTER 51-2. BAZAAR and CHRISTMAS GIFT •SllOP under auspte8s.ef the W. A. of Wesley=Willis Church i the Can Chamber, ham!ber on Saturday, Nov. 16th comhnencing at 2,30. BOOTHS: 'Christmas Gilts, Hlorne' Ba'king and Produce, Aprons, Candy. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR BOYS AND GrRLS Afternoon tea served from 3 o'clock. EVERYBODY WELCOME 52-2, PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Barclay of Guelph was a recent rguest of Mrs. Fred Leonard: Mk•. John Jefferson of Wingliam ,spent the week -end with Mr. T. F, Livingston. Miss ,:Margaret Td Laughlin of Lon- • don Wvsited with; ivhsg A: BartlilT . over lastweek end. 1VLisses) lith and..ltfae.Me'wman :and• ^ Mr. B. '?ITarper 'of- W;larton visited XMt w'ea with ldY Mr and Mrs. •'ifl. `lP,ataersoil, - NOW IS THE TIME CHANGE TO WINTER GREASE and OIL BROWNIE'S SHELL SERVICE STATION Huron Road, East CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. Phone 617-43 — FOR SERVICE 51-2, ri WONDERING WHAT TO SEND? WHY NOT F. R. CUNINGHAME , FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery 'Association Phones 31 and 176. CALL AND SEE CLARE BROS. STOYES&HEATERS before buying STOVES FOR COAL OR WOOD WE MAKE OUR OWN STOVE PIPES THEY WILL LAST TWICE AS LONG AS FACTORY -MADE. TRY THEM. WE ALSO HAVE Paints, Oil and Glass AT GOOD PRIICES T. Iiawkins HARDWARE: and PLUMBING Phone 244 Can You Realize ? CIIRISTMAS 1S ONLY A LITTLE OVER 6:WEEIKS FROM NOW So its not too early to select your gifts while our stock is at its best. And what a stock we will have to show you— FOR THE C'HILDR•EN---•A new line 9f Doll Cabs, and Prams, Kid- die Cars, Tricycles, Sleighs, Toy -Sets, Rockers, Etc. FOR YOUR LADY FRIEND—See our grand range of Cedar Chests, Spinet Desks, Book Cases and a big assortment of Lamps to select from, • FOR YOUR BOY FRIEND -•—A Smoker, a Good Mirror, a Pair of Skates, or a Good. Razor would be O.K. AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST FOR THE HOME-1Tere we could mention a host of useful and sensible gifts, but would suggest a Chesterfield Suite, Studio Couch, Davenport, Occasional Chairs, a Good Spring and Mattress or nice new Stove would help to make your home a place of happiness and. contentment, We will gladly put away any orders for later delivery, Our Policy—Small Profits and Quick Returns. The Store With The Stock. BALL, & ZAPFE Hardware, N. BALL, Phone 110. Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers Phone ' J. J. ZAPFE, 195. Phone 103. LOOK 'SPECIALS Nov. 7, 8, 9. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LF,SS Loose Soap Chips, Good Quality, 3 lbs. Chothers Soda Biscuit, 2 lbs. for Chocolate Drops, per ib, 25c 25c 17c New Cooking Figs, Fresh, 2 lbs. for _ 17c New Crop Prunes, 2 lbs. for 23c Brazil Nuts, Fresh Crop, per lb. 19c Bee -Hive Corn Syrup, 2 lbs. 15c, 5 lbs. 33c Garden Patch Peas, 2 tins for Life Buoy Soap, 2 bars for Maxwell House Coffee, per tin Celery Hearts, each Large Turnips, each Cranberries, per lb. 23c 15e 35c 10c 5c 22c ZERO HOUR SALE will Be Continued". Next TUES., WED., from 3 till 4 p.m. The most popu- Ilar hit of the day. Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 29c Peameal Cottage Rolls, per Ib. 19c Broken Sodas, Special,.3 lbs. for 25c Get Our NEW LOW' PRICE' ON' FLOUR We will be Closed All Day Monday. J.T. McKN IGHT & SON Wls Sell the Ilial For Leas Phone 111 '' CLINTON "Your Superior Store"