HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-11-07, Page 5THURS.,'NOV. 7, 1935
--Could we be said to be making an
,,original remark of we asked, "iiow
,did you enjoy the earthquake Friday
;morning?' a,
Did you listen' in to to the welcome
Lord, Tweedsmuir Saturday even-
ing and if so Were you not pleased
with the dignity .and simplicity: of
{Cheer, up! '11heannual , eken
snPpers are here. -'St• Marys Jour
nal -Argus. ,.
;',''Lave a care, 'brother!, That way
trouble lies if •indulged in too lavish-
No matter what may happen in
the British elections 'Stanley Bald-
win' will be a member of the next
-parliament. ' lee was returned by ac
eelarnetion; Mjonday`' at the official.
;sionnnations. +r
iA Toronto doctor won ,$31,600 in
veins. Irish; . sweep, •.but• unfortunately
the sum falls shortby e6,000 of the
einment:asked` for the world's ;rarest
•.-;tamp,: which, is a one -cent British
••: zeGuinia issue.-+M'ai1''.andi 'Empire.
' 'Oh, welt,,,perhaps this doctor. didn't
. ,.avant to- purchase the stamp,. anyway.
We :think it was a Particularly
• '-nasty crack ',for" .. those international
-thieves to pick' on Canada to rob a
visiting Prince, and princess. . Why.
;didn't they edo it before- coming' a-
;Fross the. Atlantic? Canadians-. nese
'see think pi, doing anything: so raesll.
and low. down nand naturally'• were'
not as much en the alert.,as they,
-.evidently, .should heir been.
`Premiere liepburr , may' • be forced,
to'resign e is position and retire from
piibhc life'owing to ill -health. He .is
now away south it the hope `of elear-
trig up' stems bron`ehial trouble which
' • "'hie been"ilistressing him, for some
' time. Unless his heart condition is
' much improved by a rest and sojourn
'in the south he will -likely retire. His
participation in the recent federal
• campaign was undertaken in opposi-
• tion''to the advice' of his'docters, who
warned him against it,
Perhaps husbands should• have
some right to 'restrain their wives,
itis a debatable subject, but we do
e -think, : the :Manitoba husband went
''koo far when he bit off his wife's
' nose to spoil her beauty so that,
while she wouldn't return and live
with him, nobody else should admire
''or love her. Indeed, s'o strongly do
• we feel about it that we hope. the
new now which,the doctors are tier-
' ing to grow. upon her will not only
preserve but enhance her beauty.
Anyway,: the earth' tremors cxpette
enced in Canada Friday morning have
served • as 'a subject of conversation
ion• a great many occasions since and
we have had to listen to so many
'e-deseriptions Of •how our friends• re-
'ucted' to them that we have had lit-
• tie opportunity to explain eur ' own.
We have come to the conclusion, how-
•'ever, after hearing all these vivid
descriptions of sensations, that we
• were the only person who knew in-
:,etantly what "it" was and were not
*at all frightened by the knowledge.
": Sn fact we rather ehjoyed the experi-
ence. But we are perfectly satisfied
- to Iet itgo at that; we ere not hen-
' kering for another and a stronger
•experience of the same sort.
• By the Way, is it 'not worthy of
• `nate that' the last three representa-
• tives of the' king in Canada have
`been • men who represented the high-
•er'things of life, `such as letters and
ale? Lord Byng, while not' a'welter
himself, was still a man of fine sen-
• •sibilities, who encouraged- ' such arts,
while his wife was .a writer of sev,
'•`eral books. The Betsberouglis en-
•'thuaiasticalhy encouraged the art of
•actieg, the whole familyteking'part•
i'n."amateur theatricals, and they did
'much to encourage 'Canada's Little.
Theatre Mervement, 'And now, in
• Lord Tweedsmuir;'" much better'
eknown to Canadians as Jahn Buchan,
"writer, of many Books,' we !hating ,
:'•t"real •author and also an ardent' o
terirag"er- of the'art'!bf acting, who
hale hinise f also taken part in am-
'r°ateur'theatriealee. Indeed he is' in-
terested inalmostall the arts, "end
• what is,,more he is' head of a family
of writers. His wife has written a
'toed deal, 'his daughter had• a book
• ^•published ';before she Was twenty,
-and his eldest son is a magazine
rewriter. •Only the younger son, who.
.,.^'ecco•uipanied his parents to Can.
: ada, and isi sail at schodl.. has so far
eeshown no inclination to take up the.
t7ren.' - ••
•This is in some '.contrast ' to the
: Duke of Devonshire, ' for ''instancy
who' was an expert' in' raising pigs,`
+w,t believe, if our memo5ry' nerves.'
` •"But of tourse, we do not mean 'to int=
. ,ply that we ;have never had as Gov-
,•-ernor-General. in earlier days;rmen of
'literary gate. • The late Duke of Ar-
gyle, who, wrotewhat. we consider
the meet beautiful rendering fol:
church use of the 12'lst Psalm w#rs
.`e -as the Marquis of Lorne, Governor-
"'General' of Canada in earlier ;years,
�O an`d greatly' endeared himself, ' the
'gether with"'his 'royal wife, Princess'
'Louise, daughter bf Queen Victoria;
to the Canadian"people; , Ire' 'also,
'wase a Scottinan, `•
And rt is roll teethe P ,good' thee he
'ra' •eseetatives` of t]ie'C
'Kin"7 iiran•'
".ado' liould. ibe mean• lie are 'friends
•• of, • better still, eieiiibors of;''The gat
istocracy of the mind, Canada has
not had the time so far to spend! In
the study of,the'arts to the greatest
extent, she has been too busy ' in
mastering the physical forces of
this virile young country, but now
that she is growing in population
and in wealth, she will find • increasing
leisure to encourage the 'finer things
of the mind. And it is no small help
to her to have in • the highest posi-
tion in the land a man, and a` woman,
who' not oit are willing to encour
age the cultivation of the arts, :but
who have made and are making val-
uable contributions to theme.' Lord"
and Lady Tweedsrrtuir. will have in
Canada the warmest goodwill and'
friendship of all 'elhsses wee love the
progress and growth of 'their '•native
land, not only in wealth, but in cue
ture,,• • -
The regular 'session of the Sunday
School' was -withdrawn'-' on Sunday,
week, it being the World's Temper.
ince D'ay, end 'et splendid talk wee
given; illustrated by cartoons,'to the
Scheel. by Me: k. T. Cooper of Clin-
ton, which was very 'much appreciat-
ed.. Mrs. M'cCel1 and Mrs G. Scott
eanp: a duet entitled eThe Handwrit-
andwriting on the We:II "and'Little Jean -El-
liott,'daughter •of'Mr.: and Mrs, Geo.
Elliott of Clinton, sang very sweetly,
"Gathering Rose:lauds for Heaven,"'
and "There:are Fourr in our :Family."
eThe;'Baptist rYoung People. of Au=
burn held a "Hallowe'en Party atthe
Jenne, of Mr:, and Mrs. Erarl. McKnight'
on Wednesday. night. There were a-
bout 35 present and the evening was
spate in games. :The judging ofthe
Hallowe'en costumes took ,place Mid
the,prizes were awarded• as follows:
Best dressed lady, Miss Amelia bio
Ilwein;' best- dressed. man, Mrs. Jno
.Miclenight; best, dressed .girl,. Miss
Doris McKnight; best dressed boy,
Earl. Mugford; comic man, Ruby Car-
ter; comic *omen, • Glen^ Baithby;
comic boy, Bill, Ferguson; comic girt,
Lois Ferguson. Lunch -was served by
the hostess.
Mrs. Whn.., Service . of Goderich
spent a few days withefriends at Car -
;Mrs. Rebt. Bean and two children
spent the week -end with her mother,
pees, Brown of :Dungannon.
M. and Mre. ,, Newton Brant of
Plymouth, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. McPhee of. Ann Arbor, Mich.,
spent the week -end wish Mir. and ler le
Wm. Mellwain.
Miss Amelia Mcllwain is visiting
with friends in Plymouth, Mich;
,SEAFORTHi: A pretty wedding
was solemnized on Saturday after -
mon, November second, at the resi-
dence of Rev. C. G. Koine, Goderich,
Street, Seaforth, .when Margaret
Maria Durnin, daughter of Mr. John
Durnin and the late lees. Durnin of
Dungannon, was united in Marriage
to Joseph MhNevtn of Goderich. Rev.
C. C. Koine •per'form'ed the ceremony
in the parlor beneath a white calla
lily bell suspended from a beautifully
decorated arch. The !bride were a
handsome navy beaded gown, With
hat and coat to match. Following the
ceremony Ur. and Mks. McNevin mot-
ored to London and other cities. They
will reside in Goderich. •
The body of a 20 year-old Taranto
girl was found •Tuesday' in a ravine
and last night a young garage' man
was arrested charged with the mur-
der.. The police are not saying much
about it but think they have enough
evidence. to Warrant the arrest,
Rev. "Billy" ,S.enda(y, . the ,well
known evangelist, died suddenly; in
Chicago last night at the age of 72.
He had arrived shortly before with
his wife on a visit to his sister and
biotherdn law.
The services of H, J. Major, 3fon-
treal actuary, have been retained' for
'a period of •sire:months by she Alber-
ta G'ovexnineiit, • according to. an an
nouncement by PremiereAberharte
Germany has assured .the League
of Nations that she will nottake ac -
vantage of the contusion re the Itale-
Europeae affair to make: trouble but
will indirectly" co-operate:
e King left last night to
visit President -Roosevelt, He wiil
discuss' a trade pact with the United
The Duke of Gloucester 'arid Lady
Alice.''Seott Weremarried quietly
yesterday morning in the private.
chapel of Buckingham Palace. • The,
wadding was ver},r quiet owing. to the.
recent, sudden' death, of the bride's
Secre •y of State Hull made a
plea last night for wider discretion -
My powers for the President of the
United States in, directing foreign
affairs. 'FOur Foreign, poliicY,'e ice
declared, "would .be a weak one if'it
began or ended with an announce-
ment of a neutral position on the out-
break of a foreign war." - '
One large • duck farm in' Eastern
Canada is planning to ship 2,000
boxes of ducks to England before the
close of navigation at Montreal ands'.
to hold thein in storage for rubra•
quent sale: ; ' rc;'
ivtellEvIitJHNIN — In Soaforth,
on Nov. 2nd, by the Rev. C. C,
Koine,, Margaret Marie, daughter
(of Mx.. John Durnin an'd the late
Mrs, Dharien; Dunegnnon, to Joseph;
McNevin Goderich.
the -home of the bride's parents,, on
Nov:' 2nd, by the Itev. E. A. Poul -
ter of Brownsville' United church,
(formerly of Varna, "'assisted by
Rev. H. G. Bandey of Varna; and
Rev; R. Murray, of Chicago, uncle
of the bride, Eva 'M,argaret, daugh-•
ter of Me. and'•Mrs. Thomas Rob-
inson, Zurioh, to Elreere R. Steph-
enson, ' M'
, son of M. and Mks: David
;Stephenson ",of !the 'Goshe'xi Line..
• Stanley township:
ASH.TON -, In Clinton Community'
:Hospital, on Nov 1st, to ' M. and
Mrs. Clifford' T.' Ashton, Seeforth,
a daughter. --,Shirley Yvonne
MOON Iti Londesboro, on Oct. 2$th,'
William H, Moon, in his "tete „year,;,,
TR1BUTT-+Suddenly,' in ' Sudbury,'
en 'Nov.2nd, John Telibu•tt el ,Gots
• erich township, in his 70th,,year•
GeaMI'BEI,Ir- In loving : (memory, of
our dear mother, MrsLouisa Il,
,Campbell, who died: Nov . elth,
:1984 h
"In our hearts your memory, ;lingers
,Sweetly .tender, fond;and -true;
There is not day, dear - mother,
That wedonot.•thinlc.of your'
-Fondly remembered lily her ohileree
and .grandchildren.
Forniek Goderich Township
Man Dies In West
The Salmi/014repotib of the' re-
cene, death of a former Goderich
lownsbip boy has reached us from
the West.
"A wide circle of friends will
learn with regret of the death of
Mr. estate Stirling at bis home in
the South -Western portion of the
Province,and in his 69th year.
Long a resident of the district, Mr,
Stirling was one of the most useful'
and least assuming of its citizens.
Born of Scotch parents, in Huron
Cooley, Ontario., Mr. Isaac .Stirling
well maintained the tradition of pub -
lie service which we have come to
associate with that stock. He grew
up and matured on the family home
stead, only coming West towards' the
close of the century„ first to Mani-
toba, and, finally, in 1900, taking up
ranching on,tlie Cypress, bench.
Later, with the opening of the
country to farming, he moved South,
locating in what is now the Consul
district and adding grain growing to
the raising of stock. To this varied.
experience was added a sound judg-
ment and' an uncompromising recti-
tude, and. in 1917, he was chosen to
repessent the `Cypress cense-hammy
in the Provincial House..
Unpretentious to a degree, and in
no sense a public speaker, he was
little heard on the floor az the
House, but he did first-rate work on
committee, and in consultation with
the heads of the executive.
With, the House normally sitting
for a few weeks, only, once a year,
thescope of the executive officers is,
necessarily, great, and such men as
Mr. Stirling, sane, well-informed,
and disinterseted, form an essential
link: between alert ' administrative
Departments and the ever-changing
needs of a pioneer people. At the
same time, done out of sight, for
the most part, the work is, necessar
ilry, little known,,. and often lightly
regarded. ,
:,Besides attending to the routine
requirements:. of the Constituency,
he did, good- serviee•inpromoting the
Community •Grazing movement whish
originated in his • neighbourhood.
0hairinari' of the local School Beard
for many years, nteneber of the: Exe,
Caine in •the Liberal Association,
and in'the numerous capacities' in
which he was called upon, he 'did
good, and unobtrusive: work.•, But ..1.
thineehe showed his quality, even
more, • in •the searching relationship
of neighbour: and friend. If : neigh-
bourliness be the core •of Christian
conduct, he, well corned 'a name that
is too often mis-applied. Not that
he made a cult of it, it was, the nat-
ural flowering ofa fine and gener-
ous spirit. I never heard hili speak
illof any man, and the petty victim'='
isations to .which public men are ex-
posed, left him, unmoved,
Simple, kindly," hono'urable, sensi-"
tive to, the needs and ' feelings of
others, lie will be much missed. By
his passing,we have lost a nothl1e
citizen,; and most lovable Man.
A bachelor; 'Mh. Stirling is sur-
vived by three .sisters•-M'rs. Jarvis,
of Clinton, Ontario; Mrs. Grey of
\fansccy, Sask., and Miss Agnes Stir,
ling of Consul, who, for tweniiy-five
years, kept perfect house for min"
To drive home to farmers in'gen-
eral the imfrortant place of good seed
in an agricultural programme re-
quires that n. continuous, persistent,
sound, edueatiemal programme be
carried oh over a period: of years,
said Professor Robert: Summerby of
Macl eonald College in his presiden-
tiai' iiddreee to' the• . Canadian Seed
Growers' Association; •
Imparted ,• Direct From Holland,
Plant Early'anil Get Best Results
Chas. V. Cooke'
Phones: 66w and 669
for Poultry and Eggs
It will pay farmers to .have, all
non -layers removed from poultry
flocks.' Culling done by experienced
Poultryman free of charge.
Fowl and Chickens handled every day
Highest Market Prices Paid For
Eggs. Good' Service While You'
• Wait. , •
Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w
, AD'
:BREADe.FRUIT ;;:BREA:Do.„ielel'tj r.
ecr w:'•n:
` Bart! ff ' Crich ,
Makers of Deiaty 1 fart,reh' nd
` ` Whole -Meat' Bread
':Phone 1 .. Clinton.
. •"ii,k • ,
of Season's Smartest
Coats . &Dresses
Friday, Nov. 8th
HAT SHOPPE 52-1-p,
Backed By Law, Is Claim
All 'business houses and stores are
compelled be' law to close on Remem:
brance Dray,• Nov. 11, in the, opinion
of R. A. Reid, 11rC..:'+
Failure to observe Nev. 11 as'a
"public holiday," according to - Mr,'
Ried's interpretation of the law . for
The Globe lastnight, renders ' the
non-o'bserving business principal to
penalty of from a day's to a year's
imprisonment fer `disobedience of
Parliamentary statute covering the•
Interviewed by The 'Globe regard
ing the statement of some Provincial
and municpial authorities that there
is no statute which can be used to
enforce obedience to the statute de-
claring Remembrance Day to be ,a
Public holiday, and that there Is no
authority to compel enforcement,
Mr. Reid drew the attention of The
Globe to Section 164; of the Criminal
Code of Canada, which says: • - •
eEver'y one is ,guilty •of an..indic-
, table offense and liable to.one year's
imprisonment who, .without lawful
excuse, disobeys any` act of the Par-
liasnent, of Canada et of any Legisla=
ture in Canada by wilfully doing any
act which it forbids, or omitting to
do' any act which it'requires. to be.
done, unless some other''Penalty, or
mode of punishment'is eeeressly'Imes
vided by_Iave.”
ifnder this sectiones the Criminal
Coda' Mr; Reid says, `in,his opinion,
Remembrance Day can, be enforced
as a publie holder; 'sin: all business
houses: and stores .be, compelled to
•elose.--'feronto :, Globe,
Poignant reminder of those spac-
ious days of glory rind' of grlevieg;
"Peppy Day". once 'mere teems to,
prenipt the citizens of this; Couetrj' in
the duties they have inherited • from
;the past generation:" :''Po 'Canadian
youth in this year of geaoe,the deep -
rel ,petals ; of the -Poppy viae iiot'natt.
ry, the •same .sieeificanceethey"bore.
to...the youth. of. fifteen•years•`ago, The
symboli'snr of sacrifice with. %hidti'the
Poppy has' become ehayged :is'c'+somer=`
thieg ,;to which the piesent''genera-
Mort succeeds only •' through; /the
wistful memories of the aging men.,
who fought their Country'sbattles,'
who sriffered, privations, endured long
agonies and• finally triumphed ainid
surroendings,'Caieetecl with Poppies.;
To wear this humble emblem on
Poppy Day is. ta. proelaim that amid
all the jangling confusion `'Usrough
Which this country is et -bring vol-
iantly to penetrate; the +heart, a' d
mind are nevertheless-attuned'to a
sense of homage due to those, men
whose peace inspire& .,600,000 ;Cana-
ians ' offer•;th s lve £ r service
d. to em e s a
betwen 1914•andr''t918;; of 'that-nunr-
Aro your welter; coats all
y to pet t onwhen colder
days e errive Y
Would you not 'like to have
them dry-cleaned and; .steam
pressed, and by.so'doipg;
c , .
have..that natty, well -res+
y, . d
sed appearance thatis so es-
sentiai. these. -days:
Dyeing' ? r•. i Cleaning;
Repairing Pressin :,
November 11th having been pro-
claimed by the Government of Can-
ada, a Day of Remembrance, and , a
statutory holiday , I therefore cali
upon all citizens to observe it as
such, by cessation of ail normal busi-
ness activities and by comniemmora-
tion of the sacrifices made by the
men and women of Canada in the
cause of Justice and Freedom..
-W. S, R, el.41iMES, Mayor.
The family of the fate W. H. Moon
wish to express their thanks for the
kindness and sympathy extended to
them in their recent •bereavement by
neighbors and friends, for cars loan-
ed, and,for the many lovely flowers
The fainly of the late John 7'eb-
butt wish to express their heartfelt
appreciation of the sympathy and
kindness of neigbbor.s and friends in
their recent severe and: •unexpected
bereavement. They wish ' also to
thank all who loaned cars or sent
flowers and the Lobb -Pearson Quar-
tette for assistance at the funeral.
A reliable couple to board, 3 boys
aged 9, 11 and 13. Reply to postof-,
fice box 384, Clinton, stating terms
and references. 62.2-p.
For Sale
A quantity ,of. dry apple trees, suit-
able for fuel. Apply to R. S. Smyth,
'Box 34.4, or 'peen 114, Clinton,
Kitten Lost
Tiger strips, white face and chest.
reformation regarding same grate-
fu11y'received by Shirley Melee. Re=
ward. 52.1.
Horses Por Sale'
J, Wallis 'hits authorized the un-
dersigned to sell by public auction, a
choice lot of colts, Perchlrons and
Belgium's, greys, blacks and roans!
mostly •fillies,, ranging from 2 to 5
years old, a number. • of matched
teams,' all 'stock guaranteed. To be
sold at 0. J. Wallis' barn,. North St.,
Clinton; non' Friday, Nevelriber 16th,
at 1 o;clock. Terms; Cash. Elliott.
Nairn,: A tetioneers, C. 3`, .Wallis,
Owner. `' • 52-1.
ber more than 60,000 found graves in
France and Belgium. And it is ov-
ver these graves that the Poppy blows
in perennial bloom,
The •' numbered ' deed were not
strangers. Theywere young Cana-
dians, filled' even as the {youth of to-
day is filled, with the joy of living.
So also, were the 170,000 men who
in 1934 bear upon their:ibedles the
marks and scars of war -the disab-
led ex -service men who suffered die-
elrlement on (behalf of Canada.
To manifest that, proud recogni-
tion of their
ecogni-tion.oftheir place in this Country,
to mark that tribute weidh istheir
due, Poppy Day has been set aside
in order that all :may join, in recal-
ling ,the Great Sorrow.
The blood -red emblems distributed
throughout Canada lw the Canadian,
Legion's vast volunteer organization
are the prodect'of disabled veterans,
men striving`' to maintain :themselves
inthe Vetccaft shops administered
by the Dominion,. Government. To.
purches'e . a, Poppy is a small thing.
For .eyery citizen to do, so is a big
thing • 3
Let uze 'ii wear a Poppy
on P
Gdderich-Phone 47
NOW: "Charlie Chan in Egypt,"
With Warner Oland
Mon.,, Tues., Wed.
Speeial Attraction
Fred. Astaire & .Ginger Rogers
Irk songs and dances you'll never
Thurs., Fri., Sat:
IL Rider Haggard's
Astounding! Spectacular! Unfor
getaeble!"See'-young and beau
tiful for 600 wicked years!
Coming: "The Man They 'Ceuta
Not; Hang.' .. • - .
Mat,: Mon., P/ed., Sat., at 3 p.m.
Seaforth •
NOW: "Rumba" and "Rocky
"Mountain Mystery."
:"Mon,, Tues., Wed.
Helen Cahaean & Randolph Scott
in « "H'E"
an 'amazing,, romantic speet'acle
from, H, Rider I -laggard's wlerd
and tbndrrous story
Thurs., Fri, Sat, -A great
Double Bill
Fredric March in a great perfor.
_mance of
Warner "Oland es the Oriental.,
Coming: • "Orchids .To You:'
ciliary: Moll., Wed., `Sat.,' at 3 p.m::,
l{Y Fresh, -411 New -and Extra
Rich with Fruits and Nuts
• r- 3
BREAD—Fresh Every Day
• and Every Kind.
Stili the most wholesome food for
your money.
Phone 68.
relief for ^ Rheumatism, Backaehe;
Lumbagoc741.Slil RrUMACAPS. At
Hovey's bruS_ Store,
The Salvation Army
Musical Festival by St. Thomas
Citadel Band in Town Hall, Clinton,
Saturday, Nov. 9th at 8 p.m. Admis-
dmis sion, 16c,, 52-,1
' For thereorganization of the
Men's Liberal Gleb will be held in
their rooms, Friday evening, Nov. 8,
1935, A full attendance is request-
ed, 52-2-p.
The Vogue
Our Annual Sale of Hats, Dresses
and Coats commences this Thursday,
October 31st and will continue for
two weeks. We are shaving a mar-
velous stook of merchandise at ,a
very low price. We will be pleased
to show you through at your awn
convenience, 51-2.
Shlessman Wanted`
"Have you. a Car.?We can offer
you valuable territory to corer sel-
ling our Quality Teas, Coffees, Co-
coa, Spices,'Et:tracts, Medicinal Pre-
perations direct to established users
in Huron County, Write T. ID Ward
Company, John South, Hamilton.
' Household Furniture and Residence,
of the late ' Walter Manning, at tho
residence, .East end Rattenbury. St.,
Saturday, Nov. 9th, at •1.30 o'clock.
TERMS: Furniture, Cash,
Residence: 10 per ,cent of purehase
price on dayof sale; Balance, Terms.
G,•: E. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 52-2.
House To 'Rent
Comfortable brick house, Albert
street, Clinton; furnace, bath, • all
modern:. •convereenclese Imnnedeabe
Possession. Far particulars apply
to Rene. G: W. Sherman or Mrs. W.
G Brawn, ' 62-tf-2e.
- ,-For- Sale or Rent
•Cbtt'age •im Rattenbury street,
West. Apply to E. Ward, Huron
street;' Clinton. :Phone 155, 47-tf.
Under and by virtue `of the powers
contained in a certain Mortgage,
which will be produced, at the time
of sale; there will be offered • for
'sale by. Public .!ruction on Tuesday
the 26th day of November
1935, at the hour of two o'clock in
the afternoon, at the Court House in
the Town of , Goderich, by Thoirras.
Gundry, Atetier'ieee, the •following
property namely: Lot Numiber Nine
(9) in the First Concession of the
Township of
Goderich in the County,
of ' Huron, containing 146. acres of
:land more or less.
There is erected on the • property
a good brick house, bank barn with
stone ,foundation, • concrete 'silo, a
driving shed and .other out buildings.
The soil is a good clay !omen a
good, state of cultivation.
There is he keotita'ge on Lake Hu-
ron of 1320 feet suitable far the er-
ection of 'summer cottages.'
Terms: -flea; per cent of the pur-
chase money to be paid down at thea
time of sale, 40 per cent in 30 days
and the' balance may remain on mort-
gage for a term of years to be a-
greed upon.
For further 'particulars and condi-
tions of sale appiyto..
LOFTUIS 10 ;DiA,NOEY, Goderich,
Venders Sa rcrtor
Dated November 4th, 1935 52-3.
The Personal Gift
A lot of old friends; as well as
your own family; will appieciate
your Photograph. "It solves the per-
sonal gift problem. ,
Quinton and. Mitchell.
'Phone 116, Clinton.
Fuel '
F eYards
'"jiAlliD :BODY'>AND LIMB elfebn
'Alberta' Jasper Lump, ani c"yke.
Prompt delivery from my yar(l" on
I•esaae Street r2
Victor Falconer:?
phone 97w
Frei!' Eggs and Cream
$igheat<=Prices .for. Strictly Freels '
„Crean eanped regularly.
• Good Prices Pa*
E. FINCH , 5g
�•• "(1e•,,, Phone' 231, "sl'a le;
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, ' Coats "and Dresses
If not open work may be left at '
Wear" Barber .Shop,
House on Ring Street
Will -rent or sell, 3` -'bedrooms, bath,
furnace, fire -place, garage. 11. W.
ecKenzie, -phone 617r42, Clinton.
' Bare For Sale
• A Pianola barn', 12x52, to be moved
train the property, Write Box 118,
Bayfield postottiee for particulars.
b0 -t£.
ellptice..ie hereby given .that I have
complied with Section 7 of the Vot-
ers' List. "Ant Mid that I have posted,
up in my ofrmi in.Londesboro on the
Sth 'day` af' October, .1936, the list of
Vali persons cntielee to h"Lote in the
municipality for members of Par.
!lament and Municipal Elections, and
that sncii :remains there for inspec-
tion. -
I hereby ask al1 voters to hays
any errors or omisaio a ; corrected
according to law, The text day of ap-
peal being the 9th Are' of November.
JAS. WeelloCOOL,•Cleric ee Hallett.
, 1 -TC"` IIj'11i' S`A3.EO
Oe I'arm, Perm Steck,: Ilieementa
and IionseholdA Effects
Executors of the Estate of Thomas
Lyon 'have instructed'. undersigned
to see by public auction at Lot 25,
Con. 14; Hullett Towrishie, 'oh Tues-
day, November 12th; at 'l2,30 "p.m.,
es follow:' 'r.
;CATTLE -2' cows; ' 'steer t'iiri
g 2
years; heifer rising '2 years; spring
heifer calf.
IMJPLEM'ENTS ' - Massey lila'arls
binder, 5 tit. cut; mower Harris seed seed. drill;'garig'plow; fan-
ning .mill; . cutting box; wagon; end
box; hay 'rack; land roller; harrows;
gavel bar; .bobsleighs; hay fork;
rope; pully and car; turnip pumper;
grindstone; buggy; democrat; cut-.
ter set deuble harness; set single
harness • ladder; wheelbarrow" sugar
kettle; (bucksaw; ha; knife; about 351:'
tops, of hay, and a quantity sof man -
gels and .turnips,. Aitso :yolks, shovale
and a number of Other articles :0 -
ways .foul.: en a term,
room table; :ohaiie end buffet; com-
plete kitchen equipment, including,
tyro -gloves; living ,room furniture; 1
c3inplete'suites of bedroom furniture
together with linen and other articles
too ntmerbee to 'mention. '
At the same time and place,'tha
farm of .47 1.42 acres will be offered
for sale, subject to a reserve bid.
TERMS On stock, implements ant
household a fettle, Cash, On farm,'
10 per cent cash on day of sale, bal-
ance to
alance'to be arranged.
G. If. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Wh.Lyon andLeslie 11lborn,
cetora, ,•;52-14