HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-11-07, Page 3•
THURS., NOV. 7, 1935
From The News -Record, Nov. 6th,
Several of our lady students, who
without permission, witnessed a wed-
ding last week are warned not., to do
it again.
We understand that a committee
was appointed at the last meeting of
the local union to circulate a petition
to have stores. close, at ninetp.m. on.
Saturday evenings, The ; feeling
seems to be that it will meet with
appraisal of our merchants.
At, St. Paul's church on Wlednesday
afternoon an event of special inter-
est took •peace . the marriage of Miss
Lottie Twins to Mr. Herbert Laurie
of Hepworth, formerly . of 'Clinton.
The Rev. WI. J. Craig of. Petrodia
conducted the ceremony, assisted by
Rev, S. F. Parke. .
Goderich Township:—On Tuesday
evening at the regular prayer meet-
eeting in Zion church MTs. S. L. Scott
was made ,the recipient of a silver
fruit and glass fruit dish with a sil-
ver stand, accompanied by an; address
expressing ,regret at the earljy re-
moval of the family from the com-
From The New Era, Nov. 8th, 1895:
Mr. and M'rs. S. L. Scott and fam-
ily of Goderich township, move'onto
Clinton this week.
Stapleton Salt works is now run-
ning full blast,
Mr. and Mrs. M1eGarva, who were
expected back front British Columbia
a couple of months ago, are still
there awaiting the return of the seal-
ing vessel on which their son is ex-
We are now enjoying Indian Sum-
mer. '
The output of the Doherty Organ
factory is now ten complete organs
a day.
• Mrs. Weir of Ridgettown and Mr.
R. Manning of Exeter were in town
last week visiting their brother, Mr.
W. N. Manning.
On Thursday last week Mit 1dowat
entered on the twenty-fourth year
of his premiership,
To the Editor of The New Era:
Dear Sir: I have made a bet here
(Hamilton, Montana) of $10 on two
L' things and it is left for you -Co de-
cide in your paper.—lst---Are the
schools free in Ontario and Mani -
the. or not, and who is the Governor
of Canada at the present time?—J.
The Pubic schools in Ontario and
Ivfianitoba are free. Canada has no
"Governor" in the sense in which -a
state hast governor, but it- has •a
Governor -.General; ; who is appointed
by the British' Parliament; the pre..
sent occupant of the position being
Lord Aberdeen. --Ed. The New Era.
From The News,Record, Nov. 3rd,
Mr: Grant Beaton of Zurich Pub -
lie .school spent the Thanksgiving
holiday at his home in town.
Mr. John Rumbafi of the Toronto
University spent the festive holiday
with his aunts, .the Misses Rudd.
Mr. John A. Cooper ,editor of the
Canadian Courier; Toronto, with Mrs.
'Oboper and two sons, Norman and
Jack, spent Thanksgiving as the
guests of the feriner's mother, Mrs,
W. Cooper.
Mr. Bert Johnson of Mount Forest
was home over the holiday.
Mr. A. F. Johns of Rockwood came
up Friday and spent - the time until
the evening of the holiday with re-
latives in Tuckersmith and Clinton.
Miss Annabelle MicEwen, medical
student, Toronto, came home' for the
holiday week -end.
Mr, John T. Noble of the Huron
Road, East, about beats them all for
vegetables, say for mangolds and
sugar beets. He had one mangold
which weighed twenty-six pounds,
which Reeve Clarke carried over to
Constance to show them what the
Huron Road farmers can ,produce. A
twenty>ound mangold and sugar
boet weighing the same to an ounce,
he brought into town and they have
been on exhibition in Castle's win-
Mrs. Chown gave a Hallowe'en
party en Mond* evening for Kath-
leen, Bessie and Roy, to which a
number of their young friends were
Frons The New Era, Nov. 3rd, 1910:
1'fayor Taylor and wife were in
London for Thanksgiving.
Miss Maude Livermore and Mas-
ters Willie Sloman and Willie Apple-
by were in London for Thanksgiving,
Mrs. Walton and 'Miss Walton
spent a few days with Mrs, J. C.
The Collegiate Institute football
team was defeated at Listowel on
Monday by a score of 3-0 in, an en-
deavor to win back the Hough Cup.
The fog which blanketted this part
el the country on Tuesday night was
very similar to the fogs experienced
in the fall of 1931. Could it mean
that we are going to have a• winter
similar to the one we had that year?
We do not want to get prophetic a-
bout It, ;but we certainly hope so.
We note a paper comp•Iaining that
'Gideon Bibles placed in hotels are
being carried off by guests as mem-
entos of their stay there. These•
Bibles are placed there by an organ-
ization of comme1oral travellers.
Probbaly these thieves think that
they are the only thing that won't be
missed by the hotel management in.
time to follow them up. But we
don't believe the Gideons will wor'r'y,
providing the people who take them
will read them. A thief can get as
much -good out ef these Bibles as
anyone: Hespler Herald.
The Toronto Mail and Empire is
exercised lest Orillia should burn its
fingers by embarking in banking as a
municipal enterprise. Our esteemed
contemporary need, not worry. At
this juncture, there is no more likeli-
hood of Orillia setting up a bank
than there is of a cow jumping over
'the moon. To begin with, even if the
attempt were made, wecannot eon
eeive that any person who valued his
savings would commit them to the
keeping of such an institution, under
municipal management.
--,Orillia Packet: Times.
Many deplore the so-called educa-
tional "frills''; still there can .be no
argument against the value` of the
essentials of education. The impor-
tance of education cannot be under-
estimated and M most cases parents
are anxious to have their children
receive the advantages, they were de-
nied. The future. of ;.the oncoming
generation rests to a large extent on.
the foundations of the elementary
and high schools of the nation, and
we should do our part in assuring the
future well-being of the rising gen-
eration. Listowel Banner..
When Signor 'Mlussolina said that
sanctions mean war, he •really meant
that he would interpretsanctions as
war. For sanctions do not mean war
in the sense that thote are equivalent
to war. Indeed, if they were applied
against Italy, their application would
be in strict conformity with interna-
tional law. Naturally, Italy would
object to the procedure and try in ev-
ery way to resist it.. Who could do
otherwise in a similar situation in
private life? In all probability It-
aly would fight the sanctionist. But
she would have -no reason for justify-
ing retaliatory action on the grounds
of a wrong committed against her b'q
the sanctionist—Kincardine News,
The sentences handed down in
magistrate's court for the present
Year as compared with sentences giv-
en Jest year for the same period of
time would seem to indicate that
there is a marked increase of crime
of ra more, serious nature in this
county according,to figures in the re-
Cords of the court clerk. In 1935 the
yearly, monthly and day :sentences
are: 12 years, 65. months and 99 days.
In 1954 the sentences were: two years
60 months and 117 days.
Pines collected this year fall far
short of those collected for this per
iod Last year, $2,033, having been col-
lected so far as compared : with '$3,-
006 in 1934.—Goderich Star,
The opposition: that awaits tho
Liberal leaders ie formidable. In the
first place Bennett never' had- to
face more than one lady. King has
got to face two. Then he 'has Rt.
Hon. 11. , B. Bennett . and Hon. H. ;H.
Stevens, There is, Woodswerth 'too,.
We are sorry that ^we didn't get
our news in on time last week, but
we had a foot -ball game to write,
and then to get it censored and
what with this, and what with that,
we were too late. However, we are
putting it all together this week,
and some of it is rather old.
We have three foot -ball games to
describe; one of these is rather de-
pressing, one quite cheering, and the
last . is neither. If; 'you remember,
our team, suffered a humiliating, de-
feat from Seaforth recently, with a
3-0' score. Naturally, they were
frightfully ashamed of thisand
were determined to make it a differ-
ent story in the return game. As a
matter of fact, they did, but not
quite diflierent ,enough. The score
at the end of the game was 1-0 in
favour of Seaforth, and while this is
an improvement, we fear that they
are not quite good enough.
The second game was held in Clin-
ton, between Mitchell and the C.C.I.
team. In a preceding meeting, Mit- •
chell had taken our team out to the
score of 1-0, This time Clinton
turned the tables on them and made
the score 1-0 for the local team.
This was an excellent game and
worth seeing. George Elliott scored
the deciding goal.
Of the third game we may say no
word, good or bad, partly because we,
did not witness it and partly •because
neither Clinton nor Goderich won. It
was a drawn game with a score of 1 -
We hear that there will be no
more foot -ball this year; we have all
enjoyed the games, and we congratu-
late the team on what they have
done, and condole with them on 'what
they have not done. Here is how
they compare with the other teams:
iSeaforth, 4, Clinton, 0; Mitchell, I,
Clinton 1; Goderich 2, Clinton 5.
The Hallowe'en Party was held in
the School Fridaty night, and was
considered a great success. The in-
itiation, the first item on the pro-
gramme was pro-
. diverting.
Each form was in charge of an
item on the programme. Upper
School's contribution was a 1 -act
play entitled: • "The ,Tale, of the
Mule's Tail." This was very•amus-
ing, especially the vocal efforts of
the caste.' -Miss Beattie was mana-
ger 'and the caste included Andrew
Mackenzie, Mildred , Folliek, Edison
Forrest, 'Sybil Mackenzie, Ian' Fil •
side and Hazel Cowan:
Next was a song by a Second -
1! rra chorus, coached by miss: Bry-
done, entitled "Howdo-you-do," in,
which t they greeted the members of
the Literary Society, the staff, and
Mr. Draper, with Solicitous inquiries
as to the condition of their health.
We especially, liked the one with the
pleasing alliteration—Mew do you
do, Dougy Dougan---" After this
came Fourth Form's , dramatic .at-
tempt, which was a presentation of
Major Bowe's Amateur Hour. Ran-
dall Pepper was announcer, and al-
though the microphone kept slowly
revolving in a rather alarming man-
ner, his remarks were quite audible.
Dougan was Mhjor Blotves. The
amateurs were Irene Robertson, who
gave a piano solo; Cora Streets and
,Dorothy Holland. "The Tuneful
Twins," who sang "Why don't we
get along?" and were greeted with
the gong; third was a full -piece
orchestra, Benny Sutter and his C.
C.I. CoIIegians; the orchestra mem-
embers were Bartliff, Levis, Sutter,
Johnson, Biggart, Dixon, and Hovey.
The Latter played (or rather played
at) a rather decrepit bass viol, with
strings of area wire. The Collegians
were also gonged off the stage. Aud-
rey Murdock tap-danced next and
was greeted with much applause. A
sextette consisting of Agnes Agnew,
Ellen Charlesworth, Agnes Camer-
on, Norma Cook, Faye Lindsay and.
Dorothy Holland sang "Stars of the
Summer Night," following which.
was a reading Iby Violet Fremlin en-
titled "The Wlalrus and the Carpen-
ter." Last on the "Amateur Hour"
and although these latter represent
only a small following apiece, per-
haps they are all the less impeded
for that. Never was circumspection
In the face of opposition so essen-
tial a thing in the make up of a
premier before. Is any measure pro-
posed? Versatile and neterogeneous
opposition will declare on one hand
that the 'measure goes too far. An-
other will say it does not go far e-
nough. A third will say it is no good
anyhow. Opposition promises to be
capable even though small in num-
bers. Listowel Standard.
Local Fishermen Bring in Four Tana
or Perch
The MacKay brothers, John and
Norman, made what is believed to
have been the biggest fishing catch
ever brought into Goderich when they
lifted 3,600 pounds of perch en Sat-
(Whey had their nets set in about
thirteen fathoms, four miles dee
west pf Goderich, • and had to make
two trips to bring in the . catch, us -
Mgt three boxes to a net.
The first cargo,about two tens,
was placed in the fish shanty and
the boat made the second trip for
the remaining nets, realizing an e-
qual number of fish. There was no
place to put the second load when it
was brought in, so the then cleared
the nets on the boat and the wharf,
Ten men worked on into the night
clearing the fish from the nets,
Mary persons, on hearing of the
unusually large caitchl gatthered at
the dock to watch the men at work.
At the time Perch realized three
cents per pound.--Goderich Signal.
Mussolini made it plain in his pro-
clamation that it was all right to
kill Ethiopians, since they were bar-
barians, "unworthy of existing a-
mong , civilized people." This seems
to be accepted as a; good enough jus-
tification in some circles. Arthur
Brisbane has pointed out that it is
silly of ue to worry about "Italians
killing Ethiopians, because Et'hto-
pians ,are so backward they don't
even year shoes. We thought and
thought about that one. As an ex -
barbarian who sometimes gets •home-
sick for the old life, we resent the
slur. Givilization, in the long run,
becomes more barbaric than barbar-
ism. It, is civilized. to dine well, go
to a play and discuss the plot be-
tween acts with somebody .else who
has shoes on; yet there have been
times, barefoot, when we have felt
more alive. In theory, an Italian ma-
chine -gunner, with his high-school
education and wearing size 9 oxfords,
should be thirty-two times as high a
type of man as an Elthiopian night
fighter, barefoot, inhis long white
robe, because the Italian,, with civil-
ized equipment, can destroy thirty-
two times 'as many enemies in one
minute. .Yet all the accoutrements
of the higher life ----literacy sanita-
tion, shoes, modern field equipment—
lead in the end to the same killings;
and culture erupts in a pimple of ex-
treme savagery, as in Mr. Brisbane's
paragraph, It must be strange music
in the ears of a barbarous Ethiopian
woman, standing at her door, shoe-
less, hearing the terrible approach of
oncoming civilization.
—The New Yorker.
It is worthy of note that, although
the riding of North Huron on tato,
ber lith last for the first time elect-
ed a Liberal representative at Ottawa,
the vote of the election of 1930 still
remains the high-water mark for
Liberalism in the Federal riding as
it was then constituted.
Mr. Deachman's vote on October,
14th was 6,508, to which Clinton and
Goderich 'township contributed 484
and 282 respectively, or 766 combin-
ed, leaving 1,742 votes for Mr. Deach-
man in that part of the riding which
made up the entire riding in 1930. Mr.
Robertson's 'vote in the 1930 election
was 1,927,
Mr. Spotton's vote in 1930 was 6,-
160; in 1925 (excluding Clinton and
,Goderich township), 4,949,
The total vote in the riding in
1930 was 12,087. In 1935, in the
same area, it was 12,056, a difference
of only 31 votes. '0f this total vote,
however, 1,365 went to Mr. Hender-
son, the 'Reconstruction candidate.
The 1930 vote remains at the top,
therefore, not only as the high mark
for a Liberal eaididate, but also as
indicative of the hardest -fought cam-
paign, as three candidates in 1935
polled 31 fewer votes than two can-
didates did in 1930.
As compared with 1930, the Liberal
vote fell off in 1935 in Ashfield,
Blyth, (Goderich town (1192 in 1930,
1037 in 1935), Howlett West Wlawa-
nosh and Bast Wawanosh; and. In-
creased in Brussels, Colborne (a dif-
ference of one vote) ' ,Grey, Morris,
Turnberry and Wingham.
-4Goderich• Signa?.
A St.. Meriysite who visited Buffalo
the other day reports, that the cam-
paign agahs t . motor ttecidents in
New. York State is having a notice-
able effect on the speed of motorists
over there. After viewing graphic
show windows and public places,
representations of fatal 'accidents in
with dead bodies hanging out of car'
Windows, the public have takon the
thing to' heart. J. C. Furnas, who
recently contributed an article
"—And Sudden Death" to the Read-
er's Digest, is credited ;with having,
initiated the campaign through his
startingly vivid pictur'e's of highway
horrors. He has made a real con-
tribution in.. slowing up fatalities on
the road.
---,St. 11l;arys Srojurnal-Argils.
was another piano solo by Ellen
Charlesworth. Miss" Nixon was • ii,
charge of this item.
Ater this, F pacer, Thompson ' of
First -Form told of a Halloween ex-
gorience ' which was very laughable.
Miss DepeW assisted hint in his pre-
paration of this.
Cecil Mimes played "Cheek to
Cheek," (which ;is a song, " not a
contorition), on his cornet, and Alma:
Tiewartha'told a very blood -chilling'
»ghost story:, These. formed 'Third,
Form's contribution, . sponsored by,
The last item on the programme
was "The G.C.I. Broadcaster," read
by the Editor, Sadie Elliott, which'.
was an excellent paper. This con-
cluded the programme, and "•God.
Save the King" was sung.
The Costume Parade came before`•
the programme. A great many were.'.
In costume and the judges had a d.if
ficult time,,1 reaching a 'decision.;
Best Comic Couple were Ruth An-
drews and. Marjorie Steepe. Best.
Comic Single ' Was ' won by Mary
Thompson. Best Fancy Dressed
Couple were Margaret and Kathleen
Middleton; Faneydressed single was
captured by Virginia Harris. Most
original costume' was won by Alvin
Corless; who appeared as an Ethic',
pian Soldier.
Bdb Passmore, president of the
Literary Society, was 'Chairman, and
proved himself to be an exetrmely
capable one. We shall expect great
things of our Literary Society in the
future, with hint as its leader. Af-
ter the programme we had lunch and
dancing. •
Here we, shall recite a few items
from the C. C. L Broadcaster. We
should like to put it all in, but we
find our report has already reached
alarming preportiops,; besides most
of it wouldn't be allowed and we
have Virgil to do. (This last not in-
tended as a bitter side -glance at the
private life of the C.C.I. reporter.)
The Cover, a Hallowe'en picture
was drawn by Sheldon MiacMath. The
Editorial was on "Success." It was
very interesting, and gave a few
words of excellent advice to First•
Formers. We hope they were listen-
ing. The fiction we should love to
publish here; it was about George
Elliott and Norma Cook at the mov-
ies, but it is., too long and personal
Here is the poem which we consid-
ered best. It is entitled "Souven-
After they had finished eating,
Dixon and Lavis kept their spoons.
The salt and peppers, both were
found in Johnston's• pantaloons. El-
liott took a menu card, and Finch
took a knife, while Garrett thought
that a small tea-pot would be useful
later in life. Glancy and Neilans bor.
rowed two forks; Biggart a cup col-
oured green. The lump, one guessed,
'neath McInnes' vest, was really a
soup-toureen, Mustard took a fruit
dish --the proprietor wouldn't mind,
Rip Mutely wanted the table, but it
wasn't the folding kind. Draper and
Pepper each carried a plate. A
bunch of thieves, you say? No,
merely the G.C.I. football teamwhen
they dine at some Cafe.
The jokes were contributed by
Hack .7ohnson. For a long time they
didn't put in an appearanre, and
Sadie 'began to think that she would
have to call Johnson up to the plat-
form, have him make his bow and
take his seat. In this manner, every-
body could see the joke.
However some were forthcoming:
Mary Turner: Is Fonie Holland a
reckless driver?
Audrey Mlndock: Wiell, when the
road turns with her, it's just a co-
Can You Imagine
Randall Pepper plaiying hop-
Ken. Dolman not talking about
Violet Fremlin using small words?
Mr, .Fines really shooting someone
at sunrise? i
Benson Sutter playing rugby?
Hack Johnson with nothing to say?
Izzy Powell six feet tall?
There is a great deal more, but
those are in our opinion, the beet of
We think we should say a word a-
bout the decoration of the auditor-
ium. It was made to represent a
penitentiary with bars on the win-
dows and ,doors which were number-
ed as cells. The lights, as a pleasing'
variation, were decorated with skull -
and -cross -bones. Placards were plac-
ed on the walls, running as follows:
WaantedI E Hoggart for stealing
a ..glance at Ohev. Levis.
Reward for R. Pepper. anted
far assaulting Mustard.
Reward for, May Smith, for teasing
Cecil Holmes.
Wanted! Big Filshie, for taking' a
Wanted! ' R. Passmore, for run-
ning away with the C.C.I. field meet.
Well, I guess we •have pretty near-
ly gone the Iimit. It never rains
but it pours; either too much or two
little. One consolation, if we are
severely censored, we. shall 'still have
plenty left. ,Enoughl , Enough! We
are really milting now; MS'long!
Five Nines and Whiz Bangs
.By The Orderly Sergeant in
The Legionary
Tucked away in a corner of m
garden, troops,, is an apple,tree,
legitimate pr+y'•for all the youthfu
bandits in the neighborhood and di
rect source of a distressing epidetni
of tummy -aches which laid these
felons low about the middle of Aug
ust. I noticed the other -day that the
bark ,of this noble arbre was peeling
badly. Not that that means a. 'thing
to you at all; but it just reminds' me
of the weird order posted up in the
artillery lines in France during 'the
last imbroglio. The stawff used to
Bit up nights concocting' orders and,
so I'm told, prizes were at one time
offered for the stupidest, These
prizes, however were won so often
by brass -hats who hadn't entered the
competition and were'just putting
things down naturally that the prac-
tice was diseonttnued.
The bark peeling off my apple -tree
reminded me of the particular order
stuck up in the wagon -lines, which,
won the leather medal. One laddie,
intent on winning the war, noticed
that when. horses were tied to the.
trees their hoofs would scrape off. the
There issued from his Napoleonic
mind the following •gem:
"Al! ranks are requested to ensure
that horses are henceforth not to
be tethered to fruit trees as they
bark and destroy them."
War correspondents were a gifted
tribe, and none more so than E. Ash -
mead -Bartlett, I ran across the fol-
lowing a few weeks ago, a letter
which he wrote in September, 191T,
to R. D. 'Blumenfeld, then Editor of
the Daily Express. After subjecting
the missive to a close and penetrat-
ing study I decided that. what Ash-
mead-Bantlett desired to srjy was that
he didn't like generals. (Readers
may now pick up the story from
this point.)
"Dear Blumenfeld:
mind. He was, reaching a momen-
tous decisiofi.
"Reg," he said, in that voice which •
presagbes a grim resolve.' "I'm going,
o t uy a couple of these." ,He turn
ed to the .business magnate do the
sidewalk. ,"Oombien?" 'he asked
-' 31es ons ,
Chacune dix francs," was the swift.
c p
Bencoughed, But Reg came to his
rescue. "He means," said Reg.
helpfully "ten francs each.','
"I know perfectly well what he
means;" said Ben in offended tone§,
"You dont have to:,tell' Ynie."
Taking off his shoe Ben extract-
ed four 5 -franc notes from the toe
of his sock.
To waist,- .him, the trader wound
the things up again, They hopped
and .pecked—and sang their fool
heads off, Be'n grabbed `them ihefore`
the Frenchman could raise his price.
Reg took another. Feeling they had
contributed something at least to!
the cause of Franeo4Canadian trade,
they moosied on to their hotel.
They occupied adjoining rooms,
theconnecting door being open. Ov-
erjoyed, 'Ben took out his mechanical' .
birds and wound them up. Setting•
them carefully ,on the chiffonier ,. he••
watched and listened. They jumped
all over the place and did lots or cute
little things — but thier singing
voice had gonel
Incredulous, Ben tried them again.
Nothing doing. The birds just would-
n't sing. With grave misgiving, he
entered Reg's room.
."Rog," he asked "does your bird
"Certainly. it sings, said Reg. "It
twitters, too."
"Try it out."
"I don't have to. Didn't we bobh
hear it?"
"`PIease," pleaded Ben in agony:
Reg extracted the thing, -wound it
up, and it did its stuff. But, alas,
lbs voice, too, was silent,
The Pilgrim Fathers looked at each
other, long, silently, with deep emo-
"It leaks as if we," said Ben,
"have been stung."
"That big-time business man was
a ventriloquist,". sighed Reg.
"I've got a better name for him,"
Ben gritted. "He's a--"
"Don't sty it," protested 'leg, 'Af-
ter all, we've got the birds."
"What you mean to say, Reg, is—
wo got the bird."
"These d--. optini stie generals,
who live in French chateaus, who
can save theirr pay, who are having
the time of their lives, who are cov-
ered with variegated ribbons, who do
not have to go over the top, who
are, with few exceptions, 'nen of the
most indifferent intellect, who long
to keep the war going as long as tho
Government will send them human
fuel—so as to 'prolong their own
feeble hour of imaginary glory —
have succeeded in the last five
months in: killing, permanently
maiming and wounding 21,727 :off1'
cors and 344,614 N.0.O.'s and men.
"They have hardly moved the Hun
an inch,
"Eaeh of these 376,34.1 human be-
ings has, or had, a soul, a family,
and his own particular interest in
life. The entire population is, in
fact, being handed over to Ekecu-
tioners in Red and Gold, who • In
normal times might earn, after mary
years' service 400 to 1600 a year as
clerks to those whose destinies they
now control, •
"The world is full, and is fed up
with, swaggering nonentities.
"E. Ashmead-Bartlett,"
Yes, re -reading the letter I eon.
elude E. A. -B, was a bit annoyed at
the big shots. What d'you think?
You've often seen those budyant,
merry devils invade the city from
the back concessions during Exhibi-
tion week :Aid get the kick of their
lives watching the lad pulling rah-
bits out of the hat, We1I, I am not
talking about them: I'd like to relate
an episode in the life and work of
two other gays. As you'll see some-
where else in this issue, our friends
Reg. Bowler, the general secretary
of the Legion, and Ben Allen, Dom-
inion organizer of the Vimy Pilgrim-
age, made the Grand Tour to arrange
some preliminaries a few weeks
back. Ben tells the story in his own
way: but here's one Ben hasn't put
These two Pilgrim Fathers were in
Paris, and one night, returning to
their hotel. they bumped into a small
crowd on the sidewalk. The natives
were greatly charmed by a ragged
looking Frenchman who was winding
up mechanical birds, setting them
down and making them strut, and
peck all over the place, What in-
trigued our heroes most, however,
was the fact that these birds were
twittering and singing their heads
off. •
"Marvellous,!' ejaculated Ben,
"Isn't that just too cute, Reg?"
"Wonderful," agreed Reg. approv-
ingly. "Simply- wonderful."
"Never saw the like of it," pro-
ceeded Ben expansively. "I got a
couple of .mechanical canaries at
the Ottawa EXhibition last year for
e dime each—hut they don't sing.'
*Do they twitter?" asked Reg.
"They do not twitter," Ben said.
At that moment a 'couple of gen-
darmes hove in sight, and the pee-
dlar grabbed his wares and made oft.
When the cops had disappeared, he
returned. Reg and Ben were still
there. A thought of exceeding •'nag
nitude was taking form in Ben's
Admiral Viscount Makoto Saito,
former Premier and for some years
a member of the Japanese Boy
Scouts Association, is the new Chief
Scout for Japan.
A Lucky New Scout Group
The new 8th Fredericton, N.B.,
Scout Group are the fortunate pos-
sessors of a club room headquarters
comprising a library and reading
room,' a W,tkshop, a, photographic
room, a Court of Honour room, and
an assembly hall. The Group is fos-
tered by the Brotherhood of Wil-
mot Church.
Tokyo's Kindness To Animals Week
Interesting features of a "Be Kind
to Animals" week in Tokyo, Japan,
included collection of money on a
street corner by a famous dog, Tan-
is,, a Kindness to Horses meeting,
a Day for Draught Animals, when.
over a thousand Boy Scout treated;
the animals to carrots and• water,
and a parade of children and their
pets. In preparing for the week
Scouts and school girls distributed
many othusands of leaflets.
A Country Where No One Wants
Speaking of the 'World tour of
Lord` Baden-Powell and herself which
recently ecprcluded waght their visit
to Canada, Lady Baden-Powell men-
tioned their stay in Java, and added:
"I might say there isn't a poor per-
son in all of Java. Of course the
native diet is frugal --a handful of
rice and a couple of bananas is suf-
ficient each day. But we could learn
a lot from the attitude of these
Eastern people. Their kindness,.
their friendly spirit and their good-
ness shine from 'their eyes."
A Busy Renner
Two rescues from drowning with-
in a half hour was the feat of a 15
year old Scout, Patrol Leader Jack
,Holmes of Blackpool, England, For
the first rescue Holmes leaped from
a 'breakwater and ,swam .some dis-
tance through .a rough ,sea to bring
in ' an unconscious woman bather.
While resting with a . companion
there cairn a cry for help from an
exhausted man, and the Scout, with
his chum, again plunged in, and
brought the man ashore." The unus-
ual rescue 'tat was recognized by
the award of the Scout Silver Cross.
Hunters and Trappers
I am in the Farr -Buying Business
again for another year and can pay
you the highest market price for all
kinds of raw furs. Dont be misled
by trap elling buyers or ,wild -cat
price lists. Norman East, Fur Deal-
er, i•. R. No, 1, Clinton. 52.5-p.