HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-10-10, Page 8''AGE 8 FRESH LAKE) TROUT FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per 9b. .. a ... : .......:.... SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per ib. SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, Per Ib. P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS,per lb. DRY SALT PORK, per lb. 19e 26c 230 18c SCHNEIDER'S BACON, in piece, per lb. .... ... 28c RIB ROAST OF CHOICEBEEF, per lb. 15e MINCE MEAT in 40 oz. Jars 35e SCHNEIDBR'S BEST BULK LARD, per ib. 17c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING • MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE Furnaces; Kitchen Ranges and Heaters now in stock Have your repairing done now before cold weather sets in Several used heaters are low priced. Enquire for prices before going elsewhere, ' Furniture Department TIIE NEW STUDY LAMPS, taking'the ordinary 60w bulb, Bronze construction is now ondisplay—REASONABLY PRICED. Also a Complete Stock of REA'D'ING LAMPS, RADiIO LAMPS, BUFFETT LAMPS, Two Different Designs in BRONZE ASH TRAYS RADIO AND BEDROOM BENCHES. Solid Walnut End Tables. OTHER, NOVELTIES SUITABLE' F'OB, GIFTS. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie FUNERAL DIRECTORS—PHONE 147w—Day or Night, AMBULANCE SERVICE—MODERN EQUIPMENT MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Z ■ e.1 .11 ■ ::°r :°Y°i a : ■°i ■ :::°r°i ■ :°Y e11.4* : 411. : i a°■°Y°Y pV b :.N o°r :°■ : 0°,4„ FROLIC and under auspices of 'Business Men's Association in Skating i"`1 k, CLINTON r° e° MONDAY, OCTO �,.E, �,, 21 r° PARADE LED BY CLINTON- BAND From Town hall at 7,45 p.m, GAMES FOR -OLD AND YOUNG Come and Win a Prize — Spot Dancing For Prizes ROY .BRECKENBRIDGE ORCHESTRA ft, GOOD ENTERTAINMENT ADMISSION- FREE—Proceeds for Welfare Purposes. .■ ■erY°■rrrrrrre■ers a°°neer■ ee■ce ere er rrre■° :■■■reereberrb°°ar■6■berbeer�e°ui i°r■rrrrireri°e eoe■■rr■• y T JUBILEE • FOUR -ACT PLAY CAROLINA .11111111, WOMEN'S HONOUR " SINGERS ▪ TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, October 25th at 8.11i Presented by Y.P.U. Players of Anthill -1 United• church, under the aus- iiices of the Missionary Dept., of the Y,P.U. of Wesley -Willis church, MITSPC BETWEEN ACTS i.dmis'sion, Adults, 2581 Children 15c, Plan of hall .open at Fair's store Saturday, Oct. 19th. 48-3. -SPECIAL BARGAINSin WASHING MACHINES Two New Machines, the Latest Thing in Washers, Offered for TEN DAYS ONLY, at Greatly Reduced 'Price, to Make Room for New Stoek.' Note This Price: $69.00 WITH $10.00 OFF FOR 1 OLD SI,ACHINE. W. Glen Cook. Clinton. 48-1-p. CLINTON HOSPITAL •• Bazaar and Afternoon Tea in the Town Hall Thursday, Oct. 17. 'CONVENORS—GM Shop, Mrs. H.. Ford; Homemade Baking, Mrs. W. .Seeley; Wjhite Elephant, Mrs. R. Smyth; Vegetables and •Shrubs, Mrs. C. Sturdy; ,Candy, ' Mrs. Sutter; Af- ternoon Tea, Nies.• 1i. Ward; Teacup Reading, Mrs. ,McDonald of Goderich.. IN ONTARIO STREET CHURCH Monday, Oct. 14th at 8 o'clock t , Admission, Adults 25e, Children, 156 (Tax EXtra,) Election reports will be made. HOT FOWL SUPPER Served by St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Thursday, Oct. 17th. Supper served from 5 to 9 o'clock. A play, entitled "Closed Lips," will be presented by the Luth- er League. Admission: Adults 60e, Children 12 and under 35c. Ewer y - body cordially invited. VARNA A large numhet -nret at the hall on Thursday evening at reception given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est McGlinchey.. The, following ad- dress was read after which the young couple were presented with many useful and beautifur gifts: "We, your friends, have assembled here this evening to honour and congratu- late you an the beginning of what we trust will prove to be life's, hap- piest venture. Our sincere wish is that as you journey through life the sunshine of happiness and prosper- ity will prevade your lives, affording joy, peace, and happiness to you and yours, and that there will be few clouds and disappointment to mar your marital happiness. As tokens ' of, onr esteem and friendship we ask you to accept these indications of our good will. May they constantly remind you •of your', friends -who wish you every joy and happiness. Signed on behalf of your many friends in the Community."' The groom .responded with a very suitable reply, thanking everyone for the lovely gifts. Dancing was ton - tinned until the wee„ sma' hours in the :morning. THE DANGER LURKS IN DARKNESS! An Eveready Flashlite equipped, with Eveready batteries and Mazda Bulb is the beacon of safety and con- venience when an instant light is re- quired in those dark stairways, clothes closets, cellars, out of doors or when your automobile develops tire or engine trouble. 1> .B Q' Make a Selection Td. -morrow from our ample stock. A STYLE TO SUIT EVERY NEED. 2 Cell Non Focusing Nickle Plated 85c. 2 Cell Focusing Nickle Plated, 3'00 -ft. range, $1.00. 2 Cell Non -Focusing Chrom-Plated fittings, $1.25. 2 Cell Non -Focusing Baby Size, $1.25 2 Cell Focusing Chrom-Plated fittings, $2.00. 3 Cell Focusing Nickle Plated 700 ft. range, $1.75. 5 Cell Focusing Nickle Plated 2100 ft. range, $2.25. 2 Cell Focusing Official Boy Scout Light, $2.25. All prices include batteries for above. We also have a stock of Eveready Batteries and Mazda Bulbs for flash- lights. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. Edward Rorke of Huron Col- lege was home over the week -end. Mrs. G. hills and Miss Phyllis of London are vilsiting with Mrs. Cardwell, Mr, Hiram Hill Ieft Thursday for Saskatoon, ,Sask., to visit his son and daughter. Mrs. T. Jackson, Toronto, spent a few' days over the week -end with Clinton freinds, Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton has been visiting Miss Florence Cun- inghame of town. Mr. and Mgrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn spent the week -end with re- latives at Langton. Mrs. John Batters of Collingwood, formerly Miss Hill, visited Clinton friends on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawden and son of Hamilton spent the week -end with Clinton' relatives. Mrs. Helm and babe of Lueknow has been visiting with her parents, Dr. J. S. and Mrs, Evans. Mrs. Cardwell and her son, George, • were in Stratford on Monday at- tending the funeral of a friend. Mrs. Ogle Cooper and 14liss Phyllis Cooper, Toronto, have been visit- ing with Clinton friends the past week, Mus. Bracey of Hamilton and Miss Tillie Tebbutt of London spent the week -end with their aisiters in town. Mr. Button has returned to town af- ter spending the past three weeks ' with Mr. and Mrs. George McVit- tie, Londesboro. ' Mrs. T. J. Wiatt has returned from Brandon, Man., where she has been with her sister, Mrs, Booth, for a couple of n.onths, Mr. James Levy of •lAWn was in To- ronto 'last week attending tire funeral of his sister, Mrs. Mary Elliott of 223 Brockdale Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McEwan spent several days during the past week in Windsor and Detroit, taking in the World Series. D7'. J. S. Evans and Miss Carol Ev- ans have been visiting the former':, sister at Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowes of 'Tiverton, who acconn., panied theth on the trip, ,..spent a few days in Clinton on their return. Mr. F. C. Elford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, who has just re- turned from a trip west, called on Clinton friends on Monday. He came to join Mrs. Elford and two daughters, who had been visiting the lady's sister at Holmesville. MI•. J. B. Lobb recently returned • from a four -months' trip through Western Canada and United States. He visited friends in Manitoba, Al- berta British Columbia, and In the States of Washington, Califor- nia, South Dakota and Minnesota. In making these visits Mr. Lobb had to travel 10,200 miles by train and 815 miles by bus. The western provinces, he says, have many' at- tractions, as well as ninny points in the States, but' taking everything into consideration he is satisfied that old Ontario is hard to beat as 'a place in whieh to flake your home. Ho was especially delight- ed with the mountain scenery. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ONE FRIEND Ilennr.re,rI TELLS THURS., OCT. 10, 1935 ANOTHER OCTOBER 11th a a 'd 12th wErrE will be the Dates for °_t,. ur Next Bid, a l tz►d Lead RUIT f3 ETA With Thanksgiving and Holloween in the near f we are featuring Early Fall Fruits with Big Fruit Sale Friday and Saturday LE SALE BIG BANANA ESPECIAL, per dozen 19c 2 Dozen For 35e Celery, Large Hearts 10c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 15c Spanish' Onions, 3 lbs. for 25c Oranges, Sweet and Juicy, per dozen 29c Orange, Large, per dozen 39c Lemons, 6 for 19e Grape Fruit, 5 for 25c FRUIT COCKTAILS Grape Fruit, each Pineapple Juice Tomato Juice, 5 for Tomato Juice, large size 10e 1Oc 25c 10e VEGETABLE AND FRUIT 1SALE Vegetable Marrow 10c Squash (Hubbard) 15c Pumpkins, each . , 10e New Turnip, 3 for 100 Tomatoes, per bus. (small) 20c Cauliflowers, each 25c New Carrots, (basket) 20c 50 lb. Bag Onions 59c 10 lbs. Onions for 19c Where "Sells for Less" Price Freya is W. FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per lb. 25e.• Cottage Roll, per lb. 30c Spare Ribs, per ib. 15c Fresh Oysters 35c Breakfast Bacon, per ib. 33c Peameal Backs, per ib. 35c Sausages (Schneider's and •;S'wift's)` The Centre Aisle of our Store will be a special dis- play of 'New Fa11 Fruits each week as they arrive. You are invited to inspect these New Fall Fruits Weekly. EXTRA FLASH Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 25c It will soon, be time to start your Christmas Cake. At any rate—you will want a Pudding for Thanks gigink....We have the newest and freshest fruits we can buy. WALKERSIDE'S ICE CREAM. WESTON'S PRUNE BREAD. WESTON'S CRACKED WHEAT. Weston's Crushed Wheat Crackers. Mammy's New Fashion Wafers. No advanced price on Flour or Sugar in Stock— But Flour Market is Very Firm. dmatemenmar IL AMMER CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Aa 7.,�.Ik' R it 4i:R:°•: 4 f A .: 'Y!. .,MI. RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells What 25c will buy 3 Large Cans Tomatoes ....3 for 25c 3 Pork and Beans 3 for 25c 2 Cans Peas, 1 corn 3 for 25c 3 Cans Crosse & Blackwell Soups 25c 2 Bottles Tiger Brand Catsup for 25c 5 Large Bat's Landon Soap for ..25c 3 lbs. Dates 3 lbs._for 25c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins,, .. 2 for 25c 1 ib. Cheese, 1 Sodas, for 25c 4 lbs. Rice for 25c 5 lbs. lilacaroni for 25c 1 Ib. Ginger Cookies and 1 lb. Fig Bars for25c 2 Celery hearts 25c 6 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 2$c We Buy and Grade Your Eggs While You Wait, for which WE PAY lc A DOZ, MORE IN CASH OR TRADE. RILEY'S 'GROCERY Phone 39. Free Snappy Delivery — Give us a Trial and you,.'will be convinced. Having moved into the SUPERTEST STATION ON VICTORIA STREET, - foi'nnerly oekupied by MESSRS. BROCK AND OXENHAM We extend a cordial welcome to all our old customers and respectfullly welcome any new patronage. A full line of Dominion Tires, Tubes, and Exide Batteries will be carried and general repair work done. Frank Layton 47-2. ONE DAY SALE Of SeasantS Smartest Ladies COATS AND DRESSES' FRIDAY, OCTOBER Ilth included Coats nc tided in this sale are the newest models for Fall and Winter. New Tweeds, Fine Worsteds,' and Diagonal Weaves, Self -Trimmed and furred. DRESSES—Season's smartest styles and greatest values.. Pure wool'Jer- seys, Silk Crepes and Novelty Fab- rics. A. McDONALD'S Hat Shoppe , 48-1. A BIT UNCERTAIN Sandy "Say,, Mon, when is Annie McTavish goin' to let you marry. her?" Andy—"It's very uncertain, Mon. Bonne fool gave her a big box Of let- ter paper, with her name : printed ' on it, /She won't get married 'til it's used up -an' • she, writes very few letters on account of the postage." TAKE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD! CAN'T AFFORD IT? YES YOU CAN, WITH ONE OF THE NEW ALL -WAVE 1936 PFIILCO RADIOS Free Demonstration In Your Own Home. No Obligation to Buy. TRY IT OUT. W. Glen Cook Clinton. 48-1-p, CHINESE LANTERNS AT 25c A BUNCH. Used with Statice will make an attractive Winter Bouquet. LET US SUPPLY YOU, Boston Ferns Fine, Strong Plants 50c,1$1.09 AND UP. CUT FLOWERS, MUMS AND ROSES PREPARED SOIL—Delivered to You -15c A PAIL F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Phones 81 and 176. CALL AND SEE CLARE BROS. STOYES& H EATERS before buying STOVES V S P OR COAL ORW OOD' WE MAKE OUR OWN STOVE PIPES THEY WILL LAST TWICE AS LONG AS FACTORY -MADE. TRY THEM. WE ALSO HAVE Paints, Oil and Glass AT GOOD PRIICES T. ll1diis HARDWAB.E and PLUMBING Phone 244 _ READ THESE ITEMS CAREFULLY THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Specials Oct. 10-iii--iz SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE, per tin 9c SULTANA RAISINS', 2 lbs. for 190 21c ROBINHOOD QUICK OATS, large pkg. 21c AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN, large tin 10c SOAP CHIPS, 2 pkgs. for 31c WATCH FOR OUR NEW GREEN AND WHITE HAND BILLS EACH WEEK. AYLMER SOUPS, 3 tin MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for 25c LAWRASON'S AMONIA, 4 pkgs for 25c LAWRASON'S FLUSHO 19c LAWRASON'S SINKO 25c OLD ENGLISH WAX, 1 lb. tin 530 OLD ENGLISH NO -RUB WAX, pints 53c Kelvinator Specials BREAKFAST BACON, per Ib. 29e WEINERS, per lb. 19c HEAD CHEESE, car lb. 15c PORK SA USAGEP.r Ib. n 22c SPARE RIBS, per lb.. 15c NEW CHEESE,, per Ib. 17c CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. 27c Fruit Specials ORANGES, per dozen 19c, 29c, 39c and 49c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c GRAPES, Per basket I • 25c CELERY IHEARTS, 2 for .. 25c HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for CRANBERRIES, per Lb. CAULIFLOWIER, large CABBAGE„ 3 for . . 25c 25c " 25e. 25c LOOK!—WE HAVE AN ORDER FOR A CARD LOAD OF POTATOES FOR THE END OF OCTOBER: ENQUIRE FOR, PARTICULARS. J.T. McKNIGHT & SON. "Your Superior Store" Wie• SIIl the Best For Less Phone 111 CLINTON WITS OU'! LARGE STOCK You will have a splendid opcortunity of selecting useful and sensible gifts for WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, BIRTHDAY, and it may not be too early to mention CHRISTMAS GIFTS. We have a grand stock to select from, and we are always watch- ing for the NEW IDEAS IN FURNITURE which we hops will help you with your selections. A FEW SUGGESTIONS:— OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, FANCY TABLES, CEDAR CHESTS, SPINET DESKS, LAMPS OF ALL BINDS, PICTURES, and a new line of MIRRORS, AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. You will Also Find Many Useful Gifts IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT CUTLERY, PYREX WARE, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, TRI- CYCLES, KIDDIE CARS, and WAGONS, all the latest patterns and colors in GRANITE WARE. AND A B10 STOCK OF RANGES AND HEATERS. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. READ THESE ITEMS CAREFULLY THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Specials Oct. 10-iii--iz SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE, per tin 9c SULTANA RAISINS', 2 lbs. for 190 21c ROBINHOOD QUICK OATS, large pkg. 21c AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN, large tin 10c SOAP CHIPS, 2 pkgs. for 31c WATCH FOR OUR NEW GREEN AND WHITE HAND BILLS EACH WEEK. AYLMER SOUPS, 3 tin MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for 25c LAWRASON'S AMONIA, 4 pkgs for 25c LAWRASON'S FLUSHO 19c LAWRASON'S SINKO 25c OLD ENGLISH WAX, 1 lb. tin 530 OLD ENGLISH NO -RUB WAX, pints 53c Kelvinator Specials BREAKFAST BACON, per Ib. 29e WEINERS, per lb. 19c HEAD CHEESE, car lb. 15c PORK SA USAGEP.r Ib. n 22c SPARE RIBS, per lb.. 15c NEW CHEESE,, per Ib. 17c CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. 27c Fruit Specials ORANGES, per dozen 19c, 29c, 39c and 49c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c GRAPES, Per basket I • 25c CELERY IHEARTS, 2 for .. 25c HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for CRANBERRIES, per Lb. CAULIFLOWIER, large CABBAGE„ 3 for . . 25c 25c " 25e. 25c LOOK!—WE HAVE AN ORDER FOR A CARD LOAD OF POTATOES FOR THE END OF OCTOBER: ENQUIRE FOR, PARTICULARS. J.T. McKNIGHT & SON. "Your Superior Store" Wie• SIIl the Best For Less Phone 111 CLINTON