HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-09-19, Page 5'THURS., SEPT. 1% 19 ,t It THE GOOD START Before a ship puts out to sea, she must' be fully equipped. Regular savings deposits, accumulating at compound interest, can be usedto equip .- • boys and girls for their life voyage. rHS ROYAL BA • OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E, E. PATERSON, Manager tl,, INTEREST TO YOU • AND 'ME There are 245 seats in the Dramin lion House of Commons and already *649 are named as candidates, sothere are ;bound to he a good many disape pointed people on the evening of ''Oct, 14th. The Bessboroughs were in Toronto *this week and were given a kindle: farewell on their last visit to tate Provincial Capital. They leave far England Sept. 26th after a five-year term in Canada. They, will be follow- ' ed by good wishes from the whole Dominion, over which they have jour- neyed several times during their so-, .journ here. Premier Aberhart of Alberta via- ited leis home county and his mother • and brothers in Seeforth last week- end, On Sunday evening he spoke in the Seaforth Presbyterian church, • when a great many, not only of his old friends, but of those who are fn terested in his schemes for the more ,equal distribution of . the wealth of the country. The working' out of these schemes, whieli at the -present seem somewhat vague 'will be watched 'with interest all over the Dominion, . find beyond. While walking along a steed in Toronto the other day the Writer was interested in overhearing a re- :mark e-:m'ark made by a customer, a woman, to the keeper of a fruit stole. The customer had a paper in her hand ancr had probably been ldoking at the headlines. She asked: "Are you praying for peace?" We did net lvait to hear the reply but received the impression that the fruit store wo- man, probably an Italian, was also tn, favor of peace and we thought as we continued our way that if the dee termination to go to war in any coun- try was submitted to the women of the country we should navel ' again see war. But, while women may. -seem to 'have but little influence in regard to the starting or stopping of war, we would urge them not to be discourag- ' ed, but to speak, think and act peace. it will uolne about some time, in spite of the lack of faith of micst men- .and some women. A conference of some interest is ;being held in Ottawa, where the gra, Aire Statisticians are meeting to dis- euss plans foe the uniformity of stat- istical classifications of all kinds, *throughout the Empire. Statistics •are pretty dry things and few:: people etake much' stack in ahem; but this is of special interest to Clinton as the. Dominion Statistitian, Mr. R. H. "Goats, and an old Clinton boy, is chairman of the conference. Canada is said to have as, fine a statistical 'branch as is to be found anywhere. 'Yesterday's London Free Press had -the following reference to this mat-' iter:. "One ofthe main achieve- ments of Sir George Foster as minister of trade arid commerce, was the consolidation of 'an the statistical work at - Ottawa into one department. 'Up to this time work of the statistical branch was the taking of tete decennial .census. Each department taore or lees collected its awn stabs "tics. Sir •George co-ordinated the work under Mr, Coats and in the past 15 years he has built 'up• this department until it is "second to none in the wprld. At ;the time of, the, hnperial Econ- omic Conference:.Beitish states - 411011 paid high; tribute to the et- dent,' of: the Ottawa•'statisticeli: branch,. Theeiennital'Canada Year'' -Book is an' encyclopaedias of in ,. `formation itt re and e'' $ to •th 170- -tninio'n. ROLMESVILLE Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Phail, formerly of Goderich, are glad to welcome them to the village where they have taken up:permtanent 'resi- dence, Mr, and Mrs. Les. Tervis, Mr. Mel. Glidden and Miss Viola and Mr. Ed- gar Trewartha motored to Niagara Falls last week -end. Rev. Mr. Tienbert and Mrs. Her - 'beet returned .hoine on Wednesday after renewing acquaintances at Comber, a former charge, for a few days. Mr. Herbert conducted anni- versary services there on Sunday. We welcome the bride and groom, Mr. and. itirs. Orville Bodges, back to our community after a pleasant ten day's tone through Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowry of Windsor are visiting with the Misses Emily and Minnie Proctor. A number front Holmesville at- tended anniversary services held at Ebenezer church last Sunday whoa Ewe Mr, Cosens of Clinton was in charge both afternoon and evening, Duiring the latter serviee, the Hole maw -111e male quartette, consisting ot Messrs. G. Lockhart, W. Jervis, Scott and A. Cox rendered two very pleas- ing numbers. Mr. Swett also sang e. solo, Miss Webster playing the ac- companiments for all. Last week's Young Peoples' gath- oring was under the direction of Miss Edna Huller felltwship convenor, when a good representation assemb- led to enjoy an interesting meeting. After the opening hymns and prao- er, Miss Esther MarMath read the scripture lesson, followed by the business discussion tinder- the direction of Miss Webster, presi- dent: The tonic for the evening was. taken by Mr. Norman Trewartna. Miss Charlotte Trewartha favour with a plane solo, and after parte. cipating in a few games, the gather- ing was dispersed with the Miepah benediction, This Friday's meeting will be prepared and directed by the citizenship convener, Miss idsthee MacMath. ' The monthly meeting of the W.M. 3, and W'.A.was held on Tresday af- ternoon fternoon at the home Jet Mrs. George 1Vfair. Miss Elva Proctor 'was in eharge.'of ,a helpful and interesting program consisting sof a reading and story by Mrs, S. Walter, reading:, by Mrs. E, A. Yeo, IVirs, Elmer Pot- ter and Miss Elva Proctor. A +very lovely musical number wars enjoyed when a duet,: "The Old Rugged Cross" was sung by the Misses Frances Pot- ter and Elva Proctor: After the business discussion con- ducted by Mrs. F. Potter, president of the W. A., a dainty and attractive lunohron was served by the-liestes- sFs, Miss S. Achoson and ,Mrs, G, Mair. ,• Canadian Revolver Shot Is i Champion British CBIa � I$ Captin h;' Pieltive 1, of the Cana- dian. National Railways police, Win- nipeg, won the British open revolver championship at Birmingham. netting a. new high record score of 152,'1.52, 154 out of a possible 160 paints in the, first, second and final stages. This was 23 points above the nearest crrmpetitee and Capt. PickrelI also sat . new record scores for all stages in this important competition. Increased abundance of mosquitoes in 1935 as compared 'with pre`, ibus -years were reported •from New Brunswick, Southern Quebec, certain sections of Ontario (Niagara Falls and Stamford areas of Welland, county), the three Prairie Provinces, and: from the Kamloops and Cariboo districts of British 'Colum'bia where they constituted an exceptionally ser , Vere gest , , 1M MARRIAGES BATKIN —• MILLER — In Central United Chureh': Manse, Ilensall, on Saturday, Septentiler, 14th, Doris 4Gilnionr•, may daughter of M'r. and Mrs. J 'B, Miller of Sault• Ste Mateo, to John 'Mervyn,Batkin, odd est son of Mee John Boutin and the late Mxs, Batkin of Goderich Town- ship..: MITCHELL j— JEFFERSON In Northside United church, Seaforth, on Sept. 16th, by the Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Elva Marion, r daugh- 'ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Jeffer- son, Tuckersniith, to Alfred Ed- ward Mitchell of Windsor, son of Mrs, Mitchell, .l3eanssville, and the late E. Mitchell of Atwood. BIRTHS SNEILL--'On- September 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, a daugh- ter. BEAN -At Porter's Hlil, on Sept. 12th, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Bean, a daughter. HELM—At Lucknow, an Sept. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Heim (for- merly Miss Ruth Evans), a daugh- ter.—Eunice Irene. DEATHS BRAMF'IELD=In Welland, ,an .Sept. 17th, 'Belle Nichols, wife of Joseph Bramfield, formerly of Clinton, ag- ed 41 years. IN MEMORIAM BETTLES—.In loving memory of Mr• Thomas Betties, who passed away on Sept. 21st 1934. 1"Oh1 for the tough elf ;a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still." —Sadly missed by his wife and fam- ily. MEMBERS OF 'OLD FA),VIILY CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING (The London Pree Press, Goderich, t. Sept. loth,) This afternoon the beautiful old portrait hung home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galt, nestled in well kept grounds containing European stat- uary brought to Canada by the last lieutenant governor of the Northwest Territory, was the scene of a happy family gathering as Mr, and Mrs. Galt celebrated the golden jubilee of their wedding, . The nuptials fifty years ago took place at Knox Presbyterian Church, when Lena Cameron, daughter o'f Af, C. Cameron, MP., and Mrs. Cameron was united in marriage to John Galt, son of John Galt, and Mrs. Galt. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Ure, assisted by Rev. Mr. McGilliv- ray. After the ceremony Mi. and Mrs, Galt received at "the manse," beautiful home of the bride, when a Scotch K.iltie band played. The lead- ing piper,'although alive today, was not present at the golden wedding celebration, He sent his nephew to ploy at the Galt home this afternoon. "The manse" new is Alexandra Ma- rine and General Hospital. • The Galt and Cameron families among the oldest in this part of the country,are closely associated with the early history of Canada, The groom's grandfather, John Galt, was sent to Canada by' the Bri- tish Government to straighten out the debts of the war of 1812. He re- turned to Canada later and founded the Canada Company. John Galt, second, who founded Guelph and cut the road through to Goderich, toot, over, 100 years ago, evitat le now the Fleming'estate overlooking the Mait- land River, when it was given up by Baron de Toile, -W110 returned to Hot - land. It was there John Galt third was born. Postmaster Many Years Mr. =Gall's grandfather on hte mother's side. Daniel Lisars, was the first assessor, when Colborne Town- ship was formed. The bride's father, Non. M. C, Cameron, . was a inember of parlia- ment for manyyears, and was ap- painted lieut.-governor of the North- west Teretiory under the Laurier administration, Mr. Galt, who has been postmaster here for 30 years, receitt"ed his eda cation at the Guelph High Schooi Incl Academy, served a,s an appren- tice in the Grand .Trunk Shops at Stratford. Later he was' at Chicago then in the patent 'office at Washing., 'on, after whieh'he returned oast to work as an engineer on the Intercoi- oniai Railway at Moncton. Pour years spent in Florida to regain shattered health, after which M'r. Galt engaged. in coemmnrcial life with a brother-in- law, John Savage, at yucntreal, Ung der the Laurier Government Mr. Galt was swotm in as postmaster, by Sir Wm. Mulock, postmaster general: Mr, Galt received a civil servicemed al at the time df the Royal Jubilee this year. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Galtreceived this afternoon from four to six o'clock, feasts being present. from Toronto, London, .Stratford, .S't. Catharines, Montreal, Ottawa and Boston. The children are Jbhti Galt. -man- ager of •the Bank of Mottt eal, St, 'Catharines; Lelia Margaret, Mks. G. P. Cling -,an, Florida; Muriel, Mrs, Doe- tense. D, Willson, 'London; Elsie, wife pf'Lt.-Qomoraecler•-C ere J eadlee, of the United States navy, stationed . at Pia en ';'Helen, 'Meg De ,.Ar. Mitchell Guelph:, , eta.' THE CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD cref ?tante { Cut Flowers Floral Designs CUT FLOWERS 'FLORAL DESIGNS FLOWERING PLANTS Chas. V. Co;s:+ke FLORIT Phones: 66w and 66i FARMER'S MARKET I for Poultry and Eggs CULLING TIME It will pay faxnlers to have all non -layers removed from poultry flocks. Culling done by experienced Poultryman free of charge. Fowl and. Chickens handled every day Highest Market Prices Paid For Eggs. Goad Service While You Wait. N. W. • TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w SILVERVV000'S INSTANT FOZEN FRESH PEACH :ICE C OEAM Sold by-- Bartliff &:Crich Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1, : Clinton. FAMILEX PRODUCTS TRY US FOR Toilet Articles Extracts, Spices and Cooking Ingredients EVERYTHING GUARANTEED N. W. MILLER 41-tf. TEES WATER FAIR ONTARIO'S LARGEST TWO-DAY FAIR OCTOBER, 1st and 2nd $2000 In Mazes -- Exhibits Galore Larger Prizes for Horses, including class for Percheron,s and Belgians. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Trials of Speed $100 Purses; Bun- ning Race, Gentleman's Road Race, Auto Race, Clowns, Two Bands, Hur- dle Jumping, Pig Race, Freak Con- veyances, Milking Contest, Etc. New fences will allow a better vier of track events. Robt. J. Ireland, Alex;, B. McKagne, President. Sec,-Treas. 45-1-p,. COUNTY STUDENTS MUST HUR- RY THROUGIL THEIR 'COL- LEGIATE COURSE OR BE- COME BURDENS ON PATIENTS Only' Four Years' Free Tuition Huron County pupils will be al - Dewed four years free secondary school training, after which their Parents will be required to pay the county 50 per ,cent per annum of further educational cost. This decision was made at a meet- ing of the educational committee of Huron County, presided over by Reeve W. R. Archibald, chairman. The ruling .;brought to a close a somewhat bitter battle between Hu.. ron County and London educational authorities, resulting from Huron's refusal last year to pay the full 90 per cant. of the cast of this county's students attending Landon Technical School, The four years may be divided be- tween the County Collegiates and London 'Technical .,School, according` to the wishes of the student,;butafter. four years' free tuition, the county must be reimbursed to the amount of 50 per cont. of the yearly school cost eo the student. The county will pay the reraining 50 per cent, pee annum of the am.onnt paid the schools. DIFFERENT A group et Chinese boys were dis- cussing the relative merits of the tWo billboards, one advertising Carnation and the other advertising Hull Dur- ham. In America," said one of the bays in explaining the . signs to the others, "they have ,he -cows ' and she. rows. The she -cows give milk and the he -cows give tobacco." —Live Stock Leader, An elderly hunting man had de- Bided that he was too .old for the game. To a friend he was retailing his woes. e e a• "Ah, George," et said, sorrowfully;. "no more hunting for, me ,b,, ,have gunned my bridges:": Why a ,.,.. s id a'heother .delrfhted, "if,that's Ornately trouble, I can lend Man a P0414,?ni99 ", . . FEATURE FABRICS to TAILORED -TO -MEASURE CLOTHES If you awe looking for a 'cl'oth that is a' -'LI,TTLE DIFFERENT"{• You can be .sure :of finding it in: the New Fall Range .,of COOK CLOTHING COMPANY SAMPLES. COME IN AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW THEM TO YOU Dyeing Cleaning &epsaring• CLARK Pressing NEWS OF HAPPENINGS IN THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT GODERICH;: Decoration Day services, attended by many -citizens, were conducted at Maitland Cemetery Sunday afternoon by members of Court :Goderich No, 32 LO,F. The Ben Miller court also was represented. The program was in charge of Rev. IV. P. Lane, ' Others taking part in the service were Rev. F. W. Craik, who gave the addresses, Rolf. D. J.. Lane and Capt. W. Crozier, Salvation Army. After the reading of the roll of dead by J. W. Bell, the last post was sounded and the Foresters, led by Chief Ranber Frank Bowra, de. corated the graves of their departee brethren. DASHW'OOD: Joseph Guinan died at the home of his son-in-law, Michael Ryan, near Mt. Carmel, Monday. He was in his 54th year and had been, in failing health for some time. Ile was assessor of Step- hen Township for 40 years and was a well-known apiarist. I3e is survived by tette sons, Father Guinan, of As- stttnption College, Sandwich, and John Guinan, of Detroit, also three daughters, Mrs. Michael Ryan, ot Mount Carmel, Sister Carmelite and Sister St. Michael, of Chatham,. Re-' quiem high ntass was sung for him on Wednesday at 10 tc'clock at Mount Carmel Church by Rev, Father Fog- erty. DUNGANNON; In the death of. Mrs. John Taylor, which occurred on Friday, at the home of her darghter, Mrs. John Connell, Galt, the Town- ship of Wiest Wawanosh lost an old and highly esteemed citizen. The de- eeased, who was Miss Margaret Johnston, was one of a family of nine sons and daughters of the late Agnes 1Vtcllwain, and was born near- ly 83 years ago in the Township of Ashfield. Upon her marriage to John Taylor, she went to reside In West 'Winwanosh, where she had been a ,continuous :resident, About two weeks ago she went to Galt to be with her daughter, Mrs. Connell, and it was while there she suffered another stroke and passed away. The remains were brought to the home of her son, Ross Taylor, east of Nile, Where she had made her home, She was predeceased- some 18 years by her husband. Surviving are her son, Ross Taylor, Nile, and her daughter, 11i,'rs. Connell, Galt, also one . sister, Mrs. Richard Cousins, near, Shap- pardton, andfour brothers, Samuel David, :William and James Johnston, all of Ashfield. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. The services at house and graveside were conducted by Rev. Ms. Pomeroy, pastor of the Nile - Leeburtt Port Albert United Church circuit. Interment 'was in Dungannon Cemetery. Results of physical and ehemicaI studies and trilling and baking tests of "bleached .wheat" in Victoria, Australia, indicated that, aside from lowered bushel weight and .bleached appearance, the exposure of ripe grain in thespike to heavy rain fol lowed, ley. drying before harvest hare no ,• appreciabledeleterious effect on flowr yields oing.quaht y, or ot ee 0 ori ti es.' r. ha ct s PAGE sconatuarsuossonsousesasims CAP!! AL TtNEATRE Goderich—Phone 47 NOW: ,Toe II, Brown in: • "ALIBI IKE" Mon., Tues.,' Wed- MAUEICE CHEVALIER Parisian [ring of Musical Comedy in ,a bright and colorful hit "THE. FOLLIES BERGERE" DE PARIS , with beautiful Anon Sothern Thurs., Fri, Sat; Double Bill James Cagney and Pat O'Bri'ee present a saga of high adventure "DEVIL DOGS OF THE AYR" Kay Francis ' starred in her ,newest production "THE WOMAN IN RED" ' .E6ENT T 1L.fC9TRE Seaforth NOW: "The Folies Bergere ole Perls" with Maurice Chevalier Men,; Tues,. Wed. SHIRLEY TEMPLE in the grandest picture she has ever made, She sings and dances in "CURLY TOP" Witi, John Bales Matinee Wednesday at 4 p.m, Thurs,, F'ri!,-Sat,-16eublte Bil'1. JOE E. BROWN as a. fancier of fancy poultry in "A VERY HONORABLE GUY" B:UCI{JONES in an outdoor- adventure tale "MAN TRAILER" Coming: Will Rogers in: "LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY" Mat.: Wed. and Sat, at 3 pm. Gaming: "Becky Sharp" in Technicolor. Mat.: Wed, at. 4 p.m.,eSat,, 3 pen. WENDORF'S CANDY and PASTRY SPECIALS Doughtnuts T -Biscuits Date Loaf Layer Calces and Jelly Roll in all sizes, compare the quality and fresh- neSS of these cakes. FRESH SHIPMENT OF NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES AND BARS FAST FROZEN ICE CREAM BRICKS -20e. WENI)ORF'S NO NIPED TO .SUFFER with Riheumatism,•. Backache, Lumbago. --- USE RUM'A.OAPS. Sold at J. E, Hovey's Drug Store. House For Sale Comfortable six -room house, cel- lar, garage, garden. Lights and water. Apply on premises to Mrs. L. Aikenhead, Shipley street, Clin- ton. 42.4. Lost In Clinton, or near it on Nia. 8 Highway, a brown club bag ,contain- ing `open's wear. Pinder kindly; com- municate with the Salvation Army officers, Clinton, Reward, 45-41-p., MR,' FOOT writes: Far twenty years, I suffered with a, corn. Cress Corn{ Salve removed it . At Hovey's ; Drug Stem, Clinton, Piano For Sale A square piano, in good condition..) Will be sold reasonably, Mrs. Argent, PORTRAITS TAKEN IN SEPTEM- BER FOR CHRIS'T'MAS GIFTS, Yes we have made a number of sit- tings for Christmas Portraits al- ready. Have you seen the beautiful large portrait finished itt genuine oil colors, and framed complete is the latest glass franie, all for $4.85.. You will have your ctoice of, several sittings for this high class work. This is good for September only,,. so as to come (before our Christmas rush. Call in' and see our work, and makii your appointment, BURGESS' STUDIO Phone 115, Clinton, WANTED Fresh Eggs and Creaiinl. Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Pat* 'A. E, FINCH Phone 231, Cleaning. and Pressing- Suits, ressingSuits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANED AND REPAIR= W. J. JAG° if not open work may be lett .t Heard's Barber Show House To Rent 4 7 --roomed house •on Osborne Street, electric light, tows water, large garden with small fruits, gar- age and stable. Apply to Leonard McKnight, Clinton or W. Robinson, Goderich. 44-2-p. For Sale or Rent Nine A•ooine brit Clinton.. 45-2-e d k house on Map- le Street, including bath, new fur - Foe Sale Radiant Heine Hard Coal heater. Box burner, self feeder, small even and two lids. Can be used cooking. for small family, In geed order and will sell cheap, Mrs. E. Johnston, Al- beit Street, Clinton, 45-1-p. Farts For Sale Or Rent Situated 3 miles east of Clinton on the Huron Highway, Lot 29, Tucker - smith, consisting of 98 acres of land, frame house, bank barn, plenty of water. Apply to T. E. Livingston, Clinton. 45-tf. nage, and good garden, also garage. { Apply to Ida NI. Walkinshaw, Clin- ton, Ont,, Phone 211, 36-tf. { House on King Street Will rent or sell, 8 bedrooms, bath, furnace, fire -place, garage, R. W. McKenzie, phone 617r42, Clinton. 41-tf. Strayed A black yearling steer strayed onto) the premises of Morgan Janes, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Owner may have NOTICE sante by proving property and pay- Voters' List 1935, Mrnicipality of ing expenses. 45-1. the Township of Goderich County of Huron AUCTION SALE Of household effects at Bayfield an Friday, Sept. 20th, at 1,30 •sharp. Contents of the home of the late Mar- tha Rothwell, Terms, Cash. Chas. Rathwell, executor. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 44-2. Stray Steer Come to premises of undersigned yearling steer, black with white mark- ings. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expens- es: IL E. Coleltugh, R. R. No. 3, Phone. 611r4, Clinton Central. 45-3-p Finnerty For Sale 2 acres of land near edge of town, one stcrey frame house, garage and barn combined, large henhouse. All buildings fully 'equipped with hydro and the house "also with town water. Young orchaa;d. Reasonable terms. Apply to Mr, Gurdon Pearson, Gode- rich, or Mr. C. B. Hale, Clinton. 45-11. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Residental Properly Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a rcertain rnrort- NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Art and that I have post. ed up at my office in Goderich towit. ht an the 31st day of August, 1985, the list of all persons entitled tovote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that sseh list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. Dated at my office this 31st day of August, 1935 ' R, G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 43-3. NOT11C'E TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret O'Neil!, Deceased. gage, which will be produced at the, NOTICE is hereby given that all time of sale, there will be offered for persons having claims against the sale ley public auction,subject to a estate of Margaret O'Neil,. late of reserve bid, on : Saturday, October the Town of Clinton,, in the County 6th, A.D., 1935, at 1.30 o'clock in the of Huron, ;Spinster, deceased, whet afternoonat the hereinafter descrih died on orabout the 27th day ofi' ed, property, Bayfield, Ontario, the June A.D., 1935, awe required to de - following property, namely, liver to F. I' ingland, Solicitor, on or Lot Humber Two hundred and Ono before the 23th day of September, (201) in the Village of Bayfield, iti A.D., ,1935, a full statement of their the County of Huron. claims together with particulars Upon the said property there is thereof., and. the nature of the scour said to be erected a first class resi- ities, if any, held by them all duly denee, in a gcocl state of repair. verified by affidavit. T1RM"S: Ten per cent. of the pur- ..AND TARE NOTICE that after the', chase money to be paid down at the said last mentioned date the Execu- time 'of the sale, and the balance to trix will Deemed to distribute the be, paid within thirty days, estate of the said deceased amongst For further particulars and condi• the pewee/es entitled thereto having tions of sale apply • to the undersign- regard ' only to ouch antes as : shall ed solicitor. • have received due notice and in ae- DClinton, • • 1' o • 'this •1 it ATED at C mt n, 6th daS cordtittee therew h: of September„ A.D.,1935. .DATED atClinton ,Ontario this titin. day ,oSeptember, f AE., 1985. . F. F'INGLAND, Clinton Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate 4d 3, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. r -i r' F.S�A PTNGND, C n , tan t Oita io, Solicitor tor.. the 'Mo, tgagee., 4;C3..