HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-09-05, Page 5'THURRS., SEPT. 5,1935 (►, ` INTEREST TO YOU AND ME One hundred and .seventy deaths 'from motor accidents are reported 'from the United States during the :Labor Day week -end. They have manufastured a gaso- line which can be cut like cheese, r We shouldn't be surprised if it „smelled' almost as )bad as Limberger,' too. Schools opened on Tuesday and now for the long 'fall term until Christmas, except for the break of Thanksgivnig Day •and Rememlbeance .Day. At Rockford, Ill.; the school in- spector has decreed that none but pretty teachers need apply, That is e, break for the pretty young things 'but hard on those not' so pretty but who are efficient teachers. 'If all the folk who are objecting to the fixing of Thanksgiving Day on `Thursday refuse to attend whatever services may be arranged on that day we suppose the services will be as slimly attended as if it were on -a Monday: The News -Record has suggested before that .K ,two fall holidays are one too many, Remembrance Day be `kept, on the day en whieh it happens -to fall, and that a 'special Sunday be set apart for , general Thanksgiving. People will not go to church en any 'week day set apai.'t. 'Thanksgiving is just another holiday. Its name -might just as well be changed for all the significance 'it has 'had for a good many years. It is en again, it usually comes a.. 'long about this time after an unu sally hot sununer, an agitation for lighter and more comfortable sum- mer clothing for 'men.There is no reason why men should 'swelter in un- comfortable wool clothing during hot weather. Surely verysoon some •clever designer of men's clothing will be able to bring out something which will satisfy the man who is •particu- lar to look well-dressed on all occas- ions and will yet render the wearer reasonably comfortable. 'The Debunker says that black eats Bio not bring ill luck. Well, we nev- er put much faith in that old preju- -dice against black cats, but we have .•a special grudge against a .grey cat which has haunted our pet garden spot this summer and whenever she saw a specially green and promising spot she climbed into it and rolled a- bout until she, practteally ruined several clumps of flowers. That grey • Tat brought us ill luck and had we caught her red-handed and had we had "anything in our hand," and been sufficiently sure -aimed, we should have sent her some ill luck to even the score. TL L ICERSMITh. Northside United Church parson- age, Seaforth,; was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Satur- day, August 31st, at 10.30 a.m„ when Marion Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. 'William Thompson and the late Mrs. Thompson, of Tuckersmith, was uni- ted in marriage to Russel Hayter, also •of this township. Rev. T. A. Carmichael officiated. The bride worn a wine -colored velvet gown with black felt hat and black suede shoes. .She was attended by her sister, Miss Helen Thompson, in a yellow crepe suit, with brown accessories. The bridegroom was supported by his brother, Mr. Elgin Hayter. After a wedding 'breakfast served at the home of the bride, at which the immediate relatives were present, Mr, and Mrs. Hayter left ori a trip to Flint and Detroit, r At the United Church parsonage, Brussels, Aug. 31, at 8.30 a.m.; Rata Helen Fear, daughter of 'Mr..and Mrs. Raymond Fear, Tuckersmith, and Ed- ward Lorne Hamather, son of Mrs. Hamather and the late Levi Hamath- er of Dashwood were united in mar-. liege, the ceremony being performed 'by Rev. C. J. Moorehouse. The at- tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilfong of Arva, sister and brother. -in-law of the bridegroom. Mrs. Mary Sperling, grandmother of the bride, :accompanied the bridal party. The bride wore a travelling ensemble of navy and white tr;pie sheer with matching accessories and the bride's .attendant wore a brown crepe and velvet costume with brows} acres, ^sones. ` The wedding brealcfast was served :at the home of the bride's parents. 'Covers were laid for twedve, only "iremecliate relatives being present, and the guests wereserved by Miss -ses Margaret and Mary rear, sister and cousin of the bride. The toast to the bride was propos- Id by Mr. C. W. Collett to which the 'bridegroom replied, The table was beautifully decorated and was set under a large white bell with pink and white streamers, the bride's cake. making an attractive centre flanked with silver vases holding larkspur • and baby's breath. Mr. and Mrs. Hamather left for a motor trip to Detroit. • Guests who were ,present at the I'Iam:ather-Fear wedding included Mrs. L. Hamather, Dashwood. Miss "Eileen Schroder. `Detroit, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Collett of Niagara Falls, PORTER'S HILL On Sunday Rev, Its M. Gale was welcomed back by his people atPor- ter's Hill. He looks greatly improv- ed in health and delivered a very thoughtful sermon 'TOM' the text John 8-12, "I am the light of the World; he that followeth Me shall not waik in darkness." He said this text cane to his mind while staying at the home of his brother, Rev. James Gale, returned Missionary from Korea, who now 'resides in Bath, England, in the house where Charles Dickens was born. Next ',Sunday the ,Sacrament of the Lord's ,Supper will be given at Grace church at 7.30 in the evening insteac: of 3 o'clock. All are invited to at- tend this service. Then Sunday, Sept. 22nd 'a Rally day service will be held. On Wednesday evening 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Salkeld entertained a- bout 40 of their . immediate friends and neighbors to a corn roast ants sumptuous dinner at their summer home on the 4th concession. Mrs. R. MeIllwain and Mas. Bill Orr help• ed serve. After all had done justice the floor was cleared and Mr. James Parrish and Ml. Hobson supplied Mus- ic for an evening of dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Salkeld, recently married, were present. The evening broke up with singing, "He's a, Jolly Good Fel- low!, . The Liberal Parliament buildings on: the Gut Line was destroyed by fire ene day last week. It has not been decided where the members will have their next meting. The annual field day, sponsored by the Goderieb Ttiwnship Men's Club was well attended, the gate receipts being the largest for some years. The parade was good and all sports, races and so fourth well contested. The following is a list of prize win- ners: Decorated ears, Mrs. Groves, Jack Torrance; Agricultural cars, Geo. Johnston, Jim 'Stirling, Evely4 Ccs; Decorated bicycle, Morris Har- wood, Betty Harris, Erie McAllister, Jean McAllister; Hard -time vehicle, Arthur Elliott, Billie Harris, Eric Cox; Hard -time outfit on foot, bison Torrance, Donald Colelough, Wil- liam Smith; Comic outfit, adult, Art, Groves, Mrs. Mcilveen and Mrs. Lowden, Phyllis Elliott; Comic out- fit for children, Beth -Cox and Ruth Harris, Robert i•Iobson, Ilene Sutter; Jazz band, Groves band; Ancient out- fit, vehicle, Jested Gardiner, Jenne McDougall; Ancient outfit on foot, Jahn Diehl, Mrs. Jordan, Ray Cos. and Jim Sturgeon; Children's fancy dress, Mary Terrance and Isobel Woods, Groves children; Adult fancy dress, Gladys Gale, J. R. Stirling, Dora Harrison and Aida McDonald. The baby show had only three competing as it had not been advertised and all three were so at- tractive they gave them equal steed- ing. Nail driving contest, Art Elliott, Iiarold Yeo; Pillow tight,, 13 years and under, Robert Hopson, I. Tor. ranee; 18 years and under, Robert Thompson and F. Finde; Boxing in barrels, 15 years and under, Jim At- wood, Clayton Cooper; Any age, Grant Lindsay, Lorne Porter. Races -Boys 6 and under, Ronald Fuller, Gordon Grigg; Girls, 6 and under, Joyce Astiles, Maxine McAl- lister, Isobel Fuller; Boys, 8 and un- der, Bob Ginn, William McIlevain, Geo. Ginn; Girls, 8 and under, Annie Astles Lena Wilson, Helen Groves; Boys, 10 and under, Keith Jenks, 'Bob Ginn, .Bill ,Barris; Girls, 10 and un- der,' Dorothy Ginn, Maxine Sturdy, Ruth Harris; Boys, 12 and under, Jim Sturdy, Doug. Sterling, K. Stir- ling; Girls, 12 and under, Maxine Sturdy, Dorothy Ginn, Betty Harris; Boys, 16 and under, Jim Atwood, Grant Stirling, Lorne Tyndall; Girls, 16 and under, Gertrude Eason, Be. sie Young, Gladys Clark; Men's 105) yard dash, ,lack Stirling, Alvin Cox, Harold Johnston; Girls 100 -yard dash, Gertrude Easom, Gladys Clark, Clara Elliott; Matrimonial race, El- liott Harrison and Mrs. Will Jervis, Jim Blake and Mrs. Grigg; Ray Cox and Mary 'Gregg; Slipper kicking, Norma Potter, Bessie Young, Dor, othy Ginn. The managers of the club desire to thank all those' who so willinal;, helped make the day a success. The gate receipts amounted to something over 572.00; booth and gate about $147,00.., i Miss Mary Fear of Blyth. Last "Thursday evening a large company of neighbors " and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fear and spent a few enjoyable homes. Mr. Vern :Terry, berry acted as master of ceremonies, and Mrs. Austin Matheson read an address to Miss Reta Fear, while Miss Sadie 'Ball, en behalf of Turn- er's Church and Community present- ed her with a set' of silver knives, forks and spoons, and. Mrs. Terry - berry, osa behalf of the Ladies'. Club presented a butterfly quilt. Miss' (feta replied thanking all for their gifts and good wishes, after whieh a program of readings, solos and duets was given. Bill Pepper and Warren Whitmore then entertained the com- pany with violin music, with the Mee, sea Whitmorc as accompanists.` : Re freshments were served by •the ladies, and after singing Auld Lang Syne the company separated, all having expressed wishes of happiness and good luck for Miss Fear in her coming marriage. "•;f THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MARRIAGES SCOTT—POCKET'i-{At the home or the bride'a father on August 31st, by the Rev. F. G. Terrill, Mabel Elizabeth Poekett, daughter of Mr. T. E. Livingston, Ontario street, Clinton, to James Findley Scott, only son of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Seat, Thornton Hall, Seaforth. COGHLAN-4LAWRDNCE — in St. John the Divine, Anglican, Church, Cayuga, on August 26th, by the Rev. R. M. Weekes, of Dresden, assisted by the Rev. W. J. P, 'Baugh, rector of the church, Eliza. beth Olive, younger daughter of Mrs. Lawrence and the late Syt- vestee Lawrence,, Clinton,'('to George Edgar Coghlan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Coghlan of Port Ar. thur. HAMATH'ER—(FEAR—At ,the Uni- ted church parsonage, Brussels, on Aug. 31st, by the Rev. C. J. Moor - house, Rita Helen, only daughter of Ms. and Mrs. Raymond Fear, 'Tuckersmith, to Edward Lorne Hamather, son of Iters. Hamather' and the late Levi Hamather or Dashwood. McNEVIN—,ANDIREW—At the home of the bride's parents, Goderich, en August 31st, by the Rev. W. P, Lane, Suzanne Rae, daughter of Mr. and Mas. W. J. Andrew, to Alexander MeNevin, .. all of Gone - rich. HAYTER—THOMPSON— At North. side United church, Seaforth, on August 31st, by the Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Marion . Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Thompson and the late Mrs. Thompson, to Russell Hayter, ail' of Tuckersmith. WHITE—ABELL--At the home of the bride's parents, Goderich, on Sept. 2nd, by the Rev. D. J. Lane, Irene Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and dies. Win. Abell, to George Clare White of Toronto, son of Mr. T. B. White and the late Mrs, White, .Parry Sound. McQUILLAN — MILLER. —' At the home of the bride's parents, on August 28th, by the Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, Margaret M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Luck - now, to Frederick J. McQuillan, son of Mr. John McQrillan and the late Mrs. McQuillan, West Wawa - nosh, DEATHS OWEN—At Cedar Hill, Basting Ridge, New Jersey, on Aug. 31st, Enema 'Gee Owen, only daughter of the late Mr. aper Mrs. William Owen, formerly of Clinton, Ont. IN MEMORIAM CRICti -- In fond and loving mem- ory of a dear mother, Alice W. Orich, who passed away Septem- ber 1st, 1984. "Gone, dear mother, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face; But you left us to remember, None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed-- How sweet the memory 'still— But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill." —Sadly missed by daughters, BRUCEFIELI3 Rev. W. A. Brenner will be home next Sunday. The church services will be at the usual hours, eleven and three -thirty. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Londesboroug of Port Credit and their son, Dr. Ar- nold Londesborough of Garretsville, Ohio, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen on Labor day, Mrs. A. Murdock and daughter of Detroit returned home last week af- ter spending a week at the home of Mr. R. Murdock. Miss K. Elliot, Reg. N., at •Strath- ro.y is spending her holidays at her home in the village. VARNA Judge William Sviatts of Crookston, Minn,, and his nephew, Mr, Thomas Reed of Manitoulin Island, visited Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Keys on Sunday Mrs, Keys being a cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid of Clin- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys on Sunday, Kenneth returned home with them after spending the past week with his aunt and uncle. The United congregation held their annual picnic et Bayfield Grove but the day was not a very pleasant one and the turnout was not so large as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Derbyshire, of South- weld called on friends on their way north. Mrs. Mary A. Rathwell of South- isoici tailed enets. M. Reid one day last week. Mrs. J. Hamilton and daughter of Detroit are visiting the formers father and brol:her, Messrs. Robert Crl.clough who is up in years, and his We welcome to our village Mr, and bbs's. Bucan, who have bought the Epp's home. Our school has re -opened again' with Mr. .Stuart Beatty as teaeher• We wish him a suecessful ;year. • Mr. and Ma's. Shell of Detroit are spending a few days with their broth- er, .Mr:. Fred Austin. The many friends of Mr. Jim Mc- Donald are very glad to learn that he 'has ,o far recovered from his operation as to be home again. Mr. and Mre. 31.Bandy anti son of Seaforth spent the holiday with his parents, Rev. and MTV.' Bandy. Mr. Edward Stephenson has fully recovered from an attack of pieursy and is around again. ' ,AproAw `waw Plants Cut Flowers Floral Designs eiereseseeeeree CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS FLOWERING PLANTS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j a WEEK -END ECIOLS Cherry Tarts PUMPKIN & CHERRY PIES Try them -They're good Made by- Sartliff & Crich Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. NOTICE Announcing the opening of a Familex Store Next to N. W. Trewartha's Featuring home necessities and Toi- let articles. Opening Saturday, Aug. 31st. Premium cards. We respect- fully solicit a share of patronage. N. W ♦ MII.LEII 41-3. SHOWERS AND TROUSSEAU TEA FOR YOUNG GODBRICH TOWNSHIP BRIDE The members of 'St. James Church, Middleton, with other friends, gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton on Monday evening, August 26th, in honer of their daugh- ter, Marion, and presented her with many articles, needful and useful in the kitchen, Two little girls, Harriet Wise and Muriel Rowden, carried in a huge basket laden with gifts. Miss Middleton unwrapped each, reading the humorous rhymes attached to the gifts, and graciously thanked her Mods. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed, the bride-to-be being showered with good wishes for her future happiness, The A.Y.P.A. were entertained by a Corn Roast on the beach at Bay- field on Thursday evening. During the evening Miss 'Marion Middleton was presented with a Ivoride handled carving set, and the following ad- dress uas read:— "Dear 'Marion: We, your fellow memiers of A,Y,P.A. of this parish, wish to congratulate you upon the occasion of your coming marriage to Mr, Powell. Please accept this gitt as a mark of the esteem in which we hold you, W2 hope that both of you will continue to meet with us in our e rganization.—Signed on behalf of A.Y.P.A., Carl Diehl, (Pres)" Mrs, John Middleton entertained Saturday afternoon and evening, August 31st, at a trousseau reception in honor of her daughter, Marion; whose marriage took place yesterday, Sept. 4th. The bride,eloct, becomingly gowned in pink :crepe, received with her mother, who wore a black lace gown. The living -room was love- ly with gladiolus and late summer flowers. Misses Phyllis and Ruth Middleton, sisters of the bride, dis- played the beautiful trousseau and shower gifts. The dining -room table was °averred with an Italian -Cut- Wbrk cloth and centred with the wedding carte. Vases of pink flow- ers and gypsophilla completed the lovely arrangements. Mrs.. C. G. Middleton and Mie. Fred 'Middleton, aunt of the bride, poured tea, with Mme. Stewart Middleton and Miss Margaret Middleton assisting in the dining -room. COLBORNE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meliwain spent the week -end in Toronto, Miss Eileen Rees of Toronto who spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcilwain has return- ed home. Mrs. Wm. Cantwell spent the week- end in Sarnia, Mrs. Wm. Clayton and son, Jack of Putnam spent the past weelc with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Treble. Mr. and M'rs. Allan Dixon of Port Carling spent the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson. Mrs. \ 10. M. Young and daughter, FARMER'S MARKET for Poultry and Eggs CULLING TIME It will pay farmers . to have all non -layers removed from poultry flocks. Culling done by experienced Poultryman free of charge. Fowl and Chickens handled every day Highest Market Prices Paid For Eggs. Good Service While You Wait. N. W. TREWARTHA PhonesOffiee, 214j Residence, 214w LET US "RENEW" YOUR CLOTHES Your suit seemingly "done for" may easily be restored 'ta service by having it cleaned, pressed or repaired. We chre for your clothes in such a way as to prolong their life. We bring out the colors, raise the nap, set the fabric, and give the garment an appearance of newness. Dyeing '1►/ i, Cleaning Repairing ����f►lU Pressing SEAFORTH NEXT MONDAY & TUESDAY THE JOL,L.IES OF 1935 Auspices of Canadian Legion CAST OF 100 300 GORGEOUS COSTUMES All Scats Reserved -4.5e plus 5c 'tax CARDNO'S HALL 43-1-p. Plums Far Sale Anyone wishing plums should see C, Hoare. 43-2. For Sale Load of beef type stockers. These ane nice breedy cattle and will be sold on a close margin. Phone 600- 23. A. 10. Townshend, Goderich town- ship. 43-1. "PAIN GONE IN 15 MINUTIOS using RUIMA.CAPS for Rheumatism, Backache, Sciatica. At Hovey's Drug Store. Miss Isabel and granddaughter, Miss Phyllis Walters returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending the sum. mer at their cottage here. Miss Gladys Treble has returned to Toronto after spending her vaca- tion at her home here. Messrs. Keith Young of Zurich and Colin Young of Kincardine spent the week -end at their home here. {Miss Isabel Tyndall, nurse-ite training at Toronto General Iiospi- t'al is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tynd'ail. There will be no service in the churches here on Sunday owing' to Decoration service to be held in Col- borne Cemetery at 2.30. Mrs. Melvin Tyndall and three daughters.. attended the Toronto Ex. hihition last week. Miss Christine Robertson of Tor- onto is visiting at her home here. Miss Amelia M,eliwain spent ta: few days this week with her aunt, Mrs. John McPhee of • Nile. • HULLETT TOWNSIm- Mr,. Laren Tyndall is visiting this week with his son, Mr. Clifford Tyn- dall of . Toronto, and Incidentally, taking in. the Big Fair, GODERICII TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. W. Haltshauee and daughters, Doreen and June, and Mr. Dorenhauifer' of Marden visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. Riggin on Sunday. Miss Mildred llezeau of Kitchener spent the week -end as the guest of Miss Margaret Biggin. Miss K. Richardson of Goderich township is having a •pleasant stay with her friend, Mrs.-Wlinmdll of Goderich. Mre. Arthur Stephenson, Bayfield Line, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Livermore of London. 'Mr. and Mrs. Phil Baynard of London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i$tephensn. Misses Reta and Shirley Beacom of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beacom. Mr. and Mrs, 'Stewart Middleton epent Sunday with friends' in Gode- rich. • PAGE 5mulonikomsmos THEATRE Goderich—Phone 47 ``GAMt'AL 1Etit:NT tlf1ATtE 1 Seaforth NOW: "Stolen harmony"' Gal'. lcaft and Ben Bernie NOW: WILL ROGERS IN "LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY" MOM, Tues., Wed.—Double Bill Bing Crosby, Joan Bennett and W. C. Fields in "MISSISSIPPI" a tuneful hut! Claudette Colbert, Charles ° Boyer and Joel' McCrea featured in a superb dramatic attraction "PRIVATE WORLDS" Mon.,, Tues., Wed. VICTOR HUGO"S Immortal classirc le crought to life e „ . LES MISERABLES Frederic 'March & Chas. Laughton are unforgettable hs this screen event! Thurso, Fri.,, Sat.—Double Bill CONSTANCE BENNETT _ with Franehot Tone in the great! Musical • • "MOULIN ROUGE" Spencer Tracy and Jack Oakie in "LOOKING. FOR TROUBLE" a laffable riot! Thurs., Fri., Sat. EDDIE CANTOR brings his troup of funsters in a llveiy and colorful musical u KID MILLIONS „ Ethel Merman and Ann Sothern Coming: BKY' SHARPE G' E'C' In the New Technicolor Mat.: Wed and Sat. at 3 pen. 'Coming: "GINGER" anew hit! • Matinee, Sat. at 3 p.m. WENDORF'S LET US MIX--BAKE—AND DECORATE YOUR WEDDING CAKE A PERFECT CAKE AND STYLE IS OUR GUARANTEE FAST FROZEN • ]BRICKS--20dr ALSO HOME-MADE ICE CREAM HAVE OUR WAGON CALL WITH BREAD, BUNS, ETC., ALWAYS FRESH AND QUALITY BEST. W ENDORF'S HOUSEKEEPER WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER TO TAKE FULL CIIARGE OF HOUSE TWO MEN ONLY. Write to box 244, Clinton. 41-2. Blyth Fall Fair Sept., 13th & 14th Special Attractions and Horse Racing DANCE FRIDAY EVE., .SEPT_ 130 GRAND CONCERT SATURDAY EVE., SEPT 14TH Come and enjoy yourself and help maize this a banner year. 43.2. Where - Will - Yon - Spend - Eternity REVIVAL MEETING will be held in the TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD Monday, Sept 9th Service to commence at 8 o'clock. Continuing until Sat. eve'g, Sept. 14 REV. MRs T, H, JACKSON Colored Evangelist will conduct the services, assisted by Mr. and Mits. Orville Stephenson Marlette, Mich,, 'Singing Evangelists COME, ALL ARE INVITED "Except a man be Born, again, he cannel: see the Kingdom of Heaven' 43-1. House For Sale Comfortable six -room house, cel- lar, garage, garden. Lights and water. Apply on premises to Mrs. L. Aikenhead, Shipley street, Clin- ton. •42-3-p, House on Ring Street Will rent or sell, 3 bedrooms, bath, furnace, fire -place, garage. R. W, McKenzie, phone 6171'42, Clinton. 41-tf. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Bean Grow- ers will be held in the Town Hall, Rodney, on Wlednesday afternoon, September 11th, at 2 p.m. under the auspices of the WESTERN ONTAR- IO BEAN MARKETING :BOARD, constituted under the Natural Pro- ducts Marketing Act 1934. Business to come before the meeting will be PORTRAITS TAKEN IN SEPTEM- BER FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, Yes we have made a'nunrber of sit- tings for Christmas Portraits al- ready. Have you seen the (beautiful large . portrait finished in genuine oil colors, and framed complete in the latest glass frame, all for $4.85. You will have your choice et several sittings for this high class work. This is good for September min • so as to come !before our Christmas rush, Call in and see our work, andmake your appointment. BURGESS' STUDIO Phone 115, Clinton. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Truth Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid A. E. FINCH Phone 231, Roomers an! B.ordera Comfortable house on Ontarier street, convenient to school. Appl, to Mrs. E. H. Epps. 42-2-p, TOWNSHIP OF TUCI{EiRSMfITR WEED CUTTING In order to comply with the Weed Control Act all weeds, including Wild Carrot, will be required to be out on or 'before Saturday, August 31st. ROBT. DALRYMPLE, Road Supt., Tuckersmith. 41-2. For Sale or Rent Nine -roomed brick house on Map- le Street, including bath, new fur- nace, and good garden, also garage. Apply to Ida M. Walkinshaw, Clin- ton, Ont., Phane 211. 36-tf. House and Farm For Sale Comfortable seven -room house, Al- bert street, Clinton, town water, lights, stable anti garage, 1-4 acre • lot. Possession any time. Also an 80 acre farm, lot 62, Bayfield conces- sion, Goderich township, well culti- vated land. Brick house with furnace, bank barn, on good road, near school, good well, also spring creek. Apply to 13. B Cole, R. R. No. 3, 'tllinton, Phone 606r24, Clinton central. 42-2-p, Man Wanted With car to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa , Spices, Ex- tracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users in Huron County. Write T. It Ward Company, John South, Hamilton. Work Wanted Young man, 16 years of age, wants work by year on farm. Good milk- er. Not out for 'big wages. I want a home where my work will be ap- preciated. Phone 244. Tons Haw- kins. 42-2-p. Carpenter Work Shingling, flooring, porches, barn and house repairing, new houses or anything in the building Iine, should be done (before winter. Let us give yam an estimate. James Walker, phone 62902, Clinton; Mummy Tyn- dall, Brucefield, phones 142r23; Sea - forth 618x23, Clinton. 41-3-1p. For Sale 1961 Essex coupe, rumble seat, four practically new tires, hot water 'heater, finished like new, excellent running condition. Will sell right £m cash. Apply to 1tiary R, , Stewart, Victoria street, Clinton.. 42-2. the presentation of the ,balance sheet NOTICED an of es such business. NOTICE Voters' List 1935, Mriaicipality of the Township of Goderich County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Art and that 1 have post- ed up at my office in Goderich town- ship on the 31st day of August, 1935, the list of alt persons entitled to vote in the 'said Municipality at Municipal elections and that ssch list remains there for inspection. And I hereby 'call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings' to have any errors or omissions eors reeted accerding to law. Dated at my office this 31st day of August, 193o. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 43-3. Voters' Lists, 1935,. Munici'p'ality of Stanley Township„ County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have compiled with Section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at niy .office at Varna on the 24th day of August, 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon' all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed by law, the last day for appeal. being the 14th day of September, 1035. Dated this 24th 4day of August, 1935 CHAS. C. PILGRIM, - Clerk of Stanley Township. 41-2i,