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50 Years in Business COOPER,'Si 1885-1935
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E.I'. A' li'J.° 1 I S & HERMAN
To Wit: -1 -
BY" VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ander the hand of the Mayor and
Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton, dated the 16th day of
..July,. A.D., 1935, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in
the following list for arrears of taxes thereon and costs Herein set forth,.
I hereby give notice that unless such eu c rs and costs aro sooner paid, I
shall, in compliance with the -Assessment Act, proceed to sell by public
auction the said lands or as much thereof as may be necessary to dis-
•charge such arrears of taxes and oosts, in the 'Council Chamber, Town
I•Iall, on Friday, November 8th, 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock in .the
Number o.f Lot and Owner Taxes
954 North Street George Bolton $28.31
02 Walker. ,St. W. 'Bezza 602
33, 34 James St. & 60 Matilda St.
H. N. Case 157.39
1222 Victoria St. J. E. McDonald 124.42.
' 728, 729, 730, 731 782 Cowper St.
James Steep Estate 88.78 7.16 95.94
(Published in The Ontario Gazette, August 3rd, ,September 7th, and
October 5th, 1935).
--lR. E. MANNING, Treasurer, . Town of Clinton..
8,87 16.6.20
8.05 132.47
Mit and Mrs. E. Adams, accom-
panied by Miss Brigham of Clinton,
enjoyed a pleasant motor trip up
the Georgian. Bay way and other
places this week.
Mrs. McCormick of Manitoba is the
:,guest of Mrs. Will Brundson"at pre-
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Redden of To-
ronto spent the.. week -end at. the
:home of their parents, MT. and Mrs.
J. 'Hedden.
:Pees. (Rev. Da) Medd and Miss
• Josie Medd of London and Mrs. :1,
Humphrey of Chatham were week-
end visitors with Mrs. Elsley and
"Mrs. J. "Tareblyn.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Tamblyn,
,Tack and Margaret, Mss, J. Tarn.
t'blyn and Mr. Jas. Easley spent Sun.
day with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pl'aley
s of Fordwich,
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
J. Taylor,who about three months
ego fell and broke her hip is not int-
' moving as her many friends would
like to see her. She is still in the
Clinton hospital. Her sister, Mrs.
'E, Cornish, from the West, arrived
here on Monday evening to visit,
Mee and other friends.
Mr, -.and Mrs. Net E. Manning and
little daughter, Mrs. M. Manning
and Mrs. F. Wood spent several days
at the home of Mr. E. Morris, Ni-
agara Falls, N.Y,
Mx. and Mrs, Ben Tyerman of
Seaforth visited Friday with .Mrs.
Ta-nblyn and Mrs.: Eisler.
Mrs. Patterson of New Hamburg
was a caller at Mrs. W1 T. Bruns -
don's on Monday.
Memorial Day will be held at the
Londesboro cemetery on, Sunday,
Sept. 8th. Rev. A. W. Gardiner will
be in charge of the service.
Misses Ruth and Mamie SShaddick
are among those attending the C. N.
E. in Toronto this week.
Stook threshing is the order of the
day in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brechin of Toron-
to visited over the week -end with
Mr.. and Mrs. Percy Manning.
Mrs: Ross visited in Clinton on
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Griffiths of
Wingham were visitors with Me. and
Mrs, W. Griffiths aver the holiday.
Mr, • James Wilton of Toronto
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Manning.
Miss Dorothy Lee, who has been
holidaying here, returned last week
to her home in Toronto.
Death came„ with startling sudden-
ness on Wednesday afternoon, Aug-
ust 28th, to one of Bayfieid's most
respected citizens in ' the person of
Helen Aldcorth, midow of the Rev.
Wm. Hinde. The deceased woman
was one of a family of Den, ibeng
the youngest child of the late Susan
Harris` and Win. Aldworth; She was
born' on Lot 7, 1st concession of
Goderich Township where she lived
with her parents until after her
mother's death. At that time she
moved to the village with her father
and lived in the cottage on the North
bank of the River which is now own-
ed by T. Mustard. . After her fath
ev's.'death she •married James Hudie
and lived on the 7th concession.
Goderich township, until after his
death when she bought the Moor -
house . property, "Woodholme" on
the North side of the river where she
has resided ever since. She was mar-
ried again in 1909 to Rev. Wm.
H"inde who predeceased her in Jan-
uary 1931, About two and a half
years go she took Lester Morden,
a small boy from the Children's
Home in Goderich, to live with her
and was, at the time of her death,
making arrangements to adopt him
legally. It was he who discovered her
lying on the couch when he came into
the house from play in theafternoon
and being unable to awaken her went
for help. Although the late Mrs.
Hinde had not been in good health
since Christmas she continued to live
the active life to which she had al-
ways been accustomed. She was a
clever woman, a great reader and of
a kindly philanthropic nature. Dur-
ing her life -time she has made sub-
stantial dome -inns to the various
churches in the village, chief of
which were an organ to the former
Methodist Church of whichshe was
formerly a member, the Communion
Table and more recently the beauti-
ful Memorial Window in the Chancel,
to Trinity Church, and the bell to
Knee Presbyterian Church. She is
survived by a sister, Adeline (Mrs.
Minue), Minneapolis, and also a
brother, Lewis Aldworth of Exeter.
The funeral, which was largely at-
tended, fee held from Trinity Church
en Saturday afternoon at two o'-
clock, the body having lain in state
from eleven until two o'clock. The
s.crviee was in charge of the Rector,
Rev. W. 6. Bugler, assisted by Dr.
C. E. Dougan of Knox Presbyterian
Church, whoread the lesson, and
Rev. R. M. Gale of St. Andrews Uni-
ted Church who gave the address.
Taking for the text of his address on
"Living and Dying," 2 Tint. 2:11,
"For if we :be dead with him we shall
also live with him," The speaker
;,aid tribute to the steadfast faith in
Christ of the deceased woman as
manifested by her good works. It
was fitting that at this service the
many beautiful floral tributes should
rest on and be banked around the
Altar, as for many years the late
Mi s. Hinde faithfully placed flowers
re the Altar for each Sunday from
the time the first flower oficned in
S :.ring until' the frost of Autumn
had aof htaken the last broom out her
garden. In speaking, of het faithful'
tending of the Altus up to the time
of her death, the Rector, quoted the
last verse of a poem by M.rs. Hemans,
entitled, "Bring Flowers," which was
a 'fav trite of the deceased woman_,
"Bring flowers to the shrine where
we kneel in prayer,
They are nature's offering, their
place is there.
They speak of hope to the fainting
With a voice of promise they come
and pert;
That' eleep in dust through ;the win-
try hours,
They break forth in glory—bring
flowers, bright flowers!"
Tho "pallbearers` were E. A. Pestl -
or'sten, Wie. J. Elliott, Dave Dewar,
A. Maxwell, Jas. 53. Reid and Lewis
Thomson. Interment was made in
the family plot in Bayfield Ceme-
tery. During the entire service the
bell of Knox Presbyterian Church
was tolled.
Relatives who were present Inc the
funeral from a distance were: Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Eastman and family,
and: Mrs. Raymond Shurinur, ,Mr. and
and Mrs. Raymond Shurmur, Pee- and
Mrs. John Winters, Mrs. 'Morley
Jerome, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Adwor'th, Mr, and Mrs. Chao. Ald-
worth, Mr, and Mes. Aures Wildfong,
Mr. Frank:. and Ruth, Wildfong,
Exeter, Mr. and.. Mrs. Nelson North-
crtt, ,Stratford, Lloyd Aidwor•th: and
son, Harold, *Merlon, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Beirnes, Blyth.
It was with keen regret that her
friends in the village learned of the
death of Mrs. James Donaldson,
fc:rmeriy. Henrietta Brown Fraser,
which took place at herhone in
Coderich after a lengthy illness. Be-
fore her marriage she lived for a
number of yeses with her uncle, the
late John Fraser of this village, and
many remember her cheery smile for
the customers in her uncle's ' store.
Thefuneral took place on Tuesday
afternoon from her late residence in
Goderich and interment was made in
Bayfield Cemetery.
'Mr. and -Mrs, Ian McRae of Strath
roy spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's aunt, M'rs. M. Fraser.
Mr. and, Mrs. E. A. Sander, Miss
Betty and Bobby .Sauder and Marga-
ret Flail of Kitchener spent Sunday
with Mrs. F.. A. Edwards,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar of Toronto.
spent several days last week with the
THURS., SEPT. 5, 1935
former✓s parents. Mr. and Mays. Da-
vid Dewar.
MVlisses Elva and Anne Dewar re-
turned to Toronto on Monday to re-
sume their duties on the 'Pubiti,
School staff.
Mr. E. A. Featherston left on
Tuesday on a motor trip to Saskat-
ehewan. He was accompanied by
Walter Johnston, Joe Wild and Lorne
Mr. and Ma's. II. K. King of Sarnia
spent the week -end with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Ma's.', C. WI. Parker.
,Master Harold Atwood returned to
Sarnia with them.
Mrs. L. B. Smith, Master Glen and
little babe, who have been visiting
her parents, Mi. and Mrs. C. W.
Parker returned to their home itt
7•�ndon on 1Vhonday with Mr. 'Smith
who was also here over the week -end.
Di. 5..113. Burris spent a couple et
days last, week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Gordon' and child.
of. Stratford rye :oecupyins the Law-
son cottage this week.
Miss Marges et Ferguson returned
home on Monday after having visit-
ed in St. Catharines and Toronto.
Amongst those who have spent the
summer or sometime in our midst
and returned to their hames are: Mr..
and Mrs. Win. McVittie, Mr. and 1VIrc.
Jas. Hamilton, Mas. F. V. Granger
and family, Mrs. IL Tanner and
daughter, 'Mr., and Mrs. J. A. Camp-
bell and family, Mrs. 'W. Thain ane
family, Mr. and MTs. M. C. Temple-
man and family, Mrs. P. Doig ane
family, Mrs. R. E, Ashton and fam-
ily, MTs. Teale and Mrs. Axford, Mr.
end Mrs. M. Aikenhead and family,
Dr. and MTs. W. J. Tillman and
family, Dr. and 112rs. le. R. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Heard, Dr. and
Mrs Alexander, London; Mrs. A. C.
Suppnick and two daughters. De.
trait; Mrs. D. Burnside and family,
Fast Orange, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs.
Thornton Mustard, Charles and Bet-
ty Mustard, Mrs. W. D. Stevenson
end Jim. De. and Mrs. Harvey Reid
and 'family Toronto; Mr. J. A. Crew-
men, Isobel and Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
T. W'. Oates and two sons, Hamilton;
)tarsi. R. J. Laidlaw and fami'y, St,
Thomas; Mr. end Mrs. R. T. O'w,
Misses E. and G, Rankin. and Jim
Rankin, Stratford; Mr. incl Ml's. S.
R. McMullen and family, VtSndsnr;
Mr, and Mis. W'. T. Laing and fam-
ily, Wallacnburg; Mr, aid Mrs. Gm -
eon Cuninghame and family, Mr. and
eeve. ere, Cook and family, Clinton;
Rev. and Ma's. H. M. Lang -Ford, Wal-
kerville. M'is. R. E. Bricker and two
children. Kitchener; Rev. J. H. Pag-
sen and family, Essex.
Esteemed and Popular God-
erich Township Couple
Celebrate Golden
On Saturday, August 31st, il'Ir.
and Mrs. Robert Pearson entertainer
a fow of their friends and neighbors,
in honour of their Golden Wedding
anniversary. The lawn, with its well -
kept perennial borders, further de-
corated with many bowls and baskets
of cut flowers around the door,
made an ideal setting for the cele-
bration. Another feature that at-
tracted much attention was the two,
top stories of the original wedding
cake, .carefully preserved under a
glass bell, Some of the guests want -
cd to taste it but finally decided to
postpone that until the Diamond
Wedding, which all hope the worthy
couple may be spared to celebrate,
Mrs, Pearson was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Rhoderick McLeod
of Tuevcrsmith, while Mr. Pearson
was a son of the late Win, Pearson
of Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearson were mar-
ried hi 1885, at the bride's home, by
the Rev. John Ross, All their mar-
ried life has been spent actively en-
gaged in fanning; first on the 2nd
concession of Stanley and later on
the 16th concession of Goderich
Township, where they have been well
known and laved Inc their energy In
church and social circles as well as
in agricultural pursuits. Two of
their sons died in infancy. The three
r.^n'aining members of the family,
Geo. W. and family, of Wayne, Mich.,
Mrs. C. G. Lobb, Clinton, with her
husband and famiiy, and Leslie, at
home, were present to grace and hon-
our the occasion.
Ameng the other .guests ivere Dr.
J. A. McLeod, brother of the bride,
Mrs. McLeod and nephew of New
York, relatives and friends from De-
troit, Toronto, London, 'Seaforth,
Kippen, Clinton and Brucefield, ,with.
a few old neighbors from Stanley
and Goderich Townships. Two bro-
thers of the bride, Messrs. Geo, A.
McLeod and Win. J. McLeod of
Idaho were unable to be present.
The gifts from friencls presentand
albeont were fitting expressions of
the esteem in which the .happy cou-
ple are held.
During the afternoon a very fine
pgagram was given under the -capable
.and genial leadership pf Dr. Mc-
-Lead,. Several Selections on the
bagpipes by Piper Wm. Metch, as-
eompenied on the' drums Ay Master
Bobby Morgan, both of Clinton, were
m.tu^..h enjoyed; 'a trio by Messrs. C.
0. Lobb, Fred Lobb and Leslie Pear-
son; piano solos. by Miss Virginia
Pearson; addresses by the Rev. F.
G. Farrill, Mr. C. S. Hawke, and. Mr.
W'm. Walker; and several solos by
Mr Geo. W. Pearson,; accompanied
by his daughter, Mrs. Jos, Hargrave.
The entire program was of a very
enjoyable nature hut we would like
to partioulae'iy mention the singing
of Mr. Gen. Pearson whose numbers
were all favorites of his father and
mother; one e1Mv "M'other's Prayer."
being given .at their special request.
Interest was added to a very de-,
lightful lurteh by the use of the, same
china that had been used at the din-
ner fifty years 'ago. Mut In this case.
the numiber of guests made the use
of additional china, necessary: The
Mead e/Tee
ITH alterations' to its premises completed,
the Bank of Montreal cordially invites you.
to call at its office and inspect the improve-
ments which have been carried out for the
convenience of its customers and to meet
the growing needs of this community.
, the Outcome of 117 Years' Sncce.tsftti Operation
Established 1817
CLINTON BRANCH—Victoria & Ontario Streets
H, M. MONTEITH, Manager
A Million Deposit Accounts Denote Confidence
Guests at the home of Mrs. 8,
Walters this week are Mr. and Mrs,
Oliver Courtice and sons, Clyde, and
Thornton and Miss Blood of Chicago.
Miss Taylor of Tillsonburg is vis-
iting with her cousin, Mrs. Spence
Mr, and MTS. Will Jervis are re-
siding in Brumfield for a month, Mr.
Jervis being at work in that village
for the present,
Mr. Birch and little daughter, Jo
A.ne, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Mulholland for a week, returning to
Detroit recently.
On Monday Mrs, Edgar Teewartlui
and Miss Aima, Mrs. Lorne Jervis,
Mr, D. Glidden, Sr., and Mr. Willard
Lee returned from a pleasant trip to
Nipissing. Miss Cosa Trewartha re-
mained there, where she has been
engaged as school teacher for the
blrs. J. T. Crich, Clinton, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair.
Mrs. e. Cooper, Clinton, has been
spending a few days with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. A. Bond.
Miss K. Colo of Detroit returned
home on Saturday after a week's
visit with her grandmother, Mrs.
Wan, Mulholland.
The Messrs, Eldrid, Jack and El-
don Yeo, 1ilrs. J. Yeo of Goderich
and Miss Ada Findlay motored to
T,a•cnto on Wednesday last to visit
Mr. Yeo's sister, Mrs. Russel For-
ster, returning later in the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macelath are
attending the C.N.E. for a day or
two this week,
Mr, and Sin. Ear] Cudmore of
Brampton visited the former's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, J, Cudmore, over
the week -end,
Mrs. James MacMath and Miss
Ruth of Tnrcuta called on relatives
here on Monday.
Mr. Carl Cox, Mrs. John Cox and
Beth and Miss Gay Whitmore mot-
ored of Listowel last week.
Miss Ilelen Mac5ath, London,
spent the week -end and holiday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Mao -
Master Don Campbell of Brussels.
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stock.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper, De-
troit, are visiting with the latter's
mother, Mrs. W'nt. Mulholland.
The people of the congregation and
community are glad to have among
them again their minister, Rev. J. W.
Herbert, Mrs. IIer'bert and 'Billy, who
returned on Friday after their so-
journ iri'Mus]coka,
On Tuesday the old school bell
rang once more to herald in another
school year. Miss Jean Webster of
Seaforth has been engaged as teach-
er again, arriving on Monday. Four
little beginners have started this
term, Misses Marie and Eileen Glid-
don, Edith Pickard and Master lHer-
bie' Pocock.
Students from this vicinity attend-
ing the Clinton Collegiate this year
are Misses Alma Trewartha, Grace
MaeMath, Olive Mali and Bernice
Grigg, and Messrs. Charlie C'udmore,
Billie Herbert, .Sheldon Maciath and
Billie Williams.
Per. and Mrs. George Brady and
colors of white and gold which pre-
dominated in the lunch were espec-
ially effective in the decorations of
the three -tiered wedding cake which
Mrs. Pearson cut.
After' a short social hour : the
friends dispersed, all uniting In
wishing the genial couple •many more
years of wedded bliss and continues)
activity in the home, the church and
the state.
Master Keith of Mossley,were guests
at the parsonage on Tuesday.
Rev. Mr. Herbert, accompanied by
Mr. O. Forster, attended Presbytery
at Auburn on Tuesday.
Despite the unfavourable weather
on Friday, about fifty of the mem-
, bers and children of the Sunday
i School attended the annual picnic
held at C'onnodale, and report . a
!•pleasant afternoon.
Several games were enjoyed and
an appetizing supper partaken of in-
' doors.
Church service was well attended
on Sunday morning, when the pastor
delivered a fine and inspiring sermon.
The choir rendered two well prepar-
ed anthems which were much enjoy-
ed. At the conclusion 01 Sunday
School, it being the first Sunday of
the month, Mr. Herbert spoke for a
few moments to the children, his lit-
tle story with its interwoven lesson
creating its intended impression on
the listeners.
Will the young people all please
remember that t ot 8 o cock this r
day evening, the Y. P. S. meets for
the first time after the vacation. It
is hoped a full attendance will be
present as a fine program is being
prepared which each one will enjoy.
SIiss Jean Webster, the new presi-
dent, will be in charge.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Saturday afternoon at the
hone of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William 3. Andrew, Goderich,
when their daughter, Susanna Rae,
was united in marriage to Mr. Alex-
ander MeN'evin, of Goderich, Rev,
W. P. Lane, of North Street Unites
Church, officiating. The wedding mu-
sic was played by Miss Alice Mc-
Graw, niece of the groom, and dur-
ing the signing of the register, Mr.
Amos Andrew, the bride's brother,
sang "7 Love Yon Truly." The
bride, given in marriage by her fath-
er, was becomingly gowned in pink
pointe d'esprit . trimmed with the
pearl and silver beads which had
adorned hor bother's bridal. dress.
She wore a silver bandeau and car-
ried a shower bouguet .of Madame
Butteatfly roses, lilies -of -the -valley
and bouvardia. Her only attendant
was her little niece, Eleanor An-
drew, as flower girl, who was daint-
ily frocked in pink silk with blue
sashes, and carried a basket of blue
flowers. After the reception 'Mr. and
Mrs. ISeNevin left on a motor trip,
the bride travelling in brown and
yellow stripe flannel dress, white
coat, brown hat and brown accessor
fes. On their returntheywill reside
on Brock street.
Attractively decorated with palms
and gladioli, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Abell, Elgin Avenue,
Goderich, was the scene of a lovely
wedding. on Monday at one o'clock,
when their elder daughter, Irene
Elizabeth, was united in marriage to
Mr. George. Clare White, of Toronto,
son of Mr. 'T.''B. White and the late
Mrs. White, of Parry . Sound; the
ceremony being conducted by the
Rev. D. 3, Lane,of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church.
,SEAFOiRTI7: A: serious accident
occurred Saturday, when Fred Weed -
mark, young son of Mr. and Mrs. I.
H. W'eedmark had his eye pierced
with a piece of glass while playing in
the hen house. Ire was taken to the
Stratford hospital for treatment.
Main Door
College el Ar s
The College of Ar s is located
in the center of a group of aca-
demic buildings and occupies a
campus of more than two hundred
and sixty acres; one of the most
beautiful university sites in Canada.
The phenomenal growth of the
University of Western Ontario is
a tribute to the loyalty and in-
telligence of the people of this
province; but in those distressful
days education as • a process in
civilization and educational insti-
tutions everywhere are being
attached. This is the result of a
misunderstanding. Read the follow-
ing quotation from a work called
the "Tax Systems of the World"
issued by the Tax Research Foun-
dation: "The four primary econo-
mic facts of a society are doubtless
area, population, wealth, and in-
come. Wealth and income would
seem to be merely materialistic
measures, but such is far from
being the case. They reflect the
intellectual and moral characteris-
tics of a population. The greater
the intelligence and education, the
greater the sobriety, the greater the
industry, the greater the respect
for the rights of others, etc., the
greater is society's wealth and
Prospective students for the
Winter session are notified that
Monday, Sept. 23rd is registration
day for all freshmen, Senior
students from London register on
Saturday, and non-residents on
Tuesday. Lectures begin on Wed-
nesday, September 25th. There is
a penalty for late registration.
For information concerning
courses, scholarships, matriculation
requirements, apply to--
Mr. Ezra Ellis and family are tak-
ing in the Toronto Fair this. week,
]VIe. Norman Ball is also one of
those who are boosting up the C. N.
E. attendance this year.
Miss Marion Mason has returned
to Essex to resume her teaching dut-
Miss Bessie Walker of Brucefield
has returned totake charge of the
Summerhill school after the Long
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hays and
family of Detroit visited relative,
here over the week -end.
Miss Willa Jervis has returned
hone after a visit of a couple of
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Bishop
of Burlington, and in Toronto,
Mae and Mrs.' Albert M'eLsughlin
of Detroit spent Labor Day as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tynee.
McKILLOPf The pupils and peo-
ple of 'School Section No. 10, Me-
Kiliop Township, were largely repre-
sented at a social gathering held in
Winthrop Hall for the purpose of
saying: farewell to the teacher, Gor-
don -Rennie, of. Seaforth, whe has
accepted a position on the Durham
school staff. The first part of the
evening was spent in cases, after
which an interesting program was
enjoyed. A. A. 'Cuthillacted as