HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-07-11, Page 8r -AGE 8 • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD LAMB STEWS, per Iii. VEAL SHANK, per ib. BEEF SHANK, per lb PORK HOCKS, per lb. RIB BOIL BEEF. per lb. NECK BOIL BFFE, per lb. VEAL STEWS. Per lb+ HAMBURG STEAK. 2 lbs.ofor HOME-MADE SAUSAGE. per lb. HEAD 'CHEESE. 3 fits. for 15e 7c 6n Be 12c 12e 120 25e 15e • 2.5c CONNELL ec TYNDALL, "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT- MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE 'Complete Line of BUG AND INSECT DEISTROYERS such as • ARSENATE OF LEAD, KALCIKILL, KING BUG KILLER, TWO, -IN -ONE CLIMAX -Sold by the pound or 26e lb. package COAL OIL STOVES -3 -burner, ranging from $14.25 to $23.00 TWO -BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE finished in Ivory 'and Green, complete with Automatic oven control $37.50 Furniture Department SLIGHTLY USED DAVENPORT BED WITH MATTRESS, made by Kroehler. Priced at $10.00 011R COMPLETE LINE OF LAMPS, CANVAS LAWN CHAIRS, MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS ARE REASONABLY PRICED. ENQUIRE FOR PRICES. Stitter-Perdue-Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES Phone Day or Night, -147w. OUR SERVICES ARE COMENSURATE WITH THE BEST LONDESBORO Roy. 1 Promoted into lst-Gordon Stew. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor of West- • art. field and Mrs. (Dr.) Medd and Miss -Olive A. Moon, teacher. Josie Medd of London were the guests of 1Vfrs. J. Tamblyn this week. Mr, and Mrs. 13. Tyerman of Sea- CXERSMITR forth visited, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton of Elsley recently. Clinton visited with Mr. and Mr0. Mrs. E. Briggs of Milner, 1 I Austin Matheson on Sunda.y. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball ano Mr, and Mrs. Norman Habkirk of Grasse Isle, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ball over the week -end. Mrs. Pletcher Townsend, who vis- ited in London for a few days, luis returned home, Mrs. Jack Turner and Mrs, Ray Pepper have returned home after a three weeks' vigit with friends in Saskatchewan and Mantiotha. Mr. and Nil's. Vernon Terryberry and family visited with Londesboro friends on Sunday last, Mrs. Gifford Crioh had the misfor- tune of spraining her ankle one day last week. Hope she will soon be able to be on it again. Miss Evelyn Jenkins of N. Van- couver, B.C., is spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. Mrs, Ernie Crich is visiting with her sister in Toronto. Miss Genevieve Walker of London is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. Miss Hazel Ashton is home from Stratford for a feW week's holidays, spent the week -end with Mrs. Map,. garet Manning. 1Virs. J Tamblyn visited with the Tyerinaii family at Seaforth on Tues- day. , The Woman's Institute held their regular meeting in •Co,mniunity Kali on Thursday, July. 4th. Mrs, E. Ad- ams in the chair. It being children's day, it was quite an interesting meet- ing. After the business was settled the children put on the entertain- ment. The °inning number was giv- en by Betty,Brunsdon, "Good after- noon," this was followed by a cher- us by 18 boys and girls, "John Peel," Phyllis Manning gave a piano silo, -Veal solo was rendered by Doreen Armstrong, "I want to be a cowboy," recitation by Jack Webster, "When the minister (Ante to tea," a,duet, neon Millar and Helen Radford, reading, Joyce Fairservice, "Half a Man," recitation, Hugh Millar; vio- lin solo, "Carry ,me back to old Viz- girmy," accompaniedenthepiano by Mrs. Armstrong, chorus by the boys and girls, "What can the Matter be?" This brought a most enjoyable pro- gram to a close. Refres,hrnents, were served by several or tsernembers. A- bout sixty were present. Thiettes ibtoke into Mr. L. Ball's tfirage on 1Vittriday night last. En- trartee was gained through a rear Window. They sawed the lock off the door, and also off the gas pump and made away with M. Ralph jesling's Pontiac car, leaving in its stead h With six out of the eight clubs huge Cadilacj which it was later within five games of each other, the learned belonged to the General Mot- International Baseball League race is ors, London. Mr. Josling's car has not been recovered at time of writ- ing. Mr. Percy Manning met with a painful aceident a few days ago, be- ing shot through his foot by a rifle in the hands of Milton Little. Mr. Manning was rushed to 'Clinton Hos- pital where it was found he had some bones broken in the foot, Be is now confined to his bed at*horne but is doing as well as possible. The lad was shooting at a groundhog 'several being in the field when it was sight- 1'oronto Leafs In Thick Of Pennant Fight vor July Home Series one of the closest in the history of the game. Four out of the eight clubs can qualify for the play,off ser- ies. Ike Boone has his Toronto. Maple Leafs right in the thick of thet play- off argument and recently ran up a Winning streak of seven games, tak- ing two from Rochester and a five game series that sent Buffalo tumb- ling down to six place. Night contests on Thursday, July 11, and Friday evening, July 12, and two games on Saturday afternoon, July 13. The Friday night ganie on Mrs. Geo, Moon and daughters, Orangeman's Day is also Ike Boone Mary and Olive, spent last week in night, when the Sporting News Toronto. Trophy (Baseball's journal) will be Mrs. John Lovett and daughter, presented to Manager Ike Boone for Effie, have returned from a month's, being voted the most valuable player visit in Saskatchewan to his team in the International Following is the retort of June League last season. Examinations at ,S 5. No. 4, Hallett: Baltimore Orioles with their home Passed into Sr. 4th -Glen Carter, run hitters emus to Taranto for night 88.3; Ettie Riley, 71.5; Kenneth games on Monday, July 15, and Tues. Stewart, 67.8. clay, July 16, with a daytime double - Passed into Jr. 4th -Eunice Roy, header scheduled for Wednesday, July '76.2; Bruce Roy, 75.8; Helen Dog- 17. To conclude the July home stay gart, 70.1. at Maple Leaf Stadium on Fleet Pasted into Sr. 3rd -jack. Medd, Street in Toronto, night games will 66.3; . be played, with Montreal an mThurs- r Promoted into Sr. 2nd--Arehie clay, Jaly 18, and Friday evening, were thee the like of. Which bad Riley, Isabel Riley, July TO, with two games on Saturday, not been known in twenty-five Promoted into Jr, 2nd -Murray July 20. years, the residents stated. ., Seasonal Suggestions ° ; • THURS 1935-, Anitimmiammimuminsimums.s.sims Fishing Tackle, Baseballs, Softballs, Bats, Tennis Balls, Racquets, Tees, Golf 'Balls, Croquet, etc Picnic Supplies from Wax Paper, Spoons, Plates, Cups & Table Cloths to Serviettes OUR SPECIAL IN FISHING POLES THIS SEASON IS A 9 FT. WOOD ROD WITH CLIPS FOR REEL AND LINE GUIDES. Regular Price 85c. NOW -50c. The W. B. Fall co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best /111111111.1111 11 1 11111 [NOViuijj Ilk., 0.1.111111114161, Miss Isabel McKnight is holidaying at Bayfield. Miss A. Bartliff was in Toronto ov- er the week -end. Miss Kathleen McKinnon of Nap- anee is here for the holidays with her mother and grandmother. Mrs. H. C. Lawson is spending a few days at Bogie's Beach, as the guest of Miss E. Clark of Godo• rich. , • • , Mr. Freddie Grigg of Detroit spent the week -end with his grandmpth- er, Mrs. Chas. Cook, Rattenbury Street. Mr. and Mi a J. L. McKnight and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Elliott Jr„ have returned from a holiday spent in Muskoka. Mrs. H. A. Steven left on Staurday last for her home at Matachewan, after a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. II. 13artliff. • The meeting of the Ladies' As - Mrs. A. Weatherwax has returned sociation of Brucefield United church to Orillia after - a visit with her was held on Wednesday afternoon on father and sister in town, Mr. D. the Manse lawn. After sewing for and Miss Dollie Cantelon. some time the seating was called to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heard and fain- order and Mrs. Dawson conducted fly visited friends at Belmoro on the devotional period and Mrs. Rat - Sunday Jest Miss Evelyn re.. tenbury led in prayer. An interest- mained for a longer visit ing part of this meeting was the Kiss Grace Hellyar of Massey is answers to the roll call. Each mem- home for the vacation time. She ber responded by' telling her first was accompanied. by her little recollection of Brucefield. Miss Marks niece, Jean Blight of Massey, and Mrs. R. Stott were appointed as 1VIrs. Walker of Galt was the guest the flower committee for July. Those of her son and daughter-in-law, who had ibeen appointed to purchase Mr. and, Mrs. Geo A. Walker of dishesfor the church gave their re.. ;town over the recent holiday week. 'port .and the members were well end, ' • I ,• 1;-.1 + • , 1 1 ' 1 pleased with the selection that had Mr. E. E. Nag of the Confederation been made. A picnie lunch was 'Life Man., London, spent Friday Served at theclose of the meeting and Saturday last in town with the and a social half hour was enjoyed local representative, Mr. H. M. by all. Ford, " • The Baird elan held their reunion Mr, W'alter Webster and his sister- picnic at Detroit last Saturday, six- in-Iaw, Miss Addie ,R.ayson, of "VV'eston have been spending a few days calling on friends in town land community. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Luctes returned attonday after a pleasant trip to the west. They visited in Saskat- chewan and Alberta, and also took a trip on to the Coast. Mr, and Mrs'. McConnell of Wood- stock, ihaling sacentitIr moved. to that city from lVfoffatt, Ont.; were week -end guests . with -the lady's mother, Mrs. ,Chas. •Cook. Mrs. Cook had also as her "guests on Sunday. her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and 1VIrs. Stancombe, and her son, William, if Goderich, and her son Fred, and his wife of Hul- iett township.- • ' Miss Gladys Crich returned IVfonday after having a trip to the west, having gone in company with. her sisters, Mrs. Roy Pepper and IVIts. ' J. T. 'Turner of Stanley and Tuck- ersanith, and their brother, milE. oriel,. 10 Pontiac, Mich. The ladies motored to Pontiac and 'went with ;Min form there, They visited a brother,' a sister and a sister-th law in the west, going as far, ab the Alberta boundary. They re- port crops in .the country covered as looking excellent. They had a rain out there while the yisitor1t ONE FRIEND • TELLS ANOTHER FREE DEMO lanssanumeastammazenactessrantia. 10,0 STR TION' . • ••. • 1:1' RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead 4 2, Friday and Saturday will be Opening Days in our China and Cutlery Department. We have decided to continue a new pattern of beautiful Wedgewood China.'Also we will have on display new pieces of Denby China & Silverware. All these are absolutely FREE with Coupon Cards and Coupons. We will be pleased to have you call. See our North Window. A MONTH Tomato Juice, large size 10c • Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Fancy Bottle Mixed Olives 250 Grape. Punch - 25c Fancy Biscuits, per lb. 15e Fancy Biscuits, Assorted 25c Balo Cleanser, 3 for 13c Canned Strawberries 20e Marmalade, each 25c Gingerale (plus bottle) 15c Cocoanut Cookies, per dozen 60 Oatmeal Cookies, per dozen 100 Crushed Pineapple Sodas (Cream), 2 for EGGS OF SALES MARKETERIA AND SATURDAY EVENING FRUIT SALE Watermelons, each 49c Tomatoes, Hot House 20c Valencia Oranges, per dozen 23c 3 dozen for 690 New Peas, Beets, Carrots and' Potatoes BANANA SALE -On Saturday we are having a REAL SALE OF BANANAS -Come And Get Our Prices. FRIGIDAIRE Clinton and Servus Butter, per lb. 22c Jellied Veal, per lb. 25c Weiners, per lb. 19c Boiler Ham, per lb. 49c Bacon, in piece, per lb. 300 10c Corned Beef, per lb. 20c 19c Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c GRADED AT HIGHER PRICE IN TRADE Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails ' El CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERL Phone 48 . i ezr.ecaPgatsmaz,staRacat'smcadzsc01 GARDEN PARTY Dakotato,„Nrio.rathnamiv4R .tousvisseilti heNroaffielaidnsd. under auspices of 8, S. and Y.P.S, of the Hohnesville United Church, on Miss Acheson's Lawn 110LMESVILLE on the evening of Tuesday, July 16th Supper 5.30 to 8 Followed by play ',THE LITTLE CLODHOPPER" Put on by of Crewe. Admission 35c and 20c. 35-1. BRUCEFIEL1) teen going from this vicinity: Mr. H. Gilmour and his sister, Mrs. Janet Ross, Miss Tena Baird, 11310, George Baird, Mr. Stewart Baird, Mr. and Mas. Victor Taylor, Mrs. Jas. Thomp- son and her son, Alex., Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueen and daughter, Marga- ret, of Stanley, 1Vtr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey of Etceteo and Mr. and Mrs. S. Ross of Goderich. Mrs. Grant of the Wiest is spend- ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Ross, in the village. Mr. and 1VIrs. Frank lVfc-Kenzie motored froin St. Louis last week- end and intend spending a month at the home of the forrner's mother, Mr.% Margaret 1VIcKonzie and also visiting other friends. Frank is an old Stanley bay and his many friends are pleased to see him looking so well. IlVIrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bremner is spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter, 1VIrs. West of St. Tho- mas, hoping it may benefit her health. During the holiday season there will just be one service in the Uniteo Church. Next Sunday the service will be at the usual hour, 11 a.m. Mr. Paterson has rented. Mr. Bruce Berry's garage and has moved his wife and family to our village. We wish him success. Miss Ina Scott is spending her holidays at her home in the village. Miss Elsie Smith, niece of Mr. and Val. IL Berry, has gone on a trip sons, Hartwell and Merlyn, of To- ronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George L. Falconer, Mrs. G. Falconer and daughters, Marge and Kathy, spent two days with Mrs'. T. Lindsay in Hensall dur- ing the "Old Boys" Celebration. Steward -"How would you like your breakfast, sir?" Passenger -"With an anchor on it, if you don't mind." s FOR YOUR GA EN Fill in the Empty Spaces. Our Clearance Sale Prices Still in effect will save you money. We have still good stock to offer in a number of lines. BUY A BOX AT 20c AND GET ONE BOX FREE CABBAGE PLANTS Fine. Strong Plants 42, 10c a Dozen -3 Dozen for 25c. CAULIFLOWER PLANTS 15c A DOZEN F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Phones 176 and 31. NOW is the time to have your Eavetroughs Overhauled GET OUR PRICES. BEST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. We Also Do Plumbing and Heating. 1 REFRIGERATOR In Good Shape. ALSO SET GOLF CLUBS CHEAP. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 s Tabsoemeatemsermaaaamea xerversuneumunmentraremeaccurskammomsemet 1.111•91.M.Mil•MIXO.12/10.1111111.111•MION•10.11•••• Cli ton's Popularity Contest is an duritg July, so Shop Here and Help your Favorite Boy or Girl Win a Reai One -Cylinder Miniature Automobile. The same low prices will prevail as usual and we have a won- derful stock to select from, so this month will be a good time to stock up with anything you may require in Furniture or Hardware. NW are featuring SUMMER FURNITURE of all kinds 'STUDIO COUCHES, DAVENPORTS, and DAY -BEDS and A WONDERFUL -STOCK OF LAMPS. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT HAY FORK ROPE AND ALL KINDS OF TOOLS; CATTLE SPRAY in any quantity; PRESERVING KETTLES in Granite, Copper anti Aluminum SEE OUR, 19 CENT TINWARE WINDOW; COAL OIL, GASOLINE AND ELECTRIC STOVES, PLATES at Very Reason- able prices. And a Complete Line of SCREEN and COMBINATION DOORS. BALL & ZAPPE Hardware, N. BALL, Phone 110. Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers Phone J. J. ZAPFE, 195. Phone 103. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK 41ZMIIINIMIEL11.1112M1.....• Amommovatmensmi, 0111111•1 41•121111111MININIMMISIMMMISMI 1,6111120, 111141011=1•MOIMORMISM. 99011111P111ANIZ 1 4e.)44V21 8 4.1.4 P 1'4,4 .444441. 1,WAS, 114 4;1 UR te. ••1 311 .'r JULY 11, -12, & 13 BRUNSWICK SARDINES. 6 tins for ...........................25c CRIPSO. large pkg. . . 17e AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, 16 oz , 2 for 15e AYLMER TOMATOES. 2 large tine for 19c ROYAL YORK TEA. 1-2 lb pkg ROYAL YORK (COFFEE. 1 lb tin CORN FLAKES. KELLOGG'S. 3 pkgs for PINEAPPLES, Sliced. 5 tins for 28e 39c 25e , 21e RICII RED 00110E SALMON, tall 25c small, 1 for ..29c FLAKED TUNA FISH, large tin 15c TOMATO JUICff, 10 11-2 oz tins, 5 for 25c SLA.WSON'S CHEESE, in 6 oz. glass . .......... ....,...,15c BREAD FLOUR. NORTH STAR, bag . .. .. .,......... .... .42.50 BREAD FLOUR. PEERLESS, hag ' SHORT BREAD CAKES. per lb. 19e CASTILE SOAP. 8 .bars for 25c Meat Specials BOLOGNA:, SIlleed, per lb. 1 1150 COOKED HAM. 1-2 lb. for 28e WEINERS. per Ib. ;. 20c BREAKFAST BA1CON,, per lb. ...... . . ....... ...... 29c PEAMEAL BACK BACON. per 18. 35e JELLIED VEAL. pet Ib. 29r isneammi4.4. Fruits and Vegetables LARGE CABBAGE, per head 10e fic CIIEREIES,, WATERMELON, BANANAS, ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT Get your votes for the Miniature Car at this store. Contest 'will last until August 1st, a list of candidates and their standing Will be posted in this store first of next Week. CARROTS, home grown cliNIGHT & S "Your Superior Store" -We Sell the Bost For Leas Phone 111CLINTON # .4