HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-07-11, Page 4P -'GE 4
New Fittings -- New Stock
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Keeps you Fit and Fresh in the Good Old
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Large bottle SOc
Larger bottle $1.00
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July 6th to 13th
Clearing all Straw Hats at Greatly
Reduced Prices
'�;•.,°u°u°m°m°a°a°e°n°q°n°q°s°w°w �°. u°a a°new°u a�°° ani ado°a°n°ti o a°a°s°.�uews4°p�aeu°a°.°c°u�a°undo 4e
,"e Destroy those patches of weeds before they seed and spread all over, o`:
..„ 5E RECOMMEND 'Chlorate of Soda o
,0.' • Let us supply your needs in ARSENATE OF LEAD AND OLT- es
me HAY FORKS, ROPE; ETC., For Your Haying Needs. }'
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Sat. July 20 from CLINTON
'To TORONTO, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph Chatham, Sarnia, London,
Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines,
Niagara Falls, and all Intermediate Points, between Stations named.
"So Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston. Gananoque, Brockville,
Prescott, Morrieburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsey, Peterboro, Cempbellford,
Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale, Cornwall,
Meatbrd, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia,
Midland, Gravenhurst, Brecehridge, Huntsville, North Bayand all intermediate points.
ALSO TO All Towns in New Ontario on lines of Temiakoming &Northern OntarioRly,,
Nipissing Central Illy. and on C. N. Rlye, to Kapuakasing, Hearst, and Longlac
Mining Fields.
!'ATTRACTION - London Turf Club First. Summer Meat, Queen's Park,
Western Fair Grounds. LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 20
.k'ares,Tickets, Return Limits and Trainzrformationfrom Agents. Ask for Handbill. . nam
VARNA + Grace church and their friends, to
Mr. Wilson 'Oolclough of .Wood -I
stock is visiting his father, who is
up in years. .
'Mr. Harold Davison is wearing a
smile these days, a baby boy having
come to brighten their home.
Mr. OOhas. Rathwell of London is
xenewing old acquaintances here-'
Mi. Will Clark is feeling happy
these drys, the stork having called
:,and left a baby .girl.
Miss Irene Chute. of London is.
spending her vacation at her home
St. Jarn.es''church garden party,
held last week en the lawn of Mr, and
Mrs. W. WI. Wise, was .a fine success..
"The weather was somewhat threaten-
ing but the rain held 'off and a very
-pleasant time was spent. There was
a good turnout, the supper was good.
:,:incl well)lserved •ands ..the program
'w'hich followed was a pleasing one. •
• On 1Frii day 'evening the choir of
the number of about fifty, gathered
for a picnic on the flats on Leslie
C'ox's .farm and had a vert* enjoyable
evenlrng: • The (ladies 'served a de-
lightful lunch of ice cream and
strawberries after which a camp-
fire was built and the evening was
spent in story and song. Everybody
was so delighted that they thought
it should be an annual affair,
Mr. and Mrs.' McDonald of Detrolt
visited the latter''s sister, Mrs, Tlal-
Mrs. John Meguir:e, who underwent
a serious operation Last week, in
getting along nicely. Her ;sister, Mrs.
Gronyn .oE Toronto, is 'staying with
the family.
1VIr. Lloyd Picot, Miss Verne and
Lillian and Miss A,rin,strong and Bob
Stirling motored to Niagara on Sun-
Mr. Frank 'Clark of 'Toronto vl;ee
ited Mfrs. T. Betties 'one day this
Mrs. Joe Carling of Seaforth spent
the week -end with''' her' tbrotllers,'.
John and Will McGuire, •
East Huron
This is not complete. When the
remainder comes we shall post up.
The following candidates were
successful at the written examina-'
tion held at Clinton:. :
D. Bisback, G. Denomme, G.
Pa om, E. Edward 0. Finch, M.
Fothergill, D. Fremlin, F Hollyar,
A. Haggart, Wl. Holland, S. Moll- 1(
veen, 0. Mair, M. 'Mason, G. Medd,
L. Radford, C. Paxman, D. Taylor,
F. Thompson, L. Tyndall, J. Vodden
R. Arthur, E. Asquith, R. Bennett,
I. Brigham, L. 'Cook, L Graig, N.
Doer, H. Fowler, J. Honking, S.
Johnston, F. Lawler E. Lee, Kath-
leen M'eGill (11), M. Munro, M. Neth-
ery (II), M. Phelan, A. Phillips (II),
E. Quinn, E. Robinson, C. Walsh,
E. Walsh, J. Walsh.•
At Blyth the following were grant-
ed their certificates on the Princi-
nad's recommendation:
iA. Toll, E. Bunking, E. Youngblut,.
F. McDowell, R. Nethery, D. Michie,
L. Rodger, E•, ' Wlightman, G. Mo.
Gregor, L. Bray,, R. Brook, B. El-
liott, J. Fairservice, C. Gibson,' I.
McCallum, A. Philips, M. Scrim-
geour, W! Watson.
The recommended list for Clinton
will be published as soon as we re-
ceive it and posted up on our win-
Mary Kechnie and'John Taylor are
gran%ed certificates because of their
teacher's recommendation and ill-
West Huron
The following are the results of
the High School Entrance Examina-
tions held at the 'Centres under the
jurisdiction of the Goderich High
School Entrance Board. First and
Second Class honours are announc-
ed; First Class Honour's mean that
the candidate secured 75 per eent or
more of the total marks, Second
Class Honours that between 70 and
74 per cent was obtained. The names
of those candidates who secured
standing' in the recommendation of
the principals are included in the
.results given.
Goderich Centre.
First Class Honours - Williat'rt
Baker, Frank Baer, Beryl Cranston,
Elizabeth Eastman, Jacqueline,
Haines. Tom Hogan. William Hog-
eneth, Roy Holland, Alfred Iiey,
Margaret Lobb, Enid MaeDnoalr„
Pearl McGee, Robert Maskell, Verna
Million, John Milne, Ilarold Moa -
ring, ,Tames Mood, Christine Morel -
eon, Eleanor Nelson, Betty Ne3v-
coanbe, James Pitblado, Ernest Salk -
cid, Donald •Sheardown; Maxine 'Wil-
son, Harald Young.
Second Class Honours --Patricia
Buechler,: Josephine -Bradley; Terry
Costello, Rex Duckworth, Pearl Tar-
rant, Harold Jewell Ralph Kings-
well, Yvonne Laroeque, Laura Lind-
say, Edna Love, Grace MacLeoa,
Douglas McMillan, - John Mugford
Lorraine Nelson, George Parsons,
Elizabeth Sehoenhals, Gordon Wit -
Hams, John Williams, Evelyn Wilson.
Pass - Roy Atleinson,i Connie
Baechler, Frieda; Barbour, Marga-
ret Barrie, Bruce Bloomfield- Pauline
Bradley, Billy Burns, Alma Clark,
Vallee. Craddock, Patricia Craig,
Kenneth 'Crooke, William Duckworth,
David Famish, Betty Fry, Hazel,
Gouley, Marten Gibson, Phyllis Gins,,
Jack tariff, George Hall, : Margaret
Hardy, Betty Johnston, Violet Lar-
der, Anna McGuire, Eva McIver, M.
McLean, Maitie Million, Marguerite
Morgan, Dorothy Mumby, : Evelyn
Monday, Kenneth Pennington, Gor-
don Pollock, Charles Powell, Lesl.le
Sanders, Lloyd .ISchoenhals, Julia
Shepherd, Neil Thompson, John Tuf-
ford, Elaine Whitely, William 'Wil-
liams, Aubert Worsen,
Passed under Regulation 11 (5)-
Jean Kneeshaw,
The Robert Park Memorial Medals
awarded annually to the pupil in each
of the two Goderich Public •Schools
securing the highest standing -Kiuring
the year and on the final examina-
tians.were won in the case of Central
School .by James Mood, and by Don:
ail ;Sheardown'in the ease of Victor -
is. School.
Bayfield Centre
Fiist Class honours -June 'Bran-
don, Kenneth Brannon, Alfred But-
ler, Clara Clark, Joyce Gardiner, Ir-
ene Leitch, ,Robert MacLeod, Pauline
Maxwell, Mary Jean i\foorhouse,
Grant .Stirling, .Elizabeth IStilrling,
Helen Wielsh, William. W;estlake,' Iso.
bel Woods..
!Second Class Honours --Gladys
Clark, Eva Switzer; ,Frank Thomp-
Pass-l3lirabeth Gisister, Kathleele
Middleton, Jesine Reid, Nary .Snow-
Dungannon Centre
'First 'Glass Honours --,Elmira A: -
ton, ,Feene Alton, Margaret Blake,
Phyllis Blake, '[tomer Duvnin, Fred
Engelbreeht, Mary Horton, Wile -
Mina, Lerman, Sean Long, Richard
Park, Lillian Sproul, Anetta Stew-.
Second' Class Honours - Bertram
Curran, Isabel 'Garvin, Doris Swan,
Howard Thompson.`
Pwirh =,Audrey ` Congr..am, "Vie 'et
Culbert, Gordon Finnigan, Earl Led-
dy, Berl Moss, Elsie Nivins, Haro1G.
Paterson, Edwin Thompson,
Kiittail (Centre
First Class Honours -Marion 'Cow-
an, Marjorie MacDonald.
second Class I-Ionours-Marjere,
Bissett, Eldon Bradley, Charlotte
Dalton, Donald .Frayne, John Mac-
Kenzie, Jean .Sandy.
Pass - Edna Barkwell, John Dal-
ton, William Drennan, Edward Gil-
more, Gordon MacGregor, Andrew
MacLennan, Helena Martin, Eliza.
beth Martin, Peter Moerbeek, Rita
St .:Helen's Centre .•
Fust •Class Honours -Beta Hunter,
Grace W eatherhead.
!Second Class Honours -'Perry Dur-
nin, William Humphaoy, Howard
Martin, Iona Swan, Norman Wel-
Pass -William Drennan-, .Harold
Irwin, Ivan. Magoffin, Muriel Purdon.
Eketer Centre
'First 'Class honours -;Jean Apple-
ton, Grace Beckler, Gerald England,
Murray •Gordon, Richard Gordon,
Jack Kestle, Gordon Kleinfeldt, Len-
ore Lawson, Frederick Luxton, MiI-
ford Prouty, Patsy Russell, Labelle
Sims, Robert .Southcott, Jean Thomp-
son, Ethel W"sghorn, Mary Waghorn,
Edward Wright, Shirley Young,
'Second Class Rennie -O. Lose
raino Arrnstrolrg, Margaret Clark,
Clifford Hicks, Billy Jones„ John
Keys, Evelyn Lawson, Wye!' Mc-
Donald, Helen Morgan, Richard
Stanbury, Reginald Wuerth,
Pass -Eileen Andrew, Jean Bars -
taw, Verdi Bieber, Andrew Bierling,
Irene Brooks, olive Caldwell, Har.
old Edwards, Jack Frayne, Stanley
Frayne, Leonard Harvey, Frank
Rieke, Stanley Hicks, Thelma Hoe -
key, Orpha Hodgins, Hazel Jones,
Irene Kydd, Gerald Lawson, Elmee
MacDonald, Freda Moore, Murray
Moore, Burma Morlock, Audrey Powe
Jack Smith, Carl Stire, Alden Walk
Passed under the provisions of
Regulation 11 (5) of the High School
Entrance Regulations . Douglas
Gould, David Kestle.
Hensel Centre
First Class Honours Jack Bell,
Dorothy Dougall, Sybil Keyes, Dor-
othy Munn.
!Second Class Honours - Mary
Clado, Goldie Cross, Pearl Harpole,
Gorden Keyes, ..Stewart McLean, E:-
va McQueen, Alice Pfaff.
Pass -Keith Buchanan, William
Burdge, Helen Dick Mary Farquhar,
Irma Ferguson, Barbara Graham,
William. Graham, Elgin Johnston,
'Cathleen Jones, Margaret McEwen,
Doreen Pepper, Douglas Sangster,
Barbara Shepherd, Hubert Taylor.
Passed under the provisions ' of
Regulation 11. (5) of the High School
Entrance Regulations -Benson Dick,
Nellie Pee.
Dashwood Centre
First Glass Honours -Charles' At-
chison, Harry Hayter, Lorne Klein-
,taver, Ruth Lave, Donald Reste-
meyee, Ida Sweitzer, Rolbert 'Turn-
Second Class Honours -Ada GM -
set, Freda Lovie, Harold lilaier, Bun -
ice Oostreicher,
Pass -Eva Baker, Roy Benham.
Erwin Bestard, Everett Desjardine,
Rita Dietrich, Lois Geiser, Mabe:
.Rarltc.n, Ruby Hicks, Ruth IIop-
crcft, Dorothy 'Craft, Emerson Leyte,
Earl Pickering, Jerome Regier, Joyce
Toss, Mona Stebbins, Kenneth Web-
er, Nora Willett.
Winchelsea Centre
• First •Glass Honours--r'Cla.r'ehce
Ford, Wilbur Greenlees, Clayton
Hardman, Gladys Skinner.
'Second Class honours -Ivan John-
ston, Vera Pollen, Ferns Rodd,
Pass' -Marilyn Campbell, Wilbert
Coward, Ina Ford, David Hodgson.
Wilfred Hunkin, Philip Johns, Made.
lene Rodd, Ross Skinner.
Zurich Centro
First Class Honours --Charles Hay,
Frederick Hess, Kathleen Kocheme,
Florence Mittelholtz, Edith Uttley,
Pass -Ella ' Desjardine, Doreen
Ducharme, Margaret Ducharme,
Aridrey Foster, Austin Hartman,
Doris Jeffrey, 'Shirley ICrseger,
Delores Mittelholtz, Elsie Schilbe.
The Hay Township .Scholarships
awarded annually to the pupils from.
the Township of Hay securing the
highest .narks` on the Entrance Ex-
amination were won es follows: (1)
Frederick Hess; (2) Edith Uttley;
(3) Kathleen Kochems.
Apppea1e.-.tA,'ppeals against there-
sults of the ;11igh School Entrance
Examination must be (forwarded to
the Public School inspector, Mr, .t,•.
0. Beacom, Goderich, and must be
accompanied by the appeal fee of
52,00 which is returned in case the
appeal is allowed.
Miss Zetta Jackson of Philadelphia
is spending the summer holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jaynes Jackson.
Mr. and Ntrs, James W'arr'en and
Miss Aileen of Earl Grey, 'Sask.,
motored down"ta'visit the lady's par-
ents; 'Mir. and,
Mrs. James Jackson.
They *ere' 'ac sdSupanied by ' their
nephew, Master Bill Jackson of Win-
The July meeting of the Stanley
Community Club wee held at the
home of Mrs. Main Stewart with
nineteen anemhers present and sev-
eral visitor's. The new president,
Mrs. Wun. McEwan, presided. After
a short business .meeting Miss Mary
E. Stewart and Miss Ann Stewart
sang solos which were enjoyed by all
those present. 'Mai. Fenwick Stew-
art also gave a reading in a very
pleasing manner.
The August meeting is to be held
at the home of Mrs. Fenwiek .Stec••
art, the roll call to be answered with
"Hints for Canning."
Dr. Peter McEwen of Detroit spent
the week -end at the home 'of his
brother, Mr. John M'eEwen, BayfieIc
A. Baird reunion picnic w'as held
at the beautiful park at Belle Isle,
Detroit, on Saturday, July 6th. Mrs.
Win. Baird of Detroit, held the place
of honor being '81'' years old. Fif
ty-thee guests were present (and
had an enjoyable day. Those who
attended from here were: Mr. and
Mrs. James Bowey of Exeter; Mr.
and Mrs: Selden (Ross of Goderich;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen 'ane
Margaret; Mrs; Jas. Thomson, and
sou, Albx.,l Mrs. Janet Ross, Miss
Tena Baird, Mr. Geos T. Baird, Mr.
Stewart Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Taylor and Mr: Hugh Gilmour of
The neighbors •and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. C. Glen were royally
entertained on Tuesday evening
when' the latter staged a most suc-
cessful hard -time barn dance in their
big airy barn. The costumes were
judged by Mrs. Bert Aikenhead of
Calgary, Mr's. Will Stewart of Clin-
ton and Mr. It, Y. McLaren of Hen -
sell and prizes went to Miss Ann
Stewart and Mr. Fen. Stewart. A
bent midnight = bountiful, lunch was
served and dancing and cards con-
tinued until the small hours of the
morning. Some of the outside
guests • were Dr. and Mrs, Bert
Alkenhead, Calgary; Mr. and 'Mrs..
Mac Aikenhead, London; Mr. ants
Mrs. Frank Saunders and Gail, of
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Will Stew-
art; Mrs. Mary and Miss Mary Stew-
art and liIiss Nora Fremlin. Clin-
ton;.Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren
and Miss Margaret. Hensall; Mr.
and Mrs. Jelin Cumming and Ern-
est. Blyth and Miss Eileen Warren of
Dr. J. E. and Miss Ethel Hogg
were guests of friends in the vicin-
ity yesterday.
Miss Mary E. Stewart is home
from New Liskeard for the summer
Miss Alice Glen is holidaying ae
Bogies Beach with her cousin. Mist,
Gail Saunders,
Report of Promotion Exams. S, S.
No. 4, N. Stanley:
Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th -Gordon West-
lake, 82; Billy Armstrong, 76; Mel-
vin Greer, 67; Ethel Watson, absent
from exams.
Sr, 3rd to Jr. 4th: Ilene Greer, 67;
Madge Ilousto:n, 55.
Jr. 355 to Sie, 3rd: Andrew Rau,
2nd to Tr. 3rd: Dewar Talbot, 78;
Anthony Rau, 56.
lst to enol: Lorraine Talbot, 78;
Jean Greer, 71.
1•st: Jean Rau.
Pr.: Theresa Rau,
-Frances Mossop, teacher
(Delayed in the mails -Intended for
. last week)
11Ir. and Mr's. F. 11. Snowden and
fantll' attended the Penhalb-(Snow-
den-'Vrirestlake Reunion at St. Tho-
Mrs. Alfred Wlestlake and Mr.
Gladwin 'Westlake ;spent the week-
end at St.. Thomas and attended their
family reunion.
Mrs. Wm, Cameron of Mitchell and
Mr. Callum Cameron.of Detroit were
recent visitors with Mee ,and Mrs,
John Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ibbotson and
his sons of. Flint, Mich., visited the
lattei,''s sister, Mrs John Swan, Miss
Iona Swan returned with then for a
Mr. and Mts. McArthur and Mr,
and Mrs. Kipple of Sarnia visited re-
cently at the home of Mr. Jas. Ram -
The induction of Rev. 13. M.
Wright, formerly of Sombre,' into the
charges of St. Helens and White-
church tools place Thursday evening
Rev. W. P. Lane of Goderich and
Rev. Mr; Pomeroy of Nile had charge.
Mr. Cecil Webster and Mrs. Annie
M'eNaugitak. of London called on
Mr. Robinson Woods and Mrs, R. S.
Woods recently,
Mr. Gregor Stuart of 'Chicago vis-
ited his mother, who is seriously ill
at present
Miss Jean „Thorns is 'spending her
holidays in Detroit with her aunt,
Mrs. Elliott Miller.
Mr's. John Webster• is visiting
friends in Guelph at present. Her
daughter, Mrs, Ed. Smith, and chit-
dren aro staying there with Mo.
Mi. Neilly Todd eves taken to Wing-
in -ham Hospiltall on .Monday and
was operated on foe, appendicitis.
The last Word was he was doing
,A very pleasant afternoon was
spent at the home of Mr. Robinson
Woods when a' goodly number of the
THURS., JULY 11, ` 1985
(-Huron's Popular :Summer Resort
Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and Mas-
ter Billy of North 'Bay are visiting
Mrs. F'oster's mother, Mrs.. W. d.
1VIrs. R. J,'Watson. of Fairlight,
Sask., arrived on .Sunday to •spend
several weeks with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. F. 'A. Edwards.
Rev. Father K. MacDonald of Win-
innipeg is the guest of his aunt, Miss
R. Kennedy. 'Mr. Maurice King of
Stratford was also. the guest of his
aunt -over the week end.
Miss Jane Moore of Traverse City,
Mich., is visiting her aunts, the Mis-
ses Morley.
Miss Jean M. Woods returned home
on Wednesday of last week after
having visited in Toronto and 'Big
win Inn, Muskoka.
The 'Bayfield Golf Club was offi-
cially opened last week. Owing to a
breakdown in 'the mowers the course,
was not fit for play before, bat new
mowers have been purchased and the
members hope for a good year, At
the annual .meeting, evhieh was held
two weeks ago, the followisg officers
were elected: President J. W. Jew-
ett; Secretary -Treasurer, Miss Anna
Woods; Men's ,captain, Bob Will;
Ladies captain, Mrs. L. M. Day; Di-
rectors, W. R. Jowett, S. R. McCon-
key, Chas. R. Will and Miss C. P.
Rankin; Ladies Convenor,, Mrs. A.
Supnick; Assistant Greenskeeper,
Jim Stevenson. On Tuesday, Mrs. 3.
W. Jowett was hostess at a putting
contest for the ladies, which was won.
by Miss C P. Rankin.
Miss Lottie Kerr of Saginaw, Mich.
is visiting at the home of Mrs, John.
Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis-
on of Detroit were also here over
the week -end.
Mr. and litre'. Alex. Aitken and lit-
tle Jane Ann, accompanied by Mrs.
Proctor of Toronto spent Wednes-
day and Thursday of last week at
the Albion Hotel.
Mrs. R. A. Chaff and little daugh-
ter of Strathr'oy are visiting her
sister, Mrs. 11. N. McConkey of Mon-
treal at her cottage in the village.
Mrs. S. Jennings' of Landon spent
last week with her daughter, .Mrs.
Churchward at their cot'tage.
Mrs. E. A, Featherston went to
London on Friday of last week where
she is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. 13,
Mr's. E. Geddes and daughter.
Itrary, of Seaforth are visiting her
sister, Mrs. M. Ferguson.
Miss McPherson returned to her
neighbors and. young friends of bliss
Vera Todd, bride-to-be, met and
presented her with a dinner sec of
dishes, After the presentation a
very dainty lunch was served. Mrs.
Wallace Miller read the following
address in rhyme:
"Oh Vera dear. and we did hear, .
The news that's going around,
How very soon. yes. very soon,
You're going to leave our town.
Your teaching days are over
And we know you'll be in clover.
And we hope your happiness will be
Donald Joseph McIntosh is his name
Joe for short is what they -claim.
And he must be fine and true
Else he would not be for you.
Your horns will 'be in Vineland
And may peaches load the trees,
And tomatoes and the cauliflower,
Grow and flourish in the breeze.
So we have gathered here today
With wishes by the score
Among' them health and happiness,
What could we wish you snorer
And now we'll end this little rhyme
We know you think it long past
There's just one thing more to say.
Will you please accept these dishes
Each one's heaped with our best
wishes '
And we hope that you will use them
For many years to conte.
And would your keep Joe smiling
There are two things well worth
Don't burn the roast, but have his
dinner ready on time,"
Summer. Camps Going On;
Summer School To Open
The second camp for bays under
the direction of the United Church of
this district is in progress this week
at Tlse 'Snimner ,School Grounds,
three .idles from . Goderieh. Last
Week the Junior'. 'Boys' Explorers'
damp was held. This Week the Senior
Boys are encamped as Trail': Ranger's
and Tuxis under the leadership of
Rev. J. H. Anderson of Wingham;
Rev, C. A. Malcolm of Kgmondville,.
and Rev.,. W. Moore, Grand Bend.
The Goderich Summer Scowl of I.
alio 'United Church will , open next
Week at Dunlop; the girl's' cansp will
open' A•uguat 511.``
home in Norval on Monday after
having -spent a week with Mrs. Mary
Miss G. Morrison of Winnipeg is
the guest of Mrs. J. A. Ferguson.
Miss Morrison is a former Bayfield
girl, her father having at 'one time
owned the -business conducted by F.
A. Edwards, and has been renewing
old acquaintances in the village.
Ma'. and Ma's. Robert Sleotchmer,
accompanied by Miss I Kirk -of Clan-
worth, left on Tuesday morning on a
motor trip through the North-West-
ern States and Alberta. They will
visit the former's daughter, Mr's.
Weeks at Mosside.
The fourth anniversary of the
building of Knox Presbyterian Church
will be observed on Sunday, • July.
14th when Rev. H. 0. Fleet, B.A., of
Seaforth will be the special preacher
at the services at 11 ani. and 7.30
pm. There will be 'speeial music by
the Seaforth Choir.
Master Milton Pearson is visiting
in Landon for a week with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas.' 'Sherritt. Miss Evelyn
Sherrill of London is the guest of
Mrs. John Pearson.
Rev.. and Mrs. Wl G. Bugler and
Master Bernard go to Walkervilie on
Thursday where Mr. Bugler will have
charge of the Parish of SL George's
Church, 'while Rev. Davies and fam-
ily will come to the Rectory and
have charge of the Parish of St.
John's, Varna, St. James, Middleton,
and Trinity Church, Bayfield, for the
next month.
Mr. W. J. Bugler went to London .
on Thursday of last Week where he
will make his home with his daugh-
Misses C. P. and J. B. Rankin have
purchased fifty feet of land directly
back of their cottage front Lewis
Thomson, and are having a garage
Miss Dell O'Neil of Toronto and
her sister, Mrs. Ross and daughter
of California, Mrs. T. Allen ani
family of Toronto, Miss Jackson and
Mrs. Barker of Toronto and Mr, ani
Mrs. Chown and family of Waterloo
are amongst those occupying cottages
in Jawett's Grove.
14Ir. and Mrs. Teal and family of
Landon are occupying Chapncan'•s cot-.
Amongst those who are at their
cottages are Mrs. T. W. Oates arm
two sons of Hamilton, with
Laidlaw and family as her guests;
Mr. and Mrs. J..Iiaspilton and Mar-
garet Granger, Mrs. Tanner and
daughter, Josephine of London; Mr.
and MTS. R, T. Orr and family, of
Stra tfard.
Mrs. L,, Cook has returned to her
home in Ilanriton after having visit-
ed her mother, Mrs. L. M. Day,,
Mrs. A. Ford and Miss A. Foster
of Clinton are the guests of Miss J.
Miss Doris Morrison of London is
the guest of Miss Dorothy Ann Bish-
op at "Tire Cedars."
Miss Elizabeth Dempsey of Strat-
ford was' the guest of Miss Peggy
Orr over the week -end.
Asses M'argelreJt and Rowena
Fallon of London visited Miss Kath-
erine Bishop over the week -end.
Mn and Airs, E. A. Sander, Mr.
and Mrs, Wilbur Erwin of Kitchener
were the guests of Ms. and Mrs. F.
A. Edwards on Sunday.
,Miss Isabel Kirk has resigned the
principalship of Bayfield 'Public
School to accept a class in the Exe-
ter Public School.
Ernie Fulton of Biggar, Sask., ar-
rived on July 2 to 'be with his mother
who is visiting her sister, Mirs. Per
cy Weston.
Dr, Stogdill of Toronto is spend-
ing this week with his wife and lit-
tie daughter at the McMillan cot-
'"For Your Convenicnce'
Effective May 5, 1935 -
8.00 a.m, ' 5.30 ` pm.
1.15 p.m. '7.50 p.m.
(Standard Time)
2,45 SOUTH BO.
UN p.m.
11,05 ago. 5.30 p.m.
Itiner'ies planned to all points in
Canada, United States, Mexico
Hotel Rattenbur
Phone 50.
TORONTO 24-18;