HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-07-04, Page 6PAGE ,6 1,7 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Timely Information for the Busy Furnished by the Department, of Agriculture ) One effect of the trade agreement between Canada and Germany has been the renewal of shipments of Canadian apples to the German mar- ket during the past two years. Prior to 1933, owing to the more favorable rate of customs duty applicable so imports of .United States apples, the export of Canadian apples to Germ- any was not an economical prosiest- tion. The sugar beet acreage contracted in 1935 in south-western Ontario to- tals approxineateliy 36,000 acres. This is several thousand acres above the 1934 contracted acreage and about 10,000 acres above the harvested ac- reage of 1934. The scale of pricey offered for beets is the same as in 1934 with a guaranteed minimum of $5.25 per ton for beets delivered as the factories, and 75 cents per ton less for weigh -station delivery. • Keep Pullets Growing The pullets should be on range with a range shelter or other build- ing for protection from the weather, from rodents and to give shade dur- ing to day. It is advisable to remove the cock- erels, as being stronger than the pul- lets they hinder the proper develop- ment of the pullets if there are tou many of them. The best poultrymen seperate the pullets and cockerels as soon as they can and grow the pul- lets on a good mash, grain and clean range. Poultry hygiene is ex- ceedingly important. Authorities ad- vise that feeding troughs and drink- ing vessels be frequently disinfected. It is a good plan to have them on n wide mesh raised. somewhat from the floorso that litter cannot be scratch- ed into them). Frequent cleaning of the pen and changing of the litter rs also advised, and by all means keep them well supplied with clean water. Warne Weather Eggs "The reason for the •gradual but, steady rise in the price of fresh eggs recently," said Mr. W. B. Somerset, Commissioner of Marketing, "is that with warmer weather the reliability of the average run of farm eggs is called into doubt by many house- wives." "The discriminating purchraser begins to question her source of sup- ply and sometimes goes to extraor- dinary trouble to getout to the coun- try to obtain absolutely fresh eggs. "A great many people do not know, however, that an egg which is new laid is not a satisfactory egg from the standpoint of flavor and yolk color. Uniform rations and controlled fed flocks will alter the quality of an egg very materially and at this sea- son of the year the demand for the tap grade of egg is the A-1 grade which is produced only on farm spec- ially licensed after their premises have been inspected and their method of feeling and sanitation approved." "This grade can only be packed by these licensed producers. The eggs must be sold in cartons, sealed on the farm with each seal identifying the source of supply. This guarantee that all such eggs are not only pro- duced under the best possible condi- tions but in addition have been care- fully candled for every defect and hen Government inspected before being offered to the public." Coccidiosis ---A Serious Seasonal Disease in Chickens There is an extremely common and discouraging disease that makes its appearance far too frequently at this season of the year in the young chicken flock—coccidiosis. It at- tacks the growing chickens when from four to eight weeks old; and when rain and chilly weather force the birds to crowd close to their shel- ters and become inactive, favourable conditions exist for the rapid spread of the disease throughout the flock. In mild cases the birds appear listless and droopy and ,may die, ac- cording to the severity of the infee tion. In serious cases chickens that appear normal may be dead in twelve hours. Fortunately there is usually almost positive evidence of the exis- tence of the organism in the early stages of the outbreak and precau- tions should.be taken immediately to curb its spread. BIoody splashes may be found in the droppings a- round the feed troughs, water foun- tains, or any place that the birds may congregate. These contaminated areas are dangerous and must be thoroughly cleaned. The ground should be spaded over and the feed troughs moved to a fresh place or raised on wire screens. The presence of the organism will be more positively disclosed by post mortem examination Tf coccidia are present the caoca will be greatly distended and filled with bloody brown to light yellow contents. was due principally to the somewhat higher production of eggs per hen. According to the official statistics, the total production of farm, eggs in Canada in 1934 is estiinated at 223,- 107,000 dozens, showing an increase of 863,600 dozens on the recent es- timate of 222,254,000 dozens in 1933. The estimated number of egg -laying•, hens inCanada in 1934 was 24,688,- 000, compared with the revised esti- mate of 24,922,000 in 1933. This re- presents a reduction of 234,000 birds. The value of eggs in 1934 is placed at 33,206,000, an average price of 15 cents per dozen in comparison with $27,5.77,000, or 12 cents per doz- en in 19331 Thus the value increase between 1933 and 1934 is $5,629,000. The slight outbreaks that have occurred at the Dominion Expert - mental Station, Harrow, have been checked without serious loss by changing the rearing ground each year and frequently cleaning the houses and surroundings soon as de- tected. Coccidiosis may prove a serious loss to the farmer and poultryman if allowed to run its course uncheck- ed, and every precaution should be taken to avoid or check an outbreak. Burn or bury deeply any chicks that die; isolate or destroy those that show symptoms; move the shelters to fresh ground if possible and spade up or plough the old infected area. Value of Farm Eggs The value. of farm eggs in Canada in 1934 was the highest recorded since 1931 and more eggs were laid than in 1933. This is all the more re- markable since there were approxi- mately a quarter million less hens on farms than in the former year, Prices advanced in all the provinces and all provinces contributed to the increas- ed valuations, although, so far as increased production was concerned, only three provinces, Quebec, Ontar- io, and British Columbia, were re- sponsible. The increase in production TOTHE WEST WINNIPEG EDMONTON PACIFIC (OAST CANADIAN ROCKIES • Follow the thrilling JASPER PARK route by the "Continental Limited". See the highest peaks of the Rockies from a moun- tain observation car. Stop off at JASPER ...or round out your trip with a cruise to ALASKA. Low cost fable d'hote and a la carte meals inthe diner. Ask any Canadian National 'rims agent far details. Prepaid 8 -day stopover at Jasper Park Lodge Including room and mouldaZ 1.50 stopov ,flayer $47.s0.. ONTINENTAL CO.OPERATION NEEDED IN WEED CONTROL Weed control is one of the most vital agricultural problems which we have. A problem in which every person who owns a square foot of land should be intensely interested. If weeds areneglected they will soon take possession. In every municipal- ity we have places where people are careless and weeds have been neg- lected. Fortunately, the percentage of such is very low. One neglected patch may polluteacres the following year. There is nothing so discour- aging for a person who is making an effort to control weeds as to be living near someone who does not make an attempt to do so. The care- ful ratepayer demands protection and is entitled to it. Every country in the world that has developed a worthwhile agricul- tural practice has weeds, and the majority have adopted legislation to control them. It has been found necessary to do likewise in this pro- vince. ;However, legislation in itself will not control a single weed. Any work done must be the result of defin- ite human action. Co-operation, uni- ted effort and immediate action are necessary in preventing weeds from going to seed. New weeds are con- tinually appearing and must not be permitted to increase. If your muni- cipality is clean this is a good time to keep lit clean. Weed Inspectors have been ap- pointed in every municipality in the province, and the 1935 war on weeds is under way. Every weed that is destroyed means thousands of weeds destroyed. Enlist now and help de. stray the enemy. Co-operate by pul- ling, hoeing, spraying, cutting, spud- ding out, plowing and cultivating to destroy weeds' and by persuading someone else to do likewise. Wleeds have no :place in a progres- sive community; prevent them from going to seed. Do your share and help protect the most important in- dustry in the province—"Agricul- ture." THURS., JULY 4,,19.35;; '!'! THE CONTRARINESS OF SALT It freezes and it thaws; it helps to tr sustain life. and to destroy it; , and in the guise of brine it makes fish dry by soaking. By R. M. Rowat Parents always find it a painful moment when they are called upon to explain some fact or answer some question for which they have no rea- dy reply. One child, for instance, could not understand how, as was plainly marked on the carton, salt could be used both to freeze ice cream and to melt ice from slippery walks. His father found it difilicult to ex- plain this seeming contradiction to an eight-year-old boy, sa, after a moment's frenzied search in the re- cesses of his memory for a half-for- gotten explanation, he got out of the awkward situation by calling it a salt paradox, and then sent the boy to a dictionary to learn what a paradox is. There are a number of salt para- doxes, and one of them is bought to mind at this season when the call of the rake, the hoe, and the seed cata- logue is most insistent, and that Is the use of salt for the soils Whether his garden be but little larger than a pocket handkerchief or extend over (Continued on page 7) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PARTIES IN S. W. ONTARIO. HUSBAND FLIES FROM PENN- SYLVANIA TO HENSALL TO VISIT SICK WIFE Speeding by plane from Pennsyl- vania to the bedside of his wife who had been stricken seriously ill while on a visit to Hesnall, A. 3:Hummel, of Millville, Pa., arrived in that vil- lage on Sunday, spent a few hours with her and returned the same day. Mrs. Hummell had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Berry, in Hensall, where an old boys' reunion was in progress. She was taken ill there. Ward was sent to her husband in Pennsylvania, who chartered a plane from Buffalo to TO FARMER.S A New Silage Process The provision of cheap fodder in the off season has been one of the main problems of practical agricul- ture in Great 'Britain anti elsewhere for many centuries. (Tay hag been us- ed for this purpose from remote times, and turnips were introduced by Townshend in the eighteenth een- tury; but, neither `hay nor `roots' are take hien to his wife's bedside. Leaving early on Sunday morning the Waco plane was brought by pilot to the London airport with Mr. Hummel' as a passenger. Then it took -off for Hensall where landing was made in a field. The husband found his wife somewhat improved on his arrival. Ile left at three o'clock Sunday afternoon. A phone call from Mit'. Hummel to Hensall at 7 p.m. told of his safe ar- rival again in Millville. HURON REGIMENT TO CAMP Huron Regiment will entrain at a camp for three days beginning the end of August, it was decided at a meeting of the officers held recently. The camp site has not been chosen es yet, but the probable time was set for Saturday, August 31, and September 1 and 2. Eighteen officers were in atten• dance at the meeting where this decision was made from Wingham, Exeter, Seaforth, Clinton and Goder- ich. Major R. G. Whitelaw, G.S.O., M. D. 1, of London, lectured the officers on military tactics, using a sand table or relief map. Major White- law was accompanied by Major Chapman. "A" Company of Huron Regiment is in training in Goderich, lectures being given once a week by Major A. H. Jane, Lieut A. B. Sturdy and Lieut, 1'. A. 'Crich. Drill also is be- ing practised by the company of thirty men. rich in' protein,' and the latter have become less esonomic than they were owing to the increased' costs of lab- our for cultivations, carting and man- uring. Ordinary methods of making silage are extensively used in a few countries e.g. in Great Britain, per. haps owing to the great wastage that occurs when the silage is not proper- ly made. Tho new process invented by Prof. A. L Virtanen, of Finland, and known as the A.LV. process, which involves the use of pit -silos and sprinkling the crop with dilute acid,.bids fair to attain more success than has attended• the earlier meth- ods, because it is practically fool- proof, cheap, and highly efficient, es - specially from the standpoint of pro- tei n -.e on s ervalti•o n. In the latest issue of the Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture (No. 10, 1935), Dr. J. E Patterson describes experiments on the A.I.V. process carried out at Dartington Hall, Devonshire. One lot of South Devon cows were fed on the period -reversal system with hay, mangolds and concentrates, and a second lot on a ration in which 40 lb. A.I.V. fodder, trade from mec- um aftermath grass, replaced 40 lb. mangolds and 5 lb. hay. During the feeding of A:.I.V. fodder the milk yield fell by 1.2 Ib, per cow per week, as compared with 7.7 lb. and 4.4 lb. during the preceding and following control periods. The amount of but- ter -fat in the milk was very slightly raised, but the colour of the fat, due to increased carotene content, was more than doubled during the A.I.V. feeding. These results confirm the impres- sion that there is probably a good future in store for the A.I.V. process in Great Britain. THE IMPORTANT THING "Goodnest, George! This is not our baby! This is the wrong carriage." "Shut up! This is a better car- riage." Fertilizer Trials With reference to trials of cyanae- snide and other nitrogenous fertiliz- ess on arable crops, 'De. E. M. Crow- ther of the Rothamstead Experimen- tal iStati•on describes in the Iatest to suo of the Empire Journal of Es perie mental Agriculture (No. 10, 1935y the results of twenty-two field trials at Rothamsted• and other centres on the effects of calcium cyanamide and' ammonium!sulphate on spring bar- ley, potatoes ann sugar -beet. These - fertilizers gave similar yield increas- es in 11 of the 15 experiments Ins which there were significant response to added nitrogen, ans cyanamide was less effipient than ammonium .sul- phate in the other four. In five experiments at Rothamsted ' on winter cereals there was no clear difference between autumn and spring dressings of nitrogenous fertilizers, or between the two above-named f er- tilizers, except that when repeated small .applications were made during - winter and spring, the cyanamide was inferior. Good results were ob- tained from. the use of autumn dres- sings of dicyanodiamide on winter wheat, whether alone or mixed with • calcium cyanamide. TIME WILL TELL Mary"I saw a man kissing you at the back door last night. Was it the postman or the policeman?" Maid—"Wlas it before seven o'clock or after?" WHEN? "How did you get that smudge on your face," asked the 'Frisco engin- - eer's' wife of her husband. "How do you expect me to run a 1500 without getting grease on my face?" "I don't, but when did the railroad start using red grease?" --Frisco Employees' Magazine.. In South -Western Ontario field par- ties under the direction of Dr. 0. B. Evans, and Dr. 3. S. Stewart of the Geological .'Survey, Dept. of Mines, Ottawa, are making an investigation of the oil and gas areas. Oil in commercial quantities was found near Petrolia in the sixties and from 1881 to the end of 1934, Ontario has produced about twenty three million barrels, valued at a- bout $3.1,000rb00, Since 1910 the production of oil in Ontario has de- clined to a relatively small amount, and at present the yield is about 130,000 barrels a years Natural gas in the early days was wasted, but later its value was real- ized, and now it is ,much more im- portant than oil, The total amount of gas produced in Ontario since 1906, in thousands of cubic feet, amounts to 268,000,000, with a total value of $92,000)060. The present yearly production in thous ands of cubic feet, is about 8,500,000 with a value of slightly over goo, - 000. The Tilbury and Haidimand gas fields, though still producing large quantities have been slowly declin- ing since 1920, and this has made necessary the search for new fields. During the last few years gas has ben discovered in the Dawn field (Lambton County), and in the D'Clute Field (southeast Kent County), from which a considerable production is now obtained. Also the old Dover field (Kent County) has been extended eastward. Wihile no new fields of the size of the . Tilbury and Haldimand . fields are likely to be found, it is probable that more limited fields with large reserves of natural gas will yet be discovered It is to this end that data concerning the producing fields, and geologaicl information on the oil and gas strata are being sought. The tabulation of information re- garding water horizons struck in .,,• wells of any kind may eventually be of value to fawners and others seek- ing sources of a water supply,, wifillemaleolVyabwaglpiernalradamallaabot What Goes On In every Home Watch jn your own home how The News -Record — or any other good newspaper—is read, Possibly the personal. and local items are read, and perhaps the main headlines on the front page are scanned; but it is a pretty safe thing to say that wo- men readers will turn very early to the advertisements of local firms which advertise fashion items, food items, and other offerings related in- timately to current needs• and desires. Every woman knows what she wants—not perhaps in the precise form or color, or variety or manner, but certainly in the main matters .of her desire or need. This applies to clothes, hats, shoes, food items, beau- ty preparations and many items. per- taining to home furnishing. And so women are eternally on the watch for information and for •temptation! They are swiftly perceptive of the advertisements which present and propose the things of their desire or need. And obviously it is those re- tailers who advertise to them who stand the best chance of their custom. It is the same in the case of men. Few men buy impulsively. When they leave home each day for their place of employment, it is not just to get rid of their money. What they buy is, mainly, something whose purchase has been planned—clothes or other forms of apparel, hardware items, motoring sundries, shaving and other bathroom needs, plants, books, and so on. Men, like women, have been read- ing, advertisements in line with their ripening desires and intentions, and of course they go in largest numbers, to those retail'ers who have been in- forming them and soliciting their custom. All of us, instinctively, go where the Light is, not where the darkness is. Advertisements are light, and so they attract the buyers to throne stores which they illumine. The way to get business is to ask for it. (Can the truth of this state- ment be successfully disputed? And here is another equally true state- ment: The public buys from those who invite its custom. The Clinton News -Record $1.50 a year. Worth More AND IT'S A GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM