HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-07-04, Page 3iHURS., JULY 4,1935
What Clinton was Doing in The Gay Nineties
Prom The News -Record, July 3rd,
For business men and families dur-
ing the hot weather the Hotel 'Clar-
endon furnishes 21 meals tiekets for
Clinton seemed to be almost desert-
ed on Monday, Dominion lay. A-
bout 160 tickets were sold bye the
Grand Trunk for Seafor'£h,. 78 for.
Goderich and 251 for other points. By
vehicle a large number drove to Sea -
forth, Goderich and Bayfield.
Mr. David Gook, although 70 year
of age, may be seen working in his
garden between four and five in the
Leader Haycock was on his way to
Landesborough's Grove in Tucker -
smith on Friday and through the in-
tervention of a good Grit the Patron
leader was prevented from reaching
Londesboro, Mullett) by mistake.
Iilr. Thos. Kearns, 'who has smoked
tobacco for nearly fifty years, has
given up the use of the weed without
the assistance of more than his own
will power.
Mr. Walter Porter of the postof-
fice is' on a visit to his old home in
Simcoe County. He covered the dis-
tance en his wheel, about 130 miles.
Misses Jean Dickson and Allie
MacDonald of Seaforth visited :Clin-
ton friends last week.
)Miss Ferran is visiting at Preston
Town Clerk Coats and Chief
Wheatley bagged 490. frogs. on Do-
minion Day and had 800 fine quar-
Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., was thrown
from his bicycle on Thursday and
injured his knee.
On Monday a fishing party con-
sisting of Rev. and Mrs. J. Lt Parke,
Mrs. Gibson of Listowel and Miss
Carder of •Blyth, Reeve and Mars
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. John John-
ston and Mr. and Mrs. B. Tomlinson
visited the Rocks on the Maitland
and spent a most enjoyable day.
From The New Era, July 5th, 1895:
The Misses Mountcastle have 'a
lovely night -blooming Beres in flow-
Miss H. Dodds has purchased a
bicycle from Mr. Yellowlees.
Among the Clinton teachers who
are spending the holidays at their
homes here are: Mr. Plummer, Blyth;
Miss Cooper, "Brussels; Miss Step-
henson, Ethel; Miss Holmes, Sud -
Miry; Miss .Emily Turner, Gorrie;
and Miss Stout of Mooretown. Mr.
Coombs of Clinton Collegiate wheel-
ed to his . home in Richmond Hill;
Mr. McLean goes to Windsor; Mr.
Rand has gone to Brantford and Miss
McCutcheon goes to 'Deleware. Mr.
Houston and Mr. Lough are ,busy
with examination papers.
Harland Bros. had on exhibition in
their window the other day a foun-
tain, designed by themselves, cal-
culated for window display. The
special feature of this article lies
in its extreme simplicity and in the
fact that it requires no outside sup-
ply of water, a pailful emptied into
it being sufficient, through the inter-
nal mechanism, to keep up a spray
for several hours.
Stanley Township: Among the
names of those who have passed
the recent University examinations,
we notice that of V,'. G. ltiehardson,
who obtained the degree of B.A., and
R. 3. Richardson, who took first
class honours in English, logic, psy-
chology, theory of knowledge and Inc
scholarship of $50 in philosophy.
'Church Items:—The following are
the officers in the Junior League of
Rattenbury, street church for the
current year: President, Olive Hel-
yer; 1st vice, Emma Baker; 2nd vice,
Anna Worthington; 3rd vice, Ethel
Doherty; 4th vice, Flossie King; stn
vice, Elva Cooper; reo-secretary,
Maggie Davis; torr secretary, Mabel
Yesterday afternoon as The New
Era was going to press, we had the
misfortune to pi the first form of
the paper. Only printers really know
What this means, and as a conse-
quence we had to reset every letter
on the page, no small undertaking at
any time. We wish to thank Mr.
Todd of The News -Record' and his
staff for kind help in the emergency,
and also Mr. Andrew Porter of the
Post Office, and 'Miss Eva Croll, all
of whomkindly came to our help,
thus enabling us to cone out with-
out mare than a few hours' delay.
From The News -Record, July 7th,
Rev. J. E. Ford and family arrived
in town on Thursday last and are
becomilng comfortably settled in
Wesley Parsonage.
Jenkins--Etvans—At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mrinnedosa,
Man., on June 28th , Minnie Eva,
daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Percival
Evans, to William S. Jenkins of
Koots, Alta., son of Thomas Jenkins
of Woodlands Farm, Goderich town-
Mead-Webb—In .Sii Paul's church,
Clinton, ,on July. 6th, b'y the Rev. C.
R. Gunne, May, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Vii N. Webb, 'Clinton, to W. C.
Mead, Peterboro.
The home ofhir. d Mks, H. Bag -
ler was the scene of a quiet wedding
on Friday last when their eldest
daughter, Jean, was united in mar-
riage with Mr. Scott 'Grieve, young-
est son of Mr. Hugh Grieve of Sea -
forth. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. Dh Stewart in the pre-
sence of only immediate friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Grieve will reside in Walk-
Mr. John Rumball has been filling
very efficiently the position of lib-
rarian in the absence of Miss Rudd.
A special train to Stratford on
July 12th will leave Clinton at nine
O'clock amt. Returning it will leave
Stratford at 7.30 p.m.
Commencing Friday the Iocal
druggists will close their places of
business at eight •o'clock each Friday
The local team defeated the Grade -
rich nine at the latter place en Fri-
day afternoon 4 to 0. Dick Tasker,
the local pitcher had fifteen strike-
outs and four assists to first base.
W. Johnson nailed the only difficult
fly that reached centre field. The
only fly that reached Murray Me -
Ewan in the left field was made a
captive by Murray which cut short a
lively sprint to first base. Mae-
donald at second • had two assists and
McCaughey at third had one. Harry
Twitchell at short had a put out and
an assist to his credit. Tommy Haw-
kins as always did splendid work be-
hind the bat. This is the seventh
straight victory- the local team has
scored this season. Local line-up:
Hawkins, c; E. Johnson, ib; Macdon-
ald 2b; W. Johnson, cf; :McCaughey
31i Twitchell ss; Draper, rf; MieEw-
an If; Tasker p. Phe return game
will be played in the park here on
Friday night.
Pram The New Era, July 7th, 1910:
It was ever thus: The grumbler at
the weather is ever with us. He is
complaining of the intense heat now,
and it is only a few weeks since he
Thank You, Mister Editor
Part one of A. C. Livingstone's rollicking four-part story of
Canadian Town Life
appears in this issue of
In publishing this original, humorous, all4Canadian story the co.
operation of your editor is,acknowledged by the Canadian Story Tel-
lers' Club, and we wish all readers of 111-10 NEWS -RECORD many
entertaining moments as they follow the laughable plot. Be sure
to tell your editor why you like this story, or write the Canadian
Story Tellers' Club direct, naming your town newspaper.
The Canadian Story Tellers' Club consists. of Publishing Membere
(Editors of .better -class town newspapers) Amateur Whiting Um -
hers and Associate Members, who combine: their resources to give
you a Canadian story service, wholesome, ,entertaining and original.
Sincere Amateur Canadian writers ase invited into club membership,
privileges of which include free reading and criticism of manuscript;
INDIVIDUAIL COACHING by mail, and either purchase by the club
of acceptable original work, or its co-operation in finding another
Are those who de not aspire to write, yet are interested in, and wish
to keep posted an the club's work of encouraging amateur creative
Annual Fees For Both Memberships Are Low.
For particulars of +Membership (state which type), give name • of your
town newspaper and enclolse addressed, stamped envelope to
The Secretary
95 Helena Avenue, Toronto, 'Canada;
was growling about the backward
On the 6th of July 1865 The New
' Era first made its bow to the public
and it therefore celebrates its 45th
birthday this week.,
The following are the officers for
the coming term of 'Clinton Lodge
A. F. and A.
Past Master: IT. IT. M'eBrien,
Master: J. Taylor.
Sr. Wlarden: W., J. Tozer,
Jr. Warden: A. P. Gundry.
Treasurer:: W. D. Fair.
I,Sectetary: H. B. Chant).
Chaplain: C. C. -Ranee.
:Sr. Deacon: H. Gould.
Jr. Deacon: H. E. Rorke.
L Guard: J. H. Kerr,
Tyler: J. R, Howe,
Organist :W. J. Paisley.
D. of C.: Dr. Shaw.
ISr. Steward: Amos Castle,
Jr. Steward: J. McLeod.
Public sentiment appears to be
swinging against booze in this pro-
vince. During the past year there
have been local option contests in
fifty municipalities. In thirty-foot
the drys won on a sixty -forty vote. In
over forty municipalities there was
a dry majority. --,St. Marys Journal -
A. lot of people who should know
better have wasted a lot of good
breath in "cussin' " the banks, the
institutions that have kept Canada
out of the trough of the financial
seas when other countries have made
sad shipwreck of business.
—Exeter Times -Advocate.
If you cannot see a wild flower
Blooming in a field or woods with-
out plucking it, at least do not pull
it out by the roots and thus destroy
its beauty forever. An old country
magazine, as quoted in the Goderich
.Signal; states that 300 species of
wild flowers have disappeared from
English woods owing to the unre-
stricted practice of picking them.
The same thing will happen in Can-
ada unless our people are a little
mate considerate.—Hanover Post.
Recently Stanley Baldwin said, "I
have always believed that the great.
est security against war in any part
of the world whatever, in Europe,
in the East, anywhere, would be the
close collaboration of the British
Empire with the United States " And
an American weekly coming to our
desk says, "A little crossing of the
American palm would put us into a
more helpful mood, no doubt." The
almighty dollar again! They seem
always to he thinking of money. O4
course they referred to the interna-
tional debts and feel they should be
paid before the )States makes any al-
liance.—Listowel Banner,
No one in this good town that can
lick a spoon need be out of work
from now till the first of :September.
Farmers need all the help •they can
get. But they need help not loafers.
There is every prospect of a good
harvest. 'Why should not all assist
in gathering it in? The rains have
held up a great many farm opera-
tions, Why should not every man and
boy turn out in the way of timely
help? The farmer who cannot pay
well in cash may be able and willing
to pay well in kind. We hope our
council will sit up and take notice of
the folk who. Will not work when
Work its to be had and is greatly
need'ed.-Etceter Tones -Advocate.
Mr. R. J, Dunmore of St. Thomas
having read an editorial copied from
this column in which we pointed . out
it would .be wise to let the Doukho-
bors leave Canada as they would
never make good citizens, writes to
The Banner saying he was thorough,]
ly in accord with every word in ourl
editorial, but that it did not go: far
enough. He would not say "Let them
go," but rather "Make them go'
"I have never been able to under-
stand," says Mr. Dunmore, "why
the Canadian Government has al,
ways humored and coddled this bunch
of fanatic jackasses. When they
staged their fool naked parade in
British Columbia a couple of years
ago they were arrested and confined
Again they were tenderly treated
and coddleli,
"I knave' the British, Columbia.
country. There: are many uninhab-
ited islands in the rivers. These pee,
ple should have been stripped nude,
dumped on ,one of those :islands, and
left to live there ,stark naked for a
Month, exposed to heat in the day-
time, the cold at night, the constant
target for black flies and mosquitoes+
,until they would power at the mere
mention of anything so bare es the
naked eye. In short, they should
have been compelled to go naked, and
stay naked till they got their 'fill of
it, and I miss my guess if that
wouldn't have cured them of ever
wanting to discard their clothes a-
gain, even to go to bed."
That is rather severe treatment
and we can hardly agree with Mr.
Dunsmore in this. We rather think,
however, that he does not actually
mean what he says. It would be
establishing a nudist colony in Can-
ada and we have never been in favor
of such a move. If a nudist desires
to expose his. hide to mosquitges or
black flies, let him go to it, but we
would not knowingly force any human
being to such torture. But we do
heartily agree with the last para-
graph in Mr. Dunsmore's letter when
he says:
"If the Government at the time it
brought those people to Canada had
offered the same help, land and facil-
ities to scores of husky 'Canadians,
born on the farms of Ontario and
perforce of circumstances trying to
earn a living in the cities, they would
have had now, instead of groups of
trouble -making foreigners, commun
ities of hom'e-grown, honest -to -good-
ness Canadians and 'British subject%
in thriving, law-abiding settlements.
Let 'em go? NO—MAKE 'em go,
and never come back."
—+Listowel Banner.
The Seaway Line passenger steam-
er Georgian, which made port here
on a chartered trip recently,
is scheduled to call here on its week-
ly trips to the "Soo" and back during
the summer months. The Georgian
will run from June 29 to August 28,
calling at Goderich at 8.30 a.m. ev-
'.ery Sunday on the up trip and about
midnight Friday on the return trip.
The steamer will remain here more
than three hours on :Sundays, ac-
cording to the schedule, which calls
for arrival at 8.30 am., departure at
11.45 a.m. The Georgian is consid-
erably larger than the passenger
boat that called here last year the
Hibou, having a capacity of 300 pas-
On :Sunday afternoon, about 1.4b
o'clock, the Georgian made port here
far an hour. One hundred and fifty
young ladies made up the passenger
list. The steamer was chartered for
a three-day cruise by the General
Motors Company for the female em-
ployees of the company at Detroit
and Port Huron. The steamer called
here at 2 o'clock a.m'. on Saturday
last, upward bound on the trip to
Georgian Bay, and was on the return
trip when it called here on Sunday.
--JGoderieit Signal.
Along The Air Waves
(Continued from. page 2)
tional exchange program. From New
Sunday, July 7:
8.00 p.m. Radio Theatre Guild
Presenting "The Recoil", by Eric Lo-
gan. Direction of Rupert Caplan.
From Montreal
10.30 p.m. "Atlantic Nocturne"
Readings by Frank Willis with AI -
Ian Reid at ,the organ and Leon Bol-
kozotsky, violinist. From Halifax.
Monday, July 8:
8.30 p.m. "The Colbert Hour'
Concert group. WXYZCR1B0 inter-
national exchangti program • From
10.30 p.M. Earle Hills and His
Banff Springs Hotel Orchestra
Dance music. CRiBG-NIBC interna-
tional . exchange feature, From
Banff Springs.
Tuesday, July 9:
8.30 p.m- Mart Kenny "Rocky.
Mountain Melvdy Time"---',
Dance music.
8.30 p.m. Goldman Band Concert
—Direction of Edwin Franko Gold-
man. NBC -CIBC -international ex-
change program. From New York.
Wednesday, July 10:
9.00 p.m. "Concert Caravan" --
Soloists and orchestra. From To-
10.30 p.m. Gene Fogarty and Hit+
Jasper Park T.idfe Orchestra—
Donee music. 43RBC- 4B0' interna-
tional exchange program. F'rom Tee-
ner. i i i . it . M.
.."DE L U•XE4N: " 7113g . S SURDOUGH TRAIL
THE gold rush of '98 sent a pic-
turesque crowd of sourdoughs and
chechakos along the famous gold
trail to Alaska and the Yukon. The
vacation rush of 1935 will see another
picturesque invasion, but it will be on
a vastly different scale to that of the
sourdough. Steamship traffic to Alaska,
the land of gold and glaciers, of sour -
Photographs ebow: Above. The Prince Robert. Top left: The altar in Sitka'a
calomel Russian church. Below: One of the many grotesque totems which add
to Alaska's colorful attraction.
doughs and totem poles, has grown to
huge proportions during recent seasons.
Canadian National Railways and
steamship officials found their oil -
burning ships booked to capacity dur-
ing last season, so to care for the in-
creasing traffic four special 11 -day
cruises will be made by the S.S. Prince
Robert, commencing June 28th, in
addition to the regular Canadian
National Alaska service.
Instead of hardships encountered on
the "Trail of '98" by the gold -seekers,
the pleasure -seeking vacationists who
journey northward on the Prince
Robert will find everything arranged
for their comfort. These will really be
deluxe cruises for the Robert is equip-
ped with every latest device for the
comfort and convenience of her pas-
Sitka, old-time Russian capital of
Alaska; Skagway, gateway to the
Yukon; Ketchikan, Juneau, will be
among the ports visited, while on the
journey the ship will traverse Dean
Channel and make a stop at the his-
toric Mackenzie's Rock, marking the
termination of Alexander Mackenzie's
overland journey to the Pacific.
Ontario motorists contributed $41.-
40 out of every $100 cash receipts
collected by the province in 1934, an
increase of $2.70 over the previous
year. Of this amount $25.80 out of
every 400 represented gasoline tax,
While the balance represented regis-
tration and license fees.
Comparisons in the provincial fin-
ancial statements of the last few
rocks. They •hastened as fast aa
they could—two on crutches, three
With legs in iron forms—up a steep
slope in the teeth of the gale, to the
Horne. The 'Coastguards were 'phon-
ed, and in consequence five of the
steamer's crew of six were saved.
For Scout Radio Fans
Rover Scouts have established a
short wave broadcasting station at
Headquarters of the Netherlands
East Indies Boy +Scouts' Association,
years prove that out of every $100
received by the provincial treasurer,
motorists paid the following: 1930,
gas tax $18.70; licenses and registra-
tions $9.60, total $28:30; 1931, in the
same order $20.10, $9.80, total 429.-
29:90; 1932, $22.70, $13.20, total $35.90;
1933, $24.60, $14.10, total $38.70;
1934, $25.80, $15.60, total, $41.40.
These figures show that the gaso-
line tax increased from 18.7 per cent
per 4100 in 1980 to 25.8 per cent in
1934, while revenue from licenses and
registration fees increased from 9.0
per cent per $100 to 15.6 per cent per
According to the latest figures 15.2
per cent of the population owned
motor vehicles in Ontario in 1934
and, in that year, they contributed
$20,788,979, or 41.4 per cent of the
cash revenue received by the pro- '
wince in the twelve -*month period.
White -Walking Sticks For the Blind
Wolf Cubs of Bath, England, have
been specializing in the good turn of
collecting old walking sticks, paint-
ing then, white, and giving them to
the blind.
Honour Scouts' Patron Saint
One thousand picked Scouts front
England and 'Wales participated in
the annual: National Scout ISerVice at
St. :Georges Chapel, Windsor, on St.
George's Sunday, April 28, and heard
an address by the Dean of Windsor.
The service was broadcast.
Swedish Prince Radios European
A broadcasting event of St. Geor-
ge's bay for British and European
Boy Scouts was a radio address in
English on the :Scout Patron Saint by
H.R.H. Prince Gustav Adolf of Swed-
en. The Swedish .Grown Prince Is
President of the Swedish Scout Coml.
Crippled Scouts Bring Help For
Distressed Vessel
An unusual Scout award case was
that which won the Certificate of.
Merit for five crippled boys of the
Scout Group of the Stewart Memor-
ial Horne of Bangor, Ireland. •On a
February morning they were .making
their way along the shore from a
dormitory to the main Home, in the
face of a gale, when they saw the
small, Belfast steamier Eileen in
distress and drifting towards the
Batavia, Java. The call is PKISCA.
The station uses a frequency. of 7,080
kc, and ;broadcasts regularly Tues-
days and Fridays 7 to 9 p.m. Java
time (7 brs. 30 mins. ahead of Green-
Wich). The station has worked a
non. Gout station in 'California, and
should, during favourable conditions,
reach Canada.
Enlargements make Ideal gifts for friends
and relations.
EVERYTHING considered, snap -
shooters are a lucky lot. As we
have seen, they have the edge on or-
dinary mortals in the matter of real-
ly personal, meaningful birthday or
other types of greeting cards.. And
they have the means of creating
gifts of exceptional charm and value.
These particular "means" are the
snapshot negativesfrom which beau-
tiful enlargements can be made. If
you; haven't yet experimented 'with
enlargements, now's the time.
In enlarging a picture you get not
only a bigger, more realistic image,
but the. opportunity to: select the best
part of any negative for magnifica
Mon. Suppose you have a good nega-
tive of the youngsters atplay in the
sandbox — a picture which their
grandparents would be delighted to
have,,enlarged, as a gift. But suppose
there's something incongruous- a
wash on the line, a lawnmower or
anything ,else that doesn't add a
thing to the charm of the view—to
the right or left: of the children.; With
an enlargement, that distracting, un-
necessary feature can be completely,
Enlargements may, be of almost
any size. Any good negative, no mat.
ter how small, may be "blown up" to
make a picture five or sig times the
Size, of the original, A sharp' 2'/s+ x
3i/¢ inch film will easily give you a
sparkling 8 x 10 inch enlargement.
A word about eubiecte for enlarge-
ments—particularly if they're to be
used as gifts. Choose pictures that
will mean something to the recipi-
ents. A shot of Fido trying to climb.
a tree after Cleo, the cat, will be
vastly appreciated by big brother or
sister away at College, but it won't
mean very much to Aunt Cynthia
who doesn't care for either dogs or
Some of the best enlargements
we've seen have been landscapes—or
seascapes. Mountains usually make'
A. friend of ours makes'a practice:
of getting informal' shots of his.
friends which are enlarged and de-
livered to the various cronies as.
gifts. All of which simplified his gift
With the coming of summer you.
will be getting many pictures that
will make beautiful enlargements.
suchas a picture of grandmother in
the flower garden,or sister standing
in, front of a tree filled with beauti-
ful spring blossoms.
Opportunities for beautiful pic-
tures are countless at this time of
year, so go forth with your camera.
and get them.