HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-07-04, Page 1D'he News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton
NO. 5434 -57TH YEAR
New Era
The New Era Est, 18
1 ,f r
Suq c
Besides the richness of appearance, ;Silverware is really the
most economical to purchase, for it is practically indestructable.
You will be pleased with the designs we have, and the prices
are most moderate. .
Should your wish be for Dinnerware—see ours. Good patterns
Sold as a full set or individual prices.
Jeweler and Optomiterist.
Highest Cash Price Paid For Old Gold
Interest is Running High
Nlake Your Purchases Here
and help Givey our
Favorite Child the
Thrill of a
Life Time
A fitting finale to a successful year
in music was the recital given by the
pupils of Miss Beatrice Greene at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Hewson, High
street, on Friday evening last. Those
taking part ranged from the young-
est present to the oldest. Little Miss
Mary Thomason 'was the youngest
and Mrs. •Geo. Levis, who celebrated
her 'birthday the next day, was the
oldest. Bath of these members took
part vocally, As each young lady
performed Miss' Mary Thompson pre-
sented her with a little bouquet of
flowers. Mrs. Hewson and Miss
Greene were also given flowers. The
boys were given candy, At the close
of the musical programme light re-
freshmente were serped.
Those present who had heard, pre-
vious recitals decided that the pupils
had made remarkable progress since
the last recital and altogether ths,
affair was voted a success'
Tho branches of the A.Y.P.A. of
the Deanery of Ramon held their an-
nual picnic last Thursday afternoon
in I•Iarbour Park, Goderich.
An interesting program of sports,
prepared by the Godwin, branch,
was enjoyed by the group of young
After the picnic supper,Canon.
Appleyard of Seaforth presented the
prizes to the winners •of the various
Those who were able to stay or-
ganized teams for a game of ball.
Following is the list of games' run
off with names of the winners:
Boys 50 yard—Russell Bryan,
Frank Archibald, Arthur Retton.
Girls' 50 yard—Violet Peemlln,
Agnes Campbell, Marjorie Eastman.
Jr.• 'Boys race ---Colin Campbell,
Herbert Wigle, Phillip Calder.
1Boys.' running broad jump—Rus-
sell l3eyan, Frank. Archibald, Jim
Gir!ls'' running broad jump—Violet
Trenlin, Mar jorie Eastman, Agnes
Boys' .boot and shoe race Colin
Campbell, John Hawkins, Phillip
(Men's boot and shoo race—Frank
Archibald, Jim Smith, Arthur Ret -
Girls' boot and shoe race—Marga-
ret Groves, Agnes . Campbell, Mar-
jorie Eastman.
3 -legged girls' race—Violet Frem-
lin and Margaret 1VIiddleton; Marjor-
ie Eastman and Agnes Campbell.
Relay Boys-- Seaforth, Brussels,
Relay — Girls-iAgnes Campbell,
Margaret Middleton, Violet Finale,
•Margaret Eastman; Margaret Groves
J. Harris, Dorothy Parke, Lillian
Long Distance—Boys-,Russel Bry-
an, Frank Archibald, Gordon Har-
Needle and Thread --Girls— Doris.
Riley, Agnes Campbell, Lillian El-
liott, Dorothy Parke; Mary Calder,
Audrey' Dawker.
The Hol'Iand family picnic was
held July lst on the Sumner School
grounds north •of Goderich, During
the afternoon about forty members
gathered together and a few games.
and sports' were run off, under the.
direction of M.rs. •Clifforcl holland of
Godericb, Mrs,. Elvin Zinn of Luck-
now and Miss Verna Vance of Lan••
Later a tasty supper was provid-
ed by the •ladies, at which everyone
helped; each other :to have a good
At the close a committee of three,
Mrs. C. Holland, Goderich Ahs. A2.
Nediger of :Clinton and Miss Verna
Vance of London, were elected to
look after the general 'arrangements
far the picnic next year. The place
it was decided would be . Harbour
Park, Goderich, and the date the 8rd
Saturday in June. This elating- the
meeting - all adjourned homeward
having spent a pleasant afternoon,
Many scattered all over this pro-
vince and at greater distances will
learn with regret of the passing of
Miss Margaret O'Neill which •occur-
red inClinton Cl on Friday, for many
of the men and women now heading
families went through her capable
hands as she taught en the Public
School staff here for years. 'She had
been in failing health for some Mine,
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon from the home of Miss
Margaret 'Bay, which had been her
home for many years, to 'Clinton
cemetery, the Rev. Dr. C. E. Dougan
conducting the :service at 'house and
The regular meeting of the Wle•
men's Institute was 'held in the Leg-
ion Hall en Thursday, June 27th,
with the president, Mrs. McKinney
in the chair.
The. speaker of the afternoon was
the Rev. Mr. McGoun, who gave a
very instructive address on the Re-
vised Calendar, pointing out the good
we aright derive from, it. He sales"
what we wanted was progress and
efficiency. His address' was much
appreciated by all. 'Miss Cochrane
then rendered a piano solo, which
was much enjoyed.
Mrs. W. Rozell and Mrs. J. B. Lav -
is were appointed to attend the Lo-
cal Leader Training School to be
held in Blyth on Saturday. Lunch
was served by Mrs. T. Glazier's
On Saturday, June 29th, a wed-
ding of interest took place at the
home of the bride's uncle, Mr, E-. J.
Jenkins of Waterloo St., London,
when Frances Vera, youngest laugh.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick, was
married to Mr, Fred Lawrence or
Hamilton, son 'of Mrs. S. Lawrence
of .Clinton,
The bride, who was given away by
her father, wore a gown of white
lace with hat to match. Miss Frieda
Wallis was bridesmaid and Miss Har-
riet Wise, flower girl. The groom
was supported by his brother, Mr.
Harry Lawrence, also •of Hamilton,
The officiating minister was the Rev,
Me. Millyard of Hyatt avenue church,
A delightful buffet wedding luncheon
was served in the spacious garden
of the .host and hostess. The imme-
diate families and cousins of the
bride and groom were guests, includ-
ing five girl friends of the bride,
who 'served the lunch.
The bride and groom ]eft amid
showers of confetti for several weeko
at Kawartha Lakes and upon their
return will live in Hamilton afte'
September 1st.
The County W.C.T.U► Convention
will be held in. Wesley -Willis church
on Friday.
The china department in Cooper's
store has been re -decorated and now
looks very. handsome.
The Collegiate 'Institute board has
engaged Mr. Vernon V. Franks of.
Landon as Science Master for the
conning terns.
The Bartliff roses axe again a de-
light to the eyes of all who have oc-
casion to pass around that carnet
down Rattenbiiry street.
Ibtr. Raymond Cartwright, who has
been employed by MIF W. M. Aiken
for sone time, has gone to Winton
Where he has secured a position.
Mrs. Chas. Cook, Rattenbury
street, has some lovely peonies, many
of them a lovely pink shade having
three or four large blooms on one
Mr. Edward Rorke, younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke of town,
was successful in passing his third
year examinations in .Huron Col-
lege, London.
The funeral takes place this :after-
noon from Wesley -Willis church of
Mrs. W. Perdue, mother of Mr. W.
E. P'erdaue, who passed away at the
home of her daughter, Mrs., J. T.
Beacom, Goderich township, an Tues-
Mrs. A. L. Cartwright, who has,
been suffering for sans months with
eye trouble and who has been going
to London for special treatment, is
now in Victoria Hospital. Iler
friends , trust that her recovery will
be speedy and complete.
Mr. S. G. Castle says dogs have
been killing his laying hens down at
his slaughter' .house and he swears
vengeance upon them:, The other
day he 'saw a dog leaving after hav-
ing killed a big layer, and he is go
ing to carry a gun from now on,
There has been no baseball this
week, and the locals: have been "rest-
ing and practising, 10 anticipation of
making a clean sweep of the last half.
of the schedule.: Goderich ' comes
here on Monday night, and Clinton
goes to Lucknow on Wednesday night,
Presbyterian Church
Until further ia6iice public
worship will commence at 10 o'clock
each Sunday morning, followed by
Sunday School at 11 .o clock,
Wesiey,Willis United Church
Union services of the Ontario
street congregation and, the WesIey-
Willis congregation 'will be held in
this church ,for July, commencing
Sunday. The Rev. C. Vla•D. Gosens
will have charge of the services. Has
subject en Sunday morning will be,
".Help' From Beyond The Hills."
Evening:: "Summer."
The Sunday schools will meet 10
their respective churches at ten
o'clock each Sunday morning.
The WI. A. meets this afternoon
fora picnic tea on Mrs, Oakes'
The death occurred on. Sunday of
Hugh Hanley Cantelon, a man well
known through all this district. He
was the eldest son of: a pioneer, the
late Adam Cantelon, locally known
as "The Old Schoolmaster," and he
had spent all his life in the com-
munity, residing in Goderich town-
ship until a few years ago, when he
sold his farm and purchased a mai.
ler estate in .Stanley, just over the
river south of town, where he and
his sister resided. He was taken to
hospital last week for an operation
for appendicitis but other eompllca-
tions were discovered and his
strength was not equal to the strain,
and death ensued.
He had been remarkably active all
his life and up to his eighty-fourth
year, having made a wonderful re-
covery fron a rather serious illness
a year ago.
He never married but is survived
by two sisters, MissSarah, who
had always lived with him, and
Mrs. E. Floody of Toronto, and
three brothers; Arthur of 'Clinton, D.
J. of Toronto and Adam of Mapes,
Sask., A brother and a sister had
predeceased him, Mrs. David Cante-
lon of Clinton and William, who dice
in the west two years ago. He was
connected with Wesley=Willis churce.
since coming to his new hone. He
was a Conservative in politics.
The funeral took place from the
home of M. David Cantelon, Rag-
lan street, on Wlednesday at eleven
A.M. The Rev. C. W. D. Cosens of
Wesley -Willis church conducting the
services at house and graveside. The
pallbearers were; E. Floody, DiCan-
telon, W. Crittenden, Harry Steep,
John Currie and R. H. Johnson.
A brother came from the west and
all the members of the family were
present for the funeral, also rely-
tives cane from Toronto and other
points. Interment was made in
Clinton cemetery.
On Thursday last, the Hurc& Coun-
cil of Home and School held a most
enjoyable -picnic at the summer home
of Mrs. 'Gordon Cuninghame in Bay-
field. Members from Seaforth, Gode-
rich and Clinton were present, num-
bering about fifty-eight in all. The
annual meeting of the council was
held with Mrs. Geo. Jenkins, the
Council President, presiding. Regu-
lar routine business was transacted
and two vice-presidents for the coun-
cil were appointed, namely Mrs. Al-
bert Taylor and Min. Edith Russell of
Goderichand Seaforth respectively.
Another interesting feature was an
oratorical contest. The contestants
were the winners from the home
schools in the above mentioned towns.
Evelyn McLeod, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. Donald 'McLeod of Goderich,
won the first prize for the girls, tak-
ing as her subject, "My Visit to Par-
liament Hill and Marie Plumsteel of
Clinton won the second prize, tale-
ing as her subject "Agriculture."
Harold Deer of Goderich was award-
ed the boy's prize, 'speaking on "The
History of the Clock." Mrs. Lane
of Goelerich and Mrs. Wilson of Sea -
forth acted as judges and their task
was a difficult one for all the young
people did exeepti•onally well and
showed great promise of becoming
outstanding orators in the future.
Many warm. words in appreciation
of years of faithful service given by
Miss Sharman of Central School in
Goderich and regretting• very mcuir:
the fact that she is this year retiring.
from active service, were expressed
in short talks by several ae these
present, among which were former`
pupils and old friends, including a
very fine address by Rev. D. McLeod
on the noble profession of teaching.
A winsosne -wee lass, guest Of Mrs,
Frank Saunders, rendered two charm•.
ing recitations.
Mrs. Jenkins gavethe very inter-
esting and inspiring retort which she
brought back from .the H .and S:
Convention 'held in Toronto in April.
The meeting closed with prayer
offered by Mrs. A. T. 'C'ooper, after
which -a sumptuous self -serve lunch
was enjoyed and all declared they had
had a most enjoyable afternoon,
Wheat, 70c.
Oats sic.
Barley, 00e.
Buckwheat, 40e.
Butter, 22c.
Eggs, 12o to 18c.
Live Hogs, 6925.
Allan MhDonnell of Hensall, who
died on Saturday owing to an acci-
dental wound in his wrist from a
knife in the hands of a member of
his family, was a cousin of Mr. P.
and the 'Misses Bawden of Clinton
and was well known here, as he, at-
Collegiate late here, He was
g in
his thirty-second year and was N.
son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles MCDon-
He lived at home with his parents
and is survivedby three sisters, Dor-
othy and, Mildred at home and Mrs.
George Langton of Torrento, also
by a little daughter of seven. His
wife died four years ago.
The funeral was held on Monday, a
private service being conducted by
the Rev. A. Sinclair of the Henan
United church, assisted by the, Rev.
E. IVA. Smith and the Rev. H. Hender-
son, former Hensall .ministers. In
terment was in Hensall cemetery.
Mr. F. Bawden and Miss Zetta
Bawden and 'Mrs. O. Streets and
family attended the funeral from
The beautiful grounds of Dr. and
Mrs. Oakes were the scene of a bap-
py gathering on Thursday evening
last when the members of the Clair-
ton Community Hospital Board pus
on a garden tea. The spacious
grounds were lighted and prettily
decorated 'tables were laid among
the trees where dainty waitresses
looked after the needs of all who
carne to partake of the nice supper
provided. Strawberries and cream,
breed and butter, cake and tea were
served Ice cream and candy was
also sold on the grounds.
The Concert Band, under the di-
rection of Leader Morgan Agnew,
gave their` weekly concert from a
stand on the grounds, which added
not a little to the pleasure of the
occasions Although the attendance
was not so good as might have been
expected, theladiesgathered a nice
little sum to. add to their treasury.
They wish to express their sincere
thanks to all who assisted in any
way in snaking the affair the success
it was.
The Brucefield Y.P.S. held their
final meeting of the year Monday ev-
ening, June 24th, at 'Bayfield in the
form of a weiner roast,
The first part of the evening was
spent in games whieh were enjoyed
by all. Later a campfire was built
and all gathered around to observe
the interesting feature of the even-
ing, presentations to the president,
Miss Elsie Smith, and to Me.' Ed.
McLeod. Miss Eva Stackhouse read
the address and Miss Evelyn Grain-
ger made the presentation to Miss
Smith, a cold meat fork in Lady
Hamilton pattern. After the reading
02 an address by Gordon Elliott, Mr,
McLeod waspresented with a pair
ea initialed cuff links by Jesse Free-
man. Both Miss ,Smith and • Mr, Mc-
Leod gave very suitable replies. A
short time was spent in the singing
of songs after which the group dis-
posed of weiners-and other refresh-
ments with a hearty camp -spirit.
Mrs. J. McQueen received word last
week •of the passing of her brother's
wife, Mis. T. F. Landsborough of
Brownsvale, Peace River district, Al-
berta. She had not enjoyed good
health for. years but the end came
suddenly on the lath of June. Be-
sides her nusband.she is survived by
two sons and one daughter. We ex-
tend to them our sincere sympathy.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McQueen et
Croswell, Mich., visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Walker and
friends in the village and vicinity
last week. Mr, McQueen sang a solo
in the United Church last Sunday
morning entitled "The love :oi. God"
which Seas much appreciated.
Mrs, Bell McCarreon and daughter
of Toronto spent last week at the
home of their aunt, Mrs. Alex, Ross,
in the village.
Mrs. George Watts and Mks. 'Mary
13•ronpn returned home from their trip
to true Wiest last week and report a
mast enjoyable time.
Mies Edna M. Jamieson and Miss
Evelyn Nott attended the funeral of
the late Dr. S. Silcox of Stratfordon
Misses Elinor,. Kathleen and Anna
Glew spent the holiday at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and. 'Mrs.
Jno. Jamieson.
The annual family reunion of the.
Stephenson Clan was held at Jowett's
Grove, Bayfield, on June 22nd, when
over one hundred relatives were pre-
sent to spend the day. The weather,
Y w er,
although threatening in the morning,
turned out favourable. The afternoon
was spent in baseball and horseshoe
pitching, followed by a program of
sports for which isutable prizes were
given to those taking part. After
supperthe usual business was dealt
with. Mr. A. B. Stephenson, in his
genial manner, acted as chairman, It
was decided to be, left in the hands of
the committee to set the date for
next year's gathering. A short
gram was given during which Mr.
and Mrs. Orval .Stephenson of Mar-
lette, Mich., delighted the friends
with a few of their favorite duets
which were very much appreciated by
all. The American relatives were
Mr. and Mfrs. W. H. Stephenson, Mar-
lette, ]Vlliioh.; Mr. and Mrs. Orval
Stephenson and two little daughters,
Marlette, and Ittr. and Mrs. Alex.
Wlyley and daughter, Nina, Detroit,
Mich. The 'Metcalfe families from
Wingham and vicinity were well re-
presented as was also the Robinson
family of London. All returned home
feeling it had been a day well spent.
alas. Fred Johnston and daughter
Helen of London spent the holiday
with Londesboro friends.
Miss Jamison of Toronto is borne
for the summer holidays.
Miss Gladys Fairserviee of Lon-
don spent the week -end at the home
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Fair -
Rev, and Mrs. Johnston of Crediton
were the guests of 1VIr. and Mrs. Robt,
Townsend on Sunday.
Mr. Art Lyon and Mrs. .'Marjorie
Lyon are visiting their brother, Dr.
Kirk Lyon of Leamington.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. will be held on the lawn
at the house of Mrs, A. Jamison on
July 10th. Mas. Turner of Exeter
will be present and address the meet-
ing and IVI'iss E. Jamison of Toronto
will vive a travel tank on her trip to
Rome. There will also be other pro-
gram numbers. A. ten scent tea will
be served by Group No. 1 and other
assistants, All ladies are cordially
invited. In case xrf bad weather the
meeting will be :held in doors.
bir. and Mrs, G. H. Bali and Mr.
and Mrs. Wa'ight of the Base Line
visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Leslie Ball
on Sunday.
Ma and Mrs. Chas. Watson and
daughters attended the wedding of
their nephew, Mr. Harold Richards,
at Barrie on Saturday. They also vis-
ited at Callin•gwood and Meaford re-
turning Sunday evening.
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Mrs, Gardin-
er, Miss E. Hudson and Miss Ruth,
Lyon are visiting friends at Shea
bourne and Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Townsend o
Brantford visited over the week -end
with arr. and Mrs, Frank Wood and
other relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. James McCool, Miss
Phyllis and, Mx. 'Wm. Moonare visit-
ing at the 'home of Mr, and Mis. Fred
Armstrong, Grimsby.
Mr. and Ma's. Wtn. Griffiths and
fancily attended the wedding of their
son, Mr. Cecil Griffiths to Miss Mc -
:Kenny, R.N., at Wingbam on .Satur-
day, June 29th. •
Picnics and family re -unions were
the order of the day in this vicinity
on Saturday.
The Mair and Goviee reunion, which
was :held at Formosa; the Garter and
Moon picnic at Goderich, the Gray
and Snell reunion, held at the home
of Mas. Wm. Gray and Mr. Joseph
Gray. The day was ideal for such
gatherings and a splendid turnout
and a happy time spent at each place
renewing of old anquaintances, etc.
The young people of the S. S. of
the United Church held their picnic
at Grand Bend on Friday last.
Haying has commenced in the
community an abundant erop is re-
Mr. and' Mats, Walter Townsend
from near Toronto spent a few days
at the home of his brother, Mr, Ro-
bert Townsend.
Mr. Kunkle and family of Niagara
are spending* this week with Mrs..
Kunkle's mother, Mrsy D aviford,
.`Mr. and Mrs. (1 Watson of De-
troit spent the week -end as guests
of Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams,
are Thomas Lyon is on the sick
list this week.
'True parsonage has been greatly
improved by a coat of paint,
•Mrs. Robert Wells and. Mrs. B.
Sherbrooke attended the sewing
Bourse in Blyth in :connection with made of travel 'becomes. 'aerie'
the Women's' Institute, I Common. +.
Miss Olivetta ,-Brigham of Windsor.
is haine far the vacation. •
Mrs. McGill •of Mitchell visited lase
week .with Dr. and Mrs. Axon.
Ca'pokshanks of Sarnia has been.
visiting Miss Fannie Waldron,
Miss Myrtle Armstrong is spending;
a few weekis in Detroit wit's
Mors, S. Lawrence was in London ora
Saturday attending the wedding of
her son.
Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Farrill and fam-
ily left Monday for their sumaner:
Immo at Normandale.
Mrs. Pis Weatherwax of .0rillia 'was..
here fort e
h funeral of her uncle„
the late H. H. Cantelon.
Messrs. A. and M. Torrance of To-
ronto spent the week -end vwit'ha,
their mother, Mrs. J. Torra;nee-
Mrs. J. Addison spent a few d'hy-.
visiting her sister -fin -law, Mrs...
Wm. Addison of Hullett township.
Misses Madeline Higgins and Betty -
Mullett of Toronto spent the
week -end with 1V4s Ferrol Hig-
Dr. and Airs. Hossock and Miss Des-
othy of Innerkip have been , the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. a D. Re -
Mrs. Sarah Ford and Miss Annie
Faster are visiting their sister„
Mrs. Henry Diehl of Stanley"
Mrs. J. P. Reynolds has returned'
home after spending a week or st,
with her daughter and son-in-law
in Detroit.
Mts. Gordon 'Cuninghame and fam-
ily left last week -end to spend the
summer months at their summer
!home in Bayfield.
Mr. Fred Rumball returned to Mon-
treal on Saturday after spending
a holiday with his mother, Mrs.
Clara Rumball of town.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon L. Hall and/
children motored up from 'Cayuga
and spent the week -end and holi
day here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Toroir
to were week -end and holiday visi-
isitors with the fornrer's parents ire
town, Ur. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott..
Mrs. R. E. Bouskill, who had beers
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Wallis, for a few weeks,.
left for her home in Winnipeg ear
Mr. Jack Gibbings of the St. Gather.,
ines Public .school staff spent se
week at his home in town and left
this week for Toronto to take a•.
summer course,
Mr. Brenton Hellyar, who has bens -
teaching at Massey, as home fot •
the summer vacation. He will'
teach at Clear Lake, near Brace -
bridge, the coming term.
Miss Margaret Grant, who has bees=
staying in town with her father
and going toschool, left the piset.
'week for Dunnville to spend the•
summer with her aunt.
Mrs. Kerr, who has been visiting re-
latives and friends in Clinton and
vicinity, has returned to Toronto,.
her daughter, Miss Dorothy, hair--
ing motored up for her. • > ,
Mr. and Mis. Ed. Watson and fain-•
ily of Hamilton spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Walker. Miss Madeline Watson le
remaining for several weeks.
Miss Evelyn Jenkins, who has 'beers
visiting for some weeks in Toronto
and London and had also been ore
a trip to Eastern Canada, is with;.
:her aunt, Mis. C. J. Wallis.
Mrs. Little of San Diego, California,..
and her grand -daughter, Miss Lit-.
tle of Sanpedro, Calif., have beers'
'visiting the former' .sister, Mrs.:
Agnew, Sr., and her niece, Mrs. 0..
'Phelan, and •others in town.
Mrs, George Watts and her niece„
Mrs. Mary Brown of BruceiieIc-,.
returned Iast• week front a trip to
the Pacific Coast, where Mrs,:
Watts has many friends. They
stopped at several points to visite
friends enroute.
ate. and Mrs, Ernest E. ,Hall and
two sons, Mr, Frank Warren and
Miss Pidgeon of Toronto were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall
over the week -end and. holiday.
Mrs. Hall and children remained
for a couple of weeks.
Mn. and Mrs. Harry Marsh of Royal
Oak, ,Mich., and Miss Margaret.
Davies' of Chicago carne last week-
end to ,visit their brother and ars--
tens and are now at 'their 'Sumner
cottage at Kintail, Miss May Dave
les going up with them.
Miss EvelynMeCartney of Detroit.
was here over the week -end visit-
ing leer brother in Goderich town-
ship and with other friends, Mise
IMaGartney recently returned from
a trip to visit, an uncle and aunt
in ,California, having made -the
trip . both ways from, Detroit, by •
plane. She enjoyed the _,exper-
lessee very •much and ,is bolting;.
;forward to theNine when tihaisi