HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-06-27, Page 8PAGE. 8 THE CLINTON'° :NEWS -RECORD HOME; -MADE SAUSAGES, per lb. .15c SHOULDER ROAST, OF LAMB„ per lb« ..... ..,. • 20c RIB ROAST. OF LAMB,, per lb, ... , . ,... , 20c 20 LB. PAIL LARD . $2.85 LARD IN BULK, per lb; 15c `SMOKED 'PICNIC HAMS, per Ib 19c BREAKFAST BACON, piece, lb, • 2,1c P. M. BACON, per ib. 32c VEAL CHOPS, per lb. .20c VEAL STEWS;, per Ib. .... ..,.._..;,:.`.. 12c CONNELL & TYNDALL • " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE ,Complete Line of BUG AND INSECT DESTROYERS such as ARSENATE OF LEAD, KALCIKILL, KING BUG KILLER., TWIG -IN -ONE CLIMAX -Sold by the pound or 25e lb, package COAL OIL STOVES -3 -burner, ranging from $14.25 to $23.00 TWO -BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE finished in Ivory and Green, complete with Automatic oven control 837.50 Furniture Department SLIGHTLY USED DAVENPORT BED wrrn MATTRESS, made by Kroehler. Priced at 810.00 OUR COMPLETE .LINE OF LAMPS, CANVAS LAWN CHAIRS, MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS ARE REASONABLY PRICED. ENQUIRE FOR PRICES. Sutter --Perdue-. -Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES Phone Day or Night -4.47w. OUR SERVICES .ARE COMENSURATE WITH THE BEST LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, Milton Hooper and Gladwyn of near St. Marys visited last Tuesday with Mrs. Hooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Elsley. , Mrs. ra;"es. Snell 9f Hamilton vis'd sled Mrs, E. Crawford recently. Moe. E, Ben, Mrs. Allen and Miss E, Main's ylsitod at the home of Mr. J, Ellis on Monday, ' Guests at the home of Mr. J. Els- ley Wednesday were his brother, Allen Elsley, and his daughter, Mrs. Frank Brady and Mr. Brady of De- troit, also Mrs, Jacobi Elsley and `son. Wiiid Colhorne. The Women's Institute will hold their regular 'meeting, in Community Hall on Thursday, July 4th. This ie Children's Day and promises to be quite interesting, ;Mrs. J. Pi Man- ning and Mrs. W. E. Manning, eon Venors, Roll call to be answered by "Your Favorite Summer Dessert." Hostesses, Mrs. G. Moon, Mrs. G. McVittie, Mr's. F. McGregor, Mrs'. T. Millar, Mrs. R. Caldwell and Miss Hazel Lee. Miss Rose Coventry and her sis- ter, Mfrs. Mary Griffin, of Wing - ham visited their aunt, Mrs. E. Bell, on Saturday. Mir. and Mrs. Harvey Morris' of Toronto visited Londesboro friends on Sunday, having motored from To, Tonto on Saturday to attend the fun- eral of Mrs. R. Taylor of Auburn, Mrs. B. Brunsdon spent the week- • end at London. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn of Toronto visited the former's mother, Mrs. J. Tamblyn on Saturday return- ing to Toronto on Sunday. He was 8eeompanied by .Mas. Frank Tamblyn who just recently returned from the ilinton. hospital, and we hope she will speedily regain her usual health. Mr. John Nott has improved the appearance of his home by a cover- ing of asphault shingles. Mr. J. P. ,Manning 'has brightened up his store by a fresh coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young . of Eungannon and Misses Bertha and Gladys Wlebster of Londesboro at- tended the graduation of nurses at Stratford last week, when the form- ers sister, Miss •Marjorie Young, 'was one of those to receive her di- ploma. BRUCEFIELD M1iss; Greene of Clinton spent the Week -end at the home of , Mr. and *5. A: •McQueen, Mrs. A Berry returned to her home in Detroit last week after spending at few weeks at the home of her sister -in lave .MI's. James Berry, and visiting other friends in the village. Mrs. John Lawrence , of Chatham visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McQueen last week and also with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. McQueen and daughter of Toronto this week. Oliiss Kl Mloir is spending a few days at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moodie this week. Rev. W. A. Bremner will conduct KIPPEN Rev. E. F. Chandler spoke on "The Parable of Cuatorn" in St. Andrew's United ()hunch on Sunday morning last. The choir sang "Fear Not," Mr. Andrew 'Bell taking the solo part. . ' : ! . , _ Miss Grace Cooper of London ani Muss Margaret Cooper of Toronto visited over the week -end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Cooper of Stanley. Miss Gwendolyn Eller yisited ov- er •the week -end with her aunt and uncle, MT. and Mrs. Hugh Murtr'.e of Hay. The June meeting of the "Busy Bee Mission 'Circle" will be held at the home of Men M'grgeerite McDonald on Saturday afternoon at 2.30. The roll call to be answered with the haute of a favorite hynni. ' ST. HELENS Messrs. Stanley Todd, Dick Wleath- erhead, Charlie McDonald and the Misses Isabel and Loreen Miller attended the picnic at the Summer School near Goderich on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Phillips and Miss Myrtle spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Brown Smith. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. 'Chas. Durnin, who is under the doctor's care at present. Miss Grace Richardson of Langside is as sisting her at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and Mr. Marvin Brown of Wingham were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Geo. 8fokoberts, IMt'. Wilson Woods and Mrs.. R. J. Woods spent the week -end with friends at 'Sauble Beach. Miss Etta Hislop and Miss Mc- Wlhinney of Nile spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Kinloss visited at the home of Mr. Alfred Webb recently. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. 11 Todd on Satur- day when the members of the W,M. S. presented Mrs. Wilkinson with an electric iron, blanket and pair of pillow covers. Mrs. 'Wilkinson made a very fitting reply. A dainty lunch and ice eream was served after which they all joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne." We wish Mi+.. and Mrs. Wilkinson success in their new charge at Fingal. PRAISE FOR DR. E. C. WILF.ORD' The Venerable Archdeacon Donni- thorne, on his way from West China to England, said, in •Guelph last Week: "Speaking of your great .statesmen in Canada, And' you have e. great many here; we, in West China judge that the greatest man that Canada has ever produced is Dr. E. Wilford, of •°hengtu. Hie skill as a surgeon is>known throughout the province, but his character and influence in Chengtu is inestimable." Hr. Wilford is an old /Huron boy, son of Mrs. A. B. 'Carr of Blyth. He services in Elimville next Sunday, Went to 'China about .twenty-five when Rev. Mr. Peters will preach in years ago, under the General Mie- ' Erucefield church„ ; . Sion Board of the Methodist Church. is for. Picnics and also for Pleasure July 1st is :the •official opening date and ' A-picltnieking we will "go" will be heard through -out . the land from those who want to „escape from town to country or lake shore.. Con- venient and economical requirements in part are a.• Vacuum Bottle, will keep contents hot, for 24 hours,' use- ful indoors or out the year around,. in sickness, pleasure. or business. Pint size price 35c..Faper cups in cellophane wrapping, assorted col- ours 15e per dozen cups. Paper plates is another tune' and labour. saver for the picnic goers, 10c per dozen. Wax Paper in a variety or styles, sheets er continuous rolls, some in cutter box the most popu- lar -pack ever devised for wax paper. Price from 5e to 30e. Paper Spoons, Coffee Size 15e dozen. Paper Nap- kins in cellophane package, white embossed, 80 to package, 15c. Sava - cloth Table Service, package •con- taining 1 ;cover 40x40 and 4 servi- ettes 13213, Tartan design, 'assorted colors, very attractive, 20c. Bass Fishing season opens ' early this - year to your advantage. Our stock of tackle is equal to the demands 'of all but a -once -ii a-long-tiane eusta- men. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best CON i J i puul gIIIIIIIIIII;III;iiiannnumu ullitliq� it ,,lillUllll��. Miss Gladys Addison was with Grand Bend friends over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Wendover of To- ronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Calton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young and son, Frank, tailed on Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy last weeti. A: Ballantyne Ms; elliallantyne and Mr. J. tdclyonald of London are the guests of MT. and Mrs. "4, D1 Roblerton. Mr. and Mrs,Crh11h1I Of 'I•Iighland Park, Mich., wore we:d end guests of Mr. and Mks, John Stirling, Mr. Fred Rumball of the Royal :Blank ,Montresd, has been 'holi- daying with his mtother in town. Mrs. R, Armstrong and Miss Myrtle attended the Stephenson Family nwtJnion at Bayfield on Saturday last, Mrs. W. E. O'Neil and Master Billy of Halifax, N.'S•, are visiting the .Schoenhals and O'Neil families of town. Mrs. Herbert Colquhoun of Winnipeg visited Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Cor less and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons over the week -end. Dir. and Mrs. J. B, Rouse of Hamil- ton irnd Mrs. R. McLean of To- ronto are guests with Dr. and Mrs. P. Hearn. Miss Kitchen, who resigned from the Collegiate staff at the end of this term, left for her home at Nixon on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Johnston was called to Toronto last week owing to the serious illness of her sister, Mrs, (Rev.) C. W. Gray. Miss Helena. Kerr is spending a couple of weeks with Mayor' and Mrs. Hlalmles, and other friends in 'Clinton and Goderich township. Mrs. R. 3, Charlesworth and son, Billy, of Grand Forks. N. D'ak., are the gests of Mr. and Mks.' G. ID. Roberton, the ladies being sis- ters. Mrs. Henry M1cBrien and her niece, ;Mrs. Davis, who is here 65 a visit from Seattle, Wash., spent several days over the week -end visiting in London. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston return- ed last week after a visit with friends in Georgetown. They also spent the week -end with Gode- rich friends. Miss Esther Trewartha of Toronto is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. She leaves this week on a trip to the BBritieh Isles. Miss Frances Brydone of the C.C.I. staff, who 'left for her home at Milverton on Friday, is leaving on a trip to the British Ssles and the /Continent and is being !Accom- panied by her sister. Miss. Lulu Boise of Brantford, who underwent an operation in the lo- cal hospital a few weeks ago, is convalescing at the hone of her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn. Mas and :Mrs. Orval Stephenson and two little daughters, Amarilis and. Marjorie Jean, 'who came to attend the Stephenson Family Re -union at Bayfield on Saturday, were guests ' of Mrs. R. Armstrong, Huron street, over the week -end and sang a lovely duet at the Ontario street church on Sunday morning. ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER JULY ist THURS., JUN9 27, ;1935' 4111111111111111111111111111 JULY Ist RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead 00M1N10N DAY JtJLY 1st "Let us Enjoy our Holiday, Together" ° And What a. Country! Everything looking_ so :Beautiful. and Prosperous, We surely have been Blessed with wonderful .prospects for the year. FOR DOMINION DAY The New Manning Devon Cream Biscuit, per ib. 18c Picnic Plates, 2 dozen for , 15c Serviettes, White and Coloured, each 15c Pickles, Small Sweet 10c b5'weet Gherkins, each 15c Ginger Me, Red and White, plus bottle 15c Corned Beef, 2 for 25c Sardines, Brunswick, 5 for 25c Cocoanut Cookies, per dozen 06c Crax Butter Wafers 20c Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per lb. 25c Peanut Butter, each - 17c Grape Fruit in Tins 10c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKETERIA Crushed Pineapple, each 1.0c. Watermelons, (Special), lb. 49c 'Assorted Fancy Cookies 15c New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c Paper Rolls, at 5c and 15c Celery, Hot House Tomatoes, Lettuce Sodas (Cream), 2 pkgs. for 19c New Cabbage, each 5c and 10c Golden Spray Cheese, 2 pkgs. for 25c New Beets and Carrots, Cauliflowers Eggs Graded at Higher Prices in Trade. Oranges, per dozen 25c. Oranges, large, per dozen ,.. 39c FRIGIDAIRE Piclded Roll, per ib. 20c Midget Roll,' per lb. 28c Back Bacon, Peameal,per lb. 35c Breakfast Bacon, piece, lb. 30c Jellied Corn Beef, per lb. 25c Dutch Loaf, per Ib: 20c Corn Beef, per ib. 20e Roast Ham, per ib. 49c Cooked Ham, per lb. 49c Clinton and Servus Butter, per lb. • 23c Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c Meet your friends at O'Neil's- and attend the Big; Hospital Garden Party on Dr. Oake's lawn this evening FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -Banana Sale As Us- ual --TO CLEAR - from 19c to 25c per dozen THIS IS ONTARIO SALAD WEEK Slawson's' Cheese Spread 15c Hellman's Mayonaisse 25c Salad Cream 15c Tuna Fish, each 15c Miracle Whip 19c Salmon, Red, Large 25c Were "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERL Phone 48 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL In Mrs. (Dr.) Oakes' Garden Thursday, June 27th 5 to 10.80 p.m. under auspices' of the Clinton Public Hospital Board .Menu: .Strawberries and Cream, Bread and Butter and Cake, Tea -'25c. Ice Cream and Candy Booth on the Grounds, BAND IN ATTENDANCE YOU ARE INVITED (In case of rain the gathering will be held in Wesley -Willis church hall, STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The congregation of St. James' Church, Middleton, will hold a Straw- berry Festival at the home of Wm• Wise, llth Con., Goderieh twp., on Wednesday, July 3rd Supper served from 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Programme will consist of local and outside talent including a s4 hour act of amusement by the fem. ous magician, W. J. Bugler. Admission, 25c and 15e. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A strawberry festival with pro- gramme following will be held • at the. Ba'ucefield United Church on the ev- ening of Friday, June 28th. Supper will be served from, 5.30 to 8. The Lobb Quartette; the Blyth Orchestra 1 and talented readers will supply the1 programme. 82-2. Smarter Style ,Dresses For those{ who prefer smarter styles found only in made to measure dresses, and who have difficulty in securing proper fittings, this service can be obtained from one who repre- sents a well-known Toronto House where style, quality of material and Workmanship are fully, guaranteed: Orders taken by Mrs. Harold Crit- tenden, Box 311, Clinton, or phone 173. 33-2. Old Resident Of Hensall Passed Away Last Week HENSALL: Nathan Peck, one of `the best known residents of the dis- trilct, died on •W(ednesday last at the residence of his son, Bert Peck, two miles northwest .of the village. He was in his 78th year and for many years lived in Hensall. The son, Bert, is a well-known horseman. Another son, Dr. John W.. Peek, died 10 years ago. H,r's, wife died four year:: ago. .Mr. Peck was a well- known Conservative, and an elder in the United 'Church. The funeral was held from the home ef his son, Bert Peck of the Township of Stanley with interment at Bayfield Cemetery. The bearers' wore John Zuefle, Henry Horton, Harry Howard, George Douglas. Wm. Consitt and Francis Coleman. The eordice was conducted by Rev. A. Sinclair of the United Church ef Hensalh ' CLEARANCE SALE OF Boxed & Potted Plants CASH AND CARRY STARTING THURSDAY NOON JUNE 27Th They must all go to let us "Get on With the Next.',' Buy a box at the regular price, , 20c And get one box FR'EE. Your Choice Asters, (separate colors), all wilt - resistant, Petunias (4 varieties), Verbenas, Guinea Gold Marigolds, Sunshine Calendulas, Snapdragon, Annual Carnations, Strawflowers,• Clarltia, Dusty Miller, Zinnias, Hot Peppers, French Marigolds, Celery, Nicotine, Flowering Kale, etc. Full count in box not guaranteed, SOLD DIRECT FROM HOT BEDS Bonny Best and John Baer Tomato Plants and Cabbage Plants. 10c DOZEN -3 DOZEN FOR 25c CAULIFLOWER PLANTS 15c A DOZEN IIANGING BASKETS Limited number of 10", well-filled $1.00 ONLY TRAILERS for boxes and baskets sold out of the pots. -5c each. Boston Ferns, 4" pots -25c each Spray Roses, Etc,, and have them clean and healthy by using NEW EVERGREEN -35c bottle F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Phones 176 and 31. CALL IN AND SEE THE HOSTESS Refrigerator ON DISPLAY THE MOST UP-TO-DATE ON THE MARKET SAVE YOUR FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES BY USING A HOSTESS 1 .SECOND-HAND ICE REFRIGER- ATOR AND SET OF GOLF CLUBS FOR SALE CHEAP. T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 DON'T BE MISLED By same of the Advertisements of the larger town and city stores, as we have had several customers who were just looking a- round, come back and buy, and tell us, they can• get the same goods here and save money, which of course we are very glad to know, and should be very interesting to you. • And as you know, we are carrying a larger and better assorted stock than ever, with the additional show room facilities of the dif- ferent factories, where you may see anything you want in Furniture, HELP THE HOSPITAL. Attend their Strawberry Festival Today. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Haying will soon be on. We have all kinds of ROPE, PULLEYS, SCYTHES AND SNATHS, and HARVEST TOOLS of all kinds. We have a large stock of LAWN MOWERS and LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS, also BORDER FENCE TO PROTECT YOUR FLOWER BEDS. Ambulance Service Promptly attended to Day or Night BALL &ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK i; 6th .ANNIVERSARY SALE Western Ontario's Greatest Food Sale GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for PEAS, STANDARD QUALITY, 2 tins for TUNA FISH, large tin; only LIBBY'S PORK -AND BEANS, large tin 51c .19e 15c 111c lc SALE ITEMS ROYAL YORK TEA, 28c. CAN MILK for lc Regular Value 33e. CORN SYRUP, 5 lb(s. for 39c.,-.---PKG, JELLY PDWE. for lc -,Regular Value 45c. TOILET TISSUE, 3 rolls for 25c ---BAR CASTILE SOAP lc --1Regular Value 29c. SUPERIOR BAK. POWDER, 16 ozs. 25c --VANILLA EXTRACT le ---'Regular Vale, 34c. SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb. 39c 256 TOMATO JUICE, 10 1-2 oz, tins, 5 tins for . .:. 25c PUFFED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. for 19c BRIGHT JUICY DATES, 2 lbs. for 15c STANDARD TOMATOES, 3 large, tins PASTRY FLOUR, DRUMMER, 24 1b. 69c 29c 25c 19c. 10c BROOMS, Real Value, 5 string PEANUT BUTTER, large, 25 oz. jar CORNED BEEF, 2 tins for CLOTHES PINS, 4 dozen for Extra Special for Saturday WESTON BISCUIT DEMONSTRATION AND BIG COFFEE DEM- ONSTRATION -BE SURE TO SAMPLE THESE LINES. HELP THE HOSPITAL. Attend their. Strawberry Festival Today. J.T. McKNIGHT & SON "Your SUPerier Store" We Sell the Best For Le Phone 111