HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-06-20, Page 5'THURS., JUNE 20, 1935
Security against the shifting Winds of
chance is provided by a Royal Bank
Savings account: It offers shelter from
the storm till the vane swings again.
Wingham has fixed its tax -rate •at
:fifty mills this year, so ,Clinton's for-
, ty-four looks rather .low.
Tomorrow is the longest day in the
;year and we have, not had two hot
-days together so far this. season.
Wp have had more rain during the
• past few weeks than fell in any one
of the past thiee er four seasons.
This ought to ensure good crops.
If it rains much more we . shall
hear' the farmers complaining of
roots rotting in the ground, etc. Lit-
tle work can be ,done on the farms
'this week owing to, the rain. •
Bass fishing season opens this
year on June 2901. This is a special
concession of the department to far -
eft Dominion Day week -enders who
wish to cast in'a line on Saturday.
What about our civic flower beds
this year? They look pretty badly
neglected,. The council voted $10 for
them, an inadequate sum, of course,
but even that does not seem to be
being used. Those flower beds, when
looked after by the Horticultural So-
• eiety, added muoh to the appearance
of the town. In fret, nothing adds so
much to the beauty of any town as
well -kept lawns and flower gardens,
and a civic beauty spot here and
there throughout the town is so much
• to the good.
A very colourful event and one
• of unusual interest to the people of
Durham and vicinity took place at
Western University, London, ' on
Wednesday, June 5th, the occasion
';being the conferring of degrees on
.those who had already obtained the
academic standing for the game,
Our ,chief interest centres in Rev.
• J. R. Thompson, the popular young
rector of Trinity Church, Durham
and St. Paul's, Egremont, who, •a-
long 'with two others, received- the
degree of Bachelor of Divinity,
'Mr. Thompson is an energetic
Christian yoring man and, is not only
' espeoted'and esteemed by his own
people but also by the peoples of
other Christian" Communions who
will rejoicewith ns, in his "success.
On the evening of May 17th,, the
o f .Trinity and St. Rain's,
'•Churches- presented their rector with
.:an address and hood, the, hood being
• the symbol ee his B.D. degree. M.
Thompson wore, the hood fon the first
tune on Whitsunday, • June 9. The
following is the address which was
read !by Mrs.. E. Matthews';. the pre-
-sentation was made by Mr. Jeff. El-
-"Rev. J. R. Thompson, "$•,A., B,D.,
Parish of :Durham and' Bgremont,
Dear Mr; Tiomvpson—We, the A.
Y. P. •A.. •of Trinity :Church, Durham,
.and the A. Y: P. Ai.' of St, Paul's
"Church, E'gremont, are happy -to meet
together in., the rectory this evening
to hoonur 'you, our beloved, and rev-
• ''A year ago you, came to us almost
.rinknowni` tonight it seems as though,
nve had always known you,. You came.
''to - us °as the representative oe the
"Xing'of°K.ings and .right royally hav,
• you sustained your .eommisseOn, You
'have bee' a ` Prinee amongst use. a+
• ` Priest of G•ad ;before your people,'
'-You bitveeeteel, endeavoureir` i
to holey
' before mis t}i'i3 flfh ai4ii teaching
:Lord .7estis!Chrhst;•' €Is 1tttis,'kirk;
.ane�,yossibn,.Has.Resu-rectr6n3lierl irsR
Commission to His Church. The con-
tinuous struggle you have made'a-
gainst 'indifference, selfishness, and
all other uncharitable sins has been
blessed with unusual success. You
have been a towerof strength to tele
Durham A. Y. P. A. and the •prtg-
inator and motive power ,et the EV
reine nt A.Y.P.A.
Words fail us to convey to you
our appreciation of your kindness
and sympathy, your unselfishness and
ehaeity, ;Tour optimism in the face of
di'fficueby and yqur utter disregard
of your own convenience,
We wish to express to you our joy
and pride in your splendid success in
obtaining the degree of Bachelor of
Divinity, in the face • of strenuous
work in a difficult parish. We more
than ever feel our unworthiness in
being permitted to have such a splen-
did and seholarity rector as you are,
but we do appreciate you very, very
We trust that ygs will accept from
us the gift of this hood, the symbol
of your degree, as a token of our ap-
preciation and good will toward you,
trusting that the bend of friendship
between you and us will ever grow
stronger and deeper, more beautiful
and more wonderful 'until we attain
to perfect fellowship and kinship in
our Lord and Saviour Jesus . Christ.
liiay God bless you, Mr. Thompson.
Signed on behalfofDurham A.Y.
P.A. and Egremont
A. McGowan, •Mies R. Morrison."
The regular meeting of the W.M'.S.
was held in the school room of the
church on Wednesday last with a
fair attendance. The'preeident, Miss
L. Young, occupied the chair. Meet-
ing was opened by tinging and pray-
esi, .Miss F. Jamison kindly offered
their home for the next meeting on
the 10th of July, when the baby
band will be entertained by the W.
M.S. Mrs. Taylor of Exeter will be
the guest speaker. The president
spoke a moment on "T}ie Kingdom of
God Movement" and two of the mem-
bers led in 'prayer. Mrs. T. Pam -
service, leader of Group No, 5, then
took the remainder of the meeting.
After a. hymn .and the scripture les-
son, read Ny;Mee. J: Postal., a solo,
"How could it be," was contributed:
by Mrs. J. Scott, the devotional leaf-
let was read by M.re, C. Riuddell and
the 4th ,chapter, at the study book
wasably taken by Mrs; We Lyon.
Mrs. 3. C. Adams closed the meeting
With'prayer: Refreshments were
'served' by Mrs. T Fairservice and
her 'group.
Mfr. John Manning of London vis-
ited over the week -end with his
aunt, Mrs. E, Bali. • •
The Kunkle family of Niagara
Falls visited Mrs. Kunkle's mother,
Mgrs, E. 'Crawford, over the week-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Eddy Mason and
son Donald of Goderich visited their
cousins,, Mr, W, E. and J. P. Man,
ning of Ca" slow, on Monday. •
Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon has improved
her house by a new coat of paint,
The concert put on in, the four
schools, under the supervision of
Miss Greene of 'Clinton, musical di
rector, was 'a ..success in every way,'
the hall being filled and these present
were entertained very nicely by the
young ,performers.
EXETER: • The Exeter Public
Sohool Board .has teleeted'%as' -prin'ci-
pal Joseph Creech, late el Soddm and
17sborne schools-, :The neeeeprinei' 'al
is an F7?:etek boy_ an i ed..• hrs
edecationrrin that, sand sehgot ,here
lie wi`li ngw be r
CASTLE In Clinton Public Hospital,
on June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Sam
uel E. Castle, a daughter„—Marga-
ret Joanne.
Egmondville'M;anse, on June 15th,
by the Rev. C.,; A;, Malcolm; Jean-
ette, elder daughter; of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. MoLachlan, to Peter
Simpson, all of Tuckersmith
erEiO-- 'ln Clinton Con2,mnuity ,Iios-
pital on June 17th, Helen N!ay, on-
ly daughter of Mr .and iilrs, Eld
died Yeo of Goderirch township,
aged '10 years and 1 month.
SWAN—At Bruoefield, on June 13th,
John Swan, aged '73 years.
RITTLEDIGE---At her residence, Her-
kimer Apartments; Hamilton, on
June 17th, Annie 'Lister Rutledge,'
widow of the late Dr. Wt L. Rut-
ledge, and mother of Mee. 'Shilling -
ton, Miami, Fla., Jos. Lister Rut-
ledge and Gordon Rutledge of To-
ronto. Service at the above ad-
dress en Thursday afternoon at
3.30 o'clock, Interment in Handl-
ton Cemetery.
COLE --In loving memory of my
wife, Alwilda Clara Mae, who
passed. away June 20th, 1984.
She is not dead, but only gone before,
Gone to the brightness of the Fath-,
er's home;
Free from all sorrow, weariness and
She waits to greet us when our call
shall come.
--J. Percy Cole.
Met. l eBeau and sons, Elmer and
Clarence, spent a few days in Wind-
sor this week. , •
,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nutt and Mr.
'and Mrs. Walter Layton motored ed to
Guelph on Monday and spent the
day of the O•A.G. farm.
,Miss Margaret M!asseau, Hensall,
and Mr. Arthur LaRoche, Detroit,
visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Swinbank
on Sunday.
IMr. and Mrs, .M, Wltse and daugh-
ters, Lois and Mildred, and Mrs. Ma
Michael 'spent Sunday with Seaforth
friends. •
Or. B..Rioweliffe is busy reinode2-
ing his house and when completed it
will be most attractive and comfort-
able. •
Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Brown of
Brantford spent .Sunday with Me. C.
Cooper .and family.
,Me. and Mrs. Gray and Mrs, S.
Dixon, Listowel, Mrs, Boyle, Strat-
ford, and Mr, D. Horne, Red Deer,
Alta., spent 'Tuesday with Iri'r. and
Mrs. W. Moffatt. •
The Community Club held their
June meeting on Tuesday at the home
of 'Mrs. WI ,Swinbank. This was
Grandmother's Day. After the regu-
lar opening aatercises and a few it-
ems of business were disposed of, the
meeting was then conducted by Mrs!
Hanley, who was convenor of the
programs committee. The roll call
was answered by "my taverna natio
for' a grandchild." The opening nm..,
ber of the program was community
singing. A. visionary review of a
1938 meeting of the club by Mrs. N.
W Trewartha, Clinton. Mire, Will
Walker of :Clinton gave a very in.
teresting description of a resent vis-
it to Northern' Ontario, Mrs. Clegg
and Mrs. Plumtsteel gave a couple of
duets with • guitar aeoompaniment,
Miss Maxine Stanbury rendered a
solo in her usual pleasing spanner,
and readings were given by Mrs. M.
Wilbse, Mrs'. Stanbury and ,Mrs. Geo.
Falconer. The grandmothers Tsang a
pleasing old .chorus and a couple of
contests completed the program,
Refreshments were then served
and finished off with a treat of ice'
cream, A vote of thanks was given
the visitors for the enjoyable part
they took in putting• on the program:
When ,depajrIting :