The Clinton News Record, 1935-06-06, Page 8ri 'PAGE S SCHNEIDER'S WEINERS, per lb 19c HOME-MADE LARD,. per'lb.: ....: .. .15c HOME-MADE HEAD. CHEESE, 3 lbs: for :....,, .. , .25e SAUER KRAUT, pier• quart 15'0 HEINTZ BEEF STEAK SAUCE, per bottle ...120r SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for .. 25r HAMBURG STEAK,'2 lbs for 25e CHUCK ROASTS„ per Ib. .... ..... ...... ,•......1 c VEAL STEWS, per lb. r ' 12e •CHUCK ROAST OF VEALper lb. , ... 15c FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY CONNEI L & TYNDAi.L " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert 'Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE On display we have ELEC'rRI.C' TWOLPLATE, COOI{ING STOVES WITIl OVEN, GOAL OIL, Thoee=Burner STOVES, Reason- ably Priced Come and see them. DUNLOP GARDEN HOSE, 1 ply, 50 feet in Ieligtlr. 2 RECONDITIONED LAWN MOWERS in good nondition SPECIAL AT :$2.50 and $3.50 Furniture Department OCCASIONAL CHAIRS of plain and flowered plush material ranging from ,$7.25 to $19.00 FOLDING GO-CARTS in black and white enamel, large size wheels at a SPECIAL PRICE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CO'MBIN°ATION END TABLE AND MAIGAZINE RACK - AT A REDUCTION Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES Phone Day or Night -147w. PRICES WITHIN THE.MEAN$ OF EVERY FAMIILY Canadian Approved Chicks BARRED ROCKS 8c WHITE LEGHOILNS 7c BARRED ROCKS & WHITE LEGITORN PULLETS, 4 weeks old, 30c Vitg Faod Starter, cwt. $2.65 Growing Mask (Dr. Roe) $2.10 Growing Conc. (Dr. Roe) $3.20 Wonder Grow Hog Cone., cwt. $2.50 0 ,A.C. Starting Mash cwt.$2.65 New fife Starting Mash $2.65 Vigor° Pliant Food 5 lbs. 45c Cattle Salt, cwt. 45e Russell L. Jervis Phone 194w and 194j SAVE YOUR COUPONS Ail Coupons redeemable at • commencing June IOth Our Bread. Slip Carries the Coupon THEY MEAN EXTRAS FOR YOU VARNA M..s. Robert Reid of'. Windsor and son, Edward, of Toronto, were the guests of M•s, Margaret Reid the past week. • + MI', Charles Nelson of Clinton vis- ited Mr, Nelson Reid over Sunday. Mr. John Hunter of Cromarty Was the guest .of Mr. Nelson Reid over the week -ends `i Very sorry to hear that Mrs. John Rathwell is suffering with lumbago. (Tope for .a speedy recovery. Mrs, Robert Reid's many friends are glad to hear that she is up and around after her recent illness.. STANLEY Mr. and Mh.s. T. M. Snowden of the Blue .Water Highway visited Mr. and Mrs. John .ILudie. en Sunday. Mr. Hudie was very unlucky on Saturday last while working in the bush, get- : ting out some logs, he got hurt and • we are sorry to report has a broken leg. Mr. Alexi 'Chesney visited Mr. Harold Penhale on Sunday. !Miss C'alyina McDonald of ,Cleve- land, Ohio, was the guest of Miss. Mary Gilmour and other friends Last week. Miss, Margaret McGregor and Miss McLaren of Toronto and, Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham ,spent the holiday' with their mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor. Mrs. Fornwall, son and daughter and two. grandsons, of Detroit visit- ed at the ,home of Mrsl, Jas, .Thomp- son and with other friends. M. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen and Margaret and Musses Doreen Pepper and Elizabeth Aikenhead and' Mr. Sam'"Thonipson attended the funeral; of the late 'Mrs. McLeod of Ripley oast; Friday. PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. Bruce. Biggart of Chatham was. home over the week -end and holi- day, Mr. and Meg. MacCatneron of Toron- to spent Sunday as the guests of, Mrs. J. 11, Lindsay. 1Vfi•s, James. Webster of Toronto was a .week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mis. J. Addison. Mr•. and Mrs. Garnsie of :Regina, Sask., visited Mrs, J. B. Liaidsay', Mrs. Carlisle remaining fol+ a longer visit, Ivry, and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel and Mr.' and Mks, Ernest Rosell left Frii'{ay morning on a motor trip to visit friends at Hastings, Mich, Mu• Edward Rorke, Miter' 5llege student, has gone to the Walters Falls Parish, where he will assist in the church servicet during the summer 'months. Mit Roy A. East of St. Catharines with little Miss' Shirley, and Mr•• ',Carl East of Toronto visited their sister, Mrs. Gorden Cuninghame, ever the week -end. Kr, and Mrs. Ray Carter and Master Ernest of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of their .parents, lVW'r. and Mrs. T. T. Carter. Miss Isabel Biggart has returned to her duties in connection with. the Toronto General Hospital, after a holiday' spent at her horn in town. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Plum:steeI and Misses Eleanor and Jean were in London yesterday attending. the graduation exercises in connection with the .Univer,sity of Western •Ontario, when • their youngest daughter, Miss Margaret, received her diploma, THE CLINTON "GREEN LIGHT bids 'fair to be the outstanding', novel of 1935: in story, structure, and style, the central char - actor, Dean Harcourt, has abiding qualities' and should ,become one .of, the immortal personages of .modern Action," "GREEN LIGHT offers a solution; td persons. who find thatthe world is a hard place to live in." Montreal Gazette. "GREEN- LIGHT" "Dr. Lloyd Douglas's hand is growing surer and more skilful. It is a much finer !book than "iVfagnit- cent Obsession" of which the crafts- manship did not equal the splendour of the theme.' --Rev. G. (Stanley Russell. • "GREEN LIGHT" is ' the best story Lloyd C. Douglas has written." —Edmonton Journal. • ` ItE'EN LIGHT" "I have thoroughly enjoyed this book and have recommended it to the. Yorlgnrinster C'ongregati'on.. I re - lace in its circulation and trust it Will be the widest possible" l,ev. W. A. Cameron, Toronto. 326 PAGEES—PRICE $2,50'' Co-inciding with the change in rules on April 1st,, we have stocked two new. Bridge Tallies, one at 10c and one at 15c featuring the new score. They are both attractive and accurate and due to the change in Scoring values should be of inter- est to Bridge players, who enjoy a year round entertainment firmly en- trenched, across Canada. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best p _•,tl����aliupn,unnnnp10'AI!'IIILi11N!ttf� li 1 1 l Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Proctor spent the week -end in Detroit. Miss Rudd spent the week -end with her sister, Mas, Rumhalll of Flint, Mich Mrs, Radford, who has been visiting her 'SPA at Wialton, has returned ,home. Miss B. P, Ward and Miss Dollie 'Cantelon were in London on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Saftley were holi- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cartwright. Reeve Elliott is in Goderieh this week attending the meeting of the Conn - /by Council. Mn. and Mss. Bartell •of Detroit were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jefferson, ° :Miss Ar I. ,Stone w,as in $andwich Or the week -end attending the fun- ' eral of her uncle, the late J. A. . Stone. Mx. N. Bingham of London, former- ly a member of the local Royal Bank staff, was; in town over the week -end. Mrs. Davis of Seattle, Wash., form- merly Miss Vire Maywood, is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. Henry McBrien Huron street. Mr. and Mks, Frost of Flint, Mich., and Mr. and .Mrs. Garrett of Blyth were with their mother, Mos. Mc- Cool of town. Miss Madeline Hawkins left Monday for Tprontt(r,' where she has ac- cepted a position as superintendent of Ste. Faith; Lodge, 1VI,rs. G. C. ,Saville and Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Vodden attended the wedding of their niece,,Mise Mary Webster, of •Hullett, on Saturday. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Mrs, 1VIeKin- ley, Miss L. Brigham and Mrs. E. Adams of Londesboro attended the North Huron Wonten's Institute GonVentioaf iii B1:fis'sels. Mr, and .Mie. Wm•, W. 'Cook„ Reginald 'Cook, and 1\4r, and Mis. L. P. Peacock attended the wedding of the farmer's son, Rev. Roy C. Cook, which took place in Sand- wieh en Tuesday, Mr. and las. Ralph Bouskill and children •of Winnipeg are in town visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. C: J. Wallis, who has been quite ill but who is now improving, , her friends are glad to know . Mrs. P. Venner is in London at- tending the graduation exercises in connection with the University. of Western 'Ontario, when ,her son, Arnold, and her daughter, Grace, are amongst those being graduat- ed. . Mr. and Mlu, E: S. Livermore and Master ,Billy, Aylmer, and Mir. and 'Vials. C. Green of Teeswater 'are here today, Thursday, this being the anniversary of the wedding of ,rtheir parent's, Mr. and Mas. James Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke motored up to Wlalters, Falls, last week -end, faking their son, Edward, up to his new summer appointment, They ,also visited,xelatives at Bogner and on their return were accom- panied by their niece, Mrs'. 'Brown- lee, her; husband, Rev. Mr. Brown • lee of Strathroy, motoring up for her. • NEWS -RECORD ONE F1tIEND RIM MIT E' TELLS ANOTHER THE ' TALK OF THE TOWTN"athe L r Our Big Week -end Marketeria Fruit Sales are the "Talk: of the Town' in fact exceeding our expectations Continuing them we have a Big Buy of Bananas, Oranges and Pinea les. Pp Bananas at 19, 22 and 29c per dozen Grape Fruit 5 for, Oranges and Lemons THURS., JUNE 6, IS—. 25c. Pineapples to clear 10, 19, 2 for. 25, & 25c:: SPECIAL PRICE on SUGAR by the Sack • EXTRA SPECIAL 2 Goll Medal Peas, . 17.c.. New Shipment of Denby China and Silverware introducing extra pieces. Do not miss seeing them. WALKERSIDES ICE CREAM WESTONS and CHRISTIES CAKES MEAT SPECIALS Picnic Hams, smoked Midget Rolls, per lb. Schneiders Sausage, per Ib. Bologna, 2 lbs. for Weiners, per Ib. Lunar Loaf Variety Loaf Corn Beef, per Ib. 15c 28c 20c 25c 20c 35c 29c 20c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Green Beans, Fresh Asparagus, Hot House Tematoes, Carrots, 2 bunches for Radishes, 3 bunches for New Cabbage, per Ib. Fresh Lettuce, per bunch 15c 10c 6c 10c We have a Large Shipment of Tuna Fish next week, Leave your order today. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 PERMANENT WAVES COMBINATION (Spiral Croqufguole) $3.50 and $5.00 CROQUIGNOLE $3.50 and $5.00 GENUINE ••NATURELLE CROs QUIGNOLE $7.00 HenriBea ity Shop. Isaac St., Phone 223. PRESBYTERIAN ANNUAL BAZAAR. ON DR. SHAW'S LAWN SATURDAY, JUNE 8th at 2.30 Convenors:— Old 'Country Store Mrs. M. D. McTaggart Gift and Apron,' MIS. Wilson Memory Table Miss Jean Mutch Touch and Take Mrs. MVlutch Candy Mission Band Fish Pond Mrs. Fisher Home-made Baking, Mrs. J. Neilans Afternoon Tea Girls' Club Business Men's Supper will; be serv- ed from 5 to 7-25c, If weather inclement bazaar will be , held in basement of church AROUND THE WORLD WITH A CAMERA as a part of the Anniversary of Wes- ley -Willis United Church on MONDAY, JUNE 10, at 8 p.m. Rev. Dr. B. Thornton OF TO'RO'NTO World Traveller and Lecturer will give his interesting and inform- ing lecture "Arcadid the W»rld With a Camera" illustrated with moving pictures and coloured slides. ,Same interesting features are: Ves- uvius, Pornipeii, Athens and the Acro- polis, the Land of the Nile Pyramids, Sphinx, a Christmas Day in Bethle- hem, India, China,: Korea, Japan, Aus- tralia 'and New Zealand. The Bow- manville press says: "Dr. Thornton has cultivated his "gifts of memory and his powers of description to ' a high degree and puts so much feeling and dramatic action into his narra- tive that his listeners can almost .bo. lieve themselves companions, in trav- el with him. ADMISSION 25c and 15c. • NOTICE I will be at the town hall froin Monday, June 10th, until the end of the month' to receive the first' install- ment of the 1936 taxes. N. W. MILLER, Collector. Spring Plants Get your early while the assort - Ment is still complete, HARBINGER SALVIA Extra Good -25c and 20c a box, CABBAGE PLANTS .10c a dozen sold direct from,, Hot Beds. Asters (wilt -resistant, Petunias (5 kinds), Snapdragon, Carna- tions, Everlastings, Fantasy, 'Zin- nias, Russian ,Statice, Etc. TOMATO PLANTS from 4" Pots breaking into bloom .„ 10c, or,3 for 25c BOXED TOMATO PLANTS 20c EACH. BOSTON FERNS lovely fresh stock in 3" pots 25c EACH. TRAILERS for Boxes and Baskets LETTUCE FOR SALE Spray your Roses, Etc. with "NEW EVERGREEN" 35c bottle. FRESH SHIPMENT OF CLIMB- ING ROSES -25e EACH F. R. CUNINGHAME FLOiIr IST Phones 176 and 31. Member of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association. CALL IN AND SEE THE HOSTESS STESS Refrigerator ON DISPLAY THE MOST UP-TO-DATE ON THE MARKET SAVE YOUR FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES BY USING A HOSTESS 1 SECOND -(HAND ICE REFRIGER- ATORAND SET, OF GOLF CLUBS FOR SALE CHEAP. F. Dawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING 30-1..1 : Phone244 Don't Miss Our Week -End Food Specials JUNE 6th, 7th & 8th RINSO, large pkg. for only DURHAM CORN STARCH, per pkg GREEN GAGE PLUMS, 2 for PREMIUM TEA, regular 59c FOR 19c 8c 19c 550 39c 31c 10c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 8c pkg. tea free„ all for ROMAN MEAL, large pkg. PUFFED WHEAT, package UNICORN SALMON, 1-2's, 2 for 29c JAM, Special, 3 oz. jar 1 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, large this 10c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2 lb. .. tall a .23e 31c small 5c 35c 28c MEATS COOKED HAM, 1-2 lb. for 250 BOLOGNA, sliced, fresh, per lb. 15e 23c DAIRY 'BUTTER, Choice, 2 (bet, for 45e CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. . ...... ....25c and 26c SIDE BACON, in piece .... . .......... ... . ........ . 27c PEAMEAL' COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. FRUITS and VEGETABLES BANANAS, Choice, per lb. ...... .8c ORANGES, per dozen 29c, 39c and 49c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c LEMONS, large size„ 3 for .............. 10c PINEAPPLES AND STRAWBERRIES' AT MARKET PRICES . T. M KNIGHT & SON "Your Superior Store" Phone- 111 Wle Self the Beet Per Lees CLINTON •Y :v ). Mid WHAT A BARGAJN! A BEAUTIFUL 3-PIEOR SILK REIPP CHESTERFIELD SUITE, SOLID WALNUT CENTRE TABLE, MAGAZINE RACK, END TAB- LE, FOOTSTOOL AND SMOKER ALL FOR ......,$95,00 COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER. WHILE YOU ARE IN LET US SHOW, YOU THE NEW TRI -LIGHT LAMPS. A Reyolution in Lighting Equipment. Don't Miss our Bargains in VERANDAH AND LAWN FURNI- TURE. We have the largest stock we ever carried. We have our usual stock of LA'W,N MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, AND TOOLS of all kinds. We are sole agents for the Celebrated Brantford Roofing, Ambulance Service Promptly Attended To—Day or Night BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J, J. ZAPFE, • Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. Don't Miss Our Week -End Food Specials JUNE 6th, 7th & 8th RINSO, large pkg. for only DURHAM CORN STARCH, per pkg GREEN GAGE PLUMS, 2 for PREMIUM TEA, regular 59c FOR 19c 8c 19c 550 39c 31c 10c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 8c pkg. tea free„ all for ROMAN MEAL, large pkg. PUFFED WHEAT, package UNICORN SALMON, 1-2's, 2 for 29c JAM, Special, 3 oz. jar 1 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, large this 10c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2 lb. .. tall a .23e 31c small 5c 35c 28c MEATS COOKED HAM, 1-2 lb. for 250 BOLOGNA, sliced, fresh, per lb. 15e 23c DAIRY 'BUTTER, Choice, 2 (bet, for 45e CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. . ...... ....25c and 26c SIDE BACON, in piece .... . .......... ... . ........ . 27c PEAMEAL' COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. FRUITS and VEGETABLES BANANAS, Choice, per lb. ...... .8c ORANGES, per dozen 29c, 39c and 49c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c LEMONS, large size„ 3 for .............. 10c PINEAPPLES AND STRAWBERRIES' AT MARKET PRICES . T. M KNIGHT & SON "Your Superior Store" Phone- 111 Wle Self the Beet Per Lees CLINTON •Y :v ). Mid