HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-06-06, Page 5THURs., JUNE 6, 1935 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 tOOF 'INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Clinton Public ''school ebildeen are adding to their deposits in the Pen- ny Banlc, it would appear, but not very rapidly. At the end of April Nast, the total deposited was $1893:87, One year ago the total was $1393.- 32. Still, ."every little bit'added to what we've got now makes . a little ' bit more." El A British wool manufacturer claims to have discovered a process of tak- ing the itch out of wool. What a fine thing that, will be for the men and women who like to feel the soft- .ness of wool on the skin in coldewee- . Ther but wire cermet wear it on ' ae- •.count of the irritation caused by the -wool, no matter how fine. We hope r.the discovery is a genuine one. BAYFIELD mi. and Mrs. Floyd Warner of Flint, Mien,, :visited with Mee A. E. Erwin Tait week. . Misses Bernice, and Helen Seeds ;spent the week -end at the home of :their mother,: Mrs. A' R. Seeds. Mr. and -Mee. T; Mallett and child oxen of London spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. John Davison. Miss Laurie Parkinson of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wid- .-eombe at the week -end. Mr. and ifee. Fred Davison and Mr. ••and" Mitis. Rae Fleming of Detroit vis- . 'ited with Mrs. Jno. Davison en Fel- e day and. Saturday: • Mrs. R. F. H. Gairdner and daugh- ter Betty of London spent the week- •; end at their home in the village. )Mies Elva Dewar of Toronto, ac- ▪ companied by her friend, Misseilb- Laughlin also of Toronto, spent the • week -end at the home of her parents, .. Mr.. and Mme. David Dewar. The following was taken from a e•Saginaw paper: In redognition of a decade of ser- • vice with his firm, ,Orville F. Gem- einhardt, 534• North Sixteenth Street, recently was „presented with a gold : service pin by C. M. Monson, mans- • • ger of the Saginaw division of Stand - and 011 Company. ' ll+Ir. Gemeinhardt is foreman of the Standard 011 Co. a, shop here.. He has been employed by the concern since July 21, 1924. ]lir. Orville Gemeinhardt is a na- • tive of Bayfield, the son of ivr. . and teles. Fred Genenhardt of this vil- lage. The A.Y.:P;.A, of the Paris], of Bayfield brought the season to a close • with a dance in the town hall, Bay- field, on Friday, May 31st. About 75 young people and their guests • spent a very pleasant evening danc- ing to the' music of an orchestra • composed of their own members" Ar- rangements Were made to participate .in the Deanery A,Y.P.A. picnic to be held on June 27 in Goderieh. The young ladies of the A.Y.P.A. provided a tasty lunch which was served during the evening., This ea- • ent was in the place of the usual ban- '• quet. The next season will open with • a, banquet instead of ending with one, it was decided byethe executive. Mr. C. Diehl is president of the Bayfield A,Y.P.A. His Lordship, Bishop Seager, Bish- • op of Huron, was present at S4 James Church, Middleton, Goderieh •township, on the evening of June 2nd to administer the sacrament of con- firmation to a small class of adult candidates. The church was filled. The Bishop, in his address, stressed the sacrament of Holy Communion as obedience to Divine Authority. Men in secular life were obeying strong ••central authority, so Cluuistmas ought to follow the leadership and central • aethoyity of Christ, the . Bishop pointed out. The church war prettily decorated with flowers for'the oecas- . ion. The Bishop_ was a guest of the Rector, Rev. W.G. Bugler of Hay- field during his brief visit. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Atkinson and •:children of Exeter spent the week- end at their cottage in Bayfield. Mrs. Weir of London is visiting' with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Tippet. Mi•. and Mrs. McLaren and family 'of Port Elgin spent the week -end at • the home of the Misses Sterling, Miss Ethel •Cameron of Detroit is :spending some time with her sister', Miss E. Cameron. A fruit and grocery store has been • opened next to the Post Office. This •.is being run by two young men from Toronto, Mr. R. Brown and Mr., H. ',Crone. On Tuesday evening Mrs. K. 'Moorhouse entertained the members of Trinity Church Choir to a party in honour •of Mrs, N. W. Woods. Mrs. Wioodshas been organist for 'the church for twenty-five years and is now retiring in favour of le rs, IVioorhous'ei .. The first' part of the evening was ..spent in playing court whist and the prizes' were won by Miss Ethel •Cameron and. Mir. W. J. Bugler.. A very dainty lunch was served and af- • terwards Miss, Elizabeth Cameron on behalf of the choir read the follow- ing address: ' "We, the members of 'Trinity Church Choir, desire to ex- press our regret at your retirement from the, position of organist and -choir •leader, which position you have field for many years 'of faithful and efficienteeervice. Wle permit you eto go 1''ecatise we know you have, in- deed, earned a rest; • We 'want you' to' aceept this gift as a token of our velseatefuliteea -to you for• yobr, untirieg r efforts' Gh behalf' of .the -choir in the many years past. May it be a sym- bol of duty well done. <Signed on be- half of Trinity Church Choir—W. G. Bugler, Rector." Then Mise Mary Moorhouse .presented Mrs. .Woods with a beautiful .silver flower basket filled with tulips. Mrs.' Woods thank- ed the choir' in a few well chosen words for their kindness. Rev. and Mee. Crosby of Moortown vi's'ited with. Mrs, •Geo. Woods over the week -en& `Master Paul Crosby remained to spend a few days with his grandmother. Owing to the Diamond Jubilee. Ser- vice in' Knox church, Goderieh Sun- day afternoon, the service in Knox Presbyterian church' will be with- drawn, LONDESBORO ,Misses Bertha 'and Isabel Webster of Toronto_ were home' for the Week- end, attending thewedding of their sister, Miss Mary Webster. Mr. and Mrs, 5. Sae'ks and twos children of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mfrs. Joseph Wleb- ster. Mr, and Mrs. Ti. D. Morris of To- ronto visited at the home of Mr. J. P. Manning on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs: R. Youngblutt and Mrs. Mountain were the guests of Dr, L. Whitely, `Corrie; on Sunday. .. Mrs. R. Townsend and Miss D. Little spent the week -end with friends at :Meaford.' Mfrs. J. Tatnlblyn has returned af- ter spending the past three week.with Toronto friends. - Nrs. E. Bell: and Mrs, A. Allen visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell oil Sunday. Me. and Mrs. W. J. Tamblyn of Forest Hill, Toronto, spent the week -end at' the hone of .his mother, Mrs. X. Tamblyn, Londesboro. Mrs. C. Troope and Miss Jean Mains' of Chicago •spent the week -end with their" sister, Miss Elizabeth Mains. Mrs, Frank Tanrblyn, who has been quite ill for the past three months, is now taking treatment at the Clinton Community hospital, where she is slowly improving. Mr.. Bert Brunsdon of London was home for the King's' birthday. Miss Verde Watson of Hensall spent the weeko--nd with her parents, lefr, and Mrs. C. Watson. Mr. H. Moon of Grimsby visited at the home - of Mr. J. ,McCool on the holiday. . Mr, and Mrs. C. Watson, Mr, Frank Tamblyn 'and Mrs. J. Tamblyn at- tended the silver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Carter of Seaforth on Saturday, June 1st. Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. JVs'. Rosa Mrs. M. Manning, Mrs. A. Alien and Mrs. F. Hall, attended the District meeting of the Woman's Institute at Clinton last week Mr. James Webster of Toronto -was up for the Young -Webster wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mas, Alva 1VIc'Dowell and. fainly of Wiestfield visited with Mrs. Wan. Fothergill and family, also with Mr. and.Mi's. Joseph Vodden, on Sun- day. The congregation of th e United Church enjoyed a splendid Temperance sermon on Sunday morn- ing which was given by a local min- ister instead of the usual sermon as Mr. Gardiner is at present attending conference. A baby boy was born to Mr. and. IVTrs. Herman Saundercock on Thurs- day, May 80th. Mr. and Ma's. Frank Fingland and family of Clinton visited with the form.er's' parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Pingland On Sunday. Some men are obtaining work on the road at present. They are put- ting three mote feet of gravel onto the shoulders on each side of the pavements Mr. Alex. Wells' has started up his sawmill again . The interesting Y.P.S. meeting was held last Sunday evening as usual: After the opening hymn and prayer the minutes were read by Ruth Lyon. Following a brief business discussion, a letter from aur missionaty from West Chins, Dr. E. C. Wilfred was read by Earl Cartwright. • After the singing of hymn 125 and prayer by Mrs. W. Lyon, . the scripture lesson was read by Eileen Knox, The topic was given by Irene Fothergill.xDur°ng the taking. of the offering Miss El- •ea:nor'Sprung contributed a solo, The meeting was drawn to a ` close with the singing of hymn "When Peace Like a River," and repeating the Miz- pa.h benediction. CONSTANCY • Mr. W. S. lefeDonald of Brigclen spent the week -end at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Leo. •Stephenson. 1111r. and Mrs, Geo•. Hall and (laugh - tees,' Winnifred and Rosemary, Flint,' Michigan, visited at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Pollard, on Sunday. Miss IKathleen Logan of Blyth spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leo Stephenson Bev: and Mrs. Chas. Leslie and daughter, Gwenyth, :of Richmond, are spending a week ' or so at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley. Mrs. Jas, 'McFarlane and dau•ehter' and ML. Chas, Riles,: of ;Stanley down-'' ship. visited with relatives in the $i1 late on Sunday) •' •� MARRIAGES YOUNG—eWEBSTEIL—At the home of the bride's parents, on June 1st, by the Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Maty Evelyn, second daughter of Mr. and Mb's. Joseph Webster,' Mullett, to Meredith Palmer Yanng, West Wawanosh, second son of Mr. and Mrs. 'William H. Young of Gode rich. CONNELL—BROADIFOOT-- At the United Chut•de manse, Brucefield, en June let, by the .'Rev. W. A. Bremner, Helen Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WM. S. lbroadfoot, Tucl ersnith, to Harold: George Donnell, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Connell, Varna. BATKIN-TREIWA:RTITA At the United 'Church. Parsonage, Hensall en June 1st, by the Rev. A: Sin - 'daft, 'Myrtle Trewartha, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Tre- • wartha, to John W. Baskin, of IGoderich Township.. COOL{ —s' COY—In Tabernacle Bap- tist church, Sandwich, on June. 4th, by the Rev: Mr. Vincent, Dor- othy Marie, daughter of 94r. and ;Nees. Chas. Bi. Coy of Windsor, to Bev. Roy Campbell 'Cook, London, son of M£r. and Mks. Wim. W, Cook„ 'Clinton.` BIRTHS SU'NDER:COOK—At Londesboro, on May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Suridercoek, a ,son. DEATHS FITZSIMONSs In Thamesviile, on June 2nd, Robert Fitzsimons, form- erly of Clinton, in his 91st year. IN MEMORIAM PEARSON—In loving memory of our dear, husband- and daddy; William B Pearson, who passed away two years ago, June 7th, 1933. Just two years ago you left us, How we mass • you no one kngws. And our hearts are sad and lonely And our eyes with, tears o'er -flow. You will never be forgotten, Never from our memory fade, Loving thoughts will always linger 'Round the grave where you are laid. —Wife and Children. Popular Hullett Couple Celebrate Silver Wed- ding Anniversary On Saturday afternoon, June 1st, more than 75 relatives gathered on the beautiful lawn of "Spruce Villa," the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Norman L. Carter, to celebrate with them their silver wedding. Shortly after three o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Carter,' with the wedding atten- dants of 25 years ago, received the guests. These included relatives from Toronto, Hamiilton,Burlington, El- ora, London, Sarnia, St. Marys, God- erich, Auburn, Lucknow and local points. The afternoon was spent renewing acquaintances and in games. At .six o'clock guests took their places at the tastefully decorated tables, arranged on the lawn. To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played b"y Mrs. 11facDonald of Sarnia, who played the same selection 25 years ago, the bride andgroom led. the way to the head table. Nephews and nieces of the groom, under the capable leadership of the groom's sis- ter, Mrst W. H. Jamieson ,served the six course repast. Those sitting et the 'head table with the bride and groom were, Miss Pearl Hiles, stirs. Geo. Brooks, bridesmaids, Mr. Der - Win Carter and Mi. W. T. Tamblyn groomsmen, Wm. Hiles, father of the bride, and Mrs. Hiles, • Mrs, Harvey Jenkins' and Mrs. Robt. MacDonald and Rev. and Mee. T. A. Carmichael. While the wedding cake was being cut, -Miss Jean ,Grant of Elora sang, "0, Promise Me" In the absence of Rey. W, T. Hiles, the officiating clergyman, Mr. W. J. Tamblyn proposed the toast to the bride and groom. During the toast the bridesmaids, adorned the bride in het original veil and gown, and in a brief and humorous ceremony, the happy couple were started on another span of married -life. In his reply the groom spoke of their. happy life to- gether, and thanked all those who had come to share this happy event with them.. Mas. Harvey Jenkins,. sister of the groom, proposed to the attendants, this was responded to by Miss Pearl Hiles. Mr. Roy Stone- house proposed the toast to the fam- ily, to which Mr, Aubrey Hi]ee Carter replied. 'Foilowing.a few remarks' b'b' Rev. Mr. Carmichael the guests join- ed with him in hearty congratula- tions and best wishes for the future. Mr. and Mrs, Carter werethe recip- ients'of many beautiful gifts: GODERICH: With impressive ceremony, Rev. A. C. Caller, former- ly of Chatham, was inducted as rec- tor of St. George's Anglican Church here Monday night by Right Rev. C. A. 'Seager, Bishop of Huron. Nine - *Ring clergymen participated. . A confirmation service followed the in- duction, a class of eighteen boys and gh'ls being received' auto the Ohtn'oh.. Speaking .on the subject "It is the in- ward Mari that counts," Bishop Seeg- er painted a hopeful word-pieture of the future. He said that the world ate present was in a 'period of tran- sition--a'stage that always' precedes an `er,a. of ,.expansion and,prosperity. igniff jvuw,16,Yaoe FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Ferns Flowering Plants Cut Flowers Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Jelly Rolls WITH REAL LEMON FILLING; Try this' as 'a dessert tapped with whipped cream and half a peach. LIGHT LAYER CAKE AND D BUTTERFLY' BUNS THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Try Our---: GRACKED .WHEAT AND BUTTER- MILK'BREAD Made lily—� Bartliff & Crich Makers of. Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. Joint Political Meeting A. joint annual meeting of the Rid- ings of North Huron and Huron - Bruce will be 'held in TOWN. HALL, WINGHAM • FRIDAY, JUNE 14111 at x.30. Dr. George bulcQuibbin of North Wellington, with Mr. A. A. Robertson and R. J. Deaehman, will be present and give addresses. J. J. Robertson, R. R. No 5, Goderieh, Secretary. MISS USTA KNIFE had blood pois- oning. Now she uses both Cress Corn and Bunion Salves. At Hov- ey's Drug Store. ' CARD OF THANKS Misr. - R. Fit-Pinter:5 wishes to ex• press her appreciation of the kind- ness shown her in her recent bereave- ment, for flowers sent, cars loaned and foe all other thoughtful acts of kindness. HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Digs. Brogden MaeMath are spending e few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Barry : Walter and Mus: S. Walter motored to Orillia on' Friday. fetes. Welter remained to spend a few weeks wth her cousin. Mr. Whittingham, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Won. Potter', the past two months, left for London on Sunday. GOD'ERICII•: Reeve Oliver Heui.- ing•way of Grey Township has been appointed inspector for the Agricul- tural Development Hoard of Ontario, for North Huron, and 3. J. Robertson, secretary of the North Huron Liberal Association, has been appointed sup- erintendent for Huron County of the Blue Water Highway, recently taken over by the Ontario Government. EXETER: The Right Revs. Char- les Seager, Bishop of Huron, was the preacher at a special service at Trivitt Memorial "church Sunday morning, This service marked the fourth and final stage of the celebra- tion of the 75th anniversary of the forming of Lebanon Forest Masonic Lodge in this villege. Scores of lodges were represented. Among Masonic officials present were Frank Copus, Grand Master of Ontario, rul- ing district deputy grand masters Jefferson of South Huron, Brown of North Huron, Warren, of Ingersoll and Kipp of London, while a num- ber of past distiret deputies were also in .attendance. The soloists in the anthem sung by choir were M:rs,. N. 3. Dore :and Arthur Middlesex. The vote of thange: to the rector, wardens and choir of Trivitt Mem- oriel church was' made by Wor. Bro. Thompson and Bro. Stelton, while that to the guest preacher was made by the Right Wor.. Brothers W'. D. Sanders and Geo, Lawson. GODE9RIC'H: Mary A. MfcLarty, widow of William Good, who passed away thirteen days ago, is dead here, a victim of pleuro -pneumonia. Mrs. Good, an invalid for some time, con- tracted the fatal illness Sunday. Born at Galt in 1856 she resided in Col- borne township for a number of years before coming to 'G'oderich some thir- ty years ago. She was the daughter of • the late Douglas McClarty , and Margaret Hall of East Wawanosh. Ming. Good was married in. Auburn its 187S.•' She was identified with Knox Presbyterian Church here and was a member of the Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. Good is survived by one son, Al- bert, .of Colborne township, and two daughters, Mrs. John Long of Ben - miller and Mrs. Alex. Straitton of Gaderich, A brother Malcolm Me- Clarty, resides in Langwith, Mani- toba Eight grandchildren and eight. great-grandchildren also survive. The funeral service, was conducted at her. late home on 'Cam.bria' Road by Rev.' D. J. Lane at 2 p.m. Saturday.' In- terment was made :in Maitland Cerit�e terve s 't I Feathers Wanted. IDGIIEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS POULTRY CULLING Flocks Graded Free of Charge By Experienced Poultryman. � L N. W. TREWARTIIA. Phones—Olfiise, 214j Residence, 214w RILEY'S .Where Quality' and Service Tells LARGE LUX . • 23c (1 Small Package Free) FOREST CITY BAK. POWDER 25c (Free :Sherbet or Goblet) Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. 25c No. 3 Peas, 2 for ... 23c Large Tomatoes, 3 for ' 25c (Choice Quality) Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Red Rose Tea, per Ib... , : .. 50c (Black or M1ced) Soda Bilscuits, per Ib. .... .10c Libby's Lge. Pork & .Beans, 2 for 19c Jelly Powders, 6 for ,25c We Buy and Grade EGGS for which we pay lc a dozen more in CASH or TRADE. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery At All Hours Feeling Fine Is oftentimes a condition brought about by looking fine. • If your elates are prepprly cleaned, pressed and repaired you are bound to feel better about it, than when the work is poorly done. We make you feel fine by Doing It Right Dyeing C[gmcieCleaning Repairing Pressing For Rout Large furnished cottage, Bayfield, 4 bedrooms, screened porch, lawn, garage, clean and attractive. Apply Miss Larene Langford, Clinton. 30-1. For Sale Beatty electric washer, for balance of payments. Apply to Sutter and Perdue, Clinton, Phone 147w. 26-2-p. Teacher Wanted Teacher for U.S.S. No. 2, Iiulliett ndand Goderieh Township. State sal- ary, experience and qualifications'. Applications close June 13th. Apply Frank Jr, Tyndall, Secretary, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 29-2. House For Sale Seven -room cottage, James' street, Clinton. New woodshed, cellar, town water, lights, good garden. Call E. Maguire, phone i36, after 6 pm. any evening. 28-2-p. For Sale or Rent A frame house on Princessstreet, modern conveniences, nice garden. Apply to E. L. Mittel], Clinton.; 29-3. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow- ers of sale contained . in a certain' mortgage which will be produced at thetime of - sale, there will be offer- ed for sale' by public auction, subject io a reserve bid,; on Saturday, the 15th day of June A.D. 1935,at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at Lot Number Seven Number "A" on Bayfield Terrace in the Village of Bayfield, the following property, namely. Lots plumber Seven Number "A" Number Eight on Bayfield Terrace and Lots Number Fifty-seven Number' "B" and Number Fifty-eight on Col- ina Street, in the Village of Bayfield in the County of Huron. On the said lands there is said to. be erected first class brick house.• TERMS: Ten per cent. of• the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance to l:le paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersign- edsolicitor. DATED at, Clinton, this 29th day of May A. D. 1935, ;George: H .Elliott, Auctioneer. I . ' LA •D C limon Ontario F, F G N N far t e 29-3 ai r o So lctoeMr, g.b''oe 4 LADIES AICD GENTLEMEN AND\ LUMPS OF COAL: IF YOU ARE TO 13E TRUE BROTHERS OF MAN— KIND, TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO ORDER THEIR COAL EARLY AND KEEP THE COST DOWN FOR: r. EVERYBODY - It's only fair that the public should ]snow that the cost of delivering coal could be cut. But the only way to do it is, for everybody to order 'early. It is simply this: If coal was ordered evenly the year 'round, coal men could cut their deliv- ery equipment in half. We print this for the public good. If it helps in that direction, we will feel amply repaid. the 4„t, ,y;,,. WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE C�aI Co. J. . custard PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO A. L. CARTWRIGHT, Local Mgr. CAP) i'AL THEATRE Goderieh—Phone 47 Now: Gene Stratton Porters' LADDIEP - and the Monne Quintuplets Film. Mon., Tues., Wed Charles Laughton, Charlie Rug- gles, Mary Boland. and Zasu Pitts in this year's most amusing show/ "RUGGLES OF RED GAP" Thurs., Fri., Sat,' "ROBERTA" a ' scintillating parade of talent and entertainment starring Irene Dunne, Free Astaire and Ginger Rogers Coming: George Arlise in "THE LAST GENTLEMAN" Mat: Wed. and Sat, at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth • Now—Wlallace Beery - in: "THE MIGHTY BARNUM" Mon., Tues., Wed. - Forty million people have read; and loved' " LADDIE " Gerrie Sitrattlon PortetlS enchanls- ing romance with John Beal':. and Gloria Stuart Thurs., Fri., Sat. WILL ROGER in his latest and funniest film "DOUBTING THOMAS" Coming: "LEST WE FORGET" ' the astounding and authentic; war film Matinee; 'Saturday. at 3 p.m,' WENDORF'S Chocolate Buds FRIDA7t AND SATURDAY HALF POUND -10c CRACKLED WHEAT HEALTH BREAD VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR FOR TEMPTING 'SPECIALS YOUR WEDDING CAKE must be of the Best Qauity, SEE US FOR NEW DESIGNS. ?'Y ENDORF'S House For Sale Seven roomed storey and a half house and summer kitchen, Two lots, on Victoria street, town water, Iights and cistern. Cement garage, stable and hen house, all wired. Good gar- den in. All in good repair. Apply to Mrs. Roy Lonsway, Clinton, 3044. For Sale A 12 -month old purebred Holstein bull, bred from good .milking strait'. Will sell right for quick sale. Would consider exchange for pure-bred fe-. mmaales, hogs or feed grain. Apply to C'oIin Campbell, R, R, No. 3, Bayfield, Phone Hensall, 41 on 7S. 29.3-p. NEW PRICES McKinley's Gov't Approved Chicks BLOODTESTED STOCK White and Barred Rocks W. Leghorn After May 24 .... 10c 0c After June 8 9c 9c After June 22 • 8e 8e 4 -Week Pulletts ... 25e 80c 2 Week-old Chicks, $'roc extra. 4 -Week-old Chicks, 9c extra. We have lots of them. Come, or Phone 97r11, Hensall. J. E. McKinley ZURICH 27-5. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION CARNIVAL'S -CHOICE (14993) 206609 Enrolment No. 3069 Will stand formares this season at Monday, leaves . his own stable, Munro, go to w'm. Beeneweise, 5 miles north of Dublin for night.,Tues- day afternoon -,To John L. Malone, Beechwood for night.' 'Wednesday - To. Wm. Mason, Constance for noon,. then to Harold Glew•s, Huron high- way' for night, " Thursday—To Whn- Thompson, west of Fgnuondville for noon, then home for night.. Friday- To Bruce 'Cooper's, Elimvlle for night. Saturday—To 'Clarence Gun ning's, south' east of Woodhan• for noon, home for night. TERMS: $13.00 payable February lst, 1936. This horse is a dark brown, 5 years old, ,drawn in a trailer and will re- spond to .calls -off route,. Norman Parsons, Prop. and .Manager, ;', r Munro. IQ 29-10. Summer Portraits Summer is just the best time for a NEW PHOTOGRAPH, You feel at your .best—and modern photography enables us to picture you at your best—to, make finer, more natural and pleasing portraits. BURGESS' STUDIO Phone 11j—Developing and Printing Try 'us with your next roll film For Sale A. very desirable small farm con- taining fifteen acres, with comfort- able stone ,house, bank barn, garage, hen h9u50, orchard and small fruit, good well and elsteere Ideal location, one mile south of Clinton on Bayflek. Road. fydro avai$abbe, Also dile Ford coach, Model A, small mileage, almost es good as new, For informa- tion see -Oliver J. Jervis, executor of Estate John . T. Jervis. 29-4. THE NEW CARNATION bearing flowers 24. to 3" in diamet- er, is magnificent. And is, so far, the last word in ANNUAL CARNATION. It equals those grown under glass and blooms till late autumn. OUR GIANT SNAPDRAGONS ARE UNSURPASSED. You may obtain these at the Nur- series or from a grocer who carries our stock. • STEWART BROS., BENMILLER NURSERIES Phone Carlow 285. SEED CORN We carry a eomplete line of this H$ve over ten different varieties. Whatever variety you desire you will find at Ford's. This saves youa lot of enquiry for your favorite ,variety. MILLETS Have either coarse or fine Millets.. Don't be shy of hay this year; sew Millet anytime in June. Always carry Sugar Cane, Turnips, Mangels, Grass Seeds and Clovers, also Bulk Garden Seeds of all kinds. FORD'S FLOUR, FEED AND SEE)) Phone 123w, Residence, 123j ELECTRICAL WORK Having decided to engage in elec- trical work at. Clinton, I would re- spectfully solicit the public patron- age. Having had praebical experience in power and lighting, will endeavor to give satisfaction to any and all who engage my services in these lines. GEORGE' W. COWAN Phone 266j. Shipley Street, Clinton 21-tf. WANTED FreshEbg q and Cream • i'RiPricesStrictlyhest or Bf Fresh Eggs, Creana.bhipped regularly. Good Pcicet Pte. or•; I FINCH, �r Phone 231,