HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-05-23, Page 6AGE 6 Ti ely Information for the . Busy. Farmer ( Furnished by the Department of Agriculture Autumn Wheat.; Showing An examination of .the autumn wheat plot's at the Central Experi- mental Farm reveals strikingdiffer- ences in their ability to survive sev- ere winter and early ispring condi- tions. Such standard varietiesas Dawson's Golden Chaff have been practically wiped out here, whilea number of newly developed varieties, bred chiefly, for hardiness, have come through almost perfectly. The Starling Menace The steadily increasing number of starlings' in Ontario is causing con- siderable alarm in some region's. Hon. Duncan Marshall recently stated that Ontario Agricultural College author- ities are now conducting research in chemicals which may eventually be used to cut down their numbers. While admitting the danger of loos- ing poison gas on the roosts of the birds, be believed it to be, he said, a- bout the only satisfactory method of dealing with them. * sk * Liquid Fertilizer for House Plants (By John F. Clark) This fertilizer is given in response to an oft repeated request for •a Liquid fertilizer suitable for house plants, sweet peas, etc, Nitrate of Soda 3 parts Sulphate of Potash 1 part Disolve the mixture in water at the rate of 1 ounce per gal, of water. For garden crops this may be used every two or three weeks, at the rate of 5 gallons per square rod; for Tot- ted plants' at the rate of one to five fluid ounces per. 6 inch pot, repeated, if necessary, every 2 to 3 weeks. If the soil is very rich, as from heavy applications of rotted manure and the plants run to foliage, omit the nitrate of soda from the formula. i) F i l6 t 11 Best Farm Competition While the Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Society doe's not conduct a Fall Fair, it is very active in other pro- jects. In ll'1'areh a Seed Show was held, and a Spring Horse Show is announced or May 24th, A. Field Crop Competition is being conducted with Registered Oats, One of the objects listed in the Agricultural Societies Act is "Com- petitions for the best or best manag- ed farms," and the Richmond Hill Society is the only one functioning in this respect in 1935. The Officers Were well pleased with a similar com- petition, conducted in 1933, and now. offer prizes based on the cultivation and apparent yield 04 crops, freedom from weeds, crop planning, the eon- dition of fences and gates and the neatness and general appearance of the farm. A scare card has been planned to permit a good farmer to compete even though he may not have a heavy investment in buildings. This competition will do much to encour-, age all-round good farming' in the Agrieultural Society area. ii!' *+ The Hay Market There is a poor demand for hay generally. A large number of farm- ers who are out of hay are feeding straw and other roughage due to lack of funds to purchase hay. There is still a fairly large supply of hay un- sold in the Ottawa valley and north- ern Ontario. It is selling at prices as low as $7 per ton delivered to the car at Ottawa valley points. There is also a fair quantity of good hay a- vailable in the Bruce peninsula. In most other localities of the province there is either a shortage or barely sufficient for local. needs, but deliv- ered prices are regarded as too high to entice farmers to buy it, Current prices ex -tract Toronto are: for No. 2 Timothy and mixtures $14.50 to $15.50; No. 2- $12 to $13; wheat straw $10'; oat straw $8.50 to $9,50. ORDER RODFINC NOW Ii ll /U Twogreatvaluesin Metal Roofing. Ex- clusive patented features guarantee weather -tightness and easy appnea. tion. Eornewreofs orreroofing. Send ridge and rafter lengths for .free. estimate. We use Council Stan- dard"forg�rreat- eet durability. 'Eastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT }Aima', 4/1n41 Mournrnt &raaonrro Livestock ' Market As a result of drought conditions in the United States there is now a real shortage of beef and pork. The rapid diminutionof suppliesof cattle and hogs at aII leading United States stock yards indicates that our good neighbors in the south will be forced to readjust their meat eating to in- elude a larger portion of lamb. In Canada the situation is likely to follow along somewhat ;similar lines. Already as a result of the rapid rise in the price of beef across Canada and the firm condition of the hog market due to heavy exports of bacon to Great Britain and lower •hog deliv- eries as compared with a year ago, the position in regard to the con- sumption of lamb is becoming in- creasingly favourable. Lamb in both Canada and the Uni- ted States is, at the moment, a bar- gain counter meat, In the United States sheep flocks have withstood drought conditions much better than other live stock while in Canada, as a result of a definite and constructive sheep policy, lamb in Canada has been greatly improved and is avail- able the year round as, early spring lamb, as grass -fat lamb or as finish- ed 'feedlot lamb. Potatoes in Simcoe County Grading regulations and modern marketing conditions have done much in recent years to improve potato growing. Standard varieties are :be- ing planted and better care is being given to the crop. In 'Simcoe County the Dooley potato has been adopted with the ,object of improving quality and yield now that shipments have to be graded. Stewart L. Page, dis- trict represenbatp've of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Barrie, states that from 10;000 to 14,000 acres are under potatoes in Sinicoe County, a much larger acreage than in any county in the province. The price this years is so low that it scarcely pays to haul them to market, even if there were a market for half the quantity now stored in the cellars of those who produced larger than usual, owing to so much wheat and clover being win- ter lcilled a year ago, and the land thus made available sown with pota- toes. There was good weather for potato growing, and the Drop was a Iarge one, , The Usefulness of Farm Accounts To the many obvious reasons for keeping farm accounts should be ad- ded the following one, at least under present conditions. Farmers seeking credit are being required to furnish an increasing amount of information, A statement of net worth as obtain- ed from a farm account book is the basic credit statement. In addition, borrowers may be required' to furnish a budget of expenses and income in order to arrive at a scedule of bor- rowing and repayments. Without adequate records of •his farm busi- ness the borrower cannot do himself justice or present his application in the most favourable light. Furthermore, over a period of sev- eral years, farm account books bring out an increasing number of useful facts. The records suggest that dif- ferent fields need different s'o•il treat- ment. They give definite standards of performance in the use of feeds, in the production of butterfat and other livestock products, and do much to change the yearly plans of the farmer from a matter of chance and guesswork into reasoned plans, based on demonstrated -facts and relation- ships. }IOW NOT TO SUCCEED 1. Grow only one crop. 2. I{eep no live stock. 3. Regard chickens: and a garden as nuisances. 4. Take everything from the soil and return nothing. 5. Don't stop gullies er grow cov- er crops—let the top soil wash away, then you will have "bottom" land. 6. Don't plan your farm; opera- tions. It's hard work thinking trust to luck. 7. Regard your woodland as you would a coal mine, cut every ' tree, sell the timber and wear the cleared land out cultivating it. ' 8. Hold fast to the idea that the. methods of farming employed, ,by. your grandfather are good enough for you. 9. Be independent — donit join with your neighbors in any form of co-operation; , 10. Mortgage Your farm for every dollar it will stand to :buy things you would have 4he cash: to buy if you followed a good system; of fit-.,, • =-;University of Tennessee. CLINTON YEWS -RECORD THi7RS:, IYIAY..23,,1935'• IN6S OF INTEflEST TO fARMEf Canker °Paint forWardner, , Scout Nick `W'alderman, aged 13,, A Assini'bois Sas* Apple •trees Troop Leader D. Waminamaker, ag ed 16, Pictou Ont. Wlolf Cub Peter Wood, aged 14), Ot- Owing to the fact that the feeding of the apple tree pest, the wooly.aph- is, causes numerous cankers in many instances upon tender varieties of the trees, control' Of the insect is made much more difficult. For hea- vy infestations' on twigs and water sprouts early in the season, the use of summer sprays will give control, Uut the cankers themselves into which the sprays cannot reach continue to afford +a ready source of re -infesta- tion. By the use of a suitable 'can- ker and wound paint, sage the pain- phiet on the woolly aphis of the ap- ple, issued by the Dominion Depart- ment of A'grieulture, Ottawa, it has proven possible to controlcompletely the aphids in pruning wounds and cankers with one painting only made in late ll4'ay ar Jane, but in any event not latex than mid-July. The canker paint is made up as fol- lows: •Castor machine oil (heavy grade 1 quart. Water, 3 quarts. Nicotine sulphate (40 per cent) 8 tablespoons or 4 fluid ounces: Wheat flour (emulsifier) s/z pound. Mix the flour with boiling water and stir well for a few minutes to form a smooth paste. Pour in the nicotine sulphate and again stir, and add the oil and shake the mixture thoroughly until a ereamy Smooth e- mulsion is formed. The flour may be used raw but,the resultant emul- sion is not so stable. This canker paint should be used within a week or so after preparation. Cankered trees should have all dead and rough bark scraped aff in the spring and all root suckers cut at the same time. Thus, careful painting of all the cankers and prun- ing wounds that can be reached from the ground and by climbing into the tree is sufficient to. give good con- trol for the whole season. Transplanting Trees • When trees die after transplanting the cause may often be ascribed to lack of sufficient care en the part of the transplanter. Trees and shrubs should be dug out as carefully as possible so as to retain a large pro- portion of the roots. The more roots there are, the greater the chance the plant has of living. The roots should not be allowed to become dry from the time of digging until the trees are in the ground a- gain. They may be protected from drying in transit by protecting them with wet moss ar wet sacking. If. the roots of evergreens, especially pines, become dry even for a short time the, trees are almost sure to die. When planting, a hole should be dug large enough so that the roots may be spread out and not erawded or doub- led up. The hole should also be deep enough so that the tree will be one or two inches deeper than it was in the woods or nursery. If the soil le at all poor, it should be discarded if possible and the hole filled with good soil which should come in close cone tact with the roots, and be trodden down. Manure should not .be put in the hole with the soil as it may burn the roots or make the soil so loose that it will dry ,out easily. Several Pamphlets dealing with tree planting for ornamental and other purposes are issued by the Ddminion Depart- ment of Agriculture.' They are a- vailable on application to the Public- ity and Extension Branch, Ottawa. DOINGS IN TIIE SCOUT WORLD Scout Medal! Awards For 1934 The annual report of the Boy Scouts Assdciation for 1934 shows the issue during • that year of 20 awards for rescue from drowning, one for rescue from a burning, build- ing and two for first did that was credited with saving life, One of the awards went to an American •Scout who made a rescue at a Canadian bathing beach. For rescues from drowning: Scout William Evans, aged 13, Waterloo, Ont. Scout Franklin Johnston, aged 13, North Sydney, N.S. Seout John Kemp, aged 17, Cad - bore Bay, B, C Scout Burdette Thomas, aged 13, Weyburn, Sask. ' Scout Robert Hilmot, aged 13, To- ronto. Seout Arthur Brewtz, aged 12, To - lento. Scout Stanley Gentle, aged 15, Hamilton,' Ont. Patrol Leader Kenneth Henry, ag- ed 15, Notre Dame de Grace, Que. Scout Wilfred Holmes, 18, Hamil- ton, Ont. Rover Scout J. 3 Ioworth, aged 22, Winnipeg, Scout Jack • Rawlings,, ,' aged14, Cgreenwille, N Y' ;Scoutmaster F. L. Sara, Caigaiy.. 1' Seoul Keith Z. Thompson, aged. X4, taws.• Wolf Cub 1.' 'C. Phillips, -'aged 12, Ottawa. Scout P. R. Co ljtlr rst, aged 13, Calgary. Scout Norman 11. Gray, aged 17, St. Catharines, Ont. Scout Kenneth Park, aged 15, Swift Current, Sask. , Awarded Certificates of Merit for successfulfirst aid in cases of a sev- ered artery: Patrol Leader Harold Siderson, ag- ed 16, Kitchener, Ont. Rover .Scout Edward Carson, aged 20, Edmonton: Awarded :Silver Cross for rescue of an aged woman from, a burning house and applying first aid for serious burns: Rover Scout Allan R. Beirnes, aged 17,, London, Ont. The total number of pedigree cer- tificates registered by the Canadian National Live Stock Records, ap- proved by the Dominion Minister of Agriculture during the month of Ap- ril, 1935, included 277 horses; 3,002 cattle; 249 sheep; 306 swine; 760 fox- es; 581 dags; 51 poultry, and one Saanen goat. The Federal Government of Aus- tralia has completed arrangements with the various Australian -states (New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tesmania) for the distribution of the bounty of 3d (six cents) per bush- el granted to last season's wheat crop. The increasing realization in Hol- land of the better results obtained in bread making by using larger quanti- ties of hard Manitoba wheat for mix- ing with soft South American end European products has caused an in- crease of imports of Canadian wheat into the Netherlands during the first quarter of 1935. Canadian macaroni imported into the British Isles has become so pop- ular that this Canadian export has reached to within measurable die- tepee of the big supplies from Italya 4111116 *me and France, relation and inter -dependence with treatment and pruning—almost as • • 4 fertilizer practice and pruning make one. The person -who, Would' under-- Fruit bud: -Formation i a phase 0 Would' s P a f it necessary to treat' these three bud foo stand ••mat •" n formation must have a 1 - recent �rnentt• fio study and its close problems`bud formation, fertilizer ltnowledge of pruning and fertrlrzers.. �: Nd A.NFw`. '{/4\Y•?Y. %pWLTa .. Yfid<�5'xIAM•• rw,z, You've made a smart looking job of that porch fur. 'niture, Bill.. Is Mat a special paint yo'u're 'using? •�`�c,. It's the'Multi• Use Enamel the wife used fortitelitchen. It's just as good for outdoors. Made by Martin$enour, you know, the people that make 200% PureP•aint.: Whatever you intend to paint, there is a special Martin-Senour product for the purpose. Five of the most popular are: MULTI -USE ENAMEL for all enamelling, outside or in. OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT for porch floors, steps, etc. MARBLE -ITE varnish for hardwood floors. NEU-TONE NEU-CLOS (Flet) (Seml•Glea.) for washable interior walls and ceilings. • IF IT NEEDS ENAMELLING: . you'll get best results with MULTI -USE ENAMEL, A scientifically prepared enamel of the highest duality, for outside or inside use. Dries flint -hard'. in four hours. Flows off the brush so smoothly: and levels itself out so evenly that inexperienced painters are thrilled at the fine work they cam. do with it. Ask us for Multi -Use color chart of 26 beautiful shades. See a sample of Multi -Use: painting. Note the brilliant gloss, smooth surface- and sparkling colors. Multi•Use Enamel is made by the makers of 100% Pure Paint, -Canada's finest house paint. MARTIN-SEN®UR INA PURE PAINT VARNISHES & ENAMELS awki_::: FOR FINELY -EXECUTED JOB WORK TRY THIS OFFICE Some of the Things we turn out here, and on Short Notice are: Drafts Ballots Badges Blotters Dodgers Cheques Receipts Placards Vouchers Handbills Bill Heads Pamphlets Catalogues Invitations Post Cards Statements Note Heads score Cards Menu Cards Programmes Milk Tickets Deposit Slips Order Blanks Laundry Lists Visiting Cards Show Printing Business Cards ISl ore Sale Bills Posters, all sizes Auction Sale Bills Admission Tickets Wedding Invitations Acknowledgement Cards Wedding Announcements Envelopes, all sizes & kinds. Meal Tickets • Letter Heads Bread Tickets Funeral Cards Window Cards Shipping Tags Coupon Tickets At Home Cards Butter Wrappers Society Stationery Dance Programmes Prescription Blanks Typewritten Circulars Advertising Programmes Circulars, all sizes and kinds And Our Prices are as Moderate as is Compatible with Good Materials and Good Workmanship. The Clinton News -Record $1.50 a year. Worth More AND IT'S A GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM