HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-05-16, Page 8'AGE 8 • THE CLINTON,,, Sb1;ECORD • FRESH . LAKE TROUT;; petit it HOME-MADE., SAUSAGE1c. 2 • lbs, for • .`.25c PEERLESS CATSUP 2 bottles i'ou .25c EADCHEESE, 3 lime, for'. " > SPARE RIBS, -2 -lbs. for' :,.'. •25e CHOIC'E SCHNEIDEw'S BULK{ LAR) per 111 •...•. , , .. 15e HOME-MADE LARD; • per . ,lb , ...... 15c SAUER' .1URAIJT, ' per quart' ,. , . 25c..... HAM'BUitG STEAK, -.2 Ibsi for 25c LAMB AND VEAL. STEWS„ per lb- ....... 12c CONN.L'L TYNDALL " CLINTON'S •LEADING MEAT .MARKET " • Phone 162. Albeit Street DOMINION. HARDWARE STORE. Complete Line of Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools Steele -Briggs Garden Seeds in Small and Large Size Pkgs... Screen Doors made of clear white, pine, Combination glass and Screen, Any Size maemeasomear Furniture Department LARGE SELECTION OF FLOOR,TABLE AND. BEDROOM LAMPS ON DISPLAY AT SPECIAL PRICES. STEEL BED WITH 12" PANEL. SPECIAL PRICE $7,50 SPINNETT DESK, Solid Birch BATHROOM MATS, Large and Small Sides BOOK ENDS "The Ancestrial Horne $7.00 $1.00 and $L35 $1,05 Sorter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS or, FUNERAL SE;RVICEs Phone Day or Night --.147W PRICES WITHINa THE MEANS OF EVERY FAMILY i 11 Canadian it proved Chicks I LEGIIORNS' 09e • WHITE BARRED ROCKS 10e. NEW BEATTY BROODER STOVE (One Only) $12.50 SPECIAL Whole Corn, per cwt. , , .$1.40 Egg Shell Combination, " ;80 Vita -Food Starter, cwt ...$2.75 O.A.C. Starter, cwt, 2.65 New Life Starter,• cwt2.65 38% OD Cake, cwt. . , . , 2.10 Dutch Sets, 2 lbs. for 20e • Peat Moss Litter $L80 Cattle Salt, cwt. .45 hydrated Lime, cwt, , , .5Q Irrsh Cobbler Potatoes per 90 lb. bag 85 Full Line Rennie's Mengel Seed' RTjgqELL L. JEIfZVIS Phone 104w and 194j 11 ERUCEFIELY3 •Mr, and Nrs, Dilort apo 141r, C, Wilson and. daughter, Gertrude, of Toronto-ppent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Kaiser -of De- troit visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe. Mr. C. Simpson and Mi. and Mrs, Dawson spent the week -end with friends in Petrolia and Inwood, Rev. Mr, Bander of Toronto repre- sentative of the Bible Society , will conduct Divine service next Sunday moaning, May 19th. Most interesting . 'services were held in the United church last Sunday it being M'other's day, There was a Other'- choir which rendered excel- lent music. The pupils of the Sunday school occupied the -centre pews which were well filled. Rev. W'. A. Bremner preached on the theme, "The Great Church Family." In the evening the 'Oddfellows service. was ' held, which was -well attended., HOLMESVJLLE Week -end visitors were: Mr. and Mrs, Morley Lannin, and • Miss Joy Kemp of Mitchell with Miss Francie Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Shaddiek and daughter, of Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. M. McFarlane and. Master Billie of Kintail) with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Potter. Mr. J. Howell of Bay City, Mrs, Baur and family of Bay Port, Mich., with Miss .Susie Acheson, ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm of Wing - ham with Mr, and Mrs. M..Stoelt. Mrs. Wlm, Mulholland was in Sar- nia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam ;MaclVlath and family -motored to London on Sunday where they visited Mies Helen Mac - Math. , Me. and Mfrs. Melvin Elliott and Master ' Donald. visited over the week -end' in Atwood with Mr. and „ Idrs. Porter. Mrs. J..M`ulholland ' has returned froth Detroit, where she, has been „visiting' with her daughter.• , . We are pleased to report that Miss Altalind McCartney has returned from , Gederich hospital where she recently underwentan operation,for tonsilla and is making a speedy re - Mr. Sant, Reid of Lucknow visited on Sunday, at the home of his sister, that gf Mr, and Ma's. Frank Whit - Mors, of the village. The May meeting of the W. M. S. and W.A. was held at the heme of Mrs. Wm. Yeo on Tuesday afternoon, With the •vico-president, • Mrs. 'Wm. Yee, in the ehair. After the worship period, interest- ing and helpful readings were given as follows: "A. Circle of Friendship" Mr•s, S. Walter; "The Art of Giving, Stewardship," Mrs. H. J. Trewartha; Temperance, Mrs. Wen. Yeo. .A, solo, "An Evening Prayer," was contributed by Miss Ada Finlay. Mrs. Elmer Potter in her very cap- able manner, gave a most interesting and full report of the ninth annual meeting of Huron W. M. S. Presby- terial which was held in Exeter on April 30th, • The minutes were read. After the .closing 'hymn Mrs. Fred Potter took charge of the .business of the W.A. During the social hour a "Variety" lunch was served. A Large congregation was present. on Sunday to listen to the M'other's Day service as conducted by the pas- tor, Rev. J. W. Herbert. After the Sunday School lesson was over a short temperance pro- gram prepared by Mips, Herbert was given. Miss Alma Trewartha read an appropriate paper on Temperance and a very lovely duet was sung by Misses Helen and Reta Yeo, accom- panied by Mrs. Will Yeo on the pi- ano. The Yi:P'.S.1 meethigi of the. past ,week was under the direction of Mr. ,Alvin 'Cox, missionary convener. A- bout thirty-five members were pre- sent. Rev. Mr. Herbert read the scripture reading and the topic. A very interesting missionary letter, Was read bly Mrs. Bill Jervis, Short readings were given by Misses .Alma Trewartha and Edna Huller. The meeting closed with +theMizpah ben- ediction. , This coming week, the Y.P.S. gath- ering is to be under the leadership •of Miss Webster, citizenship convener, and is to be on Thursday,even- ing ,-instead of Ftrid'ay. , A guest speaker, Miss , Margaret Forrest . of Seaforth, will take the, topic and ,a special request is being made for a full attendance, .parents -and" fried being invited also. ' The best always gets on th top in pulpit, strawberry boxes, business, office or shops It is So also in the ease of 'our Avondale and Ellsworth Writing 'Pads and Sheets. In the lower priced writing papers they are. high value and quality for the price. Real living; so the fishermen say,. begins at`the water's edge, Nature will .soon be smiling' a welcome To enjoy t1ie' day the possession of fit- ting tackle is ,7cegniied, Are your, hooks, "lines, `sinkers, pgles, leaders, bait at hand? A new one and an attractive one in writing paper is a fold -over pad and apackage of envelopes to match.; Either kid or linen finish, cellophane' wr.apped,`the paper has the new rip- ple edge and,29c is the pril:e for paper and envelopes. l Wlatch our prices and price our 'I (toy) watches. A very attractive one, wrist style, just added to our stock. They go for one cent each. Magazines that cater particularly, to Spring Fashions are now in de- mand. The lady who hasn't a pench- ant for news about the latest fash- ions hasn't been born yet. , So the seasional tip is Buy a F'ashion Maga- zine. Theie's nothing just as good as Wall Paper to make the home walls smile. Tile 1 . D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always tine Best IIIIIIIIIIIIN 1p!!!lIIl 1001101 i12a•s. C. Shanahan is visiting this week with her sister in Detroit. Mfrs. Jas. Thornton of Toronto visit- ed Itos. C. H...Bartliff on Sunday. Mrs. Weir of Detroit is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr•, R. E. Manning. Mrs. J. F. Reynolds spent the week- end in Goder•ich with her son, Mr, J. B. Reynolds. Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson of Windsor were callers with Miss L. Brigham an Thursday last. Miss Isabelle Holmes of Victoria Hospital, tonden, visited with her parents on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. McDonald of Hensall spent Sunday with her niece, Miss Zetta Bawden of town. Mrs, Wan. Robertson visited the past two weeks with her niece, Mts. .McGregor of Constance. Mr. Benson Corless of Hamilton spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mus. Garrett of Blyth were recent visitors with the lady's anothor, Mrs. S. McCool, Albert street. Mrs. Jack Brown of Stratford and Mrs. Ballantyne of Bhussels were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Roberton. Mr. J. E. -Shepherd of Toronto mot- ' ored up this week to visit his aunt, Mrs. Alice Robson, and called on -several of -his old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberton of Winnipeg are spending their va- cation with Mi. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton, Clinton, and friends in Stratford, Mayor Holmes was in Toronto the beginning of the week attending a druggist's convention. Ek -Mayor Trewartha accompanied hiin on a business trip. Mrs. T. B. McKenzie and sons, Ed- win and Wilfred, of. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie and: Malcolm and Jeanne Were ' week.-eiid visitors with M'rs. Thos. • McKenzie. Miss Clark of The News -Record spent the week -end in Toronto and Pick- ering, being called to the latter place by the death of her elder brother, W. J. Olark, of Pickering, whose funeral took place on M'on- day afternoon. AUBURN The Sunshine Club under the lead ership of Vivian •Straughan, held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Morti- more.' After the opening exercises the program included a recitation by June Marsh; song, Betty. Craig, Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan; read- ing, Helen Marsh; solo, Zeta Munro. Looking up Bible ,passages led by Miss. Violet iSharpe. The address was given by M'rs. lVT,ortinrore on the substance of a lyric,- "Jesus Needs Mie for a witness, ,Seldier and Pilot." This was composed by Mss Margaret Small and set to music by Mrs. W. 3. Mortimore, a copy of which was pMiss 1 presented to Sura l in a'bsentia.,, A, vote of thanks to M'rs. M'o'ti pore was presented by Vivian Straughan, The • loeal IbasebalI team ' had its • first practise on Monday night on ONE FRIEND O'NEIL'S BIG WEEK -EN TELLS :ANOTHER THURS., MAY 19, 935 IJ,IT FIN EAFPLES AT A NEW LOW PRICE, .:LARGE • AND JUICY at 19c each SPECIAL - PRICE FOR ,CANNING ES G ORAN .�:. SWEET AND :.� � ° JUICY at 2Sc citizen RED AND viiirrt Always In -the Lead. 11 Fruits at;Special Prices for Auction Prices Bananas, per dozen Week -end and Clearing everything onSaturday at We have a Large quantity to sell. 19c Lemons, pet' dozen` Grain ;'trult;.'large "size 4 for 25c VISIT OUR MARKETERIA At Our Usual Low Prices .e,;ZSc, FOR THE WEEK -END Macaroni; 5 ibs:.'for New ,Cheese,'2'lbs. for ' Maxwell Coffee, 1 lb. tin soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for Marshmallow and Peach Biscuits Large Tin Salmon, Red Sockeye Soap ,Palmolive, 3 for Kirk's Castile Soap, 3 bars for Carnation Milk, 2 for Corn Flakes,' Kellogg's, 2 for Wonderful Soap, 9 for 25c 30c 37c 25c 15c 33c 14c 14c 19c 15c . 25c WEEK -END SPECIALS: C. and B: Catsup, 2 for 24c Corn, Golden Bantam, 2 for 19c `Granulated Saugal,10 lbs. for 52c Tomato Juice, 6 for 25c Tomato Juice, large size 10e 69c oc 'Harry Horner (glass), Jelly Powder . 10e Bowe's Baking Powder and Premium 25c Fancy Jubilee Biscuits, per lb. 25c Brooms, 5 -string 39e Pail of Pearl or Comfort Soap McLaren's Jelly Powder FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 3 Bunches of Carrots 25e Asparagus, Hoine-Grown '10c Wax Beans, Tomatoes, Celery STRAWBERRIEtS LETTUCE WALKERSIDE'S ICE CREAM "CONES AND BRICKS" FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon; Sliced; per lb. 25e Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c .Back, Peameal, slicedWemers, per Ib.° 15c 2 Tins Corn Beef 21c 35c Lunar Loaf 35e For the Children, Friday Morning -FREE -Ice Cream. Cone and Scribbler, with an Order Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T.''N King's Birthday CELEBRATION AT CLINTON, JUNE 3RD , auspices of Business Men's Assn. Proceeds to be used for Park Im- provements Morning Program Baseball Game Wingham Vs. Clinton Afternoon C,alithmnpian Parade, Races, Fegts of Skill, Etc. • Baseball Hensall Vs. Winner of Morning Game. Horseshoe Tournament—Good Prizes: Evening Program Concert -Willie Bell and his Inter- national Revue. Dane ---Music supplied by Shorty Grant's, Orchestra. See dodgers and Posters for further particulars. the diamond on Harry Sturdy's field. Friends :of Mips. Lear and Mrs. George Sturdy are sorry to hear of, the death of -their sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Sheppard of Clinton. John Manning who is now malt- ing his home with his daughters, has 'sold his house and lot in the vil- lage to Levi Maewoed, of D'ennybreok who, with his sister, Mrs. Robb, will move from his farm in the early fall to nuke hiss residence in Auburn. tj peculiar accident happened to a cow belonging to Mrs. Bert Jones of West Wawanosh, while pasturing on Wilson's farm. About 600 cords of wood had been piled on this lot, hav- ing been -cut during the winter and had been piled hi rows. As: the cow was eating grass it wandered be- tween the piles of wood and became wedged. Mr. Wilson, walking through the pasture discovered de animal'ls plight. The wood had to be taken down before the cow was released but it wasp so badly injured from its efforts to get out that it. died. LONDON ROAD • Mr. Mervyn Farquhar and Mr. Smith of Detroit motored over and spent the weekend at the home of the former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. Clegg. Mtrs,'Farqu- har accompanied her son on -his re- turn to Detroit for a little visit. Masters Billy and Charlie Hanly spent a few -days last week with re-• latives in . Clinton. GODEIRICII3: In county • court Monday, Judge Costello dismissed with costs of sop -damage action of W. Roy Jones against W: Stephenson, both of Wingham,. His honor held that the sale of 'the property the farmer skating and curling rink in March 1923 by ' Stephenson to one Murray Jahnsen,was bona fide .and that the .price' 56,000 was not exor bitant, arid that therefore damages asked "'on the Score of attempted it-• legal eviction, were not substantiat- ed. The leas. from Stephenson to one' Weatherall 'who •assigned it to Jones, bore a clause that ip event of 4111111111311111111111=M1111661.1131r 411111=11113111=1111111===1111‘111111114/11111=111111116. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETER A Phone 48 sale, the lessee was to vacate with- in 45 days, The judge further held that Jones knew the condition of the property when he took over in Sep- tember, 1930 and therefore could not •dlaim damages foe failure of the landlord to repair the building. The action was dismissed with costs and the counter -claim of •Stephenson was also dismissed, but without costs. The case lusted the better part of two days, CHOICE ROSE BUSHES Limited quantity of Prize Win- ning Hybrid Tea Varieties , Bonny Bos—Coral Pink. Rapture --Peach, Briarcliff—Rose Pink. Pernet—Yellow, Templar --Red, 1 40c EACH 1-5 PANSY PLANTS Field -grown, strong and in bud and bloom 25c A BOX. THE EARLIEST CABBAGE • GOLDEN ACRE NOW READY -25c A BOR SEED POTATOES FOR .SALE Limited Quantity—COBBLERS Fr R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association. Phones 176 and 31. Call at T. HAWKINS for Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON THAT PLUMBING YOU ARE GOING TO. DO THIS SPRING T. Hawkins HARDWAiE•and PLUMBING Phone 244 41.1141.11:1=1 MO" A Good Time to Save Mone Buy furniture now as you surely will save and we have the stock to select from A BRAND NEW MOHAIR GHESTERFIELD SUITE, A SWELL NEW STUDIO COUCH in silk Repp with reversible cush- ions..Made by the Marshall Mattress Company, at a BARGAIN. THEN FOR YOUR SUMMER FURNITURE— Be sure and look over our stock before you buy. W'e will give you the best values you ever got. • TAKE A GUESS ON OUR CONGOLEUM RUG— No obligations, and you may win a rug worth 55.00. , HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of LAW( MOWERS, LAWN AND GAR- DEN TOOLS of all kinds. PAINTING IS RIGFIT ON, and we have the stock to meet your reguirements. ELECTRIC RANGES, COAL OIL AND GASOLINE STOVES— and all the stock an up-to-date Hardware Store should have. OUR POLICY—SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. BALL & ZAPFIE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPPE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. • GREAT NEWS 1 T. McKNIGI-IT & SON ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW GROCETERR Thursday Morning May I6 3 Big Baskets of Groceries given away Free ONE GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY OF THIS BIG SALE GET COUPONS AT OUR COUNTER A Few of Our Bargains GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 53e MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 lb. tin 37c SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE, 3 tins for , 25c FREE—SHOPPING BAGS AND. SAMPLES TO THE FIRST 200 LADIES VISITING OUR. NEW GROCETEKIIA , KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES„ 3 pkgs. for 23c TOMATOES, AYLMER, tall tin.;, each ........... . ....... . 5e CROSS AND BLACKWELL CATSUP, Iarge 120 In Our Meat Department BFEAKFAST BACON, l/2's sliced 13%2c COOKED HAM, 1-2 lb. 25e BACON, Finest back, 1-2 lb. .... .19e SLICED BOLOGNA, per lb. 121/zc Fruits at Real Special Price ORANGES, regular 30c -Sale. Price,per dozen' 25c LARGE PINEAPPLE, may . 20e TOMATOES, FRESH, 2 lbs. for 25c ,�. T McKN I_ IGHT & SON "Your Superior Store" • Phone 111,0 • WIC Still. the Bost For Lew