HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-05-09, Page 8rAG,E8' MCf FRESIT LAKE :TROUT AN*D WHITE FISH • SCHNEIDEB'S LARD', h . pails ti•.. ',$2,85 SPARETRIBS, 2BULK lbs. for ILD per lb. .. 25c 25c HOME-MADE SAUSAGES, 2 lilt. for .. , .... 1 :........ :..... . 25c •RAMB'I,R;G STEAK 2 lbs. ;for, Z,Sc HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs for 25c MACARONI AND CHEiESE LOAF,, per lb. db25c COOKED' 'CORNED }BEEF, per lb. 20c ROAST JIAM,• With, Dressing per 'lb. 4 c COO NEL• :a& TYNDALL. • " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET'" Phone 462.. A1brt Street' DOM•l ° oisi. HARDWARE STORE Complete Line of Lawn Mowers and G'a'rden Tools Steele -Briggs Garden Seeds in small a pd Large Size Pkgs. Screen Doors made of clear white pine, Combination glass and Scree; Any Size Furniture Department Specialthis Week FIVE PERCENT. OFF ON CARD TABLES, END TABLES AND COFFEE TABLES COMPLETE LINE OF SPRINGS RANGING FROM 5.25 TO 8,11.50 ,STUDIO COUCH, 'COMPLETE WITH WARDROBE BOX,. EXTEN- SION BED, COIL SPRING MATTRESSES, COVERING IN LIGHT .BROWN. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK AND NEXT. Sutter—Perdue—Beattie -Beattie • DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES • Phone Day or. Night -14'7w. HJR. SERVICES ARE COMENSURATE WITH THE BEST • CENT A MILE Round Tregi EXCURSION fI oituumFares: Adults 73c: Children 40c.) • Sat Mag 18 from CLINTON •To TORONTO Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, Chatham, Sarnia, Londota. Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris; ;Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and s t Intermediate Points. ALSO ON FRIDAY, MAY 17 !me .Cshawp 43,RAEppe, Cobour9,'1'rbnton, Belleville, ICingstnn, Gananoque, Brockville. Prescott Mb rstal •g Cornwall', Uxbridge, Lindsay, Ppterborn, Campbellford, 'P.•urgra klgvvpjurbol: iandalo, Coll ingwood, Meeferd, 1.'+aneta?g• Barna, Cri1lis, Mipted Grave , gap, P40trbrjOg', Huntoville, North Boy and anionrrreediatePoh,te. drTQ:4NTowne inNewchltarl Mips ofTomisbaming&Nartherh.Ontario Bly„ ,ohm CEutzaY 414E 3i1't3?n :ply,;,. to Ifapuskasiuq, EParet, inn Longlac til rL11.914e.—_ Ati-iRACYION-Io'�n,.°.r°''-''—VA,TV RDAY, MAY 18 Ontario Jockey Club—Spring Meeting/ King's :13:55 International League Baseball, Toronto vs. Rochester fe.reee 3t:ckgts,lielyrnbitnits and TraintnformationfromAgents. As, rt Handball. , t ', T, CLAN , PHONE 35. CANADIAN NATIONAL TLI.'•n.ERSMITR Miss Pearl Newman of Hamilton and Miss Luella Walkinshaw visited with 1VIV,,, and Mi.;s; P: ',Townsend on Thursday last. A Young People's Conference in connection with the Huron Presbytery will be held in Seaforth on May 16. Afternoon session at 2.30 and even- ing session at 8 p.m. Miss Semmens of Toronto will speak. Miss Vera Trick of London spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, F. Town- send, Miss Margaret Broadfoot of Ham- ilton Normal School was at S. S. No. 4 for her week-of•praetise teaching in a country school Iast week, Mr, Coulson and daughter of High- land Crieek and Mrs. Scott and Miss r i Isabel of Markham 1 sit@il with Mr. and Mrs, 1?, `T'Owns,en4 on Monday fast. I , 'Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Union Service in Clin- ton on Sunday evening last. • The regular meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies" Club was held at the home of Mrs G; O'Brien on,M'ay rho i first with thirty -live memhers and four` visitors pies"eut. The roll call Was, answered by the name of your favourite flower. The program in- cluded readings by Mrs. L. Lawson, Mrs. Harold Crieh, Mrs. V. Terryber- ry and Miss Irene Garrett. An 'ad- dress on the culture of roses was giv- en by Mrs. Reid Torrance of Porter's Hill. Slips and roots were exchanged among the members. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs, Newman Garrett on June 6th. The roll call will '+ be answered by naming a Canadian 'Beauty Spot. will reside on the groom's farm, 0th concession. We wish for them a happy voyage through life. On Friday "evening the Men's Club was pleased to see a full house a- bout 150 being present to hear Mr. Perris give his address on "The Pow- er of Thought." This was indeed a very interesting subject and one which we trust will benefit many who had the opportunity to hear it. Mr. Rosenfield, a gold medal violinist, de- lighted the audience with several selections. Miss Edna Elliott, Clin- ton, accompanied him on the piano. Little Sean Elliott sang twice during the evening, We are always pleased to hear her as she has a wonderful voice for a little child, Mrs. Reid Torrance and Dora Harrison gave a duet, also Mrs, K. Harris and Ray Cox. A silver collection was taken. We are 001'ry that Miss Jap .412ell is not yet able to return to her • school duties. Her illness has enterferred some with the giving of the play "here Comes Charlie," as she had a leading part. But we trust that things will right themselves and they engagement's may not. have to be cancelled. Mr. MrcLiiiiiien, principal of Tees water sclibbl, for in teacher ht Porter's Rill, spent the Webk-hhhd with the Harrison families, Today Mi. Fred Elliott and helpers are preparli' ttiie diamond for the softball on the 'club grounds, A se- cond dianloiid has been prepared on Mr. Bert Cox's farm: Looks as if the boys were going to have exercise this 'summer. • PORTER'S hILL On Saturday, IViay 4th, at 10 o'clock a.m. a, happy. event took 'placer at the . .parsonage, Holmesville, when Rev. Herbert joined in holy wedlock Olive May, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Robert Fuller, to James Alexander McMillen, son of Mr. J. McMillen and the late Mss. Mchillen, 6th con- ,ces,sion Gederich township, The bride Was a picture of loveliness in ,a dress. of Bermuda blue. Theyoung-couple were ,.:unattended,• . After • the:.eere- sony they motored to •London and St. Thomas 'the bride travelling in , g a prey coat and hat with matehing accessories. ' On their :return ,they With the approach 02 +next Sunday OUT • thoughts fondly turn to the re- membrance of our mallets. Wiwi:her they are still with us 9r whether they; Bare gone, might we not well renew i 'her them= and the ideals they have) taught us. Home, Love, lltother - are words full of meaning and endure. :our endreer, and,,,does -not the one sword "Mother" about include .the, oth- er two tf there is a sacrillcrai•'role on the stage of life is it not the moth- er's ;and most wonderfulit is .they: don't know it; so freely ,and willing-, ly do they do .their part.. What debt do we owe them, the arithmetic 'look will not supply the figures, it quires a. -,higher arithmetic which cal- culates love, loyalty, (sacrifice, for= giveness, selfforgetfulness. You will do 'well to remember her and do let her knowthat you de—..write a letter —or. send a card. Our stock will fur- nish the card expiessing appropriate sentiment, and they are artistically designed. It•will mean much to her to know you remember, Tile W D. Fair Co Often, the Cheapest—Always the Best PEi I�I���� oio+IWnullllll+m !Salm ii u u Othiliguit Miss Helen Roberton was with Brut sets friends last week. Miss F. Brydone visited her home in Milverton over the week -end and holiday, Miss Vera Trick of London visited . friends in town and vicinity over the week -end. .Mr. and 1Vlrs, G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn 3 -tall spent the week -end and holiday in Toronto, Mist Hattie Courtice was in Hamil- ton over the week -end visiting her brother and his fancily. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. A. Walker spent the week -end with 14r, and Mrs. Ed. yv'.s.tson of 'Hamilton. 1Vfiss Ruby Ti'lvin and her niece, Miss Doreen Vey of St Marys, spent the week -end in Hamilton. Mr. W. A. Chamber's of Hamilton paid tt flying visit to his sister, Urs, A. T. Lucas titin Week. Miss Edythe Johnson of the General Electric Co., Toronto,, spent the week -end at her home in town, Misses Eva Cluff and Norma Bentley spent Sunday and the holiday with - !the Misses Gunne of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Williams of Ford- wich were guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. W. McKenzie Iest week -end. Ml. A. T. Lucas and bride arrived in 'Clinton on Monday. They were married in Fort Erie on Saturday. Major E. A. Corbett and Mrs. Cor- bett of Fordwich were in town for the Jubilee Concert on Monday ev- ening. Mrs. it B. Chant and Mrs. C. J. Farr of St, Catharines are visiting this weep with the former's daughter, Mrs. J. A Sutter. Mr, and 1Vfrs. Orville McAdams, nee Stella Hunniford, .ef London were yrsitars on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, VVI, S. Miller. Mr. John McNaughton of Tendon cal- led on friends.nn Clinton on Tues- day on his way to Gederich, drop- ping in to renew his sub. to The News -Record, Mr' and Mss. N'eiriOn and Mr. Bruce 1111gga3'f etc Chatham were guests +over the week -end •of the latter's jla.kents, titre and Ma's. W. J. Big- gart of Clinton. Miss Margaret Pluresteel of the Western cane up for the week -end and on Monday Mr. and Mts. W. J.• Plumsteel motored their daughter back to Landon. Mrs. A. Wleathel'wax and dtughters, Misses Catherine and Raye, illia were week -end guests of the lady s father' and sitar, Ie b. Cantelon gild Mrikb `dr`oth'y Cate Mr. and Mr.'s. Thos. Hillock, Strat- ford, 'have moved into their home on the 6th concession. Mr, Hillock has been an employee of the 0,11.11,, for 85 years and has come back to the farm of .his childhood to enjoy the rein -alb; der of his days. This sures', speaks j well for this neigh:borliood We wel-1 come ,them to our boinmumty and hope they may be 'disliked many years.,. WHY•NOT? A. man was buyrrig a suitcase but! none ofthose slio'wn pldaied hint at all When I.`buy a bag;' he declared, "I like Ito see some eoW hide in it." i Said the merFhant 'r should "want trtokse An 1 a' i agician yet?" loft Mi Ralph Tiplady, Mr, and N s. W. Tr lad' and Mrs W.T.p Y Henry spent Monday Jubilee'• i}ay, With the former's son in law and daugh- ter Mi•. 'anal Mrs. Dohald MacLeod of Goderich. My and Mb s 'hi B. Manning and lit- tle sons, Masteis Jack and Doug- las, of Toronto were week -end vis- itors with their respective parents, Mr. 'end' kiss. R. E. Manning and Mr.' and Mrs. X J. Morrish, 11M•a and... Mrs, M'. T. Coxless, Dorothy, and Alvin,. Spent'. part . of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs I•CB;easley_of Brantford, en route to Hamilton;° ;Grimsby, St. Catharines and the, : Pall$ for' the Monday holiday; ro-' THURS:,gAiZ,s'l93 ONE .FRIEND O'NEIL'S RED AND WEErrE TELLS ANOTHER Alway* in the . t tl I, a��, the Month for Salad , Suggeste ranges. Bananas,Carrots, t , Marshiriellows Lettuce and Mayonnaise Golden Salad 5 Orange Slices. 2' tablespoons' grated.Cocoanut. 2 tablespoons grated Carrots.' Lettuce Mayonnaise. Arrange lettuce on Salad plates. On this circle —5 orange slices. Sprinkle with cocoanut and car- rot. Garnish with Mayonnaise. Serves one. Large Juicy Oranges, per dozen 39c and 49c Cocoanut, per lb. New Carrots, 2 bunches for Lettuce, Leaf, from Maynonaise Miracle. Whip 23c 17e 8c to 10c 21c JUBILEE,WEEK SPECIALS — British, Of Course C. & B. Catsup, 2 for 25e Jubilee Lux Offer (Still On). Royal Portraits, Lux 23c . (1 Small Lux Free) Imported Pastes for Sandwiches 25c Eggs Graded at An Advanced Price in Trade FRIGTDAIRE' Breakfast ]Bacon, lb.; piece 286; Lunch Loaf, r. per lb. 286 Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c Clinton and Servus Butter, per lb..., 26c Pickled Lamb Roll; per lb. 20c Bacon and Cooked Meat Cut to Your Liking FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Grape Fruit, thin skinned, 5 for 25c Lemons, large size, per dozen 25c Bananas, per dozen 14c to 25c New Cabbage, Asparagus, Strawberries, Pineapples We :will Soon Be Ready. To Fill Orders for Pineapples For Canning. FREE DENBY CHINA FREE SHEFFIELD SILVER— Pail of ;Soap -10 Pearl or Comfort 69c SPONGi1E CAKE BOXES • Cut Spongue Cake in squares—cut out centres and fill with fresh strawberries—or any other fresh fruits—Serve with whipped cream. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. King's Birthday CELEBRATION JUNE'3RD-IN CLINTON • under auspices Businessmen's Assn, Big C'alithuinpiaa Parade, Baseball!, Races, Feats of. Shill, Horseshoe Tournament aint e41er Events. BIG CONCERT AT NIGHT followed by a MONSTER DANCE KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Watch for Further Announcements turning, however, for the Commun- ity King's Jubilee entertainment in Clinton Monday evening. LUNDESBORO The May meeting of the W. L was held in the Community Hall on May 2nd with the president, Mrs, E. Ad- ams, presiding. Meeting opened in the usual form by singing the open- ing ode and the Lord's prayer in uni- son. Minutes of •last meeting read and roll eaIIed by the secretary, Mrs. Brunsdon, A. vote to decide if a charge should be made for the month- ly teas was taken and was carried, to take a silver collection at each meet- ing as well as the penny collection. Dr. Milne of Blyth then gave a very interesting talk on children's diseases, advising all parents to use the toxine for the protection of their children against many prevalent dis- eases. The election resulted in the follow- ing officers being returned: President: Mrs. E.A dams. 1st Vice Mrs, Geo. McVittie. 2nd Vice;M,rs, Geo, ;Moon, See, -Treasurer: Mrs. Frank Hall. District Dltotter 1 J w. W, Allen. F`lewsr Corniriittee: MViiss Bell Nott, I rb, J. P. Manning. Program Committee: Mrs. W. Al- len, Mrs. J, MeCool, 1VI'ss. M. Ross, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Press Secretary:, Mrs. M. Manning. 'Pianists: Mrs, J,' Armstrong, Mts. T. Pickett. Hall gmeundi 1V3i•s. E, %lint, Mrs. Bru6sdon, Mrs. IVt. Manning, Mrs. Weed, "vat, F, Little, Mrs-. Sun - kis, F Hb l gave' a very interest- ing report of the year's work and "Mit. 11. 1'3iuhsdon, secretary, gave the financial report, all of which went to show that the ladies had been busy in friii.4y ways during the past year. Re- freshments were served at the close by MA's. J. H. Shobbrook, Nlrs, Mar- garet Manning and 'qrs. Geo, Pol- lard. d Mr. and Mrs. WIII Tamblyn and son, John, 62 'Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. J, Tamblyn, re turning home on 'Monday, accompan- ied by the formter% mother, who will remain a few weeks on ,a visit. Mrs. E. Crawford, who spent the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Kunkle of Niagara Palls, has returned .to .he, home here. Aa with other crops, the . surface soil of the rose ,bed should ,be kept loose by frequent shallow hoeing or raking.+r Tiiis psaeetiee not only -keeps llown;weeds, hut allows the air to_, en -HARDWARE and PLUMBING •ter'the'-soil and conseives moisture; 1 • ' Phone 244 S ' EIAL THIS WEEK SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE 50c PERMANENT WAVES— $3.00;, $3.50, $5.00 and 57.00 26-1. Henri +eauty Shop Isaac St.,, Phone 223. FLOWERS FOR MOTHER on her DAY SUNDAY, MAY 12TH, 1935 Our special stock -of choice plants and Cut Flowers will please -you. F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member; of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association. Phones 176 and 31. 'Call at T. HAWKINS for Martin-Sen�ur Paints and Varnishes LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON THAT PLUMBING YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS SPRING T. • IL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 4 AGood Time to Save MoneyBuy furniture now as you surely will save and we have the stoc to select from A BRAND NEW MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD SUITE. A SWELL NEW STUDIO COUCH in silk Rept) with reversible cush- ions. ,Made by the Marshall Mattress Company, et a BARGAIN. THEN FOR YOUR SUMMER FURN.ITURE— Be sure and look over our stock before you buy. We will give yon the best values you ever got. TAKE A GUESS ON OUR CONGOLEUM RUG— No obligations, and you may win a rug worth $5.00. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of LAW3sl MOWERS, LAWN AND GAR- DEN TOOLS of all kinds. PAINTING IS RIGHT ON, and we have the stock to meet your reguirements. ELECTRIC RANGES, COAL OIL AND GASOLINE STOVES— and all the stock an up-to-date Hardware Store should have, OUR POLICY—SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, • Phone J. J, ZAPFE, Phone 110. 195. • Phone 103. JUILEEGREAT TD 0 F D SALE CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK THESE VALUES AYLUER CHOICE? PEAS, No. 4 Sieve, 2 tins for 190 AYLCER PEAC'H'ES, real bargain, caeh 17c 19c AYLMER WHITE CORN, per tin 10e AYLMER CATSUP, 2 bottles -, .. , ., ... , , .25c AYLMER PUMPKIN, 2 for 23c AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, 16 oz., 3 tins for 19c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, 5 for • 25e GRANULATED SUGAR, 5 lbs. for 27c FIG BAR BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25e RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM ,32 oz. only 31c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 Ib. tin 390 FANCY PINK SALMON, Fs.,15c FANCY PINK SALMON, 1-2's, 2 fr 19c ROBIN•HOOD QUICK OATS, large pkg. 23c AYLMER BONELESS CHICKEN, per tin 27c AULMER TOMATOES, large, 2 tins for Kelvinator Specials BOLOGNA„ 2 lbs. for 2,5c COOKED' HAM, Ye lb. for 25c- BACON, 5eBACON, BREAKFAST, Sliced, per lb, 290 JELLIED VEAL, per lb. 29c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF, per lb. 25e IN Sper lb. W� ER 19c Fruits and Vegetables LEAP LETTUCE, large bunches . ............. ...10c CELERY HEARTS, per bunch..................................15c NEW CARROTS, 3 bunches for 25c FRESH ASPARAGUS TIPS, each: ........... . . . 10c NEW CABBAGE, per Ib.10c FRESH TOMATOES, '2 lbs. for 25c LEMONS„'extra large size fancy quality-, dozen 350 GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for .. 25c ORANGES, per dozen ........... . . . . .. , ,....,..29e and 39e • emersomenmenue T. McKNIGHT ei SON "Your Superior Store” W. Skil the Beal For Leet Phone 111 • CLINTON