HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-03-21, Page 7THURS.,:.MARCH 21, 1935
Serve the
Edited By Mabel R. Clark
est Tea
Rumio��io�s of BeVetaV
W.' Column Prepared Especially for Women—
But Not Forbidden to Men
(Copyright) "
Let rite tell of a young man ofwill drag him down in Morals and
whom I have knowledge a young aims is he who . is going nowhere --
man who lived in a small town. His just' drifting. I ,
father` was rich and illiterate -- I Youth is apt to be vain. It wants
shrewd and hard; a man of precise
habits but of coarse•ways and'appe
tithe. The mother of this young man
wet 'a slave in her own household.
Her husband repressed her. Ile al -
Age is a quality of mind,
If you have left your -dreams' behind,
If hope is lost,
if you no longer leek ahead,
If your ambitions' fires are dead
Then you are old.
But if from life you take the best,
And if ie. life youkeep the jest,
If love you. hold—
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how thebirthdays fly,
You are not old!
—Great Thoughts.
Have you ever thought .over your
friends and marvelled how they dif-
fer in the matter of growing old?
Seine people seen to be old from
'their youth. They are easily discour-
aged; they lack the forward vision
• and so quickly are ready to give tip
and "quit" if things go wrong.
Others never seem to. grow old, no
matter how many birthdays they have
passed.' They look forward to life;
they understand youth' and its out-
look and youth looks up to and ap,
predates : them.
Itis all in the spirit, ,of course.
The body grows old nn spite of one,
the hair loses its lustre and the skin
takes on its \wrinkles. But the spirit.
within may remain as alert as ever.
The heart inay still stay young.
I4 is only those ,people with the
young spirits who should have any
thing to do .with young folk or chil-
dren. They should be the teacher's,
the instructors, for only they can
have the patience necessary to do
with their inexperience and the fool-
' ishness. It is only as youth gives
way to years' and experience that one
• can loots back over those years and
realize just how foolish one has been.
And with the young -spirited one
• there is a very veal tenderness in
• the heart fol this youthful foolish-
ness. It is not long to think back to
the time when one was going through
the same experiences and due allow-
ances are made.
!Some folk seem to go on the as-
sumption that as children and young
people they were always sensible; at -
ways considerate and always did the
right thing at the right time and
they cannot have any patience with
headlong, impatient and often selfish
and inconsiderate youth. But I doubt
if anyone, even the staidest old lady
or gentleanm living was always' so
staid ad so proper. It would be a
mighty dull world if children were
like that. Youth would not be youth
without its ienxperienee, its head-
longness, its assumption that it is
right and that the world will be made
over as soon as it can get around to
it. • Wo were all like that and we
should not become so staid and so
settled that we forget the feeling.
Let us cultivate a youthful spirit,
even we cannot keep the grey from
the locks or the crow:sfeet from the
eyes. We shall miss nothing by the
I effort, indeed, - we shall miss 'touch
ff we' settle down to be "just old
people" too early in life, or indeed,
until it is impossible to do anything
else. "Age is .a quality of mind,"
A bandy guide on how to buy
graded foods has just been issued by
the Dominion Department of Agri-
culture, - As many varieties of Cana -
dim food products offered for sale In
retail stores are graded according to
quality, the summary of these pro -
duets and the explanation of the
grades contained in the guide will be
found to be of considerable assistance
to the buyer. The principal commo-
dities dealt with .are eggs, poultry
canned fruits and vegetables, fresh
fruits and vegetables, maple syrup
to show off. It ,'waxt% to attraet t he
attentions of others. It wants to
brag and 'beast. St can be easily in-
toxicated be -praise. And so we see
young fellows eager to excel in 'sport
lowed her but a pittance for house- and to get their name into the news
keeping. He gave her no servants
This woman had to prepare the meals
for her exacting husband so that they
would be to his liking and served at
the very minute set for them. She
had to do all the housework. She
had no visitors, no enjayments, no
' comaiensations. ,She pampered her
son who returned hno affection e
ff ction or
1 gratitude.
The father neglected his son—let
him run wild, only demanding that
he be in the house at meal times
and early in the evenings. The
Ifather gave his son, no pocket mnoey;
what, .money he received came from
his mother's purse --her meagre 'sav-
ings from her housekeeping allow-
ance. The son went to school, but
against his will, and learned very
little. In his late teens the father
sent him off to a university in a
nearby city, and gave him a month -
1 ly allowance of 95 over and above his
board money. The father wanted
his son to be "eddicated" whenhe
entered his business. But circum-
1stances .led to the son's returning to
, his home town, with the abandon-
• ment of his university course, at the
end of the first year.
The son's tastes were low and vic-
ious. IIe sought his companions in
pool rooms and beer parlours. Ile
was "pit" for gamblers, to whom he
gave IOU's for his losses, these be-
ing taken in the confidence that the
"old man" would pay his son's debts
of "honour" When the situation be-
came terrifying the 'son stole money
and fled. To the very end he was uo
good -a burn.
maple 'sugar, honey, butter, and
graded beef.
ealth L.ccivice
OF nig
GambianJ' rrdiral ,1!oL1aaiixirr`t
and Life Insurance Companies in Canada.
I suppose that every small town
produces bums— youths who are
spineless and who, find their gratifi-
cations in places and employments
and Measures of the debasing kind,
They like to be where conversations
are gross and obscene, where oaths
are many in every sentence, where
honest work is held in low esteem,
where lust and vice and dishonor are
I wonder if the youth of Clinton
will permit me to say some things
to then on the.subject of how to live.
And what I may say is likewise for
youth who live on farms; for they,
too, have their problems and temp-
First of all, I bid you to decide, if
yeti can, on what you want to be, do
ar have in the anatnrity of your life.
Choose a goal if you possibly cavi.
What do you want Most to do, be or
have when you are 40 or 50 years
Edited by. old?
GRANT FLDMING, MD., Associate Secretary
You may find it hard to maim a
1.iEA5LESparents who heedlessly or thought- choice, because you may lack a clear
I lessly expose their young •children to perception of your inclinations' and
ineasles are taking a grave risk with capacities. Many ee yeti, when yott
the lives of.their little ones, nolle up wage -paid -employment, will
The child with measles should be get into kinds ofwork or occupations
in b"d in a well -ventilated room which are not of your choice, but of
Most of the deaths from measles are your opportunity: Thus, you may
due to the complications, notably get into a retail store; or into an o± -
pneumonia, and these complications flee; or you may enter banking; or
very frequently develop from neg you.may become 'a machinist, or, do
ligence, particularly in allowing the some other kind of manual work; or
little patient 'to get out of bed too you inay decide to' go in for law or
soon, i medicine 01' teaching; or you may be -
When it is known that a young come identifiedwith the tinning in-
child or a delicate child has been dnstry. The fact is that most persons
exposed to measles, the family ph ;-
do not miter the ocrpanon of theft
Wan should . be consulted. The in- choice ,hktt of their opportunity, and
One of the most common of the
-really ser"ions menaces to the lives
•:and health of young children is meas- 1
les, 'a disease which is considered.b•5'
many parents to be nothing more.
than an annoying incident in the life
of a child. i
1Vllealses .is the most readily spread
of all the commuicable diseases. .It
is the most difficult to control ,of all
because the patient may transmit the
disease to others before the rash ap-
i he ineasles is not
pears, at •atmewn
even suspected. `
The ordinary symptoms of a cold
in the head mark the onset of the
disease. The only safe way to deal
with the child who has the symptoms
ofa cold isto put hiin to bed in a
room by himself. This protects the
child, foe bed is the best: place for
him. if he has a cold, or if a •eotnmun-
icable disease is conning on.`• It also
protects the other children to whom
he -.night spread whatever he has if
'he is allowed to be up and around.
The younger the child, the more
serious is measles. It is during the
second year of life'. that so many
young childrendie frown, measles. It
is for this reason that every care
should be taken to- protect children
from exposure during the . first . five
years of life.
It is almost 'impossible to escape
measles entirely because the disease
parents who
i s
:eonta o
o gus p ar
The e
succeed in protecting their c
during -the first five years of life
have accomplished a great deal, The
jeetion of blood drawn from; a Person' that they continue in their kind of
who has recently recovered from ' occupation' and, .in many instances,
measles will- prevent or ,modify the make a distinguished success in it.
attack. Because practically all adults Know this, that in 10 years of
have had ineasles at some time, bloou purposeful and earnest effort, a man
from the parents may be used for can matte himselfmaster of his busi-
this purpose. nese Ten years is a very short spaceTo secure, results, these injections of time, and there its great encour-
of convalescent ineasles blood seism agement in the knowledge that with -
or adult serum' must be given es its this period it is possiele to make
soon after exposure as can be arrang- quite remarkable progress. It means
ed. Tho protection conferred is that always, one will he learning
transient, and unless the child. devel-
ops how to do the job of a man higher up
a mild attack, no permanent re- ,_,this while one is in his'lowee job.
sistance remains. .Much has been Advancement conies quickly and
accomplished and much more can be salol to those who.ale ripely pre -
done „to sate -guard young:children . y
pared for advanoenient, and who are.
who have been inadvertently exposed bent on advancement.
to :measles through the use of the .
blood from convalescents or parents. * * *
.Questions concerning Health, ad I urge you to have a goal and a
-dressed to the Canadian Medical As- purpose; because this is the way to
socration 184 College St
reet> Toren -
escape many tomlotions toward ev-
towill lie answered personally by il. The youth who finds it easy and
letter. .„ ; ,, u, _, pleasantto consort with those who
papers, Now, I believe in youth's
striving for excellence in sport, hut
I am repelled by those young fel-
lows whom sport coarsens and drags
down. When sport makes a young
chap use profane language excessive -
1y; when it leads hint to tbeceme a
drinker of aieoholic beverages; when
it makes hima premature and an
excessive smoker; when it detaches
hint from serious purposes and ef-
forts; --then sport for that youth is
his enemy.
The true benefit of sport, beyond
its'physical benefits, is its discipiine.
It can and should teach those who
participate in' it to control, their
temper, to be 'generous, to be gentle
rather than rough, to exercise pat-
ience and all the fine virtues.
For the encouragement of those
who may feel that they have soileid
their lives beyond the hope of cleans-
ing, and. who have acquired habits
which tend to push them. down to
Iow levels of endeavour, let me say
that time is given us to repair our
mistakes and to correct our ways. l
knew a young man who had let go
of everything, fine.' He had been
gently reared, He had gone to a
university. There he went astray.
When he wee graduated he was in-
clined to. go straight to the devil, Af-
ter a year of loose living he made
a complete face -about. He cut him-
self off from evil companions and
ways. He pledged himself to an up-
right life. Ile prepared himself for
a lofty profession. In this'profes-
sion he attained eminence. He be-
came a recognized leader among hien.
Young people found in him a true
friend. He is no longer in the land
of the living, yet his naive and his
works live.
I suppose that all of us' knew men
who have redeemed their lives from
the slavery of early passions and
dissipations. The way back from
paths of error to roads of honour may
have been hard to travel), and there
may have been some falls and bruis-
es; but so long as there was' final vie -
tory, the unpleasant experiences can
woll be forgotten,
The way up and on beckons to
those of vision and resolution, and
who are not made downhearted by
an occasional tumble or check. There
is no call for one to be overhasty.
Life is long -enough to give us all the
time required for the attainment of
our goals. Let this reflection sustain
us when faith and purpose falter.
Care of Children
Household Economics
Inspected exports of dressed poul-
try from Canada for the period from
January 1 to. March ,1 1935, totalled
24,584 boxes. The amount for the
corresponding period of 1934 was
1,217 Iboxes.
Fish foods .are good for growing.
children because of their Vitamin D.
The white trillium, botanically
known as Trillium Grandiflorum, has
been 'selected by the Ontario ITorti-
cultural'Association as the most suit-
able floral emblem for the province.
The Association -will petition the On-
tario Legislature to make it so by
This beautiful white flower grows
profusely in Ontario, appearing ear-
ly in May and dotting largo areas
with its; lovely blossoms. It is .hardy,
enduring and friendly, and grows and
flourishes profusely. It survives the
.hardest winter with sure composure,
and is one of the fust to saltire, the
re -awakening offlattestin the spring.
Ontario has been slew in dealing
with the question of a ;provineiai
flower emblem. For many years,
three other provinces.' have had their
provincial flowers. The earliest was
Nova'Seotia, ,dating;; back to 1901,.
when the trailing arbutus, locally
known, es the .May Viewer. was cre-
ated the 'floral emblem, by Act: of
Legislature. In the. following year,
Manitoba made the official selection
of tate Wind. Flower-'' (anemone pat-
iens) as its floral emblem, and
six ,years later, Alberta, by a bill
sponsored by the Minister of Educa-
tion, selected the Wxki hose (rose
A'ciculaais.) Ativtough Nova Scotia
Passed its Floral Emblem Act in 1901,
the peovinee cannot be sold ,to have
shown any `eoncern for haste in that
respect, for tine subject was first
mooted 110 years ago, when in 1825
the trailing arbutus appeared as the
decoration on the front page of "The
Nova Scotian" newspaper. With re-
gard to a national floral emblem
for the Dominion, it is more than
eighteen years ago since the question
the Ontario
first advanced byO'
A1519eC1at10:n, hint sni e
then little progress has .been made In
conneotion with the 'matter.
Eggs are so wholesome and
so cheap that they can be in- *
eluded in even the most econ-
omical menu. And there are
so many ways of serving them
that no housewife need tire her
.family of eggs' by serving al-
ways in the same way. Ilene
are a couple of nice ways .of
serving which are good for el- *
ther the family or company: *
Eggs a la King
8 hard -cooked eggs,
2 fresh tomatoes
2 tablespoons. flour (level)
1 cup cooked mushrooms
1 canned pimento
1 cup peas
Ih cups milk
2 tbspns. butter`
Salt and pepper
4 rounds of toast, '
Make a cream sauce of abut-
ter, flour and mills. Add eggs
eat in slices, the mushrooms,
the peas and pimiento cut in
strips. Heat thoroughly. On
each round of hot 'toast ,place
a silce of tomato and. pour the
creamy mixture over all.
Garnish with parsley and serve
Egg Cutlets
1 cup hulk
2 tltsen% grated cheese
3'hard-cooked eggs
2 Ievel tbsps. butter
3 level tbspns. flour
1 tspn. onion juice or garlic
•Salt and pepper
yb tbspn, chopped parsley
Eggs and crumbs for dipping
Fat Tor frying.
Make a medium -thick white
sauce .of the butter, flour and
•milk. Chop the eggs and cont-
bine with sauce, add season-
ings and cheese. All the mix-
ture to stand until cold, then
shape into small cutlets. Beat
an egg, add 3 tablespoonfuls
of milk. Dip the cutlets in
fine crumbs, then in the egg
mixture, and again in the
crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat.
(Temperature 390 degrees S.)
Serve on hot platter and gar-
nish with green peas and diced
* * i * * * * * * * * .* * * * *
Do You Want
Your Da grater
To Be Pretty?
Here's how one girl put
roses into her cheeks and
rounded out a thin face
Mothers who are anxious for their
daughters to be healthy and attractive
will be interested in the story of a cer-
tain young girl who was pale, 'run-
down, underweight, when sire went to
a competent authority to have her
blood tested. She weighed only 911/2
pounds. The test revealed the trouble.
Her blood was too poor in quality to.
keep up her strength, weight and vital-
ity. Her blood was below normal in
the number of red corpuscles and in
vitally-necessaryhaemoglobia. She was
instructed to false two of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills (so called because they have
a pink sugar coating) three times a day
for a month and then return for an-
other blood test,
Thirty days later a changed, happy
girl came back. She had gained nine •
pounds. Her blood tested almost nor-
mal in its haemoglobin content and
was slightly better than normal in num-
ber of red corpuscles. She felt a. tre-
mendous lot better and Looked it. She.
bad roses in her checks and everyone
said that "her face had rounded out
and site was positively pretty".
Charming color and soft clear skin
depend almost entirely upon the blood,
because the blood carnes the vitality
and nutriment that builds the com-
plexion. The soft, clear skin of every
pretty baby is proof of it. And the girl
mentioned above is living evidence that
good looks which have been lost
through impoverished blood can be re-
gained by taltiag the proper remedy.
There is no need for so many girls
to endure a sallow, uninteresting com-
plexion nor to remain listless, nervous
and easily tired out. For when these
are symptoms of blood that is lacking
in vitality, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
restore strength and "pep" and tone up
good looks, tool Equally effective for
people of all ages. Full-size box 50c at
your nearest drug store. 38H
duct o The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited
A pro f
Here They Will Sing You Their Songs—Sometimes
Gay, Sometimes Sad— But Always I[elpful
and Inspiring -
• One ship drives east and another
' drives west,
With the self -same winds that blow,
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
Which tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the s'ea are the
ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life.
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
* * *
I hear a train 'a whistlin' .-
It's comin' round the bend;
Fd like to climb aboard it
And nide it to the end.
No matter where it's going•
I'd like to head that way;
But when it finally reached there
I wouldn't care to stay.
For when that train would whistle
A corrin' back again
I'd surely have to board it, •
And ride it to the end.
—,'Evelyn Boudille in The Nevada
State Journal.
918 *
March—and it must ee spring in Ire-
Violets dotting the long boreen,
Snowdrops hiding beneath the hedge-
Daffodils turning to gold,' the green,
March—the taties must now be plant-
Patrick's dear blessing upon then
Bend the head, and good luck go with
Never a fearsome thing a -tall.
March --,how I'd like to . tramp the
Search for the shamrock beneath
my feet,
Soft winds down from the Hills o'
Never a teach of the snow or sleet.
—.Elizabeth Margaret Rattle.
f1t+ + *
It is not growing like a tree
In bulk, doth make mean better be;
Or standing long an oak, three hon-
dred years,
To fail a log at last, dry, bold and
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May,
Although, it fall 'and die that night,
It was the plant and flower 'of Light.
In etnall poprortions we trust beau-
ties see, •
And in short measures life may per,
feet be. —lien Jonson.
0, God be praised for 'romping boys
Who plague vie every day,
Who bring the wrinkles to my face
And turn my hair to grey;
Because for. every silvered lock
My, heart has softer grown,
And 'midst the furrows on by brow
Aro (seeds of patience sown.
Oh, God be praised for muddy boots:
That tramp the hall and stair,
For mouths to feed, for pants to
For every trivial care;
Because; in all my daily task
I see to plain and clear
The need God has, through them, for.
And why IIe placed .tie here.
But, most of all, ]`praise my Goc!
For rosy lips to kiss,
,For loving alai; that \round me cling,
And fill
mysoul with bliss::
Because, though
in a lowly way,
I feel I'in: living ',through e,
Those sanie sweet Stour; of mother,
That gentle Mary knew. -
Ena C. Barrett)
'+ ',ii ei
There is a mystic -borderland that lies
Just past the limits of our work -day
And it is peopled with the friends we
met, e
And loved, a year, a month, a week
or day,
And parted from with aehing,hearts,
yet knew
That through the distance we must
loose the hold
0f hand with hand, and •only clasp
the thread
Of memory. But still so close we feel
this land,
So sure we are that these same hearts
are true,
What when in waking -dreams there
comes a call
That sets the thread of memory a,
We know that just by stretching out
the hand
In written wood of love or look or
The waiting hand will clasp our own
. once more
Across the silence, in the same old
way.—The Globe.
For weeks I cherished you with ten-
der care
And stuffed you full with food
Yet still you eyed me with a fiery
And roared and roared, demanding
I sought you in the frosty midnight
And yet again at grey dawn's light
To satisfy you seemed beyond my
Such a colossal appetite!
Ftiencls saw my anxious glance and
said to me,
"'Tis just a phase --'twill soon be
I'm nearly bankrupt, but—O, joy—I
Thank goodness—you're asleep at
(Today I have Iet the furnace cut)'-
Winnipeg, Feb. 19. F.G.W.
* *
1 may forget the lily's perfumed cup,
The rose that drank the dew and
offered up
Its nectar that the passing bee might
I may not quite recall the pansy's
Or all the balm and balsam odors
With honeysuckle, for my blandish-
meat '
But I tan Eve. When in .September's
The apple ripens, tempting me to eat.
I shall remember always, it was sweet
—Lelia Mitchell Thornton, in New
York Times.
Mrs. E. T. Rowsome, Athene,
Ont. writes ` My baby. boy WAS
troubled with constipation. I gave
him Baby's Own Tablets as direetG
ed ... Before I had given half tke
box the constipation was righted. ;
By relieving constipation, Baby's
Own Tablets prevent more serious
ailnfente developing. Much -easier
to take than nauseating laxatives
and perfectly sae for all little folk
fcore the wee babe to children of
school age. 25o package. .R
l ham
Dr,W i