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THTJRS:, MARCH 21,1935:
mely Information for the
Busy Fanner.
( Furnished by the Department of Agriculture )
Trapneat `is Best 'Test
Trapnesting being -to the laying
flock what the -settle -and 'Babcook
test are to the dairy herd, it is the
only means of accurately determin-
ing the production of 'the 'individual
hen. At .the Cap Rouge' Etrperiiuen
tal Station, 'the 'hens are selected by
the. trapnesting method and the poor
layers are marketed after their first
year's laying. 'Iiatdhing eggs are
selected from 'high -producers, and
should weigh at least 24 ounces per
dozen. Unthrifty chicks, and cock-
erels except those from the 'best
hens are marketed during the sum-
mer, Ty mid-Septeniber the pullets
which ars strong, vigorous, -healthy
and active, which, have a large, deep
'head, stout beak, and large,, bright
'prominent eyes are kept, while the
birds which are unthrifty or unheal-
thy, which have a crow 'head, long
shallow 'beak or small, sunken eyes,
•or are off types are eliminated.
Preserve 'Wild Flowers
The wild flowers situation in On-
tario is becoming serious, and calls
for careful eonservation 'before they
become extinct in some sections.
Recently the Ontario Horticultur-
al Association sponsored a request to
the Ontario Government that the
"Trillium" be constituted the Provin-
eial Flower. Very favourable ,cora-
usent has been made by the Press in
nnany sections of the 'Province.
Parents, • Teachers, Scout Leaders
and interested flower Lovers are in-
vited to urge the children to refrain
from wholesale pieking and destruc-
tion of ,wild flowers, especially where
only ,a few exist. Girls and boys may
grealy assist- in saving the wild
flowers, and parents areasked to
give the matter careful consideration.
Agricultural Features
The Wilmot Township Agrienitur-
aI Society in Wbterloo 'County is to
be congratulated en launching anew
programme. A series of educationaI
Meetings has been commenced. At
the 5rst of these, the main subjects
for 'consideration were "Control of
the Warble Fly" and "Reforestation."
Two other meetings of a •sim.ilar nat-
ure, but on other subjects will be
held this spring.
This .organization pians to serve
all farmers in the .Society area, with
a general agricultural programme
instead of being .satisfied to function
in the holding of a fair only.
On: March 8th the South Ontario
Agricultural ;society gave a compli-
mentary dinner to members who had
brought honour to the Society, and
Ontario County by winning major a-
wards at National and International
Shows, The president of the •Society
Hon- W. E. N. ,Sinclair, was' a very
genial host, to representative live
stock men from other `parts of the
Province in addition to Directors- and
Members of the Society.
Inn. proseeting illuminated Addres-
ses to these leading eteck men, it
was made evident the raising of .geed
stock is a ' cherished tradition in
Ontario 'County, as 'several families
are now in the; third generation of
promient'stock men. Some of those
honoured were--IRobt. Duff .& Son;
Lance Beath; S. B. Glaspeli; Win,
Dryden and Frank Batty.
Cleaning Ont :Couch
The eradication of couch grass, oth-
erwise known- as quack, twitch or
scuteh grass, is one of the hardest
probliems with which the farmerhas
to deal. Few people realize the en-
ormous quantity of couch -grass roots
which exiet in infested soil. Tests
conducted by the Central Experi-
anental Farm at Ottawa show weights
of roots ranging from 1,531 to 6997
pounds to the acre—as much as a
heavy crop .of hay. No wonder it is
Bard to clean out when it spreads' by
roots es well as seed, Thoroughly
cleaning out the roots is the one ef-
fective way of getting rid of couch.
In emall arses this may be done by
hand, In Jaeger areas by shallow
plowing and working .thoroughly with
the cultivator to keep the roots turn-
ed up to the sun long enough for them
to "kill." Only as large an area as
can be thoroughly cleaned up at one
time should be undertaken, as half-
way measures are only lost time an
Demand For Canadian Pears
A. general survey of production
af,fresh pears in Canada suggests
`„that pear acreage can be increased 20
per cent before „the domestic market
reaches a saturation point. This sit-
uation, together with an increased
export demand, !seems to warrant a
consideration being given to the pos-
sibilityOf 'increased plantings, mad
of the Bartlett variety.: The
Kingdom cannot get' enough Can
dian pears, 'the Baitis} -market
sorbing all the Canadian exports and
asking for More. 'The 1934 :statistics
show that 44 per cent of the total lea
ports of pears 'into Great Britain
were from Empire sources, . Canada
eontribluting less than five per :cent;
During the twelve 'months' ended
Masa 31, 1934, exports of canned_
pears from. Canada to 'the British
market increased 43 per cent came
pared with the previous season's ex-
port. On the other'hanil,'fresh pearls
amounting appecadmately to 180;000
bushels are imported every year into
-Canada from the -United States, a
large proportion of this import find-
ing its -way into canned •stodk.
+ i' I7N
Hay Market Report
Eastern and Northern Ontario:
There is stilt plenty of hay avail-
able and farmers who have held their
Tray -Since last autumn for firmer
prices are now wiishing to sell so that
dealers are able to discriminate as to
price and quality. About 400 tons of
hay have been graded in eastern
Ontario during the past month for
shipment to the _Maritime provinces.
Current prices 'being paid growers
range from $7 to 89 per ton accord-
ing to grade and class. Plenty of
hay is being -offered in Northern On-
tario and prices' paid are somewhat
lower ranging from $9 to $12 per ton,
basis shipping point.
. South-western Ontario:A fair sup-
ply of timothy and timothy 'mixtures
and alfalfa is still available in. the
The following are the prices of po-
tatoes paid 'to -farmers in Eastern
Canada on January 31 and on Fev-
ruary 28, 1935, after one month's
operation of the Eastern Potato Mar-
keting Board which com'lneneed to
function on 'February '4, 1935:
Ontario '(per 90 lb, bag)
'Orangeville -January 31, 1935 --•
rile 17c; February 28, 1935, '35-40 -cents.
Alliston—January 531, 1935, 1.5c;
a, 'February 28, 19'35-35c.
a2y- ' Nbridge 5aji nary '31,; *8161, 15-
17e; February 28, 1935, 35-40c.
New Brunswick (per '1'65
oodstodk--47anuary 31,' 1935, 17-
20c February 28, 1935, 40c,
Hartland—January 31, 1935, 17-
20e; February 28, 1935, 45e.
Perth—tJarnrary 31;, 19,35, 17.20e;
-February 28, 193'5,'35c40e.
Grand Falls-7anuary 81,' 1935;
17-20c; February 28, 1935, 40-45e.
:Pence Edward'Is1and '(per bushel')
Flour, largest dealers' report .Jana
uary 31, 1935; 8-10e; T"e'bruary 28,
1935, 1314c.
Nova Scotia Barrels for Export
• (including 'barrel) 90 lb. bags
'January 31, 1935--15e; x'ebruary
28, 1935, $1.00.
January 31, 1935 '22e; February 28,
1935, 30c.
Owen Sound district and there has
been some Movement of alfalfa ie -
Gently for meal manufacturing pur-
poses. There is a shortage of hay in
a number of counties in this part of
Ontario but this is being offset large-
ly by ether roughage such as corn
stocks and straW. supplemented per•
haps with molasses, so as to winter
the stock without hay, There was a
fair corn crop last year in most
counties, which produced a fair
quantity of good silage and besides
many farmers have plenty of grain,
all of which lessens the need for hay.
It is believed that most counties wiII
have sufficient fodder to carry their
stock until at least April 1st, at
which time there should be a fair de-
mand for hay from outside sources.
Prices being paid growers, per
ton, at principal =market centers less
freight costs are: for timothy no. 1
$16 to $17.50; no. 2, $14 to $16.; no.
3, $12 to $14; 'wheat straw $7 to $8;
oat straw $8.75 to $7.50.
Sudan. Grass For Hay or Pasture
Sudan Grass is an annual crop
which may be used either for hay or
pastures. In 'emeregneies, such as
when 'seedlings of perennial hay
crops fail, this gram may be found
useful to supply necessary feed. Su-
dan Grass is a native of hot, dry cli-
mates and, onto established, is cap-
able of making . very 'satisfactory
growth under these conditions. This
plant stools eut: heavily after being
cut and is, therefore, a suitable crap
for summer pasture. Normally, pas-
ture should be available four to -five
weeks after seeding,
Sudan Grass should be planted --a
bout the end of May, at whiclt'time
the soil will be well .warmed up.
Planting is best done by broadcasting
the seed at the rate; of 25 to 30 pounds
per acre and covering lightly with
the harrow. A weld -prepared' seed-
bed is preferable. If the' crop is to
be eut for 'hay, this should be done
about the -time it starts to head' out.
By cutting at this stage a finer -
emitted hay is obtained and more
success assured': of a ,second crop.
Sudan 'Grass is a member of the
sorghum family and, consequently
has a sweetish taste. This makes
either' the hay or pasture quite pal-
atabie. The hay ranks slightly high-
est than timothy in feeding value.
Curing of the.hay May be easily done
in the swath' due to the'coarsehess of
the stems, •after which it,niaybe hay May
and cocked.
A mixture of soybeans and Sudan
Grass has given.very good results
and makesr'a hay which is higher in
feeding value than ,Sudan Grass a-
line, In this spixture the soybeans
must be sown first in rows about 28
inches apart at the rate of 30 to 45,
pounds per acre. The soybeans
should .be seeded about May 15. Af-
ter the second! or third cultivation the
Sudan Grata is sewn between the
rows of soybeans at the rate of 10
pounds per acre, The !crop should
be cut far hay when the Sudan
Grass is starting' to head out. The
dditian of Sudan Grass to the say -
tan aids in the curing of soybean
In `tiruguay, South America, they
have two potato crops in which the
first and most important is planted in
September and October and harvest-
ed from December to February, while
the second is sown in January and
February and dug three months lat-
er, according to the Agricultural De-
partment of the Canadian National
Railways. The domestic erop is in-
sufficient to •meet consumption. Im-
ports consist principally of table
potatoes, but, there is a certain de-
mand for seed. The bulk of the tab-
le potatoes cone from Argentina.
Seed potatoes are imported front the,
United Kingdom, Germany, France
and Spain.
According' to the Canada Seeds Act,
no new variety of cereal grata can be
offered for •saIe in Canada under its
variety name unless that variety has
been licensed by the Dominion Min-
ister of Agriculture after tests con-
ducted by the Cereal Division of the
Dominion Experimental Farms.
Rome canneries for fruits and
vegetables on the farm and in rural
centres are a recent development of
great importance and possibilities.
It is estimated that in 1934 there
were about 1,700 registered estab-
lishments operated in Quebec with a
production of probably 230,000 cases.
The movement is spreading in Oa-
tario where 100,000 cases were pro-
duced in 1934.
The Laplander uses his reindeer as
a beast•af !burden, but down on 'a
farm near Riley _Brook, New Bruns-
wick, a doe not yet two years old has
taken over the job of driving cattle
to water from the farm dog.
The doe now snakes- her home
in the barn after having been donna
tiled in the kitchen during her baby-
hood. When but a fawn she was found
abandoned near the roadside. She
took anthejob of driving the cattle'
herself and when the farm dog at-
temptedto dispute . her sWay she
charged him, so that he decided to re-
sign in her favor.
Canada was easily first among the
exporters of oats to,the British Isles
in 1934, with 1,941,276 cwts. This
was considerably more than half the
amount imported into Britain from
all sources.
After a •specimen of the Black
Widow, the only known ,poisonous
spider in North America, had been.
found in a •tomato field at Summer-.
land, .British •Columbia, other, speci-
mens were forwarded to the provin-
cial entomologist from many interior
points in the province, including Nel-
son, Trail, N'akusp, and from Ender-
by south of the international boun-
Smelts, caught mostly on the At-
lantic coast, are "exported in large
quantities to the United States where
a good 'market is obtained.
hay andthe remaining crop will pro-
vide pasture for the rest of the sea-
There is no danger of Sudan Grass:
becoming a weedsince all ,growth is
stopped by frost and the erne must
be planted each -year. Considerable
success with this crop has been re -
.ported to the Dominion Eecperinten-'
tal 'Station,'Harrcw, and it is' felt
that as an emergency hay and pas-
ture crap Sudan Grass may be used to
considerable advantage in this die -
The following new books have been
added to Bayfield Public Library:
The Rim of the Prairie, B. S Ald-
rich; Look to the Sinning, Ruby W,
Ayes; Little Gilt Lost, Temple Bail-
ey; Heart Of the Sunset, Rex. Beach;
Hay -Wire, B. M. Bower; The Valley
of Silent Men, James Oliver OUT -
'wood; 'The 'Keeper
ur-•wood;'The'Keeper of the'Door, Ethel
M. Dell; The Gold • Shoe, Grace L.
Hilll; Hilltops ' Clear, Emilie Loring)
Passion Flower,. Kathleen Norris; The
Locked Book, Frank L. Packard;
'Baehelel's Bounty, Grace S. Rich-
mond; 1VIa Cinderella, Harold Bell
-.Weight; ' fOrliden Dawn, 'Peter $.
'The following is Abe report 'for
S. S. No. 11, Goderich 'Township, for
the months of January and February.
Sr. 4th—Jeanne Vodden, 78; Pearl
McGee, '78; Lorne Tyndall, '69.
Jr. 4th= -'Harold Wise, '66.
Sr. '3rd Prank Patter, 73; Willa
Potter, '70; Donna Pickett, ,67.
Sr. 3rd -=Glen Wise, '60; Lula Tim.
den, 59.
Sr. 2nd -Fred •Gibson, 83; -itay Pott
tee, '72; Jack 'Tyndall, 60; Harold
Corey; 55.
Jr. 2ndi--1N'ormra Pickett,i Aleit
lst Class --George Itl;eGee, Joe
Sr. Pr.—'Wlesiey Holland.
Perfect attendance for January and
February: Pearl MeGee and Lula
Marion E. Middleton, teacher.
Following 'is the report of S. S. No.
18, Godericb, for January and Feb-
ruary. Those whose names are mark-
ed with an asterisk have been absent
for one or snore examinations:
.5th• --,Sylvia Lowden, 60.2.
Sr. 4th ---Betty 'Stirling, 67; Grant
Stirling' 62; Gladys G1ark, 60.7,
4th—Elmer Johnston, *63.6;
Murray Helmer, *40.4.
Sr, 3rd -:Mildred 'Westlake, 62.8;
Douglas Stirling, 61.5; Harold Warn-
er, 61.5.
Ir. 8r4-410bert Hopson, 63; Bertha
Helmer, 36.2.
and—Oliver Hopson, 70; Kenneth
Stirling, 69; Keith Stirling, 17.
Pr,—Billie Mlclhvain.
—P. Wheatley, teacher.
Arrangements have been made to Clae
NAPSi_I()TE" ris. Lowd
hold the annual meeting of the i.-lu-
non County Fruit Growers' Anode-,,
tion in the Board Room of the Agri-
cultural Office, Clinton, an Saturday
afternoon, March 28rd. at 2.00 o'clock.'
'There will be two speakers in at-
tendance, Mir. G. 71. Dickson, Horte 1
cultural Experimeutai Station, Vine- I
laa?id, and Prof. Lawson Caesar, O.A'.
College,• Guelph. Mi•, Dickson will
give an address' an General Orchard
Practices, and Prof. Caesar will
speak on the •Control of Insect Pests
in the Orchard.
All orchard men and other inter-
ested parties me cordially invited to
.r iI
Junior Farmers'
Association Holds
First Meeting
Fallowing the completion of the
Clinton Short Course in Agriculture,
a Junior Farmers' Association was
formed with the following officers.
elected for a term of one year:
President—Mervyn Lobb.
Vice -President- Eareld. Tyndall.
Secretary .John Deeves,
Treasurer—Stewart McEwen.
'Directors Toni Murphtl, Fred
The first regular monthly • meeting
Was held in the Agricultural Office,
Board Roma on Thunsday evening,
March 14th and seventeen members
were enrolled. IVJ:ervyn Lobb was
chaiiman and the programme was as
.Minutes of Organization Meeting,
Chatirman'e address, Enraltieg of
members, Address by Stewart Me -
Ewen -'"Coaching Trip and Inter -
County Royal. Judging 'Competition."
Harold Tyndall, ...Current Events"
Reading: of paper on "Safe Driving"
by Tom Murphy and Discussion of
Junior Farmer plans, led by Ian Mac-
With the exception of July and
August, monthly meetings will be
held en the second Tuesday evening
of each month. The yearly member-
ship fee is 600 and all boys and young
men in the district are eligible for
' 4.2 FT.
8: FT.
A mirror will bring out that
priceless smile of youth
YDU 'may think you have ex.
hausted the supply of picture
possibilities In your home but the
chances are that there are countless
interesting subjects you have com-
pletely overlooked:
It is the unusual that attracts at-
tention but' it is necessary to use
Your eyes and a little imagination
aud'Ingenuity to ferret out these
exceptional views, angles, etc., and
get pictures that show individuality.
Mirror pictures, for instance, are
intriguing and offerunlimited pos-
sibilities if one will do a little ex-
perimenting. Let's take the above
picture as an example.
When focusing for reflected images
only„ it is necessary, to add the dis-
tanee from the mirror: to the sub-
jeet, to the distance from the mirror
to the lens of the camera and then
set the focus accordingly.
If itis desired tolnclude the sub-
ject in the picture with the reflected
linage the focus should be sat for
the distance from the mirror to the
lens. The smaller the lens opening
the greater the depth of field and
the sharper will be both images. Of
course, the nearer the subject is to
the mirror the less is required in the
matter of "depth".
In the picture above, the subjects
were about two feet and the camera
six feet from the mirror. As both
the subject and reflected image were
to be included in the picture the
focus was set at six feet. The dia-
phragm was set at 1,16 and a photo-
flash furnished the light.
It the figures and camera were in
a position to show only the re -
fleeted image in the picture being:
taken the focus would then have-
been set at the eight foot distance.•
The diagram shows position 02'
subjects, camera and photoflash.'
when the above picture was taken.
After setting the focus of your cam
era at the proper distance and the--
diphragm at 1.16 set the shutter for•
time exposure—"T", Do not have
any bright lights in the room. Place
photoflash Iamp in ordinary floor
Iamp within reaching distance from
the camera, as designated in dia-
gram. Be sure to remove the shades
from the lamp. Take your position
at the camera and caution your
subjects not to move. Press the cable-
release to open your shutter and im=
mediately turn on the photoflash
and then quickly close the shutter--
and the picture has been taken. Pirot.
Wash lamps are made in two sizes,
costing 15 and 25 cents- each. For
this type of picture the 25 cent size
should be used.
In amateur photography expert•
renting becomes the spice of life =
and you will be surprised at the in- -
tereating effects you will get in .
working out "stunt" pictures on
gloomy, rainy days when outdoor
activities are taboo. Results in some
instances may be ratifier grotesque
but you will have a lot of inexpen-
sive amusement and *tures that
show individuality. Anyone can take
the ordinary run of pictures but it
requires a little ingenuity to get the
unusual. That is what you should
"shoot" for.
Some of the Things we turn out here, and on Short Notice are:
Bill Heads
Post Cards
Note Heads
Menu Cards
Milk- Tickets
Deposit Slips
Order Blanks
Laundry Lists
Visiting Cards
Show Printing
Business Cards
;Store Sale. Bills
Posters, all sizes
Auction Sale Bills
Admission Tickets
Wedding Invitations
Acknowledgement Cards'.
Wedding 'Announcements
Envelopes, all sizes & kinds.
And Our : Prices are as Moderate
Materials and Good
'Score Cards
Meal Tickets
Letter Heads
Bread. Tickets
Funeral Cards
Window Cards
Shipping Tags
Coupon Tickets
At Home Cards
Butter Wrappers
Society Stationery
Dance Programmes
Prescription Blanks
Typewritten Circulars
Advertising Programmes
Circulars, all sizes and kinds
as is Compatible with Good
The ClintonNewsKecord
$1.50 a year. Worth More