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The Clinton News Record, 1935-03-21, Page 5
THURS., MVMARCH 21;1935; OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME 'Sunday was the 'Seventeenth ef'Ii•e- Ilend and a lovely day it was. Q.Q CI Now hasnt Clinton got the great "little old hockey team this year? w4 • CI E • • Fvidentiy''the spoi;ts editor of the a411ziil 'and Empirm is a Durham fan, Tuesday's game knocked all the wind --out of him. El 0 CI Germany declares that she wants peace,] ut"she seents to be of the op. inion that the way to have peace is -oto be ,prepared for war. o`©o "Everybody who could Say hold on :.a car,h rse •.or mule went to Galt to -the hockey' match on Tuesday night," -:remarked a lady to The News -Record eon Wednesday morning. LOG If Toronto ratepayers had a rate -of forty mills -what sort of a fuss • would' they make? If Clinton eoun- -•ei1 can pare, the rate down to. the 'To- - xonto .rate we shall be delighted., con And, as luck would have it the C. N R, is running a 'cheap excursion to "'Oshawa on •Friday, so many will no doubt make a .little trip east and take in the game in the Oshawa rink Fri • slay evening. The Prince of W{a1eess recently cam- -posed a tune for use on the bagpipes .and now he has engaged a piper to teach him to play. Wye still' think the Prince, who has enter for music, `'!hopes in; sone way to. bring some. thing 'like music out of Scotland's national -instrument, and we wish him ..success and applaud his',optimism. Owing, no doubt to the fact that ' the 'nieeting' had been postponed iron the week before and •to•doubt •as to the date, prevented a larger - turnout at the annual meeting of the -Commonity `Hospital Association On. ' Thursday afternoon last, when few outside the members . of the board • were present.' It seemed a pity that more were '• not present to hear the reports and to share in the optimism expressed in regard to this institution. During the year an important naw wing has been added to the hospital, . an elevator installed and ,the whole le buildingput into fine repair, the cost of these alterations and im- provements being provided for in the most businesslike' manner possible. ' The establishment and maintenanoe of this institution in Clinton is a tri- bute to the intelligence and the hu- manitarian instincts' ,of the people of .the community and the women who form the board from year to year. ' The whole community is under ob- ligation to the members' of this board, the advisory board and the building committee of last. year, for their ef- I ficient and painstaking services, so unselfishly given in .this connection. .®Elli3 The Goclerich :Signal, quoting what The News -Record said about men be- ing, too "seared" to adopt anything brighter in their ordinary wearing apparel, adds: "Cannot some of the Clinton gal - 'ante oblige, the lady by parading once in a while in scarlet and green and purple? They'd better keep a- way from the printing office, howev- ' er, or they would get their bird of paradise plumage soiled. And there, right there, is a big part of the rea- son why men cling to their quiet, un. obtrusive manner of dress. They don't want to wear anything that, is eas- -ily isoiled, involving the trouble of frequent changes; they don't want to have to think of not getting their clothes soiled; they don't want to have to think about their clothes at all. Most of them can remember • that their happiest years, and the happiest time tri those happiest ,years, was when they; mead tumble out •of bed in the morning, put on pants and shirt, ,and be dressed for • the day. If the girls wanted to spend . a lot of time "dressing up," that was 'their affair. They were girls, and it was all right for them, but boys Were an entirely different kind of creature. And most men, as the ed- itress of The News -Record may have •observed, are just grown-up boys." • Yes, we've noticed that men never 'really do grow up. If they wern't ',so seared, as we ,said, ,they wouldn't mind appearing, in gay elothing. "'But that -they enjoy being "drea- zed up" cannot be denied 'when one thinks of the wayeehey strut about =on occesion,'with a bit of an apron • tied about their tummies or au .gaudy ^:sash slung over the 'shoulder. This, however, is when they are in gangs. No solitary man Will don a '.gaudy suit\and appear alone. 'He to :too scared of being laughed at. The same•:old,boyish fear .• that uratic •him rumple; his ;hair and refuse to keep iris hands clean in his.school boy days]. Ego It is frequently stated that wild • 'flowers in• Ontario are fast disappear- the reason (being that they • are ' 'being : destroyed by those who visit "the •woodsy. places 'where they grow ;;packing, them too closely.. celViest, folk who have reached mid- clle.lfe can remember"woods in which ceetain, Wad flowers abounded but ' •'which today are completely bare, of, :them, triurl}�rils, ..columbine, honey suckler ,jactn-pherulpit, violets, ;,;l Mav,floweris`i, sucir, e profusion of -lovely blooms, Many a 'lovely home quet was carried 'home by ,visitors to tlhe woods, but,, that thin t seem to'; ' ;?hurt ut the old"days,'pientiy were tet to seed and roots were not injured, But of Hate years, since cars have be- come so common, people go out in carloads to the country places and not only pick all the bloom' they can find but, so it is said, many of the plants are pulled up by the roots, As a rule this is. :just so much wanton waste for very few can succeed in growing any of these wild flowers in their, homes or gardens. They wither and, die and the woods to which they were native is iso much the poorer by their absence. Unless we are to seethe complete destruction of our native wild flow- ers some effort should' be made, not only to stop the destruction, but to foster their growth. Parents and teachers" should instil into the minds of children the need of saving these flowers.. No need to pick them, at least, to pick just all' one sees. And, above all, the toots should ,not he harmed, They should be left to grow and thrive in their native soil. The writer can still see' in the picture of memory a woodsy slope which in the spring used to be carpeted with white trilliums, so thick that you had to be careful not to tread upon thein,; No one could look upon that !sight without being a Netter man or we - man for wo-ntan_for it. It was breath -taking in its,. beauty. We+wish that every, child, city or country bred, had the privilege ofseeing such a sight each spring time. U•s OO D The News -Record is endebted to Miss Lucy Woods • of Bayfield who Hast year visited relatives in Ireland, for a copy of The Irish Times, print; ed in Dublin, bearing date of. M'ar. 2nd. It is aninteresting oheet, more like the Englishpapers than the Canadian or American, and earries lots of news. One item interested'us very much. It was a report of an address delivered by Mrs. H. Sheehy- Skeffiiagton, on Canada and the Uni- ted States, before -The Dublin Liter- ary Society., She said that the Can- ada of the.future "would be divided up into three independent republics and would cut adrift from the Em- pire." There were, she said, two main parties in the country, Conser- vative and Liberal, but, one. of the most interesting things she had come across was the development of a new party. This was the o.a.F., the Canadian Co-operative Federation, "which had left wing in- clinations, and was corning into its own, particularly in the Eastern part of 'Canada." Now, what do you think of that? Tt takes a trip away front home •or the •honest word` of a visitor some- times to tell us just what . we took like. Hut we do not just understand hew these three, republics are to be set up. Will this 'vast country isa divided into three' equal parts and each one of the three leaders of these three parties be made the presi- dent of one of the divisions? There °might be a good deal of trouble -de- ciding about such a division and then just who should preside over which section. Really, the lady should have been more explicit. But, seriously, we have often .won- dered why the people in the Old Country were so ignorant about mat- ters pertaining to Canada, and is it.. any wonder whenthose who are sup- posed to tell tient put forward such fantastic stories. Does anyone ever visit Canada and get a right concep- tion of the country and then go helm and tell. it? Wb doubt it. Don't Fail To See and Hear the Talking Picture at Town Hall, Mon., litar. 25th. 100% Clean and Entertaining. A full 21 hours of fun. The talkies will be equal to any city. This show plans to return Re• very so often with new pictures anti Vaudeville. Pasture Am prepared to take in a number of cattle to pasture for the summer, 60c, 75c and $1.00 per head per month.:' • O. R. Forster, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 169 Carlow 'Central. 19-8-p: - Housekeeper Wanted An experienced woman as house- keeper, for general work on a farm.. Write Drawer H. Clinton, stating wages expected. 19-1-p. Per Sale' . A number of loads•.of bright oat straw.' Price $4.00 per load in barn. Also some choice Timothy hay $15.00 per ton, Terms, Cash Fenwick Stewart, 12 on 620, R. R. No. 5, Clin- ton. 19-tf. McKinley's. _role,s Chicks SPECIAL. NOTICE .r,,iter April 10th one high graov of chicks only will be ..sold. All eggs set, weigh •over 24 •ozs. to the dozen nand average about 26 oz. B.R. & W.R, Price W. Leghorn• $13:50 $12.50 $11.50 $10,50 110:00 After April 1st • ,$12.,00 After April 10 $11.00 - After April 22 $10:00 After May 10 $9.00 After May 24 $9.00 Govt. Approved and Bloodtested• Breeding Stock. 175 R. 0. P.'Metes .head over pens, Started Chicks and 'Pultetts, ;. J. E. McKinley Zurich Hensel]] ?hone ,9'Ir11. 19-4, THE ` CLINTON STANLE' I Miss Eleanor Scotehmer of near Seaforth spent the week -end with her parents on the 'Bronson line. Mr. Edwin Hobson of St. Thomas spent Sunday with Me. Harold Pen hale, Miss Irene ;Scotchnser of London spent the week -end with her parents, 2r, and Miss. W;, Scotehmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowsan and Miss Dorcas ()hater spent Saturday in Lon- don, Mrs, Ethel Mossop has been con- fined to the house lately, Hope she will soon be herself again. The men around here are busy get- ting their wood sawedbefore spring work starts. e The Township road master, M. John Rathwell, is attending a conven- tion in London these days. ' IN MEMORIAM MARSHALL—In loving memory ef, my dear wife, Margaret Louisa, who' entered' into rest five years ago, March 20th, 1930. I have lost my !soul companion A life linked with my, own And day by day I miss her more • As • I walk through life alone:' —John 1l areha1I. Wanted To Hike ,Married ,man for farm '`work. by year. Also ti boy 16 or over. Elm - est Townshend, 'Goderieh township,. Phone 606r23. 19-1. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot d, Con.' '6, Hallett Township, on Wed„ April 3rd, at 1 .o'clock, sharp. Full particulars next week. G. W. Wheatley, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 19-1. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27TH• CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Wood and Household Furniture At Lot 85, Co.ru 3, Goderr'ieh Township Mrs. •James Ross, Proprietress, R. R. No. 2; Goderieh 19-1. House For Sale or Rent Desirable ee idence good location, , modern conveniences. Apply to R. Fitzsimons, Clinton. 19-tf. Seeda BrleyForSale O.A.C. No. 21 Variety, pure clean sample. Irv4lne Tebbutt,`, Maitland Concession, Goderieh towsahip, phone 602r6, Clinton Central. 19-2p, 40 -Acre Farm For Sale At the Village of Rolniesville, on the Cut Line. Comfortable frame house, bank barn, poultry house, 15;x 40, garage,, small orchard, running spring. Apply to Alfred Jervis, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, phone 810-r-16. 19-1-p. Muskrats Wanted There is en open season for Musk- rats from March 25th to April 25th, Bring your furs to ane,, and receive the highest market price, Norman East, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, 21/2 miles north on No. 4 Highway. 19-2-p. For Sale Iiouse and lots, on Main Street, Bayfield, Ont., known es the Span- cer property. Apply or write John Tippet, Bayfield, or direct to 13. M. Spencer, box 72, Milestone, Sask. 19-3-p.. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farnr, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects' At Lot 38, Tucicersmith Township, on Provincial Highway No. 8, 3 miles' east of Clinton on 'Saturday, March 30th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following: HORSES—Bay gelding about 1600 lbs., 8 years •old; chestnut. horse, a- bout 1.300 lbs. 12 years old, good sin- gle'or double. , CATTLE•Durham cow,due to freshen April 10th; Durham cow, due to freshen August 22; Guernsey cow, due to freshen July 2; Hereford cow, due to freshen July 14;, 4 year- ling Durham steers; , 2 yearling Hereford steeps; 2 young. calves. SHEEP -8 Leicester ewes, 3 yrs. old. POULTRY -40 one -year-old hens. IMPLEMF,,NTS Mower., Horse. rake,, nearly new, wagon, hay rack, cultivator, set of harrows, walking plow, muffler, light . wagon, seed drill, Portland cutter, steel tire bug- gy, rubber tire buggy, DeLaval Creams Seperator, No. 12; Daisy churn, butter bowl, sap kettle, hay fork, car, •rope and .puli:ies, '. set of sling ropes, stone boat, wheelbarrow, set of double harness, nearly new, set of .singIe harness, quantity of po- tatoes, quantity of alfalfa hay and feed, full line of household effects, 4 cords •of 18" green maple wood, quantity of dry wood and railroad ties, forks, chains, "whiffletrees ant: numerous other articles. At the same time and place the farm which —consists of 100 'acres, mare or less of good clay: loam with gdod 'set .of farm buildi'n'gs will be offered for sale. This farm is in a good state of cultivation, well adapt - eel for grain growing 01 grazing with abundance of water and a good' hard- wood bush. Everything to be 'sold as, proprietress is giving up farming. TE'RM'S ON CI•IATTDLS--CA1S1I. TER1VI;S .ON FAiR1Vf-10%a `• of the purchase money paid down on; day al' sale!; 'terms on 30 days. Mrs. Charles Glow, Geo. H. Elliott, "Proprietress Auctioneer. NEWS -RECORD Ferns Flowering Plants Cut Flowers CUT FLOWERS FLOW RING'PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST phones: 66w and 66j, of Cross Buns RICH WITH SPICE AND FRUIT. These will be our s ec'ial P every Saturday during Lent.• Made. by;, • BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread' Phone 1. Clinton, r. Farm For Sale,.or Rent 80 acres, -lot 62, Bayfield con.; God- erieh township, well cultivated land, 26 acres bush, well fenced, well wat- ered, good buildings, brick 'house with furnace, young orchard. 1V411 be sold cheap. _ Apply to, Peter Cole, Clinton, or R. B. Cole,_ :Goderieh township. 19-2:p, ADMINISTRATORS' SALE Of Farm, Farre Stock and Imple- ments, at Lot 41, Con. 4, E. Wawa - nosh, on Friday, March.22nd, at 1.30 sharp: 4 good ,work horses,, one black dri- vel', 9 good milk cows, due to freshen in -April and May; Durham bull, 18 months; heifer with calf at foot; 8 Durham an gr de cat h'e(yearlings); • calf, 4 months old; 3 store hogs; 40 hens; 2 geese; 1 gander; 3 ducks; 1 drake. IMPLEMENTS• McCormick bin- der; Deering mower; seed drill, cul- tivator, disk harrow, land roller, steel hay rake, set Diamond harrows, 4 section; 2 farm wagons, gravel box; wagon box; 2 walking plows; buggy; cutter, 2 scuiflers; 1S -ft, hay rack; set sleighs; hay fork 'scar, rope, gul- lies,. set - slings; set scales; fanning mill; wheel harrow; quantity of lum- ber; timber for , barn frame; .2 set double harness; set single harness; odd collars. Quantity of oats, barley, and buckwheat; cross cut saw, shov- els, forks, neckyokes, whiffletrees, chains and numerous other articles, At 'same time and place the farm which consists of 100 acres more or less, will be offered for sale,. On this property is erected good 2 storey brick house, with good bank barn. Everything to be soldin order to wind up the estate. TERM'S ON CHATTDLS; CASH. THROWS ON REAL ESTATE -10% of purchase money paid down on day of sale, a reasonable amount may remain on mortgage, For full parti- culars consult G. H. Elliott, Rev, Father Sullivan, Auctioner, Administrator. 18-2. CLEARING AUCTION SALT Of. Farm Stock and Implements, at Lob 35, Con. 1, MleKillop Township, 21/2 .miles west of Seaforth, on Pro- Yincial Highway No. 8, on Thursday, March 28th, at 1 o'cibelc sharp, con- sisting of the following: HORSES—Team of farm horses, aged driving mare, CATTLE --2 Durbaiti Bows, due to freshen in March; Durhamcow, dee to freshen in April; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in June; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in'September; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in Oc- tober; 3 Durham cows,' milking; 2 Durham heifers, rising 2 years old; Durham steer, rising 1. year old 2 Durham heifers rising 1 year olds 8 Durham calves 5 months; 4 Durham calves, 3 months old; Pure-bred Dur- ham 'bull, 5 months old; Registered Durham bull, 4 years old. '' (This is an exceptional good line of stock and eligible for registration,)' IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris binder, mower, hay -loader, fertilizer disc .drills nsanure ;spreader, •horse - rake, spring tooth cultivator, set of disc harrows, set of diamond has rows, Oliver tidingplow, walking plow, 2 'furrow gang plow, scuffler, farm wagon, wagon tach: wagon box, gravel box, set of sleighs, "Portland, matter, piano box cutter'; _cutting box; fanning mill; 2 gasoline engines; ex- tension ladder; Model T: 'Ford Car; Meloltte-cream. seperator, 600lbs. as. pacity; extension ladder; 2 sets dou- ble harness; 2 sets single harness; set el slings; hay fork, car, rope and pullies; :.sugar kettle; quantity : of oats, quantity of .household effects;, forks, chains, whiffletrees ,;and num-' erous other articles, Everything to be sold as proprietor has rented his farm, TERMS CASH. "`• James Jamieson, °Gob? H''Eiliot$; ' Fr'oprietor' • ! w Auctioneer:a THE BEST' MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs and Cream ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE. N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w RILEY'S• Where Quality Sells and Service Tells HEINZ' SOUP SPECIAL Asparagus, Chicken with Riee, Spin- ach,'•' Mushroom', Green Pea, Celery, Vegetable and Beef Broth, 2 for 25e Tomato Juice, 2 for ...250 Large Pink Salmon 2 for .25c Clark's Spaghetti, 2 for. • . , .19c Jelly- Powders, 6 for 25c Soda Biscuits,,2 for .......,,25c Weston Cocoanut Snacks ,..25c Pastry Flour, 7 lb. sack , ,...93c Pastry Flour,' 24 lb. sack . , ... , .65c White or Brown Sugar, 5 lbs. ,..27c Fresh .and Salted Herring, doz. . . 35c We Buy and Grade Eggs for Which We Pay lc a Dozen Mere in. Cash or Trade. NO QUANTITY TOO ` LARGE RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery At All Hours STARTING 'APRIL 1ST WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY .EVENING TILL FURTHER NOTICE ,HORSES FOR SALE G, H. Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction . on Monday, Murch 25th at one o'clack on No. 8 Highway, 54 mile east of Sekforth. 15 Good Ontario Horses, One Pair Matched- Grey Horses, One Hackney Bred Road Horse, a Classy animal. All horses guaranteed. Also a few springers and a few chunks of pigs. G. H. Elliott, A,uet. Geo. Lowery, Proprietor. • 19-1. ADVANCE SHOWING of SPRING FABRICS It may still be winter, but Spring is not far behind, and the colorful new fabrics just arrived bring the first breath of Spring. $21.50 AND UP .. Drop In When Passing We would like to show you the many new and exclusive ideas in MEN'S FINE .CLOTHES for Spring. WOOD FOR SALE Dyeing CIRDK'5 Cleaning Repairing Pressing Farnt For Sale or Rent 100 acres, lot 30, Con. 6, Hullett, good frame house and barns, 2 wells, 8 springs, water for 'suminer pastur- ing, bush, about 30 acres of plowing done. 31 miles from Clinton. 31 mile from school. Willbe sold very reasonably,. Apply to Mrs, Henry Marion, Ontario Street, Clinton, P. O. Box 841. 16-tf. For Sale A number of cedar posts, also a- bout 50 bags of Rural New York po- tatoes. Apply to Adam •Steep, Gode- rieh township. Phone 606r12, Ciin- ton central. 18-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Albert. Angel Holmes •• Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that all person$ having (claims .against the estate of Albert Angel Holmes, late of the Town of Clinton; in the Coun- ty of Huron, Clergyman, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of January, A.D., 1935, are required to deliver to Alike Gwendolyn Holmes and Ethel Allison Holmes the EScecu- trices'of the said Estate, or F. Ping- land,Solicitor, .on or before the 28rd day of March, A.D., 1935 a full state. meat of their claims together with particulars -thereof,and the nature of the securities,if any, held .by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAICE NOTICE, that after the. said -last mentioned date the Exe- cutrices, will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having ,regard• only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in ae- aordance 'therewith. DATED at .Clinton, Ontario, this ,4th day of March, A.D., 1935. t: FFl GLAND Clinton' Ontario N , , said eatat ]: - ' r'for the'a e. 7 3. 1�' rte So ae PAGE 5 THE TRIUMPHTHE AL T CHP OF !HEAT BRIGADE 4,4L. : 411, Thema is• no need to harbor `' cold weather inside your house. If the Heat Folks are coming they'll` eliase out the chill. They lceep the home . fires burning and withstand the severest win- ter isurprise attack. They will make your home the strong- hold of heat. You will never find them running up the ashy white flag. There isn't a trait- or in a ton and,, when it comes to heat, they're over the topin. a jiffy. Coil the WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE 1. .1�i r�eta � r� oafCo.�, PHONE 14 CLINTON, = ONTARIO • A. L. CARTWRIGHT, Local Mgr. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderieh—Phone 47 Now --Loretta. Young itt; "CARAVAN" Mon., Tues., Wed'. GENE STRATTON PORTER'S most widely mead and beloved story - "A Girl -.ofthe Limberlost". With Louise Dresser, Marian Nix- on and :Ralph Morgan Thurs.,, Fri.; Sat MIRIAM HOPIIINS• Portrays the life of a young and, beautiful, heiress "The Richest Girl in the • World" Joel McCrea, Fay Weay and Reginald Denny ;Coming: A grand picture "THE WHiTE PARADE" Matinees Wed. and. Sat. at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now -"Lady By Choke," with Carole Lombard Mon., Tues. Wed; LORETTA YOUNG starred in an epic of gypsy life "CARAVAN" with Charles Boyer & Jean Parker Thurs., Fri,„ Sat:—Double ]Till • EVELYN LAYS eminent prima donna of stage and screen In "WALTZ TIME” Jimmy •(Schnozzle) Durante '. busts loose with another riotous fun -film "PALOOK•A" Coming: "Gild of the Limberios, " Matinee Sat, at 3 p.m. WENDORF'S NOT CROSS BUNS Filled With Delicious • Fruit, Spice and Peel. Try this special for the week -end. 1 WENDORF'S Candy—Pastry—Ice Cream CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will be doneduring the coming Spring at Bayfield, Thos. Wallis', 4th concession, - , Goderieh township and at John Turner's, Clin- ton. Also shingle sawing at Bayfield. McEWEN BROS., Phone 624r4, Clinton Central. 10-tf. House For Sale Comfortable six -room house, cel- lar, woodshed, : town water, firstclass garden, garage. Apply to John Steep, on premises, Osborne street, Clinton. 18-2-p. Farm For Sale 80 acre farm for sale On 9th con. Goderieh township, 114 miles from Holmesville. Good clay loam, well drained, goad bank barn, driving shed, good frame hoose, never -fait ing water supply. Apply to Lewis Proctor, Clinton, R. R., No. $. 18-6. Farm For Sadie 50 -acre farms, on No, 8 Highway, half way between Clinton and Sea-. forth. ,Good bank barn, house, farm well drained and all under cultivation, good orchard, never -failing water supply. Apply to T, 10.: Livingston, Box 371, Clinton. 1542. House For .Sale Or Rent A frame house on Princess street, modern conveniences, nice garden. Inquire at News -Record office. 18-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ann Jane Stewart, •• Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Ann Jane -Stewart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County. of Huron, widow, deceased, who died On or about the 27th day of January A.D., 1935, are required to deliver to Mary Ann McNeil and Flossie Eanme- line Cole, theECeecutrices 'of the said Estate or, Fingland, Solicitor, on or before 'the 23rd day of March, A, D., 1985, a full ,statement of their claims" together with, particulars thereof, and the nature of the secure ities, if any, held by them all duly -verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executrices will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such, claims as shall have received clue notice and in accordance therewith. BATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of Felbsuary, A.D., 1985. F.' FINGLAND, Clinton Ontario, Solicitor for :the. aid Estate, 17-8. THAT PROMISED PHOTO It's comforting to Have those pot,. traits of old friends about but didn't you promise to send them one of yourself? They will appreciate it. Make an appointment to -day. BURGESS' STUDIO Phone 115-I5nishes for Amateurs, SAVE MONEY BUY SEEDS EARLY GRASS SEEDS ON HAND For Hay --Timothy, Alfalfa, t Red Clover, Alsike and Yellow Sweet Clover, • For Pasture—Orchard, Blue, Red Top, Meadow Fescue and Rye Grasses, White Dutch Clover and White Sweet Clover. GRAINS Let us have your order. Oats, el. they Alaskan or Banner. Barley, Vel- vet, O.A.C. 21 or Two Rowed, Wheat, Improved Kabanko, the wheat you are needing for mixing. Nuts—Small mixing variety, • FORD'S FLOUR, FEED AND SEED Phone 123w, Residence, 1233 Cow For Sale A five-year-old Jersey cow, just freshened, with calf at side. Apply to' J. E. Howard, Clinton. 18.2. Money Wanted 6200 wanted immediately, Will pay 7 per cent. Money well secured. Inquire this office. 17-tf. ELECTRICAL WORK having decided to engage in elec- trieai work in Clinton, I would re- spectfully solicit' the public patron - ago. Having had practical experience in power and lighting, will endeavor to give satisfaction to any and all who engage my services in these lines. George W.,Cowan Phone 2663. Shipley Street, Clinton. 16-4-p. Clinton's Fuel Yards HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD CORD -WOOD AND CEDAR NUT COAL AND STOVE COAL We sell either delivered or in ths} yard. VICTOR FALCONER Phone 97w. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Crea t;r Highest Prices for Strictly Freak Eggs, Cream shipped regularly, Good Prices Pales wash 300 Cords of Dry Wood AND CEDAR TO SELL 1. K. E. FINCH C$ „ . Phone 23,1.