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Ladies' -spring Wear
Spring Hats
Complete hie' of Ladies' 1-lats in the Season's Latest Styles
and Colors.
Coats and
Up-to-the-minute styles and the prices ranging $9.50 and up
Variety China Dept.House and Men's
1st floor Furnishing. Dept. 2nd Floor
Phone 36w. Phone 36j.
;aw,w, *� _:«;^': ^*».»; �.:+: ,�+'fi✓ .�•:»a+: ,w,o,;µ.»`.^� :.».�+'r»'^�«,.-f ,aw,»;«wi»;«;+g»;«fi.;«+.
Or Your Stomach's Sakek
Bis x
Undoubtedly one of the best preparations ever developed for
It hasn't failed yet—You oWe it to yourself to try it.
Sold only at the Rexall. Store. ,.
'S ie
.; W. S. H. NQ1MES PIN � B. Situ 4:
.40:44.444-14.4,40:4444.44444•4444.4444-4:44+44.444 (K.44+.144.44444 44444 •44:
Spring is. -Just Around the Corner
Hats from $1.95 to 55.00
Suits from $15.95 to $45.00
- Overcoats from $15.95 to$ 35.00
We will buy any quantity of good logs delivered in the yard.
Payment in cash every first and third- Saturday (Atha office here.
We have lumber of ail kinds. BUILDERS SUPPLIES, HO, 5X
Shingles. Hard and soft wood and slabs delivered' or in the yard.
Every 25th customer will be given a cord free.
The Clinton La mt er Co.
(Formerly the Thos. McKenzie Estate,) Phone No. 09-tf.
GoveriinentApproved Chicks
'Order your CtiICIfiSi today so that you will not be disappointed:
q�•�N �. ■•ll � 111 or0•N � m /'vi Y•II•■®A 4•i•q i�! �•C•01-.-i QQY•Y•4 a",1•1•*•■ � A fd4•f4•4nR•A 0 4V■nA"
•4Wats:15LE FLY. p, vIDER
1:tib. and '/x'1'b; pkgs. The season is now on for the using of •
this Powder.
Blood Tested Stock. WE HULL, AND .CLHAN• SEET:N. "
H ■
. C R
yV HAt t.CW
Order,iearly before Prices Advance
,Norman Lever, Jr., son of Traffic
Officer ' Lever;' who. has been laid up
since' last summer following• an in-
jury to his leg when his motorcycle
struckloose gravel when on duty, has
been appointed to take over the work
until his father is able to resume it.
Anyone desiring the services' of such
an officer can phone 91, Clinton.
Officer Lever is still ' wearing a
cast on his leg.
At the Marek meeting of the Hos-
pital Board held on Tuesday evening,
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:
IFon,-Pres.: Mins. It, I -L Johnson.
Pres.: Mks. F. Venner.
1st Viae.: Mts..R, Smyth.
2nd Vice: Mrss R.obt, Thompson.
Recording Sec'y.:,Mrs. harry Ford.
Advertising Press ;Sec'•y.: 1Dliss- E,
V. Irwin. -
Finance Committee: 14Iiss L. WaIk-
inshaw, Miss R. V, ' Irwin and Mays.
Wilfred Seeley.
Property Coinirtittee:Mrs C IStut-
dy and Mrs. Robt. Thompson "
Social Committee: I%frs. 1a. Ward,
Mrs. 1VI. Johnston and Mrs. Wilson.
House Committee: Mrs. W. • J: El-
liott and Mrs. E. J. Cook.
Staff and Management Committee:.
Miss J. Grainger, Miss N. Sinclair,
Mets. F. Wenner and Mrs - Harry Ford.
Programme donanittee: Mrs, R.
Smyth, Mrs. Peck and' Miss L. Grant,
The P, S. held a.
banquet' in the ch
q ur eh hail': on Mon-
day evening, when about twenty -nix.
young people sat down. The hall and
tables were deeorated in green; in.
.honour of St. Patrick's Day. , A sing-
song was •given between courses, . At
the conclusion of the supper a toast
list was gone through, the president,
Miss Gladys Addison, acting as toast-
mistress. The King was proposed by
Nediger, and was responded
to by the national anthem. This was.
followed' by a few retitarks by the
president. The Church wars propos-
ed by Miss V. Holland and respond -
to by Rev. C. W. D. Goren; The Y.P.
S. was proposed by Harvey Cooper,
past -president, and responded to by
Miss V. Fraser; The Girls, was pro-
posed •by Graham Brydon and re-
aponded to by* Mies R. Newman; The
Boys, Imposed by Miss D. Corless:
and responded to by Benson Sutter.
A vote of thanks to the mothers of
the executive, who had assisted so
materially in serving, the banquet,
and to all who had helped make the
affair a success was proposed by
Harvey Cooper and heartily respond-
ed to.
Following 'this a little program of
music was given, Miss Irene Robert-
son contributing a. piano solo, Misses
W, Trewartha and E. Charlesworth a
vocal and instrumental ditet, Mr. ,J.
'McCall a violin selection and Mins V.
Fraser a vocal solo with guitar ac-
compiment, ending up with a number
of. Irish songs sung by the company.
Presbyterian Church
• Continuing the Week of Preaching,
the Rev. A. R. Gibs'oii;will preach on
Thursday evening at a p.m.; and the
Rev. D. J. Lane Friday evening at
eight, with the Rev. Dr. d. H. 'Barnett
Sunday at
7 pan.
Sunday morning sermon subject:
"Jesus and Nicodenms,"
The ,"I Go U Go" Mission Band.
t22nd.will neet at 4.15 on Friday, March'
Wesley -Willis United Church.
Sunday morning sermon subject:
"The Renewal of ' the Individual,"
Evening: "The Sinner Seeking
Christ." •
The W. M. S. held its • monthly
meeting on Thursday evening, with
the president, Mrs. W. Pickard, in
the chair. At the, conclusion of the
routine business Mrs. Chowen's group
took charge. Mrs. R. E. Manning
lead the lesson, Meg. W. 'A, Oakes
contributed a solo and Mrs. G. Cun-,
inghane took up the 'chapter in the
study book, giving an exhaustive re-
sume of the chapter.
Ontario ,Street United Church
Pastor's. subdect Sunday morning:
"Renewal of the Individual.'.'- Ewen-':
ling: Young Men's iService. Rev. J.
F. Anderson, B.D., of Wungharn will
speak and a Men's Choir, 40 strong,
from Winghan, . will Sing and take
charge of the service. • .
On Tuesday night the members of
the Young Peoples' 'Society entertain-
ed the Young ,People of the Bruce -
field Society.
The meeting :opened by singing
a few favorite songs "from the song'
sheet. The president of the Clinton
Society, Miss Elnora Mclnnie, was 3n
the chair and welcomed the visitors
The president of the visiting soeiefi'y,
Miss Elsie •Smith, then teak the- chair
and had charge of the devotional et-
ercises. After. singing,; Ed. 11'i*eLeed
read the Seriptui1e lesson follewed'`l y
a prayer by Fred Boyce. The topic,
"With Wi'hom Shall Wie Ally Quesel•
vos," was very capably given by. *at -
ter ,Snary.
The, fallowing interesting program
was then contributed; readings,,Eva
Stackhouse; piano selections by Gieta
Harold Squires, convenor, af gemals
con nvittee then topic charge and' la
pleasant time was spent in games
and costest s,
Re£re'shmeuts .ere served,. h.'the
doCial cpn?initteelbefore the e„gti
ispersed: I , ::.I. ,rm,c
Mrs. Turnbull, widowof James
Turnbull, formerly principal of the'
Collegiate Institute, died in Toronto
lastweekat the age of ninety-seven,
Mrs. Turnbull, wild had made her
home with Iter daughter, Mrs. C. Ii'.
C. Wright, Toronto, for many years,.
kept her faculties to a marked de-
gree almost to the end and loved to
see and converse with friends' about.
,forcer years, She will be remem-
bered by many of the old timers
Clinton and; vicinity.
The W. A. of Wiesley-Willis church
held their annual St. -Patrick's Day
'afternoon tea and sale df home bak-
ing in the coancil ,Chamber on Satur-
day afternoon. The roots, tables and
booths were, decorated in colors ap-
prcpriate:to the occasion, those being
in charge of the baking biooth wear-
ing white with green, capes and col-
lars. Alt loffered for sale was div
poke' of and many came in during
the afternoon to -enjoy a cap of tea,
HA,VFr 0.17137) • FR.OS .INN ::..
Mr. and 1VIts. A. S. Inkley have
moved from., the ' Clinton Inn, the old
Graham House, which they have con=
ducted',in a popular manner for the
past few years; and are taking up
residence' tin"their awn house in Vie-
toria street.. The. move. was .ntade
necessary bytho 'health of :Mrs Ink -
ley .and
nkley;and. it is hoped 'that .this wiII
speedily. improve.-
Or. and Mrs. H. Castle,. who have
been occupying the Inkley house have
stoored their furniture and have taken
tup thein `abode far the time -being,
until they get a house to suit thein,
in the apartment of Mrs Amos' Cas-
tle in the.Royal Bank building. '
Last week's issue of the St. Marys
Journal -Argus carried a portrait of
Mr. E. S. Evans, B,A., elder .son of
Dr. J. S. and MTs. Evans of Clinton,
who is principal of the Stone Town's
Collegiate' Institute. The occasion
was a very flattering report which
was presented to the board by the
inspector, in which the work, of the
staff, especially of the principal, was
commended. Erakine's old Clinton
friends are glad to know he is "mak-
ing good,"aelthough, of course, it is
only what was expected.
The Route and School meeting was
held in the Collegiate auditorium
Tuesday evening, with the vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, in
the chair, The program was arrang-
ed by the staff of the Collegiate and
included a 'scene front the Merchant
of Venice; some tap-dancing by a
number of young girls and piano sob
cations b Misa Irene Robertson. It
was 'expected that a public -speaking
eontest would be put on by the boys
of the entrance class, but this was
called ori' at the last minute.
The, program was much enjoyed by
alt present and after it was over the
routine -business of the Club was
gone through.
Messrs. T. K. and Walter Mair of
town received the, sad news last week
of the death of their brother, Dr. A.
'Wolverton Mair of Detroit. Dr. Mair
Rad visited his brothers in Clinton
on several occasion and will be re-
membered by many here. FIe also
attended collegiate here when quite
young. He then taught school for
several years before going to lvtcGill,'
-where' he was graduated in medicine.
He was the youngest of: a family of
seven, the only suevivers being the.
two brothers here.
The funeral took place on Satur-
day,. the remains being brought to
Chesley where ho had practiced .quite
a number • of years before going to
Messrs. T K. and Walter Mair and
Mr: Lynn Malt went up to Chesley on
Saturday to attend the funeral.
The Public School Concerts' are on
this wcelc, tonight and tomorrow
night in the town hall.
The WI.C.T.U. will meet at the
hone of Mrs, W'. Walker, High street,
on Friday afternoon at three o'clock.
Mr. and. ,Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons•
have taken up housekeeping in the
+pottage on the corner of Orange and
,Joseph streets,
D7r. H. • E. 'Rorke' has again ibeen
confined to the house' owing to ill,
neer. This miserable flu leaves in its
wake a feeling of laistitude not oasy
to, shake off,' , ,• •. 1
If the :Heavy traffic''is hot-lfapt off
some of those eurfaced streets whilee
the frost is conning out tit great deal
Of damage will the dorifi. Already ;in
Places the l•surface is 'hedymg. •'
Any boys • under fifteen wishing 'to
play.,basebali the, coming season are
asked to, sign up at Haw=fins' hard-
ware at•once. All nenet be registered'
before April 20th and the sooner the
Mr. 0, 'H. 'Jefferson was • in Exeter
Monday evening paying an 'official
visit' as D.D,G.M: to the Masonic
lodge in that town. :Mr. G. 141.' Malt-
by 'and 1 Gt "E; 'Hall) were also in at-
1V);a 1y of ttbe ,efper!hockey, players
and others residing in Toronto and:
Hamilton came raver to • Gait to
cheeevon,tthe ;Clinton,toam in ;their.
knalegame with D nae: v,on. Tuesday
.evening. ; u
(Continued from page: 1)
And the game ended with the score
2-1 for Durham -6-6 on the round.
It :should be mentioned that almost
every player en the "home team were
suffering from the prevailing flu
ing theentire three
games ,and it was
a common scene to see three and four
of them in D2. Thompson's office, al-
most any time of day. But all seem
on the mend at time of writing.
The line-ups of the teams:
Clinton—,Goal, Elliott; defence,
Kennedy, Rath; centre, R. McEwan;
wings, Holmes, F. 1VCOEwan; subs,
Pickett, Gibbs, Streets, Waters.
Durham—(Goal, 3. ,Shatz; defence,
McGirr, -Wilson; centre,. Raybould;
wings, Dean, Elvidge; subs, Currie,
Tucker, Shuts, Ries. '
C. Talbot of Preston refereed the
Durham game.'
"Chick" sports editor of the Strat-
ford Beacon -Herald, had the follow-
ng comment on Tuesday regarding
the Clinton Colts:
"That great little hockey team
from Clinton, known as the Colts,
are still very much in the running
for intermediate "B" oar.A. honors,
and at .,present are battling it out
with Bob Saunders' good team from
Durham. To date each have ' won
their home game by the narrow mar-
gin of one goal, leaving them tied at
six goals apiece, and necessitating a
third game which will he:. played at
Galt . to -night. Clinton and Durham
appearto be
as evenly
ed as any, two toamis. could 'be, al-
though at the start of the season few
figured on Clinton getting ,very far
against some of the ' other strong
clubs ..in the .series, There isone
thing very much in Clinton's. favour
win or lose,` every member, of their
team is a home- brew, something
Durham and most other clubs in the
various series cannot lay claim: to,
with the, possible exception of the
great teams turned out of Kitchener
every year,"
. On Tuesday evening, March 12th
the Men's Club put on their contest
between'tho married and single tal-
ent. This contest had been so long
underway that those who were single
when the contest first started had
joined the ranks of the benediets, But
the ciub.is never stuck for some one
to come forward. Jas. Stirling, their
old standby, was there with both his
Irish and .Scotch blood and ready wit.
First he is seen in his kilt, then with
his wee bit of shamaoek. Mee. Will
McGuire accompanied hint on the pi-
ano. Glen Lockhart and Alvin Cox
each gave several numbers,' Mr. Fred
Elliott two splendid readings; Rev.
R. M. Gale a reading; John Sowerby
a short address, and Mrs. Ernie Bell
two readings, The contest was de.,
cided a tie so the folks are as good as
the people,
On Monday evening the Maple Leaf
soft hall teats put on a St. Patrick's
concert. Little Jean Elliott of Glu --
ton drew /the lucky number for the
fruit cake, No. 45, which was held
by Verna Picot. The program for
which Reeve G. Hi .Elliott of Clinton
acted as chairman, was good. The
highland fling was given by ,Agnes
Cameron and Dorothy Holland, ac
companied by E. Moore and Elnora
McInnis on violin nad guitar. Ever -
et Mclliwain gavoan amusing read -
ng, Jean Elliott a solo, harmonica
band selection, readi`ng,'Fred Elliott;
song, Billie Harris, Ivison Torrance;
reading, Betty Harris; step dance,
Anderson' Scott; another step by the
Highland lassies; reading, Marion
Colwell. This program was seasoned
with jokes froth the chairman and
music by Daimon(' and McMichael,
who supplied the music for the night.
A dainty lunch was served after
which the young people enjoyed them-
selves dancing, The proceeds was
in the neighborhood of $85.
On Wednesday evening ,Glen and
Argyle Lockhart entertained a num,
ber of their friends to an enjoyable
evening of cards' and dancing.
Me. and 14Tas. Elliott Harrison gave
a dance to a good sized crowd en
Friday evening.
Miss Jennie Busk was taken to the
Goclerich hospital for: treatment on
Mr. John Cox is eotlfined to his
Mrs.•. G. G. Newton has been quite
111 the last few days. •
' Mr. Thos. Elliott is recovering nice-
ly and was able to go as far' as: the.
bran one day recently.
Mrs. R. E. Rowden and baby Lois
spent the week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas, S. Lockhart.
The':Meti's Club meets this even-
ing, March 21st, when two speakers
from the &A.C., Guelph,' : will • be
present to give: the farmers of this
township some good advice on
tintgnitya.nd fertilizer.Every farmer
should avail him elf of this oppor
:Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ford of . Clinton motored
down to Galt on Tuesday evening
to see the hockeymatch between
Clinton and Durham.
Mr. Warren Gibbings in on his,
rounds circling wood for the house
The young people r;ag
e. are h vin k�
P 1?..
dance and box social in the hall on
Friday evening. -
THURS., MARCH 21, 1935
Rev. Jas. Parke returned on Thurs-
day of last week to his Bonne, "Para
dise" in Stanley township, after hav-
ing spent the winter in Toronto.
Miss Mary • Widcombe returned
home on Friday last after having
the past six weeksi
nends '•
W or
with her sister,`Mrs, A, P'ye,
Mrs, Gordon Elliott returned to her
home in Thedford after having visit-
ed for :a fey,'" days with her aunts,
Miss M. and L. Reid, and other rela-
tives in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Featherston and
Muss Doris Featherston returned
home o#i 11'londay evening after hav-
ing attended the Golden' Wedding
Anniversary celebration of Mr. .Fee-
ther§ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Featherston, in, Hamilton on Sunday.
Mee. George King left for Toronto
.on Fultlay to visit her son .and daugh-
ter. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burch return-
ed to their' summer home after hav-
ing spent the past two months in
Chicago. -
Mr. Alex. Aitken of Toronto renew-
ed old acquaintances in the village'on
Tuesday. litany will remember him'
as the genial young. Scot who was . a
member. of the Staff' of the Sterling
Bank here in pre-war days'.
The many friends of Mr. W'. J.
Bugler who is 'seriously 111 at the
Rectory 'wish for him' 'a speedy re
covery. Miss Weymouth, R.N. is in
attendance. •
Miss Wlilshaw of Goderieh township
was taken to Goderich Hospital on
Saturday where she underwent an
operation on Sunday. Her friends
Wish far her a :speedy recovery.
A very successfuj•St. Patrick's So -
dal was held in the basement of St.
Andrew's United 'Church• under the
auspices of the Wleman's Association.
The room eras -tastily decorated with
Irish Symbols. The main feature' of
the evening was a debate: "Resolved
that the young people of today are
better citizens than those of fifty
years ago." :Miss I. Kirk, Miss .Nor-
ma Welsh and Mr. Murray Grainger
upheld the affirmative, while Mr. A.
E. Erwin, Mr. Jas. Stirling and 141x,
Don McKenzie supported the nega-
tive It was a very interesting. de-
bate and there were some very con-
vincing arguments on both sides, but
owing to the failure of the negative
side to put up enouen points, to bal-
ance with the affirmative, the debate
was decided in favor of the Modern
Young People. Judges wen's Miss
Maude Stirling, Miss Jean Woods and
Miss Fern Wheatley. A musical pro-
gram followed consisting of songs by
Jas. Stirling, violin number by Mr.
Gale, and a few selections by an or-
chestra consisting of violins, Mr. Ale
thy Peelc, Rev. R. M. Gale, Miss
Gladys Gale, banjo, Mrs, M. Toots,
guitar, Mrs. L. Makins. Accompan-
ist, Miss M, Scotch'nter, Light re-
freshments were served. The proceeds
amounted to over $22.
The '4V. M. S. and W.A. held a so-
cial evening in the basement of the
church on Wednesday evening. Mr.
W. H. Lobb acted as chairman, Af-
ter the program progesisive crokin-
ole and a variety Iunch were much
The W. A. held a q+tilting at the
borne of MTS. Wlter on Tuesday
ternoon. Two quilts were completed.
During the social 'hotir supper was
Miss Joy 'Kemp, who has been vis-
iting with her cousin, Miss Norma
Potter, returned to Mitchell on Mon-
Mrs. McDonald of Teeswater re-
turned hone on Monday. Friends are
interested to know that Mrs. McDon-
ald's health is hutch improved. Mrs,
Elmer .Potter accompanied her moth-
er and, will remain with her foe a
The Young People are planning to
present their play entitled "The Win-
ning of Joy," on Friday evening in
the home church.
Plans are completed for a special'
Pre -Easter service to :bio held under
the auspices of the 'V',M,S. on Sunday
evening, April., 7th. The message will
be presented :hy. picture, song and
story. Rev. F. W. Craik of Goderici3
will be in charge .of the service and
Mrs. Wni. Yeo in charge of the music,
Mrs. A. Bond., is in Clinton hospi-
tal at present, having undergone an
operation. Her many friends hope
her recovery -will . he speedy and
* DUh7
* 'We have received a number *
of renewals during the past
• three months, as this is the *
* time when the labels on papers
* 'should read "Dec. 19352" ' Is i
*, yours so marked?
.k Sonia people refrain from *
paying accounts unless a bill *
* is 'rendered. It is impossible *
* for us to render an account to *
*. all our subscribers. When one •
considers the fact that around •
2000 subscription accounts
* would have to be sent, the *
* the greatness oe the task will *
'" be readily realized. The News,
* Record is only "01.50 per' year -*
* .in Canada and $2.00 to Foreign ;
•Qo}sntries. If you are behind ' *
with your subscription please *
take"this as an account render-
�'*'1 dd,' and make an ''effort to *
* square, yoittl. account. . e
# * *'*'R'* * *
Rev, E. F. Chandler preached a
most inspiring sermon on Sunday
last. Mrs. John Workman sang u
very fine solo, "Lift Up Thine Eyes."
The Wionten's Association of:; St,
Andrew's United church held a 'nest
delightful elrg'htful social evening on Monday
evening' last. Tho school roomwas
gaily decorated with St. ,Patrick's
Colore and shamrocks. Rev, E. F.
Chandler was the chabenan for the
evening. Mr. Arthur Finlayson gave
several fine selectionson the mouth
organ with guitar accompaniment;
Miss -Beatrice Dayman also favored
with two guitar numbers.. The quar-
tette, Mrs, J. B. McLean, Miss Jean
Ivison and Messrs. J. B. McLean and
A. Bell sang' a Eery fine number,
"Come Where the Lilies Bloom." The
guest speaker for the occasion'" was
Mrs. Robert McKenzie of E'gmend-
ville, who gave a most enjoyable and
nforming talk on then resent trip to
Florida.. This address' was' very
interesting as she told of the scenes
and conditions of the different states
and the way, the people live in Florida
and the wonderful resort Miami,
some living in extreme wealth while
others were in poverty. She also, told
of the native birds and animals,' Af-
ter the close of the programme the
ladies served a very tasty lunch. A.il
joined in the singing: of "God Save
The King," after whilch Rev., E. P.
Chandler closed the meeting: .with
The Young People of St., Andrew's
United Church met ,on Sunday
ing last. • Mr. Norm n Ale?ander
gave a very interesting talk,..en, a
short course- which he attended, in
London recently under the auspices
of "The New . Canada Movement" in
Western University.
The Young People ,of St. Andrew's
United church held a 'St. Patrick's
Social .on Friday evening last. A full
evening of enjoyment was spent.
Contests and Irish games and a po-
tato race also progressive crokinote,
after which the girls served a dainty
luncheon of pie and ice cream,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarrett of
North Portal, Sask., are at the home
of Mr. Isaac Jarrott, It is twenty-
five years since Mr. Jarrot went to
the great Wiest to seek his fortune.
Ile has been many years Customs Of,
flue at the Border. Mn. Jarrett is
an old Ilillsgreen boy and while he
likes it best in the West yet he says
it renews his youth to again grasp
the handsof his old friends in the
The quilting bee of the W. A. held
at the Manse Wednesday last was a
very successful one. Nineteen ladies
turned out, thimble and needle in
hand and made short work of three
nice quilts. What ever these ladies
undertake they go at it and make it'
a success.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mausseau visited
in London and Greenway the past
Mr. and Mrs, Will Dietz and Mrs,
J, Dietz spent a day in London last
Miss Jean Ivison entertained the
full chair 1Vednesday evening last
and the practice was splendid. A so-
cial hour was spent and Miss Ivison
served a lovely and dainty luncheon.
Miss Jennie Chesney is not gain-
ing as quickly as her numerous
friends would like to see and we all
hope a big improvement
will very
soon be noticed,
Mr. A. Harvey still continues itt a
serious condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Kerr and Mr.
Geo. Cambell of Winthrop visited at
Dips. Kerr's parents ducting the iveelc,
Mrs. Frank Graham of London
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J,
Bell the past week. Mgrs. Graham
was an old Kippers resident and has
yet a very warm feeling for all her
old associates who are always glad
to have a hand shake again.
MT. Frank Lane, of Clifford called
on friends on the road Tuesday.
Mr. Albert Pepper has rotated Mrs.
J. 'Shipley's farm.
Mr, and Mrs. James Nott returned
Sunday front, their honeymoon trip
to Detroit.
Mi. and Mrs, Roy Plumsteel visited
Walton friends on Tuesday.
tllrs. ICeox and son, Bert of Hullett
spent the week -end with }1Trs. Knox's
parents, Mr. and Mrs..Swinbanlc.
,Several from this Road took in the
hockey match at Galt on Tuesday
when the Clinton Colts qualified for
the Ontario finals,,
Two truck drivers were all snarled
tip in the traffic at the inteesootion
at West Beedatvay and 'Ohainbers
street, .New York 'City. One of the
drivers lost' his temper and yelled at
the other one: " "Why don't. you Look
where you're going, you great big
cross-eyed, bowleggedy knock-kneed,
son of a blankity blank, blank, blank!
blank! * * 1"' pie eyed dumbbell'!"
The other •driver, smiling sweetly
• Yort'ro nice n c looking' too, bud-
'Twas a dark and stormy night. The
trainman was signalling the engin.
ser when he dropped the lantern to
the ground. Another man,' passing
by, tossed it back up to'him oii'top
of the 'box -car.''
In a few minutes the :engineer, a
hew man, came rushing to the scene:...'
'Let's see yon 'go that ag•tin,,'' he!
said. '
"Do what,?t, ^.1,. ...
"Juni from' the' ground' to the tope,
of that 'box -car.”'