HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-03-14, Page 5".THURS.,,MARCII 14, 1935 TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'FOR THRIFT AT HOME Today, as in pioneer times, it is often the woman of the household who has the in- stinct and ability for careful management. Many women make regular Savings de- posits as a cash reserve to provide for rent, insurance, taxes and similar obligations. *A Household Budget Book isavailable on request. THE ROYAL BANK OF .CANADA., CLiNTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager OF INTEREST TO, YOU AND •'ME Canada is to have a smaller dol- 'Aar bill. Wonder if the little feliowa ▪ will be any harder to run down and •capture than the big fellows have 'been. Ontario is to have an eight-hour day. But we expect to have to plug ....away as hard as ever and if we can- not'get our stint done during the day • to come back and finish up in the - evening just the same. The Kincardine hockey boys are • preening themselves that they were the lads to. first bring defeat to the • Clinton Colts this season. On local 'ice the Colts won 9-1 and when they met the Kincardine boys on their own ice they had had a very gruel- ling game at; Ilderton the night pre- viously and had hardly had time to rest up in the meantime. The Colts have played wonderful hockey this season and a defeat or -so' at the close of a strenuous season is noth- ` ing to be ashamed of. HOLMESVILLE The Y. P, S. net with 1'fr. Al- - vin Cox, missionary convenor, In charge last friday, a good : per- eentage of the members being pre- sent. The scripture lesson was read Thy Mr. Reg. McCool, and the topic taken by Miss Marjorie Glidden. A . guitar and vocal selection was cent -rt. buted by l\4r, Norman Trewartha,. who was encored, replying with a ...second number. The minutes were real by Miss Alice Chainbers, secre- tary., After the singing of the last hymn, the Mizpah 'benediction was repeated together. Next .friday eve • ening, Miss Webster, Citizenship • Convener, will be in charge. Mrs. John Halstead spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. ',Sheppard. Tip UKERSMITR' The regular meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies' Club was held at the bode of Mrs. Find Pepper on March 6th, with twenty-three members and •,>one visitor present. The roll call was answered by Irish jokers. The pro- gram included readings by MO's, Frank Walter, Mrs. 'Fr. Crich and Margaret Oriole An Irieh corutest was also given. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in sewing. "The April meeting will be at the hone of Mrs. Vern. Terryberry. The roll is to be answered by hints ` on housecleaning. IUIPPEN Mr. and Mrs, A. Bell' entertained • the church choir Friday evening last. 'There was a splendid turnout and a :good ,practice. After a while of so- •cial chat Mrs. Bell invited all to the dining, room, where a delightfulsnp- per was awaiting. A•pleasing feature was the fact that it was ler, `Bell's birthday, a surprise to many. . The -choir extended congratulations and .joined hands and sang "tile's a jolly •good fellow," and hoped he would live -to enjoy many more such delightful times with the choir. "" Miss 0 H. Chandler of London spent the week -end with her parents xat the Manse. Miss Ruth Watson is visiting to •Clinton, helping to care for her aunt, ' 'Mrs. T. Churchill, who is quite Mr. and Mrs. T. -Workman were in 'Seaforth Monday evening, where the sisters and brothers of Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. _Stewart gathered to spend ; a few hours together. This was the, -fifth anniversary of their wedding. The Young People and all those • who feel young will hold;a Social F'ie- ,day the 15th. The young people have "' een 14153" preparing •.rnsnsic, contests and games and it is hoped that all the congregation will come out and have a good time together, The W.M.S. met at the home :of Mrs. French last Friday with a splen• did attendance. The meeting opened by prayer by Mrs. Chandler. The topic was divided into six parts and those taking part were: Mss, McLean, Mbs. Fairbairn, Mrs. 3. McDonald, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. 'French. Prayer by Mrs. Mon teith. After the offering was taken the meeting was closed by all repeat- ing the Lord's prayer, after which a business meeting of the W.A. follow- ed. The W. A. Society of Kippon ghurcb. is busy preparing for a St. Patrick Social to be held March 17th at 8 o'clock. STANLEI The Maple Leaf Gossip Club met at the home of Mrs: Roy Cantelon, with 'fifteen ladies present. 'The roll call was answered with "Cheerful Hints for the Sic& Room." • The sewing distributed at the last meeting was brought in, finished, and more was given out. The afternoon was spent quilting and a woolen com- forter was made ready to send to Fred Sloman in the north. The Ap- ril meeting will be held at the home 'of Mrs. A, McEwen. • Miss Kathleen 'Scotchmer spent the week -end with her sister, Miss Elean- or Scotchmer of near Seaforth. NTr. Will Scotchmer spent' a few days vis- iting his brother, Mr. Fred Scotch- mer of Kitchener: • Miss Irene Scotchmer• of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Seetchmer of the Bronson Line,. Miss Myrtle McClinchey and Mr. G. Alibaster spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mks. Wm. McClinchey of the Bronson ilne. Mr, Alpert McOlinchey, who spent the past month with his parents on the Bronson line, has returned to Auburn.. SDAl O'RTH: ler. and Mrs, Ro- lert Strong of Egmondville were painfully hurt when the motor car in which they, were driving skidded to the ditch from an icy road two miles west of Shakespeare. Mr. Strong had bones broken in a leg and. Mrs. Strong suffered eats in her fore- head. They were taken to Stratford hospital for treatment and laterwere removed to their hone. Mr. and Mrs. Strong were on' their way to visit their daughter, Mrs. A. Teamerson, of Waterloo,` when the accident hap- pened. , • CARD OF THANES ltfrs, Chas. Glew and family wish to extend,. their sincere thanks to ,their friends and neighbor's for the kindness shown during the illness of ler. Glew and since his 'passing. They espec- ially appreciated the .many lovely flowers sent and the, thoughtfulness of friends inloaningcars for the funeral. IIay For Sale A few loads of hay for, sale. Ap- ply to Oliver. Cale, Goderich, town- ship, Phone 60411, Clinton central. •• 18-1r • Cow For Sale A five-year-old Jersey cow, just freshened, with calf at side. Apply to J. E. Howard, Clinton. 18-2. House. Per Sale Or Rent A frame house on Princess street, modern conveniences," nice garden,. Inquire at News -Record office, 18-3. Farm Far Sale 80 acre farm for sale on 9th eon. Goderich township, 114 'Hiles from Iholmesville. Good clay loam_ well drained, good bank barn, driving shed, good frame house, never -fan - Mg water supply. Apply to Lewis Proctor, Clinton, R. It No. 3, 18-5. MARRIAGES NOTT - 13EL1VLS ---,At the ,Ontario street United 'church parsonage, on Alar. 13th, by the Rev. P. G. Far- sil, Melte Eiiizallret;'h, Reeves of Seafarth to Tames Robert Nett of Tuckea's s tth. BIRTHS McG,REGOR-In Clinton Community Hospital, on Mar. 9th, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, of Stanley township, a son. STEW'A•RT--an Clinton Community, Hospital, on 1llar. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Brown .Stewart, a daughter. DEATHS COUNTER—In Clinton, on Mar. 8th, Emma Louise Milner, wife of Mr, W. R. Counter, in her 72nd year. DOWSON—In Stanley township, on Mar. 9th, Emma Dawson, wife of Mr. W il'liaha J. Taylor, in her 62nd year. M'eMTJR1lAY—Sn Tuckersmith, on Mar. 10th, Robert McMiurray of Bayfield, aged 73 . years. STTJRGEON—.In 'Bayfield, on Mar. 10th, Jemima Uprichard, widow of James Sturgeon, aged 81 years. IdANCOCK—opt his home, 266 Wright Avenue, Toronto, on Mar. 10th,' Albert John (Al) H'ancoek, dearly beloved (brother of Miss Kathleen Hancock of Toronto, and M'rs. Florence French of 'Clinton.. IN MEMORIAM WOODS --In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Elmer, who passed away four years ago, Mar. 14th, 1931. --{Ever remembered bly mother, fath- er, Irene and Isobel. • House For Sale Comfortable six -room house, eel - lar, woodshed, town water, firstelass garden, garage, Apply to John Steep, on premises, Osborne •street, Clinton. 18-1-p. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, at Lot 41, Con. 4,' E. Wawa- nosh, on Friday, March 22nd, at 1.30 sharp: 4 good work horses, one black dri- ver, 9 good milk cows, due to, freshen in April and May; Durham bull, 18 months; heifer with calf at foot; 8 Durham grade cattle (yearlings); calf, 4 months old; 3 store hogs; 40 hens; 2 geese; 1 gander; 3 ducks; 1 drake. 3MPLE•MENTS McC'ertniek bin- der; Deering mower; seed drill, cul- tivator, disk harrow, land roller, steel hay rake, set Diamond harrows, 4 section; 2 farm wagons, gravel box; wagon box; 2 walking plows; buggy; cutter, 2 scuffIers; 16 -ft. hay rack; set sleighs; hay fork, car, rope, pul- lies, set slings; sat scales; fanning mill; wheel !barrow; quantity of lum- ber; timber for barn frame; 2 set double harness; set single harness; odd collars. Quantity of oats, barley 'and buckwheat; cross cut saw, shov- els, howels, fortes, neckyokes, whilfletrees, chains and numerous ether articles, At 'same time and place the fares which consists of 100 notes more or less, will be offered for sale. On this property is erected good 2 storey brick house, wtih good bank barn,. Everything to be sold in order to wind np.. the estate. - - - Ti3It,M'S ON ClIATTELS-OAS13. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE -10% of purchase money paid down on day of sale, a :reasonable amount may remain on mortgage. For full parti- culars consult G. H. Elliott, Rov. Father Sullivan, Auctioner. Administrator,' 18-2. CLEARING AUCTION ,SALE Of Farm ,Stock and Implements, at Lot 35, Con. 1, M;oKill'op. Township, 21 miles west of ,Seaforth, on Pro- vincial Highway No. -8, on Thursday, March 28th, at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sistuig of the following: HORSES -Team of farm horses, aged driving mate: , CATTLE -2 Durham cows, due to freshen in March; Durham cow, due to freshen in April; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in June; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in ,September; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in Oc- tober; 3 Durham cows, milking; 2 Durham heifers, rising 2 years old; Durham steer, rising year old; 2 Durham. -heifers rising 1 year old; 3 Durham calves 5 months; 4 Durham calves, 3 months old; Pure+bs.'ed Dur- ham bull, g -months old;; Registered Durham bull, 4 years old. (This is an exceptional good line of stock and eligible for registration.) IMPLEIMIENTS Massey -Harris binder, mower, hay -loader, fertilizer disc clriil, manure spreader, horse - rake, spring tooth cultivator, set of discharrows, set of diaanaand har- rows,' Oliver riding plow, walking plow, 2 furrow gang plow, scnifler, farm wagon,, wagon rack, wagon bets, g3avei box, set off sleighs, Portland stutter, piano box cutter; cutting box; fanning mill; 2 igasoline engines; ex- tension ladder; Model T. Ford Car; Nlelatte cream seperator, 600 lbs. ca, nearby; extension ladder; 2 sets dou- ble harness; 2 selrc.`single;harness; set of slings; hay fork, ear, rope and ptillies; sugar kettle;; .quantity- of gets, quantity of household effects; forks, chaitrs5 whiffletrees and num- erous other articles. Everything to be sold as ,proprietor ,has rented his farm. TERM'S: CASH. James Jasatieson, . Geo. H. Elliott, Proprietor. Auctioneer. '! ' 18-2. Ferns Flowering Plants Cut Flowers CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS ChaFLORAL DESIGNS;: se V.r Cooke FLORI'ST Phones: 66w and '66j Hot Cross Buns RICH WITH SPICE AND FRUIT. These will be our special every Saturday _ during Lent. Made by BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. Boots forSpring MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK BOOTS Leather Soles $2.25 to '93.25 Pence Soles 81.95 to $3.25 Boy's School Boots.., ..81.95 to $2.50 Men's Oxfords . . , fJl.95 to $4.00 Boy's Oxfords 81.75 to $2.00 Women's and Children's Slippers and Oxfords . 75c up 14 Qt. Tin Milk Palle 45c 16 Qt. Tin Milk Pails 45e French Floor Wax 30c Sun Floor Wax 40e Flaxoap, 14th., tka , Women's house Dresses, Sizes 32 to 50 89c up New Prints . .,,.,,180 and 25c J. T. McAsh VARNA CORN . PAIN and Whtta Wart, un- desirable guests of Mrs. Public. were removed by Cress Corn Salve. At Hovey's Drug Store, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ann Jane Stewart, iz Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Ann Jane Stewart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who <lied on or about the 27th day of January. A.D., 1935, -are required to deliver to Iifary Ann' McNeil and Flossie Emma - line Cole, the Executrices of the said Estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 28rd day of Manch, A. D., 1935, a full ,statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, herd by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executrices will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto 'having regard only' to such claims as shall have received due notice and in aecordanee therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of February, A.D., 1935. F. FINGLAND,Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the asid Estate. 17-3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Albert Angel Holmes Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that a1 persons having 'claims against the estate of Albert Angel Itobnes, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Clergyman, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of January, A.D., 1935, are required to deliver to Alice Gweitdolyn Holmes and Ethel Allison. Holmes the Execu- trices of the, said Estate, or F, Ping - land, Solicitor, .on or before the 23rd day of March, A.D., 1935 a fell states inent of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit AND TAKE NOTICEE. that after the said last mentioned date the Hite- eutrice3 will proceed' to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as •shall have received due notice and in ac- cordance therewith. DATED at Uinta'', Ontario, this 4th day of 1Vlarcho A.D., 1935. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor far the said estate. • 17-3. Money Wanted $200 wanted immediately. Will pay 7 per cent. Money well secured: Inquire this office. 17-tf. THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultrg, Eggs and Cream ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR` CASA AT. THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells SPECIALS FOO LENT SEASON Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Fresh Herring, per dozen .... .;35c Salt Herring, per dozen .' ,,35c Fresh Salmon Steaks, per lb....15c Smoked Haddie, per lb. 15c Fresh Filletts, per lb. 15c Large Red Salmon, for 24c Medium Red Salmon 15c Large Pink Salmon, 2 for. 27c Cooking Onions, 10 for 20c Fig Bars, 2 tbs. for 25c Fresh Ginger Cookiles„ 2 lbs.. for 20a Choice Oranges, per dozen ...•25c WE SPECIAL ON SELLIN,G PERFECTLYFRESHEGGS Also for the Week-End—Head Let- tuce, Heart Celery, Parsnips, Fresh Radish, New Carrots and Cauliflow- ers. We Buy and Grade Eggs For Which We Pay lc a Dozen More for Cash or Trade. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery At All Hours ADVANCE SHOWING of SPRING= FABRICS It may still be winter, but. Spring is not far behind, and the colorful new fabrics just arrived bring the first breath of Spring. 921.50 AND UP , Drop In -When Passing 'A% would like to show you the many new and exclusive ideas in MEN'S FINE CLOTHES for, Spring. WOOD FOR. SALE Dyeingl Repairing CLllf�K Cleaning Pressing TWENTY BREEDS OF CHICKS TO CHOOSE FROM THIS SEASON PRICES REASONABLE "CHICK STARTER" We are handling PURINA START- ENA and O.A.C. BABY OHICK CAF- ETERIA. RATION. H. W. CHARLESWORTH 18-1. For Sale A number of cedar posts, also a- bout 50 bags of Rural New York po- tatoes. Apply to Adam Steep, Gode- rich township. Phone 606x12, Clin- ton :central. - 1$-2. Farm For. Sale or Rent 100 acres, lot 30, Con. 6, Hullett, good frame houso and barns, 2 wellks, 3 springs, water for summer pastur- ing, blush, about 30 acres of plowing. done. 30. miles from Clinton. Va, mile from school. Will be sold very. reasonably. Apply to Mrs. Henry Mclrien, Ontario Street, Clinton, P. 0, Box 841. 16-tf, ROME TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Lear, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that alt persons having claims against the estate of. Henry Lear., late of the Township •of Hallett, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of February A.D. 1935, are required to -deliver to Frederick Shobbrook, the, .Executor" of the said estate or F. Fingland, Sol- icitor, on or before the 16th day of March, A.,1),, 1935, a full statement of their chants together with parti- culars thereof, and the; nature of the securities, if any, held by them all drily verified by affidavit. AND TA,K,IY NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at ,Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of February, A,D., 1935: F. FIN!GLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 1G -3. PAGE 5 THE FURNACGMAN mar .)S' WE'RG'OLD FLAMES:"OF HIS WE MAKE NIS•WORK EASY 'WHATEVER IT 15 It isn't a picnic -to fire 'a fur- nace. But, the drudgery can be :tak- en out of ib if the night kind of coal ds seiected. That's something we can do for you. It is pant of the heat Folks' service to furnihh you not only with excellent coal, but also with the coal that is suited to your own particular kind 'of furnace, fire -place or kitehen range. Can the Peitn WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE ThistavdCoal Co. • PHONE 74 • CLINTON, ONTARIO A. L. CARTWRIGHT, Local Mgr. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich—Phone 47 "ow: Joe Penner in "College Rythm," with Lanny Ross and Helen Mack. Mon., Tues., Wed', Walter Connolly, John Gilbert, Allisoru Skipworth, Helen Vinson:. Victor MicLaglen,. Wynne Gibson Ind many ether favorites in a great show. "The Captain Hates the Sea" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Loretta Young, Charles Boyer PhillGps Holmes and Jean Parker present a :brilliant tale of gypsy life "CARAVAN" Coming: " The Girt of the Limber- lost." isnber- lost" Mat.; Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan. REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth Now: Will Rogers in "JUDGE PRIEST"•' Mon., Tues., Wed. Joe Penner; Lanny Ross, Jack Oak - ie and Helen Mack and there's high hilarity when this foursome gets going in "COLLEGE RYTHM" Thurs., Fri., Sat. CAROLE LOMBARD Walter Connolly and May Robson :present a smart and -modern at- traction "LADY BY CHOICE" Coming;. "CARAVAN" Matinee Sat. at 3 pan. WENDORF'S CANDY PURE AND FRESH CHERRY NUT FUDGE BUTTERSCOTCH PEANUT KRIS? ALSO MANY OTHER SPECIALS SPECIAL CAKES FOR THE WEEK -END. WENDORF'S Bread, Buns, Pastry THE FUEL YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING ALL WINTER FOR WILL BE HERE AND READY FOR DELIVERY THIS WEEK -END A. D. McCartney Phone 256, 18-1-p. Farm For. Sale 50 -acre farm, on No. 8 Highway, half way between Clinton and Sea- : forth. Good bank barn, house, farm ; well drained and all under cultivation, good orchard, never -failing water supply, Apply to T• E. Livingston, Box 871, Clinton. 15-tf. CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will be clone during the coming Spring at Bayfield, Thos, Wallis, 4th concession, Goderich township and at John Turner's, Clin- ton, Also shingle sawing at Bayfield. McEWEN BROS., Phone 624r4, Clinton Central, 10-tf. McKINLEY'S CHICKS GOVT. APPROVED'; We are offering two classes of chicks this year. If you appreciate extra quality you will be satisfied with our premium chicks hatched from eggs weighing over 25 ozs. to the dozen. Barred, Rocks and Leg- horn flocks have all R.O.P. urates. The White Rock urates are 80 per cent. R.O.P. birds. We consider those to bewell worth the premium of two to three dollars extra. Premium Chicks Hatched from 'eggs over 25' ozs. to the dozen Barred or White White Rocks Leghorne. 914,75 100 Chicks $18.00 $29.50 200 chicks 326.00 $43.25 300 chiieks $38,00 $70.75 500 chicks $62.00 Regular Chicks Same Males Hatched from eggs averaging 24 ozs. to the dozens Barred or White White Rocks. Leghorns $12.25 100 chicks 911.00 $24.50 200 'chicks $2.2.00 835.75 - 300 chicks $22,00 $58.25 500 chicks $52.00 Started' ,chicks and pullets any. age. Vele appreciate your business. 3, E. McKINLEY, Zurich. ; Hensel', 97 ring 11 12-6. PHOTOGRAPHS CAN YOU TRUTHFULLY SAT THAT YOUR LAST PHOTOGRAPH IS A GOOD PORTRAIT OF AS YOU ARE TODAY? .half an hour of your time is all we need for a modern portrait your family will. like. BURGESS' STUDIO Developing and Printing Phone 115, Clinton. (The deckled edge makes your prints attractive.) SAYE MONEY BUY SEEDS EARLY • GRASS SEEDS ON HAND For Hay ---Timothy, A1£alfat,1 Red Clover, Alsike and Yellow Sweet Clover, For Pasture—Orchard, Blue, Red Top, Meadow Fescue and Rye Grasses; White Dutch Clover and White Sweet Clover. GRAINS Let us have your order. Oats, ei- ther Alaskan or Banner. Barley, Vel- vet, C.A.C. 21 or Two R.owecd, Wheat, Improved ICabanko, the wheat you are needing for mixing. Peas -Small mixing variety. FORD'S FLOUR, FEED AND SEED Phone 123w, Residence, 123j CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and household Effects at -Lot 33, Tuckersmith township, en Saturday, March 30th. Full particulars next week, G. H. Elliott, Mrs, Chas. Glew, Auctioneer. Proprietress. 18-1a ELECTRICAL WORK Having :decided to engage in eiec- trical work in Clinton, I would re- spectfully solicit the public patran- ag.e. Having had practical experience in power and lighting, will endeavor to give satisfaction to any and all who engage my services in these lines. George W. COwan Phone 266j. Shipley Street, Clinton. 10-4-P. -a, Clinton's Fuel Yards HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD CORD -WOOD AND CEDAR NUT COAL AND STOVE COAL We sell either delivered or in thei yard. VICTOR FALCONER Phone 97w. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices lot Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Pal 300 Cords of Dry Wood ,AND CEDAR TO SELL aw+• �1. E. FINCH ' Phone 231- ''" ''