HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-03-14, Page 111'he News -Record Est. 1878
With Which . is Incorporated The Clinton
New Era
The New Era Est, 186E
NO. 5418-56TIH YEAR
When, in need of a DINNER OR TEA SET OF DISHES, besure and
see our stoek.
We have a Good Assortment of SOVEREIGN POTTERS GOODS.
These •goods are thoroughly, Canadian; with the factory at
Help Canadian Industry by buying goods made in Canada.
These goods are all open stock. Buy individual •pleees and .build
up a complete set.
iD. �E. iEellyar
Jeweler and Optomiterist.
Highest Cash Price Paid For Old Gold
If - you are a little shorter or
stouter than average, you will
enjoy seeing these dresses w of
which we have an attractive stock
at present, both in plain and fig-
ured materials.
Among these' are a number in.
navy blue, which is in the lead
for Spring Wear,
at to
F IT,�
4 `' '" 'SEAFORTH
Now ie the time to snake some ehange in your furnishings- to
brighten up your home for another Season.
We have the finest showing of New Designs and Covers for Ches-
terfields ever shown. Also something new and bright for every roam
in the house. Came and look for the ,pieces you may need' this, Spring.
Our goods and prices are RIGHT.
Everything for
T - the Kit
1 ithen
Watch This Store For bargoains67--iGornW,
e and Get Your Share
New Suring Garments
By choosing your complete outfit here you are sure of sltyle, per-
i feetion in fitting and refinement in taste,
"�'he V�gue"
• 17-2.
(Score 5-4 For Clinton
In a most tliriIling game of hockey
and before the largest crowd of the
season the Clinton Colts emerged
with a one -goal lead over Durham
after a sixty minute exhibition that
left nothing to be desired from the
spectators point of view, except prob-
ably a few more goals on the part of
the Colts, The game was packed
with smart hockey all the way. Pen-
alties were costly to the Colts, Dur-
ham scoring all their goals when the
Colts were short=handed.
The teams were very evenly 'match-
ed and both have speed to burn, Ray-
bould was outstanding for the visit-
orswhi ile
Rath was very .effective
on the attack 'for the Colts.
As for ,the Colts' chances of com-
ing out on top on the round, they
never looked
loo d better,provided pr
ovr a the
boys stay on the ice. A costly and
unearned penalty to Streets -resulted
in the visitors. .scoring their first
goal. We could see no- reason for
the penalty as Kel. checked his man
fairly. •It was a see-Isaw battle all,
waythe y� with yr the Colts having the
edge in speed and combination.
The first period started off very
cautiously, but the Colts were first
to open up, and they had the visitors
going in circles for the first half of
the period. Waters scored the open-
ing goal on a long shot that Goalie
Shutz did not see. It was a high shot
that landed in front of the net end
slid Into the corner. The 'Colts turn-
ed it on and Rath, Holmes and R.
IffeEwan sailed in, Hiolmes to M'etwan
to Rath, who flipped the rubber in to
put the Colts two up. Streets drew
the first penalty and immediately
Durham applied the pressure, and
Raybould, who is a very dangerous
plan around the nets, took a pass
froth. Dean to beat Elliott from close
Waters drew a penalty at the be-
ginning of the second period which
paved the way for twe more Durham
goals. Raybould picked up a loose
puck and scored the tying goal at the
four -minute mark. Before Waters
was back on Dean and Raybbuld com-
bined to put the visitors one up. Mc-
Girr andurrie d
C rowen Ili
p a es at
different times and the Colts tried
hard only to be outluckee on every
turn. Harold Gibbs missed' halfa
dozen chances with no one to beat but
the goalie. R. MoEwan tied the
count on a pass from Streets and in
two minutes the locals were one up
when F. McEwan and Gibbs combin-
ed for another nice effort, MoEwan
scoring. Streets was given his se-
cond penalty and the period ended 4-
3 for the Colts.
A. penalty paved the way for the
Colts next goal, Eividge getting
the nod for tripping. Rath and F.
N c wan worked a beautiful play go-
ing in close and "Red" scored his se-
Gond of the evening. Streets took an-
other penalty and Durham scored the
final minter, Shute to Currie to make
the score 5.4.. Shuts drew a penalty
and the Colts pressed hard, but "Lady
Luck" would not smile for them. They
failed to :beat the goaltender. It is
safe to say that the Colts had twice
the scoring chances of the visitors,
and only hard luck kept the lead from
being mueh larger. •
A one goal lead is a slender mar-
gin for -the return game in Durham
tomorrow night, but if the boys play
the brand of hockey they aye capable
of playing they are a good bet to win
the round,
Anyway about twelve hundred fans
left the arena well satisfied with the
Clinton --4 Goal, Elliott; defence,
Waters, Rath; centre; Pickett; wings,
Streets' and Gibbs; alternates, R. Mac-.
Ewan, F. Nie wan, Holmes, Nediger.,
Darhan>-,'Goal, J. Schutz; defence,
C. McGirr, Ken. Willson; centre Ray-
b'ould; wings, Eilvidge and Dean;
subs, Reis, Currie,'3i..Sohutz, Tucker.
Referee—Charles Talbot, Preston.
The final game with Ilderton was
played last Friday night in Ilderton,
when the 'Colts were held to a 3-3 tie,
but by virtue of their 5•-0' win here in
the fust game, they emerged victors
on the round by the score of 8-3. A
large crowd: followed the boys dawn
to the game, about one -hundred -and -
fifty in all,and everyavailable
was filled by game .time.
With the home -ice advantage the
Icicles put up a much better' battle
than they did here, but most of .the
Wheat, 90e.
(late, 36e to 38e.
Barley, 70c.
Buckwheat, 43c to 45c.
Butter, 22c.
Eggs, 12e to 15c.
Live Hogs, $7.25,
Mr's Florence French of town re-
ceived ;the sad news on Sunday of the
death of her brother, Mr. A. J. Han-
cock of Wfright Avenue, Toronto. Mr.
Hancock had visited his sister in
Clinton on several occasions and will
be remembered by many here. The
funeral took place on Tuesday after-
noon to the family burying ground at
The Collegiate Institute Board met
Monday evening, the following mem,
bers being present: Col. Rance, chair-
man, Col. Combe, Dr. Shaw, P.
Fingland and Al. T. Cooper. ' Princi.
pal Fines was also present..
The auditors' report. was received
and adopted, also a written report
from Prin. Fines,On
motion of
Messrs. Cooper and Combe the report
of the auditorsand a digest of the
principals report was included in the
On motion of Messrs.nr
Ca be arc:
Finglland it was decided that the see-.
rotary confer with Fred 'S'lomarc re-
garding the disposal of a number of
khaki uniforms not now in use.
The following accounts were order-
ed paid:
H. Hawkins, $15,00,
Bell Telephone Co„ $2.75.
A. T. -Cooper, $3.20.
W. T. OTNeiI, $1.25.
Public Utilities, 80c.
On motion, of Messes. Fingland and
Combe it was decided that Parks'
Committee of the Town Council• be at
liberty to use such evergreen trees
on the school grounds as are not re-
quired by the school board.
time. the Colts were content to pro-
tect their five -goal lead.
Play was very even in the. opening
stanza, Clinton scored the first and
only goal of the period when the Mc -
Ewan Bros. worked in close and
"Timmer" scored on a pass from
The Ilderton boys started some real
fire -works in the second, when they
rapped in three quick counters to.
make the score 3-1. McCallum saw-
ed twice and Keene once. Their hopes
however, `were short-lived as the Colts
came Back and tied the count before
the end of the period. R. MoEtwan
ecored first, after some bard work a-
-round the Ilderton net, and Ken.
Pickett repeated shortly to make the
count 3-3 as the period ended.
Period three featured close -check-
ing, particularly on the part of the
Colts, and the Icicles failed to pene-
trate their defence, with the result
that the game ended in a 3-8 tie and
Ilderton passed out of the picture in
the-O.H,A. for this season, The final
score on the round was 8-3.
No doubt, the fact that the Colts
had had a hard ,game etvith Ilderton
the night before was the cause of
their first defeat of the season, when
on the following night they journeyed
to Kincardine to play the return
game with that team in the N.W.O.H.
A. According to, reports they failed
to play anything that looked like
their usual 'breed of hockey, parti-
cularly in the first period, when Kin-
cardine led 3-0 . However, once they
got the kinks of the night before out
of their system they made it merry
for the boys of the lake -shore town,
but the work of Riggin in the Kincar-
dine net was wonderful
to watch, t so
say some of the fans who were there.
Ile was a new member of the team
and local fans did not see him in ac-
tion here. They also had two more
men who did not play here and they
apparently strengthened 'the team. A
couple of high -lights not mentioned
in the report of the game to follow,
were when some rather erratirc fans
in one of the galleries of the arena
threw a rather large board on the ice,
which came uncomfortably close to
Several players, alea,the referee. Had
this board connected with anyone it
might have resulted in a serious, ac-
cident. Another amusing incident
occurred, when some playful fans, at-
traeted by the bright golden, hue of
Kenny. ?ickett's curly ' hair, endeav-
ored to acquire some of this flashy
players•, beautiful locks for a keep-
sake, just something to remember
him by. Fortunately, 'however, his
mop was the original, and Kenny.
still has the adornment on the top
of his head.
We are endebted to the Kincardine
Newts for the following play-by-play
description of the game and take this
(Continued on page 4)
A series of meetings will be held
in the county next week under the
auspices of Department of Avicul-
ture. The topics to be discussed are
Fertilizer and Hay and Pasture
Crops and the speakers • will be: 1V115•.
R. J. Boyden and Mr. James Lough -
land of th
e 0 .C.
A Guelph.
The meetings will be held at Wing -
ham Tuesday ,gfterneon and Auburn
in the evening. Wednesday afternoon
at Varna and Centralia in the even..
ing, Thursday afternoon in Brussels
and at peete•s' 11111 in • the evening,
and on Friday afternoon at Winthrop.
As the subjects to be diseussed,are
of interest to all farmers it is expect-
ed a full attendance will be present
on each occasion.
The "Worid''s- Day of Prayer" was
observed in Clinton this year in the
Baptist church, on Friday'afternoon
iast, when a very good number gath-
ered and an inspiring- meeting was
held. 'Mas. Rp E. Johnson of the
Baptist chureh presided and the pro.
grams issued for the clay were used.
taking garb were: Capt. Good-
ale of the 'Salvation Army; Mrs. G.
McDonald of the Presbyterian church;
Mrs. F. G. Ferrill of Ontario street
church; Mrs. H. Fowler of Wesley.
a church a h and
McGoon of
St. Pauls church. Mrs. C. W. D.
Coeens gave the address on "The Or
igin and Purpose of the Day of Pray-
er," which was a very inspiring one.
In every country in the world,* with
the exception of 'Russia, from sunrise
until sunset on Friday, prayers were
going up from the women for guid-
ance and blessing upon the world.
The medal part of the program
was arm 'very inspiring and appro-
priate. Mrs. C. V. Cooke and Mrs.
S. TayIor sang a duet, "In The Gar-
den," and a trio, "Abide With Me,"
was well rendered by Miss Elva Wil-
tse Miss Carol 'Evans and Miss Mar-
ion Gibbings,
St, Paul's Church
•Major Firth assisetd the rector, the
Rev. K. McGoun, with the services in
St. Paul's church on Sunday last,
Ontario Street United Church
Morning sermon subject: "Renewal
Through Vision." Evening: "Camou-
flage in Life."
The Girls' Clubl meets this, Thurs-
day, evening, at the home of Mrs, A.
M. Knight, Rattenbury street.
The W.M.S. met Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. Farrill, vice-president, in
the chair, in the absence through iii-
ness of the president, The devotion.
al period was taken by Mrs. E. Ken-
nedy, Mrs. W, M. Aiken -and Miss
Brick nd e
e n, The study book chapter
was taken up by Mrs. Peck, who gave
a very instructive and interesting re.
some of the chapter. Miss Carol
Evans sang an appropriate solo and
the closing prayer was made by Mts.
W. Hiles.•
Wesley -Willis United Church
Sunday morning sermon subject:
"Repentance, The Way of Renewal."
Evening: °The Sin -Bearing Christ."
The -regular meeting of the Young
Peoples' Society was held on Monday
night in the form of a :temperance
rally under hte leadership of the Cit-
izenship convenor, Jahn Nediger.
The meeting opened with hymn and
prayer following which the convenor I
explained the "Declaration of ,Pur. I
pose" cards. Another hymn was
sung and Rev, Mir. Casette 'spoke on
the subject "The case against Alcoh
ol," and also a few words on "The
challenge to Youth," and the chat -
lenge . was
hatlenge-was accepted in a 'short state-
ment by the past president, H.
After the signing of the Declara-
tion of purpose cards by the members
the meeting closed with the singing
of the Young Peoples' hymn, "Just
as I any,"t and prayer,
Presblyterian Church
W.M;S, will meet at the home
of 'Mrs. W1. D. Fair at three o'clock
on Wednesday, Mar. 20th. The study
book will be taken up by Mrs. C. E.
Dougan, current events by Mrs.
Representatives fo Huron Presby-
terial Young Peoples' ,Societies will
be present at the Sunday morning
service, when Mr. Roy Pryde will
speak on the Young People's work
of the church.
Young people and parentis are urg-
ed to be present,
Preaching serviceswillbe held in
this aura all next week, March 18th
to March 24th, at 8 o'clock each night
excepting :Saturday. The following
will preach:
11Tariday 18th—Rev. II. C. Feast,
Seaforth. '
Tuesday 19th—:Rev. W. - Young,
Wednesday 20th --,Rev, • F. G. ' Far -
rill, Clinton.
Thursday 21st—Rev. R. A. Gibson;
Mitchell. -
Friday 22nd -,Rev. D, J. Lane, God-
Sunday 24th• ---At 7 o'clock, Rev.
Dr. J, H. Barnett.
The postponed annual meeting :of
the Clinton Coinmunity Hospital. As-
sociation will be held in the council
chamber this, Thursday; :afternoon,
Ma -r.- 14th, commencing at three o'-
clock. Reports will be received and
all interested in the Hospital are
cordially invited
to b
e present.
Owing -Le a full page ad, on page 3
we are mueh crowded this week and
have had to hold several items &vet
and condense others. -
Master,Diclt Steep of, London, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Earl steep, formerly
of Clinton, was heard over the radio
one morning last week ;as he sang
in a. devotional service conduct-
ed by the pastor of the church to
which the family belongs.
Following are the members of. the
Huron Mothers' Allowance Board,
recently appointedby the Ontario
Government: J. M. Roberts, Gode-
rich; A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Laura
M Jeckell, Etceter; Frank R. How-
son, Wlingham.
Any of the members will gladly
give information regarding this im-
portant work and applications for an
allowance should be sent to the Sec-
retary, Mr. A. T. Cooper, Clinton.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the •Ontario street United church
parsonage yesterday, Wednesday,
afternoon, when the Rev. F. G. Per-
rin conducted the ceremony uniting
Nellie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and:
Mrs, George Reeves, Seaforth, and
James Robert Nott, son of .Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Nott of Tuckersnrith.
Mr. and Mics, Wim, Webster, sister
and brother-in-law of the bride.
were the bridal attendants and the
ceremony was witnessed ty e num-
ber of other friends who accompanied
The bride wore her travelling out-
fit, a blue crepe dress, black hat and
black and grey accessories. Imme-
diately after , the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Nott left by motor on a honey-
moon trip to Detroit. On their re-
turn they will live in Tuckeremith.
John Alexander Ferguson passed
away at his residence at Auburn
Saturday morning after a brief ill-
ness. Mr. Ferguson, who was the fath-
er of Mals. Harry Fremiin of Clinton,
was a 'life-long resident of Auburn,
being born .there eighty-one years
ago. He carried on the trade of car.
nage builder bo r
anYYears, but had
retired same time ago. Mr. Fergu-
son attended the Methodist church
and later the United -and had been
a member of the Orange Lodge for
sixty-three years and also belonged to
the Canadian Order of Foresters.
He leaves to mourn their loss his
wife; six daughters, Mrs. Reuben
Taylor of Adatiae, Sask., Mrs, Guy
Durham of St. George, Mrs. Harry
Fremlin of `Clinton, Mrs, .Chester
Taylor. of St. Helens, Mrs. John Phil-
lips and Miss May, at home; four
sons, William, of Windsor; Raymond,
of Montreal, Arthur and Lloyd of
Auburn. The funeral was held Mon-
day from Ms late residence. Rev.
Dr. Mortimore of Knox United church
officiating: -
The pallbearers were 'John Me-
Knlghtt, L, ;Plhillips,, Whn, Thomp-
,son, E. Ez'rott, G. Snell and 3. Mc
Clinton citizens generally were
much shocked on `Friday by news of
the death of Mrs. W. R. Counter. Al-
though she had not been in good
health for months she had only been
really ill for g day or so and her
death, resulting from a heart condi-
tion, was unexpected even by her oevn
Mrs. Counter, whose maiden name
was Emma Louise Miller, was born
in Sirncoe and was married .to Mr.
Counter in February 1890. For some
years Mr. Counter carried on a jew-
ellery business ih 'Seaforth, coming
to Clinton in 1905 and this has since'
been her home. She was a devoted'
wife and mother' and in her own home
her chief interest lay. She was how-
ever, an active worker in •the wo-
men's organization's of $1. Paul's'
She is survived by her husband and
two sons:: Postmaster G. M. Counter
and Norman, who resides at home.
Two brothers also survive, A. T.
Miller of .Chicago and G. W'. Miller of
San Francisco.
The funeral was held from, the
family residence, High street, 'on
Monday afternoon, the services be.
ing conducted by the Rev. K. Mc,.
Goon, rector of St. Paul's. The hon-
ovary pallbearers were: Dr. Shaw,
Col. Rance, Ool. Combe, A. J. Mier-.
rish, J. Wiseman and G. D. MteTag-
gart. AICtive pallbearers: R. Tasker,
R. Cree, - F. I'lingland, H, K. Calver,
C. Vanlione and F. Pennebaker.
The- Borne and •School" Club will'
meet in the Collegiate auditorium on.
Tuesday evening next at eight.
(Meek. The program is being ar-
ranged by the staff of the Collegiate.
and will include an oratorical contest-.
by the boys of the entrance class.
The Horticultural 'Society is plan--
ning to hold a social evening on Fri-
day, 1Vlareh 15th in the school room oe
the United church.-• An interesting'
program is being ,prepared. The dele-
gates, Mrs. W. Haugh and Mrs, 0-
Swan, will give reports of the Toron-
to Convention, and a play will be pre-
sented, followed by a St. Patrick's-.
The Wiomen's Day of Prayer wase
observed last Friday with a good at-
tendance and proved a most interest-
ing. and .pro stable meeting. The pro—
grams prepared for the day were us-
ed, the topic being, "Bear Ye One
Another's Burdens." This ' day of
prayer was organized by.. the Wo
men's Missionary Societies of Canada
and in 1922 the first ' Interdenomina-
tional Day .af Prayer was held to.
pray for Missions, and this year the,
programmes were sent to over 50 dif
'ferent countries and they carne from,
Holland.The .,Bible _
is ati
every country in the world•.
except Russia. Miss C. Haugh, the
president of the W.M.S. acted as
leader and eight of the other Women
took part in the responsive readings
and led' in prayer. Mrs. A. Johnston
played and sang that beautiful 1 h mn
entitled "Sweet Hour of Prayer,"
which was much appreciated.
Mrs. 3. Addison of Clinton visited
friends in the vilicage last week and
attended the meeting of the W.A., -
where she met many of her olc2
Mr. and Mos, F. 11. Wheeler spent
the weekend in Stratford.
Mr. Wrn. N. McQueen of Toronto
visited at the home of his parents In
the village last week.
Ma, and Mrs. C. Haugh spent the
week -end in London.
The many friends of Mo. O'Rourke
will bre glad to hear that hotels able'
to attend to his work again atter be-
ing laid off for the past two months.
The March meeting of Brumfield'
Women's Association was held in the-
school room of the church on Wed-
nesday afternoon, The fifty-two wo-
men who were present spent the first-
rsthour in patching quilts. The meeting•
was then called to order and•Mrs. T.
Chapman conducted the devotional"
period and Mrs, I1. Aikenhead led la,
prayer, Atter this the president,
Mrs. Bert McKay, direoted the bust
nese the
ss o f meeting. The April nee.
ing is to be held in the church and
the roll call is to be answered by a-
quotation from a hymn or a verse of
Scripture beginning with the letter
";A." The meeting was closed by-
yall repeating the Mizpalt benediction_
Refreshments were then served and
a social half hour was enjoyed by all.
Charles Glew Laid To Rest
Thursday Last
The funeral of the late Char/es--
Glow, of whose death we made brief '
inention last week, took place front
the family residence, the Huron Road. •
East, on Thursday afternoon Iest..
The Rev. Dr. C. E. Dougan, pastor .
of the Clinton Presbyterian church„
of which the deceased 'man was a-
1 b ,had charge of the services
at house and giaveeide.
The late Mr. Glew was ane of
Tucker'smith's most prosperous far --
niers, having spent hiss entire life in.
the community. He was a son of
the late Charles Glew and his wife„
Mary Marshall. He was twice mar --
Tied, his first wife being Rebecca
Wise, who passed away twenty-eight
years ago. In 1911 he was united in -
marriage with Miss Amelia Little,
who survives him, together with their
two daughters, Madden and Olive,
Two brothers, Thomas of Jarvie, Al-.
ta., and Nelson of Seaforth, and one
sister, Mre. Martha Jones of St„
Thomas, N. Dak., aim survive.
Mr,• Glew was a genial, compan-
ionable man, a good neighbor and a•
man who was devoted to his home..
He will be much missed in the com-
munity as well as by his immediate"
family. The pallbearers who officiated, at
the funeral were nephews of the de-,
ceased; Messrs. Prank, Charles and?
Henry Glew, W. J. ,Biggart, Rob;..
McKenzie ,and George Dickson.
Many friends expressed their sym-
pathy by sending lovely • flowers, a
mongst them being ,a beautiful design'
front the. Wiomen's Institute, Clinton,
and one each from the London Life
ad the Mfutual Life Insurance corn-.
paries, London, with which the twos,
daughters are employed.
Friends present for the funeral in -
eluded, Mrs.Olark, •Goderich, who:
had been staying witheher sister far-
a couple ,of weeks, Mr. and Mrs, Aar-
on Coats, Brantford, and Mr. Cops. .
land, Mee Dudley, Mise Hawkins- '
and Mr. and Mire. R. K. Shantz.; Lome
don. - i . , 4