HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-03-07, Page 1'The News -Record Est. 1878 NO. 5417 -56TH YEAR With Which is . Incorporated The Clinton New Ezra The New Era Est. 186' CLINTON ONTARIO, . THURSDAY, MARCH 7TH, 1935 ight repair work The way we look at it, a thing is not fixed at all until it is fixed RIGHT. If it is unfixable of course that is a different thing, and we will tell you . -r-But if we undertake to set your watch going'•right--or to mend ' this, that or the other -It is understood that the job will be. done in a perfect manner. Please remember this when there's something wanted. II ' Jeweler andOld .Geld bought for csh, or tken in exchange for new goods.Ye1iqar 1 11 1 Self -Supporting Knee High ®L.L1��•j(PR00 F HOSIERY Especially designed for the misses who wears their hose rolled. Into the top is woven a strong elastic which keeps the hose from slip- ping. Try a pair. Reasonably priced at . $1.00 FORMALLYOPENING SEASON IN DEPARTMENT Mr. H. H. onto's foremost will be with playing New and you are this date. THE SPRING OUR READY-TO-WEAR ON SAT., MARCH 9 Fritz of one of Tor- Exclusive Houses us to assist in Dis- Spring Merchandise invited to, visit us on I R " CLINTON'S, VIT I % ' 8 LEADING STYLE SHOPPE • URN1 F TURE ti 40* SEAFORTH Furniture andi douse Furnishings FREE :CASH COUPONS (GIVEN FREE, with every purchase of goods, rt apply .on MIDST 'Q;UALITY SET OP CHINA AND ROGERS. GtTARANTLE'D SILVERWARE. Come and see these Premiums. EACH WEEK WE ARE T THIS WEA ,O+k'PEQ ING A VERY SPECIAL PRICE ON 031V1IE, ONE LINE DAY BEDS and E STUDIO COUCHES Hs WALKER'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phone 67W. Weetelt` This Stone Per ;Bargains -Dome and Get Your Share e _ Se gh¢, •. " Vogue" WE ABE NOW READY WITJ 1 A COMPLETEI RANGE OF telco s Suri�� Gariments • ,� r, HATS, DRESSES, SUITS AND COATS By choosing your eoreplete outfit here you are sure of .style, per- fection in fitting and refinement in taste. "Jfe Vcgue" 17-2. ie COUNCIL MET EARLY MONDAY EVENING NOT MUCH BUSINESS BEFORE BODY The town council met Monday even- ing, ;arranging • to meet at seven o'cleck, to allow $ome interested menvbees to go to the hockey match after the meeting. ATT• rnombers present, Mayor Holmes in the ,chair. After the reading of the minutes of last meeting a ;communication was read from the Collegiate Board ask- ing the. co-operation of the town council in discouraging the pupils of Public school l o and •Collegiate from using the highway coming and going to school. On motion of .Councillors Inkley and Gook the ,council asked the parents to co-operate with the council and school boards in an ef- fort •to.have the pupils use ..the side- walks instead of the highways, thus diminishing accident hazards. The auditors' report was received and adopted. • The matter of a grant to the town band was laid over until next month. 'Considerable discussion regarding the town park was indulged in and it was decided that the park committee meet the property committee of the Collegiate board to see about some. evergreen trees which may be ob- tained from the Collegiate grounds. The committee is to report to the council next month. On motion of -Councillors Liver- more and Lawson Mayor Holmes was given permission to erect a false front before his' store property west side of Albert street while altera- tions are being made. Chairman Murdoch of the cemetery committee reported that there were four or five trees on the south side of the 'cemetery which . should be cut down and after some dissucsion a motion, moved by Councillor ltfutdoeh .and seconded by Councillor Liver- more, was passed that "certain trees between the main gate •and the east end of the cemetery be cut, the work to be done as a relief measure." ' 'Chairman Lawson of the charity committee reported two families on full and two on partial relief. On motion of Reeve Elliott and. Councillor 1Nlurdoch a grant of $100 was voted to the Spring Fair. Chairannn Murdoch of the special committee reported that the Agricul- tural Representative was paying the sum of $15 towards the cost of coal for the short course. On motion of Councillors Cook and Inkley the clerk was authorized to renew cigarette licenses at former rates. • Some discussion followed this, several of the councillors having heard tales of illegal selling by one license holder. Mayor •Bolles said such stories were no use unless a definite charge could be laid, Reeve Elliott, chairman of the fin- ance committee, read the following report. Street Account Pay Sheet . . $41.55 Street Lighting Public Utilities Com., Lighting streets , 162.25 Property J. B, Mustard, coal 3,25 A. D. McCartney, eoal 68,65 L. J. Cres, wood 6,00 Sutter -Perdue, isupplies . • . , 8.75 Pub. Util. Coin, light. hall10.54 P. 'til, Cora, light rest room 1.00 Mrs. Brown, Care Rest Room 2.00 Dry Earth Closet A, Fulford, salary ,.,,60.00 • Cemetery M. McEwan, salary . 50.00 Township of Hullett Work at Cemetery 35.81 Salaries L. Stong,:aalary half month. 35.41 E. Grealis, salary .. 54.16 R. Eu Manning, salary . 58.33' A.E. e i Fam 1 n sal.o �x m ntIn 30.00 J. Wiseman, auditing . , . 15.00 W. B. Armstrong, auditing . 15.00 Grants Light, X -Ray Hospital, Pub. Utilities Cam. 88.62 • Charity County of Faeroe, Hospital Indigents ... 15,25 H. C. Lawson, Relief Officer 189.67 Insurance Northwestern National Ins. .on Hall . Consolidated Ins. Co., on hall 18.00 London Guarantee and Acci- dent, Firemen .. . . , 67,95 General Municipal Expense R. E. Manning, Preparing auditors'' Statement .10.00 Miss N. Streets, Typing ... 4.55 Telephone acct. and rent .. 11.64 Property Pub. h Ill, Com., lamps 3.25 RECEIPTS Market Scales . ... $15.66 ' Rents . 3;300 Licenses . , 15.00 Cemetery, Wlork . 14.00 Stock Scales '12.50 • 8.00 $60.00 THE MARKETS Wheat, 90e: Oats, 360 to 38c. Barley, 75c. Buckwheat, 43c. Butter, 22e. Eggs, 12e to 17o, Live Hogs, $1.25. DM) IN B. C. 'There passed away at Bella Goole, B. C., on February 28th, W1i- lianm Fleming, of Revelstoke, B.C., formerly of Clinton, aged 65 years, 8 months. Mir. Fleming is, survived by his loving wife, ,two sons and four daughters, W. G. and Frank, of Rev- elstolce, Mrs. 1VT. A. beLean.and Mrs. H. Moore, of Vancouver, B.C., Mrs. T. A. Winters and ' Jean, of Revel- stoke, also one brother, Robert, of Revelstoke,' and three sisters, Mrs, M. N. Hlarper, of Toronto; Mrs. Will Proctor of Goderich, and Mrs. Guy Jones of •Clinton. Interment was made at Revelstoke, B.C., Tuesday, March 5th. CUSTOMS OFFICER CHANGED • Another change has taken place this week in Clinton, 18 .'Ii. S. Tur- ner has keen appointed to the Cuss toms office in Goderich, filling the vacancy left when Mr. A. Porter re- tired last year.' Mir'. Turner took ov- er his new duites on Tuesday. It is ten years since Mr. Turner was appointed to the post in Clinton, on the retirement of Mr. John Wise- man, and he has filled it to the satis- faction of the general public, We can heartily recommend, him to the people of the County Town, while we keenly regret his removal from town, He has taken a keen interest in Leg- ion affairs, being secretary of the local branch, and, until very recently alma of the County ,organization. He. has also been an active worker ih Ontario street United church and Sunday school, being an official on both boards. The personnel at the Government building in Clinton has :been com- pletely changed during the past year, Mr. Counter being appointed postmaster, filling the vacanice caus- ed by the death of the late James Scott; Mr. Howes being appointed caretaker of the property, on the're- tirement of M4. Walton, and now the removal of Mr. Turner, Mr. Turner's successor has not as yet been appointed, Mr. Purser of Wallaeeburg is relieving officer rn 0liniton until a new appointment is made. Far the present Mr. and Me. Turner will remain in Clinton, their many friends are glad to know, but probably not longer than the opening of spring. Their removal will be much regretted. DEATH OF MRS, W1M. STEEP Death came suddenly to Ennma Finch, wife of 1Vlar. William Steep, on Wednesday evening of last week as she was being prepared for bec. She was supposed to be contracting a cold and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ed. Steep, was applying somereme, dies and helping her as she prepared for bed, when she suddenly collapsed and died before medical help could be s u mto m nee, Mrs. Steep was born Dee. 23rd, 1860, in Queensboro, Kent, Isle of Skeppy, coming with her parents to Canada when she was about eight years of age. They came to Clinton and in 1886 she was united in mar- riage to Mr. William ;Steep, and here she spent the remainderof her life. She is survived by her hus- band, Who has been in .poor health for several weeks, one son, Edward, who resided with them, and two daughters, Mas. A. C. Clarkson of Toronto and Mrs. Harold Fremlin of Clinton. There are 'seventeen grand- children and two great-grandchild- ren, Two sisters and a brother also survive: Mrs. Beaehley and R. Finch of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. Robt. Cree cf Clinton. A ;bfrother, k3, W, Pince of Stratford, died as suddenly just ono week earlier. ' Mrs, Steep was a ninenber-of the Presbyterian church and it was the Rev. Dr. Dougan who conducted' the funeral services on Saturday after- noon, service being held at the .resi- dence, North street. The .pallbearers were: John Farquhar'John Steep, John Watkins, R. Finch, Lochart Cree and Robb. Cree. The funeral was largely attended. Many friends and relatives ex- pressed their sympathy ,by sending lovely floral offerings. Those present .from a distance for the funeral were Mfrs. Beachely and Mr. R. Finch, Flint; Mr. and Mrs. R. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Finch, of Stratford; Mir. and M:rs..81 Harness, Exeter; Mr. Peter Daley; Mrs, ;C4tdntorei Mr. Harald Ohdmore, Hensall; M4. and M'rs Wilbert Webster, Mr, and Mrs. John Daley, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs O, Copp, Goderich; Mr. George Steep, Mrs: 0. lawskins and Mrs. A. C. Clarkson, Toronto. THE HOME PAPER A' GOOD SUPPER The annual Shrove Tuesday sup- per was served in the school room of St. Paul's church on Tuesday even ing, by the Ladies' Guild, a good number going up to eat their evening meal with the ladies. An abundant and wellseerved supper: was given and the ladies and their helpers were kept busy looking af- ter their guests until all had been served. The procesda were added to the Guild treasury and will be •used for \worthwhile projects, such as the ladies are wont to support. LODGE INITIATION Huronic Rebekah Lodge ` No. 306 held initiation exercises after the regular meeting on IVaionday evening, when three new members were re. ceived. The officers having charge of these;ceremonies were: N.G., Mrs. M. Nediger; V.G., Miss Amy An. drews; I.P.N.G., Mrs. McIntyre; Chaplain, Miss Smith; R.V.N.G., Mrs. 3. A. Sutter; L.V.N.G., Mrs. T. Riley; R,V.S., Mrs. M. Johnston; L. V.S., Mrs. A. E. Finch; 'Warden, Miss ' Conductor; Williams; Miss E. Mc- Kenzie;' I.S., MRs. F. Glew; Rec.- Secretary, Mrs. G. T. Jenkins; Treas- urer,' Mess A. Steep; Fin. -Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Heard. The degree captain was H. W. Gould, to whose fine instruction and guidance the ladies feel they are en- debted far very much of their effic- iency in their work. At the conclusion of the business of the evening refreshments were served by Mrs. T. Riley's social committee, when a pleasant social time was spent. On March 18th this lodge will have a visit froin Mrs. • Lewis, Niagara. Falls, vise -president of the Assem- bly, who will give an address. ti NEW C.N.R. AGENT Mr, J. T. Clancy of Guelph has beau appointed C.N.R. agent in Clin- ton, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. G, VanlIorne some weeks ago. Mr. Clancy has +been acting as a relieving agent for some tune, with his headquarters in Guelph, but prior to that he was stationed at Preston. 11Tp'. Clancy has a wife and four chil- dren,two of whom are in Collegiate 10 Guelph and this offers a bit of difficulty in the way of a speedy Settlement in Clinton, as it doesn't seen just fair to the students to Oreak in on the school term. Howev- er, even if they do not settle in Clin- ton until the surnnser vacation time, the .Clancy family are to all intents and purposes now citizens of Clinton and as such we bid them welcome to our town and hope their sojourn 'here may be a pleasant one. :Mr. Vanitorne, who took the posi- tion on the retirement of 511'. Patti- son, has made hosts .of friends during his stay in Clinton and he and his family have become permanent and much esteemed residents of town: It was keenly regretted thatserious eye -trouble hurried his retirement, although .he might have ,claimed it earlier had he not been in such good health and unwilling to avail himself of therivile •e. His friends hope g o r n le that a continued rest will partially restore the use of his eyes and that many happy years are still ahead or the genial ex-C,N,R. agent. A BRiOTHER DIES The death occurred at the borne of his sister, Mrs. Annie Stark, Sperling I street, Seaforth, or Thursday last, of ' Reuben Stong, in his 78th year, fol- lowing .an illness of more than a year been paralysis. Mr. Stong was the eldest brother of Mr. Levi, Stong of Clinton. Deceased, who was the son of one.. of the earliest pioneer families in York Township, was of U. E. Loy- alist stock. Tie was born north of Toronto on the homestead where his parents had also, been .born.' In 1878 the fancily calve to Huron and settled an a farm on the London Road near Brucefield, where his father later be- came proprietor of the Brucefield Io- tei, Stong left the farm 55 years ago and went to Sarnia, when some tine° ]later .his health failed and he returned to Brucefield where he re - Mind until fourteen years ago, when he went to reside with his sister in Seaforth. He was unmarried. ' Of a fancily of ten, seven heathers and three sisters, the following sur vive: Charles. of Fairwvell, Alta., George of Norwich, Ont., Levi of Clinton; Mrs. Stark of Seaforth and Mrs. S. Parke of Texas, The funeral was held from the hone of Mas. 'Stark on Saturday af- ternoon ta' Maitiandbank Cemetery, The funeral aervices•were'conducted by the Rev. T. A. Carmichael' of Northside Ucnited. Church. 11Sr, and Mi5. L. Stang and Mr, and Mrs, •Gordon Lawson attended the funeral from, Clinton. ILDERTON ICICLES NO MATCH FOR SMART CLINTON COLTS VISITORS HELD SCORELESS IN FIRST .GAME IN SEMI-FINALS SCORE 5 TO 0 Return Game Likely To Be PIayed Tomorrow Night' Last Monday night, in the local arena, the Clinton Colts and the II. deuton Icicles met in their first game in the semi-final play -dawns of the O.H.A, Intermediate "B." Local fans looked forward to this game with a gee at at deal of pleasure, and some with an equal amount of anxiety, as some of the more timid fans feared that the outcome might be disastrous for the Colts, As is always the: ease, considerable street talk hadgone the rounds and ag a i'esult'large -numbers received the idea that Ilderton was a team to be reckoned with. Consequently, when Monday night rolled around, and long before the game got under way the arena was jammed to the rafters with hockey enthusiasts, a large portion of whom of course, were home -town people, and also a large number from surs rounding districts, and it is very en- couraging to see the numbers of rural followers the Colts have this year. Also the visitors were not without plenty of support, they having char- tered a special train, and about one hundred and fifty of 'their• followers came up to cheer their begs along. It turned out however that they didn't have much ieause to cheer and they must have gone home a rather deject- ed ejected tat. However someone had to be the loser -we're glad it was them. Stetting tine eventually came and about twelve hundred howling fans were on deck. When the visitors came on the lee several 'of their players looked like real huskies, and all through the game these big boys tried to use their weight, and we believe that if they had played more hockey and forgot the bumping they might have been more successful, as it was, they ap- peared cumbersome and rather slow aud at times were unable to cope with the smaller forwards of the Colts, who continually evaded the hard body -checking of the visitors. They have two speedy forward Iines but on the night's play they lacked the finish and speed of the locals. It was a shame that the. weather was not more favourable and that the ice had not been in better shape. Period one started out with 2loth teams sparring' for an opening, but the defences held well, particularly the locals, who seem to be rounding into a real hard-hitting defence Streets, Pickett and Gibbs started the fire -works. Immediately they came on the ice they rushed in and Stree;,s bulged the twine for the first counter, and incidentally relieved the tension of local fans. The fine team play of both local lines :had the visitors gues- sing at all times. Iides-ton made sev- eral attempts but the Colt'.s defence refused to break and Elliott was nev- er in serious trouble. Penalties were scarce in this period, mainly becausee the referee forgot to put on his gime. ses. Before the end of the period Streets took a pass from Gibbs and again scored to put the locale two up The second period saw the boys on both teams using the body to good effect and play was mostly confined to the centre zone with any dangerous rushes being spoiled by rolling' pucks. This was the visitors blestperiod and penalties, to the locals kept them in hot water at different times. The visitors seemed to tire and the third period- saw the Colts romping around and Chapman hada merry (Continued on page 4) 1101/Vi IT COMES 'BACK The News -Record pays its wages weekly, 'sometimes ; we have to do some scratching about to do it but itrll;Saturday is pay day in this of- fice, and last Saturday was no ex- ception. On, Monday Me. A. Da Mc- Cartney came in and collected from one of our staff somo money due,fer coal, Tdr. 1VacCartney then came out to the business office and asked for his ;bill for some stationery recently procured, : and handed over some of the money just paid him by our staff member and it went into the office till and, wile, very likely if not Paid out to someone else, go again into a pay envelope on Saturday. •Money is to the body economic' what ;blood is to the body physical, ra- pid circulation is what makes far good trines, while sluggish circulation makes for bad times, ill health in econ-` °mics, as :slow circulation means ill - health in the h. tics body. heat p y ] Y If we conld just keep the money we have cieculating ,around among us, some of it would be sure to rest in our in -1 dividual pockets' occasionally, even if only for a short spell, PILE UP AN EIGHT GOAL LEAD FOR RETURrr GAME WITH KINCARDINE It has been a long time .since a, rd . Satq ay night hockey game has: been played in Clinton, but it seems toy' be a fairly popular night as there were' between four and five hundred present,' for the game here last Sat- urday between Kincardine and Clin- ton, a very good crowd for the con- dition of the weather and the bad roads. There were quite a few fans from Kincardine Who did their best to cheer their boys along. The ( >r_e was not in very good shape and the kind of combination that was dished up, particularly by the locals,, , was a ,pleasant surprise to the fans, who thought that it would be im- passible to play nice hockey on this sort of ice. The soft ice may have hampered the Kincardine boys some too. One thing that was in evidence was their lack of combination, and their lack of team play proved their downfall. They have several nice players on the tenni and are a good bunch of sports.: The game was par- ticularly clean, the homesters coating out with a clean sheet, which is very u}rusual-while the visitors drew four penalties, all for minor -infrac- tions of the rules, The first period started fairly ev- en, with both teams testing the other out, and about five minutes had e- lapsed when the Pickett -Streets -Gibbs line went into action, charging in close they wonted a three-man pass, Gibbs to' Pickett, who passed to Streets who drew first blood for the locals. Before the period ended Mc - Ewan 13ros, and C. Holmes came on, and F. M'cEavan made it 2-0 on a nice combination play with R. Me - Ewan. "Red" Rath happened with a very regrettable accident when he received a nasty cut from a "shinny" stick on the back of the head which required several stitches before the wound was closed. He, however, re- turned to the game at the beginning of the second period with his head swathed in bandages. Any hopes Kincardine had of hold- ing the score down was shattered in the second period when the locals ran the score up to 7-0. From the drop of the puck they swanned a- round the Kincardine net and during the entire period the Kincardine boys were on the run. C. Holmes scored first on a pass froin F. 1VTcEivan and Rath, The lines changed and ICen- Pickett and Doug. Kennedy scored again for the locals,: Pickett scoring• the goal. Pickett and Gibbs followed up with another, Pickett scoring on. Gibbs' pass. F. Mc]wan and R. Mc Ewan works info • a pretty d r goal;, Frank scoring' from close in. Waters, finished the scoring in this period ort a long high shot. The Kincardine goalie caught 10, held it for a short~ interval and then dropped it into the net. With . the exception ,of this goal, he had very little chance to save on any of the others, with three (Continued on page 4) ANNUAL POSTPONED Owing to illness on the part at several who are specially interested the annual meeting of •the. Clinton Community 2ospital Association, which was to have been held this, Thursday, afternoon, has been post- poned. Announcement will be made later as to the date of meeting. DEATH! 08' C. GLEi4t After an illness extending over some weeks Mr. Charles Glees pas- sed away at his hone on the .Huron Road, East, yesterday In his seven- ty-ninth year. The funeral takes place' this after- noon, from his late residence, to Clinton cemetery. Theser'vi'ce cons - silences at half past two this after- noon. PARKS IMPROVCiMENT STARTS The Parks Coiiunitteo. of • the Busi- mess Men's Association met the corgi respondingeonnmittee of the town:' council in thecouncil chamber Thee - day evening when some of the first permanent improvement arrange- ments were planned and discussed. The joint parks commission is very pleased ever the keen interest dis- played by the citizens in general and many are ready to; indicate .this in a practical way. , Moire will be said about the big are bar day plan in a later issue of thist Taper.