HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-02-28, Page 8'PAGE s 'THE CLINT' N NEWS -RECORD, GAIN DAYS. We lire"taking stock and as ukual:'are placing on our countess � k � Remnants and Clearing Lines' at Real Bargain Prices: Ladies' .Jersey. Storm Rubbers, low heel, sines 2112 to 4y2, clearing 49c Skating Outfits, Balance to Clear at Cost. Men's Ti -Eyelet ' Black -laced rubbers, clearing•;at Mena (6-:ejfelet:Red-laced Rubbers, clearing •at, $1.79 fancy -AU wool J3lani.ets, plain colors, satin bound ends Regular $3.75. Clearing •12.95 . All wool, Wandbeeakers in Red, Green or Bhee.:, „Mag, pprice;,$3,5O .and.„ p,75. Clearing Lat , . . ,..,$2,95 Ladies' Silk ;rnd,W,001 Hose,,:3'pairs for ........:..:..:..,...:._..$1.00 Hen's Silk And Noel, and Alli -,Woof Hose pz : 5c e $ „Pairs )for $1,00' Men's Overalls ,C11aring L$nes, A11 Sizes SPeciaL.Clearing Padees .. . .9.. :and 41.10 Many ,other items.not listed :at equally low Glearing,Pzices 4COME; IN.A•IiID:LQO1£ Tail 'tfieV 3R Plumsteel �r�s Agents for Tip-W4p,:Berger„and, Cambridge Made-to.rMeasuretClothinre ea, L s ,, A 44O1!lp3" r1/4. '•/. Irup4® 1 , - ' N �'mD,•4 _ _ -E BABY REEF BOILS, per lb. 10c SIRLO'l%v-'ROIAST BEEF,. per ]b. 15c :.PORTER ROUSE ROAST -0F BEEF,; per lb 15c BOILING BEEF, per 'lb. 6e to 9c CHOICE RIB ROAST 'OP BLEF,'per ib. 12e • VEAL CHOPS per ]b , 18c • VEAL STEWS, per lb. , ., 10e I 'LAMB CHOPS, per. Ib •22c I SKULK SAUER KRAUT, •2 lbs. for . ..15c • tCOD FISH, SMOKED FILLETTS, WHITE FISH , att;MUN AND HERRING IN ;STOCK. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " :11hone 162. Albert Street mosim DOMINION- HARDWARE r STORE � $PECIjtu PROVE iDINE IIOG TOXIC, was $1.50 -NOWT lie FIVE HUNDRED(CHICK Bi1.00DEit - . •. ,..,....513,116 •geese Specials in Way 'ag1ess Springs WE CARRY A LINE OF FINISI4ED AND UNi+INisrn D C'HAAR$• flanging born $1.25 to $3.26 BRIDGE LAMP with Bronze Stand, choice of any shade, Complete ... ...... t ... ... , 46.25 virstiestaressastarmassamomaimarti Suttees -Perdue --Beattie DIRECTORS 0'k' FUNERAL SERVICES Phone 147w, Day or Night. CLEAN UP ON OKS Drastic Reductions' Offered, yoiir choice;', lame Fiction -- me .Juvenile rem We want to '.retire all from our stock and the pr:ice should 'bring it about. Original price of some was $1.50 Tlie W. D. Fair 0 Often the Cheapest -Always the Best dlm(lu IINIIIIIIIIAnunmul ulupf I I44 MTs. H. Ba'rtliff spent last week -end with her aunt, lefts. Ballantyne of Landon: Mr. Gordon Cuninghame spent the week -end with St. Catharines and Toronto friends. MTs, H. J. Pingle of Londesboro vis- ited with Mr. and 11Iis. Geo. W. Cowan over last week -end. Mrs. H. A. ,Steven left this week for her home 411V ttcliewan, after a visit of severtai :weeks withher mother, Mrs. 0. IIS, Bartliff. Miss Allee-"'Paylor has egterned to Brussels after having spent .p, cou- ple of weeks Looking aftev tyles• Forrester's business while she at.. tend@d It 111tirdreeeQl'1' convention in Toronto. Mr. W. Bingeman, who had been a member of the local Royal Bank staff for a little over a yens, Ieft fast week -end to rake .an advanced position in a London office, Mr•. I J, Yott, who costes from Piston, • taking .hie place herd. ii99W NEWS • HOLMESVILLE Mrs. J. Cadmore is visiting in. Brampton at the home of her son, Mr. Earl Cudmore. Miss Wilhelmine Trewartha of Clinton was the guest of Miss S. Acheson over the week -end. Miss J. Wlekister spent the week- end at her 'home in Seaforth. Miss Norma Potter returned hone " tim the 'Clinton . Hospital on Wed- tiesc{ay afteinb0t1. •11In, aiid 14Fr`h. Elmee PAW Vete in Tees\6ater oh Wec'lnesday violiillff the . latterts mother. who has been ill. The foliowile r from the Exeter limes -Advocate will, be read with P112erest by many hereabouts, as Mrs. • Pear was well known here when her husband was pastor of the then Methodist church: "Mrs. (Rev.) E. A. Fear, soother of bars. W. S. Howey, of Exeter, whose husband was aformer pastor of Main Street Methodist 'Church died in Whitby hospital on Tuesday of this week. The funeral Wednesday, • was-helil'from the home of her sister 14Ias. Pearson, of rStratford, interment in the Avondale cemetery. Mrs. lee- way spent the past week with her Mother in Whitby. Mrs. Pear was well known in this community and was beloved by a wide circle of 'friends.. The sympathy of the eem- inhanity will be extended to the be- caved." •BRUCEFIELil Mr. Jelin Hill of Moose Jaw is vis- iting his mother, Mrs. G. Hill, and other friends at present. Mr. and Mire. Ross Scott spent u few days in Taranto this week•:: Rev. W1.. A: Bremner and +Mir• ; R. Wnatson attended the 'Temperance, Oonventiori'held in Toronto last week, Mss. Alice Ham visited friends in Hamilton and Toronto last week. Mrs. John Snider visited her daugh- ter, Irene, in London recently and al- so called at Phe hone of Mr. and Mrs. Collins, formerly ofBrucefield, and were pleased'to see Mr. "Collins look- ing so well. Ile has been in the san- itorium for the past few months. Mise Eleanor Snider of Kincardine spent a few dayf at her home in the yilla$e last, week, The annual Ittieltihss Meeting el the. lbrucefield united thrush was held •on Wednesday evening of last week, with Rev. W. A. Bremner acting as chairman and Mr. J.. B. Mustard as secretase, I t The different organizations were fairly well represented and the re- ports they gave were full of hope and encouragement. • The sum of $4295.00 was raised for all purposes, of which $1418.00 wore for %Mjisoions, of this amount the W,M•S. raised $348.00, the Sun- day School $100.00; the Y.P.S. $30.00- and the congregation $940.00. The Woman's Association 1 raised for church purposes $400.00. • Messrs. J. B. 'Mustard, Bert McKay and Thos. Campbell were re-elected to the,Board of Managers. VARNA Wednesday evening last the Or- angemen had s most successful eu- chre and dance in the township hall. Ladies prizes were won by Mrs, Per- cy Johnston, second, Mrs. Wi. John- ston. ;Men's, •_ by . M. MATO: Cole- man, M7. Alvin Elliot. Lunch: was served and the remainder of thh re - ening spent in dancing Mia Oharles: Reid of Bzilefield re- ceived word. of the/death of hie' niece Mrs. A. Hi• Elliott ofeiric�'soi°., 4i - nierly 1V1issS'telis Iln`t3'i'Well:. The Bully Firemen play the Inno- cent Clerks on the local arena this evening, Thursday, at 8 o'clock. This will be the greatest game of the sea- son, 'so say those who will take part, so do not miss it. Two refesees will handle the game and the band will be in attendance. The 'Clerks took the Erueefieid rob- ers into camp to the tune of 10.5 on Monday evening. LITTLE LOCALS The town council meets in eom- nrittee Friday evening, regular meet- ing Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, T. Wigginton have Moved back into their cottage, cor- ner of ilattenbury and Shipley streets: and Mr and M1rei. Geo, W. Cowan have taken their house : in Shipley street; The`pupils of Olintorl Nu9lic School at the olid of December last had Cm deposit in the Penn) Banda tie' sum of 81,341.37,' oomparet; wfth $1,316.51 in 1933. Not 9. g'r'eat gain, but any- way, not a dtht0ase, Fifty-one per- Cent of 'Mils are contributors. LONDON ROAD The London Road Ladies' Club met at the home of Mrs. Glen McKnight on Thursday afternoon, the president, M'es. Anderson, in the chair, Several items of business were attended to and a number of ' pieces of sewing were distributed to the members. Mrs.'' M. Hanly gave the topic,- "The Life of Bobby Burns" which proved very interesting. The following -pro - grain was also given:, reading, Ms's. Stanbury; songs by Miss Jean El- liott, accompanied on the guitar by. Mass Edna Elliott, Clinton; recite- tion by Master Jack MreKnight. There was also a couple of contests and the singing of the Nationab Anthem brought the program to a; close: A social half hour was then spent over. the tea ceps, refreshments being served: Th8 Club intends putting on a so sial evening for the members and. Weir ,temilies at' the home` of &Ire. f One Friend Tells Another THURS., FEB. 28,"1935, RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead MARCH 1st and 2nd Opening `-'Days for Spring Prices. ALY.LMEKINFAK:S: F•OC AYLMER, Infants Foody have • solved: . Mothers' :problem of ;feeding, the 'baby: Strained vegetables and f}uit@, ,a§,, Prescribed by leading specialists for the baby's, diet, are now • vailable in small cans sittractively "ldbelled foe baby's own use. AYLMER Infants' Foods provide variety suitable for. a ' balanced feeding schedule-- aieh in the natural minerals and Vitamins so essential for bodybuilding. 2 for 19c In the following varieties: Strained Asparagus - Strained. Spitted,. Strained. Beans Strained Paaa.. Strained Carrots Strained Prunes Strained Tomatoes Strained Soup and.'introducing' our Big' Canned Goods Sale • DO NOT MISS THESE OUR OWN SPECIALS • Lipton Tea (with coupon) Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for Prunes; (in Cellaphane) 2 lbs. for Dried Peaches (in Cella,,phper ane) Ib 30ct'. 25c 25c Corn Starch, 2 for ._ , .,.,..:20c , 19e, Crushed. Piiieapjlle . 19c,Sliced Pineapple, 2 for 25c, . . Soup,. C and: B.; 3 for 25e Our Own -Baling Powder 19c'` Our . Own 'tea,, (Special ' 49c Red and White Coffee, per lb. 40e ' :- OUR REGULAR LOW P!' FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Oat Puff ,(New Cereal), per pkg. 10c Oranges, per;.dozen 39c. Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Grape Fruit, 6 for 250 C. and B. Tomato Juice, 5 for 25c New Cabbages,. per lb. '10c •• 111cCorwck Fig Bars, per lb. 10c New Beans, per lb. • 4 , 15e Tomatoes, large size, .3, tins for 25c Strawberries, per box 25c 16 Oz. Jar Peanut Sutter 15c FISH FOR LENTEN SEASON•• Campbell's Tomato -Soup, 2 for • 19c Fresh Halibut, per, Ib. 17c C. and B. Catsup, 2' for 25c Fresh Fiillets, per Ib. 17c Macaroni, 5 lbs.' for .25c Smoked Filletts, per Ib. ` 17c. Jelly Powders, 6 for 25c Finnan I3addie, :per lb. 15G 19c B. C. Salmon, Red Sardines, Brunswick, 4 for 17e. Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. for 20c Lake Herring', per Ib. 10c Oxydol, large pkg. 21cBreakfast Bacon,' piece, lb. 250 3; lbs. Bulk Soap, Chips for 25c j iwift's Bacon, half lb. 23e 2 lbs. Tapioca for 25c Maple Leaf Bacon, half lb. 23c 3• lbs, Best Rice 23c Schneider's Sausages, per ib. 20e ICE LIST New Denby China - - FREE - - with a Coupon, Card Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG �l CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 �r'oar. p ANNUALp� p SHROVE TUESDAY SUPPER Tuesdala, March 5 under the ' attapiees of 'St. Paul's Church Ladies' 'Guild in the Sunday Sch`dol Rooms 14iHNU: Dressed Beast Pork; Escalloped Potatoes, Salads, Jellies, Picklee. Lemon and Apple. Pie Iau.n pjdp Pie. }with Whipped Cream. Tea, Coffee, Rolls Supper served from 0 tO 7 p.ln. Admission: Adults, 350, Children, 25c. 14-1. COME TO Euchre & Dance in Liberal Club Rooms Mon.,Maref 4th GOOD PRIZES GOOD MUSIC PROGRAM DURING LUNCH LADIES PROVIDE SANDWICHES FANCY DRESS DANCE: In the Old Time Dance Hall under auspioes of the IA.1,11, bn' Wed, , March ` 6th Admission 25c. GOOD MUSIC PRIZES FUR FANCY AND COMIC DRESS + EVERYBODY WELCOME. 16-1. J. T. McKnight, Clinton, on the even- ing of Friday, March 15th. The next regular sweeting will be held at the home of Mrs.' J. Olegg on the third Thursday in March. ISEA!PONGTI4c : - A; ]stag euchre,, sponsored. •by the Thomas McMillan Young Liberals Club was held• in the club rooms• on Wednesday evening, of last week when twelve tables were 3n play. /Leo Hagen and George Bel] won the first •prize, • while the lone hand eizize went to Charlie Stewart. Lunch- was . served by a eamm,ittee headed )33).3. W Free., +GODERJ'CH: The •celebration, by its members of the twelfth anniver- sary of the organization of the Hlome and 'tSchoob Club. of Victoria school was held' last Week. A ' large atten- dance; of the members •and their friendsenjoyed. ithe splendid program and• sTeciel. featu're's . presented and enjoyed by the large gathering. Mrs. J. Calvin Cutt, the president, ocou- pied the chair. EVERYBODY, INVITED to the Pre -Lenten Social ST. JOSEPH'S HALL MONDAY, EYISNING, MAX 4TH "Shorty" Grant's 9 -pieta Orchestra will fulnish 01d Time and Modern music. Refreshments Served. Admission, 85c. 16-1. GHT IN THE HABIT OF "SAYING IT WITH FLOWERS?' RIGHT NOW SPRING FLOW- ERS ARE AT THEIR BEST F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Meanber of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association, Phones 176 and 31. SAP SEASON IS COMING BE PREPARED BY IIA.VING YOUR PANS and. BUCKETS ORDERED. LET US GIVE YOU A DEMON- STRATION THI1S SPRING WJ[TH Vactric Electric Cleaner NO OBLIGATION TO BUY. T. •llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 . 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, A Real Bargain 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, ilii SII(c Repp, a Snap $59.50 $85.00 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, in Good Tapestry Covering : $90.00 3 -PIECE SIMONS) STUDIO COUCH SUITE in beautiful tapestry, Spring -pled cushions, Silk -Corded Edges SPECIAL AT 565.00 STUDIO COUCH, a nice bright tapestry corded edge $27.00 9 -PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, Birch, Walnut $75.00 5 -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, Birch, Walnut $65.00 4 -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, Butt Walnut, Trilgle Mirrors $85.00 We are offering rock bottom prices on all lines of Furniture in- cluding Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Snookers, End Tables, Occas- ional Chairs, Magazine Racks, and all Fancy Tables, Pietures, Mir- rors, We feel sure it will pay you to shop here as we've had years of experience' in all lines of our business` and: you can always depend on a good square deal. BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers Phone J. d. ZAPFE, 195. Phone 103. Hardware, N. BALL, Phone 110. GREAT 3 -DAY BAKING SALE Feb. 28th,. March is,t and 2nd HILLCREST 'SHORTENING, 1 lis. for BRIGHT JUICY DATES, 3 lbs. for GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. 6' or McCORMICK GINGER SNAPS, 2 ]ba, for AYLMER TOMATOES, 5 tins for McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, 5 pkgs. for SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER and Bottle Vanilla FREE ....25e PASTRY FLOUR, 7. lbs., .....23c, 24 lbs. ..... .60c ROYAL` YORK TEA, 1-2.ib. 28c COOKING FIGS,, 2 lbs. for 17c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. 350 2 -in -1 SHOE POLISH, per tin 10c SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 tins for 21c • 10e 19e 53c 19c 25c 25e FRUIT and VEGETABLE' MARKET FRESH SPINACH, per 1b. • 1Sc RHUBARB, per bunch SOc CARROTS, NEW, per bunch SOc CiELERY HEARTS ., 15e HEAD LETTUCE . 10c GREEN BEANS, per Ib. STRAWBERRIES, per box NEW FLORIDA ORANGES, Targe„ per dozen GRAPE FRUIT,. 5 for 20e f5c 29c 25e FISH MARKET SALMON STEAK, per lb•' .. . • ... • .. .15c HALIBUT STEAK, per ib. 20c HERRING, FRESH, per ib. 10e SMOKED FILLETTS, per ... • . • . • • . • • • • • .. • .. • ••••• •••. 15s J. T. McKN IGHT & SON "Your' Superior Store" We Bell 'the ;Best For Iluee , Phone 111 CLINTON